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Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai
Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai
Nov 9, 2023 1:33 AM
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Nov 1, 2023 2:23 PM
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Ronderminlux Jun 6, 6:18 AM
1. What are the personal worst animes you've witnessed in it's entirety?

2. Mark Hamil has said some time around about why Avatar the last airbender was too good for it's general expectations: his points really do hold a ton for how true they are, ay?

3. Can you believe Kevin Richardson, a man known for his ultra gangsta, brutal bass voice, has played demongo? He sounds SOOOOOOOOOOO endlessly hilarious in the part: , would have been sweet to see him at least using this voice for some other characters for one more time.

4. Ever watched animal house? This movie is mad underrated and plainly fun as all hell. John Vernon was such a charismatic fatherly boss of a man, the guy murdered it as Dean wormer. With the stern authority and certain larger than life forceful weights, his talent is truly something else. It was great to take a hold of his presence while it lasted, but oh well it was quiet the delight.

5. Marc Diraison's guts is some next level awesomeness that can't be replacted. man is such reliable template of visceral loathing and commitment to his infinite struggles with no limits that would have any affect on his path and the man himself just seriously brought it all to him, no one did that the same way he pulled it off. (well Canna himself did, even with how different his voice is than diraison he still managed to excellently approach it himself, but I'm not as in love with his rendition of the role than the latter.) being real with you myself, it's hard for me to separate the character from his iteration because he was made for him. sad the dubbing industry and several directors barely bother to give this man more popular characters to play now...

6. gonna have to admit that Lain's english dub isn't one of the best to ever exist, which is sad given how great this anime is and animaze are one of my favorites of the dubbing industry. (alongside ocean or precisely the vancouver folks) however, can we both admit Kirk Thornton's outing as Masami Eiri is the best performance in it? the alluring albeit creepy aura he evokes to the character really makes him fearful to the viewers, doesn't it?

7. is it sad for me to admit that I find Doodlebugfour's favorite and most talked about thing Project Arms (the manga, the anime ones just don't hold up having finished them myself for cutting a whole lot of things from the source material that could have been interesting to see animated) to be more worthwhile than numerous shonen out there? it has several hits (Keith Violet, Hayato Shingu and Misa Takatsuki are some seriously well-executed characters particularly) and also several misses (Katsumi Akagi is a wretched, twatty damsel in distress and I could never stand her character growth no matter what) but there's an artisity behind it that's easy to dig, can't say the same thing for numerous amount of the several modern shonens. (particularly since about 2000 or maybe even around 1990 too, not to say all the shonens from back then are all good and sweet either just so you get it) it's not that I'd call it an all-time greatness of a manga, it's rather that it has actual marginal kind of substance to it that are what I don't think there are in many things since then within the demographic of the modern age. maybe I'm weird, but I don't know. your opinion on that manga and it's adaptations anyway nontheless?

8. remember Namco x capcom? no idea if you've at least watched a longplay of it to get a decent grasp of how you feel wheter you like it or not, (I still love it even now) I also like to note on how insanely soulful and nostalgically pumping it's theme song is: (especially at 1:39 - 1:55) how is it to you in your memory anyways?

9. I'm currently getting into the Gundam franchise and I'm on my way to watch 0079, it's a treat of a show from the first 9 episodes I've seen of it so far. it's the show I've been in patient to see it in it's entirety and now I'm finally doing so and having a blast from the experience of it, it totally holds up quiet a whole lot for such an old anime. the intro for it is quiet plessureful too to say so myself: , thoughts?

10. I know this theme is has originated from a DREADFUL anime franchise, but how godly this theme is to you: ? because it's SOOOOOOO calmingly fire as fuck that I jam to it to no end at all.
Ronderminlux Jun 5, 1:51 AM
no idea man, maybe it could but Wyner's presence really made project 2501/Puppet master an hell of a machine that felt like the realest artificial being ever made, it would feel werid hearing the character with a female to fit with his looks better. I like sakakibara's work as integra and other characters, but she doesn't feel right for the character to me. the performance isn't bad, maybe I'm just not used to it yet. welp, I don't know about that process anyway.

Kirk Baily (have his soul in heaven peacefully) seriously deserved a to play a popular character from that franchise so I thought it would have been something to see how he would have done as Dio, but I guess he could be a better Kakyoin or Polnareff. do you think he could pull them off?

anyways, "FUCK Kumscum"? I love you bro.
Official_Nerd22 Jun 4, 3:06 AM
1. He is good.

2 I would rather not be reminded of that abomination. However, I have a feeling that upcoming MCU film might be much worse.

3. Sure

4. Cool

5. I saw that two years during my Easter holiday’s good memories. Even though I didn’t like the love triangle and the massive age gap relationship. Also I like to pretend the recap film which changed the story didn’t exist.

6. Not bad but I think a actor with a deeper voice would be a better choice

7. Still good

8. Fuck that guy

9. As long as it is not CGI
Ronderminlux Apr 16, 9:28 AM
1.Opinion on the very underrated man Yusuke Honma? (Yu Yu Hakusho's And great teacher onizuka's music producer)

2. remember a time where Fant4stic was considered watchable?

3. How does vagabond (one of my absolute favorite Mangas ever) sounds like to you? Would you like it?

4. How do you feel about this song: ?

5. I've just this day finished watching Rahxephon (an anime that serves itself as an equally good alternative to the well known smash hit Evangelion) and I liked what I've watched of it. the theme song made by Maya sakamoto is very endearing and melancholic. ( your thoughts?

6. there's a video that had the late kirk baily as dio brando, ( now that would have been rather perfect. don't you think?

7. opinions on my updated choices for the vancouver based texhnolyze dub I've talked with you on about a while ago? (Refering to the comment I've made this year in January 2)

8. opinion on Keemstar or should I say KUMSCUM? (ok no seriously, I remember that when he announced his retirement I had gone through a video and find that there was a comment where he was called that and I can't even remember and find which video was it, no idea why but that's the absolute funniest and unioronically most tearjerkingly warming nickname to ever exist)

9. how optimistic would you be for the upcoming ghost in the shell 2026 anime? (link: as a person who loves the franchise, I'd say it be better for me to keep my expactations low on that matter. who knows if it won't be the dissapointing mess 2045 and the arise compilation turned out to be.
Ronderminlux Mar 8, 4:06 AM
Heard the news on Akira Toriyama's death? I was shocked with all my heart to find out he died. Who's gonna carry the Legacy Of Dragon Ball in his back now?
Ronderminlux Feb 23, 1:26 AM
Well that says it all, I feel your pain as to what goes on in Houston itself. Admittedly I have nothing to add on that.

Wanna talk about the other stuff as to what I've talked with you on about?
Ronderminlux Feb 22, 1:20 PM
you've said your thoughts and I fully agree on it.

1. am I alone who wish more shonens had adult protagonists in it (especially in the current age)? no seriously, it's a rather refereshing change of pace to make it happen again. characters like Gintoki Sakata, Kenshiro and Onizuka are so well written and lively I wish we have more of the kind of archetypes they are, I feel like I'm asking too much because Japan itself has the odd obsession of favoring more puny, overpowered and whiny ones instead. not to say there can't be actual good (or even adaquate) young looking characters, (like Yusuke Urameshi, Son Goku, Edward Elric, Simon and even Shinji Ikari too) but it takes skill to make the viewers relate to your creations.

2. Ghost In The Shell is some of my favorites as far as Japanimation stuff goes and Origa is one of the reasons why it is. this lady's voice is just SO awesome and with the songs she made for SAC, it was enough for me to fall in love with it. Rise ( still gives me a boner for how calming and atmosphere-building it is, she died almost a decade ago which is still sad.

3. I haven't watched any Gundam things for all my life, (I'm totally planning to once I'll be on my own) but setting that aside: can I say that Alexander Zahara's Lockon Stratos is like the best thing about the whole Gundam 00 Dub from what I've digged of it? (link: the man feels seriously commited and passionate to him I totally get an intense kickout from the coolness and sense of aloofness from his take. what an overlooked legend of a person he is, from his work as said character and Shinsuke Takasugi it's sad the guy never had a lead role in other stuff but them.
Ronderminlux Feb 19, 4:42 AM
ever heard of Oban Star Racers? I've just finished watching it and I suprisingly enough ended up really liking it. the art looks beautiful and griping, the soundtrack made by the legend herself Yoko Kanno and the voice work from both versions (the late, greats Kirby Morrow and Unsho Ishizuka were particularly great as they consistently always are. they've died vastly younger than they deserved, especially the former) makes it a lovely piece of artwork. here's the intro: have you saw some samples from it yourself enough to decide if you'd like to bother with it?
Ronderminlux Jan 23, 11:44 AM
Mallow's presence will be dearly missed, he has got a range that can suprise the average viewer in terns of differenating his own performances for each character so much they'd go and say like "he was the one behind the voice of this character? why didn't I realise that?" admittedly there are characters I honestly didn't felt he was good casting as (*coughcough Akuma coughcough*) but he still has solid level of versatility to him that when he get's to play a character that fits best for his range then he does an awesome job as.

everything you've said is true on about every level. goes to show that even with dubs improving over time by getting some rather good talents on the market, (doesn't matter from which location) I get the feeling that sometimes the people in charge of the dubs being produced now don't seem to be utilizing it's own talent mega well as far as those newer animes being released now. when I do my own fancast of whichever things that I have the botherence for, I choose who is the individual I'll pick for whichever character that would make the average viewer think to themselves "now this guy's voice carries everything I always imagine this character sounding like, god thank the Director behind the thought process of that" instead of going with the popular picks. not that I despearetly want to be special, (no really let's face it that we can't be that because we should just be ,you know, humans) but just what I can do to find actors who won't be the first thing people would think of. now as for the whole things regarding the voice performers in the Dallas/Houston field, I do rather find them to be at least decent talents who could do the job just fine. I know loads of people on the internet loathe the dubs from the former (with some exceptions of course) because of the whole stuff about them being to cheesy and whatever that, but even still I can at least find some genuinely good dubs from it than I ever could from Sentai. the latter has always just felt like a worse ADV (to give that dead studio credit, at least some of it's dubs did seem to be rather decently produced from what I've sampled of) and virtually the dubs I've sampled from it are, with all my honesty, abysmal. no idea why but they just are.

that's virtually all my rant on how dubs are now, no idea if there would be surprisingly dubs that'll potentially nuke my mind on how beatifully crafted they are. your message towards the previous 5 questions of mine?
Ronderminlux Jan 2, 11:35 AM
1. I know his work as Cloud isn't the most well recieved from what I've figured lately, but do you think Steve Burton is really that good of an actor from what you've checked of his on-camera work? I did watch a video of him some while ago but hot dayum, this guy goes real hard and gives it his all it's not even funny. (to send you the links myself: , why didn't he get to work on more popular stuff? he can't only be remembered just as the voice of that character, he should be acknowledged as more than that. I also wanted to talk how effortlessly distinct his voice just is. man's voice is very light yet the natural rasp on his adds that slight badassery to it that helps the average person pick his voice out of the crowd, I barely heard someone with that kind of timbre if I'm being generous.

2. Shawshank Redemption is a totally excellent film with a hard-hitting message and great work from the actors. I've no idea if you've watched this film, but there's a scene I want to share with you: Mark Rolston is such an overlooked individual whose presence needs to be utilized more often, the way he portrays brogs from a hardened tough guy with no mercy towards Andrew Dufresne to begging for his life that he doesn't want to be rotten by Byron goes to show how much of a great acting range this man has. poor guy doesn't get to have bigger roles which is a shame, would be sweet to hear him in more things as of now.

3. I remember talking with you on about music producers who deserves more appreciation and I wish their was a way for me to mention that there's another guy I wanted to mention for you, and that guy is Yasushi Ishii. his music is quiet possibly the best thing about the Hellsing anime to me, (the OVA is my preffered way of the series but I don't hate the anime itself, there's a merit to it that makes it watchable) has a calming, smooth jaz of which really needs to be in far more animes. I did check his other work on other animes I didn't watch, but I did took a liking what I've heard of them (hear them for yourself: , do you think he needs to be used more?

4. I feel confident on believing that no one has ever thought of that idea ever before, but can you see Thomas Wyner being a natural pick for Doctor Eggman? (like if he voiced him from the start and still remained his voice performer till this day for instance) now I'll admit there I've expressed my negative feelings towards the sonic franchise due to how horrible it has been for a long time, (if I'm being honest however, the franchise is likely in a better mood right now with some good stuff that gets made. Unlike in the past 2 decades where most things related to it that kept on being made were really horrible) but I really can't stop imagining to myself how perfect he could have been in the role. now don't take this wrongly, Michael Pollock was always awesome as said character and I have immense fondness of his work having grown up with it myself. but Wyner, for me, appears to be the only one who'd be just as iconic as he ended up being. I don't have any personal picks for any of the other characters in the franchise, just wanted to share with you this casting idea of mine.

5. never knew just now it was from that momment we'd talk about it, but looking back on my Vancouver fancast of Texhnolyze I felt that Kaye wouldn't really fit Ichise (I love the hell of him and all, but I don't think he could pull him off still). there are other people who would serve as more ideal picks for the role. for me? someone like Trevor Devall (whom, incidentlly like with Kaye, has made the move from Vancouver to California) is who I should have thought of. the guy never had the chance to voice a japanimation mc for once (tho given many of these types are teen boys or children, (the kind of characters that aren't in Devall's natural wheelhouse) it's understandable why) and has a more younger tone to him than Kaye does (who has more of a mid aged guy kind of voice to it) but not like as if he'd sounds like he's about 13-17, but giving him a tad of a younger touch to his own voice. (he did after all had roles where he used a vastly lighter voice than the ones he voiced such as this: and I remember Brad Swaile and the late Kirby Morrow (the latter whom I'd peg more as Haruhiko Toyama) being suggested for the role. now while they could work just fine, Devall just feels like an overall more unusual and, therefore, unique pick for the kind of character Ichise is. Kaye would likely suit Bunken Kohakura (using his xavier voice) and Kano (using his Tony Stark/Sesshomaru/Treize voice) better thinking about it more. I'll say about the other picks that some of them could be sweat. Garry Chalk as Keigo Onishi, Richard Ian Cox as Hal and Venus Terzo as Doctor Eriko Kaneda would be pretty phenomenal looking back on them so I'll keep them, Mark Hildreth could work as Shinji but I'd honestly switch my pick for the character to Brent miller since he would be even better a choice, (incidentally, I also felt like Hildreth would have made for a stellar Ichise given that he never voiced any other Japanimation MC's (barring heero yuy) like Devall did) Michael Donovan could be Kazuho Yoshi, Yoko could be played by either Tabitha st germain or Rebecca shoichet, Michael Dobson could be Tatsuya Sakimura, David Sobolov (if only he stayed working in Vancouver *sighs*) would likely serve as a more ideal fit for Motoharu Kimata and likely for Ran maybe Andrea Libman could do the job herself. I won't bother with this fancast anymore because coming to think of it, I have no idea if it was necessary. anything you want to comment on that?
Ronderminlux Jan 2, 10:38 AM
It's sweet that Crispin himself is still making comeback in anime every once in a while, (even if I really wish aniplex could have managed to hire some other Union LA Voice performers for their own dubs, not saying this because I want only the well known talents from hollywood (some of which would have been sweet to see) to appear but also the other ones who work on several Cartoons and video games who aren't well known too) but I admittedly don't think I can see him being as good as Mallow was. I'll say this: given Mallow isn't all that utilized like he was back then and that he might sound too old for the character had he reprised, that's understandable to me. all I'm hopping is that the cast themselves would give it their 111% into their characters like they did originally because for an anime like this, bringing the HAM itself (in a good way mind you) is totally needed. let's hope for good results at the very least, I'm willing to bet something great is waiting to come out.
Ronderminlux Dec 30, 2023 1:02 PM
got something to ask you buddy boy:

so news are (at least if you're aware of it yourself) the Gurren Lagann films are finally getting the english dubs many fans have waited for since 1.5 decades have passed, that's sweet to know. sadly tho, it appears Hynden Walch won't be able to reprise playing Nia due to the dubs themselves being non union. I'm saddened fate itself has decided that, the character just isn't the same anymore without that angelic lightness of her voice because everytime I hear her as Nia, I don't hear anyone but the character herself. she didn't voiced her, she LIVED her. I really like Birdget Hoffman in general and while I at least appreciate her efforts, Hynden Walch will forever be the one true Nia for me. on the positives, I'm beyond glad the old cast have reprised. Yuri Lowenthal, Kyle Hebert, Michelle Ruff, Johnny Bosch and Samuel Riegel were are all awesome in the original and it brings me tears of major hapiness seeing them back after all those years. let's hope Jamieson Price and the like would return too. the former in particular was the best part of the whole dub for me (alongside the aformentioned Hynden Walch's Nia) and it'll sadden me if he won't come back because he owned it as this character, there's no other actor who could be just as definitive in the part as he was. moving on to my question, how do you feel overall?
Ronderminlux Dec 28, 2023 8:04 AM
It's sad to see all those overlooked people dying with it being too late for them to get newer roles, but that's likely what fate decides sadly. Another one lady whom I'm saddened won't be heard ever again is Pauline Newstone ( Hope their souls R.I.H. (the H stands for Heaven if you're wondering)

Ronderminlux Dec 26, 2023 1:01 PM
You too bro. now given this year is starting to end, there are things I'd like to talk with you about:

1. which death of a person during this year saddens you the most?

2. Lance Henriksen is a stellar individual generally, I loved his work in the aliens and Terminator series and he really seems to be a nice person to add on that. and that aged texture of his voice that he has which he didn't before never fails to send chills to my spine. tho am I exaggerating it when I'm saying that he's getting underrated now or is he still highly known even by the new generation?

3. I totally want you to watch Sword Of The Stranger (, the animation on it is awesome and the fight scenes themselves are eye candy.

4. ever watched and read Vinland Saga (anime: , (manga: because if you didn't, what are you waiting for? trust me when I say you'll love it.
Ronderminlux Dec 18, 2023 5:39 AM
I like his Hohenheim just fine, tho I've figured there are other characters he could have been great casting for. Thus my idea of him as Darius. I imagined a parallel universe where the series was dubbed in Canada then in US territories when I made this dream-cast, so take what you'd get from that.
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