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Kono Sekai ga Izure Horobu Koto wo, Ore dake ga Shitteiru: Monster ga Arawareta Sekai de, Shinimodori Level Up
Jan 22, 2024 11:04 AM
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I was normal teenager too,but then i met my gay friends and became a gay weeb :)
už som si myslel že by sme mohli byť kamaráti, ale očividne nie, keď máš takýto šit tejst
it is interesting to note that hiro mashima started his career with works invoking that classical fantasy genre and so its nice to kind of see that come back into the fold with eden zero so i recken he may be able to do an ok job with this one as long he doesn't get dilluded into thinking that the theme of friendship and family is over saturated and becomes plot armor for the story's progression. Thats one of the big reasons why FT failed imo. The story has a very strong connection to family bonds but he used it with such inpuniety and it ends up creating these entirely convenient plot devices where the characters surpass unsurmountable odds. He also for some reason or another believed in the fact that the fairy tail guild had to beat out the competition in every arc, that means there really wasn't any sence of danger and threat imposed by the antagonists of the series besides the acnologia and look how that all turned out.
So yeah it just had so many problems. If i had to compare the flaws with rave master, you would almost think two different authors are involved. Now i am not saying rave master is a complicated story with deeper writing and forshadowing/planning like one piece or other shonens like Hxh, it was a bare bones sinmple shonen series kind of like bleach or Fairy tail as was many classical fantasy archtypes like slayers and sorcerer hunters but the difference is consistency and no conveniet scenerio's which fairy tail had in droves. If there was ever a way to justify certain plot convenience such as Erza's almost invincible sponge armor, i would have been ok with it but the short answer is there just isn't. Its all bull shit that feels like the writer had no idea what he's even writing. Rave master may have been your simple adventure classic fantasy series with a few plot twists thrown in, but it did not fall into that trap like fairy tail with its rather obvous convenient moments.
So i really hope eden zero follows the same sort of quality and it was kind of interesting right off the bat on chapter 3 i believe, the author already poked fun at fairy tail saying with one of the characters that said something like "Oh hey you remember that manga where guilds were like friends and family, yeah none of the guilds here are like that" I just thought that was interesting, giving us the readers the information like "here this is eden zero and will NOT be like fairy tail", despite the fact that it also has guilds. It is kind of almost like the author realizing his mistakes and is throwing in in our faces and that he is creating something completly different so i like that. Even though some people are calling it a FT clone which i don't believe aside from visual character representations, it really is nothing like fairy tail. Every character has different personalities, the worlds views, morality and setting is just way different. The theme of friendship is there but its used in a completly different way.
But fans that are saying this is a rip off of fairy tail are just deluisional, this is nothing like fairy tail, we have a new setting, new world, new story concept and characters that have completly different persona's. For example i would say the relationship of Shiki and Rebecka is more like Goku and Bulma from dragonball if i were to draw a comparison from some where.
In any case i feel that mashima is capable of writing decent work, but i think the reason fairy tail failed is because he lacked the motivation and commitment to finish it. I think some where down the line he was confused and wasn't sure how to end it properly and kind of gave up on it half way through. I just hope this does not happen with eden zero cause i am really enjoying it and really hope it remains a consistent quality of work from begining to end like Rave master did.
So you're watching Gintama that's great.
Well let me give you an advice.
Just for your information.
The first Episodes and following few Episodes can be quite average.
I know that it can be for many people, so maybe for you as well.
But it will improve a lot afterwards.
So I hope you will keep on watching Gintama