Anime & Manga News

Live Action 3D Ghost in the Shell

by Zel
Apr 15, 2008 1:32 AM | 41 Comments
Dreamworks has the rights to Ghost in the Shell, and are planning on making a 3D live action movie.

"Ghost in the Shell is one of my favorite stories. It's a genre that has arrived, and we enthusiastically welcome it to DreamWorks."


20 of 41 Comments Recent Comments

Let's hope it's done right...that's all I have to say.

Apr 29, 2008 9:05 PM by Rojada1988

u.u I don't want GitS to be ruined... I hope it's only a rumor...

Apr 18, 2008 6:28 PM by kirby

lol @ dtshyk, that casting selection is win!

Seriously, though, the thought of live action adaptions of anime just scares me. When I heard they were going through with the Dragonball movie, I got worried, and this is gave me a similar feeling.

Although, if these kinds of movies are GOOD, we could be seeing a cool new trend. ^_^

Apr 18, 2008 10:57 AM by GForce

Sebastian said:
Dont get me worng, I will watch it, but in no way will I be expecting a good movie. Too bad they cant just give 100 million to a Japanese film studio. It would be intresting to see what they could come up with.

I agree. Though for different reasons, mainly I'm not big on the idea that 'Dreamworks' is doing it. I think they'll do a decent job, but I think a company like Square Enix would do it more justice (ala 'Advent Children'). Regardless, I'll watch it ... and will probably like it purely on principle, lol. But "love it"? Eh, that remains to be seen.

Apr 17, 2008 2:06 AM by prasand

If they cast like this, I'll watch it no matter how shitty script it is.
Not knocking it until I've seen it.

At the very least, it'll have a truck of money thrown at it, which means it won't some half assed low budget trash heap. How well it's adapted remains to be seen, but if it's "one of his favourite stories", here's hoping Spielberg doesn't fuck up said story.

As a GitS fan I remain optimistic, even if hollywood adaptations are a let down 90% of the time.

[edit] Also: The Transformers movie was pretty damn awesome, I'll hear none of this boohooing over there being a hot chick in it.

Apr 16, 2008 4:53 PM by YukiLi

Tempest_Angel said:

Ill say it again so people might get it to sink in.....3-d live action movies are movies with actors that are motion captured.....then set into completely animated backgrounds etc.....not 3-d like the old cruddy Jaws movies that you wear 3-d glasses for...sheesh is it that difficult to grasp...

Yeh it is hard to grasp as I think the terminology is out.
3d live action would suggest live action in 3d as opposed to live action combined with full CGI environments, and 3d is not crappy I watched Beowulf in 3d Imax and it was awesome.

Why would you motion capture actors if they will be live action? MoCap captures soley movement for use with CG characters. If you are combining live action with CGI environments then you would using match moving compositing not MoCap. It would just be green screened filmed a la Wing Commander.

Apr 16, 2008 4:45 PM by _edge_

Tiamat said:
I was looking forward to it until I saw this name: Dreamworks.

Then I...just died a little bit inside.

I mean, yes, Dreamworks' movies, are, like, the pwnnashiest eva (Rataoullie gmo), and I'm looking to Wall-E, buuuuuuut...

Anime + Dreamworks = gmo no.

Those are Pixar, Dreamworks did Shrek, Shark Tales, Bee Movie, those type.

Apr 16, 2008 4:30 PM by mitamaking

Cainan said:

I aggree with you. The american movie industry is completly out of ideas. What will be next I wonder.

I sense a live action Cowboy Bebob movie in pre-production next.

Apr 16, 2008 4:15 PM by Kuronoa

Ketuekigami said:
This is terrible. First they take Akira, now there taking Ghost. I am so not looking forward to this, and if there is a crappy love story thrown in like in Transformers im gonna kill Spielberg.

I aggree with you. The american movie industry is completly out of ideas. What will be next I wonder.

Apr 16, 2008 4:08 PM by Cainan

Its cool and all that they are making this into a movie, but I hope they don't ruin it. It also is kinda annoying because all the actors are going to most likely be american.

Apr 16, 2008 4:07 PM by Cainan

edge_666 said:
TheWestExit said:
Can live action be anything but 3d?

Yes. I think it's refering to that it will be presented in 3-D, like popin out the screen, not just standard film as opposed to the content being 3-d/2-d. It confused me a bit at first i thaught how can 3-D (CG) be live actio?

Well hope they get the casting right , I think that's going to be the biggest obsticle.
It will be interesting to see what path they take as both SAC and the movies take bits from the manga, just put them together in a different order. I would guess they would lean more towards the movies as they already have published innocence.

Ill say it again so people might get it to sink in.....3-d live action movies are movies with actors that are motion captured.....then set into completely animated backgrounds etc.....not 3-d like the old cruddy Jaws movies that you wear 3-d glasses for...sheesh is it that difficult to grasp...

Apr 16, 2008 4:06 AM by Tempest_Angel

I am here to be the, not going to be that good voice, it may be good, but until I hear a director and cast I am staying away, at worst we could end up with Eddie Murphy as a talking Tachkoma/Donkey.

Apr 15, 2008 8:13 PM by mitamaking

spielberg = :(

Apr 15, 2008 6:07 PM by ScrumYummy

This is terrible. First they take Akira, now there taking Ghost. I am so not looking forward to this, and if there is a crappy love story thrown in like in Transformers im gonna kill Spielberg.

Apr 15, 2008 3:50 PM by Ketuekigami

TheWestExit said:
Can live action be anything but 3d?

Yes. I think it's refering to that it will be presented in 3-D, like popin out the screen, not just standard film as opposed to the content being 3-d/2-d. It confused me a bit at first i thaught how can 3-D (CG) be live actio?

Well hope they get the casting right , I think that's going to be the biggest obsticle.
It will be interesting to see what path they take as both SAC and the movies take bits from the manga, just put them together in a different order. I would guess they would lean more towards the movies as they already have published innocence.

Apr 15, 2008 2:48 PM by _edge_

Shogi said:
Oh God no, please no. Even though it's Dreamworks, this will not end well. I can't even think of anyone with a hope in hell of pulling off Motoko or Batou. And on that note, I dread the name butchery and plot thinning that is bound to happen.

Really didn't need to be done.

Agreed, this will most likely be terrible, and there is definitely no woman in Hollywood who can be the Major. No doubt this will be craptacular, but I am still curious as to what direction they are going to take it. More comedy like the manga, philosophical and atmospheric like the movies, or sociallly conscious and spectacular like the TV series (I wonder if you can tell which one I liked best).

Apr 15, 2008 2:31 PM by maxcherry715

Can live action be anything but 3d?

Apr 15, 2008 1:55 PM by TheWestExit

Now if only they'd do a Gundam live action film. Actual "Gundam", not just big robots.

Apr 15, 2008 12:22 PM by Hellmonkey

Thats sounds pretty cool. I haven't watched Ghost in the Shell but I would watch the movie anyway.

Apr 15, 2008 10:58 AM by magentaanbu

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