K-ON! and CLANNAD AS Double TBS Anime Sales

Domestic Anime Sales (million yen)
2009(3Q) *,837
2010(3Q) 1,566
Oversea Contents Sales (million yen)
2009(3Q) 1,417
2010(3Q) *,848
TBS attributed the increase to the great hits of K-ON! and Clannad ~After Story~. The total sales of K-ON! DVD & Blu-ray were more than 350,000 copies. The Blu-ray boxset of Kanon (2006) also contributed to the success. However, the oversea sales of TBS programs decreased by 40% due to the strong Yen and the shrinkage of the international market. The anime license business makes up a large portion of the oversea contents sales.
Source: Anime!Anime!
20 of 33 Comments Recent Comments
And yes, mainstream aren't the stuff that leave lasting impressions, more like a fad.
Stuff like Clannad do though :P
Oct 6, 2010 10:58 PM by Bladeguy
Aug 11, 2010 6:19 PM by lafuria_sux
Is that anything like how the Kyoani fanbase has been frothing at the mouth for the past 5 or so years? Also what Grim Blood and Gore anime?
Anyway no surprise anime sales are down overseas yet again since there's almost nothing of interest being made that could sell well over here (2009 this was especially true) and appeal to the average North American. Clannad After Story for example went straight to VOD here in Canada to die a pathetic death like one of it's characters and that was supposed to be one of the top selling shows of the year in Japan.
Perfectly you fit the stereotype of the anti- moemoe-hate brigade. Every, every, every, every single post of yours is like some cynical and very bitter bile excretion of kyoani. You seriously need to stop frothing in the mouth like generic grim gore mechtard no. 29038209 before you.
The reason for DVD sales dropping is because of downloads and streaming. The fact that the moe shows that you so despise are like the only few series selling well right now is rather telling? Or would you prefer to stay in denial because your preferred generic mecha shit are dropping like flies. Macross is the only franchise doing well it seems. Gundam is dieing a slow and painful death imo, it's reason for being also because it is fuelled by otaku.
Got ego issues dude. Serious case of pot calling kettle black there, buddy.
Couldn't agree more. Those people need to relax and enjoy ALL forms of anime seriously. You put too much power into mainstream shit and then get surprised when good shows like Clannad and K-ON! beat their ass. There's a reason for that. Think about it.
Jun 18, 2010 5:16 PM by Jonijonh
Is that anything like how the Kyoani fanbase has been frothing at the mouth for the past 5 or so years? Also what Grim Blood and Gore anime?
Anyway no surprise anime sales are down overseas yet again since there's almost nothing of interest being made that could sell well over here (2009 this was especially true) and appeal to the average North American. Clannad After Story for example went straight to VOD here in Canada to die a pathetic death like one of it's characters and that was supposed to be one of the top selling shows of the year in Japan.
Perfectly you fit the stereotype of the anti- moemoe-hate brigade. Every, every, every, every single post of yours is like some cynical and very bitter bile excretion of kyoani. You seriously need to stop frothing in the mouth like generic grim gore mechtard no. 29038209 before you.
The reason for DVD sales dropping is because of downloads and streaming. The fact that the moe shows that you so despise are like the only few series selling well right now is rather telling? Or would you prefer to stay in denial because your preferred generic mecha shit are dropping like flies. Macross is the only franchise doing well it seems. Gundam is dieing a slow and painful death imo, it's reason for being also because it is fuelled by otaku.
Got ego issues dude. Serious case of pot calling kettle black there, buddy.
Mar 9, 2010 2:31 AM by destinydelivers
It's amazing how much money tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls can make.
I hope you are only describing the first show with that remark, otherwise them be fighting words.
I agree... none the less.
Feb 25, 2010 4:23 PM by Shun1761
It's amazing how much money tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls can make.
LOL. i know it's really amazing :>
gratz kyo ani. now have some tea
Feb 8, 2010 12:42 AM by villains
The anti-moe brigade has been frothing at the mouth far too much lately. Not all of us want to come home from work and relax to Hellsing. Sometimes, the moe is a nice alternative.
wait could you actually be implying that omg, some people might just want to watch a nice relaxing show that lets them get away for 30 minutes D:
i mean who could of thought that's why some people like moe :rolleyes:
Feb 7, 2010 11:32 PM by Dblitzer
It's amazing how much money tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls can make.
I hope you are only describing the first show with that remark, otherwise them be fighting words.
Isn't it obvious? There's no "tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls" in Clannad.
not sure about the below average breincelled girls though.
u fucking funny son
Feb 7, 2010 3:55 PM by Mr_Gutts
God forbid people be weary of Grim Blood and Gore anime, and wish to vary their repertoire with some fun, sometimes moving titles.
The anti-moe brigade has been frothing at the mouth far too much lately. Not all of us want to come home from work and relax to Hellsing. Sometimes, the moe is a nice alternative.
Is that anything like how the Kyoani fanbase has been frothing at the mouth for the past 5 or so years? Also what Grim Blood and Gore anime?
Anyway no surprise anime sales are down overseas yet again since there's almost nothing of interest being made that could sell well over here (2009 this was especially true) and appeal to the average North American. Clannad After Story for example went straight to VOD here in Canada to die a pathetic death like one of it's characters and that was supposed to be one of the top selling shows of the year in Japan.
The Japanese entertainment industry as a whole though has become utterly predictable (I'm sure the insiders know this too) and things pretty sell based on their name brand alone. New Kyoani moeblob anime? Instant chart chopper. New Dragon Quest game? best selling game of the year no question the second it's released. The creed of the Japanese entertainment industry should be that legendary line from field of dreams, "If you build it they will come". They in this case being otaku.
Damn, that's a lot of BD/DVD.
Kudos to K-ON! and Clannad AS. I wonder if the second season of K-ON! will sell as much.
Why would you even need to wonder? Hello! Proven popular work being sold in Japanese market that has both moeblob appeal and otaku support (the kind that buys multiple copies of the same Blu-Ray at that). It's guaranteed to be a top seller.
Feb 7, 2010 2:20 PM by PeacingOut
Feb 7, 2010 1:32 PM by Tai_Chi
speaking of Clannad... Just came across this online article listing Emily Neves with a credit for voicing Kotomi in an English dub for Clannad...
Clannad profanation...
Feb 7, 2010 12:44 PM by OrochiPL
speaking of Clannad... Just came across this online article listing Emily Neves with a credit for voicing Kotomi in an English dub for Clannad...
Sentai Filmworks and Section 23 Films have yet to substantiate this rumor, but for Warner Home Video to actually list the series + the characters name, seems fairly certain that it wasn't a misprint or mistake.
If true, I wonder how much adding an english dub to the mix will increase the DVD sales for Clannad outside of the Japanese market? if at all...
Feb 7, 2010 11:40 AM by Jusenkyo_Guide
this more than hints at a rapidly decreasing anime market outside of Japan .. yet K-ON! and Clannad ~After Story~ have a much larger fanbase than a lot of other titles... which only means more & more fans are solely downloading only... if a lot of us don't wise up and buy a series now and then, less and less titles will make it to us... sad.
I'm glad someone else realizes this.
Feb 7, 2010 10:00 AM by kkslider5552000
It's amazing how much money tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls can make.
I hope you are only describing the first show with that remark, otherwise them be fighting words.
Isn't it obvious? There's no "tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls" in Clannad.
not sure about the below average breincelled girls though.
the fact is, i don't think those characters alone would make everyone buy a copy of clannad.
i think the fact is why it sold is because of its storyline plot and great soundtrack.
Feb 7, 2010 8:54 AM by ange10
It's amazing how much money tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls can make.
I hope you are only describing the first show with that remark, otherwise them be fighting words.
Isn't it obvious? There's no "tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls" in Clannad.
not sure about the below average breincelled girls though.
Feb 7, 2010 8:40 AM by Perplex
The anti-moe brigade has been frothing at the mouth far too much lately. Not all of us want to come home from work and relax to Hellsing. Sometimes, the moe is a nice alternative.
Feb 7, 2010 8:15 AM by Holy_KnightXIX
anyways kudos to the anime market, this proves that kyoani dont just troll on what they make, they also troll on what they sell too(^_^)
Feb 7, 2010 7:00 AM by sauteed_roaches
It's amazing how much money tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls can make.
I hope you are only describing the first show with that remark, otherwise them be fighting words.
Isn't it obvious? There's no "tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls" in Clannad.
um there is "tea drinking(ask yukine), cake eating(ask akio, more like bread eating), and below average brain-cell cute girls(ask fuko)" in Clannad...
They have little role in "After story"...
Feb 7, 2010 6:52 AM by OrochiPL
It's amazing how much money tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls can make.
I hope you are only describing the first show with that remark, otherwise them be fighting words.
Isn't it obvious? There's no "tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls" in Clannad.
um there is "tea drinking(ask yukine), cake eating(ask akio/sanae, more like bread eating), and below average brain-cell cute girls(ask fuko)" in Clannad...
Feb 7, 2010 6:48 AM by sauteed_roaches
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It's amazing how much money tea drinking, cake eating, below avarage brain-celled cute girls can make.
Agreed. Comparing moeblobs to Clannad AS is such an insult.
Oct 6, 2010 11:06 PM by Mystere