Anime & Manga News

Dragonball Online previews

by Zel
Feb 17, 2008 8:10 AM | 30 Comments
The latest gameplay video for the MMORPG based off of the popular Dragonball series has been posted. The game is set to be released Q2 of 2008 in Korea. The game has the World Martial Arts Tournament, where players can compete to see who is the strongest. Players are able to get married and have children, and have their children continue their adventures. The three playable races are Human, Namekian, and Majin.

Source: Curse Gaming

20 of 30 Comments Recent Comments

Hahahaha, comparing MapleStory to any other MMO is an insult to that MMO. Besides, you obviously don't need one if you don't even bother looking for one =P.

Feb 21, 2008 10:07 AM by Tasura

i certainly hope it will be much better than Maplestory. I need a new MMORPG so bad.

Feb 20, 2008 7:16 PM by cr4sian_phil

I heard about this a looooong time ago, then it dropped off the face of the planet, I'm glad to get more info on it, and if it really is free, I'll damn well be playing it, and if there isn't, it shouldn't take to long to get a free server out there, wow has enough of them, so does RO.

Feb 19, 2008 7:47 PM by Tasura

this is gonna be something to look up to.

Feb 19, 2008 8:32 AM by Devil

I just saw a vid and it does look fun :D I can't wait to test it out.

Feb 19, 2008 2:08 AM by radiantfire

If its free, I'll definitely try it out in English.

Feb 19, 2008 1:53 AM by Siing

... I wouldn't mind learning more about the Majin race...

If I could be a cool looking collection of pink evil... Hell ya... look at my pink cuteness... and fear me... Destroyer of worlds... conquerior of universes... buyer of frilly things...

I would so have fun ^^y

Feb 18, 2008 11:42 PM by Lordturtle

8GaugeBrett said:
I wonder how many months you have to grind to get your power level over 9000.
ROFL legend quote!! ITS OVER 9000!!!!!! xD gd times, sounds kl, though i'm not sure it will be able to usurp WoWs place at the top of MMOs..

Feb 18, 2008 5:07 PM by PeterS

MistaNight said:
Looks like it has potential. Hopefully who ever is making this has been taking notes from WoW, and it could turn out to be something great.

WoW is pretty "unoriginal"... Yes, it has a great (not-so-great for old players) high end, a nice lore (although a bit messed up lately) and is pretty "polished", but I don't really think it would be good for DB Online to be like WoW - even if I'm a WoW player -.
I actually think that AoC's gameplay should be better for this.

Anyways, I'm willing to give it a try if there's a free beta/trial - and an English/Spanish version, of course.

Feb 18, 2008 5:00 PM by honoo

Pangya is the only MMO I've ever bothered to try, but this looks fun as well. I'm definitely willing to give this a shot.

Feb 18, 2008 4:30 PM by Kuyu

i'm so going to play this.

Feb 18, 2008 3:31 PM by ReverseHarem

Looks like it has potential. Hopefully who ever is making this has been taking notes from WoW, and it could turn out to be something great.

Feb 18, 2008 2:53 PM by MistaNight

hm...i can't await to play it ^^ i love dbz..
i watched it about 3 times..and i watched all movies ...i wish i had a ps2..i want to play budoukai tenkaichi 3 :D

Feb 18, 2008 10:33 AM by ZetaZaku

game looks like fun. Did anyone else notice that its listed under free games

I wonder if thats true or not :S.

Feb 18, 2008 4:27 AM by DeathfireD

o wow

Feb 18, 2008 4:04 AM by Corpse69

It really would be interesting to play...except I'll get tired of seeing Mr. "ssJ4_g0ku991" etc etc....

Feb 18, 2008 1:44 AM by eLiT3_

I wonder how many months you have to grind to get your power level over 9000.

Feb 17, 2008 11:29 PM by 8GaugeBrett

Well, it looks like the replacement for World of Warcraft is here :D
Wonder how long its gonna take to get a Private server out, or will it be free o.o
Highly doubtful of that though X3

Feb 17, 2008 6:21 PM by Icy-nee-san

Friendlysoul said:
Will it be in english? I assume also its pay online as well, like most others...

It's almost guaranteed to be ported to English, but such may take a while (at least a year after its Korean launch, most likely.) so don't hold your breath.

Feb 17, 2008 5:55 PM by Asako

I haven't played an MMO seriously in about 2 years, by the time this rolls around I might be willing to try it out. Could be fun .. if it's done right.

Feb 17, 2008 5:52 PM by Konfig

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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