Japan's Weekly Light Novel Rankings for Jan 2 - 8
Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles

*2. 12,884 *,297,131 Kimi no Na wa. (Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunko)
*3. 11,566 *,*34,926 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Spin-off: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! Vol.4
*4. 11,434 *,*61,249 No Game No Life: Practical War Game
*5. *8,633 *,*54,445 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Vol.11
*6. *8,627 *,*36,366 Bleach: We Do Knot Always Love You
*7. *6,439 *,329,296 Kimi no Na wa. Another Side: Earthbound
*8. *6,187 *,**6,187 Eromanga-sensei Vol.8
*9. *6,034 *,*62,760 Tokyo Ghoul:re "[Quest]"
10. *5,531 *,*44,879 Hidan no Aria Vol.24
11. *4,914 *,*52,515 Youjo Senki Vol.1
12. *4,718 *,*31,787 Imouto sae Ireba Ii. Vol.6
13. *4,306 *,*38,332 Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Vol.5
14. *4,284 *,*17,906 Youheidan no Ryouriban Vol.2
15. *4,118 *,*15,671 Youjo Senki Vol.7
16. *4,034 *,*45,936 Owari no Seraph: Ichinose Guren, 16-sai no Hametsu Vol.7
17. *3,897 *,*84,371 Kokuhaku Yokou Renshuu: Kinyoubi no Ohayou
18. *3,749 *,*29,341 Date A Live: Encore Vol.6
19. *3,602 *,*89,867 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Vol.10
20. *3,563 *,*18,336 Suki ni Naru Sono Shunkan wo.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Inkai
*4. 27,709 1,350,349 Kimi no Na wa. (Kadokawa Bunko)
14. 11,566 *,*34,926 Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Spin-off: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! Vol.4
15. 11,434 *,*61,249 No Game No Life: Practical War Game
20. *8,633 *,*54,445 Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Vol.11
24. *6,439 *,329,296 Kimi no Na wa. Another Side: Earthbound
26. *6,187 *,**6,187 Eromanga-sensei Vol.8
30. *5,531 *,*44,879 Hidan no Aria Vol.24
39. *4,718 *,*31,787 Imouto sae Ireba Ii. Vol.6
50. *4,306 *,*38,332 Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Vol.5
(cut-off 4,306)
21. 12,884 *,297,131 Kimi no Na wa. (Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunko)
45. *8,627 *,*36,366 Bleach: We Do Knot Always Love You
(cut-off 8,076)
Literature Books Genre (duplicates removed)
*5. *8,627 *,*36,366 Bleach: We Do Knot Always Love You
*8. *6,034 *,*62,760 Tokyo Ghoul:re Novel [quest]
15. *4,914 *,*52,515 Youjo Senki Vol.1
20. *4,118 *,*15,671 Youjo Senki Vol.7
(cut-off 4,118)
Source: Oricon Youtaijou
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20 of 24 Comments Recent Comments
I know
But it is a suprise that it's back in top 20 after so much time since the relece (paradon my english)
Kimi no Na wa also left the #1 spot for weeks so why is Re: Zero the only surprise here? Kimi no Na wa sold for MONTHS already and is still doing well in rankings.
Well..... i don't really give that much of shit to kimi no na wa , but i was a bit surprise for the comeback of re zero's 10th vol because it have been so long since the realece.
But that guy explain it to me
Jan 12, 2017 12:34 PM by moaml_salm
But why isn't there some other LN like konosoba and some other things?
Isn't konosoba's 10th vol has been releced in the same time like re zero? As far as i know that konosoba is a little more popular than re zero so it should also has been on the list
KonoSuba sells more in the same time period with new volumes, yes. But Re:Zero has been above KonoSuba in backlog sales every single week since its anime started airing.
On the POS bunko rankings for the week in this thread, Re:Zero volume 10 is in 82nd and volume 1 in 99th. Meanwhile KonoSuba volume 10 is the highest rank for that series (other than the spinoff which is on the rankings above) on 109th.
Also Re:Zero was not the only thing to rerank this week - Kinyoubi no Ohayou also had been out the ranks since mid-November and several other volumes had dropped out for a week or two.
Thx for the explanation ^^
Jan 12, 2017 12:24 PM by moaml_salm
Not sure what you're asking there?
If you mean the light novel that has been on the rankings for the most weeks in total, not even close.
If you mean the most consecutive weeks then... I think it depends on if you count certain things as light novels or not. Manga de Wakaru Nanatsu no Shuukan volume 1 lasted on the rankings for 49 consecutive weeks after release, which I believe is the highest for a volume included consistantly on the rankings by MAL (although it isn't a light novel). Kimi no Na wa. is currently on 30.
If you mean the volume that has reached rank 1 the longest after release then no as things have reached rank 1 from reranking before now. And it's also worth pointing out that, while it's the rank 1 light novel it's not the rank 1 overall. Indeed, 2ch/refugeechan includes Boku wa Ashita, Kimi to Date Suru in their ranking list, which sold more than the Kadokawa Bunko edition of Kimi no Na wa. this week, came out in 2014 and may well have been on the rankings every single week since (cbb to check as I don't include it myself so I'd need to check every single ranking).
Jan 12, 2017 10:11 AM by kuuderes_shadow
Kimi no Na wa also left the #1 spot for weeks so why is Re: Zero the only surprise here? Kimi no Na wa sold for MONTHS already and is still doing well in rankings.
I wouldn't call either of them a surprise to be honest. The new year holiday period always gives a big boost to cinema attendance, and Kimi no Na wa. was a big beneficiary of this and made more than double in the box office what it did 2 weeks previously. More people seeing the film in the cinema = more people buying the books.
Well true. I'm actually not surprised at Re: Zero, but seeing how Kimi no Na wa have been in the rankings ever since it came out, it comes to a nice surprise I guess. By the way with the data and your predictions, how long will Kimi no Na wa remain in rankings before it drops off?
Also, is it the #1 LN to remain in the rankings for the longest period to date?
Jan 12, 2017 9:17 AM by Jiharo
I know
But it is a suprise that it's back in top 20 after so much time since the relece (paradon my english)
Kimi no Na wa also left the #1 spot for weeks so why is Re: Zero the only surprise here? Kimi no Na wa sold for MONTHS already and is still doing well in rankings.
I wouldn't call either of them a surprise to be honest. The new year holiday period always gives a big boost to cinema attendance, and Kimi no Na wa. was a big beneficiary of this and made more than double in the box office what it did 2 weeks previously. More people seeing the film in the cinema = more people buying the books.
Jan 12, 2017 8:24 AM by kuuderes_shadow
This week always has just about the lowest threshold of the entire year (at least for bunko stuff), meaning that volumes can get on the rankings with lower than usual sales figures. Virtually nothing new comes out in the first few days of the year, which nicely coincides here with the first half of the week covered by the thread, leaving space open on the rankings for volumes to rerank which would usually be sitting a little below the level at which we get to see their data.
That volume of re:zero has averaged 3302 sales per week since it left the rankings in mid November, so this isn't an unusual sales figure, but this is the first time (and probably the last time) the threshold has been low enough to see it.
But why isn't there some other LN like konosoba and some other things?
Isn't konosoba's 10th vol has been releced in the same time like re zero? As far as i know that konosoba is a little more popular than re zero so it should also has been on the list
KonoSuba sells more in the same time period with new volumes, yes. But Re:Zero has been above KonoSuba in backlog sales every single week since its anime started airing.
On the POS bunko rankings for the week in this thread, Re:Zero volume 10 is in 82nd and volume 1 in 99th. Meanwhile KonoSuba volume 10 is the highest rank for that series (other than the spinoff which is on the rankings above) on 109th.
Also Re:Zero was not the only thing to rerank this week - Kinyoubi no Ohayou also had been out the ranks since mid-November and several other volumes had dropped out for a week or two.
Jan 12, 2017 8:15 AM by kuuderes_shadow
Can't you see that Re:Zero sold almost 90k copies?
I know
But it is a suprise that it's back in top 20 after so much time since the relece (paradon my english)
Kimi no Na wa also left the #1 spot for weeks so why is Re: Zero the only surprise here? Kimi no Na wa sold for MONTHS already and is still doing well in rankings.
Jan 12, 2017 7:53 AM by Jiharo
I know
But it is a suprise that it's back in top 20 after so much time since the relece (paradon my english)
This week always has just about the lowest threshold of the entire year (at least for bunko stuff), meaning that volumes can get on the rankings with lower than usual sales figures. Virtually nothing new comes out in the first few days of the year, which nicely coincides here with the first half of the week covered by the thread, leaving space open on the rankings for volumes to rerank which would usually be sitting a little below the level at which we get to see their data.
That volume of re:zero has averaged 3302 sales per week since it left the rankings in mid November, so this isn't an unusual sales figure, but this is the first time (and probably the last time) the threshold has been low enough to see it.
But why isn't there some other LN like konosoba and some other things?
Isn't konosoba's 10th vol has been releced in the same time like re zero? As far as i know that konosoba is a little more popular than re zero so it should also has been on the list
Jan 12, 2017 7:22 AM by moaml_salm
Can't you see that Re:Zero sold almost 90k copies?
I know
But it is a suprise that it's back in top 20 after so much time since the relece (paradon my english)
This week always has just about the lowest threshold of the entire year (at least for bunko stuff), meaning that volumes can get on the rankings with lower than usual sales figures. Virtually nothing new comes out in the first few days of the year, which nicely coincides here with the first half of the week covered by the thread, leaving space open on the rankings for volumes to rerank which would usually be sitting a little below the level at which we get to see their data.
That volume of re:zero has averaged 3302 sales per week since it left the rankings in mid November, so this isn't an unusual sales figure, but this is the first time (and probably the last time) the threshold has been low enough to see it.
Jan 12, 2017 4:10 AM by kuuderes_shadow
Series rankings from Oricon website:
*1. Shousetsu Kimi no Na wa.
*2. Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
*3. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
*4. Youjo Senki
*5. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Spinoff
*6. Sword Art Online
*7. Kokuhaku Yokou Renshuu
*8. No Game No Life
*9. Overlord
10. Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
12. No Game No Life
13. Eromanga-sensei
14. Bungou Stray Dogs
15. Imouto Sae Ireba Ii.
16. Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou
18. Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka
19. Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
20. Hidan no Aria
(source: Oricon website)
Jan 12, 2017 3:51 AM by kuuderes_shadow
Wow that Youjo Senki's sales boost
Not much time will pass before Youheidan no Ryouriban anime adaption. It's selling very well. I want to read it.
Looks like a fantasy cooking show. I wouldnt mind it, but we got already 2 similar stuff announced recently :s
Looks like Arifureta and Imouto sae Ireba Ii anime adaptations are only a matter of time.
I sure fucking hope so. Altho from what I heard Arifureta is so powerful that it'll bring a new era to anime if it will get one lol
Jan 12, 2017 3:48 AM by Robiiii
Jan 12, 2017 3:33 AM by removed-user
Re zero vol 10 is #19 ?!
Is there some intresting things have happend in vol 10? Or what?
Can't you see that Re:Zero sold almost 90k copies?
I know
But it is a suprise that it's back in top 20 after so much time since the relece (paradon my english)
Jan 12, 2017 12:50 AM by moaml_salm
Re zero vol 10 is #19 ?!
Is there some intresting things have happend in vol 10? Or what?
Can't you see that Re:Zero sold almost 90k copies?
Jan 12, 2017 12:46 AM by removed-user
Is there some intresting things have happend in vol 10? Or what?
Jan 12, 2017 12:42 AM by moaml_salm
Here are the weekly light novel rankings for January 2 - 8
Rank / This week's sales by copies / Cumulative sales / Titles
*1. 27,709 1,350,349 Kimi no Na wa. (Kadokawa Bunko)
*2. 12,884 *,297,131 Kimi no Na wa. (Kadokawa Tsubasa Bunko)
(cut-off 4,118)
Source: Oricon Youtaijou
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Welcome back Kimi no Na wa, I've missed you so much!
Jan 11, 2017 10:10 PM by Jiharo
Jan 11, 2017 9:52 PM by joe_g7
Wow.. Interesting plot summary, I just know that I will enjoy the anime adaptation of this one. xD
Jan 11, 2017 6:04 PM by _Ako_
Oh I forgot the KonoSuba spinoff had a volume 4. Interesting.
Jan 11, 2017 4:50 PM by Stark700
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Jan 19, 11:30 PM by Vindstot2 Comments
Also, is it the #1 LN to remain in the rankings for the longest period to date?
Not sure what you're asking there?
If you mean the light novel that has been on the rankings for the most weeks in total, not even close.
If you mean the most consecutive weeks then... I think it depends on if you count certain things as light novels or not. Manga de Wakaru Nanatsu no Shuukan volume 1 lasted on the rankings for 49 consecutive weeks after release, which I believe is the highest for a volume included consistantly on the rankings by MAL (although it isn't a light novel). Kimi no Na wa. is currently on 30.
If you mean the volume that has reached rank 1 the longest after release then no as things have reached rank 1 from reranking before now. And it's also worth pointing out that, while it's the rank 1 light novel it's not the rank 1 overall. Indeed, 2ch/refugeechan includes Boku wa Ashita, Kimi to Date Suru in their ranking list, which sold more than the Kadokawa Bunko edition of Kimi no Na wa. this week, came out in 2014 and may well have been on the rankings every single week since (cbb to check as I don't include it myself so I'd need to check every single ranking).
Ah yes, talking about consecutive weeks.
49.... So I guess Kimi no Na wa needs to stay another 20 weeks to beat it then.
Jan 14, 2017 5:35 AM by Jiharo