Anime & Manga News

Viz announces english cast for Death Note

by Darkanger
Sep 5, 2007 2:01 PM | 7 Comments
The role of Light will be played by Brad Swaile (Quatre-Gundam Wing, Rock-Black Lagoon, Nightcrawler-X-men: Evolution). Alessandro Juliani (Prince Toma-Ranma 1/2 The Movie 2) will play the role of "L". Brian Drummond (Allen-The Vision of Escaflowne, Andy Waltfeld-Gundam Seed) will play Ryuk.

Misa: Shannon Chan-Kent
Rem: Colleen Wheeler
Soichiro Yagami: Chris Britton
Matsuda: Vincent Tong
Mogi: John Murphy
Raye Penber: Michael Adamthwaite
Aizawa: Trevor Devall
Ukita: Jeremy From
Naomi Misora: Tabitha St. Germain
Ide: Brian Dobson
Near and Mello not cast yet.

Death Note DVD Vol. 1 will be out November 20.

source: icv2, ANN

7 Comments Recent Comments

Alessandro Juliani as "L" huh? That will be interesting.
I usually don't watch dubs, but with those actors...I'm curious since I know of them all.
We'll have to see how it turns out. ^^

Sep 6, 2007 12:55 PM by Emptyk

vindemon64 said:
Haven't seen any of those english dubs of anime, but from whatever I remember of Nightcrawler of X-Men Evolution........--> eh?

Pretty much the same for me. Never seen any of his other work aside from Nightcrawler or maybe somewhere that I didn't realize.

Sep 5, 2007 6:26 PM by otakuman706

Brad Swaile FTW.

appearently Ocean went through like, 30 actors see who did the best job showing emotion, and brad came up in first. ive herd him as rock in BL, he did a great job at that, its also gonna be funny hearing vegeta's voice actor (Don't worry, he's greatly improved since then) for Ryuk

Sep 5, 2007 5:33 PM by Megadedhed

I still haven't heard of them. >_>

Sep 5, 2007 5:21 PM by atlantiza

Hmmmm..I really loved the subbed version, but I am most curious how the dubbed version will turn out. Can't wait to see! =^_^=

Sep 5, 2007 4:54 PM by ShadowPrincess

Yeah, I have no idea who these people are but I adamantly avoid most english dubbed shows so thats to be expected.

Sep 5, 2007 4:28 PM by Darkanger

Haven't seen any of those english dubs of anime, but from whatever I remember of Nightcrawler of X-Men Evolution........--> eh?

Sep 5, 2007 4:16 PM by VK11

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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