Anime & Manga News

Fake Gundam Statue in China Removed

by dtshyk
Dec 21, 2010 10:23 PM | 90 Comments
According to Sankei News, Floraland (Chengdu, China) has removed a robot statue resembling the life-sized Gundam statue in Japan. Sotsu, the copyright manager of Gundam, has been warning the park that the statue infringes the copyrights and demanding swift removal of it.

Picture of the "fake" Gundam statue in China
Picture of the real Gundam statue in Japan

Floraland had been insisting that the design of the statue is original but they suddenly began repairing its face because "the design was different from what we initially planned." Sankei reported that the statue has disappeared by December 21st and the staff of the park replied to the mass media's inquiry that "We don't even know the existence of the statue."

Source: Sankei

20 of 90 Comments Recent Comments

Its yellow, LOL!!!!
I wonder if the statue has "Made in china" printed on the bottom

Feb 12, 2011 9:53 PM by whalegatorz

tangytangerine said:
Paladin65536 said:
lol, the new one looks like something from a sci-fi B movie from the 50s, repainted yellow. Also villainous. Andtotallynotagundamagundamwasneverhere. =D

@Tangy - Zaku? I'm not familiar with that, is that another giant robot?

It's another mobile suit from the Gundam franchise:

Ya, it does kinda look like it, mostly from the spikes, though fortunately it's not as copy and paste as the original.
However, I still can't take a yellow mech seriously. =)

Jan 30, 2011 11:20 PM by Paladin65536

Paladin65536 said:
lol, the new one looks like something from a sci-fi B movie from the 50s, repainted yellow. Also villainous. Andtotallynotagundamagundamwasneverhere. =D

@Tangy - Zaku? I'm not familiar with that, is that another giant robot?

It's another mobile suit from the Gundam franchise:

Jan 30, 2011 10:38 PM by tangytangerine

lol, the new one looks like something from a sci-fi B movie from the 50s, repainted yellow. Also villainous. Andtotallynotagundamagundamwasneverhere. =D

@Tangy - Zaku? I'm not familiar with that, is that another giant robot?

Jan 30, 2011 9:02 PM by Paladin65536

Looks like it's back up with a different paint job and parts that look like they belong on a Zaku.


Jan 30, 2011 8:01 PM by tangytangerine

Jigero said:
The only reason any country is Anti-American is because they are just jealous that America is better then theirs, more powerful then theirs, and the rest of the world hinges on what American does.

The only reason people pay attention to what America does is so they can learn from it's mistakes.

I can be a vague racist too! ♥

Dec 24, 2010 10:31 PM by Sabinlerose

Jigero said:
The only reason any country is Anti-American is because they are just jealous that America is better then theirs, more powerful then theirs, and the rest of the world hinges on what American does.

Yes. And also, I dislike Zebras. Because they are better than me, more powerfull then me and I secretly want to be one.

Seeing that you are from the US decreases my hope, that you were being sarcastic.

Dec 24, 2010 8:13 PM by mljato

Paladin65536 said:
Jigero said:
The only reason any country is Anti-American is because they are just jealous that America is better then theirs, more powerful then theirs, and the rest of the world hinges on what American does.

Either that or they hear Americans say things like that and get POed =)

Notice you can't do a damn thing about it though :)

Dec 24, 2010 7:04 PM by Kippercha

Jigero said:
The only reason any country is Anti-American is because they are just jealous that America is better then theirs, more powerful then theirs, and the rest of the world hinges on what American does.

Either that or they hear Americans say things like that and get POed =)

Dec 24, 2010 6:52 PM by Paladin65536

The only reason any country is Anti-American is because they are just jealous that America is better then theirs, more powerful then theirs, and the rest of the world hinges on what American does.

Dec 24, 2010 2:20 PM by Jigero

You are ignoring the big friggen picture here.

They stole a Gundam.
Know who else stole a Gundam? 75% of all Gundam pilots.
What happens after they steal a gundam? All out fucking war.

Be afraid people. Be afraid.
Sieg Zeon.

Dec 24, 2010 1:56 PM by Sabinlerose

Yves said:
wakka9ca said:
ok, let's stop feeding the troll and stop finger-pointing at each other....

Seriously... You people are getting way off topic.

Was this thread ever on topic to begin with?

Dec 24, 2010 1:49 AM by mljato

Why lol

Dec 24, 2010 12:52 AM by Sylpheed

You see when you make a comment such as;
Kipcha said:
"We don't even know the existence of the statue."

Man, that just made me laugh. Silly, silly China.

Just by saying "China" its targeting the entire nation of China itself, whether be it PRC or ROC.

Words are powerful things (especially in the English language) depending on how you use them. Their meanings can be interpreted differently than how you originally intended them to be. (I would have just stopped at "Silly, silly")

I (my opinion) don't believe wakka9ca was really targeting your opinion, but rather just stating that the thread itself is bais. Because I mean come on, out of all the news there is in Asia today, we browse our RSS feeds and we stumble upon this? I really had to check twice to see if I was on Sankaku (btw I'm surprised that git didn't mention to this in his regular hate post) or not and maybe just maybe I got the URLs mixed up. Thats just my thought tho (hope no one goes biting off my head for it). Also I do apologize Kipcha if you felt victimized in anyway just because I said;
master-ling said:
Hate when people say stuff like "Stupid China", "Silly China", "China Yet Again", etc.

Dec 24, 2010 12:44 AM by master-ling

wakka9ca said:
Kipcha said:
master-ling said:
Hate when people say stuff like "Stupid China", "Silly China", "China Yet Again", etc, YOU DON'T HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CLUE AS TO HOW THE CHINESE PEOPLE LIVE!!!...Most of you have been fed China bashing garbage by that weeaboo Artefact of Sakaku Complex (YAY JAPAN SUPER KAWAIII GIRUGAMESH!), who on the site post regular anti- China 24/9000l! Only Chinese bashing pro-Japanese articles can be seen all year round.
So before you go say remarks like that again stop and THINK for YOURSELF "Do I really know how the Chinese people operate?, Have I ever been to China?" instead of swallowing whole to all the anti-China garbage the media feeds you.

I'm not saying that some of the articles aren't true (like this one for example), but take your ignorant hate and wise cracks somewhere else.

Calling something silly is not bashing it :/ I simply called it silly because that's exactly what all this was.

I mean, claiming a giant robot statue that was brightly colored, placed out in the public for an amount of time, photographed and then claiming it did not exist? That is rather silly.

So take your silly assumptions and ignorance elsewhere. Commenting on this article in particular and commenting on the people and how they operate are two very seperate things.

The event itself is pretty fail, but it's pretty CLEAR most posters here were influenced by anti-China news (notably from sankaku). So it would be naive to call this thread "unbiased".

China has its flaws. But you can see the influence of Artefact's 100% negative news about China on people's mentality., due to the popularity of his site.

But see, you're drawing too much from my post. I was commenting on how I was not saying anything more about things outside this particular event. I didn't say anything about other people. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what Sakaku even is (I feel out of the loop since a few people have mentioned it :X)

I never used the word "unbiased" either.

Dec 23, 2010 6:31 PM by Kippercha

wakka9ca said:
Kipcha said:
master-ling said:
Hate when people say stuff like "Stupid China", "Silly China", "China Yet Again", etc, YOU DON'T HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CLUE AS TO HOW THE CHINESE PEOPLE LIVE!!!...Most of you have been fed China bashing garbage by that weeaboo Artefact of Sakaku Complex (YAY JAPAN SUPER KAWAIII GIRUGAMESH!), who on the site post regular anti- China 24/9000l! Only Chinese bashing pro-Japanese articles can be seen all year round.
So before you go say remarks like that again stop and THINK for YOURSELF "Do I really know how the Chinese people operate?, Have I ever been to China?" instead of swallowing whole to all the anti-China garbage the media feeds you.

I'm not saying that some of the articles aren't true (like this one for example), but take your ignorant hate and wise cracks somewhere else.

Calling something silly is not bashing it :/ I simply called it silly because that's exactly what all this was.

I mean, claiming a giant robot statue that was brightly colored, placed out in the public for an amount of time, photographed and then claiming it did not exist? That is rather silly.

So take your silly assumptions and ignorance elsewhere. Commenting on this article in particular and commenting on the people and how they operate are two very seperate things.

The event itself is pretty fail, but it's pretty CLEAR most posters here were influenced by anti-China news (notably from sankaku). So it would be naive to call this thread "unbiased".

China has its flaws. But you can see the influence of Artefact's 100% negative news about China on people's mentality., due to the popularity of his site.

Sir, you are without a doubt, one of the wisest posters in here. I was going to comment on how fail this is, but seeing the blatant China-bashing here is kind of sad.

I assumed, based on all the post references, that most of this came from Sankaku? Yeah, Sankaku, in addition to being a website spreading Japanese fascism to the West, is nothing more than a porn site. There is no question in my mind that Artefact is nothing more than a netto uyoku who wastes his time on 2channel, finding ways to bash China and Korea.

Artefact is nothing more than a trash to this world who spreads his fascist ideology; he even attacked seiyuu Kato Emiri for "allegedly" supporting the Japanese Communist Party once (that was many years ago; when I saw that post, I knew that Sankaku Complex is a site for losers and idiots) simply because she had read Shimbun Akahata. Then, posters began to (rationally and rightfully) ask Artefact what Kato-san's political beliefs are any of his concern. How does Artefact respond? Post lots of pornographic photos to keep his site traffic up. Sounds like the work of a cockroach hikkikomori who never gets off the web.

Dec 23, 2010 2:39 PM by guyklc

wakka9ca said:
ok, let's stop feeding the troll and stop finger-pointing at each other....

Seriously... You people are getting way off topic.

alexcampos, if you care so much about the injustice in China, then go do something about it. You're wasting your time with your arguments on this site.

Dec 23, 2010 9:14 AM by Yves

ok, let's stop feeding the troll and stop finger-pointing at each other....

Dec 23, 2010 6:02 AM by wakka9ca

alexcampos said:

Firstly, did you not see my other points besides Wikileaks? Or did you just use your oh so awesome selective information filter again?

Secondly, the maps you provided me with are really nice indeed. They show that the United States of America seems to be a wonderful place free from abuses against human rights. Aside from maybe some unfair treatments, some violations against gay people and the death penalty, there are no other major issues. There are no Sweat shops like in China, no violations against free speech like in China no internet censorship like in China.
But…weren’t there some issues with human right abuses and USA? I remember reading those. Oh right, the military…but you were so nice to point out that you “as an American can tell me that when it comes to military the US is very strict”. That’s nice to know…so let’s ignore this, eh? How utterly convenient.

It is war indeed. You know why? Your country brought it there. Don’t tell me it was to fight terrorism…USA still couldn’t provide valid evidences.

Just because your government doesn’t abuse human rights of its own citizens doesn’t mean abusing human rights of citizens from other countries are totally fine. If you want to talk about sweat shops in China you need to deal with people talking about the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse . If you want to talk about censorship you need to deal with people talking about the Bagram torture and prisoner abuse . If you want to talk about free speech…there is always Guantanamo Bay.

But those are fine, right? Because its war. Because it’s the US military. Because those are not the own citizens.

Again, I am not defending Chinas human right issues. It’s just the one sided China-bashing with no background information whatsoever that annoys the heck out of me.

Dec 22, 2010 9:36 PM by mljato

ZaggyPlushie said:
arhem...... cough cough macross+gundam+china

WTF??? LOL...aww China china china......

Dec 22, 2010 8:50 PM by Aozure

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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