Slice of Life Manga

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Slice of Life Manga (5,306)

Slice of Life stories are focused on a seemingly random and mundane period of the main characters' lives. The absence of a central plot to carry the story towards a charted destination means Slice of Life stories frequently lack overarching conflict and resolution. While life is not without conflict and Slice of Life neither, here conflict appears and dissipates seemingly at will, without a specific narrative to enforce it.

Slow story pacing or episodic storytelling does not equal Slice of Life. Drama/Romance stories can be slow and soft while maintaining a central plot of human/relationship struggle. Comedy stories may lack progress and have mundane settings, but they have narratives focused on eliciting laughter rather than amusing moments happening naturally. Thus, Slice of Life is incompatible with Comedy, Drama, and Romance by definition.

Manga, 1990Finished10 vol, 119 chp

Raizo Fuwa is a 25-year-old salaryman living in a cramped home and working in a crowded office in Tokyo. His hopes for improved conditions are dashed when the new office building his company is supposed to move into is condemned as unsafe because the construction company has been cutting corners. Since the old building is already being demolished, they have no choice but to "temporarily" move the office into Fuwa's new flat. The final complication arrives in the form of the new employee Izumi Hiyama, a high school dropout the boss has promised to take care of as a favor to her family. No landlords are willing to rent to a 15-year-old girl, so she too has to move into Fuwa's home/office. (Source: Wikipedia)

SerializationBig Comic Spirits

The manga tells the story of Mira, who leads an evil organization trying to take over and destroy everything. Earth is under attack, but a magical girl named Byakuya Mimori stands up to Mira's group. As they face off, something unexpected happens—Mira falls in love with Mimori. (Source: MAL News) Included one-shot: Volume 3: Beauty and the Beast

SerializationGangan Joker
Manga, 2019Finished3 vol, 34 chp

Hanamaru Academy is just like any other all girls' school, but it has one big difference: the lovely, lively ladies that make up its student body are all handsome hunks! From the cute uniforms to their pastimes, these boys live every day of their youth to the fullest. A hidden paradise of "JK Danshi" awaits! (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Days
Manga, 2001Finished1 vol, 10 chp

Through his hobby, which is exploring (peeping?) through the spaces in-between, Heisaku-kun ends up falling in love with his neighbor, Fumio-chan. However, it turns out that Fumio-chan has also been spying on Heisaku-kun all this time. Will this uncontrollable pair's hidden love ever be realized? (Source: Stiletto Heels)

Manga, 2014Finished4 vol, 35 chp

Suu-chan lives a laid back life, alternating her time between her part-time job and aimlessly riding on her bike. Occasionally she encounters mysterious scenery that engulfs her. (Source: MU)

Manga, 2008Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Ari Kojima and Sousuke Fujitani met as students in the same college seminar. They have been dating for four years, but since graduation, it has been difficult for them to spend time with each other. First they were separated by physical distance and long commutes, then by incompatible and irregular work schedules. Finally, Ari and Sousuke decide to move in together and live in a "de facto relationship" with no immediate plans for marriage. Although the couple is prepared for opposition from their parents, they do not anticipate the inherent challenges of staying together. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 2009Finished1 vol, 5 chp

An office worker, Hotei, is not pleased when high-flyer Ebisu is transferred to her branch. (Source: Lililicious)

Manhwa, 2016Finished? vol, 73 chp

Until recently, Kang Eun Ju worked as a designer and had a roof over her head. But after being fired from her job and kicked out of her shared room on the same day, Eun Ju desperately searches online for new employment opportunities. She soon finds a job posting that would solve both of her problems. Seeing this as a lucky chance, she swiftly submits her application and is delighted to be called in for an interview. Once Eun Ju meets her potential employer, any prior excitement quickly fades. Kwak Woo Jin speaks to her in a condescending manner and pokes fun at her resume. Eun Ju is put off by his arrogant attitude, but in dire need of money and a residence, accepts the offered position. Bedeviled by an employer with unconventional demands and more tenants than she accounted for, Eun Ju begins her hapless days as the live-in caretaker at Woo Jin's unlucky mansion. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 2012On Hiatus5 vol, 43 chp

Otonokizaka High School stands on the border of three cities: Akihabara—a pop culture mecca that's evolving by the minute; Kanda—a conservative, cultured city where history and tradition reign supreme; and Jinbo—a quiet area reserved for a more mature, sophisticated population. Amidst this culture clash, the school now faces closure due to the enrollment of fewer and fewer students. With the school planning to close within three years, nine female students come together with one thing in mind—form a pop idol group to revive the school's popularity and keep it from shutting down. "In order to protect our beloved school, there's only one thing we can do...become pop stars!" Their goal is simple: Become an overnight sensation and use their nationwide media exposure to promote their school and bring in a wave of new students to the ailing area. A simple but solid plan, they figure. Naturally, they're nervous and wonder if this plan can really succeed, but for better or worse their new journey has begun... "All we can ask for is just a tiny bit of support from you. We truly believe that with your help, we can change the world around us. We will make our dreams come true!" (Source: NIS America)

Manga, 2018Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Madoka Yamada (♂) loves all sorts of cute things! He grew up playing with dolls, sleeping with stuffed animals, and wearing girl's clothes that his sister made for him! The problem is, other people just don't understand, so when Madoka's family moves to a new city, he commits to acting like a boy at school. But what happens when his neighbor, Itsuki Tanonaka, finds out about his inclinations?! (Source: MU)

SerializationManga Jam
Manga, 2010Finished1 vol, 22 chp

1-20. Hita-Hita 21-22. La Pomme Prisonnière

SerializationRakuen Le Paradis
Manga, 2006Finished1 vol, 6 chp

Paul, a serious honor student, meets the violent and rebellious Morgan in their all-boys school. What follows is a story of the struggles of youth and painful but powerful self-discovery. This is a prequel to the series J no Subete, involving Paul and another boy named "J."

SerializationManga Erotics F
Manga, 2006Finished7 vol, 34 chp

When Madoka learns that her parents won hundred million yens at the lottery, she does not believe her ears. But while she begins to dream about a princess's new life, she meets to live only in a small appendix of the house of the family Asagi... For Madoka, a new life begins.


Most would call the Levantret territory a frozen wasteland. The sun does not shine for half of the year, and even when it does, the inhabitants must still endure the frigid cold. Even so, what Levantret does have is a boundless sky, spanned by the ethereal Northern Lights. The local lord, Ritzhardt "Ritz" Salonen Levantret, loves his homeland more than anyone else. He is in search of a wife, but few women are willing to give up their lives of luxury and move out to the boonies. High society calls him the "Yeti of the Borderlands" and looks down on his simple lifestyle. At a dinner party, Ritz is enraptured by the decorated lady-knight Sieglinde "Sieg" von Wettin and immediately asks to marry her. To the surprise of most, she accepts a "trial marriage" of one year. For Sieg, this is a chance to discover what it means to be a "wife" after spending the majority of her life in the military. On the other hand, Ritz wants to show her everything his beloved home has to offer. In the wintry Levantret, from hunting in the blistering cold to handicrafts around the cozy hearth, every day is filled with new and warm memories. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 2009Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Aqua Blue Cinema is about an actress and a girl she meets through unusual circumstances.

SerializationComic Yuri Hime
Manga, 2019Finished1 vol, 6 chp

Due to the increase in college dorm fees, graduate student Kentou Sasaki has no choice but to move out. He quickly finds an apartment with cheap rent, but there is a catch: neither the bath nor the stove work. Confident that his body will be able to handle the cold, Kentou has no problem with moving in immediately. However, luck is not on his side because he almost freezes to death after a heavy day of snowfall. He is unexpectedly saved by Soushi Ikematsu—a man with an aloof personality who loves listening to metal and is Kentou's neighbor. Despite his scary appearance, Soushi makes Kentou a meal to warm him up. Thus, a year goes by, with the two neighbors falling into a comfortable routine of sharing their meals together. To Kentou's disappointment, their relationship has not progressed further. However, in fear that it could put an end to their friendship, Kentou does not have the courage to confess to Soushi that he likes men. Will he be able to keep it a secret when he starts to fall in love with Soushi? [Written by MAL Rewrite]


Inaba Suzuna is trying her best to make a campus debut and to have many friends in Tokyo. Until she realized that she miserably fails at living alone. Fortunately, her neighbor, Seto, comes and saves her from dying of starvation. Bright campus life is still far away for Suzuna, but at least, she has a very dependable neighbor! (Source: MU)

SerializationAne LaLa
Manga, 1969Finished1 vol, 13 chp

Seiichi Hayashi produced Sekishoku Elegy between 1969 and 1970, in the aftermath of a politically turbulent and culturally vibrant decade that promised but failed to deliver new possibilities. With a combination of sparse line work and visual codes borrowed from animation and film, the quiet melancholy lives of a young couple struggling to make ends meet are beautifully captured in this poetic masterpiece. Uninvolved with the political movements of the time, Ichirou and Sachiko hope for something better, but they're no revolutionaries; their spare time is spent drinking, smoking, daydreaming, and sleeping—together and at times with others. While Ichirou attempts to make a living from his comics, Sachiko's parents are eager to arrange a marriage for her, but Ichirou doesn't seem interested. Both in their relationship and at work, Ichirou and Sachiko are unable to say the things they need to say, and like any couple, at times say things to each other that they do not mean, ultimately communicating as much with their body language and what remains unsaid as with words. (Source: Drawn and Quaterly)

Manga, 2015Finished14 vol, 85 chp

Zenichirou is a middle school student raised in a motherless family. His breakfast always consists of onigiri and instant miso soup from the convenience store. Yae, a childhood friend of Zenichirou, cannot stand to see him eat such an innutritious breakfast, so she decides to make him breakfast every morning... This story conveys a simple message: eating with another person makes miso soup taste more delicious and hearty! (Source: Shogakukan, translated) Included one-shot: Volume 1: Seishun Re:verse

Manga, 2017Finished11 vol, 312 chp

The stories of the everyday life of a black mage and a slime that run a magic store together as master and servant.

SerializationShounen Jump+
One-shot, 2009Finished? vol, 1 chp

Kazuka is your average high school girl with the exception of having an irregular personality. She wakes up one morning slightly later than usual to find a red thread attached to her finger... And for her, it isn't "who" is at the other end, but "what" should she do about it... (Source: In.Difference)

SerializationThe Margaret
Manga, 2014Finished9 vol, ? chp

The daily life of up-and-coming female mangaka living together in a dormitory.

Manga, 1994Finished2 vol, 31 chp

This manga simply describes how Gorou Inogashira, the main character, chooses and takes a meal. Unlike other gourmet manga, Gorou likes to eat at cheap restaurants and no trivia on cuisine is given. The authors are trying to depict the essentials of the act of "eating" by Gorou's monologue, which comprises most of the lines of this manga.

Manga, 2007Finished1 vol, 10 chp

1-3. House Backer 4. House Baker: Shuuryougo 5. Ai to Seishun no Hibi 6. Ai to Tousou no Hibi 7. Amai Kaori ga Surun desu. 8. Cakeya-san no Valentine Day 9. Kimi to Itsumademo 10. Uchi no Ko ga Ichiban!

Manga, 1995Finished14 vol, 88 chp

Akane Tachibana is a freshman high school student who, despite his talent for basketball, decides to abandon sports clubs due to the pressure put on him by them. Once he arrives at Kouzu High, however, he meets the only other basketball player who has ever caught his eye on the courts and decides to join the team. The first match of the season is an exhibition game against the league's strongest team, Hyamazaki—the team that Hiiragi's father coaches and in which his older brother plays for. Hiiragi ends up playing in the second half of the game, and they seem to not be working well together on the court, losing the game, until unintentionally one of the senior players on the team challenges them to beat him. They join forces, inspiring the team to victory. Thus starts the story of a group of teenagers working to reach the top, fighting tooth and nail the entire way. (Soure: Wikipedia)

Manga, 2010Finished9 vol, 37 chp

After losing a game, Sora Andou finally felt the limit to his talent and decided to quit soccer before middle school graduation; however, a surprise meeting with Shiki Wakamiya, the representative of Japan's national women's soccer team, enabled him to see again what he used to see―the pure joy of the sport that shaped him into who he is. This is the story of a boy who inherited the will of a girl, and a series of warm encounters―from friends to strangers―during the journey to his ultimate goal: to become "1/11" of the world's best soccer team. Included one-shots: Volume 1: Ero Megane Danshi x Joshi Volume 2: Kareobana Yuurei Tantei Jimusho Volume 3: Roleplay Volume 4: Striker wa Hashiranai (The Striker Stopped Running) Volume 6: Message Volume 8: Yamato to Nadeshiko

SerializationJump SQ.
Manga, 2010Finished11 vol, 148 chp

Various short 4-koma scenes about five girls, Shinobu, Alice, Karen, Youko, and Aya, all attending the same school together. The main idea behind all of the scenes are that the two English girls, Alice and Karen (Alice is pure English, while Karen is half-English, half-Japanese), are trying to live in Japan and are trying to learn their culture and language! (Source: Kirei Cake)

AuthorHara, Yui
SerializationManga Time Kirara MAX
Manga, 2018Publishing? vol, ? chp

Sakuma Yukari decided to start a band on her own after seeing a certain band during the Sakura High School festival, then with her best friend Shimizu Kaede, they want to join the Light Music Club only to discover that in their school there isn't a club like that. With help from Sawabe Maho, they discover there is a Light Music Appreciation Society with only one member, Satou Riko.

SerializationManga Time Kirara

Mayuki Yukshita is determined to go to the same high school as her crush Akira Hanamaki. Though Mayuki has fallen for Akira's intelligence and natural talent, the two are separated when Akira graduates and enrolls at Ootomo High. With her terrible grades, Mayuki stands no chance of passing Ootomo High's difficult entrance exams. Following Akira seems impossible. Upon seeing her determination to get into the school, Mayuki's mother hires Rin Mochizuki to be her tutor. Though their sessions start off normally, their dynamic changes when Rin discovers the true reason Mayuki wants to go to Ootomo. As their tutoring sessions become more intimate, Rin's heart starts to yearn for the girl she was hired to support. At the same time, Akira—who happens to be Rin's best friend—notices the change, and she develops an intense jealousy as Rin grows closer to Mayuki. No amount of tutoring can prepare Mayuki for this. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationDengeki Daioh
Manga, 2004Finished5 vol, 26 chp

Penned by Masaya Hokazono (Inugami, Watashi wa ai) and illustrated by Court Betten (Prince Standard, Harukaze - Bitterpop), Girlfriend features charming and sexy short stories involving romantic relationships between high-schoolers in contemporary Japan. (Source: Kotonoha)

SerializationYoung Jump
Manga, 2002Finished14 vol, 219 chp

Sora is a quiet girl who finds her niche in the high school art club. When she isn't out capturing images of the neighbourhood in her trusty sketchbook, she can almost certainly be found befriending the local cats.

Manga, 2012Finished3 vol, 33 chp

Chihiro, a middle-aged father who still thinks he's good-looking, lives together with his 12-year-old daughter, Shima. Is Shima irritated by her dad because she's going through puberty? Or is she just acting like a spoiled kid? Asami Sekiya presents a realistic depiction of a girl in middle school. (Source: Futabasha)

SerializationComic High!
Manga, 2016Finished1 vol, 6 chp

Trying to find his little sister a tutor for her college exams, Arimura, who has a giant sister complex, enlists the help of a younger classmate whom he use to play baseball with in high school. (Source: Exiled Rebels Scans)

Manhwa, 2013Finished4 vol, 66 chp

Togeun used to work for his father's company without any passion, so he quits his job and moves out from his parents' house in order to follow his dream in drawing. At the homecoming party (reunion party), Togeun begs Sonagi, a great illustrator, to teach him how to draw. (Source: LINE Webtoon)

SerializationNaver Webtoon
One-shot, 2017Finished? vol, 1 chp

On the outskirts of town, there is a restaurant headed by a curious young man. His sole patron, an elusive masked woman who always eats for two, piques his interest. Wondering how a slender woman could possess such an appetite, he suspects that she is sneaking meals into Tupperware containers. However, when he eventually decides to confront her about it, the truth surprises him. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationYoung Gangan
Manga, 2020Finished5 vol, 20 chp

Ririka is a high school girl who lives alone with her father. Despite not having a boyfriend, she always has a blast at school and at home everyday while leading a fulfilling life. Yet one day, she finds an extremely attractive older guy at the apartment’s garbage collection site. It turns out that he’s the salary man that just moved in next door. (Source: Kodansha, translated)

SerializationBessatsu Friend
Manga, 2015Finished5 vol, 23 chp

Tsukasa, Nadeshiko, and Mikage have been inseparable since they began junior high, but Tsukasa has a secret she's been keeping from her best friends—she actually has a big crush on Nadeshiko. Not wanting to risk their friendship, she planned to keep it a secret forever, but when Tsukasa learns that Nadeshiko has a crush on Mikage, her desire to support her friends now conflicts with her own feelings. First love blossoms in unexpected ways for these three young women and their circle of friends. (Source: Macmillan Publishers)

SerializationGangan Online
Manga, 2019Finished3 vol, 21 chp

Yamaguchi is a smart, rather popular boy who sits next to Satou-san, who just can't seem to do anything right. She doesn't do well in school, is awkward, and freezes up whenever the attention is on her. But she's always optimistic and caring, and seems to face every challenge with a smile, even if she ends up failing at most of them. As they slowly get to know each other, Yamaguchi's initial feeling of discomfort starts to change... (Source: MU)

SerializationComic Polca
Manga, 2011Finished7 vol, 109 chp

The story centers around Amaya, Iwasawa, and Uehara—three "annoying, spirited high school girls with zero motivation"—and their classmates. Their daily life is "what happens when there is nothing happening." (Source: MU)

Serialization4-koma Nano Ace
Manga, 2008Finished1 vol, 5 chp

The Tachibana family has four sisters, each of whom have had at least one relationship that involves falling for another woman, or having one fall for them.

SerializationComic Yuri Hime
Manga, 2004Finished3 vol, 11 chp

When Ryuu transfers to Hitomi's school, he leaves an immediate impression on him. Curious about rumours of a full-scale tattoo on Ryuu's back, Hitomi starts getting closer to him. Before long, the friendship and fascination Hitomi feels for Ryuu start developing into more, but before he has a chance to come to terms with his feelings, Hikaru appears on the scene.... and he has his eyes set on Hitomi.


Jin Mita imagined a peaceful and stable life after quitting his job to work as a farmer in the countryside. That is why he cannot believe his eyes when he discovers a blonde knight lying unconscious in his rice field one morning. He quickly learns her name—Seraphim Stadtfeld—and how she was mysteriously transported here from a different world. Watching Seraphim struggle with the reality of being stranded in a world entirely foreign to her, Jin decides to take her under his wing. He introduces the comfort of modern country life to the bewildered Seraphim and helps her acclimate to her new environment—but in all the chaos, his neighbors start mistaking her for Jin's wife! [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 2003Finished8 vol, 71 chp

Haruma Kawagoe is an only child. A long time ago, at Christmastime, his mother miscarried the child that was to have been his baby sister. That night, young Haruma knelt down and offered up an earnest prayer: "Please make my mother well again, and please give me a little sister." Years have passed, and Haruma has nearly forgotten his prayer. But Santa hasn't.... one Christmas, when Haruma is least expecting it, he gets an unusual present - his sister. (Source:ANN)

SerializationYoung Animal
Manga, 2006Finished19 vol, 349 chp

The somewhat precocious and sadistic girl Mitsuba (oldest), the somewhat lecherous muscle girl Futaba, and the somewhat mysterious girl Hitoha (youngest). Better known as the mischievous "Marui Sisters," these triplets go about their days in class 6-3 with their cute yet wild antics. (Source: MU)

Manga, 2005Finished1 vol, 11 chp

Yuu is famous for having an extreme brother complex. In reality, she has emotions for her little brother, Hiro, which have far exceeded a normal sisterly love. A little complicated family love comedy from the author of "Hyakko." This is a story of forbidden love with an older sister, a younger brother and their half sibling Tomo as well. (Source: M-U)

Manga, 2006Finished11 vol, 102 chp

Anzu is a kindergartener with a massive crush on her teacher Tsuchida. Tsuchida clearly prefers Yamamoto, a young woman who handles the class next door, and Anzu has two gal pals to help her out: shy Koume and eccentric Hiiragi.

SerializationYoung Gangan
Manga, 2016Finished3 vol, 17 chp

Seiji Tajima is a single, forty-something shop owner who's close friends with police officer Shin Nakamoto. Shin, who's just been assigned a patrol in Seiji's neighborhood, has known the older man since he was in high school—back when Seiji himself worked in the police force. Shin's harbored a crush on Seiji for years, but has convinced himself that their relationship is as good as it gets—until one day out of the blue, Seiji casually mentions the possibility of trying his luck with men... His simmering feelings suddenly brought to the boil, Shin shoves Seiji up against the wall, and... From the author of the hit comic An Innocent Puppy Meets a Two-Faced Cat comes a new spin-off! Can Shin, who's held a 10-year-long torch for the (too) laid-back Seiji, win in this game of love? (Source: Renta!)

Manga, 2011Finished2 vol, 18 chp

Amano Hinata, a high school boy, lives a quiet life in the country. One day, a light-haired transfer student, Kazama Ayato, arrives from Tokyo. In such a small town, it's not long before Hinata runs into the laid-back, absent-minded Ayato, along with with his lively younger siblings: Hayato, Ikuto, and Chiyoko. It's going to be quite a challenge for the Kazama family to assimilate into their new community out in the country! (Source: Moi-xRyu Scanlations)

SerializationOtome High!
Manga, 2013Finished10 vol, 123 chp

Welcome to the bumpy, yet easygoing slice-of-life comedy of a certain father and son. The unpredictable and wild son, Shou. And the former gangster, hands-on father who looks out for him, You-san. Follow the lively father and son pair, as their everyday life is sure to eventful. (Source: Crunchyroll)

SerializationShounen Gangan
Manga, 2008Finished6 vol, 42 chp

Maya, who works as a translator, lives with her bisexual former girlfriend, Michiru, and Michiru's son, Yuuta. Residing in the same apartment building is an actor called Nico, who drops by for a visit almost everyday, and knows about Michiru's past. Somewhat like family, and somewhat not, their lives interweave full of warm days. (Source: Stiletto Heels Scans)

SerializationFeel Young
Manga, 2007Finished1 vol, 6 chp

I live in company housing for singles. After I was just called "boring" and dumped, my super-perfect subordinate and neighbor, Karanuma, confesses his love for me! Why me...?! A guy who drowns his sorrows in alcohol, then nearly drowns in the bathroom?! This time, I refuse to be called "boring!" So, I've made a decision, but... Also contains the GUSH favorite, "Let's Tie Hands Firmly," a sentimental story about childhood friends in love! When Atsushi quits his job in the city and returns to his hometown, he finds his childhood friend, Satoru, all grown up and a little distant. (Source: Presence Dear)

Manga, 2003Finished3 vol, 13 chp

During a fateful visit to Tsunojo Girls' School, Chika Matsuzato meets the girl of her dreams: cool upperclassman Haruna Kizaki. Even though they spent only one short day together, Chika will never forget Haruna's kindness, and has made it her life's goal to study hard and get accepted into Tsunojo Girls' School so that they can be together. But will Haruna share Chika's feelings...? (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)

Manga, 1999Finished7 vol, 73 chp

Chocolat is a mature comedy series about half-orphan Tatsumi Chiyoko whose father was caught in huge debt. Now living with Omugi Matsukichi, an ex-underground king who opened a pastry shop, she gets to know people like Katou Ichigo, an ex-inmate. With people after her father's whereabouts, what will happen to her? (Source: Scum-Scans)

SerializationBig Comic Spirits
Manga, 2009On Hiatus5 vol, 34 chp

"Giséle Alain will provide you with any service, Madame," Gisèle claims as she puts a sign on her door. Gisèle Alain is the owner of an apartment and decides to take on whatever request that she receives. She forces Eric, a resident of the apartment with overdue rent, to tag along with her service. Their first mission is to find a cat that another resident has lost and claims to have been missing for 3 days. Upon further investigation, they find a suspicious man taking away cats to an unknown alley. Gisèle decides to investigate further and finds out who the man is without hesitation! An amusing yet calm service providing you with anything you want; at your service by Gisèle Alain! (Source: MangaHelpers)

AuthorKasai, Sui
Manga, 2015Finished1 vol, 5 chp

A collection of side stories bundled with the DVD/Blu-ray releases of the anime. 1. Natsu no Yuugure 2. Natsu no Maboroshi 3. Himitsu Kessha KKE 4. 2-nengo 5. Natsu no Nagori

Manga, 2011Finished1 vol, 6 chp

Meiji Haruhito (Kanemochi-kun/the rich boy) just can’t understand Misaki (Binbou-kun/the poor boy), but quickly falls for him anyway. However, Haruhito’s love life is under threat. Not from a cute girl or ex-lover, but from his own grandfather. The boys’ grandfathers knew each other when they were young and Haruhito’s grandpa is delighted when he meets Misaki, who looks and acts like his late friend and unrequited love. (Source: the manga habit)


An Italian girl, Francesca, suddenly appears in front of Yuuji, an illustrator. At the behest of her mother, she suddenly starts to live with him! They eat dinner together and are excited to see each other in their loungewear... It's a very simple way to get to know each other better... (Source: Kadokawa, translated)

Manhwa, -Finished7 vol, 43 chp
H20 H20

Menga is simply known as the vice rep and is bullied. Hanako has moved to Korea but was robbed the first day and has nothing. Na Hong Soo is known as a troublemaker and is in constant trouble. And Eechan is the student body president, very popular and known as Bacchus. It seems they have nothing in common but this will change soon. (Source:

Manga, 2014Publishing? vol, ? chp

When high school student Sora Kashiwagi finds himself staring down a mysterious oversized package sent to him by his self-proclaimed "adventurer" father, the last thing he expects is for it to be opened from the inside... by a little mummy so small it can fit in the palm of his hand! (Source: Crunchyroll)

Manga, 2006Finished4 vol, 44 chp

Tomioka Yuuji is a 32-year-old night-shift guard for a mall. He works completely alone, so he often slacks off, exercising and hanging out on the roof. In some ways, the job is perfect for him, as he's always been terrible with people. However, he can't help feeling incredibly lonely and wishing he had friends. One night, he makes a wish for friendship on a falling star. Shortly after, he finds a strange note left at the door of the mall. It says, "within a year, you'll go mad and die." After this, his solitary life begins to change—some ways for the better, and some for the worse. At work, he notices an ominous silhouette in a nearby apartment building, watching him neglect his job. Who is the mysterious figure? Who sent him the creepy note, and why? (Source: MU)

Manga, 2016Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Sora hasn't been having a great weekend. Not only did he lose his job, but now his girlfriend's left him as well. Weighed down by misery and disappointment, he stumbles upon a stranger in the park. With a stunning meteor shower above and a friendly ear to his side, the young college student is offered a brief respite from his problems. But when the stranger leans in for a kiss, Sora is left dumbstruck. Was this chance encounter just a new problem to add to the list or have the stars finally aligned in his favor? (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)

Manga, 2016Publishing? vol, ? chp

A Fate/stay Night spin-off focused on cooking.

SerializationYoung Ace UP

His colleagues at work see him as handsome, cool, and distant...but the moment he's back home, this frosty-looking salaryman shows his true colors as a doting father and husband. Playing silly games with his young daughter, showering kisses on his beloved wife–what a gap between his appearance and behavior! This sweet, full-color manga about a wholesome family is sure to warm your heart. (Source: Seven Seas Entertainment)

Manga, 1980Finished24 vol, 126 chp

"Doraemon" is a series about a robotic cat named Doraemon, who travels back in time from the 22nd century to help a schoolboy named Nobita Nobi. Aside from the normal manga books, their great adventures to different places are specially described in Doraemon Long Stories books. (Source: MU)

SerializationCoroCoro Comic
Manhwa, 2011Finished2 vol, 10 chp

In an old abandoned house at a small city, lives a girl alone. Men often go see her with presents. In this same town lives a boy who dreams of being a hero. When they meet, the wheels of fate gonna turn for both of them and for all those involved with Hwaja.

SerializationDaum Webtoon
Manga, 2009Finished1 vol, 7 chp

1. Ruriiro no Yume (Azure Dream) 2. Princess of the Stars 3. Honey & Mustard 4. Nostaliga 5. Virgin Season 6. Mangetsu no Yoru ni wa (On a Night When the Moon is Full) 7. Soft-Boiled Fujoshi (Hanjuku Joshi side story)

SerializationComic Yuri Hime
Manga, 2012Finished1 vol, 18 chp

1. Kani ni Sasowarete 2. Wakaranakatta Omoide 3. Sakana no Hanashi 4. Innovation 5. Jigoku 6. Pineapple wo Gozonji Nai 7. Ike ga Arawareta Hanashi 8. Hohonoho 9. Ousanshouuo Jiken 10. Decoy 11. Kimi 12. Takuan Dream 13. 2014-nen 1-gatsu 31-nichi no Yume 14. Kai 15. Fuon na Hi 16. Nabe 17. The Perfect Sunday 18. Keisanki no Kokoro

SerializationRakuen Web Zoukan

"I'll teach you what's bad." As a high schooler, Ayumu's at a sensitive period in her life. She ends up being educated on adult matters by a bearded old man wearing a black t-shirt. (Source: Overlap, translated)

SerializationComic Qurie
Manga, 2010Finished1 vol, 7 chp

Migiwa Kazuhiro has always been watching Ren, cute, admirable and his first love. With all his courage, he finally managed to give her a love letter and confessed on a train, only to find that Ren is...!? (Source: MU)

Manga, 2013Finished2 vol, 12 chp

Tokiko "Toki" Aoyama and her father move from Tokyo to stay with her grandmother in the sleepy coastal town of Sunimori. However, under its serene veneer, Sunimori is fabled to be near an ocean full of mermaids and mermen. One of Toki's earliest memories is of a merman saving her from drowning in the ocean. Although she clearly remembers the experience, Toki meets Yousuke Narumi, a boy skeptical of these beings' existence. As Toki settles into her new surroundings and makes new friends at school, she learns about an annual Sunanomori tradition where a summer festival is held in gratitude for the merfolk and Wadatsumi, the spirit of the sea. With the many mysteries surrounding the local folklore filling her mind, perhaps only during the festival will the answers be revealed to her, much like the tide leaving behind seashells in a town of sand. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 2020Publishing? vol, ? chp

"I want to be her hero." Shiranui Natsume, a 2nd year high school student, admires his childhood friend, Minazuki Natsume, who is always coming to help him whenever he's in trouble and showing him the way. He strives to one day be like her: cool, composed, and, most importantly, hero-like. Until he becomes her hero, this is the story of Natsume and Natsume. (Source: Micro Magazine-sha, translated)

SerializationComic ELMO
Manga, 2019Finished6 vol, 96 chp

Shibasaki is a high school student who works part-time at a convenience store. At work, he encounters a petite office lady and finds himself infatuated by her. Likewise, the woman's interest in the young man gradually increases—mainly due to his face resembling her cat's. With each brief encounter, the student and the office lady slowly grow closer during the five minutes they share at the convenience store. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationYoung Gangan
Manga, 2019Finished1 vol, 6 chp

It has been several years since Mitsuomi Kozuka and Yamato Kumai became a couple. Living blissfully in the countryside, they are seemingly content with their relationship. However, while they can express their feelings for each other through gentle caresses and heartwarming gazes, the two find it difficult to exchange words of love. When Mitsuomi proposes the idea of a partnership—a non-legally binding version of marriage—Yamato is hesitant to take the next step forward. In their attempt to navigate through misunderstanding and worry, the couple ponders how to attain happiness without regret. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 2012Finished1 vol, 5 chp

The shy Ichigo is interested in creating Western-style clothes. But that trivial hobby will let her make an unexpected encounter that we call love... (Source: Chibi Manga)

Manga, 2005Finished8 vol, 64 chp

Dousei Recipe is done by the same mangaka as Mel Kano. It tells the story of a couple, both very innocent and in love with each other, who are now living together! Takeshi is a pure-hearted college student who is enticed by his girlfriend that has run away to live with him. Temptations ensue. (Source: SCX-Scans)

SerializationYoung Gangan
One-shot, 2012Finished? vol, 1 chp

It's closing ceremony and romance blossoms amongst the bubbles. (Source: MU)

SerializationAo Lala
Manga, 2000Finished1 vol, 12 chp

Ichiko Izumiya is a young student of English who would like to walk in the footsteps of her father is a translator of trendy American novels. She finally decides to confess to him that she is in love with Eriko, a law student. Ichiko will attempt to live out her homosexuality in peace and will be brought to wonder about the nature of her relationship: is she really homosexual or simply in love with a sensitive being who happens to be of the same sex? (Source: MU)

SerializationFeel Young
Manga, 2017Finished2 vol, 10 chp

One day, on the roof of the old school building, Shuuichirou Hayakawa and Ryouhei Konno meet by chance while skipping class. Over the next three months, after repeated encounters in this same space, the two strike up an incidental friendship. Konno has a reputation for being intimidating and difficult to speak to, but he is surprisingly forthcoming about his love for photography. Hayakawa envies the fact that his friend does not have to hide or make excuses for his passion. Although Hayakawa is always singing under his breath absentmindedly, he appears to have an aversion to music, and this contradiction piques Konno's curiosity. For how long can he keep pressing for answers before his questions push Hayakawa too far? [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 2002Finished3 vol, 17 chp

Konoe, a high school student, is confused about his sexuality. He meets Hikaru in the sleazy gay district, and sleeps with him. They begin to play at being lovers, but Konoe's heart belongs to Atori, his friend and classmate. Can Konoe come to terms with his sexuality and reveal his feelings to Atori, and where do Hikaru's true feelings lie? (Source: BibloEros) ** For the Rules Series Timeline, see the More Info tab above.

Light Novel, 2011Finished6 vol, 36 chp

Who were the legendary "Generation of Miracles" that led Teikou Middle School to three consecutive basketball championship titles? The group consisted of five prodigies—alongside their "Phantom Sixth Member"—and dominated the courts, striking down any who stood in their way. Outside of the sport, these talented players were simply middle school boys dealing with their own problems, such as getting through the midterm season and surviving an unlucky day. Kuroko no Basuke: Replace captures the off-court adventures of Tetsuya Kuroko and the Generation of Miracles during their days at Teikou. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

Manga, 2012Finished1 vol, 7 chp

A story about a stalker and the object of his affection.

Manhwa, 2012Finished6 vol, 83 chp

A gangster goes to a rural school to teach a class of five unique children.


Instead of conjuring a dangerous demon, Shouta Magatsuchi accidentally summons the naive and carefree dragon deity Quetzalcoatl, also known as "Lucoa." Now a familiar to the young mage, Lucoa does all she can to assist Shouta with the problems he frequently encounters; however, her overwhelmingly full-frontal approach suggests otherwise! While the misunderstandings between them may never end, their chaotic daily lives provide endless opportunities for the duo to grow ever closer unknowingly. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationMonthly Action
One-shot, 2015Finished? vol, 1 chp

The former Touichi High School, where Manabu Hara still works as a music teacher, merges with another school to form Wakaba High. Given the news, Hikaru Kusakabe makes one last visit to the hallways full of warm memories he once made with Rihito Sajou. Meanwhile, Hara seems to have long moved on from Sajou—now living together with Aoto Sorano, his beloved boyfriend. [Written by MAL Rewrite]


Oku Hiroya tells in this manga what inspired him to draw GANTZ, and his love of Sci-Fi movies.

SerializationMiracle Jump
Manga, 2009Finished5 vol, 77 chp

An anthology comic of K-On! by various mangaka.

Manga, 2012Finished8 vol, 73 chp

The manga revolves around high school boys Seto and Utsumi, and their completely normal but comedic talk after tests end.

Manga, 2004Finished1 vol, 6 chp

Time and distance is what Keigo has to conquer, when—at a very young age—he gets separated from best bud Chihiro, due to his family's moving overseas. As the years go by, his separation from his friend becomes so unbearable that it forces Keigo to become a withdrawn shut-in. Chihiro's mother, after hearing the news, takes pity on the boy and offers to watch over him if he wishes to come home. Reunited with Chihiro, Keigo unceremoniously blurts out, "I love you, Chihiro. I totally love you! Ever since the past! I'm in love with you!" With the truth out in the open, everything should all be well and good, except for two things: Chihiro is creeped out because they're both guys, and he's already in love with one of the girls at school. (Source: Juné)

Manga, 2006Finished9 vol, 37 chp

The Kouda sisters watched their father leave them to start a life with his mistress 15 years ago. Soon after their mother abandoned them, forcing their maternal grandmother in Kamakura to raise them. Now a working adult, Yoshino Kouda receives a phone call with news from her older sister Sachi: their father has passed away from cancer. Although Yoshino is not distraught by the news, she—along with her younger sister Chika—feels obliged to go to the funeral, as Sachi is unable to due to her work schedule. At the ceremony, the pair meet Suzu Asano—their 13-year-old half-sister. After Suzu's own mother's death, their father remarried. Suzu became the one to shoulder every responsibility, including taking care of her father's deteriorating health. Despite Suzu being a living reminder of their father's infidelity, Yoshino and Chika cannot help but feel sorry for her. Surprisingly, Sachi arrives at the burial as well, witnessing the struggles Suzu has gone through. A newfound sympathy makes Sachi decide to bring Suzu into their immediate family. The four women must now learn how to navigate through life and come together as sisters. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

SerializationFlowers (Monthly)

On his way home from work, 26-year-old salaryman Osamu Kawakita encounters an alien named Lilin. She and her species plan on invading the earth, but she ends up getting stranded on this planet. Can Osamu raise her to become a kind-hearted kid before her species eradicates humanity in five years? (Source: MangaDex)

SerializationYoung Animal
Manga, 2021Publishing? vol, ? chp

With how far she's out of his league, Kosuke Shimizu never expected his senpai at work, Natsuna Shirahama, to go on a date with him...much less marry him! But with a wife so perfect, it's no surprise that the timid and indecisive Kosuke feels inadequate...and not just in bed. The truth is, they both have their fair share of flaws (especially when it comes to expressing their love), but working through them together will only strengthen their marriage...right? (Source: Kodansha USA)

SerializationComic Days

A witch who lives alone in the forest picks up a child. 16 years later, she grows up bigger than expected. (Source: Flex Comix, translated)

SerializationComic Meteor
Manga, 2017Finished6 vol, 97 chp

Tamamo says she's a transfer student from Kyoto, but her true identity is an Inari from the Fushimi's Inari Shrine! Most adults see her as a beautiful young girl, but her classmates see her for what she really is, which they keep underwraps as they interact with her in this heartfelt comedy manga! (Source: MU)

AuthorYuuki, Rey
SerializationComic REX
Manhwa, 2011Finished3 vol, 30 chp

The man with the hand of God starts the scrub battle to become the best bath coordinator. (Source: MU)

SerializationNaver Webtoon

After quitting his job at a toxic company, Shiro Amata moves into the house his grandmother left him in her will. There, he soon makes two life-changing discoveries: one, his grandmother was really a witch from another world, and two, said other world is just on the other side of her closet door! Thanks to a book she left for Shiro, he also manages to obtain an all-powerful skill called "Equivalent Exchange," which allows him to turn money from his world into otherworldly currency and vice versa. With this, Shiro decides to set up shop and sell convenient items like matches to the colorful inhabitants of the other world. His plan: make a massive profit on the goods he brings from home to become so rich that he never needs another job ever again! (Source: J-Novel Club)

Manga, 1998Finished1 vol, 7 chp

The only common feature running through these stories is a grown-up protagonist somehow coming face-to-face with his childhood past, in a testament to the loss of youth, the disillusionment of growing old, and nostalgia for better times. In the Adachi pantheon, this is a rare diametric view of his eternal theme of "youth," in this case youth as seen through the lens of the past. It's a powerful statement from Adachi that might even be an acknowledgment of his steadily-creeping age. What is impressive about these stories is not the plots or characters themselves, but the absolutely perfect way he tells them, another facet of experience that comes with age. Most of the stories may require multiple readings to fully appreciate the airtightness of the plot and visual motifs. (Source: Mangascreener)

SerializationBig Comic Original
Manga, 2003Finished2 vol, 8 chp

Kazuko is a high school senior who has no idea what she wants to do in the future. Alone one day after school, she discovers a broken beaker in the science lab. She smells something sweet in the air, passes out, and finds herself transported back to her own past! Will Kazuko use her ability to travel through time wisely or selfishly? Based on the 1965 novel. (Source: CMX)

Manga, 2004Finished2 vol, 14 chp

Amemiya is a teacher who is now teaching at an all-boys school. Frustrated with his currently situation on career and love, he decides to mess up with what seemed to be a gay couple, just so he can "relieve the stress". The sweet Mifune and the whiny Kishima aren't what they seem to be, though, and it doesn't take long for Anemiya to discover that. Now, because of fooling around, he got himself in serious trouble...

SerializationBoys L
Manga, 2004Finished22 vol, 230 chp

Suguri, who loves dogs, moves from countryside to the big city and finds a job at a pet store.

SerializationYoung Jump