Sep 1, 2022
This is probably the most stereotypically "japanese" manga I've read in a long time.. I mean, two people hit it off without any words spoken or any interactions other than employee-customer!
If you're into casual slice-of-life stuff, this may be for you, though it's not really that much of a slice of life because it all happens in a combini and the stuff OL-san does at home is more of a recap of what happened at the store. Though I am of the opinion that it doesn't need much more. Makes you appreciate anything more than the usual professional dialogue that much more. A good 7/10
for the story
I have to give a segment to the cat. Takuan! He's the best! I feel that Nozomi-san captured a cat perfectly. He's a judgmental shithead who can also love his owner unconditionally XD. Everything he does reminds me of my own kitten and any cat lovers will enjoy all his moments. 10/10 just for the cat.
The art isn't anything special though it is good enough to not take away from the experience. Again, it doesn't need to do anything special looking from what the manga is about. A solid 7/10
The characters are endearing imo. OL-san is a single late-twenties lady living with a cat and is traumatised because all her friends are already getting married so that's probably the main reason why she starts liking a guy who looks like her cat. Shibasaki is still a teenager (I'll say in his last year of high school so it isn't too weird a.k.a. 17-18) so of course his hormones jump through the roof when a cute woman looks at him nicely XD.
I first thought the manager was going to be that annoying side character who always breaks a moment between the MCs but so far he isn't that bad. Clearly he cares for Shibasaki almost like his own and always teaches him about life and helps him. I love the guy.
Takuan is clearly the highlight of the manga (as seen from me making a whole segment about him), he usually acts as emotional support for OL-san and kind of passively teaches her stuff through his replies to her ramblings (same role as the manager for Shibasaki). He's just the best anyway.
A 10/10 for Takuan and a solid 7/10 for the characters all together.
There isn't any deep story here or any "character study" etc., just two people interacting and overthinking every detail later. Very cute. Very relatable for introverts.
An 8/10 because it knows what it has to do and does it well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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