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Does anyone who watches subs ever have a hard time multitasking?

Mar 27, 2016 11:32 AM

Jan 2015
Basically I love subs but I am someone who enjoys watching something while I perhaps play a game on my handhelds or my comp and sometimes if it is an anime I know im not that into I will go ahead and do this anyway only glancing at the screen occasionally and in general I get the gist but does anyone else with no to limited knowledge of japanese have this issue?

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Mar 27, 2016 11:34 AM

Feb 2013
Feramoo said:
Basically I love subs but I am someone who enjoys watching something while I perhaps play a game on my handhelds or my comp and sometimes if it is an anime I know im not that into I will go ahead and do this anyway only glancing at the screen occasionally and in general I get the gist but does anyone else with no to limited knowledge of japanese have this issue?
heresy! burn the witch!.......................
Mar 27, 2016 11:35 AM

Mar 2015
i can't even eat anything when watching anime.
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
Mar 27, 2016 11:37 AM

Apr 2010
When I watch, I just watch... What's the point of doing something else in the midwhile and not paying attention?

Mar 27, 2016 11:40 AM

Jan 2015
EfiChan said:
When I watch, I just watch... What's the point of doing something else in the midwhile and not paying attention?

To get more things done? If I watch something in full english and play say an mmo I can fully play the game and know what is going on in the isnt that hard.

Mar 27, 2016 11:44 AM

Apr 2010
Feramoo said:
EfiChan said:
When I watch, I just watch... What's the point of doing something else in the midwhile and not paying attention?

To get more things done? If I watch something in full english and play say an mmo I can fully play the game and know what is going on in the isnt that hard.

Are you dying? If not, you don't have to...

Mar 27, 2016 11:46 AM

Dec 2015
No, I can masturbate do other stuff just fine while watching subs
Mar 27, 2016 11:47 AM

Jan 2015
EfiChan said:
Feramoo said:

To get more things done? If I watch something in full english and play say an mmo I can fully play the game and know what is going on in the isnt that hard.

Are you dying? If not, you don't have to...

To be fair we are all dying? I like to get twice as much stuff done to enjoy new stuff.

Mar 27, 2016 11:48 AM

Nov 2015
I have severe extreme ADHD, so it's not like I can multitask anyway. I can't jog while listening to music.

I tried to eat pancakes while watching anime once. Shit was all over the place..
Mar 27, 2016 11:53 AM

Jun 2015
Depends, on what other thing I have to do. I can travel while watching with subs but watching TV or playing? It's like trying to watch two movies at the same time, you get to enjoy neither.
Mar 27, 2016 11:56 AM

Nov 2008
If I want to multi-task, I watch the anime dubbed. Though I have no problem eating during subbed animu.

Mar 27, 2016 11:57 AM

Aug 2008
You might be having a hard time multitasking because it is impossible for humans to do.
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
Mar 27, 2016 12:03 PM

Feb 2010
its easy.. i often do something else while watching anime for example painting my nails or texting on phone
Mar 27, 2016 12:10 PM

Oct 2014
I watch anime for fun rather than as a background thing. I would never read a book while playing a video game because that would be stupid. I like to just lay down and enjoy the story and the characters. Even if I don't like an anime but I have to complete it for a challenge or to converse about shared hatred I still won't try to do other things while watching. I have ADD and have a hard time paying attention to things anyway, so sometimes I'll even have to rewind to read/listen to what was said because I was thinking about something else when they said it. This is likely one of the reasons why I don't really like mystery anime. Sometimes if I'm not paying attention to the subs I will be able to still understand what was said from what I heard, but if they use words that I don't know then I'll have to rewind. When watching raw anime I have to spend even more effort and rewinding because I usually only understand half the words they say. There are Japanese audio dramas if you actually don't care to watch anime.
Mar 27, 2016 10:06 PM
Jul 2018
It's not a problem at all for me. Usually I can eat a light snack and watch+read subs just fine.
Mar 27, 2016 10:12 PM

Jul 2012
The only thing I ever do while watching is eating, and even then I tend to keep my eyes firmly locked on the screen which has its hits and misses.
If I find myself not staring at the screen I very often end up rewinding to rewatch parts I missed.
If I want to do something else I'd rather do it in between episodes as pace changer but I rarely stop mid-way during an episode to do anything. If you find yourself struggling to do multiple things at a time it's a case where you probably shouldn't be doing multiple things.
Mar 27, 2016 10:14 PM

Sep 2009
Yeah, if I have to leave the vicinity of the TV screen, there's a good chance that they'll say something I don't understand.
Be thankful for the wisdom granted to you.
Mar 27, 2016 10:18 PM

Mar 2015
Damn.. Able to fully enjoy the shows while doing something else... I am not that talented..
This salad is salty favored
Mar 27, 2016 10:20 PM

Jun 2013
Usually I stick to sub as a way of keeping myself attentive to what I'm watching. If I'm watching something in English I'm extremely prone to pulling out my phone and texting while just listening to the dialogue, which, in the end just makes me miss information anyways.
Mar 27, 2016 10:21 PM

Jun 2011
GesuYarou said:
I have severe extreme ADHD, so it's not like I can multitask anyway. I can't jog while listening to music.

I tried to eat pancakes while watching anime once. Shit was all over the place..


Well anyway, after watching so much anime I can understand basic conversation without the subs, that and I read quickly, so I multitask frequently. I'm actually watching anime as I'm writing this.
Mar 27, 2016 10:23 PM

Nov 2013
Feramoo said:
EfiChan said:
When I watch, I just watch... What's the point of doing something else in the midwhile and not paying attention?

To get more things done? If I watch something in full english and play say an mmo I can fully play the game and know what is going on in the isnt that hard.

Maybe not MMO, but more simple games like hearthstone or something.
Mar 27, 2016 10:35 PM
Oct 2015
I'm just saying, if you have little to no knowledge of the language, and the subs are the only way for you to get the entire gist of what you're watching, I'm not sure why you wouldn't pay attention to the subs. There's always the choice of watching an English dub (if it's available), but if you don't want to do that, that's okay.

Sorry if that sounded rude. As for me, I make sure I'm not multitasking. In fact, I suck at multitasking. Occasionally, I deliberately ignore the subtitles just to see how much I understand without them, as I am learning Japanese, and anime helps me retain what I've learned of the language.
Mar 28, 2016 12:18 AM

May 2015
I will never understand how you can multitask while watching an anime. You lose concentration.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
Mar 28, 2016 12:50 AM
Mar 2016
I'm pretty sure you need to reevaluate your interest in anime, mate. If anime is not interesting enough for you to give a large portion of your attention to, then you probably shouldn't be watching anime. If you want to dick around with your handheld games, then don't try to watch anime while playing them. If you want to watch anime, don't dick around with your handheld games. Anime watching isn't neurosurgery, my man, keep it basic.
Mar 28, 2016 2:09 AM

Mar 2016
I like to wood whittle or tie knots while watching anime. Just to keep my hands busy for the most part. If the anime is really good tho i'm normally completely focused on it.

Mar 28, 2016 2:14 AM

Jan 2016
When I watch... I only focus on that task.... I don't see the reason on doing anything else, the anime medium is a much better source of entertainment, tbh.
Mar 28, 2016 3:17 AM

Jan 2014
Depend on what I watch, If I watch something that need concentration, I will focus on watching. But when I watch something fun like comedy, or rewatching I can do multitasking. But multitasking itself only when I ate or talk. I never playing while watching, that's only Nanba Mutta can do ->
Mar 28, 2016 3:23 AM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Feramoo said:
does anyone else with no to limited knowledge of japanese have this issue?

No, because we're not plebs. Now, put your games down and actually watch anime. Or just might as well just read wiki summaries and then game.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Mar 28, 2016 5:12 AM

Jan 2015
BatoKusanagi said:
Feramoo said:
does anyone else with no to limited knowledge of japanese have this issue?

No, because we're not plebs. Now, put your games down and actually watch anime. Or just might as well just read wiki summaries and then game.
Haha well arnt you cute. Pleb yourself scumbag, thankfully I can do both at the same time.

Mar 28, 2016 5:14 AM

Jan 2015
Omuro said:
I'm pretty sure you need to reevaluate your interest in anime, mate. If anime is not interesting enough for you to give a large portion of your attention to, then you probably shouldn't be watching anime. If you want to dick around with your handheld games, then don't try to watch anime while playing them. If you want to watch anime, don't dick around with your handheld games. Anime watching isn't neurosurgery, my man, keep it basic.
I guess most people are not as productive as I like to be. two birds with one stone. I enjoy being able to get a dissertation done while enjoying a show and I still manage to do these things while watching anime just a little more difficult but still manageable.

Mar 28, 2016 5:14 AM

Jan 2013
I rarely watch a show without doing something at the same time, whether that is eating, posting on the forums or talking to someone.
Mar 28, 2016 5:26 AM

May 2015
I never used to, but now I always do something else while watching anime. It's very rarely I don't. I read pretty fast so I find it easy to switch between reading and other tasks.
Mar 28, 2016 5:28 AM

Aug 2010
Kuma said:
i can't even eat anything when watching anime.

That sums it up for me as well.

Why the hell would you do something else? To me it's more than you're not interested by the anime. But to answer your question I could do it though as I understand Japanese anyway lol
Mar 28, 2016 6:18 AM

Sep 2013
Feramoo said:
Omuro said:
I'm pretty sure you need to reevaluate your interest in anime, mate. If anime is not interesting enough for you to give a large portion of your attention to, then you probably shouldn't be watching anime. If you want to dick around with your handheld games, then don't try to watch anime while playing them. If you want to watch anime, don't dick around with your handheld games. Anime watching isn't neurosurgery, my man, keep it basic.
I guess most people are not as productive as I like to be. two birds with one stone. I enjoy being able to get a dissertation done while enjoying a show and I still manage to do these things while watching anime just a little more difficult but still manageable.

You are just deluding yourself, unless that dissertation has the goal to prove behavioral scientists wrong that multitasking is impossible for humans.

The human brain can only focus on one thing on the same time. In the best case scenario you are maybe watching an anime for a few minutes while barely noticing what happens in your game and then gaming for a few minutes while only picking up a few scenes from the anime. You may get the gist of both but you are in no way killing two birds with one stone, you are just halfassing both.
Mar 28, 2016 6:42 AM

Jan 2015
delija9091 said:
Feramoo said:
I guess most people are not as productive as I like to be. two birds with one stone. I enjoy being able to get a dissertation done while enjoying a show and I still manage to do these things while watching anime just a little more difficult but still manageable.

You are just deluding yourself, unless that dissertation has the goal to prove behavioral scientists wrong that multitasking is impossible for humans.

The human brain can only focus on one thing on the same time. In the best case scenario you are maybe watching an anime for a few minutes while barely noticing what happens in your game and then gaming for a few minutes while only picking up a few scenes from the anime. You may get the gist of both but you are in no way killing two birds with one stone, you are just halfassing both.

Ok sure multi tasking in general is impossibleish but I dont just get the gist of things and I dont halfass. Maybe you cant do it, maybe a lot of people cant but I can tackle two things roughly at the same time and be fully aware of what I am doing. Go be an dick somewhere else.

Mar 28, 2016 6:45 AM

Nov 2011
Noob, get gud. I can watch anime while eating and playing a game on smartphone.

Mar 28, 2016 6:48 AM

May 2014
Okay but why are you even watching something you are not into? Don't watch it if you feel the need to play games at the same time? saying you "want to get more things done" when talking about something you're supposed to do for your enjoyment, sounds silly. It's not a job or anything, what's the point lol

as for the question though, not really, because I understand enough without having to glue my eyes to the screen for every line that comes up, but the most I ever really do while watching anything, is talk to someone

I'll be out ridin' my pony until it's time for candy
And I'll be naked, because I want to

Mar 28, 2016 6:49 AM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
No, I don't multitask when watching anime

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Mar 28, 2016 6:53 AM

Oct 2014
Most of the time I read on some forums while watching anime.
Mar 28, 2016 6:56 AM

Jan 2008
Sometimes, when the anime is so slow and boring I double the speed from the Anime. But I tend to forget most of the things again lol
Mar 28, 2016 6:56 AM

May 2009
Why would I want to do something else when I'm watching anime? Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose? Sure, if I were watching a dub, I probably could, but anime is mostly a visual medium to begin with, so even with dialogue I could understand, I'd still be missing quite a lot.
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Mar 28, 2016 7:02 AM

Apr 2011
Why would you multitask though, because you're bored of shows that require no engagement or understanding at all in what's going on?
Mar 28, 2016 7:04 AM

Nov 2009
zombie_pegasus said:
I watch anime for fun rather than as a background thing.

This. I only listen to music as a background thing, I don't watch anime that are so boring they don't keep my full attention.

Kuma said:
i can't even eat anything when watching anime.

I can, unless the food is too complicated (like chicken or fish with bones still inside).
Mar 28, 2016 7:31 AM

Aug 2014
Only during scenes with lots of intense animation do I find it hard to read the subs and watch. Even when watching a dub, your attention should be 100% focused on the thing you are watching.

Anime is good, fucking deal with it.
Mar 28, 2016 7:36 AM

Nov 2015
Feramoo said:
EfiChan said:
When I watch, I just watch... What's the point of doing something else in the midwhile and not paying attention?

To get more things done? If I watch something in full english and play say an mmo I can fully play the game and know what is going on in the isnt that hard.

Why even watch than? lol Why are you multitasking an mmo and an anime in the first place? How can you enjoy a show that way? If the question is do you like subbed anime that you've already seen as background noise than the answer is yes. I have background stuff every now and then while I come on MAL or something lol.
Mar 28, 2016 7:36 AM

Jul 2015
I watch both dubs and subs. I don't multitask for either of them because the anime is too entertaining.
Mar 28, 2016 7:36 AM

Mar 2014
I know a person who does this but he watches on a small i pad with the anime muted in school and just lets it play as he talks to others, looks away, does work, these are anime hes watching for the first time as well. I don't understand it to be honest.

I think it annoys me because i'm so strict when watching anime, to the point of where if i have paused it for a few minutes or something I would go back a minute or two, I refuse to miss anything.
Gui-GuiMar 28, 2016 7:39 AM
Mar 28, 2016 7:37 AM
Jan 2016
Actualy i can play some gamrs while watching some anime althoguh i dont do that anymore because it makes watching anime abd playing games less enjoyable
Mar 28, 2016 7:39 AM

Jan 2015
Max. eat and drink, can't really do anything because of the subs, but I can understand your point, used to do it too when i was a dub fag watcher :P
But the subs are better, so it's worth for me .
Mar 28, 2016 8:04 AM

Jan 2015
Intense said:
Okay but why are you even watching something you are not into? Don't watch it if you feel the need to play games at the same time? saying you "want to get more things done" when talking about something you're supposed to do for your enjoyment, sounds silly. It's not a job or anything, what's the point lol

as for the question though, not really, because I understand enough without having to glue my eyes to the screen for every line that comes up, but the most I ever really do while watching anything, is talk to someone

When did I ever say I dont enjoy what I watch? Look at my profile and you will see how picky I am.

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