The main purpose of this challenge is to give an opportunity to previous monthly submissions that garnered some interest from our members, but fell short of some votes to grab that precious first place and be featured as the monthly challenge in our club for that year.
Not every submission was considered. To qualify for this challenge, they had to manage to get 20 votes or more. Also any item that's repeated from a previous monthly submission won't be added. There won't be duplicated items. If you are interested, you can check all challenges from the monthlies main thread.
This challenge will count the following non-winning 2024 submissions:
— January (1/5), February (1/5), March (0/9), April (2/4), May (2/2), June (0/6), July (2/2), August (1/4), September (2/3), October (2/5), November (3/6) and December (4/5).
Difficulties: Easy: 18 series Medium: 36 series Hard: 54 series Conquered: 72 series
— There are extra requirements, you only need to do those required by your difficulty.
— No second run (x2) available.
Previously completed series aren't allowed. Neither is re-watching.
— Series previously started, but not finished, may be used.
— Airing can be used, but you must complete the series, so you can only turn-in the challenge after the series has finished airing.
Any type is allowed, but must be equal to or longer than 15 minutes (total).
Your challenge "Starting Date" is the day you post.
— Remember that it's required to add the start and end dates to any anime you use for our challenges.
You cannot use the same entry more than once across all difficulties.
Please note that to receive points for a completed challenge, you must turn it in on the current "Challenges Turn-Ins" thread.
— A form that has to be followed will be provided there.
To make this easier on the inspectors, if an item ask for specifics, you MUST list the episode and/or time in which said things takes places.
— Otherwise it's an instant invalid.
— We will add a description under each item.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Aug] Watch an anime that features a Dungeon — Alternative listing.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with an Allergic or Sickly character — Alternative listing: Sickly.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A" — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L"
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z"
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E"
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E"
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
Starting Date: Jan 01, 2024 Ending Date: GENRE/THEME TAGS & ADAPTATIONSThe anime is listed with the tag / source.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
ᴍᴇᴅɪᴜᴍ ❃Starting Date: January 1, 2025 ❃Ending Date: TBA
ʜᴀʀᴅ ֍Starting Date: January 1, 2025 ֎Ending Date: TBA
ᴄᴏɴǫᴜᴇʀᴇᴅ ☠Starting Date: January 1, 2025 ☠Ending Date: TBA
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer. GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that is missing an ending segment: Series CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there. SEASONS & DATESAny day/month/year unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs. TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid). MISC
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
Starting Date: 2025-01-01 Ending Date:
GENRE/THEME TAGS & ADAPTATIONSThe anime is listed with the tag / source.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer. GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that is missing an ending segment: Series CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there. SEASONS & DATESAny day/month/year unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs. TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid). MISC
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer. GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that is missing an ending segment: Series CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there. SEASONS & DATESAny day/month/year unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs. TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid). MISC
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
Starting Date: 2025-01-01 Ending Date:
GENRE/THEME TAGS & ADAPTATIONSThe anime is listed with the tag / source.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer. GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that is missing an ending segment: Series CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there. SEASONS & DATESAny day/month/year unless otherwise stated.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs. TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid). MISC
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.
[X][Jul] Watch a prequel: Series — The anime used must have a listed sequel under "Related Entries".
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that shares a MAL tag with 3 other series used in this challenge: Series — State which items and tags were used. Genres, themes, and demographics all count as tags. You do not have to use the same tag for every anime. Only 1 tag needs to match; extra tags that don't match are fine.
[X][Aug] Watch an anime adapted from a Game or with 11 episodes or less: Series — Does not include Card Game.
[X][Aug] Watch a Mecha anime or one with 25 episodes or more: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an Educational anime or one from a studio with less than 32 entries: Series — If using the studio option, it must appear listed as "Studio", not Producer or Licensor (but anything made by them counts toward the total).
[X][Oct] Watch a Workplace anime or one with a character that spends a lot of time at their computer: Series — State the option used; Must appear on the tag list. If using the second option, state the character used; Can be main or supporting. Must be listed on the provided site and not necessarily on MAL. Alternative listing: Programmer.
GENERAL TAGSThe anime must appear listed on the tag page; state the tag used.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features the Air Force or Wind Magic: Series — If using "Wind Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Earth, an Earthquake or Earth Magic: Series — If using "Earth Magic": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that features Fire Breathing, Fire Magic, or Fires: Series — If using "Fire Magic" or "Fire Breathing": State the character used. Can be main or supporting. Character must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL).
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that features France or one that works for the World Tour Challenge: Series
CHARACTERSState the tags and character(s) used; can be main or supporting unless otherwise stated; must appear listed on the provided tag list and their site (not necessarily on MAL, unless otherwise stated).
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with exactly 4 main characters: Series — Any number of supporting characters is fine.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a character that has "Nana" in their name: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a character whose Given Name starts with the letter "A": Series — Nicknames can't be used. Visit the character's entry page and use the name as listed there.
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 3rd day or July: Series
[X][Sep] Watch an anime that began airing during any 21st day or September: Series
[X][Jan] Watch an anime that began airing during any 25th day or January: Series
[X][Jul] Watch an anime that began airing during any 26th day: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that began airing during any 31st day or Sunday: Series — If using "Sunday", it must appear listed on the entry, under "Broadcast".
[X][Dec] Watch an anime that started airing in Winter: Series Began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
[X][Apr] Watch an anime that started airing in a year ending in 4: Series
STATS & INFOIncluding a screenshot per item is highly suggested, as these may request for information that will change by inspection and invalidate your challenge.
[X][Oct] Watch a Short anime: Series — Must have more than one episode. Episode duration must be less than 15 minutes in length. Must still be 15+ minutes in total duration. Can be any type.
[X][Sep] Watch an anime with a total duration longer than every other anime used in this challenge: Series — The Hall of Fame lists total durations (add the anime's MAL ID# to the end of the URL).
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has a total duration of 4 hours or less: Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime that has 13 episodes with episode durations longer than 15 minutes: Series
[X][Nov] Watch an anime that has 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 episodes: Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with exactly 24 episodes: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a score of 7.50 or higher AND a popularity of 2,000 or lower: Series — Popularity of 2,000 or lower refers to #2000, 2001, 2002, and so on.
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a score of 6.66 or lower: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime rated G or PG: Series — Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children".
[X][Jul] Watch an anime from one of the Top Challenges: Series — State the one used; The valid Top Challenges are: Top 100 Seiyuu, NHK Top 100 Anime, Top 50 AniSon, Top 50 Hentai, Top 100, Top 100 Movies, Top 100 ONAs.
TITLESUse either English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese only; can be alone or as part of another word; can be in the official or alternative titles unless otherwise stated.
[X][May] Watch an anime whose main title begins with "L": Series
[X][Oct] Watch an anime with a main title that starts with "Q" or "Z": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime whose main title contains any of the letters in "N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E": Series
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: Series — Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces.
[X][Dec] Watch an anime with a main title that has 5 words or more: Series — Words must be separated by a space to count as one. A single letter, symbol or number does not count as a word.
[X][Jan] Watch an anime with "moon"/"tsuki" in the main title or synopsis of the entry: Series
[X][Apr] Watch an anime with "usagi"/"tamago" in the title or as the name of one of its characters: Series — State the option used. If using the character: State the character used. Can be main or supporting. The word can be the Given or Family name.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a double letter in its main title or a number with repeated digits in its aired dates: Series — State the option used. If using double letters, they must be directly next to each other in the same word (Natsume Yuujinchou is valid; Hibike! Euphonium 3 is invalid). If using repeated digits, they must be directly next to each other in the same number (Apr 1, 2022 is valid; Apr 1, 2023 and Apr 1, 1982 are both invalid).
[X][Apr] Watch an anime whose MAL ID begins with 5: Series
[X][May] Watch an anime with a chair or no characters in one of its pictures: Series — Any image that appears on the series "Pictures" tab can be used.
[X][Nov] Watch an anime with a voice actor/actress (VA) who voiced a different character in an anime used for another item on this challenge: Series — State the VA and which item was used. The characters must be listed on MAL. Can be main or supporting.