I've more or less kept the same interests and hobbies I had as a kid until now.
My biggest interests were Dinosaurs, having been taught them in School at the time Jurassic Park was out, and had toys of them. I think my interest maybe dropped a little until I was a teenager being home educated, because there was always Dinosaur documentaries on Sky TV, and also I began buying and reading some advanced Dinosaur books. I really wanted to become a Paleontologist because of Dinosaurs, but life had other plans.
Also when I was a kid, I was pretty obsessed by UFOs & Aliens. I read loads of books of them and watched lots of documentaries about them.
As for hobbies, I've always loved reading books & playing videogames. My other biggest hobby/interest was Trains. I probably picked this up from Thomas & Friends, but also my Dad was also a train enthusiast & trainspotter when he was younger (like many were back then). My Dad would take me to heritage railways all over the country to ride on Steam locomotives, and also he would just take me to a train station somewhere to just watch them. Later on when I heard what trainspotting was from my Dad, I'd start collecting the numbers & photographing them too. I did stop trainspotting for a little bit, as for a time in my country it was considered an act of terrorism.
I still take numbers as I ride, as I mainly use Trains to get around, but I don't often anymore specifically go to a train station for a day to spot.
Do I regret anything? Ummm...well yeah I wish now that I spent some time actually looking around the towns & cities I went to with my dad. But I mainly wanted to spot and ride trains, and any hopes of revisiting these places would be pretty slim, as I mainly go places by myself and am scared of going too far from home.
Also wish I got to know my nan (my Dad's mum) better. She used to tape train docs for me, but when we went round to her's, I just wanted to watch trains, and she died when I was about 6 or 7. She was the only grandparent left when I came along 😥
Also yes I regret playing videogames for as long as I did, as my right wrist is practically destroyed lol. It's very weak and painful and I am always dropping stuff that I try to hold in it. |
Little_SheeplingAug 9, 2024 12:38 PM