Jun 9, 2020 10:39 AM
It seems to be one of the biggest franchises in anime. Which Fate series are your favourites & least favourites? What do you think about the fandom? |
Jun 9, 2020 10:42 AM
lots of waifus and great action shows overall |
degJun 10, 2020 12:51 PM
Jun 9, 2020 10:42 AM
Amazing idea and has potential as a series but Nasu's writing is mediocre at best and it ruins it. That's why Fate/Zero is the best |
Jun 9, 2020 10:51 AM
I like the franchise although apart from the fate/stay night VN which I finished and I liked it very much, I'm an anime only. My favorite entry is fate/stay night but if we're only talking about anime then it's fate/zero. My least favorite is fate/extra last encore because I didn't really get what was going on in most floors and even the typical shaft visual tropes I enjoy weren't enough for me to like it. In regards to the fans, I haven't engaged with them at all apart from an ishtar worship thread on /a/ which I lurked. EDIT: forgot to mention that one of my big gripes with the entire franchise is the character designs suck 60% of the time. |
Theo1899Jun 9, 2020 10:59 AM
Jun 9, 2020 10:52 AM
Jun 9, 2020 10:53 AM
Hakunon said: Amazing idea and has potential as a series but Nasu's writing is mediocre at best and it ruins it. That's why Fate/Zero is the best I never liked the Fate franchise as a whole as I found the characters generic and are very reliant on their aesthetics to be desirable enough to stand out. Fate/Zero is an exception because it's the only one that's good enough in the entire franchise as it's the only one that has a cohesive plot and depth to it. UBW and others has dope animation and just that, for sure but the writing's just downright horrible. It never had the thrills that the Zero has. |
Jun 9, 2020 10:56 AM
Average magical battle royale with average characters and good visuals. F/Z is said to be the best but I didn't like it that much. The other series look the same but with more generic and uninteresting characters. I only liked Rider and Kotomone Kirei. I tried the recent Fate Babylon and it's such commercialized garbage. It's fanservice through and through. Historical figures and settings, mythological creatures and characters, magic and fantasy and sci-fi. It's the Marvel franchise of anime. |
Jun 9, 2020 11:01 AM
Only watched Zero, Stay Night 2006, UBW and one special of First Order. After watching the latter, I'm not interested anymore in any of the rest installments, with the exception perhaps of the Heaven Feel's movies. I only liked Zero and the first half of UBW, but not that much to consider myself a fan of them. In particular, I think they're both overrated, but I can understand why others can like and appreciate them a lot. |
Jun 9, 2020 11:02 AM
Jun 9, 2020 11:07 AM
It’s fine Ufotable’s adaptation and stellar animation is what really carried it tbh. I’m actually pretty excited for Spring Song since I enjoyed Lost Butterfly, and hear it will have like 3 major fights - really the only thing I give a fuck about in this franchise. |
Jun 9, 2020 11:11 AM
Fate is easily one of my favourite series. It has a lot of themes and ideas that really appeal to me all kind of mushed together into one. I've watched all of the anime entries, played most of Type Moons visual novels (the ones with English translations anyway), and countless other manga, novels and short stories. But I must say that a lot of the spinoffs are very hit and miss, to the point where I'm just wishing they'd give more attention to the other major entries in the universe, like Tsukihime, that could be just as big of a hit if it was given the Ufotable treatment. For my personal favourite in the series, it has to be Heaven's Feel. I love the darker turn it takes, and especially seeing the main star, Sakura, had barely any screentime before this and it really fleshed out her character. Shirou's development in HF is worth mentioning as well. For least favourite, it has to be the Extra series, I'm just not personally a fan of the sci-fi twist on the series that it does. The thing that appealed to me the most when i first started the series was the urban fantasy setting, strip that away and it barely felt like Fate anymore. |
RennJun 9, 2020 11:21 AM
Jun 9, 2020 11:12 AM
I like it so far from what I've watched ( still need to watch Fate/zero and Heaven Feel). Also playing the vn rn (UBW route), its a bit slow but so far good. |
Jun 9, 2020 11:12 AM
I like the series and understand why it's popular, but just like SNK I couldn't board the hypetrain Also, Rider (Zero) is n°1 husbando material Also, VN hardcore fans are annoying as heck |
Jun 9, 2020 11:13 AM
Not perfect but generally extremely entertaining shows. As far as favorites the best are the ones in cooperation with UFO Table like Fate/Zero, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works TV, and the Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel films. Extra bonus points if Yuki Kajiura did the music for them: |
KruszerJun 9, 2020 3:54 PM
Jun 9, 2020 11:22 AM
I really love the ufotable Fate/Series and by that I mean ufotable only. From what I've seen from other studios - they are pretty much garbage. I have a slight preference for UBW and Heaven's Feel because I like the characters more like: Rin, Emiya (yes, I like Emiya - shut up), Archer, Lancer, Saber (I prefer her in UBW) than Fate/Zero - which don't get me wrong it's great but the characters are much less likeable imo and no spoilers but my favourite character in Zero dies pretty early on and I'm still devastated (well, not that early on I guess but it's in a shitty way so it hurt). Also, everyone praises Fate/Zero 2nd Season to the high heavens but it got a bit grim for my tastes and turned into a full-on zombie horror for two episodes in the middle of it and I personally didn't like that whiplash shift in tone. I think Heaven's Feel might end up being my favourite route. Those movies are KILLER. One of my favourite things to come out of the Fate franchise is Emiya Gohan a.k.a. Fate/Cooking. It's one of the best slice of lifes out there and probably the anime I've rewatched the most. Ufotable did such a great job changing the art style plus it's really wholesome and cute. It's probably part of the reason I love all those characters so much, seeing that other side to them was great. I'd love a season two but it'll probably never happen. |
🔥 🔥 🔥 . 阿良々木 暦, 傷 物 語 . 🔥 🔥 🔥 Build a man a fire and you'll warm him for a night but set a man on fire and you'll warm him for the rest of his life... - H E N D Y - |
Jun 9, 2020 11:27 AM
I was a big fan of the franchise a few years ago, but my interest towards it has diminished with time (mainly due the direction the franchise has taken with Fate/Grand Order). I mainly like the branch of the franchise including Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero (and Fate/kaleid sometimes), the spin-offs have been hit-or-miss for me. Also, Carnival Phantasm is the best thing to come from the Fate franchise, fight me. |
IllyricusJun 9, 2020 11:33 AM
Jun 9, 2020 11:31 AM
Fate/Kaleid if you want a fate series banned in russia for child pornography |
Jun 9, 2020 11:34 AM
Jun 9, 2020 11:34 AM
I haven't seen much of it. But from what I have watched , it is pretty good. I am more of a Zero fanboy than Stay Night because I like tragedies, but Stay Night is also pretty cool , especially Shirou. Honestly , Garden of Sinners > Stay Night tho. Go check it out , it's from the same writer. Tbh , I really enjoyed the episodes I saw of Fate/Grand Order : Babylonia too. It has a very basic storyline (tho touching at times) and pretty bland protagonists (servants are cool tho) but the overall execution of the anime really made it enjoyable. Well what do I say , hype for Heaven's Feel p3 I guess. |
DomineLkiraJun 9, 2020 11:42 AM
Jun 9, 2020 11:37 AM
I'm still a bit of a Fate newb, but i really like it so far. I'm following the original VN route order; i started with F/SN (2006) and i'm making my way through UBW S2 right now. Will watch Zero after the Heaven's Feel movies. Anyway, the whole "secret battle royale with super-powered weirdoes" concept scratches a very specific itch that i love, so i think it has potential to become one of my favorite franchises in the long run. I plan to watch everything there is of Fate just 'cause i find its whole universe so interesting. My experience with the fandom has...not been great so far. Episode discussion forums are chock-full of VN elitists nitpicking the shit out of everything and getting salty over the adaptations not being 1:1 carbon copies of the source. As if it was possible for an anime, with all its time constraints, to include every single dialogue/monologue from a such a long-ass VN in the first place. |
Jun 9, 2020 11:44 AM
Stygian_Prisoner said: I'm still a bit of a Fate newb, but i really like it so far. I'm following the original VN route order; i started with F/SN (2006) and i'm making my way through UBW S2 right now. Will watch Zero after the Heaven's Feel movies. Anyway, the whole "secret battle royale with super-powered weirdoes" concept scratches a very specific itch that i love, so i think it has potential to become one of my favorite franchises in the long run. I plan to watch everything there is of Fate just 'cause i find its whole universe so interesting. My experience with the fandom has...not been great so far. Episode discussion forums are chock-full of VN elitists nitpicking the shit out of everything and getting salty over the adaptations not being 1:1 carbon copies of the source. As if it was possible for an anime, with all its time constraints, to include every single dialogue/monologue from a such a long-ass VN in the first place. The fandom is really toxic tbh. They treat people who prefer Zero as a somewhat inferior specimen lol. They bring up VN everytime someone criticises the anime , not realising that bringing up the VN in an anime only discussion means that the anime didn't portray the themes properly. Which actually strengthens the argument of the people criticising the adaptation. |
DomineLkiraJun 9, 2020 11:48 AM
Jun 9, 2020 11:56 AM
I wanna know what fate is all about. So is it fine if I just watch the ufotable shows in order of release? |
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Jun 9, 2020 11:56 AM
Going to try to get into Fate by reading the VN first and then watching both Ufo's and Deen's adaption. I keep putting it off though. The Fate Go stuff I don't even know if I can watch because while I don't mind VN's Gacha games I really don't care for. |
Jun 9, 2020 11:59 AM
Jun 9, 2020 11:59 AM
Well, here's my short review on my experience of the franchise: Stay Night, Unlimited Blade Works and Zero anime - great, no need of previous knowledge about the franchise, watch in that order Heaven's Feel movies - way too rushed, you may not know what's going on if you never read the Visual Novel before ; in that case, watch after SN and UBW Prisma Illya - lolicon bait for the most part but the story gets actually good from 3rei onwards ; applies both for the anime and manga ; watch after all of the above Apocrypha anime - outstanding first part, subpar (at best) second part Lord El-Melloi 2 Case Files anime - a deeper look into the universe but feels way too rushed, probably skipped a lot of details and explanations from the Light Novels ; should watch last Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia visual novels - they were absolutely superb to me but are the only VNs I ever read so my opinion on them doesn't have that much value Grand Order anime - watch only if you played the game Grand Order game - been playing it for 2 and a half years, don't do it if you value your sanity ; the worst gacha rates ever, I regret starting it every day but it's already too late for my soul |
Jun 9, 2020 12:05 PM
Outside of the Anime that cover the 3 routes of the game and Apocrypha I honestly am not a fan of the rest of the material. The universe is too expansive and confusing, especially with Grand Order. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:05 PM
SagarSR said: I wanna know what fate is all about. So is it fine if I just watch the ufotable shows in order of release? Unfortunately there's no right way to watch Fate series thanks to the nature of its incomplete/botched release order. If you had to give it a spin as an anime-only, watch Fate Unlimited Bladeworks, Fate Heaven's Feels movie Trilogy and finally watch Fate Zero. Recommended alternative is to play the visual novel and complete the 1st playthrough. Then pick up the anime of UBW, HF trilogy and then Fate Zero. After all of the above, you can choose to watch whichever Fate series suits your interest (Grand Order, Apocrypha, Extra etc etc) if at all you feel yourself liking the franchise. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:07 PM
KreatorX said: SagarSR said: I wanna know what fate is all about. So is it fine if I just watch the ufotable shows in order of release? If you had to give a spin as an anime-only, watch Fate Unlimited Bladeworks, Fate Heaven's Feels movie Trilogy and finally watch Fate Zero. ok so UBW first then Zero, got it thanks |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:09 PM
KreatorX said: If you had to give it a spin as an anime-only, watch Fate Unlimited Bladeworks, Fate Heaven's Feels movie Trilogy and finally watch Fate Zero. Have you watched/read Unlimited Blade works and Heaven's Feel before Stay Night? I never did but it feels to me as if that'd be liike to skip the introduction. Sure, Stay Night is the oldest of all and the animation is inferior to the rest but if that's not an issue to the viewer, then I think that'd be the best experience. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:10 PM
SagarSR said: KreatorX said: SagarSR said: I wanna know what fate is all about. So is it fine if I just watch the ufotable shows in order of release? If you had to give a spin as an anime-only, watch Fate Unlimited Bladeworks, Fate Heaven's Feels movie Trilogy and finally watch Fate Zero. ok so UBW first then Zero, got it thanks Yeah, Fate Zero was written with the idea that the consumer has played through all 3 endings of the visual novel (Fate route, Unlimited Bladeworks route and Heaven's Feel route). It's like a massive info-dump that clears up a bunch of mysteries. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:10 PM
Have in mind that Zero contains heavy spoilers for Heaven's Feel. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:12 PM
Illyricus said: how can you say that when fate/food existsI was a big fan of the franchise a few years ago, but my interest towards it has diminished with time (mainly due the direction the franchise has taken with Fate/Grand Order). I mainly like the branch of the franchise including Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero (and Fate/kaleid sometimes), the spin-offs have been hit-or-miss for me. Also, Carnival Phantasm is the best thing to come from the Fate franchise, fight me. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:13 PM
Lionel13927 said: KreatorX said: If you had to give it a spin as an anime-only, watch Fate Unlimited Bladeworks, Fate Heaven's Feels movie Trilogy and finally watch Fate Zero. Have you watched/read Unlimited Blade works and Heaven's Feel before Stay Night? I never did but it feels to me as if that'd be liike to skip the introduction. Sure, Stay Night is the oldest of all and the animation is inferior to the rest but if that's not an issue to the viewer, then I think that'd be the best experience. Maybe, I think there is a fan edit of the 2006 version that removes the half-baked inclusions of UBW and HF into the Fate route's adaptation. That can be watched before trying out UBW->HF->F/Z. The 2006 adaptation had some decent OST though. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:17 PM
since third movie for HF didn't release, do I wait for that and then watch Zero? |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:19 PM
KreatorX said: Maybe, I think there is a fan edit of the 2006 version that removes the half-baked inclusions of UBW and HF into the Fate route's adaptation. That can be watched before trying out UBW->HF->F/Z. The 2006 adaptation had some decent OST though. Wait, half-baked inclusions? I must have forgotten about them. There are some hints about UBW in the visual novel, maybe they aren't done well in the anime. Ye, if that's the case, Stay/Night may ruin the experience for UBW and HF. Btw nice profile pic and signature, mate. Emilia > Rem huehuehue |
Jun 9, 2020 12:22 PM
SagarSR said: I wanna know what fate is all about. So is it fine if I just watch the ufotable shows in order of release? Fate is a visual novel by Kinoku Nasu and has three routes. a)Fate b) Unlimited Blade Works c) Heaven's Feel The three routes focus on different heroines , Fate(Saber is the main girl) UBW (Rin is the main girl) and Heavens Feel(Sakura is the main girl) Fate route was only once adapted into an anime by Studio Deen , which did an...okay job I guess but took some stuff from other routes so it can spoil the said other routes. And it also has a pretty bad reputation in the fanbase. But if you want to watch it there is an edited version available which basically cuts all the spoilery stuff it had. I will link it after an edit Edit: Here is the link. You can skip this Unlimited Blade works has been adapted twice , by Deen and ufotable. Just watch the ufotable one. Watch UBW prologue , and then season one and two. Heaven's feel is being adapted right now by ufotable into a trilogy , and only two parts are out right now. There is also Fate/Zero , is the prequel to the whole Fate/Stay night. It took place 10 years ago before the whole Stay/Night , and tells the story of the Fourth Holy Grail War. But the writer is not Nasu , so the type of approach to the premise is a bit different. These all are part of the original Fate storyline. Now the watch order= >Fate/Zero Now , some people won't agree with Zero being on top of the watch order. But trust me , watching Zero after Stay/Night ruins F/Z , cause F/SN essentially spoils the whole Fate/Zero anime. There are like two spoiler for Heaven's Feel in Fate/Zero , but they are really minor , so in my opinion you should start with Fate/Zero and then continue with the series. >Fate/Stay Night (2006 , edited version strictly , you can skip this if you want) >Fate/Stay Night; Unlimited Blade works by ufotable. >Fate/Stay night : Heaven's Feel currently only two parts of the trilogy is out. Congratulations , now you can watch ANY spinoff of the series. Or....just read the Fate/Stay Night VN , if you have 100 hours to spare. |
DomineLkiraJun 9, 2020 12:31 PM
Jun 9, 2020 12:22 PM
SagarSR said: since third movie for HF didn't release, do I wait for that and then watch Zero? Depends on what you prefer. If you like cool visuals, watch Zero and then Heaven's Feel 'cause the animation in the movies is heavenly. If you are more story-orientated, watching Zero last is the best option, at least in my opinion. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:24 PM
SagarSR said: since third movie for HF didn't release, do I wait for that and then watch Zero? If I'm not mistaken, the second movie already reveals the plot point that is spoiled in Fate/Zero, so you could watch HF II and then watch Zero and then wait for the third movie. But I haven't seen the movies yet, so I could be wrong. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:25 PM
Heavy? They are very minor. They were sort of foreshadowed too. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:34 PM
DomineLkira said: Heavy? They are very minor. They were sort of foreshadowed too. Bruh Zero spoils the fact that Rin and Sakura are sisters and that Ilya is Kiritsugu's daughter And it also spoils the state of Kirei and the nature of Zouken |
Jun 9, 2020 12:37 PM
SagarSR said: since third movie for HF didn't release, do I wait for that and then watch Zero? Ok, go through this and you can form your own opinion. All this drama would have gone if there were adaptations of each route in proper order. There's always the visual novel to play if you just want a deep dive into the Fate series. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:38 PM
Zero is a masterpiece. Prisma Illya is better than it has any rights to be. Stay Night is alright. Apocrypha is garbage. Haven't seen the rest. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:38 PM
PraiseTheSun123 said: DomineLkira said: Heavy? They are very minor. They were sort of foreshadowed too. Bruh Zero spoils the fact that Rin and Sakura are sisters and that Ilya is Kiritsugu's daughter And it also spoils the state of Kirei and the nature of zouken I still think they are minor in comparison to spoiling the entirety of Zero just to avoid these spoilers. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:47 PM
EGOIST said: Nice try, mate, but Fate/food is Carnival Phantasm 2.0, so my point still stands Illyricus said: how can you say that when fate/food existsI was a big fan of the franchise a few years ago, but my interest towards it has diminished with time (mainly due the direction the franchise has taken with Fate/Grand Order). I mainly like the branch of the franchise including Fate/stay night and Fate/Zero (and Fate/kaleid sometimes), the spin-offs have been hit-or-miss for me. Also, Carnival Phantasm is the best thing to come from the Fate franchise, fight me. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:48 PM
DomineLkira said: I still think they are minor in comparison to spoiling the entirety of Zero just to avoid these spoilers. Fate/Zero is supposed to be a backstory and not a story on its own. It is literally the authors' idea to consume it AFTER the main routes. |
Jun 9, 2020 12:54 PM
Lionel13927 said: DomineLkira said: I still think they are minor in comparison to spoiling the entirety of Zero just to avoid these spoilers. Fate/Zero is supposed to be a backstory and not a story on its own. It is literally the authors' idea to consume it AFTER the main routes. Lionel13927 said: DomineLkira said: I still think they are minor in comparison to spoiling the entirety of Zero just to avoid these spoilers. Fate/Zero is supposed to be a backstory and not a story on its own. It is literally the authors' idea to consume it AFTER the main routes. I watched it after watching the main routes. I enjoyed Zero more than Stay/Night , and was honestly disappointed that I spoiled Zero for myself , thanks to some guy telling me it's the "intended order". Maybe it is , it personally didn't work for me , maybe I am just a special case. i don't know In my honest , subjective opinion , Zero is a better show , and it's not worth spoiling the entirety of it , even though it's supposed to be the 'intended order" There is a reason ufotable released it first , and even changed Shirou's character to a little less cheerful , just to match Zero's tone. And even a character from Zero made a cameo appearance in UBW. Ufotable intended UBW to be a sequel to Zero. But whatever. |
DomineLkiraJun 9, 2020 1:00 PM
Jun 9, 2020 12:58 PM
Hmmm honestly I think is a bit confusing as a franchise. Is not a very friendly watch when you don't have any knowledge of the source material. That being said, I think overall is quite nice tho, but Fate/Zero is superior in basically every aspect anyway. |
Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores To clasp the bosom that my soul adores, Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours |
Jun 9, 2020 1:05 PM
DomineLkira said: I watched it after watching the main routes. I enjoyed Zero more than Stay/Night , and was honestly disappointed that I spoiled Zero for myself , thanks to some guy telling me it's the "intended order". Maybe it is , it personally didn't work for me , maybe I am just a special case. i don't know In my honest , subjective opinion , Zero is a better show , and it's not worth spoiling the entirety of it , even though it's supposed to be the 'intended order" There is a reason ufotable released it first , and even changed Shirou's character to a little less cheerful , just to match Zero's tone. And even a character from Zero made a cameo appearance in it. But whatever. Yup, Fate/Zero is widely recognized as the best anime in the Fate franchise, which is also shown by its rating and popularity here on MAL. I also liked it the most but I've heard some people who complain they have no idea what's going and that the pace is too slow and they dropped it. So ye, it poses some risks to watch it first. And sometimes the purpose of an anime is not to see what happened but to see how things happened. As I see your Senjougahara profile pic, a decent comparison is Kizumonogatari in the Monogatari series. You know roughly what happened but still wanted to see how, right? |
Jun 9, 2020 1:05 PM
DomineLkira said: PraiseTheSun123 said: DomineLkira said: Heavy? They are very minor. They were sort of foreshadowed too. Bruh Zero spoils the fact that Rin and Sakura are sisters and that Ilya is Kiritsugu's daughter And it also spoils the state of Kirei and the nature of zouken I still think they are minor in comparison to spoiling the entirety of Zero just to avoid these spoilers. All F/SN routes spoils F/Z in the same way, if one starts with UBW Fate/Zero will already be spoiled, so there's not much difference. And those plot points that F/Z spoils doesn't play a big role in its story, while in Heaven's Feels they do And the same could be said for Zero, as it spoils the plot twists that occur at the end of all routes Kirei is the villain, the 8th servant, the true nature of the grail and so on... In the end it's just a matter of preference, but I prefer to start Fate/stay night more as it has actual worldbuilding (referring to the VN) and after all it was the intended order. |
Jun 9, 2020 1:10 PM
yaruka said: Fate/Kaleid if you want a fate series banned in russia for child pornography Ewww, you must be a Russian spy. Gross! |
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