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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
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Jan 20, 2020 8:43 AM
Mar 2016
I'm just curious about what makes this anime less popular on MAL compared to the other titles on this season when, as far as I know, there are so many Japanese people hyping this anime up. I mean it doesn't even get a place in the top 5 of this season (based on MAL's popularity), which is arguably the weakest season of the last 12 months with no high-profile animes beside Haikyuu (or maybe also Darwin's Game). Given that condition, it should be easy for this anime to climb the ladder, especially knowing that it isn't broadcasted by Amazon or Netflix like Dorohedoro or the former Carole & Tuesday. So, what do you guys think about that? What's holding down the popularity of this anime?
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Jan 20, 2020 9:37 AM

Sep 2016
Well as far i this happens on MAL a lot. There are several good shows that don't get a high score here at all. If it's result of fan boys, or simple the majority of people who has MAL doesn't liking the show or not knowing or not giving a note, bots... idk. But this has always been a problem tbh...

I remember of Db S fans here downvoting Gegege no Kitarou simple because it got the timeslot of it in Japan

Also remembered the downvoting war between SNK fans and FMAB fans that kept creating fake accounts to either boost and downvote the show,s this because a bug happened and FMAB lost first place to SNK in top 10 for a few days...

So like there are several things that could be the main cause of this, tho i doubt it's bots this time, and more about people don't really knowing this show here... I never heard it before the trailer omes up and instigates me to watch (now i catch uo with manga lol).
Armins2Jan 20, 2020 9:40 AM
Jan 20, 2020 12:11 PM

Nov 2019
7.8 is a pretty good reception tbh for a brand new anime
Don't let others ruin things for you. Even if a toxic fan pisses in your cereal, you could just get another bowl of cereal.
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Jan 20, 2020 3:25 PM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
It's one of the highest ranked of the season at the moment and has a reasonable 36k watchers this early on, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Jan 20, 2020 6:12 PM
Mar 2016
SignsOfSuicide said:
7.8 is a pretty good reception tbh for a brand new anime

I'm talking about the popularity, not the rating or score. I know that the rating is positive so far

Numi said:
It's one of the highest ranked of the season at the moment and has a reasonable 36k watchers this early on, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.

I don't know if having 36k viewers for the first 2 episodes can be considered popular but the way that it's not even in the top 5 of most members of this season seems to give me an unpopular anime vibe. Especially considering this season is full of no names compared to the previous ones in 2019
Jan 20, 2020 7:27 PM
noiz cancelling

Jan 2008
36k after two episodes is, in my experience, pretty good for a series that is not the sequel/spin-off of an already popular series. It's by no means ridic popular (I would sooner say that of a show that exceeds 50k after 2-3 weeks), but there are single-cour shows that never even break 30k by the 12 week mark. I've seen a lot of the spring and fall shows' watching stats over the years and noticed that the greatest increase in watchers happens during the first three weeks of airing and (in the case of single-cour series/seasons) the first couple weeks after a show finishes.

Let's first eliminate sequels like the new Haikyuu season. Those have an unfair advantage when it comes to popularity. Then let's look at current watching numbers. Hanako-kun would definitely be in the top ten site-wide for the season. I see one title with about 56k, several that are in the 39-43k range, and not much more that are higher in watching numbers than Hanako-kun. It might be just outside the top five across the site, but it's still doing very well this early on, with a higher score compared to most other non-sequels, and its drop rate, while not super low, is still respectable enough to not warrant complaint. The fact that this season is full of no names helps to show that it is in fact shining above "middle of the road."
Jan 21, 2020 7:16 AM

May 2012
Overrated garbage

It more popular than it deserves. Railgun S and Itai no wa Iya nano should be more popular than this crap
Jan 21, 2020 7:31 AM

Jul 2013
It's decently popular in Twitter where most anime fans reside.
Jan 21, 2020 7:58 AM
Feb 2017
i feel that highly stylized shows like this tend to gain popularity as they go.

thepath said:
Overrated garbage

It more popular than it deserves. Railgun S and Itai no wa Iya nano should be more popular than this crap

I don't know who pooped in your food but i truely feel sorry for you :(

PS. @thepath Railgun T rocks
Jan 21, 2020 11:48 PM

Oct 2014
nor everyone is using a MAL account.
Jan 22, 2020 1:02 AM

Sep 2019
Tbh i don't care about popularity, but for 60,000 members and 7,8 score it is already good. Imo, anything above 50,000 members is popular already. So i don't see any reason to say that something is holding down its popularity. It's only been 2 episodes so far, so there is still a chance for it to get more popularity.

Wandering Witch is the best light novel ever!
Jan 22, 2020 1:22 PM

Jan 2019
I feel this show is the one with the most potential to gain a bigger audience as it goes on, so give it some time to settle in.
Jan 22, 2020 2:09 PM
Oct 2018
this post is useless

this anime has good reception so far, so i dont understand what you are trying to say
a score of 7.8, is really good for an anime with 2 episodes

Jan 23, 2020 11:30 AM

Jul 2017
If you want strangely unpopular then look at one of the other shows by the same director, Hakumei to Mikochi, with 20,000 less people than this show. It aired 2 years ago and is now out on Blu-ray. It came out on HiDive which was relatively new at the time, which might have something to do with it. So I think this is doing fine (apart from Funimation being late with ep 3, grr)
Jan 23, 2020 1:41 PM

Feb 2019
DokuseiYT said:
this post is useless

this anime has good reception so far, so i dont understand what you are trying to say
a score of 7.8, is really good for an anime with 2 episodes

Your post was useless. He said POPULARITY. Not score. Read.
Jan 23, 2020 1:41 PM

Feb 2019
Honestly same question, it's hella slept on.But I would not use MAL or Reddit as indicators, check Twitter.
Jan 23, 2020 1:49 PM

May 2018
It seems pretty popular to me, its already got a mini fandom on twitter and instgram (probably tumblr too but idk) and its been backed by loads of manga readers, also its score isnt half bad, I think it will also get higher as well
SeijatachiiiiFeb 16, 2020 1:31 PM
Jan 23, 2020 5:44 PM
Apr 2018
Well, if we talk about popularity, anime trends on their website has Hanako on the first seat of popular anime this week. So, I think people start to recognize this one. And the score in MAL is pretty high over all anime this season.

In my country, people talk about Hanako on twitter recently and get hyped about it. But majority of them don't have MAL account.
Jan 23, 2020 6:01 PM
Nov 2013
The title could be an issue, Toilet-bound Hanako-kun doesn't really have a nice ring to it
Jan 23, 2020 8:46 PM

Sep 2017
40K watching on its 3rd episode is decent enough for a decent anime, I've seen S-tier shows with less than 10K

Jan 23, 2020 10:38 PM

Mar 2019
Most anime starts off with average popularity, and it will increase in time. If this show can pull off a Demon Slayer Ep.19, then it will explode in popularity.
Jan 25, 2020 6:28 AM

Feb 2018
I think it's doing well so far. Maybe the reason why it isn't in the top 5 could be the first episode didn't caught so much of the attention. Usually, shows which have a reaaaally good pilot, tend to have good numbers at the beginning. I think it'll be compensated later on, since it definitely is one of the best shows of the season. It'll not be able to surpass the high-profile anime, such as Haikyuu, Boku no Hero, Diamond no Ace, etc, but it'll reach a good position at the end of the season. Now it's on the 12th place in the top airing anime (and you need to consider the never ending anime which never leave the top postiions, such as One Piece and Detective Conan); I think if gets into the top 10 by the end of the season, it's good enough. Besides, it's comedy, which attracts fewer people than other genres; not to mention, it has a higher place than Mairimashita, a comedy show that has been airing for a longer time
Jan 25, 2020 6:30 AM

Feb 2018
W-Y_2001 said:
Most anime starts off with average popularity, and it will increase in time. If this show can pull off a Demon Slayer Ep.19, then it will explode in popularity.

I find it hard to, since the genres are different. Jibaku is comedy show with some action scenes and Kimetsu no Yaiba was a shounen show. Shounen anime tend to be the most popular ones
Jan 30, 2020 7:37 AM

Oct 2007
it's about a boy in bathroom. Not an attractive title for me at least.

But watched it after being recommended by a friend, so far it's on an enjoyable level.
Jan 30, 2020 1:10 PM

Mar 2017
I think it has a pretty good rating, but to be honest with a lot of the anime on MAL the ratings don't reflect the quality of the anime.

I have an anime Instagram account and my Hanako posts are actually one of the most popular so it's definitely being talked about and people are definitely enjoying. I'm satisfied with that!
Jan 30, 2020 1:28 PM

Sep 2018
I think the supernatural genre is generally niche. Beyond that a ton of anime release each season which makes it more difficult to get popular.
Jan 30, 2020 1:44 PM

Oct 2013
It's nothing mindblowing or new.
Jan 30, 2020 2:13 PM

Aug 2016
generic shounen plot meets alice in wonderland? why did this anime get above a 6?

The toilet spirit had malicious intent at first but because the female lead is so special he forgot about it and now just protects her. Also what is that orange haired guy even bringing to the plot other than a reverse harem member with comic relief?

There are definitely worse anime released this season don't get me wrong but this series objectively is nothing special.
Jan 30, 2020 3:00 PM

Jun 2017
Other than its unique art style it doesn't have anything special and also the plot isn't battle shounen or isekai or some edgy shit you expect to have a better popularity
Jan 30, 2020 5:07 PM

May 2013
The animation style is not for everyone (although I give it a 10 for it) contrasting colors and crisp outlines. Its beautifully animated with matching aesthetics. Lots of cutesy characters (chibi forms).

Yokai themed anime, makes its hard to get into because it does not delve in the seriousness of it, if u get past that, then you I think you will enjoy it.

I think there is more to the characters, but so far everything presented is just on surface level. I do hope it progresses well.

Jan 30, 2020 5:36 PM

Jul 2019
I like this anime but I don't think this is the best thing in the world. I would give it a higher score but I don't know why they gave Yashiro the daikon legs, I feel like that pretty much turned me off. But it doesn't really bother me, still a good anime that I enjoy.
Jan 31, 2020 5:14 AM

Jun 2013
Personally, I feel like a lot of the series that came out this season lacked the promotion that more bigger series have like Boku no Hero Academia or Haikyuu. This series will most likely be picked up by fans of the manga or people who browse MAL or LiveChart to see seasonal Anime. Also, the art style is gorgeous but not everyone's cup of tea. Most people will probably think it's more of a shoujo than a shounen too and not everyone likes shoujos as they do shounens.
Jan 31, 2020 5:43 AM
Nov 2019
I picked it up due to the art style being "different" - I'm also liking Somali to Mori no Kamisama, Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! and Ishuzoku Reviewers (Uncensored vaersion) for the artwork.

I think more people will pick it up as they get bored and drop the more generic anime's that are on this season - I've already dropped at least four series because I've seen it all before or the MC is annoying.

I think this season does have more "graphically - out there" programs on but this deserves a 8 rating and more attention than it's currently getting. It's only up to Ep.4 so plenty of time yet....
Feb 1, 2020 8:16 AM

Nov 2018
I think it's doing pretty well so far. Definitely one of the more popular shows of the season that don't have an advantage from the get go like Haikyuu being S4 of a very popular series, Eizouken being from a renown director, Darwin's Game being edgy and having cute girls. The score will probably be above 8 by the time it ends, since a lot of people only rate a series after it ends.
Feb 1, 2020 9:54 AM

Oct 2013
Well don't want to seem shallow here, but first impression is a really a powerful thing, believe it or not a lot of persons have a impression on a anime just based off its cover, because the cover shows us the character design and also hints to the type of atmosphere the anime has, truthfully based off the cover, I'm not interested in it either, plus the synopsis doesn't seem that interesting either, but I will give it a chance by watching one episode since this series has gotten some hype and the manga is rated pretty highly.

But yeah, the reason why its not that popular is because of how the character design looks, it looks like a kid show if I'm being blunt.
Feb 3, 2020 7:45 AM
Jan 2020
This show deserves more popularity! It is the most underated in this season
Feb 3, 2020 9:13 AM
Mar 2013
keragamming said:
Well don't want to seem shallow here, but first impression is a really a powerful thing, believe it or not a lot of persons have a impression on a anime just based off its cover, because the cover shows us the character design and also hints to the type of atmosphere the anime has, truthfully based off the cover, I'm not interested in it either, plus the synopsis doesn't seem that interesting either, but I will give it a chance by watching one episode since this series has gotten some hype and the manga is rated pretty highly.

But yeah, the reason why its not that popular is because of how the character design looks, it looks like a kid show if I'm being blunt.

same thing for me, the cover and character design turned me off, I want to give it a try but each time I look at the cover I feel I won't like this show, plus I'm not big on supernatural comedy with no other main genre like action or mystery, maybe I'll finally do when I've ran out of everything else and get bored
Chigo_SenseiFeb 3, 2020 9:17 AM
Feb 10, 2020 5:26 PM

May 2016
Fans are keeping the popularity up but is really that good? I differ...
As I checked a bit of the messages people asked me where I read certain thing, I can't buy all volumes but I have a few but the rules says no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that.
A quick note remember English is not the only language and certain series are available in other languages that other people maybe can read.

Feb 10, 2020 5:40 PM

May 2008
I've gave this the 3 episode rule before I dropped it. This isn't really interesting, it's quite bland. Also it's got like the lowest animation budget i've seen all season. Most of these episodes looks like moving storyboards than actual animations. Which would be more excusable it was cheap shortform eps and not full length episodes. However my friend who I was watching it with was really into it. Sometimes all it's gotta be is cute enough to stay popular.
Feb 15, 2020 9:07 PM
Nov 2015
I Will tell you why, cuz this site overhyped shonen and all rest of genre are stuck under 8 score ... I seen really good animes with rates under 8 BUT THE MOST GENERIC shonen over 8,50 cuz for some reason fanboys thinks that was good.
Animes were mc is overpower and can beat everything and everybody withouth trying, Or animes shonen full of cardboard female lead that the only reason they are there is for bringing tropes like Lolicons or Big boobs lovers (oppais lovers) ... I have seen those SHONEN fanatic brigade voting other animes so their "fave" can stand out ... That happen with shijaya the Card anime about poem.

I seen fantasy hard to digest animes with 7,30 cuz some fanboys rate it Bad cuz the anime didnt follow their imagination, they dont want to enjoy and anime, they want the same fórmula over and over again with different character desings.

Btw have you see shoujo scores in this site ???? Only 3 are over 8 ... Tell me again how this place is not call shonen my list

I know you say popularity not score BUT IS almost the same, almost all anime fans want to see shonen, they almost never watch any other genre and when they do, they score it under 7 cuz is not cool or IS slow ... I'm not making this Up, i Saw a review on MUSHISHI that said "this anime os boring, all they do is Talk" wtf !!!! That anime is a masterpiece hahahah
Feb 16, 2020 1:14 PM
Jul 2018
Pretty much the only reason is that it's not supposed to be popular. Doesn't look like it has some edgy plotline which it pretends to have because of the manga's popularity in Japan.

That's what my friend who dropped this anime said. The difference is I read the manga and he didn't. As long as the anime keeps up with the manga, there's no need to worry because most people will catch up. The characters have some alright development but the classic style of telling one story after another can be a bit bothersome. This is both a plot driven and character driven story but not all characters are properly developed, which is another reason why this can fail to impress some perfectionists.

Anyways, coming back to the anime, the animation and art style do look a bit choppy here and there compared to the manga, and that disappointed me a bit. The opening is fine and generic and the ending is okay, matches to the feel of the story.

People are probably aversed to this anime because it has a shoujo art style. Nonetheless, things do get darker as the plot moves on.

I'm sure this show will end up pulling a Puella Magi Madoka Magica by the final episode. It looks deceiving, so the initial popularity will be low but by the end, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out to be one of the winner anime in this season.
Feb 17, 2020 1:02 PM

Oct 2008
Well. It appears to be a lot more popular and rated much higher than it actually deserves to be.
But it isn't like MAl scores have to do anything with reality.

As for me, i drop this show.
Far too boring for my taste.
Feb 17, 2020 3:48 PM

Mar 2019
Tbh I couldn't make it to ep 2 even, I failed the 3-episodes drop rule
The problems of this anime as many other ppl have mentioned so far, the animation budget is probably 0. The story is N/A, and finally, this looks like a reverse-harem anime or something that's more attracted by "young" female audiences, The "cover poster" of the anime even looks like a reverse-harem anime, and the characters tbh are just ... ugh, too bland maybe ? I can't even describe it. *facepalm*
Feb 18, 2020 8:37 PM

Apr 2017
I personally hope that it is popular enough (whether apparent on MAL or not) to get a season 2 and so forth. Would be a shame to have this cute series left incomplete.
Feb 20, 2020 7:12 AM

Mar 2019
I keep hearing that the manga is better. In fact, the manga is rated higher than My Hero Academia and Demon Slayer!
Feb 26, 2020 3:12 AM
Jul 2018
I dropped it after one episode :/ Felt like a poor man's Noragami for shotacon/lolicon fans. Seriously, how am I supposed to believe Nene is a high schooler when she looks 5?
Feb 26, 2020 5:19 AM
Nov 2019
The Manga is good - the Anime is OK ish..

Loving the art style and the dark twists, hating the pacing and omissions.
Feb 27, 2020 3:01 PM
Jul 2018
I don't know either, because I really like it so far from the premise and the art style. And he gives away these Yato-vibes in his behavior haha
Feb 28, 2020 11:44 AM

Apr 2014
I think 7.77 is the perfect score for this anime.
(in relation to school mystery no. 7)

バニッシュメント・ディス・ワールド !

Feb 29, 2020 1:18 PM
Jan 2016
My question is why the manga is rated so much higher....the animation and story telling are pretty stellar and capture the manga style seamlessly from what I've why the manga so much higher? Doesnt even really seem like an 8.66 series imo going off the anime, definitely an 8+ but there are a lot of similar stories out there with more original execution....does the manga just get that good later on?
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