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Mar 24, 2015 9:10 PM

Nov 2011
Mm, typical OVA episode focusing the kids at school. Hina's so cute when doing that little jump of hers. Well, apparently she also didn't fell very well in this episode but the others came together to help her.

Dat wedding dress though.
Stark700Mar 24, 2015 9:15 PM
Mar 25, 2015 4:00 AM

May 2009
Worst girl won (in LN too). Fuck this shit.
Mar 25, 2015 8:43 AM
Apr 2014
Where can i see this episode?
in subbed
Mar 25, 2015 12:58 PM

Jan 2013
bastek66 said:
Worst girl won (in LN too). Fuck this shit.

Really. F'ing sora!
What was the point of all the bs with Raika? Mr.Generic mc spends a lot of time making sure no other guy got to even look at the girl in a bikini. Why cockblock other guys then choose the bitch?....oh, that's right...this is still a LN series, the self insert still has to get all the girls even if he plans to fuck just one of them.
Mar 25, 2015 1:01 PM

Aug 2014
sonictoryuiai said:
bastek66 said:
Worst girl won (in LN too). Fuck this shit.

Really. F'ing sora!
What was the point of all the bs with Raika? Mr.Generic mc spends a lot of time making sure no other guy got to even look at the girl in a bikini. Why cockblock other guys then choose the bitch?....oh, that's right...this is still a LN series, the self insert still has to get all the girls even if he plans to fuck just one of them.

Where did you watch it?
“The day before yesterday, I saw a rabbit. 

Yesterday, it was a deer. And today, It’s you.”
Mar 25, 2015 1:14 PM

Apr 2014
Shitty ova
Mar 25, 2015 1:15 PM

Aug 2014
Z4k said:
Shitty ova
where did you watch it?
“The day before yesterday, I saw a rabbit. 

Yesterday, it was a deer. And today, It’s you.”
Mar 25, 2015 1:28 PM

Apr 2014
DasBeast said:
Z4k said:
Shitty ova
where did you watch it?

Watched it raw in gogoanime
Mar 25, 2015 2:06 PM

Sep 2012

Please keep in mind that the anime only adapted 2 volumes of the Light Novel.
2 volumes out of 18. So there are a lot of things that we might not know ^^

Still I loved this OVA. We managed to get the end of the series animated, that's some miracle !
Mar 25, 2015 2:45 PM

May 2009
Supposedly fans in Japan are enraged, they want another volume with proper ending since Raika was most popular. They also hate that nothing was pointing out that Youta has romantic feelings towards Sora.
Mar 25, 2015 7:16 PM
Jul 2011
so i guess im the only one that thought their parents where still alive ;-;. it was such sweet series so i didnt actually think they ...... you know...... well i just sat there flabbergasted just saying to myself " its all a lie, they just in a coma situation" . well that totally ruined my anime/lunch time.
Mar 25, 2015 9:10 PM
Sep 2014
Incest win! I think Yuuta go married with her classmate. Sinceraly i am surprossed
Mar 25, 2015 9:13 PM

Jan 2014
Sora best girl. Dot. <3
Mar 25, 2015 11:59 PM

Aug 2013
I'm still waiting for the OVA to get sub but I just finish the RAW. I love the OVA but i'm still wishing for a second season but I'm not getting my hopes up. Anyway there's still so much left unexplained but I'm still satisfied. But did Yuuta really pick Sora? If he did than I'm happy because Sora is the best girl in the series. I never thought the creator would go that routine. And I guess Yuri and Shingo are really are dead, that's sad because I was hoping they would make a surprised return but oh well.
Mar 26, 2015 12:16 AM
May 2014
Disappointed by Sora ending. Now I just want to know who voices Sasha.
Mar 26, 2015 2:01 AM

Sep 2008
2 out of 18...god i have a lot of reading to do ....(i actually hopped for a second season...or that the parents were alive ;_;)
16 volumes to fid out how the fuck did he went with that route =/
not reallly dissapointed, nor that it was too unexpeced, i just wanna know why =/
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

Kyurem Black. Kyurem White. Together they are Pretty Kyurem.
Mar 26, 2015 8:19 PM

Jun 2012
Best girl won, thank you Buddha.
Mar 27, 2015 3:01 PM

Jan 2012
Anyone knows the name of the song Miu is singing?
Mar 27, 2015 5:57 PM

Dec 2007
skualninja said:
Anyone knows the name of the song Miu is singing?

The OP
Mar 27, 2015 6:34 PM
Mar 2012
Lol gotta love the "development" that led to this. Nonetheless, this is pretty much confirmation that we'll never get another season of this series. However, Sora did look cute in the wedding dress. I was a Raika fan, but I'm surprisingly fine with Sora too.
Mar 28, 2015 6:53 AM
Jun 2010
bastek66 said:
Supposedly fans in Japan are enraged, they want another volume with proper ending since Raika was most popular. They also hate that nothing was pointing out that Youta has romantic feelings towards Sora.

I read that the most popular figure in Japanese was Miu. Well, it is one that should end Harem, unfortunately again was chosen the worst girl

I'm sorry for bad English
Mar 30, 2015 3:33 AM

Apr 2011
Lol Yuri is so obsess with boobs xD

Anyways that came out of nowhere we probably won't see the development that made this shit happened.
Mar 31, 2015 1:16 PM

May 2009
HellTsukuyomi said:
I read that the most popular figure in Japanese was Miu. Well, it is one that should end Harem, unfortunately again was chosen the worst girl

Fuck NO, it would be better if he stayed as father of three sisters.
Apr 2, 2015 6:47 PM

Mar 2013
People who hate Sora can go kick rock.
Apr 3, 2015 9:56 AM

Jun 2013
I felt really bad for Shingo and Yuri (the parents). Brought tears to my eyes, despite not liking the conclusion.
Apr 5, 2015 5:51 AM

Sep 2012

The booty blast over Yuuta marrying Sora is overwhelming.
Oh god who are you people?
Apr 5, 2015 6:05 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Damn that was... kind of a shocking OVA I have to say. Like really how often does a single OVA affect the overall story as much as this? I'm kind of amazed in a way
HaXXspettenApr 5, 2015 7:30 AM
Apr 5, 2015 6:07 AM
Feb 2013
Kaengel said:

Please keep in mind that the anime only adapted 2 volumes of the Light Novel.
2 volumes out of 18. So there are a lot of things that we might not know ^^

WTF? So there's a massive massive gap between end of TV series and this OVA episode? Chances of S2?

The parents being ghosts was kind of messed up in my opinion. Would of preferred if they just showed up at the very end then emotional impact would of been much stronger.
Apr 5, 2015 6:07 AM
Apr 2014
yakami95 said:
Incest win! I think Yuuta go married with her classmate. Sinceraly i am surprossed

They are not blood related.
Apr 5, 2015 6:08 AM

Aug 2014
Is there a chance for second season now that some of the last Vol. (18) is adapted? I don't know, highly highly doubt it.

How will we get closure on how Yuuta came to choose Sora?! Are the LN's translated? Who is Sasha lol? Might Miu be a lesbian?
"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and dantolyntan's shit taste in Japanese cartoons." - Benjamin Franklin
Apr 5, 2015 6:10 AM
Feb 2013
dantolyntan said:
Is there a chance for second season now that some of the last Vol. (18) is adapted? I don't know, highly highly doubt it.

How will we get closure on how Yuuta came to choose Sora?! Are the LN's translated? Who is Sasha lol? Might Miu be a lesbian?

Sasha might be Miu's birth mother.
Apr 5, 2015 6:19 AM

Mar 2014
I honestly couldn't care less if they get married or not but how fucking delusional can you get, do people seriously think this is ok?
You think this is going to lead to a healthy relationship?
"You are going to have to kiss when you get married."
"K-k-k-kiss???? Nope nope nope, that's way too lewd, we might hold hands b-but that's it, we shouldn't rush things!"
Come fucking on, I'm fucking glad there isn't going to be another season, the first one was great but it's obvious this will just keep introducing girls and shove a ton of romance that will never go anywhere and ruin what was so great about the first one, like, jesus christ man, 18 volumes and like 5 different love interests later and there's not even a fucking kiss? Fuck you.
"Oh, I have to end the series? That's too bad, guess I'll just take one of the girls and marry her with the MC because lol who fucking cares about how relationships actually work, amirite? I'll just have the parents first say they are against it and then give the loli a fever and make the parents worry and in come the MCs and they will be all like "shit, they totally got this now, you were able to tell your sister had a fever, yep, that means you're ready to get married" and it'll be perfect."
So god damn unhealthy, this whole thing is a complete fantasy, it all works out because hey, it just does, these are anime characters, the guy just needs a decent job and the woman stays in the kitchen and they pop a kid every few years and pat each other in the back every once in a while and everything is perfect.
Would it be better if they married someone else? Probably, you really shouldn't be marrying when you just finished high school but if you're going to at least make me think you have put some thought into it, there's nothing here, zero, the whole thing felt like "well, we have been living together for a while and we don't hate each other so might as well keep at it", guess I'll go marry one of my sisters and be happy forever too.

Fucking LNs and their bullshit.
Apr 5, 2015 6:32 AM

Mar 2014
OP was still good though, 9/10.
Apr 5, 2015 6:55 AM

Feb 2012
Whatever happened to Raika? She was awesome!!

Oh well, I guess Sora is alright too, but she's still too young to get married. I mean, why not wait til she's past 20 years old or something, or when they're both financially stable. Plus getting married when they haven't even kissed?! Does the Yuuta even love Sora? Come on? You've gotta kissed at least once if you really love her.

I was saddened though to see the ghost parents missing all those years of their kids growing up.
You can just be yourself. Do things your own way, one step at a time. You'll get there. Just be yourself, you'll be fine."
~Fruit Basket
Apr 5, 2015 7:23 AM

Jul 2013
LastChapter said:
Lol gotta love the "development" that led to this. Nonetheless, this is pretty much confirmation that we'll never get another season of this series. However, Sora did look cute in the wedding dress. I was a Raika fan, but I'm surprisingly fine with Sora too.

Quite the surprise, this was.
Apr 5, 2015 7:49 AM

May 2013
I forgot, was Sasha ever introduced in the anime?

Anyways, can't believe that Yuuta and Sora actually got together. I had a slight feeling that was gonna happen or Yuuta was gonna end up with Raika. Cool to see the girls all grown up. Hina is still cute even after she's grown up.
Apr 5, 2015 8:16 AM

May 2011
What? Just what the hell happened in between the ova and the series? When i saw this ova i was overjoyed with the hope of more hina and raika moments but what the hell was that? Seriously what does it take to end up with a sora route? Now i'm totally curious on the remaining 16 volumes.

But i have to say, although for some reason a lot of people saw that coming, i just didn't like sora that much to begin with, raika </3

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Apr 5, 2015 8:52 AM
Sep 2014
Wow.. the hate of this OVA is serious. Remember we didn't see the years from their move and Sora graduation so things could have happened. She could have told him she liked her and waited till graduation to get married. As for Raika, we didnt see much romantic development with her and Yuuta. Anyways I don't understand the fan rage when both characters didnt get much light on the anime. Does anyone know where does this episode start in the LN? Is there more to it or we pretty much reached the end?
Apr 5, 2015 9:26 AM
Feb 2012
This would've been such a lovely story if not for the unnecessary harem elements (Yuuta marrying his niece in particular).

The first part with the parents reminiscing and visiting the girls was heartbreakingly sweet. I loved this show back in the day and felt incredibly happy and nostalgic while watching this OVA. A side note though-- Miu really can't sing.

Once again, take away the harem elements, or if you really need some kind of love let Yuuta marry that girl from the club his nieces love and let him stay as a father figure for Sora, Miu, and Hina. But this version, alas, really spoils the whole premise.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Apr 5, 2015 9:32 AM

Dec 2013
The first thing I'm upset about is the super long time-skip. 4 friggin years?!?! And absolutely no recap to tell us what happened in between? @#$&%@*#

Second thing I'm upset about it the lack of clarity for non LN readers. I watched everything for this series up till now and the fact that Raika was suddenly dropped from the picture is majorly upsetting, specially when the first OVA kinda hinted at Yuuta essentially staying "Papa" to the girls from then on (exactly how many years had past between the end of the series and the 1st OVA episode anyway? Can anyone enlighten me?). Here, after watching this, all I can say is: "I'm majorly confused"

I'm not upset that the show ended, or that the ending was as it is. I'm upset that I have no information or anything to fill the major gaps in the story. I really liked the original series, so having so much story in between missing is killing me right now...

Now if any kind soul could direct me to where I can read up on the LN (in english?) please, or even a recap of everything that happens in between the series and this ending, I would be eternally grateful.
Apr 5, 2015 11:09 AM

Aug 2014
I thought that the male MC only saw her as family.

I knew she had romantic feelings for him, but I never saw any signs in the anime that he had any feelings for her. HE ONLY SAW HER AS FAMILY!!!!!!

I could have sworn she was going to end up with the other chick.

Is this like Digimon were the popular couple won instead of the couple that made all the sense in the world?
Apr 5, 2015 11:09 AM

Oct 2012
I loved Sora x Yuuta ending.

Now I can safely buy the LNs to read where the TVA left off.
「友達なんていない。人はすぐに裏切るし、学校っていうのは誰かを標的にしないとやってられない馬鹿共の集 まり。ままごとみたいな役決めて、仲のいいふりして都合が悪くなったら知らんぷり。そんな奴らと仲良くした いとか全然思わない。」
Apr 5, 2015 11:13 AM

Aug 2014
jbeat said:
Whatever happened to Raika? She was awesome!!

Oh well, I guess Sora is alright too, but she's still too young to get married. I mean, why not wait til she's past 20 years old or something, or when they're both financially stable. Plus getting married when they haven't even kissed?! Does the Yuuta even love Sora? Come on? You've gotta kissed at least once if you really love her.

I was saddened though to see the ghost parents missing all those years of their kids growing up.

The marrying age in Jpn:

For females: 16

For males: 19 I think
Apr 5, 2015 11:14 AM

Aug 2012
I can't handle all these feels!
Apr 5, 2015 11:16 AM

Mar 2014
43211 said:
I thought that the male MC only saw her as family.

I knew she had romantic feelings for him, but I never saw any signs in the anime that he had any feelings for her. HE ONLY SAW HER AS FAMILY!!!!!!

I could have sworn she was going to end up with the other chick.

Is this like Digimon were the popular couple won instead of the couple that made all the sense in the world?
Digimon couples were created before the show even started airing.
Apr 5, 2015 11:56 AM
Aug 2010
best ending in my opinion, well really curious here on what it said on sora diary, the processes how those two got together.

fans of rika here (dat fat ftw), but respecting on creator feeling. this ending is awesome! i'm sunk in vanilla atm.

haters gonna hate, not really difer with oreimo. instead of forcing my fet.. i mean ideal, better i look forward to where the creator gonna take me using this papakiki world.

i'm dying now, vanilla!!!! dun forget, no offense here
koezhApr 5, 2015 11:59 AM
Apr 5, 2015 12:36 PM

Oct 2011
Such an Oreimo ending.

Forum icon by Yandere

Apr 5, 2015 12:56 PM

Apr 2015
I heard that the reason why Raika was not there, was because she was dead by the time Yuuta and Sora were going to get married.

Originally, Yuuta was going to marry Raika, but Raika apparently died. I'm assuming a car accident, on the way to her wedding.

I'm not sure of this myself, but it's what a lot of users have been saying who have read the LN.. (ー△ー;)
Apr 5, 2015 12:58 PM
Jul 2018
Yuuta and Sora are getting along with each other.

Hina is still cute even she is grown up.
Apr 5, 2015 1:08 PM

Feb 2012
I swear someone was cutting onions. Seeing everyone more grown up and the marriage was the best possible ending. It makes me sad that this is all over now. I want to read this all.
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