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May 29, 2011 5:32 PM

Jan 2011
The episode was ok, and lol at the odd random beginning
xD;; oh lol
well Ko and Ohana deserve each other
>3> he worked up very hard to try to meet her..
pft... so she does deserve her, as for the girl with the glasses at the end.
I don't think its competition, she seems older then Ko..
just saying.. > - >;;

anyways nice episode <3
May 29, 2011 6:20 PM

Jan 2011
How could you not smile at that ending :3
May 29, 2011 6:25 PM

Jun 2009
Poor Ko-chan :(
May 29, 2011 6:37 PM

Feb 2011
I guess it's not yet time for ko-chan to meet ohana :/
May 29, 2011 7:04 PM
Mar 2010
Kou: "What am I doing"

Yeah, what are you doing? Why would you go back ._.
May 29, 2011 7:16 PM

Jul 2010
First off, piano music in the beginning was awesome.

Ohana, what are you doing? Who freaking trips over themselves like that? I know you're running in those stupid sandals and a fall like that could happen, but, well, don't freaking run in the stupid sandals! >_>

And Kou, you're an idiot too. Why didn't you tell Ohana you were coming? Why do they always hang up before they can get there message across? You know, Ohana works at a bloody inn. It's not like he could, you know, stay the night or something. Oh no, can't do that! Better just turn his ass around and go on home. Forget all the money he spent on train/bus tickets to come as far as he did, Ohana's not going to be at the inn for a few hours, and there's just NO WAY she could be back and meet him there a little late. Yeah, forget the whole thing. Time to go home. I can't... express... how stupid this is... >.<

And lastly, TohruXMinko FTW. I refuse to ship OhanaXTohru, despite the way things are looking. :/
May 29, 2011 7:57 PM

Dec 2008
Im a OhanaxKo fan. But i wouldn't be super mad if it went OhanaxTohru. I always root for the best guy friend that is secretly in love with his bestfriend and can't say anything because he's the nice quiet considerate guy. And said above, as soon as i saw him on the train I though "Ooh, 5 centimeters per second". BUT WHY DID YOU LEAVE?! she was coming back anyways, ugh. I hope that ohana sees ko + megane-san (somehow) so something will happen, but i doubt it.

Tohru x Minko
Ko x Ohana
Although i don't think it'll happen that way.
May 29, 2011 8:13 PM

Mar 2009
They really should have let the writer drown in ep3, every scene with him in it is stupid and not funny. Other than that this was a pretty nice episode.
May 29, 2011 8:29 PM

Jun 2010
Oh no.. I feel so bad for Ko.. I do feel that they will have problems.. and what's with the girl Ko's with at his job?
I kinda feel that it will be OhanaXTohru
May 29, 2011 8:35 PM
Nov 2010
Frankly I don't see the Ohana/Tohru thing happening, but there will be some slight drama in the background. This thing is 26 episodes long so you know they are going to milk it to the very end. Probably very little progress, just some glances up at the sky every so often, some words of encouragement, etc. Then some sort of realization about how working at the inn and all the people she's met have let her know what's important, which comes as a voiceover as she is running to meet Ko and they have a quick re-confession/acceptance. This would probably all happen in the last 5 minutes of episode 26. just a guess - probably wrong :)

Anyway, great episode - hard to wait a week. Before it started, I felt this whole anime season would be pretty weak except for TWGOK but I have been pleasantly surprised, especially with shows like this.
May 29, 2011 9:04 PM

Aug 2009
Y'know, if anything I'd say Ohana's more in trouble of having Kou leave her rather than the other way around. As sweet of a guy as he is, he can't really be expected to cling to his hope of getting de-friendzoned forever.

I don't see Ohana x Tohru as an actual romantic possibility and that it's more of a device for creating tension between Ohana and Minko and forcing Ohana to realize the extent of Kou's feelings for her (same with Tohru and Minko). The problem then is whether or not Kou's heart has strayed by the time that happens.

Granted, I'd like nothing more than to see Ohana x Kou work out. Kou-chan alliance ftw.
May 29, 2011 9:06 PM

Nov 2008
Orulyon said:
Damn im so divided. I love Ko so much, but i also love Tooru soooo much. *cries*

OMG that preview of Ohana x Tooru was awesomeness!!!!! Kou, you better make a move if your gonna make it, otherwise your sure to lose her. It seems like Tooru and Ohana can happen, but still not sure. This is probably the first time I'm having trouble shipping a couple, b/c I like both guys. Anyways, the reunion at the end was really nice and good for them that everything worked out : )
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

May 29, 2011 9:23 PM

Nov 2007
so this Ko dude goes all the way there after she ignored him for a while, then she barely lets him talk and he can't tell her he's coming ... he goes there waits and then leaves before she gets there? well that's kinda pointless. I guess he'd be better off with the other girl, Tohru is going to end up like bird nest head Ohana. you'd think he would of tried the nicer inn or something else .... to go all the way there and then leave?
May 29, 2011 9:32 PM

Apr 2008
I don't think this show is really grasping at its full potential, back when it started I thought It would be the best show this season, for starters the animation is beautiful, it really is, everything is such a pleasure to look at its almost soothing.

The plot looked set to kick off as well, the relationship between ko and ohana needed to have been pushed much more in these episodes, instead what we're left with are episodic subplots that are kind of stupid if you ask me e.g. the writer - minchi's bad attitude - the role players - each of these sub plots just emphasises how rosy life is at kissuiso and how everyone's all united etc etc - It's nice too watch such episodes but over and over again it gets cliche - while the real plot is sidelined by random occurances like "too much noise over the phone" or "kissuiso being full and ko not wanting to look for another place to stay".

Because of this I feel the show has become predictable - just look at the next ep preview, Ohana gets ill, it's going to be another ep documenting how the kissuiso family gallantly covers for her being sick, more factory produced happily ever after fodder to hide the real plot.
May 29, 2011 10:33 PM

Aug 2009
I don't mind Tooru and Ohana but Minchi...
which means I'm on the Kou/Ohana side.
Great episode.

Dat preview. Damn.
May 29, 2011 11:33 PM

Aug 2009
connect91 said:
Im a OhanaxKo fan. But i wouldn't be super mad if it went OhanaxTohru. I always root for the best guy friend that is secretly in love with his bestfriend and can't say anything because he's the nice quiet considerate guy. And said above, as soon as i saw him on the train I though "Ooh, 5 centimeters per second". BUT WHY DID YOU LEAVE?! she was coming back anyways, ugh. I hope that ohana sees ko + megane-san (somehow) so something will happen, but i doubt it.

Tohru x Minko
Ko x Ohana
Although i don't think it'll happen that way.

I like to root for the "nice boy" too, typically they get entirely ignored. I would like Ko to get Ohana in the end, but Ohana is not making things easy. As far as MinkoxTohru, it would be sweet, and I think it's even more possible now than it was earlier on. Still, TohruxOhana has nice tension which I love.
May 30, 2011 12:33 AM

Jan 2010
Arrrgg.. Something about Ohana just kinda erks me sometimes... Her airheaded good-natured stupidity... Great episode. Kinda slow at times, and when Ko passed Ohana in the train I thought I was watching a Korean drama. 5/5 Awaiting next ep!
May 30, 2011 12:36 AM

Nov 2010
May 30, 2011 1:44 AM

Jan 2010
Ahahahaha I think half of the Ko x Ohana Shippers just abandoned ship and switched to The Tooru x Ohana side~ Personally IM TORN!!! I love both of them sooooo much but I think im leaning a little bit more to Tooru~ I mean he has more interactive time with Ohana so its wayyyy more Interesting and cute than the distant friendship Ko and Ohana have! This ep has been sooooo good though!!! My only disappointment is that Ko and Ohana missed each other!!! If Ko or Ohana saw eatchother when they passed via train or motorbike that would of made my day!!! STUPID KO!!! Just go to another Inn lol!!!

Anyway the preview looks exciting!!! Im seriously gonna die waiting for next monday.... XP
May 30, 2011 1:49 AM

Feb 2008
Favorite episode so far.

Ko needs to stop being so damn beta.
May 30, 2011 1:56 AM

Jul 2010
I would have joined Kou x Ohana Alliance but after seeing all these posts. i'm shipping to Ohana x Nako + Minchi x Yuina. end of the story.
----------------------------------- [MDL stats]
May 30, 2011 2:26 AM

Mar 2010
i feel sorry for ko-chan
May 30, 2011 2:52 AM

Jun 2009
It's too bad that Kouichi didn't get to meet Ohana. :/ That girl at his work looks beautiful.
May 30, 2011 3:28 AM

May 2008
I think ohana would rather be friends with minchi over pursuing a relationship with tohru
May 30, 2011 4:34 AM

Mar 2010
I was happy with Kou going back cause it defied my expectations. I don't know what otheres are expecting but this is an anime about working in an inn.... The work and issues faced. Not some hardcore depressing drama. Maybe moderate amounts but not flash flooding due to my tears.

Great episode.
My Blog: Due2Life

May 30, 2011 5:13 AM
Nov 2007
Ko is so sweet and officially my favourite character despite his lack of screentime. I think he went home because he realised that he'd be disturbing Ohana during her busy day + she told him to focus on his own work. Honestly speaking, whether we get Ko/Ohana or Tohru/Ohana doesn't bother me as long as Ko doesn't get all depressed. (I do slightly prefer Ko/Ohana since he's so helpful and genuine though) The new girl seems like she'll be interesting. Was that Ko who said "come home Ohana"? Oh my, I'm looking forward to next week. Based off the writer's twitter, the episode will be packed with a lot more twists than it seems from the preview.

Kissui Inn did well in the magazine, yay. Gosh, that perverted writer was useless.

And Nako's short scene was awesome.
zzzfdfdsfsdfafsMay 30, 2011 5:22 AM
May 30, 2011 6:15 AM

Nov 2008
Too bad Kou didn't get to see Ohana ;w;
But yeah another great episode as usual <3

Lulexiaa said:


May 30, 2011 6:21 AM

Feb 2009
...Aww, poor Ko T.T

Seriously, Ohana needs to end up with him because he is just so bloody sweet and just wants what's best for her, she really should recognise that effort. Ko, you are definitely the guy I am rooting for!
May 30, 2011 8:31 AM

Jun 2009

Great episode neverthless, i think no matter what they get out with i'll still love this show, it's just that awesome.
Also, when are those insert songs gonna be out? They're really good.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
May 30, 2011 8:44 AM

Dec 2009
7godeohs said:
Frankly I don't see the Ohana/Tohru thing happening, but there will be some slight drama in the background. This thing is 26 episodes long so you know they are going to milk it to the very end. Probably very little progress, just some glances up at the sky every so often, some words of encouragement, etc. Then some sort of realization about how working at the inn and all the people she's met have let her know what's important, which comes as a voiceover as she is running to meet Ko and they have a quick re-confession/acceptance. This would probably all happen in the last 5 minutes of episode 26. just a guess - probably wrong :)

Anyway, great episode - hard to wait a week. Before it started, I felt this whole anime season would be pretty weak except for TWGOK but I have been pleasantly surprised, especially with shows like this.
Don't forget her mom! Her mom is bound to come back and try to take Ohana back.
May 30, 2011 9:35 AM

May 2010
Ko-chan back home :S

in this episode, you will die horribly... *laughs just as shion*
lightness vs. darkness
Nani mo kamo wo hoshigatteita Mayoeru mono no chikai
Mada miru sekai o tsukuridasu koto Kuchi hateteiku
May 30, 2011 11:27 AM

Jan 2011
Ko was on the clock? Take a vacation day damn it!! :C
It was sad that he went back home. And you just know that girl at his work has a crush on him. Maybe when she tries to steal him away Ohana will take action.

The preview for next week almost gave me a heart attack. No Ohana x Tooru, NO!! Stop shipping them! They're completely wrong for eachother in every way imaginable.
Bitchy Tooru should be with bitchy Minko.

Ohana, do what Ko said in the preview, come back home.
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May 30, 2011 12:56 PM

Sep 2009
I guess this show will go with an Tohru x Ohana ending...though i support Ko and ohana more since he confess first, and i love him. But tohru ohana is cute too :D If ohana don't want ko then he will be mine :D Whats with the megane-ko? lol
May 30, 2011 1:41 PM

Jul 2010
Lovely episode! Good to see Ohana found Tooru and everything went ok. Poor Kouichi wasn't able to meet Ohana in the end though. Hopefully he'll try again another time.

Now that the landlady is back and recovered, Ohana gets sick next episode! =O

May 30, 2011 3:10 PM

Feb 2010
Ko is nice and all, but no thanks. Tohru + Ohana ftw. I like their fiesty combo... and next week looks interesting...

..oh babyyy ;)
May 30, 2011 5:40 PM

Apr 2009
Tohru looks nice in a suit.

And that's all i have to say about this.
May 30, 2011 6:41 PM

Aug 2008
Even though I go KYAAA~ when I see the interaction between Tohru and Ohana, somehow it just feels wrong for them to be together, mainly because of Minko. Besides Ohana doesn't seem to feel that way towards Tohru.. for now.
So I guess I'm a Ohana x Ko and Tohru x Minko shipper. I'm also fine if their relationships remain platonic at the end of this series.
May 30, 2011 7:48 PM

Jan 2009
Persistence Prevails

Kou needs to suck it up and take the initiative to finish what he started like Ohana, lol.
IG: @ChrisCrossCrash
"There isn't a single guy who doesn't want to spoil his girl."
--Amagami SS
May 30, 2011 7:49 PM

Feb 2010
get owned Ko
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May 30, 2011 8:56 PM

Jul 2010
MusashiRose said:
Ko is nice and all, but no thanks. Tohru + Ohana ftw. I like their fiesty combo... and next week looks interesting...

..oh babyyy ;)

agree with you
May 30, 2011 10:15 PM

Oct 2008
Poor Kou. :/

This episode was warm and fuzzy though. :3
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
May 31, 2011 1:20 AM
Jul 2010
This episode was seriously amazing! It passed so fast...

Anyway, on the couples issue... I like Tohru better than Ko but I he's the one for Minko. I support MinkoxTohru and OhanaxKo all the way.
May 31, 2011 2:45 AM

May 2008
Seriously, I don't want Tohru x Ohana happening :/
I'm supporting more the Minko x Tohru pairing. Ohana looks so much younger it's almost like abusing :/

But I liked the episode pretty much~
May 31, 2011 5:49 AM

Nov 2010
can't wait for the next ep after seeing that preview
poor Ko :c
May 31, 2011 7:52 AM

Aug 2010
So let me get this straight...Guy travels through the country by trains, to meet up with the beloved girl who had to move due to family circumstances...I wonder if I had seen this before

Anyhow, go Kou-kun! I'm counting on you since I support MinchixTooru. Enjoyable episode overall, glad to see the group managed even without the Landlady. I don't know who thought that the insert song was needed, that voice is just driving me mad! Someone please shoot her before I pop my eardrums. 4/5.
Mogami-kunMay 31, 2011 7:58 AM
Jun 1, 2011 1:10 AM

Dec 2008
No offense to Kou fans but I honestly hope he gets written off very soon, what a waste of time watching him be an idiot and run around aimlessly, I can't help but feel satisfied when he was shot down for a reservation at the Inn.

Then again, he's here to stay for an unfortunately long time but I hope the Good End out of all of this has nothing to do with him. Hopefully.
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Jun 1, 2011 2:03 AM

Oct 2010
Mogami-kun said:
So let me get this straight...Guy travels through the country by trains, to meet up with the beloved girl who had to move due to family circumstances...I wonder if I had seen this before
Very nice catch, I am curious as to what other scenes will be borrowed from 5cm. It was rather a high rank series.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jun 1, 2011 11:21 AM

Jan 2009
Kou is retarded, if he really cared about Ohana I'd wait around and then be like surprise! but nah he wastes time going out to the countryside just to go back to the city :/. But I like how this episode concentrated, on the place was a complete mess without everyone and then thanks to Ohana bringing back Nako and Tohru, the place got back in order. And then in the end, they enjoyed a long days work with some fried tempura mmmm. Great episode

What had me saying wtf though in this ep was when Ohana was like "Oh this is how Tohru's hair smells? I wonder if Kou's hair smells the same?" I was like y would u want to smell it anyways? lol
Jun 1, 2011 1:37 PM

Aug 2009
Oh, I teared up in this episode at the end with the "Welcome back" scene. ;_; It was just so touching.
10/10 for this episode, it was fucking amazing.
Jun 1, 2011 4:46 PM

Sep 2007
Man, something about this show just makes me roll my eyes. Maybe it's the fact that everything turns out picture perfect or the fact that Ohana's personality is way too damn genki to be connect to at all. The only character that's even remotely interesting is Mami Noto's character. Anohana is just blowing this out of the water.
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