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Apr 24, 2022 11:15 AM

Jul 2015
Well... First thing is, I can appreciate a piece of art/literature that gets political, even if I disagree with it, as long as it's not some cancerous crap about how homosexuals should be burnt and women slaves to their husbands. Heinlein's Starship Troopers is a good example. It can hardly get more far-right militaristic/authoritarian, yet I'll gladly agree it's a good book, and a cornerstone of sci-fi.

It's true lots of old shows are racist, or macho af, or homophobic. I can't stand Leiji Matsumoto's works because of how god damn retrograde the dude is, and I almost smacked the Macross movie when it turned the awesome main girl into a model housewife that makes the MC fall in love with her by (I am not joking) cooking and setting up the table.

BUT I'll be honest, I don't see how that's a "old anime" problem. I mean, there's Steins;Gate if you want modern and really popular macho, racist, homophobic shlock. Nobody has problems recommending that to anyone...
Apr 24, 2022 11:22 AM
Jul 2018
I do not see much difference between older and newer series in politics.

In fact newer series are much more conservative because they lack the budget of the older series and have inferior writing teams so they do not want to take a big risk, recycling the same ideas.

Were today to appear something like Gasaraki, you'd hear complains that it is far too heavy.

Also about comedy:

Apr 24, 2022 11:42 AM
Jul 2018
Deathko said:
It's true lots of old shows are racist, or macho af, or homophobic. I can't stand Leiji Matsumoto's works because of how god damn retrograde the dude is, and I almost smacked the Macross movie when it turned the awesome main girl into a model housewife that makes the MC fall in love with her by (I am not joking) cooking and setting up the table.

Oh no! Not the typically female interests!
You have to turn every woman into one of those "not like the other girls"-shitheads.

Also, I too am a fucking awesome woman / person and I'm still a "model housewife" and I hope people fall in love with my cooking and then me.
Apr 24, 2022 12:23 PM

Jul 2015
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
Deathko said:
It's true lots of old shows are racist, or macho af, or homophobic. I can't stand Leiji Matsumoto's works because of how god damn retrograde the dude is, and I almost smacked the Macross movie when it turned the awesome main girl into a model housewife that makes the MC fall in love with her by (I am not joking) cooking and setting up the table.

Oh no! Not the typically female interests!
You have to turn every woman into one of those "not like the other girls"-shitheads.

Also, I too am a fucking awesome woman / person and I'm still a "model housewife" and I hope people fall in love with my cooking and then me.

I don't want to believe you assumed I meant women who cook should be thrown down a cliff/shamed... ^_-

Everything is a matter of context, and a character which goes from being a very competent military officer with strong will and a special, deep relationship with the MC in the TV show, to being a potted plant who does nothing but put two plates on a table in one of the cringiest, most shoehorned scenes ever, felt pretty macho and retrograde. Going from "MC falls in love with her for all her unique and awesome qualities that make her a unique individual" to "MC falls in love with here because she shows potential as a mother for their future kids" which was 100% the tone of the scene in question is NOT a move I'll approve, and I think you can see why.

Also cooking duel when you want, but be warned: we frenchies have it in the blood. No way you're beating me, wimin or not UwU

Also this is kinda offtopic at this point, but while I cook well, I sure hope no woman ever fell in love with me/stayed with me just because I make good gyoza and pizzas... This said, cooking is not seen as a fatherly thing, so I'm probably safe from that.
DeathkoApr 24, 2022 12:27 PM
Apr 24, 2022 3:22 PM
Jul 2018
Deathko said:
_Maneki-Neko_ said:

Oh no! Not the typically female interests!
You have to turn every woman into one of those "not like the other girls"-shitheads.

Also, I too am a fucking awesome woman / person and I'm still a "model housewife" and I hope people fall in love with my cooking and then me.

I don't want to believe you assumed I meant women who cook should be thrown down a cliff/shamed... ^_-

Everything is a matter of context, and a character which goes from being a very competent military officer with strong will and a special, deep relationship with the MC in the TV show, to being a potted plant who does nothing but put two plates on a table in one of the cringiest, most shoehorned scenes ever, felt pretty macho and retrograde. Going from "MC falls in love with her for all her unique and awesome qualities that make her a unique individual" to "MC falls in love with here because she shows potential as a mother for their future kids" which was 100% the tone of the scene in question is NOT a move I'll approve, and I think you can see why.

Also cooking duel when you want, but be warned: we frenchies have it in the blood. No way you're beating me, wimin or not UwU

Also this is kinda offtopic at this point, but while I cook well, I sure hope no woman ever fell in love with me/stayed with me just because I make good gyoza and pizzas... This said, cooking is not seen as a fatherly thing, so I'm probably safe from that.

I just put it the wrong way... I meant it's nothing wrong per se to portray women - or anyone for that matter - like that, you know.
Most people thankfully prefer having a normal life over being a competent officer in the military and engaging in killing and all.

So it depends on the portrayal in general, but there is nothing wrong with "I can put this shit aside and enjoy life as a housewife now."
Apr 24, 2022 3:34 PM

Feb 2010
I hate that take and find it to be very stupid and ignorant because it never leads anywhere good or fruitful.

First of all, something existing or being mentioned in fiction does not automatically mean that the whole story is propaganda in favor of that one thing, and people who believe that (like that FMA take) are seriously worrying me with their inability to have nuanced opinions or know how fiction works. It's just so obviously stupid. You can include a topic or issue in your story without being supportive of it, although OP does not seem to be able to comprehend that based on what I've seen in this thread. That alone makes most of their takes on fiction bad by default because it's such a narrow-minded approach to analysing fiction that completely ignores every contextual aspect in favor of creating pointless outrage based on a terrible understanding of messaging and fiction.

But even if 'problematic' elements in fiction are framed in a way where the author seems to be in favor of them or at least not criticize them, older art or literature pieces are still historical documents that give us modern viewers a look into what society was like back then, and we're (maybe not OP...) intelligent enough to figure out ourselves that in a lot of those cases the author wasn't trying to push an agenda on us, but just writing based on their experiences and the time they lived in, documenting the ideals and often also the bigotry of that time because it's what they knew, just like modern authors know modern society.

To automatically see that as 'dangerous' or 'problematic' is in itself much more dangerous and problematic because it starts to sound like you would like to rewrite historical documents and fiction just so they fit better into your modern idea of morals or ethics and stop being 'problematic'. But wanting to rewrite history to better support your personal beliefs and agenda, is something that fascists LOVE do to (including the banning of literature 'promoting' dangerous ideas (like FMA, lol)) so anyone who wants to go down that road, be they from the left or right, will have to go over my dead body if they want to start rewriting history books or old fiction. That is a hill I'm willing to die on.

And just as a sidenote, but I find it pretty weird that people feel the need to have a go at FMA for the Ishvalans not being able to self-determine as if that's not an extremely realistic depiction of how many minority groups are treated in real life. But no, rather than being outraged over the treatment of palestinians or the Houthi in Yemen or any of the other real-life examples, FMA, which isn't even inherently supportive of that kind of treatment and just brings it up as a political reality, is the prime target for outrage on that topic. Fantastic. The internet has really broken all of our brains if we can tolerate and ignore injustice irl but get offended by the mere mention of it in fiction. We're doomed as a race tbh. Everyone just stop breeding so we can get this over with.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 25, 2022 3:46 AM

Jul 2015
@_Maneki-Neko_ In an ideal world, we'd have no soldiers. I think we can both agree that housewives are awesome, but that Japan going all "Men should fight and women should make baby to throw at the grinder wars of the glorious japanese empire" is not awesome.

Generally speaking, I feel the 60s/70s manga sometimes had a vague and displeasant stench of nostalgia for the militaristic, patriarchal imperial regime.
Apr 25, 2022 6:54 AM

Feb 2010
Deathko said:

Generally speaking, I feel the 60s/70s manga sometimes had a vague and displeasant stench of nostalgia for the militaristic, patriarchal imperial regime.

Really? What mangaka are you reading from that time period because the stuff I read (Mizuki, Tsuge Brothers, Tezuka etc...) doesn't really feel like that at all imo.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 25, 2022 6:59 AM
Jul 2018
The best thing is to just accept them as a product of their time
If it irks you that much don't recommend it
When I was on a movie watching binge a while ago I have realized that even a popular movie that was released in 2010 has hints of transphobia
Apr 25, 2022 7:06 AM

Feb 2010
Yaboyblunty said:
When I was on a movie watching binge a while ago I have realized that even a popular movie that was released in 2010 has hints of transphobia

I mean transphobia is unfortunately still the most mainstream acceptable form of bigotry so you can still find it in mainstream media today. Just look at the recent discourse about trans athletes or the whole Dave Chappelle saga. Or J.K. Rowling and other TERFs. Transphobia is still somewhat socially accepted even today and won't get you cancelled like other forms of bigotry can. So yeah, I wouldn't even call it a thing of the past, but a very current issue still.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 25, 2022 7:30 AM

Nov 2016
official_brown said:
I haven’t watched FMA:B but while quickly looking at the link you sent, I don’t see the problem of watching something that has themes of what you said, as long as it’s more of a villain’s ideology rather than viewed as positive in the show. If people are triggered by it than that sucks, but I don’t see the problem of older shows having older ideologies. Plus you gotta understand that mangakas aren’t insanely highly educated (most either only graduating from highschool and middle school). And it’s not like a conglomerate of people, it’s just one to two people for most manga. So if you take it that way then it’s ok as long as the authors are not praising the slandering.

Go watch FMAB, read the analysis again and laugh at how much of a retarded reach it is. Not sure if it was written by the most self-righteous person out there or if it's just a high effort shitpost. Concerning either way.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 25, 2022 7:36 AM

Apr 2015
Sort of annoyed at the critic, for not even bringing up that Scar character and his story arc is pretty personal for Arakawa and reflects her own experience living in Hokkaido and seeing Japanese vs Ainu culture and the ugly history of colonization there. She has both ainu and japanese relatives so she has had her own inner conflicts and Scar represents that. I understand her way of portraying a conflict that hits too close for other cultures is very simplified and get why it might be an issue to some. But in a way I understand her decision to use other cultures for the story, since it would cause a lot more noise in Japanese society.

Back on the topic if I recommend something I may or may not mention my own feelings on certain topics presented in the work. Usually I just say "this work has abuse/violence/period typical racism etc." in cases where i'm not sure what might upset the other and what they can handle. Quite many old animanga have racist caricatures of chinese people, but unless it also bastardizes the culture I won't hold it against the work and prob wouldn't mention it. I expect people to recognize issues the caricature has and use it as a way to understand what kind of society it was during that time and differences to today.

Scoring however is another thing. The work can still have things i like or find good while being problematic (god I hate that word nowdays). Like I have before mentioned on mal my favorite movie of all time is Cannibal holocaust, I don't have much of a high ground to side eye people who liked something in a work where I think the good doesn't outweight the issues in it.
Apr 25, 2022 7:58 AM

Jul 2015
Alcoholicide said:
Deathko said:

Generally speaking, I feel the 60s/70s manga sometimes had a vague and displeasant stench of nostalgia for the militaristic, patriarchal imperial regime.

Really? What mangaka are you reading from that time period because the stuff I read (Mizuki, Tsuge Brothers, Tezuka etc...) doesn't really feel like that at all imo.

Well, keep in mind I'm not saying the authors of those works are dangerous imperialist ptriarchs. I understand they were raised in very different eras. But I specifically remember being uncomfortable while reading Captain Harlock, or more recently Ashita no Joe. All this "men are tragic creatures who need to sacrifice themselves for their home while (mistreated) women cry in the background because they can't udnerstand mens' stuff" wasn't particularly pleasant, and I found it hard to not think about WW2 Japan's ultra-patriarchal regime when reading those.

Tezuka's definitely fine. I expressed myself poorly with "nostalgia", my point wasn't really that old mangaka were conservative killjoys but just that it's obvious reading some of those that they grew up in a regime which didn't give a f*ck about women >.>
DeathkoApr 25, 2022 8:05 AM
Apr 25, 2022 8:10 AM

Feb 2010
Deathko said:
Alcoholicide said:

Really? What mangaka are you reading from that time period because the stuff I read (Mizuki, Tsuge Brothers, Tezuka etc...) doesn't really feel like that at all imo.

Well, keep in mind I'm not saying the authors of those works are dangerous imperialist ptriarchs. I understand they were raised in very different eras. But I specifically remember being uncomfortable while reading Captain Harlock, or more recently Ashita no Joe. All this "men are tragic creatures who need to sacrifice themselves for their home while (mistreated) women cry in the background because they can't udnerstand mens' stuff" wasn't particularly pleasant, and I found it hard to not think about WW2 Japan's ultra-patriarchal regime when reading those.

Tezuka's definitely fine. My point wasn't really that old mangaka were conservative killjoys tbh. it's just obvious reading some of those that they grew up in a regime which didn't give a f*ck about women >.>

Eh, I'd just classify that as general machismo attitudes, not necessarily related to nostalgia for imperial Japan. And I didn't get any 'have to sacrifice themselves for their home' vibes tbh, the sacrifice seemed much more personal than that. Also just the fact that it was a woman being into the boxing business felt pretty progressive to me considering the time.

But yeah, what you describe sounds like standard sexism more than anything, and it's nothing new that Japan is not very progressive when it comes to gender roles and stuff, especially not back then, but even now.

Either way, I can recommend stuff like this

if you want to see what someone who had to fight in the war thought about it afterwards. It's pretty interesting.

I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 25, 2022 8:17 AM

Sep 2014
squirrvev said:
Hey, so I've been watching older anime for a while and I noticed that some of them have serious issues despite their relatively or even absolutely high score. This is especially the case with politics, because the authors of these works grew up decades ago and it shows. Even something from less than a decade ago can have some really bad moments.

This analysis is a pretty good example of what I'm talking about

have you ever found an older show surprisingly bad when it comes to stuff like racism or homophobia ? If so, why do you think the reviews/scores tend to fail to reflect that ?

First of all, you seem to confuse your own political beliefs with some objective truth on what is good/better, or deliberately present them this way. And that is false, and does not speak of quality of the show.

Secondly, even if you go with this absolutely silly mindset of "I agree with the politics =good, high score, I don't = bad, low score", I really can't understand how just portraying of some society with ongoing issues like that (racism or other kinds of opression etc), or even having a single situation like that in a story, somehow means the whole piece is bigoted or something. Just like this linked article, that reads like it was written by some activist and not a critic or fan of the meidum, makes a very weak link of FMA's situation to real life and then presents this as a criticism, despite the show never glorifying it or doing anything of the sorts. It's just stupid, and makes no sense. What is the goal and expectation here? For a story to be good, it has to have perfect society and characters, with political climate alligned with your world view, everyone respecting everybody at all times?

To answer your question, no, not really, I don't recall many racist/homophobic, and I have seen hundreds of series and movies by now. A joke that wouldn't be made nowadays is most that I came a cross.
Much older stuff like 70/80s kinda has this of being very boring with how male hero focused/kind of sexist it was at times, though, but I wouldn't judge a series like that through such a lens. I believe you have to consider the times and climate of the time they were made.
And scores do not reflect that, because I would believe most people don't rate anime based on agreeing with the politics, but rather how good and entertaining they are, and even still I think most know better not to confuse mere portraying of things to be equal to glorifying them, which is what both you and the auhtor of the FMA article do.
ImaishiApr 25, 2022 8:27 AM
Apr 25, 2022 8:21 AM

Jul 2015
@Alcoholicide That looks good, adding to PTW (tho tbh I tend to only read physical copies). More recently, this thing got published here in France:
Really reminded me of what Jacques Tardi, a french cartoonist, did with WW1

On the topic of FMAB... I can't say it seemed particularly racist to meeee? I thought it was about "nazis bad" but hey... You never know nowadays. *coughs* But it seems to me like someone decided to get mad at it for no reason tho. I remember people being outraged at KlK for opposite and incompatible reasons before, so...
DeathkoApr 25, 2022 8:24 AM
Apr 25, 2022 8:33 AM

Feb 2010
Deathko said:
@Alcoholicide That looks good, adding to PTW (tho tbh I tend to only read physical copies). More recently, this thing got published here in France:
Really reminded me of what Jacques Tardi, a french cartoonist, did with WW1

Ayy Jacques Tardi is great, I have a couple of his works in my collection. One of the publishing companies I work for has published most of not all of his works in german so I get a lot of free copies :>

But I'm jealous, france gets so much more translations still. That manga sounds pretty interesting. Under what name was it published in france? I might try to get it translated and published in german if it was somewhat successful in france. But it's probably too niche :/.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 25, 2022 11:11 AM

Jul 2015
Alcoholicide said:
Deathko said:
@Alcoholicide That looks good, adding to PTW (tho tbh I tend to only read physical copies). More recently, this thing got published here in France:
Really reminded me of what Jacques Tardi, a french cartoonist, did with WW1

Ayy Jacques Tardi is great, I have a couple of his works in my collection. One of the publishing companies I work for has published most of not all of his works in german so I get a lot of free copies :>

But I'm jealous, france gets so much more translations still. That manga sounds pretty interesting. Under what name was it published in france? I might try to get it translated and published in german if it was somewhat successful in france. But it's probably too niche :/.

It was called Sengo in France. Yeah I pretty much stopped updating my manga list because MAL is just catching up so slowly with french releases xD
Apr 25, 2022 12:56 PM
Jul 2018
Deathko said:
@_Maneki-Neko_ In an ideal world, we'd have no soldiers. I think we can both agree that housewives are awesome, but that Japan going all "Men should fight and women should make baby to throw at the grinder wars of the glorious japanese empire" is not awesome.

Generally speaking, I feel the 60s/70s manga sometimes had a vague and displeasant stench of nostalgia for the militaristic, patriarchal imperial regime.

I haven't seen enough of that era tbh.
It's just important to differentiate to know, if she wanted to be like that herself or if she's forced into that role.
Apr 25, 2022 1:01 PM

Dec 2021
AatihoNora said:
Because if you are a true critic you don't judge an anime based on ethics but on how creatively it was used to make the anime look more impactful. Best example
R-scene from Goblin Slayer and R-scene from Berserk has a huge difference the latter one shows how it impacts the story

I think that has to do with ethics too in a way tho. Showing sexual violence just for the shock value and entertainment is not just artistically lazy, but actually kinda unethical since it use a serious and sensible phenomenon that a lot of people suffered treating it like it's just an edgy scene like another, where using those things in a plot-meaningful and powerful way like Berserk did is not
Apr 25, 2022 1:04 PM

Dec 2021
I wanted to agree with your point but holy shit the article makes 0 sense. I've never seen such a jarring example of over-reading and reading superficially at the same time, for how paradoxical it may seems
Apr 25, 2022 1:12 PM
Mar 2022
Even something from less than a decade ago can have some really bad moments.

Wait, in what way? They were okay originally, and then they just suddenly BECAME bad moments with the passing of time? That makes no sense, either something is right or it's wrong. Something doesn't BECOME meaningfully right or wrong just because time passed. You're tacitly admitting your ideas and values are completely malleable and change every few years to the whims of political pressures.

Expecting foreign media to conform to your particular postmodern Western cosmopolitan set of values is called cultural imperialism.

It's especially ridiculous when you get indignant about foreign media from several decades ago not conforming to contemporary American values. Basically, have you considered being less ridiculous

Apr 25, 2022 1:36 PM

Dec 2021
Even something from less than a decade ago can have some really bad moments.

Wait, in what way? They were okay originally, and then they just suddenly BECAME bad moments with the passing of time? That makes no sense, either something is right or it's wrong. Something doesn't BECOME meaningfully right or wrong just because time passed.

Yes, it does. That's what cultures are.

[quote=YAHOOGAYCHATROOM message=66240514]
You're tacitly admitting your ideas and values are completely malleable and change every few years to the whims of political pressures.

Not "every few years" since cuktures don't change that rapidly, political pressure it depends what you mean (if you mean in the larger sense of "politics" then yes, if you mean like the government or something then no, that's not the point, it's the other way around usually). Not just him or me tho, you too, everyone, againm that's how culture works

Expecting foreign media to conform to your particular postmodern Western cosmopolitan set of values is called cultural imperialism.

It cracks me up how you're mixing postmodernism and cultural imperialism although they are basically the opposite but ok. Pls tell me, how can you be culturally imperialist if your stance is "there is no objective value and it's all cutural" (i.e. there is no culture morally superior to the other). I'm not saying some specific aspect or branches of postmodernism didn't push imperialist narratives, but calling it out specifically regarding cultural relativism makes 0 sense. Anyway i'll just wait for you to point out where OP supposedly said they should adhere to our standard, instead of just simply pointing out what they look like for today's standards (and if you believe that in 21th century japanese values are that radically different than western values you are very delusional)

It's especially ridiculous when you get indignant about media from several decades ago not conforming to contemporary American values. Basically, have you considered being less ridiculous

I'm sorry, do you believe social equality is specifically a US value? I really hope not
P.S. And i don't even agree with OP main point
Apr 25, 2022 1:40 PM
Mar 2022
Alcoholicide said:
Yaboyblunty said:
When I was on a movie watching binge a while ago I have realized that even a popular movie that was released in 2010 has hints of transphobia

Or J.K. Rowling and other TERFs.

hey 50-something year old female author umm so basically im gonna need you to suddenly change your deeply held cultural understanding of gender that has been very important to your identity and your way of looking at the world for your entire life. yeah im gonna need you to change that overnight. because.. because I said so ok??? if you don't, you can expect lots of death threats and rhetoric about 'punching TERFs' haha but don't worry about it thats just part and parcel of disagreeing with our loving and tolerant ideology. I am on the right side of history. I am definitely the good guy.
- you

Oznerol7 said:
(regurgitated Hasan talking points)

yeah cool do you have any ideas of your own though?
Apr 25, 2022 1:49 PM

Dec 2021
Alcoholicide said:

Or J.K. Rowling and other TERFs.

hey 50-something year old female author umm so basically im gonna need you to suddenly change your deeply held cultural understanding of gender that has been very important to your identity and your way of looking at the world for your entire life. yeah im gonna need you to change that overnight. because.. because I said so ok??? if you don't, you can expect lots of death threats and rhetoric about 'punching TERFs' haha but don't worry about it thats just part and parcel of disagreeing with our loving and tolerant ideology. I am on the right side of history. I am definitely the good guy.
- you

Oznerol7 said:
(regurgitated Hasan talking points)

yeah cool do you have any ideas of your own though?

And i'm supposed to know who this person/institution/whatever is because...?
Google tell me it's a turkish name.
Anyway it's not mandatory to answer if you have nothing to say
P.S. More extensive reasearchs tell me there's a certain Ihab Hassan that's a an egypto-american academics whose field of interest is post-modernism. I still have 0 idea why i'm supposed to know him according to you
Oznerol7Apr 25, 2022 1:59 PM
Apr 25, 2022 3:39 PM
Jul 2018

hey 50-something year old female author umm so basically im gonna need you to suddenly change your deeply held cultural understanding of gender that has been very important to your identity and your way of looking at the world for your entire life. yeah im gonna need you to change that overnight. because.. because I said so ok??? if you don't, you can expect lots of death threats and rhetoric about 'punching TERFs' haha but don't worry about it thats just part and parcel of disagreeing with our loving and tolerant ideology. I am on the right side of history. I am definitely the good guy.
- you

Those guys are professional agitators and very dangerous.
Apr 25, 2022 8:42 PM

Feb 2016
You're tacitly admitting your ideas and values are completely malleable and change every few years to the whims of political pressures.

The way it's SUPPOSED to work is that SOCIETY's values are malleable, and change after those with "antiquated" values die off. Too many people these days unfortunately think it's normal for individuals to change their values according to political whims.
ใใฎ็›ฎใ ใ‚Œใฎ็›ฎ๏ผŸ
Apr 25, 2022 10:41 PM

Feb 2014
To comment on the OP, I gave Macross Plus a 10/10. Now because the only role the female characters serve is as love interests to the male characters, it's problematic; and therefore doesn't deserve the 10/10 I gave it? Because it may offend some? And my score/review should reflect that?

Come to think about it, most of my reviews take people who aren't into consideration.
We wanted to see if you had the ability to expand your mind and your horizons. And for one brief moment, you did. For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered. *That* is the exploration that awaits you. Not mapping stars and studying nebulae, but charting the unknown possibilities of existence.
Apr 25, 2022 11:26 PM

Mar 2021
squirrvev said:
The problem with recommending older shows

The problem doesn't have anything to do with politic or social issues. The real problem is that newer generations are likely closed minded to watch anything that looks too old. This is going beyond the point of having something released over two decades ago even available for watching.

Most of my anime I have collected in my life I own on hardcopy from VHF to Blu-ray. I have actually tried to watch some Anime I own streaming on websites and the quality looks and sounds awful because it's likely just ripped from a DVD or even a VHS tape.

If you were to actually experience Anime from the 80s and 90s that are on actual official VHS or DVD, there is a distinct difference in quality from something that is just ripped from a hard source then streamed. A good analogy would be like watching something that is essentially a 3rd or even a 4th generation recording depending on how it's encoded. You just can't beat the fidelity of old Anime on officially released hardcopies when you are talking about anything before the late 90s.
ColourWheelApr 25, 2022 11:31 PM
Apr 26, 2022 1:01 AM

Oct 2008
Today's standards are such an enigma. If I'm watching an anime, or reading a manga. I would separate the creator from the creation and things like politics, racism, social norms, religion, family values and everything else. Why would I do that, because even if it's considered inappropriate NOW, back then it might not have been. Because if it existed in reality and exist even now than that adds additional layers to the story. And finally because I am someone capable of appreciating ANYTHING (and I mean anything) as long as it's presented in an interesting/compelling manner.
Apr 26, 2022 7:13 AM

Feb 2022
squirrvev said:

But it's a bad thing actually, because it's the modern viewer that will have to deal with that, not the statistically more bigoted one from the time the show aired. The whole point is that it gives you the wrong idea, especially given that most reviewers don't have skin in the game, so their standards are still broken to a degree anyway

holy shit your crying is getting annoying. What's wrong with being a bigot, anyways? Do you think that everyone MUST be accepted and loved? That's fucking bullshit...

So you accept cannibals and pedophiles? What about incest? You think a 50 year old man fucking his 18 year old daughter is okay... if she consents? fuck no. get some morals. and grow up... using the word "bigot" is the most snowflake ass shit possible.
Apr 26, 2022 7:52 AM

Sep 2021
I don't have any problem with shows depicting racism, genocide or homophobia as long as it does not try to justify it.
Regarding the article, right after reading the first sentence "We all have feelings about rankings and the position anime we care about have within the numerous lists on the internet", I knew that this was posted by some rating obsessed teenager with a lot of time in hand or a fucking manchild. Never did I ever get the feeling of FMAB trying to undermine any certain group of race so I'll just treat it as a failed rhetoric and move on.
Apr 26, 2022 8:21 AM

Dec 2021
to me this is kind of the same argument that you get for books like ; to kill a mockingbird and huckleberry fin or other works from Shakespeare of Orwell that had different elements in them that would be distasteful or wrong today to put into media. The truth is the works are still masterpieces with the bad included. It helps us to recognize a not so distant past and how far we have come and can continue to go. we need to face history and the same can go for anime as well. Also the difference has to be if the show promotes it. most shows make people with those ideolgies villians which is totally fine in my opinion.
RitoDevilukeApr 26, 2022 8:39 AM
๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿฅ€˜”*°•.˜”*°•๐“˜๐“ฏ ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฎ ๐“ฝ๐“ธ ๐”€๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ ๐“ช ๐“ผ๐“ฝ๐“ธ๐“ป๐”‚ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ ๐“ถ๐“ฎ ๐“ฒ๐“ท ๐“ฝ๐“ฑ๐“ฎ ๐“ต๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ญ ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ฎ, ๐“ฒ๐“ฝ ๐”€๐“ธ๐“พ๐“ต๐“ญ ๐“ฌ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฝ๐“ช๐“ฒ๐“ท๐“ต๐”‚ ๐“ซ๐“ฎ... ๐“ช ๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ช๐“ฐ๐“ฎ๐“ญ๐”‚.•°*”˜•°*”˜๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿฅ€

Apr 26, 2022 9:18 AM

Nov 2019
I think this is mostly matter of different times, actually I find Japan one of the most progressive countries, more progressive and open in some matters than the US. Beside toxic gender roles in some of the shows, which sometimes can almost literally hurt my eyes, I find even most of the on-the-edge ones entertaining because I understand that after all some now-common views back then weren't quite as obvious as they're now. And I absolutely disagree with statement about racism in FMAB, if something shows the problem how it is in the particular universe it doesn't mean that it's promoting anything. Actually, I like media that show some "tabu" problems or sensitive topic of our times, it's quite uncommon.

Personally what I dislike about older shows is mostly bad pacing, not value difference matters.
ZuclynApr 26, 2022 9:24 AM
Apr 26, 2022 9:55 AM

Oct 2021
Gosh I feel so old with ppl calling FAB old lol

My opinion about this is that you are probably not the target audience of these shows, but I'm sure if you look further into old anime you will surely find something you like.

The same can NOT be said about other mediums.
Apr 26, 2022 9:57 AM

May 2013
Try to watch Star Trek: The Original Series that has not aged well at all. While on it try to watch Sledgehammer it is super hilarious and older it gets the more hilarious it will get.
Apr 26, 2022 12:57 PM

Jan 2021
You can't watch something from 10 - 20 years ago and expect it to apply to todays standards...
There is no problem with recommending older shows, they are a product of their time, not today.
Apr 26, 2022 1:06 PM

Feb 2015
>have you ever found an older show surprisingly bad when it comes to stuff like racism or homophobia

people in the 90s treat gays differently than we do today. This is the consequences of culture at that time... why are you reflecting the bad side of series when it was the ""norm"" before because it's not the norm now?
Apr 26, 2022 1:08 PM

Aug 2013
Another shitty bait thread. It's getting boring.
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Apr 26, 2022 1:26 PM

Apr 2016
squirrvev said:

1. I'm talking about reviews/recs not talking about the things that might negatively affect someone's experience.
2. The point of writing these is to convey all the relevant things about the anime, not to condemn it. I want to know the show is fascist/generally bad before going into it
3. Bad things are bad because they're bad, they have always been bad and will continue being bad. Standards have nothing to do with it and recs should take that into account. Talk about why the anime turned out this way sure, but also don't give people the wrong idea about what their experience is gonna be.
4. You are not other people. You should think about that before relying your experience to other people. Especially when praising something to other people
5. I'm asking for honesty. That's it. Inform people properly, regardless of whether you're a spoiled brat with no skin in the game, or not.

1. If a reviewer tells me what they didn't like, that's enough for me. They don't have to add a list of a few dozen tags of what might offend/trigger me. If they do, good for them, if they don't, whatever. A review is subjective anyways, so something that is an "obvious" problem for person X might be something person Y enjoys.

2. Then check for those things beforehand. Google for specifics. That's what I do.

3. Disagree. Bad is subjective as there is no "law of nature" that defines what bad is. Bad is subject to perspective. That doesn't mean that I advocate to let people run around harming whoever they want but I'm not arrogant enough to say that there is a definitive good and bad.

4. Not really. When I review something, I do it from my perspective. Sure, if I know someone personally and I know they don't like mecha anime for example, I'm not going to recommend them a mecha anime. But on the internet with mostly strangers that you don't know their personalities of? Nope. If they have doubts about an anime they should check some more opinions of other people before diving in. It's not that hard.

5. If someone honestly tells you they like a show, then they're honest imo. How should they know something that didn't bother them in the slightest could bother you? Kinda similar question/answer as point 1) already.
Apr 26, 2022 2:30 PM

Jan 2013
I like how the OP has just abandoned this thread after realizing that there's virtually no one who actually agrees with them.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Apr 26, 2022 2:34 PM

Feb 2010
LostSpectre said:
I like how the OP has just abandoned this thread after realizing that there's virtually no one who actually agrees with them.

Inb4 they went on twitter to rant about the MAL community.
I probably regret this post by now.
Apr 26, 2022 2:52 PM
Oct 2019
LostSpectre said:
I like how the OP has just abandoned this thread after realizing that there's virtually no one who actually agrees with them.

lol if you look at the blog she linked it was made six days ago with one article that has only a single interaction. both her and the author are trans women, hmmmmm. very clearly just trying to self promo her blog
Apr 26, 2022 2:56 PM

Feb 2012
Not my problem if someone is into poricore, but doesn't state so. Even then I'd keep on giving recs, since staying at your comfort zone/ echo chamber forever isn't very healthy.

Complete nontroversy.
Apr 26, 2022 3:12 PM
Twintail Expert

Feb 2019
LostSpectre said:
I like how the OP has just abandoned this thread after realizing that there's virtually no one who actually agrees with them.

unlike the occasional troll, OP acted like they expected everyone to agree with them and talk about examples and seemed genuinely caught off guard to find out most people aren't as unhinged as they are

results of the echo chamber
Apr 26, 2022 4:34 PM

Oct 2013
The problem is trying to go in with the mindset of today's morals. You cant do that. As pointed out, they were made in a different era with different morals and should be viewed with that in mind. The issue with today's mindset is that instead of keeping these things around as a reminder of how we were in the past, people seem more keen on removing them from history entirely. Add that on top of the fact that we shouldnt really be taking our morals from most works of fiction in general in the first place. Its pretty much guaranteed that there are certain values and trends we have now that'll be looked down on in the future. That doesn't mean future people shouldnt watch our content, enjoy it, and learn from it.
Apr 26, 2022 4:50 PM
Jun 2021
_FRB_ said:
LostSpectre said:
I like how the OP has just abandoned this thread after realizing that there's virtually no one who actually agrees with them.

unlike the occasional troll, OP acted like they expected everyone to agree with them and talk about examples and seemed genuinely caught off guard to find out most people aren't as unhinged as they are

results of the echo chamber

Blame Reddit and Twitter for those echo-chambers.
Hot Blood saves lives.
Apr 26, 2022 5:11 PM

Oct 2011
As long as you don't watch Ghost stories dub if you get easily offended, the rest aren't that bad.

Edit: after reading some of OPs other posts, I don't know what their goal is here but I feel like they want old anime erased from history and for today's viewers to never watch them because some are offensive by today's standards. If you get offended by things of the past, then maybe stick with certain media of today where many things are more PC. Nobody forces you to watch things you aren't uncomfortable with and even today there's some content out there which will offend certain minorities.
chronofantasyApr 26, 2022 5:18 PM
Apr 26, 2022 10:05 PM

May 2018
Apr 26, 2022 10:33 PM

May 2018
LostSpectre said:
I like how the OP has just abandoned this thread after realizing that there's virtually no one who actually agrees with them.

Say he or she instead. Them for 1 person instead of multiple will make SJW/LGBT Twitter Users pm you for local orgy groups. (No joke...)
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