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What makes you put an anime into "on-hold"?

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Jan 26, 2021 9:19 AM

Nov 2016
There are currently 21 anime on my watching list yet I think I've watched only 3 of them in the past month or more, they should all be on my on hold list if I bothered to update it, I've enjoyed most of what I've seen from them but I just don't have much interest in them at the moment.
Jan 26, 2021 9:22 AM
Sep 2019
I think most of the time an anime goes on-hold for me is when i tend to be busy or just don't seem to enjoy the show
Jan 26, 2021 9:51 AM
Jul 2018
For me, it is entirely schedule-based, as I am still a college student. During summer breaks, I get to watch lots of season anime. But as college semesters begin, I have to put a decent amount of them on hold.
Jan 26, 2021 10:01 AM
Sep 2019
if i dropped anime, then it's gotta be really bad IMO.hold is if that's just boring/bad but I may give it a try later on if I don't know what to watch.
Jan 26, 2021 10:03 AM

Jun 2020
Usually when I get bored of the show or when I want to watch another show
Jan 26, 2021 10:10 AM
May 2019
I usually put anime on hold when it's too long, I'm going to watch them but I have other animes which I am more interested in like I have Gintama and Black clover on hold I'm going to watch them but it's long and still ongoing so I am waiting for them to be completed
Jan 26, 2021 10:11 AM

Sep 2020
Three reasons.

1 - Queue. I want to watch an anime, but not now, and I don't want to forget its name, so I put it on On-hold.

2 - I'm watching other anime. Sometimes, it happens that I'm watching an anime, but I find another anime and start following it, "forgeting" to finish the one I was watching before. So I put it on On-hold to catch up later.

3 - Too many episodes. One day I'll watch it, I swear.
Jan 26, 2021 10:13 AM

Aug 2015
Sometimes I'll binge an anime until I'm about halfway through, then I'll take a break that could be anywhere from a few days to weeks. I'll think about watching it again then realise I've forgotten some of the stuff that's happened. If I can't be bothered to rewatch it to jog my memory, I'll put it on hold for who knows how long.

Jan 26, 2021 10:14 AM
Jul 2018
idk about others, but my on-hold is filled with sequels that I can't watch without rewatching everything first because I can't remember a damn thing about that anime anymore. I do have a few entries there that I just don't want to watch right now, but don't want to drop either.
Jan 26, 2021 11:14 AM

Nov 2015
I mainly use my On-Hold list as a more streamlined PTW. After I finish a new show, I'll add all the entries for it to my on-hold so I can find them easier. Aside from that, when I actually do need to put a show on-hold, it will most likely be if I'm actually unable to watch it.

For example:
the new season of Railgun and Fate Babylonia were both shows I was watching when they were airing. Thing is, I was watching them dubbed, and they suffered massive setbacks because of the pandemic. I put them on hold because I couldn't watch them, and have yet to start again.

The only other reason I might put something on hold is partly because I'm a completionist. The way I see it, if I've watched the first episode of an anime (even if I didn't plan to), I'm obligated to add it to my list and at least watch the first 3 episodes of it. So I might put a show on hold if I've watched the 1st episode and wanted to make sure I put it on my list, but I haven't actually had the time to watch any more of it yet.
Jan 26, 2021 11:25 AM

Apr 2016
i know i'm not using it the right way, but what i like to do is compile all of the current season's anime into my on-hold list so i know exactly what to binge at the end of the season. it's like a priority PTW list for me.
Jan 26, 2021 11:37 AM

Jun 2020
When I think I have to watch something else more urgently
Jan 26, 2021 11:39 AM

Jul 2015
I usually never put an anime on-hold unless real-life events make me. I usually then forget about the anime then I just cannot will myself to start it back up once I have free time again.

Jan 26, 2021 7:52 PM

May 2013
If I found a series that was something I couldn't finish because:

1. reality calls and interrupted my watching pattern
2. not in the mood
3. too emotionally involved and needed a break
4. its a currently airing shounen anime
5. experiencing anime slump and wanting to go back to Asian dramas

So yeah, on-hold for me exactly as what it is, on-hold. There are always times where I can't finish a show, and yet, I would always pick it up sometime in the future if not in the present. Like just this time while being most active in anime right now, I picked up around 10 or so shows that I put on hold in the past. So yeah it works for me.
It is not really a bad thing to have on-hold shows, at least for me. My favorites are all on-hold and so I find it more organized that way rather than just putting them eternally on watching. And 100% I'm gonna get back at those shows in the future. They are my faves after all.

Jan 26, 2021 8:14 PM

Dec 2019
I only do this when the anime is long and is a bit slow in the episode that i stopped or when it start to follow a routa when occurs a lot of misundertands,i hate this things
Jan 26, 2021 8:16 PM

Sep 2020
if I start to lose interest but most of the time I will probably never come back to it so it's technically dropped ig
Jan 27, 2021 12:28 AM
Jul 2018
Still need to get to know the story first so on hold and went to manga.
Jan 27, 2021 12:29 AM

Sep 2020
Too long or not interested,or even not cup of my tea
Jan 27, 2021 12:33 AM

Sep 2020
Burn out or you found something more interesting, and can't wait to start it.
Jan 27, 2021 12:44 AM
Oct 2016
when i am not enjoying the anime or is too big and i found another anime that looks more exciting i put it on hold
Jan 27, 2021 12:45 AM

Sep 2008
"loss of interest."
shows on that list are things I still aim to finish one day.
trust me, it's a really short list compared to what I've already dropped.
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
Jan 27, 2021 12:47 AM

May 2020
Boring shows with high-ratings. Tbh most of them will be dropped soon
Jan 27, 2021 12:48 AM

Apr 2018
I put those anime on hold that doesn't have subbed episodes or are boring but will watch them anyway.

Jan 27, 2021 12:59 AM
Dec 2019
I put certain anime on-hold when I'm not in the mood to watch it further.It may be boring or I'm just attracted to another anime at the moment.
Jan 27, 2021 1:36 AM
Jul 2018
Whenever i get busy in other things, mostly cuz exams... exams suck :(
Jan 27, 2021 1:51 AM

Aug 2019
I put spin offs, OVAs, or movies of shows I’ve completed but I want to move on to other shows in my OH. For example the Code Geass spin off movies.
Jan 27, 2021 4:07 AM

May 2013
Lost interest for a while, don't have the time/mental capability to continue at the moment, had something else come up that required attention... There's a lot of reasons.
Jan 27, 2021 4:47 AM

Jul 2020
I put shows in on-hold when it gets boring half way but not to the point that it can be considered as bad. This also usually happens when I get tired of a specific genre and want to try something else. Or sometimes I just start a show but never get the free time to finish it.

I accept random friend requests!
Jan 27, 2021 4:53 AM

Feb 2020
I only done it when Gal to Kyouryuu stopped because of COVID (and I haven't gotten round to finish watching it yet, so it's still on hold for me) and Bakugan Battle Planet because I can't find the rest of the episodes anywhere.
Jan 27, 2021 4:53 AM

Mar 2019
The anime I put on hold are those that I feel are interesting enough to warrant completion, but at that time i'm just not in the mood to watch that series
Jan 27, 2021 4:55 AM
Jul 2018
It can be due to many reasons. It could either be that I lost interest in that anime, and I'm hoping to regain the motivation to finish it later. Or it could be because I tried watching too many anime at once. So I tried to lighten my load by putting my least watched anime on hold.
Jan 27, 2021 5:12 AM

May 2019
I've only got 2 on "On hold".
I usually watch 1 anime that I'm binging other than the usual seasonals that I'm watching. I started Dragon Ball, then decided to catch up on Aot before season 4, did that, then wanted to catch up on World Trigger, and now I'm gonna get back to it after I finish WT season 1.
The other one is Log Horizon season 3. I just felt like I needed to rewatch both seasons 1 and 2 before continuing it. I was hella confused only by the first 2 episodes, I didn't even remember the names of the federations they were mentioning, so I thought that "On Hold" was the perfect section to put it in.
Gintoki and Sugita's birthdays are 1 day apart.
Jan 27, 2021 5:19 AM

Sep 2011
For me, on-hold means that I was enjoying it enough to want to keep watching, but real-world circumstances made me pause it.

For example, I started watching Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199, but I realized that this show would be much better enjoyed on a big screen with all the lights off, so I put it on hold until I can watch it in ideal conditions. Sometimes it's also just that I'm not in the mood but I can tell I will probably like it. The on-hold list is kind of like a second plan to watch list for me. Anything on there will be restarted from episode 1 when I go back to it.

Dropped for me is when I try something and know that I don't like it and will likely never go back to it.

"They escaped the weight of darkness,
to forge a path into the marrow of the spirit.
They chose to drown in a deeper vacancy,
an emptiness that quells the null,
a pool for the forgotten..."
Jan 27, 2021 5:40 AM
Jan 2021
it's mainly because of my habit of searching for new anime recommendations while im still watching a certain anime. then i'll be like "ouh this anime is kinda interesting" then i'll watch the first ep and the next eps until i forgot about the current anime i was watching for months and im toooo damn lazy to pick it back up
Jan 27, 2021 9:19 AM

Feb 2020
Generally, it's whether if the website I was watching the anime on lost the licence while I was watching (I then wait for another site to have it) or, most of the time actually, simply because I have too many shows to watch so I have to make a choice. It also happens that I put a show on hold because I'm currently not interested but know I might be in the future
Jan 27, 2021 3:10 PM

Dec 2020
my on-hold list is for animes that:

1). i'm watching with someone else, so i'm waiting to be able to continue watching it with them or
2). a series that i enjoy but am taking a break from
Jan 27, 2021 3:17 PM

Apr 2008
I used to just put things on hold when I didn't know if I wanted to continue them or not, or lost interest in a series half way through and wanted to give it a second chance, when I still wanted to watch something but just wasn't in the mood for it at the moment also. But then I noticed I had a bunch of stuff on hold for so long I didn't even remember what the anime was about anymore. As some of them had been on hold for a long time so I put the series I didn't remember back on my plan to watch list and completed or dropped the rest of them. As of right now I don't have anything on hold since I have been trying to finish watching things instead of putting them on hold.
SevenJan 27, 2021 3:24 PM
Jan 27, 2021 3:19 PM

Oct 2014
For the most part it's anime that I'm already caught up with and know won't air anything more for at least a couple months so keeping them in my watching would just make things cluttered. There's also shows I started and then realized I would enjoy them more later than at the moment.
Jan 27, 2021 3:23 PM
Community Mod
Crazy Cat Lady

Apr 2019
I don't usually put anything on hold (it's empty even now), but if I did, it is either a temporary drop list or if I have difficulty finding all the episodes.
Jan 27, 2021 3:26 PM

Feb 2015
Thigh_Tide said:
I use "On Hold" to mean "Anime I am partway through and intend to continue with, but that I am not watching regularly."

Some shows are further subdivided by being given one of two tags, namely Currently Complete: "Anime that air irregularly but that I'm fully caught up with," and Debating to Drop: "Anime that I don't currently have plans to continue, but that I believe could be worth finishing."

This is spot on for me as well :)
There are just certain shows (like for example "Pokemon Sun & Moon") that I like to watch now and then but there are big gaps between the days I'm watching an episode. I don't keep shows like that on "watching" cause that section would be way to cluttered if I did ^^'
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Jan 27, 2021 3:31 PM

Nov 2020
Personally, I use the "on-hold" tab for multiple things. I use it for long animes that I'm taking a break from between arcs (for example, I've had One PIece sitting in there since I finished Dressrosa). I also use it for animes that I'm not currently binging but will occasionally watch 2 or 3 episodes of (I'm stuck getting through the fillers of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, so those are "on-hold" even though I watch a couple of episodes every now and then). I also lowkey use the on-hold tab as a time-out for animes that pissed me off for whatever reason (ex. Yaksoku no Neverland for not following the manga). They sit in there until I'm ready to start watching again or decide to drop them officially.
Jan 27, 2021 3:40 PM

Oct 2019
On hold for me is, I've dropped it but I'll probably come back to it when I get back in the mood for it.
Hi :)
Jan 27, 2021 3:41 PM

Oct 2020
I would use On-hold to:
- Those I will watch soon after (I use PTW for those I will watch, although I don't know when);
- Those I lost interest, however, I will (possibly) return after a while;
- Airing animes, waiting to end the season before starting/continuing, eg.
Jan 27, 2021 3:46 PM

Jul 2007
- Anime that hasn't been fully translated. Many older anime don't have complete translations.

- Currently long running series that I plan to binge watch in large chunks of episodes. I had One Piece on hold for years for this reason but now I'm watching it weekly again.
"There's a huge difference between one and infinity.
However, compared to the difference between
existence and non-existence, one and infinite are
nearly the same. I am the child destined to become
the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!"
-Maria Ushiromiya

Jan 27, 2021 3:57 PM
Dec 2017
usually i'm busy watching other shows or if i need break so i won't get burnt out.

Jan 27, 2021 4:00 PM

Nov 2016
Lazyness and/or Lack of time most of the time
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Jan 27, 2021 4:23 PM

Jun 2020
just stuff in general i know i dont want to drop & would want to give a 2nd chance or if it's episodic & i'm just not feeling it recently i would put it on hold, would get back into it. or certain genres i just don't want to watch for now

or it made me lose my interest a little, yet i don't want to drop it maybe for certain characters & would get back into it when i run out of things to watch lol

i also have 2 OVAs on-hold, wotakoi & hori-san to miyamura-kun. they were previously completed but the database added new episodes to them that have yet to be aired, hence.

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Jan 27, 2021 4:35 PM
anime pervert

Apr 2013
Once continuing a show feels like a chore.
If it feels that way I'll put it on-hold, if I can tell it's dogshit on top of that, then I'll drop it instead.
Jan 27, 2021 4:55 PM

Jan 2020
Personally I use the on-hold button for an anime sequel, side story, OVA, etc that I haven't watched yet.

I also use it for anime I have started watching but won't watch for a while. (Usually long series).
Jan 27, 2021 5:47 PM

Jan 2021
If I drop it. If your anime bears cute men and cute girls, which are clearly designed to temporarily appease the sexual urges of lonely individuals, then I will drop it. I have no remorse for those whose existence are an entire appeal to nature.
Dragon Ball. Only Dragon Ball matters. Everything that isn't Dragon Ball is moeshit. Everything that thinly pertains to or relates to Dragon Ball gets a pass, but is still moeshit.
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