Sphinxter said:EcchiGodMamster said:@Sphinxter
won't use term "manga" cause its "cringey weeb shit"
posts in loli thread with signature talking about watching "siscon lolicon"
doesn't think its cringey weeb shit
.. ok...
you take the #1 spot for having the weirdest argument i've ever run into on MAL
Because the two have nothing to do with each other.? I already explained I have a problem with three things: A) inserting Japanese lexicon when a perfectly good English alternative already exists for its own sake. B) creating jargon for its own sake to signify one's membership of some subculture. C) believing that something is somehow automatically different or even better simply because it come from Japan.
Using the term "manga" when "comic book" already exists satisfies all three of those criteria; watching lolicon satisfies exactly none.
Must be cringey to say sombrero instead of hat...
It would be if it were used to refer to
any hat from Spain but it refers to a specific type of hate be it from Spain or not. Furthermore "Sombrero" isn't just Spanish for "hat"; it's Spanish for that specific type of hat. It's indeed just a loan from Spanish for which at that time no good English word existed.
theres probably 100 examples of words we use from other countries that you wouldn't consider cringey, but because theres no equivalent to being a weeb, you give them a pass, which is exactly why im saying you're basing this on what others think
Not really — I think the practise one sometimes encounters of referring to a castle that happens to be France to be referred to as a "
chateau" to be cringy for exactly the same reasons; or referring to the German emperor as a "
Kaiser" in English or a Russian one as a "
I also think the practise of adopting "in-group jargon" wherever one might go is cringy. I criticize other skateboards for insisting on using "grind" instead of "slide" and "gurd" instead of "elevation" just as much.
if japan didn't have a "negative" term being thrown around for anyone with the slightest interest in the country, you wouldn't be saying what you are, but you're just making an exception for every other country and basically denying it
Yet again you seem to find it very difficult to fathom the concept that maybe somewhere out there a man exists that charts his own course in life rather than being submissive to whims and beliefs of his contemporaries as you clearly are.
Sombrero literally just means Hat in Spanish, Wtf are you talking about. Its not exclusive to any type of hat. You add an Adjective to it to show what kind of hat. For example, "Sombrero Vaquero" literally translates into "Cowboy Hat". This all coming from a Native Spanish speaker.