Aug 3, 2019 9:07 AM
No... I mean in my country the only legal options are crunchyroll and netflix. Here crunchyroll lacks most of the good anime, and the price is exactly the same as in other countries. Netflix, just as crunchyroll lacks a lot of shows and most of them are just mainstream and netflix originals. And i don t want to buy them form amazon because i m poor. |
Aug 3, 2019 9:11 AM
Aug 3, 2019 9:15 AM
I only pirate anime that's not legally available in my country. Do I feel guilty? Maybe sometimes. I'm not proud of having to sail the high seas - I always check legal sites first, and even if I have to use pirate sites, I block their ads so I'm not supporting them. |
Aug 3, 2019 9:28 AM
There's barely any legal anime where I live. Even Animax was shut down here recently. I have to Pirate. I have no other choice for me to keep with most of the seasonal anime. |
Aug 3, 2019 9:38 AM
This is fascinating. So many people here seem to be proud to pirate animes because they "supposedly love to screw the system and the people who made it". I totally understand people, who love to screw large cooperations like Disney over, because Disney totally deserves to be screwed (and a lot more) but screwing over small studios that have a hard time making ends meet is like screwing small artists over who really need the money to actually live and make new art. That is just incredibly stupid. Many people complain that so many animes are shit, well how do you expect a studio to make great animes if they don't have the money for it? If you want quality, if you want studios to thrive and achieve better than PAY! Streaming services are really not expensive, especially if you watch a lot. To answer your question. I very seldom pirate. Usually, only stuff that is absolutely not available legally, because none of the legal streaming services feature the anime and the anime is also not available on BluRay. |
Aug 3, 2019 9:39 AM
I plan to watch the majority of what's on my ptw list and a good amount of those aren't on Crunchyroll,and there's no way I'm subscribing to multiple platforms just to watch the few shows I can't find there. Not to mention the anime that I couldn't watch legally even if I wanted to. |
Aug 3, 2019 10:01 AM
Yes , i do and no i don't feel guilty at all. Most of the "legal" services are inferior to the "Illegal" ones, you get region locked content despite your subscription and get to funding stuff like High Spice Guardian instead of what you really want. In TV you hardly get a decent anime licensed that isn't aimed to kids and if you want to buy something you can't because Japan doesn't makes it accesible everywhere And most of the stuff I will like to watch isn't available either unless it's new stuff. Why people pirate less games than a decade ago? Because Steam exists. Why people pirate less movies than a decade ago? Because Netflix exists. Until a decent legal service appears I wont feel guilty for pirating. |
HeimurAug 3, 2019 10:10 AM
Aug 3, 2019 10:03 AM
In my mindset Animes are and will always be free. I don't even see it remotely as pirating. But I do buy quite some merch though. |
Aug 3, 2019 10:03 AM
I'd probably feel guilty if I pirated everything I watched, but I get a sizable amount of it from legit sources, and if I like something enough, I'll buy the Blu-ray. Like others have said, I'm not game to support a system where the anime I would like to see is spread out among too many fee services, each trying to leverage exclusives. That, plus I have a few favorites that aren't available by any other means except pirating. |
A møøse once bit my sister... |
Aug 3, 2019 10:09 AM
I pirate and I don't feel guilty for it. Most of what I watch is not legally available in my area and even it if was I couldn't realistically afford buying BDs for everything (and I'm not willing to support bad service so CR would out of question too). I plan to pay for good anime when I can afford since I want to support good products though. For now I just buy some merch every now and then to achieve that purpose. |
Aug 3, 2019 10:16 AM
I have watched everything Crunchyroll have to offer. + I don't like what Crunchyroll does with the money they earn + studios is not renews contract with Crunchyroll, beacuse they don't earn any money from streaming the animes they have released. I had Crunchyroll for 2-3 years, but in my case it was waste of money. Netflix have started to upload a bit of animes here in sweden and it toke along time before they did that. Not going to use Netflix to watch anime as I have watched the high amount of the shows they have to offer. If I feel guilty about watching it on illegal streaming sites, no. But I woud love to pay for a streaming service that woud have everything ever made. And resub and sub older shows that dosen't have sub. I coud easy pay 30-50 USD each month for a streaming service like this. And they shoud have good contract with the studios too. This is just a dream as it will never happen. Paying for streaming service and live in sweden is as proftable as throwing money in the sea. And that some countrys have a huge amount of shows vs some countrys that have 50 shows and everything they have to offer sucks or I have already watch it a bunch of times. |
Aug 3, 2019 10:19 AM
You know, I had bought the DVD of Samurai pizza cats by discotek media but their translation was not that good, plus they had interlacing issues and one episode had sync issues. yet because I bought it via amazon and not their site, I was not eligible for a disc replacement. DVD rip fixed the interlacing issues and had the fixed subs. many anime releases are similar in sloppiness, missing subs, ordered chaptering, picture quality, bad boxsets that scratch the disc etc Eg I'd recommend the fan translation of Nadesico that fixes the official one, translates the panels, fixes some of the verbal jokescand adds the original Japanese politeness phrases. I am far more dissapointed with official releases than with pirating |
Aug 3, 2019 10:21 AM
No mostly I don't pirate because I pay CR but if it's not available in CR, then I pirate it and if I like it, I buy the actual product. |
It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person. |
Aug 3, 2019 10:27 AM
Aug 3, 2019 10:31 AM
Aug 3, 2019 10:36 AM
There's NO GOOD REASON to Pirate Legally Available Anime You SHOULD Pirate Anime 1 You SHOULD Pirate Anime 2 |
XstasyAug 3, 2019 10:45 AM
Aug 3, 2019 10:51 AM
This is not really an excuse, but do most people aware that some nations have strict law on what allowed and not allowed to be sold/aired/broadcasted and anime can be one of them? |
The most important things in life is the people that you care about |
Aug 3, 2019 10:59 AM
There are a lot of anime aren't available legally like on crunchyroll or netflix so unfortunately for watching them i had to use illegal sites. I can't even purchase the DVD/Bluerays cause there shit expensive. Though only thing i legally get is some manga which i buy from amozon. |
Aug 3, 2019 11:01 AM
I do pirate and it's not Anime only. My Windows 7 copy is pirated and do you know the best part? I do have an academic license for it! It's pirate because I want it to be so. Literally. chair-sama said: Thank gods that's my first time seeing one (and last time answering, I'll assure you).Ah yes, the another disscusion about pirating anime. It's not like this is a dead topic or something... huntress1013 said: I don't have money for it but if paying would result in more S.E.Lain, Utena (Be-Papas was a Doujin circle...) and YKA, I'd at least change my mind about wanting to pay for it, promise (yes, I'd pay Kadono Kouhei, Kunihiko Ikuhara and Chiaki J. Konaka - for S.E.Lain only though I watched nearly everything he'd done - if I could). Geez, I'd even pay Dragon Knight Zero Seven for Umineko (it is my favorite Visual Novel after all, even he having done such an effort not to do so in the very end...).This is fascinating. So many people here seem to be proud to pirate animes because they "supposedly love to screw the system and the people who made it". I totally understand people, who love to screw large cooperations like Disney over, because Disney totally deserves to be screwed (and a lot more) but screwing over small studios that have a hard time making ends meet is like screwing small artists over who really need the money to actually live and make new art. That is just incredibly stupid. Many people complain that so many animes are shit, well how do you expect a studio to make great animes if they don't have the money for it? If you want quality, if you want studios to thrive and achieve better than PAY! Streaming services are really not expensive, especially if you watch a lot. To answer your question. I very seldom pirate. Usually, only stuff that is absolutely not available legally, because none of the legal streaming services feature the anime and the anime is also not available on BluRay. how do you expect a studio to make great animes if they don't have the money for it? P.I.G. for example doesn't lack money (despite me paying or not). It does, however, lack either brains or the will to use it. And so do other studios as well. Wish I could do something about this though...Psycho Pass then Psycho Pass 2 and piracy to blame? Welp, nope. Nice try, seriously. It'd be a valid argument in my ideal world TBH... not in the real life. |
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't Real men don't use Task Manager: they sudo kill -9 Computers are like air-conditioning: pretty much useless if you open Windows "I cannot refute you, Socrates." - said Agathon Symposium - Plato"Rather, dear Agathon, what you can't refute is the truth; for Socrates is easily refuted." |
Aug 3, 2019 11:02 AM
I only watch anime legally usually through Funimation's website since I watch more English Dubs than subbed anime. |
Aug 3, 2019 11:13 AM
Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: No. Why would i feel guilty? The japanese can watch it on their tv for free when the episodes air but i can't. I don't know much about Japanese television but don't they pay for the cable television providers? OT: I do not feel guilty, no, but I do struggle in finding a ground for the justification of it. I can find multiple reasons that make it understandable why someone would do it but not one where it is warranted assuming the legal way is accessible. So what? In my house we also pay for it so in the end there's not too much of a difference. |
Aug 3, 2019 11:29 AM
I do concern about the anime industry a little bit and if you ask me whether I pirating or not. yes, I am and I don't care. in front of my eyes is free material and it's hard to deny that. I rather use my money on something that I found difficult to earn for...for example merchandise. |
Aug 3, 2019 11:32 AM
Nope I'm enjoying it while it lasts ;) |
Aug 3, 2019 11:35 AM
For games, sometimes. But for anime, I never. Why do I have to pay for something that aired on Japan TVs for FREE? Why should I pay for companies that barely give money to the anime industry? After all, why are they trying to charge us when they can't even bring their services in most countries? I never feel like an asshole for this. |
Aug 3, 2019 11:36 AM
AyumiVk said: AFAIK there's no single answer for whether japanese do have it for free or not. Each series has its own context regarding such. For example, Tokyo MX is free and available to everyone, but there is a branch exclusive for those who pay for it as a service. Some content may eventually be aired on regular broadcast but there's no rule of any kind about this. Another example would be AT-X which, regardless of requiring subscription, sells some content apart from its main broadcasting service.Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: No. Why would i feel guilty? The japanese can watch it on their tv for free when the episodes air but i can't. I don't know much about Japanese television but don't they pay for the cable television providers? OT: I do not feel guilty, no, but I do struggle in finding a ground for the justification of it. I can find multiple reasons that make it understandable why someone would do it but not one where it is warranted assuming the legal way is accessible. So what? In my house we also pay for it so in the end there's not too much of a difference. CR make its content available for non-subscribers after a week anyway (at least it used to do so last time I checked). Therefore, by pirating whatever I do (regarding CR-licensed Anime) I'm only anticipating myself these seven days - nothing else. |
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't Real men don't use Task Manager: they sudo kill -9 Computers are like air-conditioning: pretty much useless if you open Windows "I cannot refute you, Socrates." - said Agathon Symposium - Plato"Rather, dear Agathon, what you can't refute is the truth; for Socrates is easily refuted." |
Aug 3, 2019 11:55 AM
AyumiVk said: Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: No. Why would i feel guilty? The japanese can watch it on their tv for free when the episodes air but i can't. I don't know much about Japanese television but don't they pay for the cable television providers? OT: I do not feel guilty, no, but I do struggle in finding a ground for the justification of it. I can find multiple reasons that make it understandable why someone would do it but not one where it is warranted assuming the legal way is accessible. So what? In my house we also pay for it so in the end there's not too much of a difference. Well you said they get to watch it for free so I corrected. Your cable tv providers offer specific services, theirs offer different specific services. Owning one doesn't entitle you to access to the other. I'm not saying it's wrong to pirate but your reasoning there is flawed. |
Aug 3, 2019 1:18 PM
Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: No. Why would i feel guilty? The japanese can watch it on their tv for free when the episodes air but i can't. I don't know much about Japanese television but don't they pay for the cable television providers? OT: I do not feel guilty, no, but I do struggle in finding a ground for the justification of it. I can find multiple reasons that make it understandable why someone would do it but not one where it is warranted assuming the legal way is accessible. So what? In my house we also pay for it so in the end there's not too much of a difference. Well you said they get to watch it for free so I corrected. Your cable tv providers offer specific services, theirs offer different specific services. Owning one doesn't entitle you to access to the other. I'm not saying it's wrong to pirate but your reasoning there is flawed. What i meant by free was that they have the chance to watch anime episodes without paying for it especifically. Paying cable is something almost everyone does so i don't see how it can be used against my opinion. |
Aug 3, 2019 1:23 PM
i pay for many streaming services if it doesn't have anime i want to watch i pirate :D don't feel bad about anything i do so nah |
“The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one.” ― Nishan Panwar 8=D ~ O: |
Aug 3, 2019 1:30 PM
I don't feel guilty because all of the money earned goes to the owners and voice actors while the artists get little pay. I'm not supporting that at all and would rather pirate anime. |
Aug 3, 2019 2:08 PM
I don't really feel any guilt anymore because there is just no other way for me to watch the staff I like. I had crunchyroll for about 3 months or so but since I live in eastern europe I was still pirating most of what I was watching so I just gave up on it. So now it is quite simple for me I'll stop pirating when I'll actually get a good provider. |
Aug 3, 2019 2:19 PM
AyumiVk said: Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: No. Why would i feel guilty? The japanese can watch it on their tv for free when the episodes air but i can't. I don't know much about Japanese television but don't they pay for the cable television providers? OT: I do not feel guilty, no, but I do struggle in finding a ground for the justification of it. I can find multiple reasons that make it understandable why someone would do it but not one where it is warranted assuming the legal way is accessible. So what? In my house we also pay for it so in the end there's not too much of a difference. Well you said they get to watch it for free so I corrected. Your cable tv providers offer specific services, theirs offer different specific services. Owning one doesn't entitle you to access to the other. I'm not saying it's wrong to pirate but your reasoning there is flawed. What i meant by free was that they have the chance to watch anime episodes without paying for it especifically. Paying cable is something almost everyone does so i don't see how it can be used against my opinion. As @fredi-sj has said, there seems to be services that have certain features behind paywalls and the appearance of some shows in regular broadcast is said to be arbitrary. But even if I were to concede that point, they do so only certain shows at certain times. This is hardly comparable to an infinite supply with no time conditions. The comparison falls apart either way. |
Aug 3, 2019 2:20 PM
Most animes on Netflix don't have english subtitles, and the video quality on CrunchyRoll is worse than on pirate sites, wich boggles my mind. So no, I don't feel bad for pirating. |
removed-userAug 3, 2019 2:25 PM
Aug 3, 2019 2:31 PM
Aug 3, 2019 2:43 PM
I've been pirating for many years. It is normal to me, so I do not really feel guilty. Well I do have Netflix but their collection isn't too big and I rarely watch stuff there unless there is something good to binge-watch. I tried crunchyroll as well but once again I wasn't satisfied with the amount of anime they felt like a waste to pay for it. |
Aug 3, 2019 2:48 PM
I do not use streaming sites. I watch offline. No streaming site provide player better than the one I use (currently MPV player under linux). I do not feel guilty about it, mainly because: - I have tried crunchyroll before. Beside the fact the site load really slowly, it is full of country-locked content. - My sister have Netflix, and contents are both terrible and most of the desired are country-locked. Do not get me wrong, pirate sites are terrible (ads, malware and do not give money to the producers). However, I have written scripts, so I can watch offline. I do not mind from time to time to buy a medium, but the hassle of extracting the files from DVD (usually due protections against copying) is too much. Not only they are not effective (I can still copy the contents), but they also make it more difficult to watch in the environment I want. In that respect I prefer buying other stuff than the medium or donating, but download the anime. |
Aug 3, 2019 2:49 PM
What's worse than pirating anime is when you're pirating anime that's uploaded at 480p. Seriously...... |
Aug 3, 2019 2:52 PM
Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: Orhunaa said: AyumiVk said: No. Why would i feel guilty? The japanese can watch it on their tv for free when the episodes air but i can't. I don't know much about Japanese television but don't they pay for the cable television providers? OT: I do not feel guilty, no, but I do struggle in finding a ground for the justification of it. I can find multiple reasons that make it understandable why someone would do it but not one where it is warranted assuming the legal way is accessible. So what? In my house we also pay for it so in the end there's not too much of a difference. Well you said they get to watch it for free so I corrected. Your cable tv providers offer specific services, theirs offer different specific services. Owning one doesn't entitle you to access to the other. I'm not saying it's wrong to pirate but your reasoning there is flawed. What i meant by free was that they have the chance to watch anime episodes without paying for it especifically. Paying cable is something almost everyone does so i don't see how it can be used against my opinion. As @fredi-sj has said, there seems to be services that have certain features behind paywalls and the appearance of some shows in regular broadcast is said to be arbitrary. But even if I were to concede that point, they do so only certain shows at certain times. This is hardly comparable to an infinite supply with no time conditions. The comparison falls apart either way. Well, it's true that in every country/company there are different forms of making people pay for multiple channels and etc, that's a fact, but can it really be something which makes my opinion flawed? I don't even know how much they pay, so at the end of the day i may very well be paying more or less than they do to have cable, we'll never know. At least they must have more anime to watch in the tv's free channels than i have in my country. |
Aug 3, 2019 2:53 PM
Nah I feel no guilt because I buy what I like on DVD or Bluray if the series is good No body can guilt trip me when Im willing to pay extra to get my Fav series because only available in Australia and then only Bluray works because how region codes work so half of the product don't even work in my country Not like if Crunchyroll or Funimation really helps the industry either honestly but small jesters shouldn't be completely shitted on. Just wish Funimation didn't waste DVD commentary on how much money the voice actors and subbers should have and that fans shouldn't complain about prices yet on that very Bluray the subs are out of sync simply because 3 characters talked at the same time for 1 minute and then the rest of the episode has completely fucked subs for over 15 minutes Id like to just point it isn't just on my Shana III Bluray that this is a problem when it comes to products I buy from them No one here should feel bad for pirating honestly when practically every service out there is shit. They lucky fans feel loyal towards their medium to even pay them in anyway they happen to do |
Aug 3, 2019 2:57 PM
All day everyday. Tried paying for streaming services, but my country doesn't have all the shows available like some other countries, so it doesn't benefit me much. Wouldn't mind paying if that got changed though |
Aug 3, 2019 3:15 PM
illuminatibg said: Same here.No streaming site provide player better than the one I use (currently MPV player under linux). I was trying to endorse a point and was "blamed" for not having 30 chars. Well, now I have 30 chars. Xinil et caterva seldom fails to surprise me... |
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't Real men don't use Task Manager: they sudo kill -9 Computers are like air-conditioning: pretty much useless if you open Windows "I cannot refute you, Socrates." - said Agathon Symposium - Plato"Rather, dear Agathon, what you can't refute is the truth; for Socrates is easily refuted." |
Aug 3, 2019 4:38 PM
I don't think it really matters since most ppl probably do this crap anyways. |
Aug 3, 2019 4:43 PM
Mythologically said: what clown would ever feel guilty about pirating lmao Lol, so true!!! (30 characters. SIGH) |
Aug 3, 2019 4:46 PM
Aug 3, 2019 4:47 PM
Not really, there's a lot of animes that are really hard to find and buy and when you do find them, they are expensive. So if I want to rewatch a show, I can easily find it and watch it for free. That's a win for me. |
"It's not like I wanted a signature or anything...BAKA!" - A MAL user. |
Aug 3, 2019 5:01 PM
I really don't know why it's called pirating, what, because in my country there isn't a proper channel to broadcast anime I can't watch anime? I don't know why watching what I can't normally watch called stealing... |
Aug 3, 2019 5:09 PM
Aug 3, 2019 5:47 PM
No, I don't feel guilty. Law is not morality. Just because the law recognizes intellectual property as a service doesn't mean I have to respect that. Of course if everyone pirated, then no one would produce, but I'm not everyone. You could make the analogous argument that everyone is gay, then there would be no humans left in a generation; the counter is the same, gay people aren't everyone. It's a poor argument. And what about that it's stealing? That assumes I would consume it even if I had to pay. Most likely, I would give up watching so much anime, consume less, and buy less anime products (mainly blu-rays). I've spent hundreds on blu-rays, so in a practical world, me pirating is a win-win-win situation for me, the anime distributors, and the pirates. |
My subjective reviews: THE CHAT CLUB. |
Aug 3, 2019 6:36 PM
EndlessMaria said: This is a good point. I'm not about to get cucked into Zipper Man instead of 「 S T I C K Y F I N G E R S 」 because someone somewhere doesn't think it's right to use music references as stand names. Matter of fact, from now on, I will feel good when I pirate anime.Most of the shows I want to watch aren't on crunchyroll or netflix. There is also the case of JJBA which censors most names in the official subs so I go for fan subs. |
![]() Club for Fighting Game lovers : |
Aug 3, 2019 6:46 PM
No, I don't feel guilty. Why should I? Even if I payed for CR, Funi, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and every other legal option available, the people who are actually doing the hard work in the production of shows I like would never see any of my money. It goes to the big-wigs. That's why most of the staff on every production are still getting paid shit wages. |
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