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Sep 19, 2018 1:35 PM
Dec 2010
Maybe the girl you talk to is just not good at socializing/have her attention divided or something else. But she did answer your questions. Maybe you can start by talking to people who are more likely to respond to your conversations.

You did mention somewhere about being more personal. Well, you just have to do the asking to people who are comfortable with those questions, and you can chip in your own experience and expect some sort of responses. Usually, people answer. If they don't, don't fret on it too much either. It happens.

Well, being cocky and funny also helps. But doing too much of it makes you sound like a clown too. That's the side effects. LOL.

Sep 19, 2018 1:49 PM

Jan 2009
@_Nemrod_: Very great posting once again from you. I agree that knowing how to dance can be a big plus, but I wouldn't say that it would be everything.

Also, males can also be attracted to voices. It's quite simplified if you want to make it look like males tend to mostly care about looks and females about the sound. There are other factors like smell and having a similar nature as well. By that, I don't refer to liking the same things, but rather in sharing similar values and behaving similar in similar situations.

As a Pan-Germanist, I do not like how you separate Austrian German girls from the German girls from the Federal Republic of Germany. Besides, Walzer can be nice as well. Also, I think you haven't even heard about medieval German Minne songs and completely ignore that our culture has been dubbed the "Land of Poets and Thinkers".
Sep 19, 2018 2:08 PM
Aug 2018
Well first impressions like looks matter. Most girls care about looks so... yeah
Sep 19, 2018 2:31 PM
Sep 2018
Don't approach attractive women, they have way too much going on. Aim for the hobby-based lurkers-- they're much more down-to-earth.
Sep 19, 2018 2:38 PM
Sep 2018
HopefulNihilist said:
mascarpone said:
Your social anxiety is gonna get in the way, with making friends with girls. My advice. Either explain the situation to these girls, or get some help.

How do you explain to someone within 5 minutes knowing them that you have social anxiety WITHOUT coming off as weird?

Having a prop in the environment can help with social anxiety, that way you have a "reason" for starting the conversation. Sometimes making a physical gesture can help too, one time I was giving a speech reading and I hit the podium with my hand-- after that I was fine since I had practiced.
Sep 19, 2018 4:02 PM
Jul 2018
Giftless said:
HopefulNihilist said:

How do you explain to someone within 5 minutes knowing them that you have social anxiety WITHOUT coming off as weird?

Having a prop in the environment can help with social anxiety, that way you have a "reason" for starting the conversation. Sometimes making a physical gesture can help too, one time I was giving a speech reading and I hit the podium with my hand-- after that I was fine since I had practiced.

What do you mean by a "prop"? What kind of physical gesture can I make to tell people I have social anxiety? I could try opening up a conversation about mental disorders, and then tell them I have social anxiety, but I don't know how to.
Sep 19, 2018 4:11 PM

May 2013
There's the #1 way: making them laugh and being funny. Don't concentrate on getting them to fall in love. Just make them giggle about something. That's like +1 on your charisma points right there.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
Sep 19, 2018 4:15 PM

Jul 2007
Do you have the same problem with men?
Sep 19, 2018 4:18 PM
Jul 2018
People tend to be more attracted to confident and outgoing people because they usually carry a positive and fun vibe. From my experience, you don't even have to be that good looking to be liked, as long as you have a nice personality. Humor is a good thing to have.

It also depends on yourself. If you're awkward, she may feel uncomfortable around you. If she doesn't find you attractive, she may not be interested in you. If you came up out of no where and started talking to her, she may be creeped out. Maybe they are uncomfortable around men in general. Not all girls are like this though, some will open up and talk more.
Sep 19, 2018 4:20 PM
Jul 2018
Scud said:
Do you have the same problem with men?

Not as much, no. I think it may be because my social anxiety really REALLY increases around women.
Sep 19, 2018 4:41 PM

May 2014
Always being on her phone is a bad sign, it's like a code that says "leave me alone". Some girls just won't give a guy they're not interested in the time of day. As long as you're showing interest in what she's saying and are polite, i don't see why a girl wouldn't talk to you a bit more. Try to find common interests to talk about.

There might not even be anything wrong with you. The girls you're trying to talk to just might not be that nice.
Sep 20, 2018 3:06 AM

Dec 2012
alcohol or your sex appeal. idk what else you could do.

Sep 20, 2018 4:02 AM

Nov 2016
I'll attack the heart of the problem: you want approval, doesn't matter whose. You somehow told yourself that approval from women is the one you need, but truth is, if you find good friends, the kind of people that make you feel at home in the strangest places, then you won't be going around hitting people up unnecessarily.
Sep 20, 2018 6:48 AM

Jan 2016
maybe call some FBI?
like FBI! Open Up i guess?

erm sorry.
Sep 20, 2018 7:05 AM

Dec 2016
If you can't go with "be yourself" then you aren't suited to be with girls LOL. Improve on yourself, bc you are waaaay out of shape

Thanakos said:
I'll attack the heart of the problem: you want approval, doesn't matter whose. You somehow told yourself that approval from women is the one you need, but truth is, if you find good friends, the kind of people that make you feel at home in the strangest places, then you won't be going around hitting people up unnecessarily.

^^^^ this is so important. instead of going to girls why can't you be open with guys? this is such a weird thing guys do, thinking you can only be vulnerable with ONE person, and that to be a woman/gf. kind of sad to watch
"Stand up and walk. Keep moving forward. You've got two good legs. So get up and use them. You're strong enough to make your own path."
Sep 20, 2018 7:20 AM

Feb 2017
HopefulNihilist said:
Every time I try to talk to a girl (who's in her teens), she always has this stone-cold, dead, look on her face. Especially with attractive girls, like their puppy just died or something.
I try to talk to her, I try asking her normal things, like what her major is. She answers my questions, then ignores me. Or she's just always on her phone.
Aren't women known to have keen intuition? Can't they sense when a guy is JUST trying to socialize with them, just trying to be friendly?
Meanwhile, I see other guys, being all confident and outgoing, girls flock to them! They smile! They start talking! They open up!
Please help me...
Please don't tell me, "Be yourself" because that never works.

I mean, context is really huge here. If you see someone playing with their phone, they probably don't want to talk anyway.

Your posture is important. If you slouch, or hold yourself in a silly/unsure posture you're losing points. Keep your back straight, roll your shoulders back, keep your chin up. Eye contact is great, but you need to learn how much and when through trial and error.

Appearance is very important. People will make a judgment of you in less than a second based off of this. Be clean, wear matching clothes, get your hair in order.

Don't ask "small-talk/normal" questions. They're boring, a little uncomfortable in certain context, and show little effort. Say something unexpected, or use the FORD method; Friends/Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams/Motivations, these are all topics in order of what's easiest for strangers to talk about. Personally, I'd also recommend being observant. What are they wearing? Any accessories? They put effort into that, notice it for them.

Are you confident in how you speak? Are you too quiet, or too loud? Do you stutter, or trip on your words? If you are, you need to keep talking to them and keep failing until you stop those things.

Greatest, most important thing; Be funny/interesting. This sums up everything above. Garner interest by being different, or not what they expected.

EDIT: Also, don't make any assumptions about why they say or do something. Ask them. They will tell you why. If you just assume, you'll probably put your foot in your mouth and look like a nut case.

Sep 20, 2018 7:23 AM

Aug 2016
how about you stop asking for advice on mal and actually get some more experience talking to girls, you'll realise they are pretty human after all
this night has opened my eyes
and I will never sleep again
the dream has gone

Sep 20, 2018 7:26 AM

Mar 2014
don't "be yourself" it never works. next time try to "be her friend", it might works :>
Sep 20, 2018 7:30 AM

Jan 2016
I'd add that one important thing you need to acknowledge is that it can take a long time before a girl is comfortable talking to you, especially if she's an introvert. Additionally, chances are you're somehow giving off a "I'm desperately single and want to be your boyfriend just for the social status" vibe - most girls are pretty quick to notice that about guys. I'd give you some advice as to how to work on that if I had any, but alas, I don't.
Sep 20, 2018 7:57 AM
Jul 2018
Tenma said:
HopefulNihilist said:
Every time I try to talk to a girl (who's in her teens), she always has this stone-cold, dead, look on her face. Especially with attractive girls, like their puppy just died or something.
I try to talk to her, I try asking her normal things, like what her major is. She answers my questions, then ignores me. Or she's just always on her phone.
Aren't women known to have keen intuition? Can't they sense when a guy is JUST trying to socialize with them, just trying to be friendly?
Meanwhile, I see other guys, being all confident and outgoing, girls flock to them! They smile! They start talking! They open up!
Please help me...
Please don't tell me, "Be yourself" because that never works.

I mean, context is really huge here. If you see someone playing with their phone, they probably don't want to talk anyway.

Your posture is important. If you slouch, or hold yourself in a silly/unsure posture you're losing points. Keep your back straight, roll your shoulders back, keep your chin up. Eye contact is great, but you need to learn how much and when through trial and error.

Appearance is very important. People will make a judgment of you in less than a second based off of this. Be clean, wear matching clothes, get your hair in order.

Don't ask "small-talk/normal" questions. They're boring, a little uncomfortable in certain context, and show little effort. Say something unexpected, or use the FORD method; Friends/Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams/Motivations, these are all topics in order of what's easiest for strangers to talk about. Personally, I'd also recommend being observant. What are they wearing? Any accessories? They put effort into that, notice it for them.

Are you confident in how you speak? Are you too quiet, or too loud? Do you stutter, or trip on your words? If you are, you need to keep talking to them and keep failing until you stop those things.

Greatest, most important thing; Be funny/interesting. This sums up everything above. Garner interest by being different, or not what they expected.

EDIT: Also, don't make any assumptions about why they say or do something. Ask them. They will tell you why. If you just assume, you'll probably put your foot in your mouth and look like a nut case.

Thank you, I'll try that. I'll take notes of what you said.
Sep 20, 2018 8:04 AM

Aug 2015
Could be giving off the bad vibes man, no one wants to be around someone who has bad vibes
SomeEdgeLord said:

I WILL report you from this forum if this continues.
In real life, I am one of the coldest, unsympathetic, people you'll ever know, who's grown up in an even colder household, you really don't want me to break my persona, I know how to make people feel bad.

YearnsforAttention said:
hm who has 1656 friends on MAL
that's right me
bye bye

YearnsforAttention said:
I don't want your approval
how many damn times do I need to say it
I enjoy irritating you
I am gonna do things MY way
Sep 20, 2018 9:05 AM

May 2014
Hmm well there are 2 important factors that are not based on looks that are very very important. That is confidence and how you carry yourself.

If you're always depressing, self-deprecating, and a negative person, you're not going to be considered someone worth talking to, in fact, you'll just be looked as someone with bad vibes. Confidence will always be key! Learn to just be yourself and keep that composure, look upbeat be optimistic and positive, try to look like you got your shit together and you're not going to be brought down by NOBODY no matter what.

Intent- I cannot stress this enough, most guys will talk to a girl in hope of getting lucky, you cannot and will not convince anyway that this is the opposite. You won't talk to girl you don't feel an attraction with. So why is stating your intent important? Simple, you see all the shit girls have to deal with in these day of age. Simply put this in your mind from a girl perspective "Every guy who is approaching just wants to fuck" once you understand that mindset you can work around it by telling her right away you just want to be friends. Be transparent in that part atleast so she can drop her guard and try to atleast let you try to be friends with her. Tell her you want to try to improve your social skills with girls and such, trust me on this, women looooooooooooooooooooooves to work on a guy and make a project out of him, so let her know, but DO NOT self-deprecate.

Be funny, honestly idk how you can talk to any girl and expect them to even look at you if you cannot make her laugh. This has always been set in stone, this one has been my strongest suit and has been proven to work more effectively than others, so work on being funny.

Conversation- dude just try to be someone that knows how to hold a convo. Even when you run out of things, just say something random anything that can be conversated with. Here I use these lines and 100% of the time and scary enough it works.

"Hey" *waits on a respond* "Man can you believe the price on cereal these days? Crazyy" or "pineapples on pizza, yay or nay?" Also try not to criticize everthing she says please.

I have more to say but I have to go to work.
Sep 20, 2018 9:10 AM

Nov 2016
Use the Bill Cosby approach. It's worked for him
Sep 20, 2018 10:23 AM

Jun 2016
If you were attractive she will like you looks > everything else
Sep 20, 2018 10:37 AM
Mar 2018

first of all looks don't matter, well, not in the way that you might think you are ugly, those kind of looks don't matter if you want to make friends, your clothes might though, so take some good care of your appearance, people love to see someone who looks like they've made time for good hygiene etc, and especially with girls try not to act to nervous when you talk to them, sounds stupid but you CAN stop yourself from sounding nervous, takes practice to notice & correct it, it's a tip for talking to anyone but again mostly girls; wait for them to finish talking, people like good listeners, girls especially, girls always think they have a lot to say but sometimes they just don't say much, after that be ready to respond and for the sake of kami, respond like you've actually taken on what they've said.

Zettaiken said:
Firstly you need , to look good , and I don't mean you have to be handsome af or something like that , but you need to wear clean clothes and you have to "smell" clean so you can't for par example don't take a shower for 3-4 days and trying to speak with girls cause it won't work.
Second you need to make a good match with colour of your clothes , ofc most of men including me doesn't understand these matches but girls really look at that and pay attention for that.
3: Your face have to look good and I mean by emotions , being sad and showing that to everyone won't work cause girls don't want to talk with guys who will soon talk about their sad mood etc. You need to smile and show that you're mostly natural ( ofc don't make a force smile it's visible)
You need to talk a little bit , get some knowledge about a girl and you have to show her that you're a man with whom she can have relationship even if you don't plan it . Before meeting , at least the first meet you can't smoke or obv. drink alcohol cause it will be noticed and it will make a negative grade about you.
After a dialouge you should ask about idk. Facebook , number of phone etc. to get a possibility to ask her about a meeting in next time etc.

Tbh I don't know what to say more , some of my friends who are more outgoing than me probably would give you better advices but well their not a part of MAL comunity unfortunately.

HopefulNihilist said:

I try to act natural, then they run away. From my perspective, they might as WELL be aliens. The old man also told me that girls can completely sense how you feel towards them. Is this true?

Hmmmm in some kinds I would say that yeah , girls can see and feel how you feel towards them and no it's not because a super powers or mind diffrence of genders it's because that you can see that by muscles on your face , secondly you can make a force smile to show that you're happy and ok , but your eyes will always show the truth , also alot of times you can recognise what type of a man or woman is someone by looking on his/hers style of walking .

it's kind of true that girls can sense how you feel it's a bit harder to talk to girls because they have a kind of super functional sometimes malfunctioning sort of radar, it's based around body language, and I know a few people may have heard this before but men are more thing orientated while girls are people orientated, makes them good at body language even if they don't realise their using it, you can use body language to draw someone in and have them open up, I know that sounds broad but, and it's not just because I'm a bloke, I've just not been good at body language, so I don't really know what kind of body language people are drawn to, some do it naturally and don't realise it, some find out what it is.
anyone saying being bitter is a turn off is wrong, some people find sarcasm funny if you could use that.
funnily I'm the opposite of OP though, I think it's a bit late to make friends and I want to be with someone, I've never really had a relationship that I could say anyone was happy with

I'm just gonna say my own experience is since I've started work 5 years ago I can't remember any girl saying 2 words to me, and I've been *ahem* frustrated for a long time, I just get the feeling that if I do talk to a woman their "sex radar" will go on the fritz, alerting them to what they think my malevolent intentions are, throwing that radar at me to physically slow me down so they can run to the hills. as you may have guessed, I can get quite anxious around women myself
Sep 20, 2018 11:12 AM

Dec 2017
Just give her time.

Maybe she has personal issues and don't want to have friends around.
She's not going to be open unless you understand her very well...but patience is the best answer atm.
Sep 20, 2018 11:27 AM
otp haver 🤪

Jul 2017
Find out her interests. 9/10 Guys who've found out I like anime or designing and started to pick up an interest or have knowledge in it get me hooked to them instantly.
Sep 20, 2018 11:35 AM

Nov 2016
Like others have said, your physical attractiveness (sadly enough) can be what makes or breaks a potential friendship. And if by some miracle they don't care for your looks, their intuitiveness steps in. If you seem even slightly creepy, girls won't want anything to do with you.

It's all about how you present yourself. And if you do everything by the book and they still don't open up, it's probably not about you at that point. They just might not be interested in talking to anyone, which is always something to consider when talking to new people.
・゚☆✧you were like a glass and I always melted in you

Sep 20, 2018 11:48 AM

Sep 2018
HopefulNihilist said:
At this point, I want to stop being biased towards females, by proving to myself that yes, there are such thing as genuinely good hearted girls, who are attractive too.

Maybe it's just me, but does what a person looks like have any merit to how friendly they will be? You can be friends with ugly people too.

Maybe put up a sign somewhere on your campus that say "Looking for friends, gender doesn't matter. Interests include baking and anime." and have a throw-away email or something at the bottom so they can contact you. Or those tear-off slips of paper like missing posters used to do. If someone contacts you, get to know them. Don't ask for a photo or a gender or to meet up in person until you're actually on friendly terms. I'm kind of old school, there's probably somewhere like craigslist or something that you can do it online instead.

Sep 20, 2018 11:51 AM

Jun 2016
elementkg said:
Hmm well there are 2 important factors that are not based on looks that are very very important. That is confidence and how you carry yourself.

If you're always depressing, self-deprecating, and a negative person, you're not going to be considered someone worth talking to, in fact, you'll just be looked as someone with bad vibes. Confidence will always be key! Learn to just be yourself and keep that composure, look upbeat be optimistic and positive, try to look like you got your shit together and you're not going to be brought down by NOBODY no matter what.

Intent- I cannot stress this enough, most guys will talk to a girl in hope of getting lucky, you cannot and will not convince anyway that this is the opposite. You won't talk to girl you don't feel an attraction with. So why is stating your intent important? Simple, you see all the shit girls have to deal with in these day of age. Simply put this in your mind from a girl perspective "Every guy who is approaching just wants to fuck" once you understand that mindset you can work around it by telling her right away you just want to be friends. Be transparent in that part atleast so she can drop her guard and try to atleast let you try to be friends with her. Tell her you want to try to improve your social skills with girls and such, trust me on this, women looooooooooooooooooooooves to work on a guy and make a project out of him, so let her know, but DO NOT self-deprecate.

Be funny, honestly idk how you can talk to any girl and expect them to even look at you if you cannot make her laugh. This has always been set in stone, this one has been my strongest suit and has been proven to work more effectively than others, so work on being funny.

Conversation- dude just try to be someone that knows how to hold a convo. Even when you run out of things, just say something random anything that can be conversated with. Here I use these lines and 100% of the time and scary enough it works.

"Hey" *waits on a respond* "Man can you believe the price on cereal these days? Crazyy" or "pineapples on pizza, yay or nay?" Also try not to criticize everthing she says please.

I have more to say but I have to go to work.

The only confidence is your looks, if you look good she'll make it easy for you to talk to her.
Sep 20, 2018 12:35 PM

Sep 2013
honestly op
there are a fuckton of girls out there and there isn't a simple single formulta to make them open up like some kind of master key

but what I've noticed from personal experience was that when someone seems like is not interested, they're probally not interested in YOU or what you are talking about, so what I've done is simply try to talk about what they want and boy this is hard, knowing what people like to talk about is absolutely a tiresome quest, but eventually you'll know, and like I said before, there aren't key topics for all the girls, girls are different, there may be similar but they are generaly different.

another sugestion is simply try talking to another girl, don't give up on this girl that doesn't bat an eye for what you say, I've met a lot of girls that are like that and a lot of girls that demonstrates attention to what you are talking about.

quick edit: an example that has happened to me, I started talking to a girl that didn't like to talk about things she likes, like she hated questions like, what's your favorite movie/animes/music? why do you like it etc, and that was one of the harddest girls that I've talked to, however, after a few chats, I tried talking about failed love interest, and then she started talking like I was her bestfriend, like I said, it was just a matter of what you talk about, usually.
blumenbaltSep 20, 2018 12:39 PM
Sep 20, 2018 1:43 PM

May 2016
honestly, i think these days, most girls keep that bitch look on their face bc they are sick of douchebags flirting with them or catcalling/trying to do whatever the hell that theyre trying to do that the girl wants no part of. (not saying ur a douchebag)

honestly, my advice is find a girl who doesn't look as hostile and might not be the prettiest one but seems to have a cool style or personality. or, if youre in high school/college, go to a club that interests you. when i was in college, i went to a basically all boys club for League of Legends just so I could interact with people who would know i had something in common with them. it ended up being one of the best decisions.

or, try getting her attention by your actions instead of talking to her. let her know indirectly you are nice, smart, attentive, etc.
Sep 20, 2018 4:58 PM
Jul 2018
Drovac said:
_Nemrod_ said:
The more attachment you have to women, the less attractive you will be to them.

I think that in your case, the first thing you need to develop is the ability to make the daily moments of your life exciting and vibrant. If you manage to develop this capacity, then you will not be perceived as someone who needs a woman to be happy, but as a man who can make magic with the ordynary moments of a woman.

Developing this ability can be hell for someone boring by nature (people like you) but it is clear that the reward is worth it.

How to start developing that skill? Well, learning to dance could be a great start.

Dancing not only allows you to turn a boring moment into a fun one, but it gives you a great social and erotic advantage. It favors your self-esteem, security, body language and erotic / sexual intimacy. The dance also helps you to be more forgiving of yourself, as a result, you will learn to laugh at yourself (women love this!).

I am aware that Spanish speakers have a great advantage when we talk about dancing, because the average of us learn it from an early age. However, in the Anglo-Saxon culture, the advantage of knowing how to dance is markedly superior because it is not something that anyone can do.

In specific way, I would recommend learning to dance Salsa, because this genre combines fun with eroticism.

If you manage to master this type of dance and then you want to ascend to another league, then I recommend a more sophisticated and erotic dance: Tango.

No, it´s not joke.
Believe it or not, there is a big difference between going to the movies with the girl you like and teaching her to dance.

Si-Ran advise you to learn to listen. That is one of the best advice you could have received, because a man who listens is a constant caress for the self-esteem and vanity of a woman.

Learning to listen will be especially effective in a woman lacking in flavor and grace (that mean boring) but is physically attractive. This weakness can increase exponentially when you show "strong indifference" to that woman's physical attractiveness because her subconscious would reflect in you the fragments of that dreamed man who prefers enjoy her words (heart) before in her physically attractive.

Developing this type of ear is easier to practice for introverted men than for extroverted ones, so this ability is less difficult to acquire for men like you.

Men fall in love with their eyes and women with their ears.

This reality is fulfilled in the Latin-speaking nations.
It is easy to see a physically attractive Latin woman with an "average" Latin man, however it is uncommon to see the reverse.

From what I have seen in women of Polish, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Austrian, Irish, Hellenic, Persian and Israeli origin, I conclude that they also have a strong weakness for the written and verbal expressions of Cupid.

I have reasonable doubts about the majority of women of Germanic, Arabic and Japanese origin. It happens that the less expressive the men of a culture are, the less auditory stimulation their women receive. In other words, in cultures where the gift of expression is less developed, women tend to be more visual and less auditory.

Anglo-Saxon women seem to be somewhere between a Norwegian woman and an Italian woman, due to the strong Roman influence received in the British Isles. This becomes evident when we observe that in the Anglo-Saxon World, it is not women who play the role of "hunter" but men.
In other words, developing the gift of expression can also be quite useful in USA.

However, learning to stimulate a woman's hearing may be harder than learning to dance salsa, because this is not something that is learned in a school.

Unlike nations like Italy or Austria, the USA is a deeply anti-intellectual nation because there never was a true balance between the intellect (priesthood) and force (militia).

Feminine emotions can be stimulated wonderfully by means of a elevated capacity of expression-oral and written-but that ability does not usually develop abundantly in cultures in which strength and intellect fight against each other. So It is uncommon to see an Anglo-American man who is manly, romantic, and intelligent at the same time.

So, if you want to develop the ability to stimulate female emotions through verbal and written expression, I suggest you immerse yourself in the romantic literature of nations that have managed to synthesize the intellect and strength.

If you feel more identified with a manly and passionate philosopher, then it would be good to immerse yourself in Italian literature. If you feel more identified with a passionate and brilliant general, then I suggest you immerse yourself in Spanish literature.
The "Italian route" will make things easier for you with women of Irish, German and Greek origin. The "Spanish route" will make things easier for you with women of French, Austrian and Polish origin.

The worthwhile things are often difficult to achieve because they require sacrifice and perseverance. I suggest taking the difficult road -but funny-

you typed all that and he didn't even respond to you, probably didn't even read it. feels bad man

No, I actually did read all that. Don't know why you think I didn't read his post.
Sep 20, 2018 6:41 PM

Dec 2017
Girls are cunts if they base everything about looks. Look for ones that arent thots and ones that arent too crazy. Then talk my boi. They are the most entertaining people if they arent the generic or overly gothic. (Fat ones are disgusting since they almost flipped a table i was on during lunch)
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
Good song
Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo
Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud
Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime.
My reviews:
Best Naruto Op:
discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs
Sep 20, 2018 7:25 PM

Dec 2008
Ask them to please take off their panties and spread their legs-damn, I can't believe I just said that!!
Life Is Short But Intense.
Sep 20, 2018 9:36 PM

Apr 2015
We live in a society.

But seriously, It always worries me this kind of topics, like I'm a girl and I like girls, and I know how hard is to interact with a girl but why guys don't understand that:

1. If a girl or anyone is cold towards you it's because it has no interest about you or you're doing something wrong.
2. Looks are NOT that important and it depends mainly on individuals.
3. What is important is personal care, hygiene and regular social skills.
4. Forcing a conversation is the worst mistake you can make.
5. If you really are interested in a girl, try to pay attention to what she likes and talk about common tastes.
6. Maybe her personality is just cold and indifferent.
7. If it doesn't work, she's just not the one.

Most of the time I'm terrible for conversations but I've had girls interested on me because I don't try to impress them or force my way. And tbh I'm not remotely attractive...
Sep 20, 2018 9:44 PM

Apr 2014
Drovac said:
you typed all that and he didn't even respond to you, probably didn't even read it. feels bad man

His words reflect concern. He read what I wrote.
You can also check the post #50

Noboru said:
Very great posting once again from you. I agree that knowing how to dance can be a big plus, but I wouldn't say that it would be everything.

Well, I did not say that dancing was everything. I just said that dancing would be an excellent start for OP because this allows him to develop a variety of skills. As I said before, dance not only helps to make ordinary moments fun but also helps in self-esteem, confidence, body language, sexual performance and social skills.

It would be great for OP to enter a Salsa School, because surely his tutor would be a young woman with whom he would maintain a deal - verbal and physical - frequent. With a bit of luck, he will be able to build another kind of friendships in that school and thereby immerse himself in "new adventures"

Even his virility will be strengthened with this type of experience, because he would be assuming a challenge that would even intimidate extroverted Anglos.

Noboru said:
Also, males can also be attracted to voices. It's quite simplified if you want to make it look like males tend to mostly care about looks and females about the sound. There are other factors like smell and having a similar nature as well. By that, I don't refer to liking the same things, but rather in sharing similar values and behaving similar in similar situations.

You are understanding my words in a very absolute sense.

-First because I do not encompass a whole group of people, but I speak in general terms.

-Second, because I am not making the masculine eyes and feminine ears the only entrance doors of Venus and Cupid, but I emphasize the primacy that these doors have over others.

-Third because I do not refer to a mature love (commitment) but to an erotic love.

Noboru said:
As a Pan-Germanist, I do not like how you separate Austrian German girls from the German girls from the Federal Republic of Germany. Besides, Walzer can be nice as well. Also, I think you haven't even heard about medieval German Minne songs and completely ignore that our culture has been dubbed the "Land of Poets and Thinkers".

Nice video.

It is necessary to do this "seperation" because Austrian women have tastes that differ from German women.

You will rarely see Spanish men and German women being a couple, while Spanish men and Austrian women have good chemistry.
The vast majority of Spanish men living in Austria have Austrian women as a couple while the vast majority of Spanish men living in the German Federal Republic have, well, non-German women as a couple.

On the other hand, German women and italian men is a common couple. German men and Spanish women is other commnon couple. I suspect that Austrian men tend is good with Hungarian and Czech women but I'm not sure.

HopefulNihilist said:
Reading Italian literature? Well, I'm trying to get back into reading, so that shouldn't be too hard.

Curiously I suspected that you harmonize better with Italian style (intellect impregnated with much strength) than with the Spanish style (strength imbued with much intellect)

However, the literature you study must evoke romanticism and gallantrya. I suggest observing with great attention the writing style of the Italian authors and trying to emulate it little by little. First you start with the written emulation and then with the verbal one.

Take into account that I am not recommending you to learn literature to talk about that topic with girls, but to learn to express yourself like those authors.

HopefulNihilist said:
Learning how to dance...hmmm...I've never liked dancing. But if it helps me acquire friends, then I'll give it a try.

Yes, dance has the super combo you need to develop the skills you need.

It is advisable to enroll in a school to learn salsa dancing, because in that way you will advance much faster. You need to surround yourself with more extroverted and friendly people than the people of your culture. .


By the way, I suggest you keep very present something that will serve you in the future and that by its content I prefered to leave it for the end.

Look, while it is true that it is cruelty to hurt a woman without curing her (provoke an emotional addiction through suffering) no less true is that it is stupid to give roses without hidden thorns (to easily satisfy the feminine desires). The first will make you sadistic. The second will make you cuckold.

If on the one hand you must learn to transform the monotonous into fun, on the other hand you must refuse to concede the delightful good.
You should not offer too much adventure because that is exhausting. Nor should you offer too much stability because that bores. If on the one hand you do not stop conquering your future girlfriend every day, on the other hand she should know that you will never be unconditional with her, so you will not hesitate to abandon her if she refuses to continue conquering you after repeated reasonable warnings.

 why caress and then whip? Why hurt and then heal?

Because the desire is strengthened by means of the difficulties that prevent reaching the delightful object and weakens when it is easy to satisfy it. That is the reason.

To convert ordinary moments into fun by dancing. To caress the feminine vanity of boring and lonely women through the ears. To kiss the female ego through a high verbal and written expression. All these are delightful objects that you should acquire to sow the desire in the woman and then recompense the effort she makes to savor it; However, it will be your rejection, indifference and hardness, the difficulties that will strengthen her desire.

Keep in mind that refusing to "whip" your future girlfriend will be your condemnation, because that will make her lessen the desire for you, then get bored and finally abandon or cheat you. Going against human nature is a rotten luxury that you can not afford.

I am aware that this last advice may be complex for you, however, it is very important learn it.
_Nemrod_Sep 21, 2018 9:32 AM

Sep 20, 2018 9:55 PM

Jul 2016
HopefulNihilist said:
Every time I try to talk to a girl (who's in her teens), she always has this stone-cold, dead, look on her face. Especially with attractive girls, like their puppy just died or something.
I try to talk to her, I try asking her normal things, like what her major is. She answers my questions, then ignores me. Or she's just always on her phone.
Aren't women known to have keen intuition? Can't they sense when a guy is JUST trying to socialize with them, just trying to be friendly?
Meanwhile, I see other guys, being all confident and outgoing, girls flock to them! They smile! They start talking! They open up!
Please help me...
Please don't tell me, "Be yourself" because that never works.

(This is just my opinion based off my own experience of being in university myself.)

I think you just answered your own question. Being confident and outgoing means a lot, especially in a first impression. Women are naturally attracted to confidence. If you don't carry yourself very well, how do you expect girls, or even guys to talk back to you and want to be around you? People aren't going to want to be around someone who's mopy and depressed.

Also, it really comes down to breaking the ice. Don't be afraid to engage deeper in conversation, sometimes you have to be the one that initiates, once you do people will feel a lot more comfortable. People love to talk about about things they like and love to do. Simply asking "What are your hobbies? What do you like to do for fun? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you liking your classes?" Questions like these show that you're interested, and they're also open-ended. Just don't be creepy about it. Play it off smoothly.

Women are naturally going to be more friendly and talkative to guys who are more attractive, there's nothing you can do to change that. Men are the same way with women. It's just how we're wired. However, that doesn't mean if you're bad looking you CAN'T talk to them. Improve your appearence to the best of your ability. Get a nice hair cut, groom yourself, exercise. Before you know it, you'll look better but also FEEL better. It will increase your confidance, and lead to better interaction with not just women but people in general. Improve on your personality, look at what people like about you and improve on those things.
Sep 20, 2018 10:10 PM
Jul 2018
PakaluPapito said:
HopefulNihilist said:
Every time I try to talk to a girl (who's in her teens), she always has this stone-cold, dead, look on her face. Especially with attractive girls, like their puppy just died or something.
I try to talk to her, I try asking her normal things, like what her major is. She answers my questions, then ignores me. Or she's just always on her phone.
Aren't women known to have keen intuition? Can't they sense when a guy is JUST trying to socialize with them, just trying to be friendly?
Meanwhile, I see other guys, being all confident and outgoing, girls flock to them! They smile! They start talking! They open up!
Please help me...
Please don't tell me, "Be yourself" because that never works.

(This is just my opinion based off my own experience of being in university myself.)

I think you just answered your own question. Being confident and outgoing means a lot, especially in a first impression. Women are naturally attracted to confidence. If you don't carry yourself very well, how do you expect girls, or even guys to talk back to you and want to be around you? People aren't going to want to be around someone who's mopy and depressed.

Also, it really comes down to breaking the ice. Don't be afraid to engage deeper in conversation, sometimes you have to be the one that initiates, once you do people will feel a lot more comfortable. People love to talk about about things they like and love to do. Simply asking "What are your hobbies? What do you like to do for fun? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you liking your classes?" Questions like these show that you're interested, and they're also open-ended. Just don't be creepy about it. Play it off smoothly.

Women are naturally going to be more friendly and talkative to guys who are more attractive, there's nothing you can do to change that. Men are the same way with women. It's just how we're wired. However, that doesn't mean if you're bad looking you CAN'T talk to them. Improve your appearence to the best of your ability. Get a nice hair cut, groom yourself, exercise. Before you know it, you'll look better but also FEEL better. It will increase your confidance, and lead to better interaction with not just women but people in general. Improve on your personality, look at what people like about you and improve on those things.

"What are your hobbies? What do you like to do for fun? What are your plans for the weekend? How are you liking your classes?"
Holy have these basic ideas NOT occurred to me?! Thank you so much!

_Nemrod_ said:
Drovac said:
you typed all that and he didn't even respond to you, probably didn't even read it. feels bad man

His words reflect concern. He read what I wrote.
You can also check the post #50

Noboru said:
Very great posting once again from you. I agree that knowing how to dance can be a big plus, but I wouldn't say that it would be everything.

Well, I did not say that dancing was everything. I just said that dancing would be an excellent start for OP because this allows him to develop a variety of skills. As I said before, dance not only helps to make ordinary moments fun but also helps in self-esteem, confidence, body language, sexual performance and social skills.

It would be great for OP to enter a Salsa School, because surely his tutor would be a young woman with whom he would maintain a deal - verbal and physical - frequent. With a bit of luck, he will be able to build another kind of friendships in that school and thereby immerse himself in "new adventures"

Even his virility will be strengthened with this type of experience, because he would be assuming a challenge that would even intimidate extroverted Anglos.

Noboru said:
Also, males can also be attracted to voices. It's quite simplified if you want to make it look like males tend to mostly care about looks and females about the sound. There are other factors like smell and having a similar nature as well. By that, I don't refer to liking the same things, but rather in sharing similar values and behaving similar in similar situations.

You are understanding my words in a very absolute sense.

First because I do not encompass a whole group of people, but I speak in general terms.

Second, because I am not making the masculine eyes and feminine ears the only entrance doors of Venus and Cupid, but I emphasize the primacy that these doors have over others.

Third because I do not refer to a mature love (commitment) but to an erotic love.

Noboru said:
As a Pan-Germanist, I do not like how you separate Austrian German girls from the German girls from the Federal Republic of Germany. Besides, Walzer can be nice as well. Also, I think you haven't even heard about medieval German Minne songs and completely ignore that our culture has been dubbed the "Land of Poets and Thinkers".

Nice video.

It is necessary, because Austrian women have tastes that differ from German women.

You will rarely see Spanish men and German women being a couple, while Spanish men and Austrian women have good chemistry.
The vast majority of Spanish men living in Austria have Austrian women as a couple while the vast majority of Spanish men living in the German Federal Republic have, well, non-German women as a couple.

On the other hand, German women and italian men is a common couple. German men and Spanish women is other commnon couple. I suspect that Austrian men tend is good with Hungarian and Czech women but I'm not sure.

HopefulNihilist said:
Reading Italian literature? Well, I'm trying to get back into reading, so that shouldn't be too hard.

Curiously I suspected that you harmonize better with Italian style (intellect impregnated with much strength) than with the Spanish style (strength imbued with much intellect)

However, the literature you study must evoke romanticism and gallardia. I suggest observing with great attention the writing style of the Italian authors and trying to emulate it little by little.
Take into account that I am not recommending you to learn literature to talk about that topic with girls, but to learn to express yourself like those authors.

First you start with the written emulation and then with the verbal one
HopefulNihilist said:
Learning how to dance...hmmm...I've never liked dancing. But if it helps me acquire friends, then I'll give it a try.

Yes, dance has the super combo you need to develop the skills you need.

It is advisable to enroll in a school to learn salsa dancing, because in that way you will advance much faster. You need to surround yourself with more extroverted and friendly people than the people of your culture. .


By the way, I suggest you keep very present something that will serve you in the future and that by its content I prefered to leave it for the end.

Look, while it is true that it is cruelty to hurt a woman without curing her (provoke an emotional addiction through suffering) no less true is that it is stupid to give roses without hidden thorns (to easily satisfy the feminine desires). The first will make you sadistic. The second will make you cuckold.

If on the one hand you must learn to transform the monotonous into fun, on the other hand you must refuse to concede the delightful good.
You should not offer too much adventure because that is exhausting. Nor should you offer too much stability because that bores. If on the one hand you do not stop conquering your future girlfriend every day, on the other hand she should know that you will never be unconditional with her, so you will not hesitate to abandon her if she refuses to continue conquering you after repeated reasonable warnings.

 why caress and then whip? Why hurt and then heal?

Because the desire is strengthened by means of the difficulties that prevent reaching the delightful object and weakens when it is easy to satisfy it. That is the reason.

To convert ordinary moments into fun by dancing. To caress the feminine vanity of boring and lonely women through the ears. To kiss the female ego through a high verbal and written expression. All these are delightful objects that you should acquire to sow the desire in the woman and then recompense the effort she makes to savor it; However, it will be your rejection, indifference and hardness, the difficulties that will strengthen her desire.

Keep in mind that refusing to "whip" your future girlfriend will be your condemnation, because that will make her lessen the desire for you, then get bored and finally abandon or cheat you. Going against human nature is a rotten luxury that you can not afford.

I am aware that this last advice may be complex for you, however, it is very important learn it.

....I'm sorry...I'm a dumbass. I didn't understand anything you said, except something about looking for a relationship. I will NEVER EVER enter into a relationship. I'm just looking to socialize with attractive girls, so I can STOP being so negatively biased towards attractive females, because of my horrible experiences with them.
Sep 20, 2018 10:22 PM
Aug 2018
HopefulNihilist said:
Every time I try to talk to a girl (who's in her teens), she always has this stone-cold, dead, look on her face. Especially with attractive girls, like their puppy just died or something.
I try to talk to her, I try asking her normal things, like what her major is. She answers my questions, then ignores me. Or she's just always on her phone.
Aren't women known to have keen intuition? Can't they sense when a guy is JUST trying to socialize with them, just trying to be friendly?
Meanwhile, I see other guys, being all confident and outgoing, girls flock to them! They smile! They start talking! They open up!
Please help me...
Please don't tell me, "Be yourself" because that never works.
proabably because all women are retarded and you werent dressed up, try wearing a fedora
Sep 20, 2018 10:27 PM

Oct 2014
It's not about you man, just the way things are. Also it's not "girls", it's just the ones you've really tried, which is like what, 2 or 3? Girls rarely initiate, so if they're not interested you simply have to make your self marketable.

Sep 20, 2018 11:32 PM

Jul 2015
I mean the cold, hard truth is that you can't get someone to open up if they don't want to. I'm assuming you're talking about that campus life (college/university), and honestly, it's full of that. There are lots of people who are just kinda uninterested in socializing with other people (strangers especially) in their class, and there's not really much you can do about it. I mean, we go to college/university for a degree, not to make friends. I've had similar conversations with some of my friends and have asked them if they try to socialize with people who sit beside/near them in class, and most (if not all) of them said that they just kinda keep to themselves in class.

So with this all being said, just keep doing what you're doing and strike up a conversation. You're bound to find someone who'll be interested eventually. But always be sure to know when to engage and when to disengage. The last thing people need is for someone to just non-stop talk to them when they just want to be left alone and to just text their friends or w/e. And this goes for both guys and girls alike.

caught in the wonder
Sep 20, 2018 11:37 PM

May 2014
theultimate341 said:
elementkg said:
Hmm well there are 2 important factors that are not based on looks that are very very important. That is confidence and how you carry yourself.

If you're always depressing, self-deprecating, and a negative person, you're not going to be considered someone worth talking to, in fact, you'll just be looked as someone with bad vibes. Confidence will always be key! Learn to just be yourself and keep that composure, look upbeat be optimistic and positive, try to look like you got your shit together and you're not going to be brought down by NOBODY no matter what.

Intent- I cannot stress this enough, most guys will talk to a girl in hope of getting lucky, you cannot and will not convince anyway that this is the opposite. You won't talk to girl you don't feel an attraction with. So why is stating your intent important? Simple, you see all the shit girls have to deal with in these day of age. Simply put this in your mind from a girl perspective "Every guy who is approaching just wants to fuck" once you understand that mindset you can work around it by telling her right away you just want to be friends. Be transparent in that part atleast so she can drop her guard and try to atleast let you try to be friends with her. Tell her you want to try to improve your social skills with girls and such, trust me on this, women looooooooooooooooooooooves to work on a guy and make a project out of him, so let her know, but DO NOT self-deprecate.

Be funny, honestly idk how you can talk to any girl and expect them to even look at you if you cannot make her laugh. This has always been set in stone, this one has been my strongest suit and has been proven to work more effectively than others, so work on being funny.

Conversation- dude just try to be someone that knows how to hold a convo. Even when you run out of things, just say something random anything that can be conversated with. Here I use these lines and 100% of the time and scary enough it works.

"Hey" *waits on a respond* "Man can you believe the price on cereal these days? Crazyy" or "pineapples on pizza, yay or nay?" Also try not to criticize everthing she says please.

I have more to say but I have to go to work.

The only confidence is your looks, if you look good she'll make it easy for you to talk to her.

I mean he's only looking for friendship, why would looks even matter?
Sep 21, 2018 12:25 AM

Jun 2016
elementkg said:
theultimate341 said:

The only confidence is your looks, if you look good she'll make it easy for you to talk to her.

I mean he's only looking for friendship, why would looks even matter?

It still matters but not to that degree of getting a relationship I thought op was looking for a gf seeing that he’s only targeting women to talk to.
Sep 21, 2018 7:04 AM

May 2014
theultimate341 said:
elementkg said:

I mean he's only looking for friendship, why would looks even matter?

It still matters but not to that degree of getting a relationship I thought op was looking for a gf seeing that he’s only targeting women to talk to.

I mean ultimately he's hoping for a GF but masking it as "just friends" I think he wants to friendzoned a girl to make him self feel superior.
Sep 21, 2018 8:10 AM

Aug 2017
B4Dawn said:
your name jeff?

if the answe is no, there lies ur problem

me llamo jeff in the hood be like

ooga booga
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 21, 2018 8:15 AM
Jul 2018
elementkg said:
theultimate341 said:

It still matters but not to that degree of getting a relationship I thought op was looking for a gf seeing that he’s only targeting women to talk to.

I mean ultimately he's hoping for a GF but masking it as "just friends" I think he wants to friendzoned a girl to make him self feel superior.

Where do people on MAL get these ideas?
Sep 21, 2018 10:27 AM
Sep 2018
HopefulNihilist said:
What do you mean by a "prop"? What kind of physical gesture can I make to tell people I have social anxiety? I could try opening up a conversation about mental disorders, and then tell them I have social anxiety, but I don't know how to.

It depends on the environment, but a prop could be something interactive like a ball or frisbee (for the outdoors). One time the psyche department at my college had an ice cream social, and they had these cheesy little bookmarks so I went up to a gal and joked "Is this what passes for glow-sticks?"

The social anxiety thing though is kind of a non-starter, like handing them a boat anchor. I wouldn't bring that up unless you have some dark artistry to show off or an edgy CD release.
Sep 21, 2018 3:58 PM

Jan 2009
@_Nemrod_: Alright, I also agree that knowing how to dance could help in a lot of ways including posture.
My bad for misunderstanding you. Still, I'd argue that smell plays an extremely important role as well to influence our subconscious. There are theories that what is "love" and how humans behave can be all explained with chemistry.

As for flirting with the salsa teacher: I'm not so sure about that one, since there should be just a professional level between a teacher and a student. Plus, if the teachers are attractive, they might get some resistance to the allures of the opposite sex when they're used to having danced with many of them.

I'm also not sure about trying to look for any kinds of relationship in a place where people just go there to learn how to dance.

Are you perchance referring to the triangular theory of love?

I would like to know how you got your stats about mixed-ethnicity pairings in German-speaking Europe. I would also like to know why you seem to disregard the love songs, love poems and love literature from the German-speaking culture.

P.S.: Glad that you liked the Walzer video. It's usually filmed for the penultimate song ("the blue Danube") on the annual Vienna Philharmonic New Year's Concert. I find it interesting to watch them and would like myself to be able to dance like that, but my "inner potato" (though we call that "innerer Schweinehund" (inner swine dog)) prevents me from visiting a dance school.

I think the question is not what you can do, but rather how you can do it. You have to take into account that not everyone is an out-going person and not everyone even feels like dancing or even going outside in their sparse free-time, especially when they come home later in the evening from work.
Sep 22, 2018 3:19 PM

Apr 2014
Noboru said:
Still, I'd argue that smell plays an extremely important role as well to influence our subconscious. There are theories that what is "love" and how humans behave can be all explained with chemistry.

Normally, an adequate personal hygiene and a good diet are usually enough to please the sense of smell.

I do not doubt that the smell influences but the masculine eye and the feminine ear usually play a much more important role because they are more connected with the thoughts and emotions.

Noboru said:
I'm also not sure about trying to look for any kinds of relationship in a place where people just go there to learn how to dance.

hahaha but what are you talking about?
I did not say anything about flirt with salsa teacher.
I simply say that the female contact of that teacher would benefit OP because it would help her overcome hisr fear for attractive women.

For example, I have never been intimidated by mere feminine beauty, because my mother and older sister are charismatic and physically beautiful women. It is difficult to be intimidate towards elements that coexist "kindly" with one. Much more likely is that an attractive girl feels intimidated by my charming personality :v

It could be different if we talk about an attractive woman endowed with special and scarce attributes -which I prefer not to mention- because she could awaken strong secret desires derived from my unmet shortages. In other words, that woman could catch me and that is certainly dangerous for people like me haha

Of course, I do not mean to say that physical attractiveness and female charisma are indifferent to me, but for us men it is easy to have sex without falling in love.

OP needs to frequent attractive, extroverted and friendly women so that he can become familiar with what intimidates him. A salsa school can solve that.

Noboru said:
I would like to know how you got your stats about mixed-ethnicity pairings in German-speaking Europe

Observation in my trips, comments of forums and studies of the history. That is all.

Keep in mind that foreigners form communities and usually maintain contact with each other, so that it is not difficult to learn from their interactions through observation.

I had at my hand the statistical data of the relations produced between Spanish men and Austrian women but I have missing them. However, the community of Spanish living in Austria know that the chances of forming relationships with Austrian women are relatively high because the vast majority of them are.

Couples made up of German men and Spanish women are relatively frequent in both Germany and Spain.
Look that the number of Germans living in Spain is huge, so it is easy to verify-again-these relationships in certain Spanish regions, especially when it is increasingly common to see people product of this mixture.


I said "again" because obviously it is not the first time. During the Spanish Reconquista, many people from Central Europe emigrated to Spain as they were reconquering the various Islamic domains, thus obtaining the benefits of repopulating the reconquered lands. The mixture did not wait.

We also find these multi-ethnic mixtures during the hegemony of the Habsburgs dynasty, who were basically a mixture of Spanish and Austrians. Take into account that the mixture of the elites influences the behavior of the people.

The multi-ethnic mix between Spanish and Austrians is one of my favorites due to the amount of colossus it produced in a short time.
Even the French King Louis XIV was attached to his Spanish-Austrian heritage.

The French historian Ernest Lavisse said about Lois XIV «C’est d’Espagne-Autriche, semble-t-il, plus encore que de France, que Louis XIV a reçu son orgueil énorme, invraisemblable, pharaonique.» nd «Il était de France, mais d'Espagne tout autant et même davantage» The translation is «It is from Spain-Austria, it seems, even more than from France, that Louis XIV received his enormous, improbable, Pharaonic pride» and «He was from France, but from Spain just as much and even more»

The multi-ethnic relationships of our time are produced by causes similar to the multi-ethnic relationships of the past. However, exposing these relationships using historical data would be an extensive task and very outside the topic of this thread

Noboru said:
I would also like to know why you seem to disregard the love songs, love poems and love literature from the German-speaking culture.

Because I do not study romantic things for fun but just for the erotic benefits I get from their practice. In other words, I'm not interested in talking about poetry with a girl, but making love to her poetically

When we talk about male seduction, it is very helpful for men to learn Italian and Spanish style due to their "universal aspirations". When we talk about feminine seduction, it is much more advantageous for women to learn French style for similar reasons.

German poetry does not seem to aspire to conquer the universe in a practical sense, consequently, it does not attract my attention.
Noboru said:
I think the question is not what you can do, but rather how you can do it. You have to take into account that not everyone is an out-going person and not everyone even feels like dancing or even going outside in their sparse free-time, especially when they come home later in the evening from work.

Valuable things often require sacrifice.

If an introverted person does not assume the sacrifice that implies impregnate itself with the attributes enjoyed by extroverted people, it means that their desire and motivation lack force. The same can be said of extroverted people who refuse to accept the sacrifice of being in touch with their thoughts. In both cases, we are talking about people fleeing their own specters.

We all live with ghosts and only those we face end up disappearing. We are not perfect so we will never dare to challenge all our ghosts, especially those related to death.

It is also necessary to be self-indulgent, that is, not to take yourself very seriously. This is essential because falls (flight) will be inevitable and it is necessary to self-forgive to get up and continue.

If an introverted person refuses to constantly self-forgive for running away - again and again - from the fear of social failures, then he will surrender and never be impregnated with the qualities that extroverts have to build exciting relationships.

If an outgoing person refuses to constantly self-forgive for running away - again and again - from the fear of silence, then he can never be impregnated by the qualities that introverted people have to build stable relationships.

The most successful erotic relationships are usually built by introverted people adorned with social skills and extroverted people in contact with their thoughts.
This type of couples have less tendency to suffer exhaustion (excess of emotions) or boredom (lack of emotions), not only because both escape the monotony of their own substance, but also because both tend to be inspired by the features of their couple.

Naturally, they should also be able to be happy without the need of the couple, otherwise it is inevitable that one or both members develop a sexual, emotional or affective co-dependence. Co-dependence is often the great precursor of boring, unstable, dysfunctional or violent relationships.

HopefulNihilist said:
I will NEVER EVER enter into a relationship. I'm just looking to socialize with attractive girls, so I can STOP being so negatively biased towards attractive females, because of my horrible experiences with them

What is so horrible? indifference?

I will not be the judge of you, however, you must be very aware that that "NEVER" is your choice.

The "horrible" things you say you have experienced look like trivialities. They are not real impediments because your problems can be solved by your effort and self-indulgence.

This world is full of suffering and there is no way to avoid it. If you refuse to suffer the pain of getting up constantly, then you will suffer the pain of staying on the floor. In your case, the first one has rewards even in the short term. The second one does not.

I suggest not being stupid and taking those dance class.
Do not be so hard and unfair to yourself

So Move! Move!! Move!!!

_Nemrod_Sep 23, 2018 3:49 PM

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10 by dreamingneon »»
45 minutes ago

» do you still live with your parents?

FruitPunchBaka - May 29

44 by lain877 »»
2 hours ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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