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Big Order
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Jun 17, 2016 2:09 PM
Jul 2018
I had originally intended to give this a 5/10, but then they used the god like power thing as an excuse to stop coloring all the scene panels and made it gray and black for 1/4 of the episode maybe even 1/2. I also found the ending could have been made better so a 3/10.

Just my opinion about this last episode, but it was a pretty fun train wreck to watch.
Jun 17, 2016 2:09 PM

Jul 2012
+ for FREEDOM comment. Don't know what i watched but i'm glad it ended.

TheLittleRedHero said:
-ShadowClaw- said:
You know...i have seen a lot of anime over the years..and even the bad ones were not as bad as this clusterfuck.

just what the hell was the point of this? nothing made sense....really i usually rate my anime from 7 to 10 and even te bad ones i would rate a 6 but this...pff i have no clue anymore 4/10 very bad...really why bother with this. your better off watching school days and that is saying something.

xD School Days was worse because the MC was a big fucking liar pussy.

That was pretty random.These 2 series are very different, but if comparing this one isn't even close. School Days is known for its ending and got popular for it. If you didn't like it that's fine, just as i said your comment was so random.
Jun 17, 2016 2:10 PM

Jul 2009
TheLittleRedHero said:
Jonny_Mhl said:

Actually MOD is 19 minutes long and those minutes were the worse and longest minutes I've used in 13 years of Internet.
Yeah it's not on MOD level simple because it has more episodes.

Yes, another season would make this mess looks like a total disaster.

I remember it being 20 but I don't remember much. Like at least Big Order had a good OP and some decent art style but thats just it. I don't hate it per say but I just cant accept it being the worst show out there (just because I've seen a lot that I declare it shit if it insults me when it tackles something that I like)

I've also seen a lot of shows and for me Big Order atm is at a big struggle with Hundred, Mayoiga and Seisen Cerberus for the worst of the season, all of them are wasted potential.
Jun 17, 2016 2:12 PM
Jul 2018
Jonny_Mhl said:
TheLittleRedHero said:

I remember it being 20 but I don't remember much. Like at least Big Order had a good OP and some decent art style but thats just it. I don't hate it per say but I just cant accept it being the worst show out there (just because I've seen a lot that I declare it shit if it insults me when it tackles something that I like)

I've also seen a lot of shows and for me Big Order atm is at a big struggle with Hundred, Mayoiga and Seisen Cerberus for the worst of the season, all of them are wasted potential.

Well the thing is:

Hundred is average because its just generic.
Mayoiga is just the worst for my end, since it tackled my favorite genre and I hated that.
Seisen was just Meh too.

But thats my personal opinion.
Jun 17, 2016 2:14 PM
Captain Eyepatch

Dec 2015
AvidAnimeViewer said:

I to can enjoy that feeling now...

Just when you think it can't get any worst; incest.
Jun 17, 2016 2:14 PM

Dec 2014
Ok the ending was a little cliche but very generic... otally ruined the show
Jun 17, 2016 2:20 PM

Jan 2011
This author will not get anymore of my time...
Jun 17, 2016 2:27 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
What a blatant ripoff of Madoka's wish at the end lol

Well at least this trainwreck is over with
Jun 17, 2016 2:34 PM

Apr 2014
Still don't know for sure why I decided to watch this, probably because people were saying that this was the best "comedy" this season alongside Mayoiga yet I never felt laughing at it no matter how stupid and disconnected the events were.
It was just a big mess and I feel like I would have dropped it a few episodes ago if it wasn't so short.
It's definitely the last time I'll try something from this mangaka.
Jun 17, 2016 2:48 PM

Dec 2014
Rejoice people of the world Big Order has ended. Nothing could have saved this show, I repeat nothing.
Messed up random ending, But at least it was a happy ending.

Daisy looked good in the maid outfit, Wish we could have seen her face as well.
Soundtrack was good this episode, The only thing I liked in this finale.

This series will henceforth serve as my definition of the word 'Debacle', Nothing but an absolute mess from the start to the end topped of by it's nonsensical writing. Character were completely stupid/boring, Comedy wasn't great. The only laughs I got where directed towards the show. Even the incest couldn't save this xD

AvidAnimeViewer said:

^^^^^^ Hahahaha XDD This is exactly what I felt at the end XDD
Jun 17, 2016 2:52 PM

Jul 2007
This is the word full-length series I have watched, goes to my list of "stuff I will recommend to people I hate".

The whole episode was full of stupid scenes that made even more obvious how bad the writing is, plus we got unnecessary flashbacks like the one that pretty much confirms what we already now: Eiji banged Sena LOL.

Jun 17, 2016 3:02 PM

Sep 2011
Train wreck from start to finish and yet it was better than Mayoiga. Also, I lol'd at the brother and sister incest.

TyrelJun 17, 2016 9:27 PM
Jun 17, 2016 3:14 PM

Feb 2015
At least it was consistent at being inconsistent and utterly confusing.

I especially love how Eiji got stabbed for no real reason by his sister the one he has to save but because he has such a massive hard on for her he try's again. Seriously I could have written a better show than this.

The grey scale affect was also ugly and annoying in this episode.

On the up side the art & character designs were nice...... shame it was an utter mess 5/10
Jun 17, 2016 3:21 PM

Jun 2012
Finally this atrocity is over.

Jun 17, 2016 3:22 PM

Jan 2011
fullmetal212 said:
This is honestly the worst show I have ever completed. 2/10

Everyone has their first ; )

But ya this shit was pretty bad. I wasn't overly impressed with Mirai Nikki so idk why I was expecting this to be "good" for me.
Jun 17, 2016 3:23 PM

Oct 2012
AvidAnimeViewer said:

Exactly. It's like a longer version of Pupa with only a little bit more to the plot.
Jun 17, 2016 3:24 PM

Jul 2015
Well i cant say i liked this anime overall since it was definitely rushed and unreasonable but Ill give it a 9/10 (which i knew it didn't deserve) only because i liked the first and maybe the last episodes and of course to show my respect as a Mirai Nikki fan.
Jun 17, 2016 3:30 PM

Oct 2015
And here it is the WORST anime of 2016, the end.
Overall 6/10
Jun 17, 2016 3:41 PM
Mar 2015
I knew he fucked his sweet little sister. Lucky bastard.
Jun 17, 2016 4:00 PM

Jul 2014
Adibash said:
the only good thing was Daisy maid version at the end ahah
And the pregnant Iyo. Nothing else.

If it were uncensored someone else would be able to say that there were other good things. But reality is different.
If I think about not being so harsh, I liked some parts of the OST.
LeviathanTheEspJun 17, 2016 4:03 PM
Jun 17, 2016 4:13 PM
Aug 2013
Kakuja21 said:
Im gonna ask something because the anime doesnt explain shit.
How were Eijis memories erased? I know it has something to do with that little robot on his head but who controls it?

That was Eijis own power, he rewrote his and senas memories and took her ability bind dominator together with her "sins" and that was just explained this episode.
Jun 17, 2016 4:19 PM

Sep 2014
It only took 10 weeks for the doctors to remove this brain tumor from my head.

Jun 17, 2016 4:29 PM

May 2014
This anime is weirdly beautiful and shitty at the same time. Yousei Teikoku saves this show. I'll just give this a 10/10 for the opening
Jun 17, 2016 4:48 PM

Mar 2009
Looking at all the comments here, I'm so glad I dropped it at episode 3.
Jun 17, 2016 4:53 PM

Jul 2013
10/10. A masterpiece from the beginning to the end. The plot was totally coherent and clear, the characters were 3 dimensional and really fleshed out, with their motivations having a lot of sense, the soundtrack was epic and the ending was beautiful. I almost shed a tear.

I will miss this. AOTS, no, AOTY.

Btw, we had some quality faces before the grand finale:

Jun 17, 2016 5:01 PM

May 2015
Terrible ending. Finally done with this mess of a show. It was shit. 4/10.

Jun 17, 2016 5:26 PM

Mar 2014
Farewell comedy of the season.
Season 2 when?
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Jun 17, 2016 5:33 PM

Oct 2014
Not enough jazz music or weird sex scenes in this final episode. 1/5 for episode and 4/10 overall.
RainyRai said:

>not appreciating how much of a cunt Asuka is
How disgusting tbh
Jun 17, 2016 5:53 PM

Jul 2010
It's finally over, and it was only 10 eps but felt like fucking 20+.... nice to finally be free (I don't drop shows)

Jun 17, 2016 6:00 PM

Jan 2015
moodie said:

not even incest could save this

You know an anime's bad when not even incest can save it.

Only watched the first episode myself, was planning on continuing this series because of the incest but now I guess I'll lay this series to rest.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Jun 17, 2016 6:25 PM

Jan 2016
Well Eiji DID have sex with Sena according to our flashbacks, not only that she was 13 at the time, dang.

Rock Goddess shows up with no "Ass shot" what in the flying f×ck was the reasoning behind that? That was her sole purpose here...

Not sure what Rin and Eiji relationship is? She wants to help him to save the girl he loves or she loves him and wants to help him play? Confusing...

Iyo does nothing but shows up in end, wierd.

Gennai is a giant douche and got what douches deserve.

I like happy endings so I graded this better but that was a pretty shitty reunion with Sena on her birthday. Zero actual interaction together, could have spent a few minutes showing them together at least.

Mirrai Nikki was well put together and I think the 24 episodes helped. If we would have condensed it down to 10 episodes I think it would have been a bigger train wreck to follow than this. If this had went 24 episodes I think it would have been much easier to watch and probably at least a 7 if not a 7.5.

Well now comes the unrated/uncensored blueray wait for us ecchi fans. I hope it comes soon before I forget this show came out and miss the rock goddess 'sdark skin fat-ass wonderfulness.
Jun 17, 2016 6:36 PM

Jul 2012
anime was truly a mistake...
Jun 17, 2016 6:48 PM
Feb 2016
A bad ending for a bad show.

As most have noticed this is an alternative universe created by Eiji's wish, it's quit obvious, and the glass Eiji is served with the broken sphere indicates that it's an imperfect wish. He did not sucede in dominating the world he is just fooling himself into believing he did.

As Daisy said in episode 9, a granted wish can create an alternative universe that existes out of the original universe and is just as real as universe from which the wish is granted, if you take that to heart we can assume that his wish was granted and it was also not granted in a sense.

This series is so messed up my mind just went overboard trying to understand this ending.

Good God! What did I watch!

Good riddance!
Jun 17, 2016 6:48 PM
Aug 2015
dafuq did I watch this whole time

this is a big mess
Jun 17, 2016 7:28 PM

Dec 2009
I got lost on what just happened during the finale of this episode. The ending was alright, don't think there will a season 2 though. Really? Sibling relationship through love making... Um... no words on that.
Jun 17, 2016 7:55 PM

Apr 2012
I'm glad it's over.
"The moment 'pride' is lost, 'freedom' is also lost" - Ramza Beoulve, Final Fantasy Tactics

Jun 17, 2016 8:17 PM
Jul 2014
I don't understand why Eiji has Sena's pin hair (or whatever it was) in the pocket at the end, did he just kept it when he riped it out from Sena after been stabbed? Or was the world changed and some wishes could become real after the incident?
I hope u guys understand my question...
Jun 17, 2016 8:18 PM

Jul 2015
This show is so bad that I had to move my 1/10 to 2/10 just so they wouldn't have the same score as this.

About the ending I think it is natural to assume that it is a different world created by Eiji's wish(Would make no sense for him to be able to stop a god, even at full potential and combining Rin's wish with his), could see it coming from the moment his father stated that different worlds would be created when someone made a wish. So it leaves us with an unpredictable show, where none of the characters actions made sense that somehow got a predictable ending...

Also, am I the only one that was so bothered about this show's color pallet that felt relief when everything was turned black and white?
Jun 17, 2016 8:32 PM

Oct 2013
There are so many things I could say here in complaint but lol, 3/10? I'd say 4/10 if not for such a played out ending. I'm actually a little disappointed, I was expecting something much wilder. The pseudo-incest thing was so stupid.

If I had to leave one final comment on big order, i'd say that I really wish Edge-chan had remained a thing. The episode where she got the time-stopping order on her side had to be the most entertaining one out of the series. As edgy and played out as that would have been, it was at least truly entertaining. There is nothing here of any value except for that one glimmer of interest, and with that gone, I have to say, that this was an truly a mediocre experience.
I couldn't think of anything cool to put here.
Jun 17, 2016 8:39 PM

Dec 2013
5/5 for perfect train-wreck. This did it's job pushing shounen shit to the max and never reconciling with logic.
First off, Eiji stole Sena's ability by sealing her memories? That itself doesn't make sense. How do you switch abilities with someone by simply sealing away their memories?
Then their dad suddenly stealing that ability as well before cutting his hand off was dumb as heck as well. Why the heck do they never explain this shit?
Plus, it's more than apparent that the area around the gate is under crazy dad's control, then how the heck would he not know that Eiji's body was found by Rin? He should be able to dominate Rin to stop her from saving Eiji as well (and shouldn't there be some sort of defense mechanism to stop her from removing her eye?). And if removing an eye was that simple a way to get out from crazy dad's control, then you really gotta ask why more people haven't done just that.
Don't even get me started on how they managed to stop a god at the end there, and all those Orders working/cancelling each other out suddenly because the user just happens to state an exposition the very next line justifying it? So much contrived bullshit this show is.

Sigh... nevermind. I figured that this show was shit from the first few episode, but in the end it failed to grant me sufficient satisfaction in watching Eiji get chopped up, sliced apart and mentally abused. Big Order failed on so many levels that one more additional failure really doesn't add much to that list.
L-RyoshiJun 17, 2016 8:53 PM
Jun 17, 2016 9:06 PM

Oct 2013
To all the people saying the secret to this show is that it's a "comedy"- well, if that is truly the case, I have to say it really isn't a very good one lol. I laughed maybe about 3 times lol. Once when Iyo got pregnant (half out of shock and anger), second when Sena momentarily became Edge-chan (RIP to edge-chan), and third, when rin was pushed off the bridge after valiantly breaking her hands to get free.

This show really wasn't all that funny lol, just really disappointing.

L-Ryoshi said:

Don't even get me started on how they managed to stop a god at the end there, and all those Orders working/cancelling each other out suddenly because the user just happens to state an exposition the very next line justifying it? So much contrived bullshit this show is.

I don't want to give this show to much credit, I want to say that Eji actually didn't dominate the whole entire world- instead he's just living in his own idealized world based on his wish. It could also be that the beads breaking meant that the connection to the power that gave them their orders was broken. I really don't know (or care) at this point.
I couldn't think of anything cool to put here.
Jun 17, 2016 9:15 PM

Jan 2016
You have the power to do anything. ANYTHING. Your sister caused a lot of destruction with her wish... But that's okay because you can fix it! "I wish to undo my sister's wish" or "I wish that my sister's wish is granted more toward her intentions", any number of things. "I wish that my sister forgets that she caused all this heartache and instead believe that I did". What the fuck? What the fuck?

I like how Gennai there is like "Sena, you did this... But look, the gate's open!" His daughter is shaken up, understandably, but his son is acting like a huge dweeb going "DON'T BLAME SENA!" If I was Gennai I would just smack my son right away and go get a grip, we can fix this easily. Instead the MC wishes for the dumbest wish imaginable.

I love how the dumbass MC is like we can't grant everyone's wishes! That would be a lie! And Edgechan is like the ten years of lies are fine though? While I had cancer? he makes a perfect world but just for himself, and denies humanity salvation just for the extra bit of gratification of HIS world being more real than others (that he could have had anyway). What a dick.

Don't know why Yuno Gasai loves the MC. The domination of her falling in love with him is gone. That's retarded. They're fighting to prevent everyone's wishes from coming true.

This MC is worse than Marche, because Marche was trying to get back to what he thought was "real". But this MC is fighting against everyone experiencing their wishes on real Earths.

Granting everyone's wishes? Absolute evil that we must stop at all costs. Killing God? A-ok.

Why did Sena suddenly give up at the end!? What the fuck!? And of course, the self-imposed limit he put on himself is removed, destroying any facade of tension. Though I don't think they're actually trying to fool anyone anymore that this story mattered.

The worst part is that we didn't get anything as silly as Fish Gun or blind Arceus because the show was up its own ass with seriousness. More stupid than silly or goofy.

There's literally no moral, no progression. It's a perfect example of a pretentious show. It tries to take a shot at a somewhat serious theme, but the plot ends up shooting itself in the foot and the only things worth remembering now are naked girls, literal incest, and jazz.
FragOutFireJun 17, 2016 10:36 PM
Jun 17, 2016 10:01 PM

May 2015
This reminded me of Divine Gate,idea of story is kinda alright but it was so fast paced that it felt like the story was slapped into my face and it just threw everything in and made a Big Mess.

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Jun 17, 2016 10:14 PM

Jul 2013
10/10 best fucking shit I ever watched

If you dont like this you are insane

Jun 17, 2016 10:16 PM

Oct 2011
Happy Ending for everyone
Jun 17, 2016 10:31 PM

Feb 2016
Not even going to bother with this one. I only wish they had played that battle OST in this episode.
Daisy best girl becomes living now! Rin can go to hell now. XD
Jun 17, 2016 10:41 PM

Apr 2016
Thankful that it is finally over. regret the fact i wasted my time watching these 10 episodes. So messed up Eiji banged his sister but rejected Iyo and RIn. It's like the script was made just before animating it. smh ending was so random, the Most inconsistent anime this spring. I wonder if mayoiga is even worse than this anymore because this anime seriously pissed me off. It feels like the writers just went with whatever sounded cool to themselves. I doubt the ratings will be more than a 4/5 because this was just awful.
DajoemanJun 17, 2016 11:01 PM
Jun 17, 2016 11:12 PM

Feb 2015
That was beyond terrible.
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Jun 17, 2016 11:22 PM

Dec 2012
What the fuck even happened? xD That was complete and utter trash lol. I can't believe I thought this would be good.
Jun 18, 2016 12:14 AM

Sep 2014
Garbage ending for a garbage show.


I'm giving the show an extra point because I really like the opening song. Shame that the song was wasted on this show.
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