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14 Year Old Boy Arrested For Uploading One Piece Scans To Youtube [Update Jun 15]

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Jun 15, 2010 3:28 PM

Feb 2008
ice_gray said:
its not like he hurt anyone with it

I lol'd really hard.

dtshyk said:
Kyoto Police estimated the amount of damage to be two billion yen ($21 million).
Jun 15, 2010 4:27 PM

Oct 2009
This thread is still going?
Jun 15, 2010 4:31 PM
Jun 2010
TurnipKing said:
This thread is still going?

TurnipKing has arrived. This thread is now about 14 yr old boys and RAPE.
Jun 15, 2010 4:37 PM

Oct 2009
xCleOx said:
Ichitakaseto said:
poor kid , what a pity. that bullshit with uploading manga ruined his whole life.

It's not gonna ruin his whole life. Even if his gonna go to jail it doesn't mean it's gonna ruin his life. I've got some friends that have been in jail and they are fine and I think his a little bit to young to go to jail anyway.

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Jun 15, 2010 5:03 PM

Jun 2009
I pitty the poor fool
Jun 15, 2010 5:09 PM

Aug 2009
ringoo4 said:
lol what? $21 million? That's fuckin non-sense. There is some damn overstating going on.

Gees. It seems like police will not let go this case easily. Bad luck for this magical kid who managed to get magazine even before the publish. Genius.

Actually... probably. Didn't they say that over 8 mill people watched his videos and he has multiple videos? Imagine if 8 million people didn't buy there Shonen Jump to read One Piece that week becuase they found it online? (on top of it, he did this with over 30 series.) It's very probable that the estimation is correct, maybe an understatement... O.o
Jun 15, 2010 5:20 PM
Jun 2010
DoubleDango said:
xCleOx said:
Ichitakaseto said:
poor kid , what a pity. that bullshit with uploading manga ruined his whole life.

It's not gonna ruin his whole life. Even if his gonna go to jail it doesn't mean it's gonna ruin his life. I've got some friends that have been in jail and they are fine and I think his a little bit to young to go to jail anyway.


The Japanese juvenile justice system is heavily focused toward rehabilitation, and only falls back on punishment when rehabilitation has failed, or if the crime is so heinous that it justifies elevation to a traditional criminal (adult) court. While the Japanese did stiffen their laws up about a decade ago, in practice only death penalty or life imprisonment type cases qualify.


In fact, this fine will probably be overturned if not DRASTICALLY reduced.
Jun 15, 2010 6:46 PM

Jul 2008
gr33nm4n said:

The Japanese juvenile justice system is heavily focused toward rehabilitation, and only falls back on punishment when rehabilitation has failed, or if the crime is so heinous that it justifies elevation to a traditional criminal (adult) court. While the Japanese did stiffen their laws up about a decade ago, in practice only death penalty or life imprisonment type cases qualify.


In fact, this fine will probably be overturned if not DRASTICALLY reduced.

You're wasting your keystrokes. Most people who post in these topics don't read the other replies or even care about the truth of the matter, but just want to "contribute".

So while you're absolutely correct, rest assured there will be at least a few dozen more posts lamenting his impending incarceration.
Jun 15, 2010 8:32 PM

Jul 2009
Lol its your life so u do wat u want.. U broke the law ok then. It doesnt matter to me cause its your life... Life is game sometimes, if u got caught its game over for ya buddy...It doesnt matter how old are ya, and besides hes already 14, lol i think dat age can really think wuts right and wrong. He decided to do sumthin so be it. Its his life.. So i guess he can go to hell for all i care... well dats just me sayin....

Jun 15, 2010 8:55 PM

Jan 2008
Looks like strutting by the Japanese police to distract the world from its absurdly high sex crimes rate in the metropolitan area.
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Jun 15, 2010 10:12 PM

May 2010
well now we all know that we should never upload scans on youtube >.< use imageshack and post the pictures on a forum or something but come one youtube thats just lol
Jun 15, 2010 11:42 PM

Oct 2009
TrueUchiha said:
well now we all know that we should never upload scans on youtube >.< use imageshack and post the pictures on a forum or something but come one youtube thats just lol

Who reads manga off youtube...?
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Jun 16, 2010 12:01 AM
Nov 2008
DoubleDango said:
TrueUchiha said:
well now we all know that we should never upload scans on youtube >.< use imageshack and post the pictures on a forum or something but come one youtube thats just lol

Who reads manga off youtube...?

Over 8 million Japanese people.
Jun 16, 2010 12:59 AM

May 2008
So poor kid ;/. They'll crush his childhood to the rest and adult life I guess either...
Jun 16, 2010 1:02 AM

Apr 2010
this kid sucks at life...
youtube is going down the pooper
boys and girls crime doesn't pay for stupid people...
Its better to have burned out than to have never really shined...
Jun 16, 2010 1:33 AM
Jun 2010
YoungVagabond said:
gr33nm4n said:

The Japanese juvenile justice system is heavily focused toward rehabilitation, and only falls back on punishment when rehabilitation has failed, or if the crime is so heinous that it justifies elevation to a traditional criminal (adult) court. While the Japanese did stiffen their laws up about a decade ago, in practice only death penalty or life imprisonment type cases qualify.


In fact, this fine will probably be overturned if not DRASTICALLY reduced.

You're wasting your keystrokes. Most people who post in these topics don't read the other replies or even care about the truth of the matter, but just want to "contribute".

So while you're absolutely correct, rest assured there will be at least a few dozen more posts lamenting his impending incarceration.

Siiiigh, although I've come to realize that, I still find it incredibly hard not to point it out.
Jun 16, 2010 1:45 AM

Oct 2009
Onibokusu said:
DoubleDango said:
TrueUchiha said:
well now we all know that we should never upload scans on youtube >.< use imageshack and post the pictures on a forum or something but come one youtube thats just lol

Who reads manga off youtube...?

Over 8 million Japanese people.

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 17, 2010 7:33 AM

Apr 2008
Will they put me in jail too because I have anime? ):
Jun 17, 2010 5:16 PM

Aug 2008
I am totally laughing at how popular this thread is. Also:

gr33nm4n said:
YoungVagabond said:
gr33nm4n said:

The Japanese juvenile justice system is heavily focused toward rehabilitation, and only falls back on punishment when rehabilitation has failed, or if the crime is so heinous that it justifies elevation to a traditional criminal (adult) court. While the Japanese did stiffen their laws up about a decade ago, in practice only death penalty or life imprisonment type cases qualify.


In fact, this fine will probably be overturned if not DRASTICALLY reduced.

You're wasting your keystrokes. Most people who post in these topics don't read the other replies or even care about the truth of the matter, but just want to "contribute".

So while you're absolutely correct, rest assured there will be at least a few dozen more posts lamenting his impending incarceration.

Siiiigh, although I've come to realize that, I still find it incredibly hard not to point it out.

ftw. I love how this conversation is going on while just about everybody else in the thread are totally oblivious to the posts quoted.

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Jun 18, 2010 4:00 PM
Jun 2010
guyklc said:
I am totally laughing at how popular this thread is. Also:

gr33nm4n said:
YoungVagabond said:
gr33nm4n said:

The Japanese juvenile justice system is heavily focused toward rehabilitation, and only falls back on punishment when rehabilitation has failed, or if the crime is so heinous that it justifies elevation to a traditional criminal (adult) court. While the Japanese did stiffen their laws up about a decade ago, in practice only death penalty or life imprisonment type cases qualify.


In fact, this fine will probably be overturned if not DRASTICALLY reduced.

You're wasting your keystrokes. Most people who post in these topics don't read the other replies or even care about the truth of the matter, but just want to "contribute".

So while you're absolutely correct, rest assured there will be at least a few dozen more posts lamenting his impending incarceration.

Siiiigh, although I've come to realize that, I still find it incredibly hard not to point it out.

ftw. I love how this conversation is going on while just about everybody else in the thread are totally oblivious to the posts quoted.

Seriously, between this and the karete kid thread, I might as well go outside and fuck a football. Even THAT would probably have better results.
Jun 18, 2010 4:04 PM

May 2008
gr33nm4n said:
guyklc said:
I am totally laughing at how popular this thread is. Also:

gr33nm4n said:
YoungVagabond said:
gr33nm4n said:

The Japanese juvenile justice system is heavily focused toward rehabilitation, and only falls back on punishment when rehabilitation has failed, or if the crime is so heinous that it justifies elevation to a traditional criminal (adult) court. While the Japanese did stiffen their laws up about a decade ago, in practice only death penalty or life imprisonment type cases qualify.


In fact, this fine will probably be overturned if not DRASTICALLY reduced.

You're wasting your keystrokes. Most people who post in these topics don't read the other replies or even care about the truth of the matter, but just want to "contribute".

So while you're absolutely correct, rest assured there will be at least a few dozen more posts lamenting his impending incarceration.

Siiiigh, although I've come to realize that, I still find it incredibly hard not to point it out.

ftw. I love how this conversation is going on while just about everybody else in the thread are totally oblivious to the posts quoted.

Seriously, between this and the karete kid thread, I might as well go outside and fuck a football. Even THAT would probably have better results.
There's scary things outside, like people. These threads are always fun to read though, not for it's content but for the users who don't understand the content.
Jun 19, 2010 8:49 AM
Feb 2010
Poor boy. Hopefully he won't become someone's prison biyatch.
Jun 21, 2010 11:41 PM
Dec 2007
I feel bad for him, but it's definitely not something they can let slide. $21 million dollars is crazy a lot, and the fact that he didn't realize the impact doesn't come close to making up for it...
Oct 1, 2010 1:57 AM

Dec 2009
detonator238 said:
Kracksickles said:
Hi, i like to apply for this job.

Uh.. Sorry we can't hire you.

May i ask why?

It says here in the crime records that you've been arrested and apparently arrested for uploading manga.


I would love to see this situation

Me too.. it's so funny .. the boys is 14 are they crazy or what ..
Oct 1, 2010 2:29 AM
Mar 2010
enerjak said:
OMG so the police in japan dont have any things better to do than arest a 14 year old boy for uploading manga, instead of other crimes

thats it the worlds breakdown has begun, next they arrest a granny for clapping a dog on the head

didnt you read the whole thing... he was arrested for uploading manga that was not even published out by the publisher and sold to the public yet
Oct 1, 2010 5:58 PM

Jun 2010
One word somes this all up... OWNED

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
Oct 2, 2010 2:47 AM

May 2008
The irony about how this is about a Pirating manga is still not old.
Seriously, the Kyoto Police may not condone this, but Luffy sure would.

They should teach all those One Piece pirates a lesson that pirating isn't good, for so much delicious it cannot be contained.
I want to start a petition to make the entire manga illegal, on grounds of piracy.

Bless that kid, he's a real Pirate just like his heroes.
Why aren't there more jokes like that in this thread?

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Oct 2, 2010 4:47 AM

Aug 2010
ukonkivi said:

Why aren't there more jokes like that in this thread?

Agreed. Please continue.
Oct 2, 2010 5:10 PM

Sep 2010
Wow, $21 f-ing million?! That's just pitiful. Poor kid, he's probably going to be screwed for life with that fine. While real criminals, are still on the street and will get a lighter fine.

I can see if they were trying to do this as an example to others to try to "scare pirates/uploaders", but I have a better idea: Why not give a harsh penalty to someone who is illegally selling pirated anime/manga? As they actually deserve a punishment, but not even a $100,000 fine.

It's not like the people who watched the manga on YouTube are going to stop buying manga.. All these companies fail to understand that even if people pirate things, they are still going to buy stuff. There was even a study somewhere saying that people who pirate things actually buy more then the people who don't. If they don't pirate stuff, they probably wouldn't buy a copy a whatever anyways because they might not be sure they like it/not worth their money.

e: I really wanna know where they came up with $21 million.
GreenGiantOct 2, 2010 5:53 PM
Oct 6, 2010 12:36 PM

Jan 2009
Haha, I guess Rainbow just got themselves a 8th character :P
Oct 7, 2010 1:29 AM

Feb 2010
What about doujins? Aren't they are more important?
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