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Do you tell people that they have shit taste?

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Nov 10, 2019 3:25 PM

Oct 2018
I have multiple friends who have varying degrees of taste, I try to be nice but sometimes it's kinda hard.
If you're reading this and you haven't watched Mob Psycho 100, go watch it and then continue with what you were doing.

Also, for the record, JoJo is great, it's fans are not.
Nov 10, 2019 4:52 PM

Aug 2016
No because I couldn't care less how people like to enjoy their times. I might not be able to understand why a certain anime could be loved but that's more on me not them lol.
Nov 10, 2019 8:01 PM

Jan 2019
Everyone has different opinions on what they like . You dont tell a person their "taste" is shit. wtf? No ones taste is supperior than others.
Nov 10, 2019 8:37 PM

Feb 2017
I complain about shitty anime, but it's better to let people enjoy.
But sometimes, I don't understand why people like this kind of series...
Nov 10, 2019 8:51 PM
Jul 2018
I do it to everyone all the time except to shoujo manga fans.
removed-userNov 13, 2019 3:12 AM
Nov 10, 2019 8:56 PM

Oct 2014
Sure, I've told friends and even family members before. It's all in good fun, though.
If I'm shitting on someone's taste, chances are I'm not serious.
Nov 10, 2019 9:56 PM

Jan 2018
I've only ever done that to myself with friends. Doing it to someone else is just plain rude. Let people enjoy things
A treasure the color of the rainbow, the color of happiness
Nov 11, 2019 1:39 PM

Jul 2011
No I don't why should I? People were telling me I have a shit taste. But to each their own. I like what I like.

Nov 12, 2019 3:16 PM
Sep 2019
My personal belief is that everyone should have their own opinion. If they enjoy something I hate, that's fine. There's not a whole lot that's pisses me off more than someone trying to force their views upon another person
Nov 12, 2019 8:21 PM

Apr 2015
No! in order to do that I would have to be a manchild, and I don't meet those requirements.
Nov 12, 2019 10:10 PM
Nov 2013
Sometimes as a joke, but not serious. Everyone is entitled to like what they want, even Elfen Lied fans...
Nov 13, 2019 5:13 PM

Mar 2019
I always say this to my close friends, and they tell me that also, we love bullying each other.
Nov 15, 2019 9:32 AM

Apr 2010
Usually, people say it to me... so no.

Nov 15, 2019 9:35 AM

Mar 2017
No, I don't care whether people like what I dislike or vice versa
Nov 15, 2019 9:39 AM

Jun 2019
Nah, not just because I don't want to but also because if I did try to tell them, they'd just slap me with a big "No U" card and I won't be able to defend myself.

The harshest thing I 'd ever said to them would be "Watch better shows bruh".


Nov 24, 2019 4:28 PM
Jul 2018
Nope and never. Because everyone has different opinion and taste and if we don't like it then just leave them alone, we don't have to be that rude. This is the main reason why anime fanbase is so cancerous because most of them never heard the word of "RESPECT".
removed-userNov 26, 2019 3:30 PM
Nov 25, 2019 8:57 AM

Oct 2015
I do not consume other human beings sir, that is highly immoral.
Nov 25, 2019 2:36 PM
Dec 2017
Nope, everyone has in own opinion and nothing is perfect so there are always people who don’t like what’s popular. I don’t care if people don’t like what I like!
Nov 26, 2019 9:46 AM

Aug 2015
No. I may not agree but I don't go on telling people they have shit taste.
Nov 26, 2019 4:12 PM

Jul 2017
only insecure people do things like this
Nov 26, 2019 4:19 PM
Dec 2018
I tell them that my opinion differs and why. But I would NOT ever tell them that they have “Shit taste”, because just because they like something and I don’t doesn’t mean their tastes sucks. It just mean that we have different tastes. Also I think it’s interesting to hear other opinions about a piece of art that differs from mine.
Nov 26, 2019 4:33 PM

Apr 2019
No, i tell them I have shit taste. Same result with better vibes.

Feb 5, 2020 3:00 AM

Jan 2020
No, never. Sometimes yeah their taste doesn't suit mine but everybody is different and I'm not a genius so...
My youtube channel about music and anime :
Feb 5, 2020 5:21 AM

Jul 2019
Nope - every person has a different taste and telling someone that they have a shitty taste will not change their preferences. As someone above said - no ones taste is superior than others.
Feb 5, 2020 5:35 AM

Feb 2017
I only say it to my real life friends, or to those that are relatively close to me (and not only in anime but also in game, film, etc). Only as a joke of course, though I doubt that they always see them as one, so I apologize to them every time I tell them that.
Feb 5, 2020 8:08 AM

Feb 2012
no way, i usually try to support my fellow weebs even if i don't agree with their taste.
Feb 5, 2020 8:11 AM

Feb 2011
IpreferEcchi said:
hockeyice445 said:
most media is subjective and some people will just like something you find not as good

You don't tell someone your opinion?

Not if they didn't ask for it. If they bring up a TV show/video game that they're watching/playing that I thought wasn't very good, or that is widely regarded by critics and/or fans as not good then I might bring that up but I still use tact and try not to just crap all over the thing they're enjoying.
Feb 5, 2020 8:15 AM

Jul 2019
Only to few people. I don't generally give my opinion on someones list but I judge some people silently who give high ratings to shows I hate or gives low scores to shows I like. Mostly I tell my friends or their friends that their opinion sucks
Feb 5, 2020 8:17 AM
Aug 2013
It depends if you don't like one piece or jojo's bizarre adventure than you have bad taste in anime lol

Feb 5, 2020 8:24 AM

Feb 2011
AnimeDownUnder said:
It depends if you don't like one piece or jojo's bizarre adventure than you have bad taste in anime lol

I don't like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Don't think it's bad but the humour and style doesn't do anything for me at all. I just personally wouldn't score it because I don't think it's really fair to rate something down just because it's outside of your taste.
Feb 5, 2020 8:24 AM

Aug 2018
Only as a joke with friends, cause doing that unironically is a pretty douche baggy thing to do

Why would I even look down on someone for not liking the same entertainment as me, why would I want to ruin someone's fun?

Yeah I could probably say why a certain anime has bad writing or animation but if you still enjoy it, more power to you, and I wish you'll have fun watching it
yotiFeb 5, 2020 8:31 AM
Feb 5, 2020 8:26 AM

Nov 2019
Nope. Not me.
I got a lot of that from old elitists who think that if you prefer to watch newer animes over older ones. It all depends on quality rather than times that these people don't understand.

So I don't trash talk anybody's taste. Now it depends a little. If you have rated something like bloody School Days a 10/10 then I won't refrain.
Feb 5, 2020 8:47 AM

Apr 2019
IpreferEcchi said:
Do you tell people when their taste is shit in your opinion?

I do. When someone awards a 10 to anime that I gave 6, for example, I tell them they have shit taste. I have a positive view of it because 6 is in the upper half of the scoring system, but it's no masterpiece.

Yeah, and you do in fact have a shit taste.
People with a private list are either trolls or cowards.
Feb 5, 2020 8:50 AM

Feb 2020
Tastes are different and that‘s good so nope.
Feb 5, 2020 9:04 AM

Mar 2018
Only if they have LotGH in their favourites.
Feb 5, 2020 9:08 AM
May 2019
No that's what immature people with insecurities do.
Feb 5, 2020 9:08 AM

Jun 2016
My taste is so shit that I don't have the right to make fun of others
Feb 5, 2020 9:13 AM

Aug 2018
Why would I ever tell someone they have shit taste. Everyone has their own opinion, and if they like something that I don't so be it. If it really bothers me I would ask what made them like it so much. Otherwise, say I rated FMAB a 10 and someone rated it a 2, I would think that's a bit silly, but again I would just ask why it was so bad for them.

Asking these things helps you to understand it from their perspective, even if you don't agree with it, and you can even recommend any anime that you think they would like, but not that you necessarily enjoyed. To be confrontational is not going to help anybody and idk, seems like a waste of time and energy to be toxic.
Feb 5, 2020 9:19 AM
Aug 2013
patchworkpants said:
AnimeDownUnder said:
It depends if you don't like one piece or jojo's bizarre adventure than you have bad taste in anime lol

I don't like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Don't think it's bad but the humour and style doesn't do anything for me at all. I just personally wouldn't score it because I don't think it's really fair to rate something down just because it's outside of your taste.

Humour? okay now I see why you didn't like it, it's not a comedy series it's mainly an action or thriller/horror anime. The style that's part of what makes it great. It's supposed to be a very weird and crazy anime, the best way to describe it is weird that's what it's goal is.

Feb 5, 2020 9:21 AM

Oct 2018
I used to, but I got tired of it after telling it to like a 100 persons a day.
Especially since everyone besides me has a sh*t taste.

Now I only tell a few ones.
-Aincrad-Feb 5, 2020 9:25 AM
Feb 5, 2020 9:27 AM

Feb 2011
AnimeDownUnder said:
patchworkpants said:

I don't like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Don't think it's bad but the humour and style doesn't do anything for me at all. I just personally wouldn't score it because I don't think it's really fair to rate something down just because it's outside of your taste.

Humour? okay now I see why you didn't like it, it's not a comedy series it's mainly an action or thriller/horror anime. The style that's part of what makes it great. It's supposed to be a very weird and crazy anime, the best way to describe it is weird that's what it's goal is.

I get that the style is what makes it. I tend to like anime that look/feel a bit different but I just don't personally like it's campiness, which I presumed was meant to be comedy because I don't know why you would make an anime series that is meant to be serious that camp and silly. I also don't like the way the characters are drawn, and I like some pretty out there looking art styles in my anime. That's not me saying it's rubbish. It's just a personal preference thing.
Feb 5, 2020 9:41 AM
May 2019
i kinda do a lot i mean i get triggered easily so its to be expected
Feb 5, 2020 9:42 AM

Nov 2016
Nefelupitou said:
Yes, I do.

And I've been tagged as arrogant.

If Naruto is a shit, I am not the one at fault

You're the one at fault because you're going out of your way to shit on someone.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 5, 2020 9:44 AM

Feb 2019
Yeah especially to all the dbz, naruto, bleach and fairy tail fans. It's objective that they have shit taste and nothing can ever change that.
Feb 5, 2020 9:45 AM

Nov 2007
With pleasure. I enjoy it when I point out shittaste.
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Feb 5, 2020 11:15 AM

Feb 2015
I don't, for the same reasons I don't tell people that they are breathing, or that the Earth is round. I mean, it's obvious peoples' tastes are shit, there's no point in telling them so.
Feb 5, 2020 11:24 AM
Aug 2013
patchworkpants said:
I get that the style is what makes it. I tend to like anime that look/feel a bit different but I just don't personally like it's campiness, which I presumed was meant to be comedy because I don't know why you would make an anime series that is meant to be serious that camp and silly. I also don't like the way the characters are drawn, and I like some pretty out there looking art styles in my anime. That's not me saying it's rubbish. It's just a personal preference thing.

Yeah that's fair enough, I don't think it's supposed to be that serious though. It is a bit of half and half, it's an anime that never really takes itself seriously but at the same time it's not a comedy anime. It's just supposed to be weird and qwerky which is why is has that type of art style and the weird characters. You shouldn't be focusing on the art style there's a really genius aspect of jojo's that I can't quite figure it out. Maybe it's the foreshadowing, the strategy, the thrilling parts, the originality and creativity, the plot twists, but most of all it's unpredictable. It's the type of anime where anything can happen and does happen but the characters always find a way to overcome what seems like an impossible situation to get out of and I enjoy just watching how they use their problem solving abilities to figure out ways to get out of a bad situation it's an anime that really keeps you on edge the whole way through. What it does different from other horror anime though is definitely how it doesn't take itself seriously, it's weird and it's very unique/different. We all needed something different in the anime world it's refreshing that you can an anime like jojo's just to get away from the cliche and generic types of anime

Also the good music and the references to real life inspirations is awesome too, like every stand is named after something real that exists in real life usually it's a type of music band. in jojo's part 5 it's based in italy and the actual city is quite accurate to in real life as well, the memes plus the quotes also boosted it's status from a great anime to even better.
AnimeDownUnderFeb 5, 2020 11:31 AM

Feb 5, 2020 1:23 PM

Jun 2009
No, idgaf about letting anyone know what I think of their taste.
(unless it's a friend and it comes up in a discussion I guess, but it has never happened)
Feb 5, 2020 1:35 PM

Jun 2015
Yes, all the time and including to myself.
Do people actually use the term shit taste unironically?

Emilia is trash
Feb 5, 2020 1:45 PM

Oct 2017
Of course I do
If you have shit taste then you have shit taste

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