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Jul 3, 2011 5:54 AM

Apr 2010
The surprise of the season i really enjoyed watching this anime.
There was a certain mystery in it and the characters where very nice and allot of fun to watch.
Meme acting as the coach was somewhat surprising and made for a nice game and i wonder what the father would have done after the game.
Jul 3, 2011 1:05 PM

Feb 2010
I give it a 6/10, it was somewhat enjoyable. It was nice but it kind of felt like wasted potential. That's not to say I wouldn't watch a second season if there was one.
Jul 3, 2011 1:10 PM

Feb 2009
This show really brings back memories of high-school life. Wait, mine wasn't like that at all. Screw this.
Jul 3, 2011 5:04 PM
Feb 2011
So this is it?
this is how this series ends?
Jul 3, 2011 11:11 PM
Mar 2010
This title should be more accurately named to "19.8 pm Per Second" or "1.98 x 10^-11 m Per Second"
Jul 3, 2011 11:55 PM

Jun 2011
This series really just didn't do anything for me outside of the back-and-forths between Makoto and Meme.
Lots of potential, but really didn't follow through.
El Psy Congroo
Jul 4, 2011 1:26 AM

Apr 2011
Great ending for great show!

Still leaving so much questions though...


Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko 9/10
Jul 4, 2011 2:30 AM
Jul 2010
It was ok i guess, but thats about it, i give it a 6/10 too.
Jul 4, 2011 3:47 AM

Oct 2008
I don't know why, but... Meme looked really good in that hat.


This was originally my favourite show of the season but as it went on I lost more and more interest until eventually it just became eh. I blame Ryuushi.
7/10 overall.
the Imaginary and the Real can never mingle.
Jul 4, 2011 5:30 AM
Dec 2007
lostmymusic said:
I don't know why, but... Meme looked really good in that hat.


This was originally my favourite show of the season but as it went on I lost more and more interest until eventually it just became eh. I blame Ryuushi.
7/10 overall.
I blame her too. It was mainly her forced moe act and constant obssesion with Niwa that made the second half of the show seem like a harem-romance. But look close, while ignoring Ryushii's constant "look at me, I'm so cute" charade, and you'll see the rest of the cast's growing characterization. Maekawa did a good case of getting a lot of screentime without being desperate and the whole sequence of events between Meme, Erio and their Grannie show how much that family had started to come back together in comparison to the extremely awkward beginning.

So yeah, it's not a super hit and certainly no Bakemonogatari or Madoka, but it's actually a very nice story. You just have to ignore a certain character who just tries too hard and distracts the viewer from the events that actually matter.

Jul 4, 2011 5:31 AM

Feb 2011
9/10 for me
this can't be end like this
Jul 4, 2011 11:58 AM

Sep 2007
Hmm I really enjoyed the show at least, but no Seishun points at the last episode XD
Cmon! It can't end like that Nggggh. Gave it an 8/10 The girls are seriously too pretty, what with all the glitteryness, eyelashes, beautiful hair color and lipsticks ^^ Hats off to the artists.
Jul 4, 2011 11:59 AM

Nov 2008
ImNotPro said:
9/10 for me
this can't be end like this

Last ep in December, buy the BD or wait til a raw appears.

Jul 4, 2011 2:38 PM

May 2009
I honestly don't know what's the aim of this anime.

When I watched the first three episodes, I expected this to be a story about social shunning but after the "I CAN'T FRYYY!" moment it became a background element. Then it became a full blown harem and I was left scratching my head until the end of the series trying to understand the reason for this change of direction.

And speaking of Erio, her development was just awful. She went from whimsical broken girl speaking only in technobabble to moeblob #over9000 who said only:"Cousin nice! Cousin beautiful!" Seriously, did she went through a lobotomy over the course of the episodes?! And why Shaft thought that Ryuushi is an interesting character? Her only involvement in the story is that she wants to fuck Makoto, and that's it. She should have been a background character.

Meh. 6/10
Jul 4, 2011 4:52 PM

Jan 2010
Looks like Makoto summoned some epicness from Kamina-sama

There were a couple funny moments in this episode like that kiss at the end.

I honestly thought this would be a drama involving Erio getting back to reality, but after episode 3 it felt...scattered. Overall 6/10
Jul 4, 2011 9:48 PM

Jun 2008
This anime was UNBELIEVABLY boring and uninteresting....

MY GOD, I can't believe I watched an anime that supposedly has a "plot" and yet nothing happens...

This is beyond disappointing, I don't care how pretty the pictures are and I don't care how much everyone likes Meme, this was just simply BORING!!!

6/10....I'm being very generous, probably because I did like Meme and the first 4 episodes.
Jul 4, 2011 10:04 PM

Jun 2010
Nice Anime. I liked it. Hope they have a second season.

Jul 5, 2011 8:00 PM

Mar 2009
This anime had absolutely no direction at all. I mean, what kind of ending was that?!
All in all, it felt like a crappy crossover of Bakemonogatari and Arakawa Under the Bridge.

Oh hell, it was worth watching for Meme.
Jul 5, 2011 8:02 PM

Dec 2010
Mormegil said:

So far, Erio HAS been reintegrating, little by little. Ryuuko didn't treat her coldly like she normally does here. Less and less do people see her as "that futon girl".

Though, yes, the plot moves at .00000016 cm/s.

After the baseball game, supposedly the plot gets in gear, but we'll see if we get an s2.
Jul 6, 2011 12:55 AM

Oct 2009
I expected something big to happen... I mean they build up plot and, well that's it. They don't resolve anything.

Still glad I watched this, Touwa (both Erio and Meme) is (are) the cutest in the world (anime).
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Jul 6, 2011 7:06 AM
Dec 2007
Yanoflies said:
I expected something big to happen... I mean they build up plot and, well that's it. They don't resolve anything.

Still glad I watched this, Touwa (both Erio and Meme) is (are) the cutest in the world (anime).
The way the plot moves it felt like a 24 episode show. It certainly NEEDS a second season.

Jul 6, 2011 7:40 AM
Oct 2007
SHAFT ending is shafty. 6/10 is generous
Jul 7, 2011 1:16 AM

Apr 2011
It was great throughout. Just wish they didn't end it just at that.
Jul 7, 2011 3:21 AM

Aug 2010
I'm disappointed SHAFT, immensely. It was like watching one of your favorite teams go up against a mighty adversary, but neither manages to score even a point. The match is coming to an end, it is still 0:0, and ends in a draw without anything happening. Boring except for one or two rare occasions. 2/5 for this "finale" and a very, very gracious 5/10 for the series. The visuals were stunning, and it did make me laugh a few times. It could have been so much more...a pity.
Jul 7, 2011 5:50 PM

Mar 2010
Well, that was the most unfinished ending ever. Ever. I was praying for a grand finale, but was utterly, somewhat, moderately dissapointed. Not too much, but I was getting greedy. At least from the looks of it I can expect a second season! ^O^ They better make a second season! Or the rating I'm giving this anime is going to take one heck of a beating! All in all, I had an awesome experience watching this anime, and would be extremely happy to give it a solid 7/10! ''Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko'' completed! Looking forward to a second season!
Jul 7, 2011 6:02 PM

Aug 2009
it's shame that good anime finished with ending like that. I'm disappointed. haah nuooo ERIO~!
Jul 8, 2011 6:11 AM

Apr 2010
Nice ending, 8/10 show for me :D

If you don't remember something, it never happened. If you aren't remembered, you never existed. <3
Jul 8, 2011 11:33 PM

Sep 2010
I didn't really know what to expect from the last episode but I have to say I was hoping for a little more. Don't get me wrong I loved this anime, at least a 9/10 for me, but I hate Harem endings. Was hoping for a little more closure in other things, honestly expecting Erio to go back to school at least~

Anyway I can't wait for 13th, but in the mean time, here ends another favorite...

<3 Erio <3
Jul 9, 2011 7:15 AM
Aug 2010
I'm disappointed with the ending. I wanted aliens :<
Hope they make a second season and it doesn't end with a baseball game.
Jul 9, 2011 1:32 PM

Feb 2010
Wanted more fan service, o wells!
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Jul 10, 2011 7:38 AM

May 2009
it was the ending? O,o

now i will wait for ep 13 >.<

dec 21 >.<

Jul 10, 2011 9:35 AM

Jun 2011
I don't think that it can ever have a conclusive ending based on its episode length.
It can only give hints of possible future events. Besides that, there is one more unaired episode that will be released as an OAV. That won't be an ending though.
Second season will depend on sales and reception so ... it might take a LONG time to produce the second sesason or it won't happen at all. I wish it would.
I give it 7/10.
_laz_Jul 15, 2011 4:20 PM
The threat is stronger than the execution.
Jul 10, 2011 10:48 AM

Aug 2010
Love this show! ^.^
Jul 12, 2011 11:14 AM

Apr 2009
Well I really loved it at the beginning but around the middle got bored. Near the end it started getting better again but the ending was meh. I loved the character designs and the art was spectacular though, I just wanted more out of the story or something. Hopefully a second season will come along and give a real ending.
Jul 14, 2011 2:55 PM

Aug 2009
The anime wasn't relaxing like I would've expected. It seems to be one of those animes that are just out going with a wavering purpose, simple life style (comedy) but just a bit too intense. Erio and Niwa's relationship is kind of a let down because its growing to the point were "cousin" doesn't define it anymore, but you never know.

8/10 from me.

Hope theres a second season because this episode was just left me with a BLANK mind.
Jul 15, 2011 2:13 PM

Feb 2008
........ that's it?
Jul 16, 2011 8:06 PM
Aug 2010
hm...... that was an great episode but still i wonder when they show what happen to erio when she got lost in the seas the part at the end the ball-like shape thing in the water remind of that
Jul 17, 2011 1:59 PM

Apr 2009
It was more or less a fun ride, I laughed a few times, yawned a few times too, but in overall I can't say it was bad, or unworthy the time I spent on it. It was painfully mediocre, actually it felt as if I was watching the third season of Arakawa... the amount of similarities was certainly huge. I think that 6 would be a bit unfair - so I'm giving it a 7, and a +0.5 for Yashiro :3

Jul 17, 2011 2:41 PM

Apr 2011
lazlain783 said:
I don't think that it can ever have a conclusive ending based on its episode length.
It can only give hints of possible future events. Besides that, there is one more unaired episode that will be released as an OAV. That won't be an ending though.
Second season will depend on sales and reception so ... it might take a LONG time to produce the second sesason or it won't happen at all. I wish it would.
I give it 7/10.
That's so possibly right. I doubt 13 will be anything conclusive.

That swing was so epic felt as a one of those most memorable battle scenes of an anime.

Apologies, I just can't avoid to rant.
Jul 18, 2011 4:29 PM

Feb 2009
I hated this show, but I loved Erio. Go figure.

Jul 27, 2011 10:22 PM
Apr 2011
the end was cool, liked the features of Erio, but actually had no history
only art and the characters were good, the rest was garbage.
I would see if he had the second season.
Aug 2, 2011 1:36 PM

Apr 2008
OShoranO said:
Story: Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
Basically sums up this series.

Exactly what I came here to say.
Aug 5, 2011 5:46 AM

Apr 2009
The end felt rather anticlimactic, but I hear there's an ep13 coming out on the BDs so it isn't really the end yet it seems. There's definitely more room for a second season due to all the loose ends... wait, they didn't actually tie any ends with this, so a second season MUST happen. I loved the characters, so it definitely wouldn't hurt to see them again.
Aug 12, 2011 3:08 AM

Sep 2008
Boring. The majority of the 2nd half of the series was boring.

I liked the depth they tried to have with their metaphors, but it really wasn't presented well enough.

Aug 13, 2011 9:07 AM

Aug 2008
This episode was kind of nice. I love how Makoto and Maekawa's father were just sitting at the freeway looking at the blue sky. :3
Aug 13, 2011 12:46 PM
Oct 2009
The last episode is on bluray/dvd only? Oh come on...

The last episode on television is about baseball? OH COME ON.
Aug 18, 2011 12:16 AM

Jun 2009
So ultimately...what was the point of this show? Because I sure didn't find one.

But the characters were crazy-interesting and the girls were cute. So this (barely) gets a 6/10.
Aug 18, 2011 12:18 AM

Dec 2010
grandy_UiD said:
So ultimately...what was the point of this show? Because I sure didn't find one.

But the characters were crazy-interesting and the girls were cute. So this (barely) gets a 6/10.
Yeah, it starts like a reverse NHK, but diverged into a mix of Arakawa and Bakemonogatari. The main plot of the novels doesn't kick in until right after the baseball game, so this season doesn't really have any progress.
Aug 25, 2011 5:35 AM

Apr 2010
This show was kinda boring sometimes, but worth watching because of the characters (Erio <33) & graphics. No offence, but the end was... strange.

Aug 25, 2011 9:16 AM

Apr 2011
Can't wait for season 2. The ending was okay, it would of been better to conclude who the protagonist likes more, but there many volumes left to adapt.

Erio is very cute and weird, but thats it for me, she just a mascot of the series. Ryuuko also falls in the same category as Erio, but has more of actual development and normal relationship w/ the protagonist, I like her very much in episode 7, when she would still support Makoto, but not Erio. Its normal to be jealous of another girl, Ryuuko give this series some spice or real world interactions. Than comes Maekawa, she was well liked by many posters, but I never considerate her a candidate as Makoto girlfriend, she is like the character "Akira" from "School Rumble", if there was to much emphasis on Maekawa character in the series, it would of ruin that role and people interest of her.

I've not venture into the novels, so I don't know how Erio or Maekawa will develop later on, but with what shown in the anime, I believe Ryuuko is best fitted w/ Matoto. Both are very compatible together.
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