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Sep 27, 2013 10:15 AM

Jan 2011
OD narrating

CROWDS vs CROWDS, Umeda wants the fight to end (hah).

Lol @ that girl riding the CROWDS.

Katse invade J.J.'s chamber!


KATSE VS OD HOLY SHIT!!!! OD wrecks Katse.


OD gives Rui his NOTE back and then....;_;

ohorrreeey shit its Rui gatcha time! GATCHACHANNEL UP IN DIS BITCH!! CROWDS GAMU TIME! Rui kicking ass with his Crowds! "PRAY ZA CROWDS!!"

Gatchdance time! Lets go internet!!! Rui is using Katze plan against them by having the CROWDS compete in games instead of kill each other! Everyone is a hero! World updated!

Unbeatablele network time....

Sugayama meets up with Rui, MESS chan is back Sugayama congratulates everyone for clearing the game on gatchannel.

Katze trolling isn't working, nobody is taking the bait ahaha

Before Hajime meets with Katze calls her mom "No matter what happens I'm still me."

Sugayan talks about CROWDS in a press conference.

Hajime off to school, her necktie thing is talking to her?! (Katze?)

Just watched the full ending and I must say they answered any lingering questions the fans had after the original airing pretty well. Hajime "defeating" Katse was really something else I'm happy with the direction they went with that. Rui still looks as delcious as ever, with him now a Gatchaman the wait for S2 will be unbearable!
VioLinkJan 21, 2014 8:32 PM
Sep 27, 2013 10:28 AM

Apr 2009
So, did OD die or what?

And was Katze haunting her?
Sep 27, 2013 10:31 AM

Jan 2011
Amarrez said:
So, did OD die or what?

And was Katze haunting her?

No idea about OD but she most likely keeps Katze as her necktie so he won't cause anymore trouble. She is the only one who understands him after all.

EDIT: Okay someone told me her necktie change is because she advanced a year, so he is probably somewhere in her heart or something.
VioLinkSep 27, 2013 11:18 AM
Sep 27, 2013 10:34 AM

Oct 2012
That ending man... well, I can't remember the last time I've enjoyed an anime as much as Gatchaman, but I'm gonna need to watch with subs to fully understand that ending.. hopefully.

EDIT: After watching with subs I've decided that I really like the ending. Although it was quite confusing and unfortunately everything happened off screen, I found the ending to be more satisfying than I expected to be. Though, if they had one more episode they could have done a much better job and nobody caring about OD dying annoyed me a little (okay, it annoyed me a lot). Even if they had that recap time from the last episode they probably could have brought this series to a proper closure.

Eh, even with this seemingly confusing and lackluster ending, I still thought this was a great anime. It was extremely fun and I enjoyed every single episode, it had an amazing soundtrack and some really memorable characters. Definitely my AOTS. 9/10

S2 when?
KoybzSep 27, 2013 3:45 PM
Sep 27, 2013 12:10 PM
Apr 2012
So confused as to some of the things in it. It succeeded at it's overall theme I guess but there were a few questions that weren't answered.

- O.Ds transformation just seemed like a more powerful version than all the others. Rather than some sort of end all nuke thing. What was the big deal?

- The MESS all come to Hajime at the end. Why? I'll bring this up again in a second.

- What was Hajime trying to say in her phone call at the end? That she was going to change? Huh?

- What was with Katze and Hajime at the end. Did Hajime absorb him somehow? Did the mess help her absorb him?

- What were with all the assigned numbers? Past gatchaman people from different planets?

So many questions. I loved the series but I knew last week that there was no way they could explain it all in 20 minutes.
UnknownAirSep 27, 2013 12:14 PM
Sep 27, 2013 12:16 PM

May 2013
Got confused at the end a bit. Good episode though.
Sep 27, 2013 12:19 PM

Aug 2011
Not my favourite this season, but I always loved to watch the episodes. This will be missed.

Sep 27, 2013 12:25 PM

Jun 2011
So much questions than answers for this ending I just might need to rewatch this for it to register.
Sep 27, 2013 12:28 PM
Jul 2009
UnknownAir said:
O.Ds transformation just seemed like a more powerful version than all the others. Rather than some sort of end all nuke thing. What was the big deal?

As explained in the series' website, his suit spreads particles which destroy whatever they touch. It's a power that can't be controlled, so he could end up destroying the whole city, or even the world, if the fight takes too long.

UnknownAir said:
The MESS all come to Hajime at the end. Why? I'll bring this up again in a second.

No reason. They probably never left. The series just wasn't showing them.

UnknownAir said:
What was Hajime trying to say in her phone call at the end? That she was going to change? Huh?

Yes. She tells her that no matter what happens, she will always be herself. She tells her that because she's about to meet with Katze, and she's already planned to take him into her body.

UnknownAir said:
What was with Katze and Hajime at the end. Did Hajime absorb him somehow? Did the mess help her absorb him?

Yes, she most likely absorbed him. And no, I don't think the Mess has anything to do with it. Hajime's real power is the Designer Note, which has the ability to shape reality in whatever way she can imagine, so she probably used that power to merge with him.

UnknownAir said:
What were with all the assigned numbers? Past gatchaman people from different planets?

Yes, past Gatchaman. From other planets but probably also from Earth in the past.
Sep 27, 2013 12:30 PM

Aug 2010
Nice ep and conclusion. But there were quite a few stuff they could've explained more about because I was a bit confused at the end there.

Really good series though. Top3 of the season for me.

And Dat OD vs Katze was short but epic. OD is BA!! Did he really die?

Genki Rui was nice to see ^^

Hajime asking Katze on a date? Lol...u never cease to amaze me Hajime.
Wondering why she called her mom and why Katze was talking from inside her at the end?

Prime minister must be enjoying his job now leaving everything to the citizens and X
Sep 27, 2013 12:35 PM

Feb 2012
Great conclusion with that beast OST. 9.5/10 series. Very unpredictable till the very end. Heck i think i just i give it a 10. I love this show much!!
Sep 27, 2013 12:43 PM
Nov 2012
I was really expecting a direct confrontation between Hajime and Berg, but their verbal sparring was good in the body of the episode.

I'm also a little confused on Berg being a necktie at the end but maybe I'll have to watch the episode again to pick up on something....
Sep 27, 2013 12:44 PM

Jan 2013
Wow what a satisfying ending!! Out of the shows I watched this season, this one is definitely AOTS.

Incredible OST and very likable characters. The art style was a little strange but I felt it went well with the whole futuristic vibe.

There are a lot of things I want to say but I will make one point in particular. I think this show did a good job in showing how most people are. I think at times I forget that most people aren't nice or willing to help others. The riddle that Berg comes up for Hajime illustrates this point. However, Hajime asks what makes a hero? Notice that the Crowds users were at first using the power to wreck havoc since they had this newfound ability. No one was really using it to try and stop the other "bad users". It wasn't until Rui comes up with the idea of it being a game and gaining points do the people start to fight against the criminals. So these now "do-gooders", should they be considered heroes? Their helping is now secondary to them gaining for themselves points and trying to out do one another. Notice when that woman who saved the grandfather and child. She was more concerned with the points she'd get than with the actual saving. So both sides of the fight are acting on self interest. So what exactly makes a hero? Very strong way to put that good and evil aren't so clear cut and possibly don't exist.

Again, this was AOTS without a doubt. I don't rank usually but I'll give this an 8/10 solid.
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Sep 27, 2013 12:46 PM

Dec 2012
By far one of the best shows this season. Must have season 2!!!!
Sep 27, 2013 12:49 PM
Jul 2009
klake09 said:
I'm also a little confused on Berg being a necktie at the end

He's not in the necktie. He's inside her body.
Sep 27, 2013 12:51 PM

Sep 2009
THAT'S ALL? O.O Ehhh :/
I'm so disappointed. I expected so much in this series and everytime I watch every episode of this show, I got so excited... I got excited of what will happen next to Hajime. But I lost it ever since last last episode :/
Rui steal all the scenes in this episode ...
For me, this is one of bad ending I've ever seen this series.
And what happen to Katze? to Utsutsu? :/
Sep 27, 2013 12:57 PM
Nov 2012
1idd0kun said:
klake09 said:
I'm also a little confused on Berg being a necktie at the end

He's not in the necktie. He's inside her body.

Berg is like, the last thing I'd ever want in my body.
Sep 27, 2013 1:01 PM

Nov 2011

Lol, did Hajime ask Katze out? *face palm*
Oh God poor OD this episode. The fight was okay though I guess. I'm going to assume that OD didn't make it but might of passed out rather than dying.

But otherwise yeah...underwhelming ending. 7/10. Oooh, Berg inside of Hajime? ;o
Sep 27, 2013 1:05 PM

Jun 2008
Dafuq just happened?

The episode was good, but I feel cheated by that ending. Hajime's call to her mother built up a lot of suspense, but we got no payoff.
Sep 27, 2013 1:11 PM
Jul 2009
Redfoxoffire said:
Hajime's call to her mother built up a lot of suspense, but we got no payoff.

Hajime just calls her mother to assure her (and herself) that even with Katze inside her, she will always be herself. When you say "payoff" what did you expect it would happen?
Sep 27, 2013 1:12 PM

Feb 2013
This ending was interesting, okay, but also very confusing.

The fight between OD and BK was the best part of the episode by far. That really should have taken most of the finale. I honestly really was bored by the whole "online gaming saves the day" ending to this. So, what was the moral again? That we should treat death and destruction like a game where lives=points? Yeah, I can understand the whole cooperation ideal here, but I think the execution was lacking. It was like we hadn't learned anything from the problems with GALAX before.

Surprisingly, Hajime was hardly in this finale, neither was most of the Gatchaman. The only one who had his moment here was OD, who should have had way more screentime but ended up dying less than ten minutes in.
Also, that riddle that was supposed sooo important was mentioned in passing. BK's plan was foiled by the power of online competition and gaming, but was Hajime really asking him out in that scene?! And what was with her conversation with her mom? And what was with that ending? Is BK pretending to be her necktie or something? I didn't know he could become inanimate objects...
And it seems that both JJ and the MESS only made appearances here so people would think they had meaning, when they really did absolutely nothing in this show past the first couple of episodes.

This ending just made me confused more than anything else, and while the fight was really good, it was way too short. And is BK immortal or something? Is that why he can be completely dismembered and yet come back right as rain, yet poor OD dies?

Well, this was an okay finale as finales go, not good, not bad, but just mostly meh. I give this finale and this series a 7/10. It had an okay start, picked up speed, was cruising, then began to falter, before finally just coasting along. I don't regret seeing it, but it's not something I would watch again. I might see a sequel if they do one, but I highly doubt it, just from all the production problems that had with this one.
Sep 27, 2013 1:13 PM
Nov 2012
1idd0kun said:
Redfoxoffire said:
Hajime's call to her mother built up a lot of suspense, but we got no payoff.

Hajime just calls her mother to assure her (and herself) that even with Katze inside her, she will always be herself. When you say "payoff" what did you expect it would happen?

But we never even see her confront Katze after he gets in a tiffy fit at the crowds being used for fun/etc. That's what I was most looking forward too after their initial meeting at the park.
Sep 27, 2013 1:15 PM

Feb 2013
1idd0kun said:
Redfoxoffire said:
Hajime's call to her mother built up a lot of suspense, but we got no payoff.

Hajime just calls her mother to assure her (and herself) that even with Katze inside her, she will always be herself. When you say "payoff" what did you expect it would happen?

The thing is they never made it clear that Katze is "inside of her", and that if he is, all we can hear is his voice. We don't know if he's transformed as her necktie, if he's just hanging around her all invisible? We don't know because the show didn't give a clear understanding to the ending. Also, why is Katze with her anyway? He has his full freedom, he's not in the custody of the Gatchaman or anything, we just see his disappear after he got frustrated with humanity.

Also, her talk with her mom, was before the whole time skip and we see her talking to BK, so we don't know WHAT, that was was all about.
Sep 27, 2013 1:17 PM
Nov 2012
I need closure dammit! Tell me what happened between Katze and Hajime! Why was MESS important for the first time in ten episodes? Please I'll do anything!
Sep 27, 2013 1:19 PM
Jul 2009
klake09 said:
But we never even see her confront Katze after he gets in a tiffy fit at the crowds being used for fun/etc. That's what I was most looking forward too after their initial meeting at the park.

Oh, I see. Yeah, I too would have liked to see that part. In fact, it's what I was looking forwards the most. That's why I didn't really like the episode. It focus to much on the Crowds plot and not enough on Hajime vs Katze plot. The other Gatchaman also didn't get much screen time.
Sep 27, 2013 1:21 PM

Feb 2013
1idd0kun said:
UnknownAir said:
O.Ds transformation just seemed like a more powerful version than all the others. Rather than some sort of end all nuke thing. What was the big deal?

As explained in the series' website, his suit spreads particles which destroy whatever they touch. It's a power that can't be controlled, so he could end up destroying the whole city, or even the world, if the fight takes too long.

UnknownAir said:
The MESS all come to Hajime at the end. Why? I'll bring this up again in a second.

No reason. They probably never left. The series just wasn't showing them.

UnknownAir said:
What was Hajime trying to say in her phone call at the end? That she was going to change? Huh?

Yes. She tells her that no matter what happens, she will always be herself. She tells her that because she's about to meet with Katze, and she's already planned to take him into her body.

UnknownAir said:
What was with Katze and Hajime at the end. Did Hajime absorb him somehow? Did the mess help her absorb him?

Yes, she most likely absorbed him. And no, I don't think the Mess has anything to do with it. Hajime's real power is the Designer Note, which has the ability to shape reality in whatever way she can imagine, so she probably used that power to merge with him.

UnknownAir said:
What were with all the assigned numbers? Past gatchaman people from different planets?

Yes, past Gatchaman. From other planets but probably also from Earth in the past.

It's funny that all these answers you're giving are either speculation or on the show's website. How is the GENERAL audience supposed to know any of this? There is nothing concrete shown here that proves any of that, no explanation or exposition. That's a major point away from this finale. It needed to explain more, not just hope that we get it.
Sep 27, 2013 1:21 PM
Jul 2009
Irenesharda said:
The thing is they never made it clear that Katze is "inside of her"

It's clear enough if you pay attention. It's also the reason he's still there and didn't move on to destroy other plants and so on.

Irenesharda said:
Also, her talk with her mom, was before the whole time skip and we see her talking to BK, so we don't know WHAT, that was was all about.

She calls her mother right before her "date" with Katze. She tells her what she tells her because she's already decided to merge with him.
Sep 27, 2013 1:27 PM

Feb 2007
Hm...I didn't realize it before, but Rui's tablet looks like a Microsoft Surface...
Sep 27, 2013 1:27 PM

Nov 2011
Sep 27, 2013 1:31 PM

Feb 2013
1idd0kun said:
Irenesharda said:
The thing is they never made it clear that Katze is "inside of her"

It's clear enough if you pay attention. It's also the reason he's still there and didn't move on to destroy other plants and so on.

Irenesharda said:
Also, her talk with her mom, was before the whole time skip and we see her talking to BK, so we don't know WHAT, that was was all about.

She calls her mother right before her "date" with Katze. She tells her what she tells her because she's already decided to merge with him.

Again, we don't KNOW that. We can only SUPPOSE that, since it's the finale and they are not explaining any more. WHY would Katze let her absorb him? He was back up to full health by the end, and it's been stated the entire time that the only person Katze was perhaps weaker than, was OD. Hajime knew a while ago that she was weaker than him, so how did she supposedly "absorb" him? Her power is not that strong, especially for as strong as fighter and shapeshifter as BK? Also, just cause we didn't see BK disappear from the planet doesn't mean he didn't. In fact, that's exactly what I thought he did.

My point is that we don't KNOW anything, because the show doesn't bother to explain anything. I haven't been this confused with an ending in a long time. In fact, when I initially heard the voice near Hajime at the end, I actually thought that BK had somehow replaced Hajime near the end! Or even weirder, that Hajime WAS BK in the end. Which would explain why she could never see him, that somehow Hajime and BK was two similar but opposite personalities within the same body. (which would have been an amazing revelation by the way...)

Do you see how vastly up for interpretation that scene was? They really needed to make things clearer.
IreneshardaSep 27, 2013 1:37 PM
Sep 27, 2013 1:44 PM
Nov 2012
I agree with Irenesharda, it's very hard for me to make sense of the ending when the evidence we are presented with is so fragmentary....

Hajime and Katze seeing one another face to face and dueling it out (either with words or fists)needed to be a climatic event in my opinion. Instead, we are left with nothing but questions....

How did Hajime absorb Katze? Is that even what happened? What are the potential long term effects of that union? Why is she able to absorb space monsters in the first place?

Why is MESS there? What was it's purpose this entire time?

What happened to O.D.? What happened to Joe? What happened to Utsusu (sp)?

I need to know!
Sep 27, 2013 1:44 PM

Feb 2007
lol I think it was somewhat apparent from the first episode, and following ones, that they wouldn't explain anything.The best the viewers can do is watch and listen. And there's nothing wrong with using the official website and perhaps any materials in the home video release to provide some further information. It's not unusual to urge the audience to check out the website for more information. Heck, even Servant x Service was always encouraging viewers to go to the website after the ending credits. That's not a particularly complex show.

They had a goal for these last two episodes and exposure wasn't part of that. If there was anything they wanted to expose, it's the human traits of selfishness, self-satisfaction, and its ability to still pick itself up and help each other.
Sep 27, 2013 1:46 PM
Apr 2009
Not sure how I feel about that ending but I've played enough Diablo to know what happens when you try to absorb an evil entity. I look forward to dark Hajime in the sequel.
Sep 27, 2013 1:46 PM

May 2012
I loved pretty much every single episode and then that final scene happened...

This would have got a 10/10 from me for sure, but that ending was just too sudden and didn't really do anything for the show except just leave you confused.

It was a horrible way to end something that had so many amazing things.

And it wasn't just the Hajime thing, the Prime Minister thing didn't make sense either. Honestly, they should have just ended it when the credits rolled and skipped Hajime saying that thing. Or just done something else

I regretfully will be giving this show an 7/10. It really could have been something...
Sep 27, 2013 1:49 PM

Jul 2013
1idd0kun said:
Yes, she most likely absorbed him. And no, I don't think the Mess has anything to do with it. Hajime's real power is the Designer Note, which has the ability to shape reality in whatever way she can imagine, so she probably used that power to merge with him.

But how? I know probably it does not important, the way she absorbes him....anyway we can watch at the beggining how she fights with the mess, probably she does the same with Berg-Katze.

But...I mean, if she could do that power, why she wait until the end? why not absorbed him since their first meet???

In the other hand..what happened to O.D? Did he die at the end?

And the last question... you can see, the epid fight O.D vs Katze... Katze remains broken by the middle. How did he recover himself?

aahh another question.... was necesary the notebook to Rui to access the Galax? I know, I know we can see in that in 6th episode (if i'm not wrong) but what happened with the original Rui's notebook?

100% of all dead people have never complained about being dead. So I guess it isnt that bad.
Sep 27, 2013 1:56 PM

Nov 2011
wut wut wut

What happened to OD? Where's Utsusu and Joe? and why the hell is Katze apparently with Hajime?

Episode was seemingly good, but that ending was just full of wat.

Where the fuck did a Mess-chan army come from.

Anyways, overall it was decent. The art was nice and action, but characters didn't feel as fleshed out as I hoped.

I'm especially disappointed with Katze because throughout the show they made him seem like this clever humorous mischievous alien, an awesome antagonist, but in the end he turned out to be ONLY that not really showing any other traits and then whining when everything didn't go just as planned like a typical villian would. I don't know if I should applaud them or not though, he played a damn good role as the antagonist, but they showed how static of a character he really is at the end there.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Sep 27, 2013 2:00 PM
Jul 2009
Zaharaly said:
But how? I know probably it does not important, the way she absorbes him....anyway we can watch at the beggining how she fights with the mess, probably she does the same with Berg-Katze.

The series website says Hajime's real power almost make her a reality warper. She probably used that power on Katze. I don't know why they didn't show that power before. They should have. That's a flaw on the show, since not everyone reads the website.

Zaharaly said:
But...I mean, if she could do that power, why she wait until the end? why not absorbed him since their first meet???

Yeah, I would like to know that too. lol

Zaharaly said:
In the other hand..what happened to O.D? Did he die at the end?

Unlike Jou, OD's note was damaged, so it's possible that he died.

Zaharaly said:
And the last question... you can see, the epid fight O.D vs Katze... Katze remains broken by the middle. How did he recover himself?

I don't know. And this really pissed me off. If he had the power to regenerate himself they should have shown that before.

Zaharaly said:
aahh another question.... was necesary the notebook to Rui to access the Galax?

For Galax not. It's necessary to control the Crowds.
Sep 27, 2013 2:03 PM

Dec 2011
I had no idea what was happening in this episode. I have a lot of questions like a lot of other people. Did OD die? Where was Utsutsu?

Sep 27, 2013 2:04 PM

Jun 2012

Okay, anyway, probably my AOTS (it's up there for the year so far as well) other than the really abbreviated ending (wishing it was like, one episode longer to equal 13 and still "be in season" lol). Oh well, that's what we got, definitely a 10/10 from me.
Tutturu ~
Sep 27, 2013 2:08 PM

Aug 2009
1idd0kun said:

Yeah, I would like to know that too. lol

Isn't it because she couldn't see him? How are you suppossed to absorb something you can't see?

1idd0kun said:

I don't know. And this really pissed me off. If he had the power to regenerate himself they should have shown that before.

Why? I think that's unnecessary.
Sep 27, 2013 2:08 PM

Feb 2013
Asrialys said:
lol I think it was somewhat apparent from the first episode, and following ones, that they wouldn't explain anything.The best the viewers can do is watch and listen. And there's nothing wrong with using the official website and perhaps any materials in the home video release to provide some further information. It's not unusual to urge the audience to check out the website for more information. Heck, even Servant x Service was always encouraging viewers to go to the website after the ending credits. That's not a particularly complex show.

I find that extremely lazy. A show or movie should be able to stand on their own without a person having to look up supplementary material. That why it's called "supplementary". What happens when the website's no longer up, or the information is no longer available? A movie or show should be able to be seen alone and still be enjoyable and understandable by its audience.
Sep 27, 2013 2:15 PM

Nov 2011
Irenesharda said:
Asrialys said:
lol I think it was somewhat apparent from the first episode, and following ones, that they wouldn't explain anything.The best the viewers can do is watch and listen. And there's nothing wrong with using the official website and perhaps any materials in the home video release to provide some further information. It's not unusual to urge the audience to check out the website for more information. Heck, even Servant x Service was always encouraging viewers to go to the website after the ending credits. That's not a particularly complex show.

I find that extremely lazy. A show or movie should be able to stand on their own without a person having to look up supplementary material. That why it's called "supplementary". What happens when the website's no longer up, or the information is no longer available? A movie or show should be able to be seen alone and still be enjoyable and understandable by its audience.

Exactly, you can't make an anime and expect everyone to dot down questions that they want answered just so they look it up online. The anime should be giving us question and answering them too. They probably had enough questions needing to be answered to cover another episode, who knows why they didn't include some of these things. It's apparent people are wondering what's going on considering a lot of the responses here are just a lot of "what".
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Sep 27, 2013 2:15 PM

May 2011
This was a pretty fun episode. It was nice when everyone was helping each out out using CROWDS.

Decent series overall. I found Hajime annoying at first but as the show went on I didn't care anymore. Berg-Katze was a riot. Miyano Mamoru did a pretty good job with his role there.
Sep 27, 2013 2:18 PM
Dec 2012
LOL@Rui's solution. Glad it worked. And lol@the food game. Kinda disappointed in those people, but maybe that's the reality of the masses. Poor Katze ignored by people. What happened to OD? Dead? Also what happened to Katze? Looked like Hajime take him into her body. If so, how did she do it? That PM's solution seemed effective, but is there no possibility those masses go out of control again? It seemed they took things just as games. Funny was the laughing mayor under the crisis. It's hard to take the show seriously.

Overall it was an interesting series though I'm not sure if it had to be Gatchaman. Also it felt Hajime upstaged the other members.
Sep 27, 2013 2:24 PM
Jan 2011
eminagnam said:
LOL@Rui's solution. Glad it worked. And lol@the food game. Kinda disappointed in those people, but maybe that's the reality of the masses. Poor Katze ignored by people. What happened to OD? Dead? Also what happened to Katze? Looked like Hajime take him into her body. If so, how did she do it? That PM's solution seemed effective, but is there no possibility those masses go out of control again? It seemed they took things just as games. Funny was the laughing mayor under the crisis. It's hard to take the show seriously.

Overall it was an interesting series though I'm not sure if it had to be Gatchaman. Also it felt Hajime upstaged the other members.

Who is Hajime? I think that is one of the biggest mystery. She's not normal that's for sure.

Sep 27, 2013 2:28 PM

Apr 2012
The end was confusing but I really loved that show :3
Sep 27, 2013 2:41 PM

Jul 2013
Darkshadow77 said:
Isn't it because she couldn't see him? How are you suppossed to absorb something you can't see?.

But in what moment the anime does show you that Hajime sees BK in flesh??

I review every minute in the last episode and Hajime does not see BK in any moment

100% of all dead people have never complained about being dead. So I guess it isnt that bad.
Sep 27, 2013 2:42 PM

Dec 2009
... what? I got no words for this ending.
I have my own anime blog. It's called Anime Viking. Hope you'll you read it!

Sep 27, 2013 2:44 PM

Aug 2011
What the hell was that??!!

What happen to Utsusu, O.D. Jou-san and Katse?!!! This show was my favorite of the season before watching this episode. Although the whole show kept its great animation quality every episode I strongly think the potential was wasted and that annoys me.

Sep 27, 2013 2:44 PM

Jun 2011
Trialling end to promote discussion.

I see what they did there.

I suppose it is better than a cliche ending(?)
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Poll: » Gatchaman Crowds Episode 3 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Jul 26, 2013

123 by RGreatDanton »»
Nov 7, 2024 3:10 PM

Poll: » Gatchaman Crowds Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

VioLink - Jul 19, 2013

193 by RGreatDanton »»
Nov 7, 2024 3:02 PM

Poll: » Gatchaman Crowds Episode 1 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

VioLink - Jul 12, 2013

300 by RGreatDanton »»
Nov 7, 2024 2:54 PM

Poll: » Gatchaman Crowds Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Sep 20, 2013

93 by epidemia78 »»
Jan 19, 2023 2:31 AM

Poll: » Gatchaman Crowds Episode 10 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

VioLink - Sep 13, 2013

103 by epidemia78 »»
Jan 18, 2023 1:21 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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