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Sep 15, 8:42 PM
Oct 2021
Alright, so I am going to pose this question and this is not to spark the usual debate. I am more so looking for the discussion and see how people choose their preference. For the past almost decade I have been watching anime subbed over dubbed. In the beginning, before I knew anime had a title. For me I watched Dragon Ball and Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yugioh, Pokemon, and some other anime in English. I can honestly say that I prefer watching anime with subtitles instead of English dub. So I pose this to you all. Does everyone have a specific preference? Are you strictly a subbed watcher, a dub watcher, or do you interchange with an anime when it has a subbed and Dubbed version?
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Sep 15, 8:46 PM

Dec 2021
I exclusively watch subbed anime, purely by preference. Just stick with your gut, though. If you feel better watching subbed, watch subbed, and if not, there's no shame in going with dubbed anime.
Sep 15, 8:51 PM
Oct 2021
Reply to Daviljoe193
I exclusively watch subbed anime, purely by preference. Just stick with your gut, though. If you feel better watching subbed, watch subbed, and if not, there's no shame in going with dubbed anime.
@Daviljoe193 I am subbed watcher through and through
Sep 15, 8:55 PM

Sep 2024
1. Subbed Original source
2. Dubbed (only if the Subbed was not enough)
Sep 15, 9:01 PM

Feb 2015
I usually prefer to watch in the original language, as I feel it's the most genuine experience as the one intended by the writer/director. For Japanese, I also find that JP voice acting is generally better than English (though of course there are exceptions).

If someone recommends a dub to me because they think it's really good I'll give it a watch. The English dub of Baccano! for example I think is great and D-Frag! had me laughing out loud.

Also if I want to watch while doing something else (rare for me but sometimes I don't want to focus on subs or just at all) then I'll watch dubbed. Especially true for long running shows like Naruto. I could also see watching dubbed if I'm not watching by myself and there may be distractions.
Censorship is vandalism.
Sep 15, 9:01 PM

Jun 2019
I just prefer watching everything in its original language. Not only anime, but live action Japanese films as well. And not only Japanese by any means, but all other languages (including my native English where and when it's the original language).

I could write at length a thorough breakdown of the myriad different reasons for that and the reasoning behind each reason and all the intricacies involved, but if I had to boil it down to a simple basic reason at the gut feeling level which is the original source for my entire attitude and set of views toward it, I guess it's just because it inherently feels more authentic to me to hear the voices of the characters chosen by the original director (or original studio committee or whomever if it's done by someone else in different cases). It feels closest to the source of original creation and the essence of what the characters really are. I'm mainly talking about anime and animated works in general here with voice actors, but the same is equally true for live action. I wouldn't want to see it dubbed over by random foreigners who aren't the actual actors and people on screen, whether they're supposed to be speaking Japanese or Aramaic or Czech or whichever language.

It just feels like another layer of unnecessary separation between myself and what the anime (or other work) was at the moment of its conception.
Sep 15, 9:15 PM
Mar 2023
Original language is always the best choice imo and I don't think you can ever go wrong with it. And as for those who are too lazy to read the subtitles, they can just watch dubbed. Simple!
Sep 15, 9:15 PM
Jul 2018
Well for me doesn't matter I watch in sub or dub I used to watch dub on French, English and Tagalog ones and sometimes I watch the sub on spanish or french if there no eng sub.
Sep 15, 9:18 PM
Apr 2024
I'm used to subs in general since my native language isn't English so it's easier for me to read English subs more than watching in English
Sep 15, 9:20 PM

Jan 2024
I only watch in dubbed . If no dub then I’ll go subbed .

Why ? I get to enjoy the animation and actually know what’s going on without having to read so much .
Sep 15, 10:17 PM

Jun 2007
Reply to BipulGamer07
Original language is always the best choice imo and I don't think you can ever go wrong with it. And as for those who are too lazy to read the subtitles, they can just watch dubbed. Simple!
I'd say I'm a sub watcher by about a 70-30 margin. I started out with exposure to dubbed anime via TV and video rentals, then went pretty much all sub as I got more seriously into anime, then opened up to watch more dubs over time. If I'm choosing to watch something for the first time dubbed, it's likely for one or more of these reasons:

* The dub is generally considered good or debateably better than the JP track.
* The dub is known to be entertaining in a "so bad it's good" way, which is often the case for schlocky OVAs and movies from the 80s and 90s and sometimes for modern ecchi/harem comedies.
* The involvement of some dub studio, director, or seiyuu whose work I've enjoyed in the past. Like New Generation Pictures (whose work is generally high quality) Monster Island (who tend to be "so bad it's good"), or ADR director Steven Foster of Ghost Stories fame.
* Funimation dubs of Gonzo titles. Purely an individual stance, but I've always felt like Funi did a good job with those shows, and it helps that many of them were Western-setting or sci-fi titles where dubs often perform better.

@BipulGamer07 Plenty of viewers watch dubs purely out of personal preference, not any laziness or otherwise "defective" traits, regardless of what sub-purists believe.

Everything that connects to MAL

Contains Ecchi, but not Tagged Ecchi: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3

Sep 15, 11:08 PM

May 2024
I'm mainly a sub watcher, but I do occasionally switch to dub for certain anime like Dragon Ball. I also might watch the dub version on a rewatch just to switch things up a bit.
Sep 15, 11:38 PM
Oct 2019
It's not a preference I wanted to watch something years ago that wasn't dubbed since then I never got back to dub. Only sub unless I can't choose. It's the same reason I watch foreign movies in their native language because it's the intended language in the creation process.
Sep 16, 12:09 AM

May 2020
For me one way or another I never really had a choice. When I started watching anime I only knew about the dub (I didn't even know what anime was at the time, or that it was made in Japan). Eventually I found out the original was Japanese, and I had to force myself to watch it, because the dub did not cover the entire series so it was the only way to see what happened next. Gradually I became used to it and I started to appreciate how much better the sub was from the dub. Not all dubs are attrociously bad but they are generally speaking worse, more awkward and less faithful. Even the DBZ dub for example, which a lot of people praise, and its also the way I watched the series the first time so you would think I would have a bias towards it, I cannot shake this feeling that the Gokuu voice actor is just making a "funny voice", the whole dub just sounds silly compared to the Japanese, and the English dub simply cannot match the energy of the Japanese, if you have the time and care, take a look at the Gokuu Vs vegita fight for example and compare the dub and the sub, not only is the music better in the sub, there is so much more emotion in the Japanese delivery.

So yeah, what happened is that as I watched more and more subs I became enamoured by the high standards anime has for voice acting, and so these days I simply do not see any merit in watching dubs (and mind you ,this is without the consideration of the script altering that happens in dubs, which is extensive and growing everyday. I would even go as far as to say it is detrimental for the future of anime if dubs become the primary way to consume anime, because then you are always at the mercy of the dubbers and how they want to portray the story). This bias has only gotten stronger as I have started learning Japanese and gradually Japanese no longer feels like a foreign language for me.

For me dubs vs subs is a binary choice, if you have the ability to appreciate the Japanese voice acting you owe it to yourself to watch the sub, it is simply better in every way. The only real reason to watch dubs is convenience or if you simply cannot stand the Japanese language. If convenience is the deciding factor for someone in this scenario I think our values are fundamentally too different for us to see each others viewpoint, there is a place for convenience but at the end of the day you have to put some respect on quality. If its the latter and they cannot stand or appreciate Japanese I can at least sympathise, ultimately I only find it a bit sad that they cannot in their circumstances enjoy the best version of the series they like.
Sep 16, 1:00 AM

Jan 2020
Depends on who worked the dub
If it's Censored TV dub crap like Saban,4kids and DIC , I immediately avoid
If it's by staff who I've had problem with their dubs always like Steven Foster and Chris Ayres , I'll avoid
I'll watch any other dub than those unless it's like an Animax dub
Sep 16, 1:03 AM

Nov 2019
If it has an English dub, I'll check it out. If I am not feeling it in an episode or less, then I'll switch to the subs. Great English Dubs > Great Japanese Dubs > Average Japanese Dubs > Average English Dubs has tended to be my experience as someone who can stomach both. Just trying to optimize my enjoyment by keeping an open mind, though I do watch more Japanese Dubs on average, as I find them more consistent.
Don't let others ruin things for you. Even if a toxic fan pisses in your cereal, you could just get another bowl of cereal.
The 50 Anime You Should Watch Before You Die (Thanks for 400 Restacks)
Sep 16, 1:11 AM

Feb 2023
I watched anime dubbed for the most part. I only watch subbed when there's no dub available or the dub is unsatisfactory.
StyxParadiseSep 16, 1:17 AM

MALoween✟Mansion 2024

Sep 16, 1:42 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
I usually watch subbed, but I still prefer some anime dubbed, like, Cowboy Bebop and Digimon Data Squad.
Sep 16, 1:43 AM

Jun 2024
I mostly watch subbed because I’m used to it.
Sep 16, 2:17 AM

Aug 2024
Subs mainly because I just prefer the original language over dubs in not just anime but movies, tv shows and video games. The only time I watch anime in dub if I was multitasking or if the dubs I find to be better like Cowboy Bebop, FLCL and Black Lagoon
TheBlueSpartanSep 16, 2:23 AM
Sep 16, 2:25 AM

Jul 2024
I watch whatever that's available for free on the high sea where pirates sail
Sep 16, 3:24 AM

Sep 2018
Every show I've ever watched has always been subbed with the exception of dragon ball, and that's only because I grew up watching it dubbed and have nostalgia for it. I leaned towards subs when I first started watching anime because the dubbed versions would always be censored. Whether that be actual cuts/edits to the show, or even minor things like the script. To this very day dubs still censor curse words for example (at least almost all of them do).
Sep 16, 3:26 AM

Jan 2009
whatever is available first i will watch that so i got no preference
Sep 16, 4:38 AM

Apr 2016
Strictly subbed, original language is always the way to go for me unless it's something silly like "Ghost Stories".
Dubbed anime just don't sound right to me.
Sep 16, 5:05 AM

May 2015
Raw or subbed, you couldn't pay me to watch anything dubbed. It's a truly miserable experience
Sep 16, 5:11 AM
Jul 2021
Atualmente prefiro o idioma original, mas não se pode descartar a importância da dublagem para quem tá começando a assistir anime, ou porque a dublagem abre portas pro público main streeam.
Sep 16, 5:26 AM

Sep 2016
Always subbed, except for Pokemon because the Japanese names are very confusing if you play the games in English.
DesuMaiden said:
Nobody resembles me physically because I don't even physically exist.
Sep 16, 6:44 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
Japanese voice actors are much more talented and pleasing to listen to. Choosing to watch english dub is what people with shit taste do.
Sep 16, 6:48 AM

Nov 2020
99% of the times it SHOULD be subbed. But that 1% of the time is when the entire community mutually agrees that the dub is actually BETTER than the sub. That's when you should go for the dub ig. But anything other than English and you're risking your mental peace lol.


the second situation for watching dub is when you watch something like Pokémon (this might be the only example), wherein it is a HUGE franchise (mostly in the west). So it makes it such that the English names of the Pokemon, their moves etc. are more popular than the Japanese ones. Thats when you watch it in dub.
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Sep 16, 6:54 AM

Jun 2010
It does not matter if it's in subbed or dubbed. I watch whatever comes along.
Sep 16, 3:01 PM

Aug 2017
I'm a sub purist and dub hater. Reasons of why I love sub:

-Loyalty: anything is fine as long you don't touch the original material.
-Voice actors: they show dedication to the series and I admire their work. Dub actors usually don't do this especially when the dub actor is woke. It happened with the character of Chad from Bleach dub. Jamieson Price refused to play a non-white character again since the character is not white but the same person played another non-white character the next. Dude thinks Asian people are white. For someone who refuse to play a non-white character, he proved to be ironically racist implying Japanese people are white. I would understand if it was a person who doesn't do dub, it would be more of a sign of ignorance but in this case is just plain racism. Can't stand woke dub actors. They are not loyal to the show and they are so unprofessional, heck they shoulnd't dubbing if they are making money with it.

Dub should be only fan-made and sub or raw the only official/true form. Dub is evil. Dub is cultural appropiation especially when some dub actors are just plain racist.
NurguburuSep 16, 3:15 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Sep 16, 3:14 PM

Apr 2021
i will always choose sub and not just in anime, but in tv shows, movies, etc. I just think its better to hear the performances on their original language, plus when things get dubbed they become something diff than the original, whether that is something good or bad depends on the viewer.
Sep 16, 5:25 PM

Aug 2022
If it's a currently airing seasonal - I watch it subbed. Exceptions would be currently airing shows where the official subtitles do not match with the spoken Japanese audio. Notable example: Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction.

If it's a rewatch, I'll see it in dub.

If it's an older show with a dub, I go for the dubbed version first. Unless if said dub is 4Kids or Animax levels of bad.
Sep 16, 6:06 PM
Aug 2015
I started off only watching Dubs but now i am mostly the opposite i highly prefer Subs over Dubs & there are several reasons why for starters the voice acting i personally feel that the original voice plays into that character's personality let's use Naruto Uzumaki as a example something Naruto fans are very familiar with is Naruto saying Dattebayo very often but in the English Dub it's either not in there most of the time or is changed between Believe it & You know & hearing this in English doesn't hit the same another example is Son Goku from the Dragon Ball franchise a lot of people don't like Goku's Japanese voice but i personally prefer listening to it over the Dub voice now outside of the voice acting there is name changing certain anime's change the names of the characters Pokemon is probably the best known example but even Dragon Ball did it Kuririn,Yamucha & Buruma had their names changed for the Dub & sometimes Japanese can be mispronounced in Dubs the most recent example is Ninja Kamui or should i say Ninja Kamooie because the series is obviously about ninja cows anyways there is also Nagisa from Clannad & Haruka in Noein there is not a single anime that i think is better in Dub i will still watch Dubs but only certain ones that i feel like watching
Sep 16, 7:06 PM
Feb 2021
I'm no sub purist and don't prefer sub based on a principle, which is not to say I don't think sub is the better the majority of the time. For me, I always start with the sub, but if I like the show enough that I want to watch it again, then the second time is always dub if available. Thus I can have an informed opinion when recommending a sub or dub when recommending a show to someone. Of the shows I've seen in both dub and sub, I would say I like the sub better 85% of the time, dub and sub equally 10%, and dub better 5%.
Sep 17, 12:30 AM

Jan 2023
I prefer to watch subbed personally, but to each their own :)
Sep 17, 8:27 AM

Oct 2017
I've recently started watching dubbed a bit more due to how distracting subtitles have become due to my level of Japanese studies. I am nowhere near fluent so I can't watch raw, but the subtitles have become increasingly distracting in my studies due to my brain wanting to pick apart the speech rather than the text so it is trying to simultaneously pay attention in two languages at once which can sometimes lead to me getting headaches. I can see this issue getting to be more and more problematic the further I get into my studies before I get to a level of comfort without subtitles being needed at all.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Sep 17, 8:37 AM

Feb 2021
I prefer subs, but if it is a professional dub, I watch it too.
Sep 17, 8:45 AM
Gaming & Anime

Jan 2024
If there is only English available I prefer 100% sub over dub because for me there are way to often absolutely unfitting voices used for certain characters.
It is sometimes so bad that I believe that some English dubbed Animes will get rated lower due that.
It takes away from the charm, flow and overall feeling with those mismatches (personal feeling, my opinion, if you like it all fine)

For my native language it is the total opposite, my favorite Anime might only be my favorite because the voice actors were so perfectly chosen, absolutely no match.
Sep 17, 8:46 AM

Apr 2011
I pick dub, if possible, since CrunchyRoll subs don't work in picture in picture mode.
Though, I did find a workaround.

I do, however understand those, who say that original audio with subs are better.
Sep 17, 12:28 PM

Sep 2007
Reply to justmaya
I mostly watch subbed because I’m used to it.
Mualani said:
I mostly watch subbed because I’m used to it.

Same here, but I won't mind dubbed if it's good or well praised for it.
Sep 17, 12:49 PM

Sep 2024
I am involved in both. I like sub a bit more because I think the translation is more accurate. If the anime is Chinese, then I don't need sub or dub since I am proficient in Chinese!
"When clouds appear, wise men put on their cloaks;
When great leaves fall, the winter is at hand;
When the sun sets, who doth not look for night?
Untimely storms make men expect a dearth."

William Shakespeare
Sep 17, 12:54 PM

Jul 2024
Subbed,can't stand an english dub,however if I stumble upon a DE dub that's an instant (still technically eng subbed since I don't know german),in terms of Mecha/Military especially it creates a better atmosphere than the OG
Can I Still Go To Heaven If I Kill Myself?
Sep 17, 12:58 PM

Jun 2017
I like both and will just watch whatever's more readily available.

If i have to choose, i'll check who's in the show. If it's got any of my favorite va's i'll watch the dub.

If i don't like any of the va's, it really just depends on the show. I default to dubs, but more cultural type shows, i tend to do sub since it's usually more accurate.
My waifu is the most wonderful waifu. Mai Valentine.
Sep 17, 3:59 PM

Sep 2019
Majority of the time I watch a piece of media in its original dub language, I don't care what others do, this has always been such a stupid debate to me lol.
Sep 17, 5:48 PM

Jan 2022
I check first if it makes more sense that the characters speak Japanese or English (or some other language).

Steins;Gate: Japanese
Cyberpunk Edgerunners: English
Attack on Titan: German (Erwin's speech in German is amazing)
Sep 18, 1:49 AM
Sep 2013
Strict sub unless there's a particular reason to go dub.

Why wouldn't I watch something in its original language?
Oct 3, 9:48 AM

Jan 2018
reading english subtitles is best for me and it gets me everytime. sub for fresh foot

the day skynet decides to censor everything is the day i'm ready to go raw and deep.
Oct 3, 10:38 AM

Mar 2021
GalacticWeiss12 said:
Alright, so I am going to pose this question and this is not to spark the usual debate. I am more so looking for the discussion and see how people choose their preference. For the past almost decade I have been watching anime subbed over dubbed. In the beginning, before I knew anime had a title. For me I watched Dragon Ball and Z, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yugioh, Pokemon, and some other anime in English. I can honestly say that I prefer watching anime with subtitles instead of English dub. So I pose this to you all. Does everyone have a specific preference? Are you strictly a subbed watcher, a dub watcher, or do you interchange with an anime when it has a subbed and Dubbed version?

Why not choose both English dubs and English subs? Personally I don't need either since I can speak and understand the Japanese language fluently to understand Anime without the need for subtitles where it's extremely rare to ever watch something when someone is speaking in an extremely uncommon strong dialect. As an example, it would be like the equivalent of someone from North America using an extremely strong Southern accent where it would mostly be completely unintelligible speech.

Besides specific preferences, who is really holding you back to consume both other than yourself? Just consume Anime the way you enjoy it the most and don't give a crap about conforming to anyone else's ideals when it comes to your own Anime consumption. Not like you are watching Anime for the sake of others.

There are many pros and cons to consuming Anime when it comes to English dubs or English subtitles. One of the pros of Anime with subtitles is the fact one will be consuming Anime in the Japanese language making the experience feel more authentic, since Anime is Japanese by nature to begin with. So I guess there is that cool factor about Anime in the Japanese native language that viewers can flaunt over those who watch Anime that is dubbed (if one really cares about that). Another Pro about English subtitles is that it's fairly consistent when it comes to this medium, where one will find a lot more Anime available that has been transcribed with subtitles than one would find an Anime dubbed. Where some Japanese Anime never gets dubbed at all.

Though lets not forget the Cons about English subs either. Right off the bat if a viewer is relying on subtitles they are simply taking the words of whoever transcribed it as if that was how it was meant to be. Subtitles are not always 100% accurate and are just as much a form of localization as an Anime getting a dub in a different language. A huge negative about one needing to rely on subtitles is the fact they are simply just that, they are indeed subtitles on the screen. Subtitles basically are a form obstruction when it comes to the viewing experience. The viewer is then forced to read text while trying to also enjoy the animated experience where one can't physically concentrate on both at the same time, specifically when the screen is being perpetually flooded with subtitles during long dialog scenes. This dramatically effects the enjoyment whether Users like to admit it or not. Another Con about needing to rely on subtitles for Anime is that they are not good at all for social casual gatherings. If one is wanting to share Anime with friends in real life, this limits socializing in a casual atmosphere. Relying on Anime with subtitles tends to lean more towards being a solo activity. Where in general, watching any media entertainment can be exponentially more fun and a far more enjoyable experience when sharing it with others.

Now English dubs have cons too. like I have mentioned before not all Japanese Anime gets dubbed. Anime dubbed is seen as not in it's intended original language. As well as often times Anime being dubbed is viewed as being sanitized strictly for localization as if it's some plague. Also there is usually a longer wait for Anime to get dubbed. Where when there is a seasonal release, the dubbed version will be on a delay sometimes and usually won't even get dubbed till after the series finishes airing in Japan. As mentioned before not all Anime gets dubbed. Users will ultimately limit their choices if all they will do is watch only Anime Dubbed.

Though it should be noted, most of the time the Anime that does eventually get dubbed is due to it's popularity. So it's likely one will eventually get to watch an Anime dubbed if it's popular enough. I would think it's usually due to it's demand.

There are some good pros to English dubs too. For one thing one can actually enjoy watching Anime and the animated experience without the need to keep reading a bunch of text perpetually flooding the screen. This is the main Pro about English dubs that subtitles can't touch. Anime dubbed makes the visual experience 100 time more authentic than seeing a bunch of text flooding the screen and obstructing the animation. Where the only thing better than that would be to watch Anime in the Japanese Language without subtitles.

As I have mentioned before English dubs are far better for casual social gatherings, specifically if people don't understand Japanese. I can't count how many times I have popped in an Anime DVD or Blu-ray that is dubbed in English when I have my friends come over to hang out in my Mancave while we shoot a few games of pool and drink beer. Anime is just more fun when watching it with others. Most of the time when I have popped in an Anime for my friends who only understand English when there isn't a dubbed option, whatever Anime I ended up choosing ends up being almost completely ignored while we drink beer and shoot pool. Because no one is going to keep reading a bunch of subtitles in a social gathering like that.

If one doesn't want to bother with either English Dubs or English Subs one can always just spend the time to learn the Japanese language too. Unless one plans on eventually dropping Anime as a medium completely in less than a few years, one might as well, specifically if Users are still young. Even if it takes a User over a full decade to learn, it will ultimately be more rewarding in the long run. While learning the Japanese Language isn't easy, there are far more languages out there that are far harder to learn. I have also met people who have learned the Japanese language in less than a few years.
ColourWheelOct 8, 1:25 AM
Oct 7, 11:24 PM
one piece ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚

Nov 2014
Both are good. I watch more subbed than dubbed
My Japanese isn’t good enough to watch without subtitles yet, so if I wanna do chores or other things at the same time as watching anime I usually just watch in dubbed
(I have a list of anime I don’t mind watching in dub)
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