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Do you remember the first nightmare you ever had?

Feb 21, 2010 6:06 PM

Feb 2010
Or the first nightmare you can remember. D:

If so, what is it? I find first nightmares are actually quite strange. c:

Mine was that the vacuum-moster thing from Tellie Tubbies (lulu ?) sucked up my best friend, Robert, and sliced him into bloody little chunks.

I had never seen a violent movie and was a happy person, so...D:

What was your first nightmare?
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. -Carl Sagan
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Feb 21, 2010 6:10 PM

Jun 2008
What's up with you and memories?

I'm sure it was the stereotypical "OH NO I'M TRAPPED IN ____ AND CAN'T GET OUT."

I was a baby, I don't remember that stuff.
Feb 21, 2010 6:12 PM

Oct 2008
I'm sure I had others before this but the first I can remember having was that I was out the back of my house talking to this really old man with super-long eyelashes. He turned around for a moment and then when he turned back he had suddenly lost all of his hair and had turned into a cyclops with one huge eye. He just stared at me...

I guess this doesn't really sound like a 'nightmare' as such but I was very young when I had this dream and it freaked me out so bad. I was scared the whole next day. XD
Feb 21, 2010 6:16 PM

Feb 2009
You sure like to know if we have have sharp memories.

My first one was really stupid. I was going up this really long set of stairs and ever step whispered something to me. And at the top it was like a bell tower, and I was so afraid to go up it. Hell. I don't know. Also, I remember the theme to Gargoyles playing in the dream, even though I loved that show. (FUCK YEAH.)

I actually had a really scary one a few nights ago. In black and white, actually.

Feb 21, 2010 6:36 PM

Jan 2010
I had this old woman in a white dress with a white glow to her that would chase me up the stairs in my old house. In fact, the very house that my family had been in for two generations. When I described the woman to my mother, particularly the detail of the white dress, she said it was the same dress my grandmother wore when she was buried. Creepy!
Feb 21, 2010 7:47 PM

Jan 2009
bomb said:
I can't remember my first nightmare, I doubt anyone can. I used to be scared of chuckie from Child's Play though and I had nightmares about that when I was younger.

Chucky is cool though. My friend was a horror movie buff as a child but he had nightmares about Chucky too and I would always stick it in his face about how I thought Chucky was awesome despite me being a bigger scardy cat than him.

As I said in the last thread. My first nightmare I recall is of my Dad turning into a bear and eating people, Shit happens...

Criticker|Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love,|
the things you are, and the things you never want to lose.

Feb 21, 2010 8:16 PM

Nov 2008
the only one I could remember is probably when I was 7 or 8 and my dad took me to a "art show" of hell where demons were chasing human,cutting them in half and cooking them. I had nightmares of demons chasing after me and trying to eat me for at least a week.

not sure what kind of father takes their little kid to see that kind of stuff but I guess because of it, I can't remember of ever having nightmares afterwards and nothing seems to scare me ever since.
Feb 21, 2010 8:57 PM

Dec 2009
The first nightmare I had (or at least remember) was when I was really small, my cousin was over and my mom took my cousin up the stairs and forgot about me down at the bottom. So I started crawling up the stairs trying to get to the top and near the top the stairs started shifting and turned into a slide and I tumbled back (it was one of the ones where you actually feel like your falling). So anyways when I reached the bottom of the stairs a killer clown came after me and started chasing me, so I sort of crawled away but then in the end my grandfather came with a huge hammer and bashed the killer clown with it.
Feb 21, 2010 8:59 PM
Jul 2009
Being kissed by a white lady or more liked being sucked. That's the first nightmare i can recall and it happen when I was on grade 1.
Feb 21, 2010 9:20 PM

Nov 2009
Well, I don't know about the "first" nightmare, but the first one I can recall is:

I was a baby, and I was in a car. My mom was driving, she parked her car next to a dairy, or mall, or whatever, then she left the car to go buy something perhaps. Like minutes after she left, I decided to move up to the front driving seat; reasons: I don't why. And then, before I know it, the car is started, and I'm trying to drive the car but soon after, I see a sudden major downhill. The car keeps going downhill, I try to stop but I can't. I'm not too sure what happens next but I think I crash, and that's when I wake up.

I had this dream 2x in a row. Kinda scary when you have the same nightmare 2 times.
LitShineFeb 21, 2010 9:23 PM
Feb 21, 2010 9:22 PM

Apr 2009
mine was when i was like 6 years old
and the queen of hearts from alice in wonderland was chasing me through the maze (the animated version)
it was scary as shi-
Feb 21, 2010 9:28 PM

Nov 2009
I remember perfectly because I sometimes still have the dream well here is the story
one day my mom was watching some soap opera or something where a kid got in the car and wrecked it so I go to bed the that night and have a nightmare when my mom drives me to a walmart she gets out to do something ( I don't know what) and then a alive ragadee anne andy doll gets in the ar and starts driving away and as we are driving up the road it would get darker and darker and at the end the doll would disappear and I would be in the drivers seat and there was a cliff right in front of me with my whole family in the back of the car. yeah I know I have messed up nightmares I started having this dream when I was 6 and occasionally still have it and when I do have the dream my body looks as if I am 6 again 0.0
I'll take a potatoe chip... AND EAT IT!!!!!
Feb 22, 2010 3:38 AM

Dec 2007
The first nightmare I remember involved a forest (extremelly identical to a tridimensional version of this painting my father owned) and a horrible giant made of plush that grabbed me and ate me and then I had to run between its teeth to escape. Then he would swallow me and I could see everything from outside him. And as I raised up, because I was dead, I would see the giant was not a giant, and the forest was not a forest, the giant was a bag with a tucan in a forest I brought from Brazil and the forest was made of waste, like these horrible cartoons that passed on public television.

Let me just say that at the time I was so scared of the tucan bag I had to tuck it inside a closet. Found it when I moved, seven years ago, and had to throw it away.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Feb 22, 2010 3:42 AM

Aug 2009
I can't say the first nightmare but the first night terror. It was basically in a room of my previous house and this chick is slowing floating over me when I was lying on my bed. And her facial features and her clothes changed into something hideous. I was half-awake (night terror), trying to shout or even move but could not. I 'closed' my eyes and it was over. This night terror is a recurring one, something I have had experienced for quite some time.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny
- Lao-Tze.

Feb 22, 2010 3:51 AM

Sep 2009
It was an alley, I was running, my legs didn't work. Every time I tried to get up i would fall immediately back down I couldn't stand for long enough to make a proper run. I was scrabbling on the ground, trying to make progress forward, all the while a shadowy figure with a knife just silently walking closer I couldn't get away. I would wake up or the dream would change. I was 6 years old.

This changed to being chased by a predator after seeing the film predator. Mainly being chased, he never caught me. Until last year. I won't carry one because it is detailed, unless of course you want me to if it would help in some way.

Suffice to say that there is a conclusion to this dream, one that despite my dislike for Freud, has so much relevance to my life and regardless of people scepticism on his theory's, the fact remains that some of his analysis were very accurate. It is probably why people hate him so much, I certainly did not want to face my situation at all. Knowing that someone knew my mind or that somehow could see into my soul for it's good and bad scared me, yet after this dreams conclusion I now know I have nothing to fear but fear itself, which is a cliché, and it is a cliché because cliché's tend to be truisms.

I hope this helped in some way to whatever it was you needed.

I am watching you're good.
Feb 22, 2010 4:37 AM

May 2008
This is surely not anywhere near the first, but it's one I still notably remember and that's all the thread asked of me.

Soon after discovering women didn't have penises I had an awfully terrifying nightmare about schoolgirls and my school having their penises cut off. To go into more detail it was like some ritual with a knife. And obvious a few cries and screams of agony that came with it. I don't know if I remember correct but it seemed like maybe a few acted as if it was "duty" for them to do it and weren't acting shocked. Thought it was a mixture of both. And it was all by a knife, I remember that. It was disturbing enough that I still remember as a notable memory to this day in my life.

I'm sure I have a lot of general other creepy dreams before that I could dig up from my memories if I tried. But I think my notable dream that I remember well has it's own merit. I think it says a lot about the psychology of gender and sexuality in a young mind.
ukonkiviFeb 22, 2010 4:52 AM

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Feb 22, 2010 4:40 AM

Mar 2009
Hm.. can't recall. But it's probably this one that kept recurring about me being stuck in this goddamn huge place and there were huge machines/thingies around.


Something like that anyway.
Feb 22, 2010 5:02 AM

May 2009
I've had 2 nightmares in my life so I do remember my first xD
Feb 22, 2010 6:03 AM

Jan 2010
i'm not sure if it is my first, but the first nightmare i do remember having is of me running away constantly from a big huge tiger! i had these nightmares repetitively at the age of three and four..

later on ( much later on), i realised that the cause of those nightmares was a huge wall hanging of a tiger in my house,....o_O
Feb 22, 2010 6:28 AM

Jan 2010
I remember the green hungry ghost from Ghost Busters plotting to do evil things to me with my older brother.

I was too scared to sleep, so I went to wake my parents. But then I was too scared to wake them up, so I fell asleep at their door.

Feb 22, 2010 8:00 AM

Jan 2010
aw, I can't remember mine... Don't even wanna remember..
Feb 22, 2010 8:19 AM

Feb 2005
It was a rather weird one, and a typical growth dream.

I was walking in a strangely unsettling field of flowers, with a certain sharp and digital feel, like in a early 3d game, and eventually, a giant roadroller (With spikes on the roller thing) would come thundering after me, and naturally, I would invariably be slowed down until I was unable to move. And then just as the roller smashed me, I would wake up, quite shaken.
Feb 22, 2010 8:46 AM

Jun 2008
I probably had it when I was less than a year old, as most people probably had, so no I don't remember it. XD
Feb 22, 2010 12:19 PM

Nov 2009
When I was a child I used to have terrible night terrors. I'd wake up screaming so often that now it's all just a blur.

R.I.P J.D. Salinger <3
Feb 22, 2010 12:25 PM
Oct 2009
Kinda my first nightmare was about getting trapped in a mirror >>
Feb 22, 2010 12:29 PM

Apr 2008
Can't exactly remember my first nightmare, but I do recall having nightmares about those Critter monsters from the movie Critters chasing me down the road when i was really little. They always ended with me falling off a cliff.

Feb 22, 2010 12:35 PM

Sep 2009
Yeah, mine was kind of weird. I had this huge Pikachu pillow in my room and in the dream, it's eyes followed me around the room. So I dreamt I threw it out of the room, but no matter what, when I turned back to go to bed, it was still there... Watching me.

Weird. (And scary at the time)
Feb 22, 2010 3:40 PM

Jun 2009
My earliest nightmare that I can remember, which was a recurring one, was ET chasing me through McDonald's Playplace tunnels. I kid you not, it scared the shit out of me as a child.

Never did like alien movies, never have.
<img src="">
Feb 22, 2010 4:51 PM

May 2009
I suuuure don't remember my first nightmare, but the first one I remember would probably be the one where Barney came into my room .. and ate my parents while I was stuck in my crib, screaming.

O.O Why .. do I remember that? :O

Came to a claim club only to find all your favorite characters are taken? Then this is the club for you! No "One-Time Claim" rule! Click to find out more HERE, at AC!
Feb 22, 2010 6:51 PM

Mar 2009
Yeah, I was in a theater and watching puppets perform. The puppets wanted to pull me down a flight of stairs, or something like that. Soon after, I discovered lucid dreaming.
"When he will, the weary world
Of the senses closely curled
Like a serpent round his heart
Shakes herself and stands apart."
- A.C., Equinox I/I
Feb 23, 2010 7:46 AM

Nov 2009
I kinda remember one lol. I was really young and at the time my brother and I had the Legend of Dragoon game (we beat it 2 years ago lol) for PS1 and I had a dream that I was actually fighting one of the bosses (i remember what it looks like just not the name) and I think I got owned XD
Feb 23, 2010 11:51 AM

May 2009
... I dunno, I think not : ]] Well, i can`t remember any dreams or nightmares. I can`t remember either if I dream lols.

"Angels banished from heaven have no choice but to become devils"
Vicious. Cowboy Bebop
Feb 23, 2010 12:03 PM

Jul 2008
I can only recall having nightmares about running away from tornadoes and finding some kind of shelter with my family.
Feb 23, 2010 3:25 PM

Oct 2009
i remember that one of the nightmares i had was me being kidnapped by a guy who looked like inspector gadget WTF!
Feb 23, 2010 4:06 PM

Aug 2009
I was in this dark room and there were these giant googly eyes singing in Opera voices some random gibberish. I laugh about it now, but that scared the crap out of me as a kid
Feb 24, 2010 5:26 AM
Jan 2010
First nightmare i had was of me Decapitating my whole family, nowadays i actually want it to come true :D

Feb 24, 2010 5:34 AM

Apr 2009
First nightmare i remeber was after playing mario and i had a nightmare where stones fell on my head :P

- and they had evil faces.
Feb 24, 2010 5:36 AM

Jan 2010
Can't remember my very first nightmare, but I do remember that I was dreaming about just ONE werewolf that was trying to eat me. Glad that's over.
Feb 24, 2010 5:36 AM

Feb 2008
Not my first but the first I can remember was one about the clothes in my back yard came alive and tried to steal my little sister. I was so scared that I ended up having to sleep in my parent's bed for like a week after.

Funny thing is now, that'd be like my perfect dream. Bloody siblings.
Feb 24, 2010 8:59 PM

Apr 2008
My first nightmare that I remember (from when I was about 4) involved me getting attacked by a pack of wolves. It freaked me out so much that I developed certain habits that I believed would keep me from having nightmares. For example, I believed that if I slept with my hands in fists under my pillow, I would be able to sleep peacefully. (Doesn't make any sense, but like I said, I was four at the time.)
Feb 25, 2010 1:40 AM
Jul 2018
I've had a nightmare for a month long every night.
It was my father saying goodbye in a sweet way. Than some guy showed up and started fighting with my father real fast and full of rage.

it might sounds stupid but for me it was the most scary thing I've ever saw
Feb 25, 2010 3:38 AM

Sep 2009
Nope, rarely remember my dream :(
Please join if you love Asian Cinema :)
Feb 25, 2010 10:19 AM

Mar 2009
I know I've probably had many more before these ones, since I was at a young age, but I remember this one clearly. So I;m just gonna say it was my first nightmare. I only remember it because it was this nightmare about lava and earthquakes killing my whole family. It really did scare me lol
The sun is warm for me
I am alive for you
Feb 25, 2010 10:52 AM

Feb 2010
My first Nightmare involved an Ice Cavern. Floor was solid, Flat ice. Kinda like a skating rink. And in the center, The Terminator. The without skin model. D: Arnold chased me around for a while, and it all ended when I turned around, and saw a huge metal forearm soaring down at my head. Things went dark when it woulda struck, and I woke up.

This dream happened I guess when I was 5? Right after seeing the movie. I really haven't had any other Nightmares. I've had some really weird dreams. A couple of times I had what seemed to be nightmares, but they all change halfway through when I realize "Hey... I'm dreaming. You guys are in MY hood." which is coincidentally around the time I proceed to pull a shotgun out of no where. -_^
Feb 25, 2010 11:54 AM
Feb 2010
oh god listen to this my first nightmare was when i was like 8 had a dream about running in a field full of flowers but when i was running i felt the sudden urge to disappear and so i did ended up in the same field over again but this time with scary things and werid spiders crawling around looking at me like i'm their food i'm not going to lie i was scared when i woke up ugh my god i had a bad day that day

Feb 25, 2010 12:26 PM
Oct 2008
I don't really remember my first nightmare =_=''
Long ago (like when I had 7 or 8) I've dreamed about two cats (one completely black and one white) - they were kinda fighting in a huge tree (a lot of darkness) - and I woke up at the end always ( I remember this repeated for 2 or 3 weeks (maybe?) and that's all.
The most recent nightmare was with a black water (or lake?) and some beast (that looked like a dog - almost) had killed some of my relatives and I was trying to protect all of them ... I woke up when I was trying to cut the dog's head off...
I really want some dreamless nights <3 love them the most ^_^ ... (:P)
Feb 25, 2010 12:58 PM

Feb 2009
I totally don't remember my first nightmare, heck I can't even remember my last Nightmare!
But I had one where I was standing outside like 100 metres away from our flat and my mom said she had to go away for something and I absolutely didn't want that so I started to cry and shout but no words came out of my mouth I had no voice, that was horrible I was like 8 or 9 then.
Feb 27, 2010 10:32 PM

Mar 2009
I cant actually remember my first nightmare, but the scariest nightmare I've ever had that I can remember was that I was in this random house and there was this little girl that ( I think) got kidnapped. So I went outside to look for her and there was this guy like 20 or 10 feet away, so I thought he was the guy that took the girl. Then I threw a rock or a fork at him and then he turns around....then he was in front of me in one second and before he hit me I woke up. My mother told me (we were sharing the bed at the time at my grandmother's house) that I was saying "Oh my God" or "Oh God" and sounded like I wanted to cry.
Scariest shit I've ever dreamed 8(
Neko123May 1, 2010 7:13 PM
Feb 28, 2010 1:34 AM

Jul 2009
it's not the first but for me it would be probably be satan. yes im serious i literally stood next to satan how did i know he was satan? well he look like a fat blob with a big head i don't know why but as far as i remember we were playing cards yes poker was scary because whenever i look at him he always laughs and keeps telling me it's your "turn" not to mention his so fucking big and then mins later i lost to him he then walk towards me i feel like he was gonna kill me then poof it was all a dream ^^
Feb 28, 2010 1:50 AM

Oct 2008
I was around 5 or so when I dreamed about some kind of dead family who lived in an apartment. In the beginning, there was somebody operating on the dead and grayed bodies. The room was all blood and filth. I felt like I was just in the air watching, and that I wasn't really there. So next thing I saw was the festered beings waving at me from an open elevator and then I woke.

I think, being young as I was, I was more shocked than scared.
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