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Mar 15, 6:29 PM

Aug 2015
I have been working 8-6 (9h work + 1h lunch time) for a few months. At first I thought it would be great because my salary is a little higher and I came back to my hometown and work from my parents' home, saving a ton in rent, transportation and food, but now I don't know if it was a good deal.

The problem is that in my last job I worked like 8:30-3:00 (6h work + 30 minutes lunch time) and it really felt like I had a ton of free time to do anything I wanted, even though I had to do my chores and commute. Those were the years I most fooled around, had fun and learned. Now I turn off my laptop and just feel tired, not feeling any desire to study, to pursue a relationship or to go out.

Anime bros, how do you make the best of working of working 9h+ a day?
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Mar 15, 6:43 PM

Aug 2019
You don't live. You only live on the weekends. If you have to work on Saturday, that's hell. Look for a job with better hours. earn money informally. I can live like this for a few years. After this, if nothing in my life improves I would think about Rip. A life of working 6 days and resting 1 day is misery. Dying young while being a hippie selling bracelets on the street is better than living like that all my life.
Mar 15, 6:54 PM

Dec 2015
I work 8-5:30 with a half hour commute both ways. If you spend 1 hour cooking, eating and cleaning then you get about 6 hours free time per day and 6 hours to sleep. Rinse and repeat until you reach the weekend and get 2 whole days off...welcome to being a sad wage slave adult, get used to it because this is how normie life is.
Mar 15, 6:59 PM

Mar 2020
I think the older generation is just used to it. Boomers and Gen X. Like, working is/was their main focus in life. But Millennials and Gen Z want to live. Working is just secondary to us. We also want work with meaning. The older generation just wanted to earn money. Whereas we need money and purpose to like a job or tolerate it. At least that's what I've read about it.
Mar 15, 7:38 PM

Aug 2015
I don't know if quitting is the best option since it's a very stable job in government enterprise and I get paid not extremely but very well. In top tier private sector I could earn a lot more per hour in some kind of "work by demand not by selling hours" contract, but the work is much worse and stressful, so not a possibility.

It's harsh... At least, depending on your line of work, you can cope that you won't have to think about the job until the next day. If you are an office wageslave you'll sometimes even dream about work!

Modern office work feels like we're just a cog in the machine, there's no meaning to it, it's all depersonalized. I have worked in projects that my managers bragged about impacting a lot of people, but I never felt anything about it and I guess neither did my coworkers. The only meaning I got at work was from interacting and having fun with my coworkers, which is much harder/different now since I'm working from home.
Mar 15, 8:06 PM
Jan 2022
I'm not sure. As a Systems/AI Engineer for a conglomerate where we have no CEO present at our office, and we basically act as our own bosses, I receive a yearly wage. My contract states that I work from 8 to 16, but I can work when I want to (lest there's an emergency). We, the devs, have decided for ourselves that we should meet up at the office on Mondays and Fridays for "samhold". While 4/5 of the developers try to stick to the 8-16 workhour, 1/5 of us often work off the clock too because our job is our hobby. If I don't have workout, nothing to clean or watch on TV, or none to visit, I connect my work laptop and start solving issues.

Your problem with the 8-18 workhours, especially if it's from Mon-Fri, might be that you're beginning to notice that most of your waking hours are spent at work, and that you have little to no time to rest or even get excited about getting up in the morning. In contrast, I feel like I'm contributing to the firm and conglomerate's expansion, that I'm contributing to my wage increase, and that I'm contributing to society. I literally feel bad if I skip a day. But the workhours isn't the only thing that's important here, it's also whether you like what you do and you're happy with who you work for.
Mar 15, 9:08 PM

Aug 2015
Good post. "Do what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life".

I'm an application programmer, mostly mainframe but honestly whatever necessary nowadays, who also does requirements engineering, so work for me was always maintaining, building upon or replacing soulless corporate legacy systems with obscure business rules. Sometimes of course I built new stuff from the ground up and I admit it is a bit more fulfilling, but it doesn't matter at this point. In the grand scheme of things what I do is very important for the government, but I feel no joy or sense of fulfillment in it since the results are depersonalized.

Some days I have very little work, but I'm never totally relaxed because people often call and email me. And then there's times when I'm resolving incidents and/or in meetings with clients or other employees all day even after my working hours. Contradicting as it may be, the first extreme is worse for me than the second, since it gets in my face how "working" (in this case, having to be available) for 9h+ doesn't make sense.
Mar 15, 9:18 PM

Jan 2009
you reminded me back when i was still working i work 12 hours per day 6 days a week it was hell and boring since its all factory work with minimum wage so some people just have bad luck with jobs
Mar 15, 11:31 PM

Dec 2016
I only work eight hours mon-fri and I don't have to payback my lunch break. If my tablet wasn't such a piece of shit, I would be drawing cookie at work instead of on copy paper with a pen when nobody is around. >:3
Mar 16, 12:11 AM
Oct 2019
It's why I love night shift I work from 9 PM to 5 AM. I leave home at 8:30 and I am back at 5:10 have all the time in the world and because I live in moderation I am practically rich which allows to buy anime and manga every month. Also I don't own a car it's my biggest thing for saving money the use of my bicycle all year round (even in winter) is a big save compared to a car or public transportation.
Mar 16, 12:44 AM
Jul 2018
Oh I only work 25 hours and know well how to handle money. Like buying second hand stuff, share costs of rent etc.
removed-userMar 16, 12:59 AM
Mar 16, 2:08 AM

Dec 2015
Normally, a day has 24 hours not 12.
Not that far ago I've been working for 8h + 1h of walking/transportation [physical work], + 1-2h of work at evening/before [non-physical work] sleep as there were ton of things to do. There was still alot of time to go out, to hang out with colleagues, to drink some beer and get to know each other better etc.

And most likely it is the case which I will do very soon, a normal working job in my country is 8 hour, some jobs are longer. My buddy who's working in irregular day schedule, whenever he has a working day he works for 12 hours x).

But after talkin with my buddies form my history bachelor studies, whom I met 2 days ago and we were actually talking about the jobs [as the meeting reason was related into it], there isn't that much of unluck or disaster when you're working for 8-10 hours and you actually have something to do. The worst scenerio is when you have a job of 8-10 hours, and you genuinly have nothing to do, for ex. it might happen in archivist job. That's when you realise how hard it is to being for that many hours in your job building when you have nothing to do it is a real hell and disaster. I'd rather spend 10 hours in excavation site, being under the burning sun and feeling fatigue with each usage of pickaxe/shovel/etc, while putting some nice phonk music through bluetooth speaker, speaking and having some fun with other co-workers and having the joy whenever you find something interesting, when I found an antler/bone decorated handle for a tool/knife from early middle-ages, it made my whole day and I was satisfied untill I went to sleep, instead of sitting in a building for 6 hours with literal no tasks, no stuff to do, nothing just being for 6 hours.

Here's the mentioned handle:

ZettaikenMar 16, 2:22 AM
Mar 16, 3:04 AM

May 2021
KappaLambda said:
I have been working 8-6 (9h work + 1h lunch time) for a few months. At first I thought it would be great because my salary is a little higher and I came back to my hometown and work from my parents' home, saving a ton in rent, transportation and food, but now I don't know if it was a good deal.

The problem is that in my last job I worked like 8:30-3:00 (6h work + 30 minutes lunch time) and it really felt like I had a ton of free time to do anything I wanted, even though I had to do my chores and commute. Those were the years I most fooled around, had fun and learned. Now I turn off my laptop and just feel tired, not feeling any desire to study, to pursue a relationship or to go out.

Anime bros, how do you make the best of working of working 9h+ a day?

Sounds more like it's the type of job rather than the hours, you sound drained more than tired, cuz i assume you get at least 2 days off (some jobs even give 3), if you only getting 1 you getting close to Zom 100 territory

Plus, you finish work at 6, that's not ridiculously late

Add to that you're working from home, so your hours should be more flexible (correct me if i'm wrong, basing this on my uncle working from home), so you could techically work 12-10 one day if you wanna sleep in, or you could do 8-9 one day and 8-3 the next and have half day off
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Mar 16, 3:11 AM

May 2021
Reply to Otakupervert890
It's why I love night shift I work from 9 PM to 5 AM. I leave home at 8:30 and I am back at 5:10 have all the time in the world and because I live in moderation I am practically rich which allows to buy anime and manga every month. Also I don't own a car it's my biggest thing for saving money the use of my bicycle all year round (even in winter) is a big save compared to a car or public transportation.
@Otakupervert890 This dude living the dream
What debating with DigiCat is like according to APolygons2
That's why I thought a discussion would be pointless. It doesn't feel like a debate. It feels like I'm playing chess and somehow lose to an uno reverse card after loosing all my monopoly money lol
Mar 16, 3:45 AM
Oct 2019
Reply to DigiCat
@Otakupervert890 This dude living the dream
@DigiCat well it come from also 3 years of hell of working 7/7 so I say it's a good karma rebalance. Thanks
Mar 16, 4:00 AM

Sep 2016
I wanna work 4 days a week and 10 hours per day, but can't find any company offering this model.

F**k worktime conformity...

ZarutakuMar 22, 2:39 AM
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Mar 16, 6:29 AM

Jun 2017
I work 7-4, so I can at least do something til 5-6. But I still feel too tired to even game after dinner. Working til 3 sounds like a dream though.
Mar 16, 9:41 AM
Jan 2022
@KappaLambda I was tasked with maintaining and building on legacy code where I'm working now, and I ripped the application apart and wrote it from scratch in my spare time. If I had to look at 10 different conventions, spaghetti code, and nested ifs for the rest of my life, and don't get me started on the bits and do-whiles, I would quit. I also wrote documentation for it, since there were none previously. It was all guess-work. I'm still shocked at what they've done to what should've been the simplest application. I kid you not, the repo went from 50 mb to 5 mb.

But, our situations might be very different. Your application might be bigger, and you might work with other devs. I was told that I'm the boss, and that they didn't care what I did so long as it worked, and so I did.
Mar 16, 1:15 PM

Jul 2021
It's quite simple really, I don't hate my job.
There's plenty time for activities, but utilising it properly is hard.
Like unless I'm really invested in something, and I totally no life it, kind of the main difference between work and vacation is how much time I waste on nonsense, and not how much things I do get I like doing.
Mar 16, 3:14 PM

Jul 2014
I work from 8:30AM to 5PM and occasionally later depending on deadlines. I feel like a hamster on a wheel and I hate it. If I don't quit this year and find something more fulfilling I don't know how I'm gonna live a happy life.
Take care of yourself

Mar 16, 4:31 PM

Aug 2015
996? Did they at least give the employees breaks? Factory work is harsh...

Working night shift might be better because at least every establishment is open during your free time, so you won't have to take a day off work to go to the dentist or smth like that.

Do you work by demand or sell your time? 25h/week is really good.

Really cool pics! Doing fulfilling and meaningful things is nice, time passes much faster.

I take the weekend off. Even though I work from home I have to be online from 8-6.

It's nice to be in charge of technical decisions and have the freedom to implement what you think it's best. The systems/applications I currently take care of mostly don't depend on other ones, but are used by almost all company systems, so me and the team have our hands tied on almost everything.

Best luck to you, bro.
Mar 16, 8:51 PM

Jan 2009

aside from 1 hour launch breaks we get 3 times 15 minutes break per day during those factory working hours
Mar 17, 10:23 AM
Jul 2018
Reply to KappaLambda
996? Did they at least give the employees breaks? Factory work is harsh...

Working night shift might be better because at least every establishment is open during your free time, so you won't have to take a day off work to go to the dentist or smth like that.

Do you work by demand or sell your time? 25h/week is really good.

Really cool pics! Doing fulfilling and meaningful things is nice, time passes much faster.

I take the weekend off. Even though I work from home I have to be online from 8-6.

It's nice to be in charge of technical decisions and have the freedom to implement what you think it's best. The systems/applications I currently take care of mostly don't depend on other ones, but are used by almost all company systems, so me and the team have our hands tied on almost everything.

Best luck to you, bro.

Nah, not exactly. I just get by with little money, because I reject the modern capitalist system and taking advantage of people's lifetime.
Mar 17, 8:17 PM

Aug 2018
I do the same schedule 8-6 with a 30 minute commute to and from so I get you. Tbh I just sacrifice a lot of sleep to stay up late every night anyway, I have been doing so for about a year now and have somewhat gotten used to it but I honestly wish I had a different work schedule as well. im still young and I feel like I can get away with it.

But It's not really a solution, since I feel tired and sloggy a lot because of it, sometimes to the point of almost falling asleep at the wheel, but I have gotten better at avoiding being that tired. Unfortunately I don't have any special tricks for you, if you figure something out I would like to know as well lol.
Mar 17, 10:05 PM
May 2012
I only have a part time job and I live near the office so it just takes 5 hours of my day but I keep doing internet courses (2 to 4hours) and work from home from time to time the problem is that I have a sick mom to take care of and I live alone with her, yesterday sis just invited me at her house and it's like my first going out in a year which is not going to the office and my mom's caregiver just asked me shocked "are you leaving your mom alone?" well it's just an hour, dad probably will come as usually to have dinner and return to his home and in this particular moment mom is kinda stable, she has her tablet the bed sides are up, nothing is gonna happen, probably. So in the end I just don't have a life and not a chance of getting one but it's not shocking either I gave up on it long time ago. I remember my first full time job when I was 16 what I missed the most was going out with friends and meeting up with my girlfriend, when you don't have such things at all it's kinda easier because you can't miss what you don't have. The job has to become part of your life, if you cant get used to it and you just think about going home and throw it away from your thoughts completely it will be hard that's why is very very important doing something you love.
Mar 18, 3:08 PM

Aug 2015
It's the same for me. I'm sleeping around 7h/night, while I used to do sleep 8h before. Not that bad, but I guess maybe my mood could improve if I slept a little more?

I feel you, bro. I'm an only child and my parents are 60+. Even though they are in good health, there's always a possibility that it might take a turn of the worse so my situation would become similar to yours.
Mar 18, 3:24 PM

Aug 2012
I work 9-3pm and am blessed with flexibility as long as I meet a quota. I can’t fathom the idea to work a 9-5 or anything beyond that. Quality of life >>>> and that’s not it.

Mar 21, 6:50 PM

Oct 2022
If you're working those hours is that not a 9/80 schedule? With those you usually have every-other Friday off. Or is it 9hr days for 5 days ever week? That's 45hrs a week, which is way over a 40 hr week. You better be making a good wage with those hours. If you're not, then it's not life that's the problem- it's just you're in a bad job and need to find a better one.

If you have 9/80, then switch to 5/40 if you can. People seem to love the 9/80 thing and all my colleagues do it, they have every other Friday off. I say screw that I'm not working those long hours, so I work 8hr days and is much better for me.
But you still don't have much to complain about because you said you're working from home.
Remember, your parents didn't get to work from home (unless they were the RARE kind who ran their own company out of the house) and the generation before that were doing manual labor that's what most people used to do. Sitting in your own home all week, with other people paying for the supplies isn't bad at all. It means you should be saving lots of money. It might feel unfulfilling now but in a few years when you have a lot saved, you'll be way ahead of everyone else when it comes time to buy a home or get a new car, you'll be able to buy in cash. That's not a bad situation to be in.
Mar 26, 2:33 PM

Aug 2015
That's quite the dream.

Like I've said, I earn well and nowadays I'm saving almost all my salary. I guess you're right, I can't complain, it's a good situation and my parents are well off too.

Even though my team is from another area of my country, I'm considering commuting to the local office once a week, just to socialize with the people there. Maybe I'll feel like I've accomplished more in my day if I start doing that.
Mar 27, 11:49 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to KappaLambda
That's quite the dream.

Like I've said, I earn well and nowadays I'm saving almost all my salary. I guess you're right, I can't complain, it's a good situation and my parents are well off too.

Even though my team is from another area of my country, I'm considering commuting to the local office once a week, just to socialize with the people there. Maybe I'll feel like I've accomplished more in my day if I start doing that.

I was kinda in a similar situation with yours. During my rotations I had to work the same hours my clinical instructor and that was 7am to 7pm Monday to Thursday and I was thankful for the Friday 1/2 day. 6 months + and it was terrible. I’d come home and I’d be depressed, jaded, no motivation whatsoever to do anything. No hobbies, nada. I’d just have dinner, relax, sleep and repeat. Because of that schedule I told myself I have no intentions to work such a schedule as my own free will and that includes a 8-5pm.

So I understand you having the perks of being home, saving money for rent, transportation…but your quality of life is compromised. Your previous job seems like it allowed you to balance your work and personal life. You can’t get this time back, you know? Especially while you’re young! We should be tapped out at 5pm when we’re 50+, not in our 20s/30s!

I don’t feel drained with my current work hours and I go to outings with friends or study because I still have time to do the things I enjoy. I prioritize my outlets, such as the gym or pickleball. You need more outlets to energize you. (Though I know its hard with your current schedule) If you don’t have time for your hobbies or YOU time, you’ll deplete yourself.

Umm…can you find another job for the same title/position but different work hours if you stayed with your parents? Or would you consider moving to an apartment to slowly shift gears with your lifestyle? Whatcha think?
LightskynightMar 30, 8:35 AM

Mar 28, 6:14 PM

Aug 2015
Good post! 7-7 is harsh, but even the 40h workweek is already too much being honest.

"You can’t get this time back, you know?" It's what I worry the most. It's even worse because I'm almost 30 and it is the time when I would probably consider settling down and starting a family.

The problem is that there is nothing to do where I live after 6 PM. Maybe going to the gym, but the gym is full of boring people! I could maybe wake up early and go to the park to exercise and find someone there to talk to. Like I've also said, commuting to the coworking space of my company could have the same effect too, I'll probably try it next week.

I don't want to leave my job because it's lifelong employment in a state-run company, like my last one. In the private sector I could earn more and work less at some point, but, since the private market has its ups and downs, at other times I could earn less and have to work even more. The only way I can get another government job here is by passing entrance exams, which are usually pretty hard especially the higher paying ones.

Still saving for my own apartment! But I agree that moving out could maybe change things.
Mar 29, 6:35 AM

Jan 2009
I work in two different shifts usually rotating every week from around a bit after 6 am to 3 pm and a bit after 9 am to 6 pm, most of the time from home except for when I have to go to the office, which can be more often in holiday seasons. While I only have 7.5h to work with 1h lunch break, I usually start a bit earlier to get some more paid over-time in order to take some 2nd breakfast breaks at the office and to get home earlier, especially in the early shift. Only downsides are the on emergency call shifts that can begin as early as 5 am or end as late as 2 am the following day, but there's usually at least one day on the weekend completely free and my turn is only every 2nd or 3rd month if I'm lucky

So it usually leaves me with comparably a lot of free-time even if the quality of some of it is poorer even in the cases where I don't get calls on my emergency call shifts. It can be nice to have earlier times off during early shift and I've gotten used to sleeping earlier so I could get around 7-8h sleep every day, but late shifts are more favorable to my body clock, since I have more time in the mornings and in the evenings. However, I tend to be more productive in the morning hours

Mar 29, 7:33 AM
Dec 2022
2 of my roommates have hectic schedules. Unless I have to go to another city, this is the reason I am responsible for preparing their breakfast, lunch, and dinner almost every day.

Family is an important unit for maintaining people, especially when those have hectic schedules throughout their lives. My roommates are not related to me by blood, but I am sure that I consider my roommates sisters from other mothers.
Mar 29, 4:15 PM

Jul 2013
Spend less time on the Internet, if I had a full time job.
Mar 29, 7:04 PM

Aug 2015
Earlier shifts seem nice, since everything is still open after your leave work. Shame I can't start working earlier because my colleagues and clients all work normal shift.

Maybe, but, like I've said, very little to do after 6 PM here.
Mar 30, 8:55 AM

Aug 2012
Haha, yeah as we get older time gets more precious.

Sure, places can close up at 6pm or so. That’s where it gets tricky on types of activities you and your friends would do. Ex. Sports activities, gaming, house parties, shoot…not sure if you have an escape room in your area but they are usually open till late, haha. Usually with the gym, people are in/out with tunnel vision, but we do notice the ones who are there as their morning/noon routine or so. If you wanted to meet people at the gym, best option would be taking those classes! Tbh, meeting with anyone taking a club activity is a step in the door.

  • Zumba
  • Shadow boxing
  • Pottery
  • Book club
  • Anime/Gaming club

Oh, I’ve met people simply by going to Barns N Noble to read! You just have to make the time to put yourself out there.
Commuting can compromise it as you say since your time is taken away. How about your co-workers? I know most may not be friends with their co-workers, but from age 25-60, we spend most our time with our co-workers. Do you enjoy time with the people you work with? If so, maybe spend more time with them outside of work? This is what I did.

I’m 32 and making friends is tough this day and age! We’re so caught up in our lives and current lifestyle (Covid didn’t make it any better). Since I enjoy my time with the people I work with, I extended the invitation to spend time with them outside of work. Thats how I picked up pickleball, got my coworkers into it and we made it a routine that kept us enjoying our time even outside of work related tasks. That itself grew to hanging out with more people as others would approach us at the court to play. ^^. You gotta find that kick!

The goal is always to earn more and work less; I can resonate with that. It’s never fun to take on exams to climb higher up the ladder…sometimes it feels like a scam to me, (okay, maybe most times) lol.

My fingers are crossed for you when it comes to getting your own apartment and tweaking your current situation little by little! Till then, take advantage of your weekends with some personal outlets you enjoy doing!!
LightskynightMar 30, 12:04 PM

Mar 30, 1:05 PM

Jan 2009
KappaLambda said:
Earlier shifts seem nice, since everything is still open after your leave work. Shame I can't start working earlier because my colleagues and clients all work normal shift.
That's not as much of an argument over here as it used to be. I could go to the gym or grocery shopping up to 10pm or even later if I so wished for it, which would have been unimaginable 20 years or so ago
It's better to have early shifts for appointments, but you can also take days or half days free for them, too
Otherwise, I can see it being more useful for people with children
In winter time, you may get more sunlight, but it's not that much of a difference imho. And after switching back to DST, I'll get 1h more sunlight in the evenings, anyway
Mar 30, 2:38 PM

Sep 2008
I work second shift (3-11 pm) as a Quality Technician for a local machine shop where I live. I get paid for my two breaks (one for 10 minutes, the other for 20), so don't have to spend extra time at work unpaid for a meal break. I have some gig work I do on the side on my spare time for an hour or two during the week either building online courses and helping to maintain an online store, and spend a few hours before work as downtime to get myself settled before I go into work. My gig work can usually stretch into the weekend, but being freelance means I can work whenever and for how long I feel like it as long as I meet deadlines.
Mar 30, 3:34 PM

Jul 2013
Working a full-time job means that you will have very little time for hobbies and non-work related activities. That is because it is BOTH time-consuming and energy-exhausting. You will have next-to-no-time for any hobbies (like gaming, watching anime, etc) if you work a full-time job. Not just from the lack of time. But because work literally drains away all of your energy.

You will have no choice but to watch television, flip between channels, until you fall asleep. And then you wake up the next morning. And get ready for work. Go to work. Work 8 (or however many hours) per day. And then go home. And repeat this process for the next 30 to 40 years (assuming you are in your 20s) until you die. That is just how life works man. It is a mundane and soul-crushing experience.
Mar 30, 8:02 PM

Aug 2015
I'm not huge on sports, but something like a board game club would be nice to join in the future.

Most of my coworkers are cool, especially the guys that joined the company with me. I would go out with them if I could, like I did with my former coworkers, but since they're all from other provinces we just get to talk during video calls. It also doesn't feel right to me messaging them after working hours, since it might bother them.

"Earn more and work less" that would be the ideal situation!

And thanks!

It's the same here, but it's more so that some places I would like to go to after work get deserted and even dangerous (junkies and so forth) by the time my work ends.

I can take half days off too... for now since my new union's collective bargaining agreement didn't include paid days off, so I will have exactly 0 of them next year. Fuck me.

If you don't mind answering, do you like/feel accomplished with what you do at work and on your side job?
Mar 31, 12:03 PM

Jan 2009
KappaLambda said:
It's the same here, but it's more so that some places I would like to go to after work get deserted and even dangerous (junkies and so forth) by the time my work ends.
That's a good point as well, though I would still consider the area where I would go as reasonable safe even when it's dark outside. But as a plain boring guy, the threat level is certainly much smaller compared to being a girl/woman

That sounds like poor working laws. And even if I can take half days of or even more than a week from over-time alone, it's easier for me to leave a bit earlier than to apply for taking time off. It kinda feels better knowing that I still have reserves left for when I could use a time-out for myself if my schedule at work allows for it
Mar 31, 1:30 PM

Nov 2013
remote app developer needing to work 8-6... are you living in india or bangladesh or something? you don't need to do these hours to maintain quality of life, just find a better gig
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Mar 31, 4:37 PM

Aug 2015
Reply to Sad
remote app developer needing to work 8-6... are you living in india or bangladesh or something? you don't need to do these hours to maintain quality of life, just find a better gig
Latinoamérica, the IT market is rather messed up here, that's why I value my current job. It would actually be nice to work less getting paid proportionally less, they pay would still be good, but, let's simplify, it can't happen due to a labor legislation.
Mar 31, 5:03 PM

Jun 2013
You don't live really. You just go to work, and come home and be too tired to do anything until bedtime. Then you can finally do something on the weekends, or whatever days you have off, but you end up beating yourself up for not doing enough, or nothing at all. Then you get to repeat that week after week, year after year, for the next 40 to 50 years until you get too old to do everything you missed out on while you were in your prime. Such is life.
My signature is lame...
Mar 31, 5:09 PM

Sep 2008
Reply to KappaLambda
I'm not huge on sports, but something like a board game club would be nice to join in the future.

Most of my coworkers are cool, especially the guys that joined the company with me. I would go out with them if I could, like I did with my former coworkers, but since they're all from other provinces we just get to talk during video calls. It also doesn't feel right to me messaging them after working hours, since it might bother them.

"Earn more and work less" that would be the ideal situation!

And thanks!

It's the same here, but it's more so that some places I would like to go to after work get deserted and even dangerous (junkies and so forth) by the time my work ends.

I can take half days off too... for now since my new union's collective bargaining agreement didn't include paid days off, so I will have exactly 0 of them next year. Fuck me.

If you don't mind answering, do you like/feel accomplished with what you do at work and on your side job?
My Quality Tech job feels largely uneventful. Too focused on trying to get as much product out the door as possible at the expense of other areas the company could improve on such as safety, training, equipment maintenance, and their quality management system. Will be honest to say it's not something I'd want to stick with in the long-term.

Get more satisfaction out of my gig jobs due to relishing learning and being challenged by the different situations that come up with them. Have a diverse range of talents with using computers, and being involved in both E-Learning and E-Commerce to varying degrees have made for engaging experiences in the four years I've been involved with them.
Mar 31, 9:46 PM

Jul 2012
Reply to Gardevoir7
You don't live really. You just go to work, and come home and be too tired to do anything until bedtime. Then you can finally do something on the weekends, or whatever days you have off, but you end up beating yourself up for not doing enough, or nothing at all. Then you get to repeat that week after week, year after year, for the next 40 to 50 years until you get too old to do everything you missed out on while you were in your prime. Such is life.

Sounds like a challenge!

Apr 1, 12:37 AM

Mar 2024
work is evil so i just dont work ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
Apr 1, 5:06 AM

Oct 2023
See if you can change your hours. I'm lucky in my current role that I can show up and go home generally on my own time as I'm my own boss but I generally work 7am-4pm and that gives me a lot of spare time before I start making dinner and such.

Also look on your contract and see how many hours you are contracted to work and if you are working extra see if you can negotiate that for a day off a fortnight. You never know it could work.
Apr 1, 11:51 AM

Jun 2013
Reply to Mirania

Sounds like a challenge!

@Mirania Yep, I certainly had that line in mind while I was typing that lol.
My signature is lame...
Apr 3, 9:36 AM

Jan 2023
I worked in a Tourism agency for more than 7 years. The hours were from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Horrible.

In this job I have flexible hours. Because of my son's school I usually work from 8am to 4pm.
But I can also do 10 hours one day, and 6 the next. It's up to you. If one day you have to leave early, you leave. And another day you get your schedule back.
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