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Sep 5, 2007 3:36 AM

Oct 2006

2 words, F**king awesome.
Finally a memorable episode since the 'Witch's Maw' arc ended. The battle was truly great and well animated, although they changed some important bits from the manga. And.. (next comment has manga spoilers, so read at your own risk.)...

Anyway, Raki finally made it to Pieta to see Clare on that state. Isley and Priscilla are close, and seems Priscilla sensed something "familiar" perhaps...
I really wanna see how they'll finish this, now that it seems "another ally" (<3) is gonna join the brawl.

Sep 5, 2007 1:39 PM

May 2007
Can't wait to see how it will continue now.
Sep 5, 2007 1:42 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Awesome episode - great battle! I'm always curious about the 'design' of the Awakened Beings, Clare's legs sure had something unique about them. Can't wait for more.




[H+] ³  
Sep 5, 2007 1:44 PM

Jan 2007
My hope for this show has been renewed. This was a slendid episode. This battle was spectacular.
Sep 5, 2007 2:57 PM

May 2007
One word to sumarise this episode: "Superb!". I have been commanding my friends to watch Claymore Its Awesome!! 8DXD8DXD!
Sep 5, 2007 4:35 PM

Jul 2007
The anime has certainly redeemed itself in this ep, I can't wait to see how they continue this.
Sep 5, 2007 4:35 PM
Sep 5, 2007 4:54 PM

May 2007
Sep 5, 2007 5:33 PM

Mar 2007
cyruz said:
Awesome episode - great battle! I'm always curious about the 'design' of the Awakened Beings, Clare's legs sure had something unique about them.

I'm curious to see how her complete awakened form looks, but chances are we might not get to see it :(

Dibs on Ishida!
Sep 5, 2007 6:03 PM

Aug 2007
As Clare willfully awakened her legs to gain more speed, her true awakened form could be totally different.

The animation of the battle between Clare and Rigardo was awesome, although I did prefer the way the fight played out in the manga.

Sep 5, 2007 6:53 PM

Jun 2007
Friedrich Nietzsche said:
Battle not with monsters, lest you become a monster. This Anime

This episode fits this quote the most.

Sep 5, 2007 7:24 PM

Apr 2007
Finally things are happening again. Was a good episode. Looks like Galatea is in the next... can't wait.
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Sep 5, 2007 7:29 PM

Mar 2007
It was a good episode... but compared the the manga, it wasn't that great... I was actually bored throughout the entire episode -_-
Sep 5, 2007 10:00 PM

Oct 2006
I'm still not liking the way the anime is playing out compared to the manga, nor am I completely convinced that they'll be able to come up with a satisfying finale in only 3 more episodes, but this episode was awesome and I'm excited to see the next.
Sep 5, 2007 11:54 PM

Jul 2007
This episode was GREAT!! when it ended i thought only 5 mins have passed... unbelevable i cant w8 till next 1!!!Anyway cause iv heard a lot about manga i read from the moment Rigardo came till clare cuted his arm... i dunno gys but to me manga is like anime with less details in everything..... i cant possible understand how u even compare them since anime is way better than manga.. anyway thats my opinion :) GO GO claymore 24!!!! how they r gonna end this in 2 eps :(
Sep 6, 2007 12:04 AM

Mar 2007
Aokaado said:
pfffff this is crap compared to manga, nuff said

I can't say much more than that either. Well, I can agree to:
Zel said:
I was actually bored throughout the entire episode -_-

As well.
Sep 6, 2007 12:41 AM

Apr 2007
The episode was pure ownage ^^ Animation, pacing of the battle was perfect. I don't understand how some people can call it boring -_- I am keeping the manga far behind since I don't want to spoil myself anything. The only annoying part was actually Raki showing up in the middle of the fight.
Eitherways anime >>>>>>>> manga :)
Sep 6, 2007 12:55 AM

Oct 2006
Mefist said:
Eitherways anime >>>>>>>> manga :)

Uhm, no. If you haven't actually read this far in the manga, you don't have any basis to compare them on ;)
Sep 6, 2007 3:49 AM

Oct 2006
Aokaado said:
pfffff this is crap compared to manga, nuff said
Sobzob said:
Aokaado said:
pfffff this is crap compared to manga, nuff said

I can't say much more than that either. Well, I can agree to:
Zel said:
I was actually bored throughout the entire episode -_-

As well.
Although I agree when you guys say the manga is better. This episode was still well done. Specially after the last crapy 3~4. And since it seems they're bringing Galatea back I'm interested to see what part will she play in the ending.
KayrhandrosSep 6, 2007 3:53 AM
Sep 6, 2007 5:57 AM

Aug 2007
I'm actually doing the same thing, I keep myself from reading the manga so I won't be disappointed. ^^ Manga pwns the anime version, imo.

Anyhow, awesome episode. The battle between Clare and Rigardo was splendid, and like the others, I'm curious to see what her completely awakened form looks like. :)

I can't believe there's only three episodes left. Please, Madhouse, please, let there be another season.

Why was Priscilla so surprised? Can it be due to Galatea's appearance? ^^

And something random: *waves goodbye to Rigardo* Honestly I kinda liked him (he's cute and pretty men are rare in Claymore -- there's only Easley left), and his awakened form isn't half-bad either. At least my self-conflict for liking him (he did kill four Claymores ruthlessly) is going --> gone. :)
Sep 6, 2007 6:51 AM
May 2007
Looks like I'm the odd one out here--I prefer this anime version over the manga one. Yes, it got slightly repetitive with Clare just repeating "More, I need more!" and her running into building after building, but considering how well the animation was during the entire time it certainly kept me entertained. The only thing that I was disappointed by was that she did not awaken her arms, not only did they look great but they really fitted her awakening personality.

With the story deviation of Raki reaching Pieta while the battle was going on and by the look of the preview it doesn't look like there will be a second season. Even if the anime stayed true to the manga it would still take the manga a couple of years to get ahead enough for the story to continue for another 20+ episodes. There is still the possibility though that the anime can continue following a forked story, but doing so could make it even more uncanonical.
SarixSep 7, 2007 12:24 AM
Sep 6, 2007 7:08 AM

Aug 2007
This last episode was amazing. The battle graphics were great and the awanaked legs but the leg awakening let me a bit confused. Anyway this is a new breath for the series but like it was said earlier i cant imagine a good ending in 3 episodes.

I didnt read the manga. Im waiting for the end of the serie.
Sep 6, 2007 9:47 AM
Jul 2007
R.I.P. Rigardo... so next is ?:D... Easley :>?
Sep 6, 2007 9:57 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
gorczak said:
R.I.P. Rigardo... so next is ?:D... Easley :>?

He might send in Priscilla first.




[H+] ³  
Sep 6, 2007 5:19 PM

Apr 2007
At this point, can't we stop the "anime/manga is more awesome than the manga/anime" thing? It's rather annoying, since I'm a fan of the anime and I keep hearing the comparisons non-stop and which usually end up dissing the anime.

Anyway, awesome episode. Rigardo's fall was amazing.
Sep 6, 2007 6:23 PM

Aug 2007
this episode was okay, not that great, boring even. For one thing Rigald was suppose to be known as a really fast fighter, i think they could do without the intervening of that other claymore, was it helen?. iunno. but Rigald's fight took a little too long.the whole lion fight shouldn't last more than Claymore-world-15 minutes (which can last more than that in episode length of course) but the inclusion of the Raki team interlude depicting events spanned over hours is breaking the story here. the ep was dragging too much, while Raki and Helen are chitchatting, claire and lion king's having a cup of coffee =/.

and speaking of Raki, this episode just reinforced my hatred of Raki, he comes looking for clare, and cries?...what happened to that manly spirit that he had wen he was training under Isley?. on a side note, duz anyone think that each time they show that kiss scene memory... there's something wrong about Clare's face... She looks like a prostitute! ><.

besides those small points i had just made, i think the episode was an average 3/5. Has nothing that bad to complain about but nothing that good to worship about either. And for those of you complaining it's not close enough to the manga wen was the last anime that u watched that was 100% copied from the manga?!

P.S. I don't really like the DBZ like way they presented Clare's powerup in the anime. just like how it wasted 10-30 secodns in DBZ for powering up, it wasted valuable time in Claymore wen Rigald or Claire was powering up. this didnt help the flow at all, slowed it down.

P.S.S. I think Raki wil help Claire un-awaken again. ( yes i have read the manga *wink* if u know wut i mean by that)

ArekkusuSep 6, 2007 6:30 PM
Sep 7, 2007 12:12 AM

Apr 2007
wonder if clare will be able to revert back to a human.
but 5/5 sweet episode.
Sep 7, 2007 12:39 AM

Nov 2004
Arekkusu said:
besides those small points i had just made, i think the episode was an average 3/5. Has nothing that bad to complain about but nothing that good to worship about either. And for those of you complaining it's not close enough to the manga wen was the last anime that u watched that was 100% copied from the manga?!

thing is, it has been close to a 1:1 copy so far, and now they're going for an original ending which is obviously gonna be lacking. Imo they should have ended S1 and then waited for the manga to finish it in S2 (i hope the manga will be finished before we close in on a s3 and i think it will as well)
Sep 7, 2007 2:10 AM

Jul 2007
fan of manga. still loved the episode plenty much. there.
Sep 7, 2007 6:29 AM

Apr 2007
I completly agree with Arekkusu and Aokaado. Ain't nowhere near as good as Claymore was before. I can only pray that there will be some awsome ending TT.
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Sep 7, 2007 8:07 PM

Aug 2007
Siing said:
I completly agree with Arekkusu and Aokaado. Ain't nowhere near as good as Claymore was before. I can only pray that there will be some awsome ending TT.

lol, pray long and hard because there arent that many good anime endings XD.
Sep 8, 2007 6:32 AM

Aug 2007
despite raki being annoying as usual and cant seem to get over that was a good episode.
It was nice seeing clare with hooves with airplane wings for legs and actually kicking ass for once even though she practically has to awaken to do so.
Sep 8, 2007 10:12 AM

Jun 2007
Arekkusu said:
And for those of you complaining it's not close enough to the manga wen was the last anime that u watched that was 100% copied from the manga?!

The cake is a lie
Sep 8, 2007 10:13 AM

Jun 2007
Oh and also, who thinks Riful is going to randomly appear and take on Isley? As far out as it seems, I think they'll bring her into this somehow.
The cake is a lie
Sep 8, 2007 10:55 AM

Oct 2006
I expect they will. I'm not sure how else they'll keep him occupied. With Clare and Co. having this much trouble with Rigardo there's no way they could take on him and Priscilla together.
Sep 8, 2007 11:20 AM

Aug 2007
rebornaraku said:
Arekkusu said:
And for those of you complaining it's not close enough to the manga wen was the last anime that u watched that was 100% copied from the manga?!


Lol. True, that. ^_^ I haven't seen any other anime wonderfully adapted from the original manga.

>> I think Riful is going to randomly appear too. Hmm...over at rayyhum777's blog, I said that the possibility of adding the Abyssal Ones intrigues me but right now, that will probably annoy me. With no second season in sight and just three episodes left, Riful appearing seems deus ex machina-ish to me. They might as well include the other Abyssal One to tie up other plot loopholes, as well. >_<

Edited: BBCode mistake ^^
gothicpsycheSep 8, 2007 11:28 AM
Sep 8, 2007 1:19 PM
Jul 2007

that was awesome. I can't to see how this is gonna end.
loved it loved it loved it!

Sep 8, 2007 1:21 PM
Jul 2007
AngelLily said:
At this point, can't we stop the "anime/manga is more awesome than the manga/anime" thing? It's rather annoying, since I'm a fan of the anime and I keep hearing the comparisons non-stop and which usually end up dissing the anime.

I agree. I'm watching the ANIME, and I thought the anime is the point of this discussion board.

Sep 9, 2007 2:38 AM

May 2007
Aside from Raki acting like a (word that can only be used on cable TV), the episode was pretty darn good. I hope Raki dies... that or becomes a man. Whichever comes first... and more quickly.
Sep 9, 2007 4:38 PM

Sep 2007
I really liked how Claymore anime turned out. Everything up until now has been great, following the manga closely. Now I'm really interested in seeing how they're gonna end it. Since the manga hasn't ended, this is probably going to be an original anime ending, without a second season. The fact that Raki arrives at Pieta and the fact that Galatea will probably join the fight, I'm really looking forward to the ending! I wonder how they're going to close the story. There is probably going to be a fight between Priscilla/Isley and Clare. I doubt Clare will die but I wonder if it would make sense if she lives on. She *is* a Claymore after all. After she's got her revenge, will she simply just live with Raki? I hope the ending will explain everything and tie up the loose ends.
Dec 5, 2007 4:38 PM
Jun 2007
Same as you "F**king awesome".
One of the best episode in Claymore!
Jan 22, 2008 7:02 AM

Dec 2007
OMFG pretty much explains this episode.

Simply amazing, Clare just keeps getting better and better!
I think Raki needs to seriously accept the fact that even if Clare awakens he needs to stay by her side ^^.

Also can't wait to see what's next.
Jan 25, 2008 1:20 PM

Nov 2007
i freakin' loved this episode ~ really good O_O
have to watch the next ep now xD
Oct 5, 2008 3:42 PM

Aug 2008
Rigardo! Nooooo!

Great episode. It looks like there will be no break for anyone though. I wonder if the #1 & 2 are going to show up?
May 21, 2009 11:06 PM
Apr 2009
Zel said:
I was actually bored throughout the entire episode -_-

Jul 20, 2009 7:42 PM

Mar 2009
ZOMFG!!! Amazing episode, Clare is a fucking Beast!!!!!! Wow, is and understatement. It seems like they stepped the animation up for this ep, I hope they continue thru the last 3 episodes. So is he dead? Or, is she gonna have to fully awaken?? Or, did she already??? Great ending cliffdropper, gotta see more!!! Urahara Out!!
Sent with Mal Updater
Aug 13, 2009 8:01 AM

Jun 2009
Great episode!!!! Clare's legs look awesome. What a fighting scene!!!! She really cut him down.
I'm anxious to see how the fight between Priscillia and her will go. I'm just sceptic in relation to one thing: how will the rest of the story fit in only three episodes. I know the anime isn't complete but still.
Sep 26, 2009 7:44 AM
Jul 2009
Woop! That was awesome. Although, I thought most of those claymores in there were dead, seems they healed themselves. *Thumbs Up.

:) great episode!
Sep 28, 2009 12:38 PM

Jan 2009
It looks like this anime is getting more and more like Dragonball. In the beginning we saw everything clearly and now we see nothing at all because they are too fast :O

Another thing: This fight was all about Yoma powers. Why was Clare able to overpower Rigardo although she only has 1/4 Yoma power and didn't fully awaken? (Edit: guess its about Teresas Yoma power)
danzSep 28, 2009 1:04 PM
Apr 8, 2010 10:03 PM

Feb 2010
Awesome. Baller episode! The fight sequence was on point and I feel like they did the animation pretty well.

Glad to see things got better... for a minute there, this series wasn't impressing me... I am now officially impressed.
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