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Jun 21, 7:08 AM

Nov 2020
You see, I just completed my high school and now I'm in 11th grade. I am preparing (or at least supposed to be preparing) for my college entrance exam. I know I am not supposed to slack around in such a time but one does need something for relaxation right? I don't really have a fixed schedule yet and not gonna lie, I am struggling to keep up with this pace. How do you think i can make some time for anime, when i have a fixed schedule??
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Jun 21, 7:08 AM

Aug 2022
When you bike or exercise watch it instead of listening to music.
Mao said:
If you have to shit, shit! If you have to fart, fart!
Jun 21, 7:22 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to vasipi4946
When you bike or exercise watch it instead of listening to music.
@vasipi4946 bro apart from the fact that i don't do any of those(too often), how the hell can i focus on a screen while riding a bike in the public TwT??????
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 21, 7:43 AM

Jul 2013
Become a NEET. And you will have plenty of time for anime.
Jun 21, 7:47 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to DesuMaiden
Become a NEET. And you will have plenty of time for anime.
@DesuMaiden lmao no thanks. also here is a fun fact. in my country, one of the college entrance exams which i mentioned is the NEET lol
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 21, 8:00 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to AMBITZZ
@DesuMaiden lmao no thanks. also here is a fun fact. in my country, one of the college entrance exams which i mentioned is the NEET lol
@AMBITZZ being a "productive" citizen is pointless when our entire society is one big sham.
Jun 21, 8:11 AM

Sep 2016
How do I make time for anime?

Get everything else done as quickly as possible.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jun 21, 8:11 AM

Jun 2010
you don't lol we all go through phases where we have to make room for those other "important" things in our lives.
the only time I ever had free time to watch anime is when I'm eating, so maybe try that...
or pick a time before getting into bed to watch one episode (this is kinda risky bc it's hard to just stop after an ep! for me at least)
Jun 21, 11:09 AM

Nov 2016
Become a NEET. And you will have plenty of time for anime like this one lollll

Jun 21, 3:27 PM

Jul 2013
Finding time for anime is easy. I don't think that is too difficult.
Jun 21, 4:31 PM

Jun 2016
Reply to AMBITZZ
@DesuMaiden lmao no thanks. also here is a fun fact. in my country, one of the college entrance exams which i mentioned is the NEET lol
@AMBITZZ Get a job as a security guard so you can watch anime on the job. I had a friend who was one back when I used to be employed and we'd shoot the shit about anime whenever he'd walk by the store I worked at. I miss him, I should of gotten his steam...
Jun 21, 6:19 PM

Jan 2009
you can only answer this yourself since you know when you will have free time
Jun 21, 6:36 PM

Mar 2008
I sometimes watch anime while showering. Soaking in the tub is better though. Always while eating

@vasipi4946 bro apart from the fact that i don't do any of those(too often), how the hell can i focus on a screen while riding a bike in the public TwT??????

Stationary exercise bike you could.

Lost_Viking said:
Get a job as a security guard so you can watch anime on the job. I had a friend who was one back when I used to be employed and we'd shoot the shit about anime whenever he'd walk by the store I worked at. I miss him, I should of gotten his steam...

That could do though do security gaurds work alone or in groups?

If it is just a lost contact thing you could just go to where he may hang out still.
Jun 21, 7:09 PM

Jul 2023
Study diligently, make some decent efforts at fostering some lasting connections, make a fair bit of money by living within and sometimes well-below your means, and give yourself an extended vacation when you feel you are comfortable with where you are in life. It sounds like simple advice, but it does require a bit of delayed gratification which makes it difficult for most people to follow.
Jun 21, 7:47 PM

Nov 2020
Reply to Longnines
Study diligently, make some decent efforts at fostering some lasting connections, make a fair bit of money by living within and sometimes well-below your means, and give yourself an extended vacation when you feel you are comfortable with where you are in life. It sounds like simple advice, but it does require a bit of delayed gratification which makes it difficult for most people to follow.
@Longnines probably one of the only sensible replies here
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 21, 8:08 PM

Dec 2014
All you need is an hour a day before bed, a lunch break etc. In one hour you can watch 3 episodes if you skip the intro and ending theme song, and skipping any next episode previews and last episode recaps. In 4 days you would have completed a 12 episode anime. This is how I have watched 100s of anime in my completed list
Jun 21, 8:36 PM

Jul 2012
Maybe it could work out better if you don't mini-binge it in 4+ episodes at once?
You could spread it out and squeeze an episode in between things, like an episode or 2 during a laundry cycle. Or one during a lunch break then carry on with your day, then another one later on while doing stretches etc.
Might be an idea instead of trying to find that elusive 'undisturbed hour and a half' of a busy person.

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.

Jun 21, 8:52 PM
Dec 2022
Don't panic too much if one cannot make time to watch anime. Compose yourself and make some time very slowly and gradually. A sudden change of schedule is the worst thing that could happen to anyone's life.
Jun 21, 9:18 PM

Feb 2018
You are going to enter college, please don't make time for anime. College is suppose to be the busiest phase of your life. It will make or break the path of your career for a really long time moving forward. In general you shouldn't make time for any media, you should only watch it if you get free time. Don't make a schedule for it. I haven't seen anything in months myself. Watch like 1 or 2 episode max occasionally and dedicate the rest of your time to college. You said in one of your replies that one of the college entrance exams is NEET, i know exactly what kind of hyper competitive environment you are in. Work day and night until you graduate. I know some users here, that gave up anime for studies and they'll maybe come back to it after they are done with studies. But not watching anime or significantly reducing the time you watch anime, isn't the end of the world. Anime isn't going anywhere, you can always come back to it later. Focus on your studies until you graduate.
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Jun 21, 11:28 PM

Jun 2016
Reply to traed
I sometimes watch anime while showering. Soaking in the tub is better though. Always while eating

@vasipi4946 bro apart from the fact that i don't do any of those(too often), how the hell can i focus on a screen while riding a bike in the public TwT??????

Stationary exercise bike you could.

Lost_Viking said:
Get a job as a security guard so you can watch anime on the job. I had a friend who was one back when I used to be employed and we'd shoot the shit about anime whenever he'd walk by the store I worked at. I miss him, I should of gotten his steam...

That could do though do security gaurds work alone or in groups?

If it is just a lost contact thing you could just go to where he may hang out still.
@traed It probably depends on who they're working for. And he got transferred somewhere else before I could get his contact info.
Jun 21, 11:30 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Lost_Viking
@traed It probably depends on who they're working for. And he got transferred somewhere else before I could get his contact info.
Dont know his given name to see if you can find him via Facebook or something? I hate seeing people lose contact.
Jun 21, 11:40 PM

Mar 2021
If you have any decent level of time management you'll have plenty of time to watch it
Jun 21, 11:55 PM

Nov 2020
Reply to tsukareru
You are going to enter college, please don't make time for anime. College is suppose to be the busiest phase of your life. It will make or break the path of your career for a really long time moving forward. In general you shouldn't make time for any media, you should only watch it if you get free time. Don't make a schedule for it. I haven't seen anything in months myself. Watch like 1 or 2 episode max occasionally and dedicate the rest of your time to college. You said in one of your replies that one of the college entrance exams is NEET, i know exactly what kind of hyper competitive environment you are in. Work day and night until you graduate. I know some users here, that gave up anime for studies and they'll maybe come back to it after they are done with studies. But not watching anime or significantly reducing the time you watch anime, isn't the end of the world. Anime isn't going anywhere, you can always come back to it later. Focus on your studies until you graduate.
@tsukareru valid af dude. But uk when sometimes you get extremely burnt out or exhausted..
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 22, 12:16 AM

Feb 2018
@tsukareru valid af dude. But uk when sometimes you get extremely burnt out or exhausted..

Consistency is key to avoid burnouts. Study a couple hours everyday, but not all day. You won't burnout that way and studying a bit everyday pays off much better than studying all day long and burning out. Whether you truly understand what you study also matters

In any case, all the best and goodluck with your college studies :)
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Jun 22, 12:57 AM

Jun 2024
If I were in your shoes, I'd think more about the exams than anime. But that's just me.
Jun 22, 2:46 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to JustMaya
If I were in your shoes, I'd think more about the exams than anime. But that's just me.
@Mayahuel That's exactly how I got the point of original question lol: "how to stop fucking up with anime and force myself to study?" The OP just reversed the terms to sound more serious about his future. Or maybe that's just my imagination.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 22, 3:08 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to LoveYourSmile
@Mayahuel That's exactly how I got the point of original question lol: "how to stop fucking up with anime and force myself to study?" The OP just reversed the terms to sound more serious about his future. Or maybe that's just my imagination.
@LoveYourSmile dawg can you even read?
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 22, 3:32 AM

Mar 2008
If you watch seasonals try to watch them day of release maybe even order of release not pick and choose which makes it more easy to fall behind if you forget something for that day. If you are watching completed series just watch a few at a time a few episodes a day.
Jun 22, 3:54 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to AMBITZZ
@LoveYourSmile dawg can you even read?
@AMBITZZ Sorry, didn't mean to insult or anything. That's just a common problem for everyone: procrastinate instead of doing stuff. I assume that noone in his clear mind would worry about time for anime when he's busy with real things. But if you feel offended, I'm really sorry, just kidding. I honestly tried to engage in a conversation with that another person under such a silly reason, I confess. Peace, bro.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jun 22, 3:56 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to LoveYourSmile
@AMBITZZ Sorry, didn't mean to insult or anything. That's just a common problem for everyone: procrastinate instead of doing stuff. I assume that noone in his clear mind would worry about time for anime when he's busy with real things. But if you feel offended, I'm really sorry, just kidding. I honestly tried to engage in a conversation with that another person under such a silly reason, I confess. Peace, bro.
@LoveYourSmile damn bro youre the first 'angry' internet person that i've seen apologise. peace
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 22, 5:42 AM

Jun 2020
The easiest way for it is to make a fixed schedule; set how much time or how many episodes you're going to watch in a day. Or if you don't have fixed schedule (just like you said), just get done of anything as quick as possible. Someone has said this but I think this is the most possible thing to do if you can't keep your consistency just like me lol. This may leads to sacrifice your sleep schedule since preparing for college entrance exam needs a lot of things to do ykyk.

I personally don't recommend this one but maybe you can use the animedoro technique for your study time. The reason of why I don't recommend it is because I can easily break my focus if I relax too much in a focus session, but there's nothing wrong to try it out.

Anyway, good luck for your entrance exam preparation! I hope you get into the college you want.
Jun 22, 6:41 AM

Sep 2014
you can find time for anything, including wonderful cartoons from china, but something will have to give.

it depends on what youre making priority.

how much korean drawings are good enough for you? 15 minutes? 15 hours? how easy is that with your obligations in life?
Jun 22, 10:22 AM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
If you're still new with your fixed schedule then do not force to watch anime for now if you're that busy...

you would naturally find the time to do that later on when you're used to your fixed schedule

Good luck :)

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Jun 22, 11:45 AM

May 2024
I find it extremely easy to make time for anime before any big exams. Just don't study...
Jun 22, 12:29 PM

Jun 2024
Reply to LoveYourSmile
@Mayahuel That's exactly how I got the point of original question lol: "how to stop fucking up with anime and force myself to study?" The OP just reversed the terms to sound more serious about his future. Or maybe that's just my imagination.
@LoveYourSmile That's what I got from reading OP's post as well.

@AMBITZZ If you really want to, maybe you could watch a few episodes while eating, traveling, or even before sleeping. You could also reward yourself with an episode or two of an anime after every study session.

But I personally didn't watch much anime during my last year of high school while preparing for my GCSE O level exams. I did start watching more anime during college though.

Jun 22, 2:40 PM

Aug 2017
lol if u had time to watch Anime at high school, you're going to have more time to watch Anime at college (even inside college since unlike school they can't prevent you from watching Anime since everyone is an adult there). College is the same as high school with the only difference you're going to have more subjects you maybe like more and less restriction in classes. Don't listen to people here claiming its going to be "busiest phase of your life". They are lying or they studied an extremely difficult or long carrer which most people don't do. Anyways even with degree, you're not going to have luck in the future, its extremely rare and someone without a degree is more likely to be more successful because they have contacts.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
Jun 22, 10:08 PM

Jul 2021
I had this worry aswell back in september and honestly it kinda fizzled out throughout the year, but as you said you have collage entrance exams and those are something you should put your time into studying for those. So you may need to take a break from watching anime and study but dont over do it and instead when you take a break from studying watch some anime.

You could also always make room for anime when eating breakfest lunch and dinner. But in the end dont worry to much im sure you will have alot more time once those exams are over and i wish you the best of luck on them. :)

Jun 23, 4:35 AM

Oct 2009
There will times in life when you simply lack the time to watch anime. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Usually what happens is things calm down and you can get back to the "usual routine" whatever that is to you. Saying that, I will add that often with these things it is not a matter of time but rather a matter of priorities. We always have time for things that are important to us so you got to ask yourself how important is anime to you and are you willing to sacrifice something to do it?

If you are keen on watching, then consider the moments when you have some downtime and make a plan on what anime you are going to watch ahead of time. Manage your day and avoid procrastination activities like looking at meme threads, Instagram feeds and the like. Those type of things are time sinks which will deliver little value to your life. If you want to engage in a hobby and feel you lack the time, then you got to look at your schedule and find a time slot when you can fit that activity in. Sometimes it is not always about lacking time but simply finding a way to manage your time better.
Jun 24, 6:30 AM

Aug 2014
Cut out the dead time, like talking in the forums. If you keep track of how you spend your time, you will probably find more idled away than you realize.
Jun 24, 10:44 AM

Sep 2020
stop watching anime and watch movies instead
Jun 24, 11:10 AM

Oct 2022
Abandon life, embrace NEET

Now, for real:

What works for me is to watch anime on emission or, if they have already aired, assign them one day and watch one Elise that day. That way I don’t lose a whole day just finish one anime
Jun 26, 4:47 AM

Jun 2024
My schedule is very demanding on its own but the easiest way I found is to sleep at 9pm and wake up at 5am
Jun 26, 5:08 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to GermanBobaTea
My schedule is very demanding on its own but the easiest way I found is to sleep at 9pm and wake up at 5am
@GermanBobaTea lmao i have done that quite a lot of times myself. i have slept at like 7:30 and woken up at 2am
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 26, 7:07 PM

Jul 2021
so what youre gonna wanna do it drop out of college, and inhabit your own island, and install a massive skylight which only plays anime. if you can multitask, you can have multiple set up to watch multiple animes at the same time. you may be wondering where youre gonna get the electricity and internet from on your island - that is why youll form a militia with as many people from MAL as you can recruit and youre gonna claim one of those random rocks off the coast of japan. honestly, i doubt they even keep track of which rocks they own, so you could just scoot in and claim one for yourself. watch out for the koreans though, they might insist that its their rock and, judging by japan's history, it probably will be their rock. so, get your militia and wind the clocks back to the 1940s and show them that you dont mess with the gigachads on the myanimelist casual discussion forums

Jun 28, 3:06 AM

Jul 2010
When you have a busy schedule just limit yourself how much episodes you can watch daily, for example 5 eps per day. When college starts it will be even busier.
Jun 28, 3:33 AM

Aug 2012
Alright, I'm gonna give you a very very boring answer. For now, I'd say you completely prioritise your studies and get into college. As such, you might want to either severely limit or outright remove your anime watch time.

However, if you're still adamant about watching anime during this period, I'd suggest you watch them at night around 9-10 PM before sleeping. Go to sleep early and wake up early so that you can exercise a bit in the morning (around 5-7 AM).
Since each episode is around 20 minutes long, don't watch more than 3 episodes per day. Also, avoid using the forum during this period and seasonal anime.

Here's a scehdule I thought of:
5-7 AM - Exercise
7-9 AM - Breakfast and news
9 AM-7 PM - Study (Study for 1.5 hour intervals and have like a 30 minute break between each interval. In that break, grab a snack or say hi to your parents or go outisde for a bit.)
7-8 PM (Dinner)
8-9 PM (Anime)
9 PM to 5 AM (Sleep. You should try to get as much sleep as you can to keep yourself charged up for the exam preparation.)

Hope this helps!
Jun 28, 6:54 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to H-A-M-M-Y
Alright, I'm gonna give you a very very boring answer. For now, I'd say you completely prioritise your studies and get into college. As such, you might want to either severely limit or outright remove your anime watch time.

However, if you're still adamant about watching anime during this period, I'd suggest you watch them at night around 9-10 PM before sleeping. Go to sleep early and wake up early so that you can exercise a bit in the morning (around 5-7 AM).
Since each episode is around 20 minutes long, don't watch more than 3 episodes per day. Also, avoid using the forum during this period and seasonal anime.

Here's a scehdule I thought of:
5-7 AM - Exercise
7-9 AM - Breakfast and news
9 AM-7 PM - Study (Study for 1.5 hour intervals and have like a 30 minute break between each interval. In that break, grab a snack or say hi to your parents or go outisde for a bit.)
7-8 PM (Dinner)
8-9 PM (Anime)
9 PM to 5 AM (Sleep. You should try to get as much sleep as you can to keep yourself charged up for the exam preparation.)

Hope this helps!
@H-A-M-M-Y oh dude youre from pakistan. idk how it is there but here in india nobody can afford that kind of leisure schedule
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 30, 2:32 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to AMBITZZ
@H-A-M-M-Y oh dude youre from pakistan. idk how it is there but here in india nobody can afford that kind of leisure schedule
Yup. S'up, neighbour? :D
Wait, really? I've read that the exams are very very VERY competitive. Then what's the schedule of most people these days?
Jun 30, 3:31 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to H-A-M-M-Y
Yup. S'up, neighbour? :D
Wait, really? I've read that the exams are very very VERY competitive. Then what's the schedule of most people these days?
@H-A-M-M-Y well basically the average student here:
Wakes up at 5 or 6
Goes to school
Returns at maybe 2/3
Goes to coaching for like 3-4 hours
Include 1-2 hours travelling
And boom the day is over.
My schedule isn't THAT hectic tho(and trust me when I say this, that above is the average schedule. There are WAYYY more hectic ones out there) but it does get hectic for me a lot of times.. especially because I'm not used to it
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

Jun 30, 3:31 AM

Nov 2020
Reply to H-A-M-M-Y
Yup. S'up, neighbour? :D
Wait, really? I've read that the exams are very very VERY competitive. Then what's the schedule of most people these days?
@H-A-M-M-Y well basically the average student here:
Wakes up at 5 or 6
Goes to school
Returns at maybe 2/3
Goes to coaching for like 3-4 hours
Include 1-2 hours travelling
And boom the day is over.
My schedule isn't THAT hectic tho(and trust me when I say this, that above is the average schedule. There are WAYYY more hectic ones out there) but it does get hectic for me a lot of times.. especially because I'm not used to it
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

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