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Apr 15, 8:13 PM
Dec 2023
What is with these users who go around dub posts and get angry at people for talking about dubs? I wonder if there might be an alternate universe in which dub users go around anime forum boards getting angry at people for watching subs. I am baffled at the mentality of these users, especially when some of the shows are so Western translatable.

First example - Frieren manga clearly takes some of its' inspirations from olden English and Norse cultures, and many of the character names are actually German, the ADV production is high why must it be watched in Japanese to feel authentic?

Second example - Spice and Wolf, to me there is absolutely nothing about this story that feels heavily Eastern in theme, I feel the English voice actors are right at home in this kind of story and the ADV production is high why must it be watched in Japanese to feel authentic?

Third example - Violet Evergarden is set in a place called Leidenschaftlich which is German for "passionate", and nothing about the aesthetic of the city feels exclusively Eastern to me, it made me think early 20th century Paris, and again the ADV production is high why must it be watched in Japanese to feel authentic?

Fourth example - Aria the Animation is placed in a sci-fi settlement on Mars inspired by early 20th Venice and the whole revolves around this because of the nature of their jobs, and yet again the ADV production is high why must it be watched in Japanese to feel authentic?

I have never heard anyone get angry when a Western produced animation/ film gets dubbed for the East or any other language around the world, I don't think anyone would care and personally I am happy if people in other countries get to consume media in a way that is more enjoyable for them. Ultimately I don't know why anyone cares how anybody else consumes their anime. I have no problem with anyone watching anime with sub, I am sure the Japanese VAs are fantastic in their own right but it just isn't the best format for why does anyone care if I watch differently. When someone does it I wonder if they must be really angry in life and are lashing out at people on the internet.

Example comments:
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Apr 15, 8:19 PM

Dec 2021
I may be a sub-only watcher, but jesus those people sound like they're real fun at parties. 😒
It's just a preference, so yeah, people taking it that seriously is just weird.
Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.
Apr 15, 8:29 PM

Oct 2023

  1. You are giving them the reaction they want out of you.
  2. It's the original version of the thing. Dubs change too much with or without major script alterations.
Apr 15, 8:33 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to Daviljoe193
I may be a sub-only watcher, but jesus those people sound like they're real fun at parties. 😒
It's just a preference, so yeah, people taking it that seriously is just weird.

haha yeh, it is definitely strange that they get so worked up about it
Apr 15, 8:39 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to PlasticRobot

  1. You are giving them the reaction they want out of you.
  2. It's the original version of the thing. Dubs change too much with or without major script alterations.

Of course they make changes when dubbing, Western and Eastern cultures are very different, and some people will want that original direct translation... but people like myself and others dub watchers prefer the altered version for a culture we can associate with better. And again we shouldn't worry about which side we are on, just be happy that we can all consume the media in a form that gives us the maximum amount of enjoyment.
Apr 15, 8:41 PM
Jul 2018
I prefer subs, but I don't care if people prefer dubs.
I've heard all the arguments many times, it just comes down to what someone personally enjoys most.

Live and let live.
Apr 15, 8:43 PM

Dec 2021
The beard on their necks have grown too strong for their puny brains to contain.

Apr 15, 8:54 PM

Nov 2011
I'd love to try and watch Aria in Italian, Yumeiro Patissiere in French, Attack on Titan in German and the more recent Blue Archive in Korean (since it's from a Korean game)
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Apr 15, 8:57 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to DreamingBeats
I'd love to try and watch Aria in Italian, Yumeiro Patissiere in French, Attack on Titan in German and the more recent Blue Archive in Korean (since it's from a Korean game)
@DreamingBeats I've had "Find and watch the Italian dub of Urusei Yatsura" on my to-do list since I started watching anime in general, since it's because of that dubs OP that I even started watching anime. I did finish UY, but I still haven't checked out the Italian dub.
Opinions are opinions, and differing opinions can co-exist. 🙂 But I don't do debate, life's too short to spend time debating people.
Apr 15, 9:02 PM

Jan 2013
Making an argument over authenticity is absolutely pointless. Anime is more authentic in Japanese, because it's a Japanese cultural product, regardless of the setting the series takes place in. None of this should have anything to do with dubs, because it doesn't matter at all that a dub is less authentically Japanese, and it's absolutely psychotic to care about whether someone prefers to hear a show in their native language or not. Plus, anime is practically the only medium you can get away with, because it's unrealistic, it's obviously really fake when it comes to live action.

HARD disagreement on that Aria dub being remotely in the same ballpark as the others, but that's neither here not there.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Apr 15, 9:07 PM
Feb 2014
You can't make me watch AOT in dubbed. It's just not watchable, The way the sub delivers the lines is perfect compared the the dub. Also, as I rewatched AOT's first season many years ago in dub, I remember it being flawed, the voice acting was off like they didn't care and they muffled the music or something when they spoke. Again, I don't remember much of it, but I hated the dub
Seriously, I implore you to watch the sub and dub of AOT scenes, one is obviously better.
Apr 15, 9:08 PM

Jul 2017
It's best to just ignore these kinds of people. Choosing to watch in dub is a non-issue, and I bet that over 95% of anime watchers would agree as well.
Apr 15, 9:09 PM
Oct 2017
Original dub is pretty much always better as the staff of the original dub closely work with the production of the anime, including the budget, this is true for every media. American movie should be watch in english etc. Dub from other countries having to rely only on broad indications and uncertain budgets may lead often to worse results in the end. Anyway, I couldn't care less what other people do, just giving explanation to your question.
DijeApr 15, 9:20 PM
Apr 15, 9:15 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to removed-user
I prefer subs, but I don't care if people prefer dubs.
I've heard all the arguments many times, it just comes down to what someone personally enjoys most.

Live and let live.

Lhundrup said:
Live and let live.

exactly, this is an attitude they cannot seem to understand
Apr 15, 9:25 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to KittenCuddler
The beard on their necks have grown too strong for their puny brains to contain.


Yeh I think you are on to something here, all the ones who have done it seem really toxic and give off these kinds of vibes for sure, one of the guys who was saying Spice and Wolf dubs were bad didn't even have the OG anime on his watchlist haha and his profile seemed like it was kept very up to date, which means he never even watched it any form, so how would he even know if the dubs are bad / how they compare to the Japanese VA.
Apr 15, 9:27 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to DreamingBeats
I'd love to try and watch Aria in Italian, Yumeiro Patissiere in French, Attack on Titan in German and the more recent Blue Archive in Korean (since it's from a Korean game)

Aria in Italian would be so cool indeed, you have inspired me to try that!
Apr 15, 9:34 PM

Nov 2023
I mean reading is good, but if you don't wanna then go ahead. Its kinda funny how we watch content in our own langrage.
Apr 15, 9:38 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to LostSpectre
Making an argument over authenticity is absolutely pointless. Anime is more authentic in Japanese, because it's a Japanese cultural product, regardless of the setting the series takes place in. None of this should have anything to do with dubs, because it doesn't matter at all that a dub is less authentically Japanese, and it's absolutely psychotic to care about whether someone prefers to hear a show in their native language or not. Plus, anime is practically the only medium you can get away with, because it's unrealistic, it's obviously really fake when it comes to live action.

HARD disagreement on that Aria dub being remotely in the same ballpark as the others, but that's neither here not there.

Well I would never be making any such arguments if it wasn't for these people, you were on one of the threads so you probably saw how we were all just chatting happily about dubs and these people land in with their "grand opinions", I would never care to make any of these arguments otherwise because I don't care to tell anyone how they should consume their anime. And just to be clear I wasn't making any argument about what is "most authentic", in a technical sense I agree that probably is the Japanese version, I was more talking about a reasonable degree of authenticity and I think the themes of shows can help make some dubs feel more authentic vs others. If someone recommended me a Samurai anime set in olden Japan I would probably watch it in subs because that would feel authentic, but for the anime I listed I think they can easily feel authentic with dub because of reasons I listed, regardless of what is most authentic

You could be right about the Aria dub, I admit I am quite a new anime watcher and I don't have a laser eye/ ear for detail yet compared to others, but all I know is I felt passion in the performances, it was my first slice of life anime and I really smiled a lot watching that show.
Apr 15, 9:44 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to lionaloone
You can't make me watch AOT in dubbed. It's just not watchable, The way the sub delivers the lines is perfect compared the the dub. Also, as I rewatched AOT's first season many years ago in dub, I remember it being flawed, the voice acting was off like they didn't care and they muffled the music or something when they spoke. Again, I don't remember much of it, but I hated the dub
Seriously, I implore you to watch the sub and dub of AOT scenes, one is obviously better.

I have not seen AOT, but if I saw you say something like this on a dub post for it I would think that is a fair comment, because you are giving some constructive criticisms with rationale, and you are not doing it in an offensive manner. People can take your advice, or maybe they will test it themselves.

The problem with the examples I gave is they don't even give any reasons, they just insult people and say rude things, I actually found out one of them didn't even watch the show for which they were saying dubs were crap, they were just mindlessly hating on dubs.
Apr 15, 9:53 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Yorda_trico

Well I would never be making any such arguments if it wasn't for these people, you were on one of the threads so you probably saw how we were all just chatting happily about dubs and these people land in with their "grand opinions", I would never care to make any of these arguments otherwise because I don't care to tell anyone how they should consume their anime. And just to be clear I wasn't making any argument about what is "most authentic", in a technical sense I agree that probably is the Japanese version, I was more talking about a reasonable degree of authenticity and I think the themes of shows can help make some dubs feel more authentic vs others. If someone recommended me a Samurai anime set in olden Japan I would probably watch it in subs because that would feel authentic, but for the anime I listed I think they can easily feel authentic with dub because of reasons I listed, regardless of what is most authentic

You could be right about the Aria dub, I admit I am quite a new anime watcher and I don't have a laser eye/ ear for detail yet compared to others, but all I know is I felt passion in the performances, it was my first slice of life anime and I really smiled a lot watching that show.
@Yorda_trico It's just unnecessary, anyone who is insufferable enough to gatekeep anime over JP audio is an absolute clown, and can't be reasoned with. Trying to bring authenticity into the picture, even if it's just in regard to a more English oriented setting, is a recipe for disaster. As another user pointed out, you're just giving them a platform to voice their irrational hatred, but if you want to try and argue with them, be my guest. I watch almost everything in JP, because I'm quite picky about dubs, but a great dub can make an anime feel a lot more real/grounded, as Japanese pretty much feels like a fantasy language to me, as I only associate it with anime.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Apr 15, 9:54 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to Dije
Original dub is pretty much always better as the staff of the original dub closely work with the production of the anime, including the budget, this is true for every media. American movie should be watch in english etc. Dub from other countries having to rely only on broad indications and uncertain budgets may lead often to worse results in the end. Anyway, I couldn't care less what other people do, just giving explanation to your question.

I think the problem is that better just becomes too subjective, better for me in anime is usually always going to be the dub, unless it is a bad dub of course, or the show has a very heavy Eastern theme like a Samurai show.

For example - I watched OG Spice and Wolf in dub and absolutely loved the performances of Brina and J.Michael, Brina perfectly embodies the wise but playful wolf god with her mature but cheeky voice, and J.Michael does a great job with the crafty but soft natured Lawrence.

When the remake came out I wanted to watch it out of curiosity to see the new animation etc, it was a fun exercise but I wasn't really feeling too much, Holo sounded a bit too immature for my liking and Lawrence was very commanding and loud, and in general just not the characters I know and love.

Episode 2 landed and I tried to watch it but I just wasn't interested at all, I actually worried if maybe I just didn't like the remake regardless of the VAs.

Tonight the dub released and when I watched E1 again with the dubs I honestly felt myself tearing up with happiness hearing J.Michael and Brina, the anime now completely came alive for me and I started to notice how beautiful some aspects of the show were like music because I was totally immersed with this version.

This is my better and if someone else feels the sub is their better than that is very cool, one day I might learn Japanese to see if I can change my better, but that might take a while haha.
Apr 15, 10:10 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to LostSpectre
@Yorda_trico It's just unnecessary, anyone who is insufferable enough to gatekeep anime over JP audio is an absolute clown, and can't be reasoned with. Trying to bring authenticity into the picture, even if it's just in regard to a more English oriented setting, is a recipe for disaster. As another user pointed out, you're just giving them a platform to voice their irrational hatred, but if you want to try and argue with them, be my guest. I watch almost everything in JP, because I'm quite picky about dubs, but a great dub can make an anime feel a lot more real/grounded, as Japanese pretty much feels like a fantasy language to me, as I only associate it with anime.

Yes I appreciate what you are saying about not arguing with them, "feeding the troll" as they say, but I guess I just wanted to vent because I think it is a shame that people would be so toxic. I have felt a lot of strong emotions from the anime I have watched and that makes me want to be positive about them and have good chats with people who share those same passions, so it is annoying when people like that land in with their negative words.

And I guess I was also curious to see what kind of reception this post would get, if a lot of people had replied with the same kind of attitudes as those angry sub people then I would have probably thought "ok time to leave MAL" haha, but I was happy to see some good constructive replies, even if everyone wasn't in full agreement with every point I made.
Apr 15, 10:18 PM

Oct 2019
Superiority complex and hatred.

They despise dubs, and think they are the worst thing ever and they WILL GO out of their way to make sure you know it, and are stupid for not agreeing with it.

It's pretty dumb imo but It's not like they are exactly stoppable.
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Apr 15, 10:24 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Yorda_trico

Yes I appreciate what you are saying about not arguing with them, "feeding the troll" as they say, but I guess I just wanted to vent because I think it is a shame that people would be so toxic. I have felt a lot of strong emotions from the anime I have watched and that makes me want to be positive about them and have good chats with people who share those same passions, so it is annoying when people like that land in with their negative words.

And I guess I was also curious to see what kind of reception this post would get, if a lot of people had replied with the same kind of attitudes as those angry sub people then I would have probably thought "ok time to leave MAL" haha, but I was happy to see some good constructive replies, even if everyone wasn't in full agreement with every point I made.
@Yorda_trico None of the people I had in mind have showed up yet, so unless this post gets buried, they're likely to grace you with their presence. Still, I don't think the majority of people give a shit about this, as it's a completely elitist/unhinged attitude to think anything other than JP audio is trash, so they're a minority, but loud enough to be noticeable whenever the subject is broached. Oh, and then there's people who think just making a dub flow more naturally is woke localization, despite the fact they can only ever name the same repeated examples.
LostSpectreApr 15, 10:35 PM
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Apr 15, 10:26 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to APolygons2
Superiority complex and hatred.

They despise dubs, and think they are the worst thing ever and they WILL GO out of their way to make sure you know it, and are stupid for not agreeing with it.

It's pretty dumb imo but It's not like they are exactly stoppable.

Yeh hatred must be a big part of it, because I can't understand why anyone would do it otherwise.

You are right they can never be stopped, when all is said and done people are free to say what they want, but I do think there should be a limit and they shouldn't be allowed to insult people for watching dubs, for example check out what it says about dub watchers on this MAL profile, seems excessive and something the MAL admits should discourage...but maybe they don't care.
Apr 15, 10:31 PM

May 2020
I watch both dub and sub and think we should be respectful of whatever language people choose to watch their anime in. I love seeing more people get into anime.
Apr 15, 10:31 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to Yorda_trico

Yeh hatred must be a big part of it, because I can't understand why anyone would do it otherwise.

You are right they can never be stopped, when all is said and done people are free to say what they want, but I do think there should be a limit and they shouldn't be allowed to insult people for watching dubs, for example check out what it says about dub watchers on this MAL profile, seems excessive and something the MAL admits should discourage...but maybe they don't care.
@Yorda_trico Honestly, I don't really care, I think they just end up missing out on a lot of good stuff.

I watch both sub and dub depending on the anime, and there are a lot of shows that I have enjoyed a lot more in dub.

Love is war went from a show I liked, to one of my favourites purely because I rewatched it in dub.

Steins;gate is my all time favourite show and I have watched it in both sub and dub, both of which are great, but I like the dub more.

And I can't imagine shows like black lagoon or princess principal, hitting nearly as hard in japanese.
Also available at:
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Apr 15, 10:42 PM

May 2016
They have a point though, dubs in english are terrible. I don't know how anyone can choose this over the japanese voices.
Apr 15, 10:50 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to 447799
They have a point though, dubs in english are terrible. I don't know how anyone can choose this over the japanese voices.

thanks for sharing your opinion friend, enjoy your day!
Apr 15, 10:51 PM
Jul 2018
If I listen to a band, I want the original.

I don't want some shitty localisation, especially when they localise it for a country that is not even mine. Every European friend I know watches movies in English as the dubs are horrible, just like US dubs are horrible, especially women trying to do kids voices by just raising their voices a bit.

The irony is that you are angry and that is proved by creating the thread. I have never created a thread that's pro sub or anti US VA.
Apr 15, 10:54 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to removed-user
If I listen to a band, I want the original.

I don't want some shitty localisation, especially when they localise it for a country that is not even mine. Every European friend I know watches movies in English as the dubs are horrible, just like US dubs are horrible, especially women trying to do kids voices by just raising their voices a bit.

The irony is that you are angry and that is proved by creating the thread. I have never created a thread that's pro sub or anti US VA.

I appreciate your subjective thoughts on this, and sorry that you felt anger here.

Enjoy your day friend!
Apr 15, 11:02 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to APolygons2
@Yorda_trico Honestly, I don't really care, I think they just end up missing out on a lot of good stuff.

I watch both sub and dub depending on the anime, and there are a lot of shows that I have enjoyed a lot more in dub.

Love is war went from a show I liked, to one of my favourites purely because I rewatched it in dub.

Steins;gate is my all time favourite show and I have watched it in both sub and dub, both of which are great, but I like the dub more.

And I can't imagine shows like black lagoon or princess principal, hitting nearly as hard in japanese.

Steins;gate is very high on my watch list, good to know it has an awesome dub :D

Will also checkout Love Is War, hadn't heard of that one!
Apr 15, 11:05 PM

Aug 2012
Yorda_trico said:
I wonder if there might be an alternate universe in which dub users go around anime forum boards getting angry at people for watching subs.

Um, I've seen plenty of dub only watchers acting like a-holes to sub only watchers so it's a two way street and not in some alternate universe. I, honestly, don't care whether someone watches sub or dub (I typically watch just sub, but there are some exceptions to which I've preferred the dub. Black Clover being one of those exceptions) I just don't want someone acting like an a-hole over someone else's preference on how they watch anime when how they watch something doesn't affect YOU at all. I don't get it, honestly.
Apr 15, 11:23 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to Yorda_trico

Steins;gate is very high on my watch list, good to know it has an awesome dub :D

Will also checkout Love Is War, hadn't heard of that one!
@Yorda_trico If you're interested in more shows that have top tier dubs, I can suggest some more:

- Black lagon
- Princess principal
- Pluto
- Monster
- My Hero Academia
- Fullemetal alchemist (The dub for brotherhood is better, but I do suggest checking out both version since the story is almost completely different)
- Assassniation classroom
- Akudama drive (I actually just rewatched this one for the third time and made a video essay about it. I suggest you seek out the blue-ray version. the normal version is heavily censored in terms of violence, and the blue-ray's final episode has 10 minutes of extra content)
- Beastars
- Death parade
- Mob psycho 100
- muchoku tensei
- gamers
- nichijou
Also available at:
YouTube Channel:
Second Channel:
Why You Should Watch Akudama Drive:
A Love Letter To Anime「AMV」:

My referral code to a website/app that gives you free money (a few cents a day) by using a few megabytes of your internet for file sharing. We both get a bonus if you use my link:
Apr 15, 11:26 PM

May 2018
Being angry at people who are angry is also stup...I mean not very wise.

"Frieren manga clearly takes some of its' inspirations from olden English and Norse cultures"

By that logic it must be dubbed in Welsh or Scottish Gaelic, than subbed in japanese, english ect.

"I have never heard anyone get angry when a Western produced animation/ film gets dubbed for the East or any other language around the world"

How many westerners watched My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic or RWBY (the original show not the anime) with their japanese dubs? By the way, some very high profile seiyuus in those dubs.
alshuApr 15, 11:39 PM
Apr 15, 11:30 PM
Dec 2023
Reply to alshu
Being angry at people who are angry is also stup...I mean not very wise.

"Frieren manga clearly takes some of its' inspirations from olden English and Norse cultures"

By that logic it must be dubbed in Welsh or Scottish Gaelic, than subbed in japanese, english ect.

"I have never heard anyone get angry when a Western produced animation/ film gets dubbed for the East or any other language around the world"

How many westerners watched My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic or RWBY (the original show not the anime) with their japanese dubs? By the way, some very high profile seiyuus in those dubs.

sorry you feel there is anger and lack of wisdom here.

but that is a really great idea RE the extra Frieren dubs, the more options the better!

I don't know friend, I have never watched My Little Pony.
Yorda_tricoApr 15, 11:42 PM
Apr 15, 11:42 PM

Oct 2013
Why do they do this? Heck I know, but I can only guess it's because of having a lot of free time, combined with low self-esteem and complexes. I can't find any other explanations for that kind of behavior, when people are raging over the way others prefer to consume the media belonging to the sphere of entertainment. Especially today. Years ago, even if still dumb, such approach should have a logical background, as for it was more like "badly localized dubbing with questionable localization choices" put against "fanmade subtitles faithful to the original version and presenting additional info if needed" than what it is happening today. But yeah, seeing such arguments today? When we have professional dubs and official subs, both faithful to the original Japanese versions? And sometimes coming from people who started watching anime not that long ago and don't remember the situation I mentioned earlier in this post? Totally weird and dumb way to waste your free time, hah. Venting and spreading hatred, no matter which group does it, and using arguments such as "b-but this one out of ten anime has some wacky subtitled version/dubbed version!!1", makes this situation even more lame.
Apr 15, 11:57 PM

May 2018
Yorda_trico said:
sorry you feel

Like isn't that a fact, not a matter of emotional response?
Why go with "angry" in the title to begin with? You could use "agitated" or something like that in order to introduce more moderated tone.

Yorda_trico said:
but that is a really great idea

Of course it is, since it comes from m...tho, would it be authentic since the manga is japanese and aside of the western fantasy bits. it its core it's actually a japanese interpretation of those ideas and tropes.

Yorda_trico said:
I have never watched My Little Pony.

1. G4 is a must see.
2. How about RWBY?

Anyway my point is that people were watching those mainly in english...just because it's the original dub.
Apr 16, 12:03 AM

Dec 2015
I don't care about it especially that dub in my language is rare so whenever I see on Netflix a show with Polish dubbing, it is more of curiosity than a choice, so far from the shows which I've choosed to watch in dub only Black Clover movie dissapointed me in terms of dubbing [the movie was dissapointing in more factors than just this].

Btw there are also huge changes in sub but people don't notice that. From stuff which I've noticed/remember by myself is shiritori game in NGNL in Polish subs it was altered to match the regulations of the game. Aswell as recent Konosuba subs by one of the groups was altered to offend every single ethnic group and sexuality orientation. [Although the screens I've seen were only targeting at Trans and Jews, maybe there was more but I watched Konosuba with Eng subs].

Not to mention that some people here would watch a Korean/Chinese anime with Japanese dub without realising it, as AMQ doesn't have the original opening of Shi Cao Lao Long Bei Guan Yi E Long Zhi Ming as the original one is Chinese [Yes I know that LN is Japanese, the original anime adaptation is just Chinese not JP, especially that Chinese opening is better]
ZettaikenApr 16, 12:09 AM
Apr 16, 12:56 AM
Nov 2017
Reply to DreamingBeats
I'd love to try and watch Aria in Italian, Yumeiro Patissiere in French, Attack on Titan in German and the more recent Blue Archive in Korean (since it's from a Korean game)
@DreamingBeats lmao, I thought I was the only one that liked Yumeiro Patisserie
Apr 16, 1:09 AM

Mar 2023
Both subs and dubs are terrible. Watching a Voice-over translation is the only right way to watch anime.

Apr 16, 1:26 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to duchessliz87
Yorda_trico said:
I wonder if there might be an alternate universe in which dub users go around anime forum boards getting angry at people for watching subs.

Um, I've seen plenty of dub only watchers acting like a-holes to sub only watchers so it's a two way street and not in some alternate universe. I, honestly, don't care whether someone watches sub or dub (I typically watch just sub, but there are some exceptions to which I've preferred the dub. Black Clover being one of those exceptions) I just don't want someone acting like an a-hole over someone else's preference on how they watch anime when how they watch something doesn't affect YOU at all. I don't get it, honestly.
@duchessliz87 I've literally never seen an unprovoked dub user trash someone for watching subs, since you know, that's the default.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Apr 16, 1:52 AM

Sep 2016
I don't care if people watch dub because it's their business, but there's nothing wrong with shilling sub supremacy.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Apr 16, 3:06 AM

Aug 2013
Reply to Dije
Original dub is pretty much always better as the staff of the original dub closely work with the production of the anime, including the budget, this is true for every media. American movie should be watch in english etc. Dub from other countries having to rely only on broad indications and uncertain budgets may lead often to worse results in the end. Anyway, I couldn't care less what other people do, just giving explanation to your question.
There's nothing more to add. I simply refuse to watch bootleg products, because original will be always the canon version done by original creators and people from the same culture. It's not even about budget.

I don't care that some simple minded tourists are making fun of me and other people that cares about what they are watching, about original creators' vision and their hobbies.

Dub is always inferior, it's the core design of this proceder. And it doesn't really matter if we are talking about American/Japanese/German/Polish/Russian/Korean work of art. It applies to ANY media from ANY country.

Imagine listening to cover bands in cheap pubs butchering your favorite band additionally in your local language. This is what the dub is. And even if the cover bad won't totally suck, it still will never match the original, because music (exactly like acting) is not just playing specified notes and just singing the words.

Just accept the fact that you're watching inferior crap localized and altered for the lowest common denominator and don't EVER compare the dub crap to original version done by original creators.
rsc-plApr 16, 3:18 AM
Dub = fake crap. Always.
Apr 16, 3:09 AM

Jan 2009
im neutral on dub vs sub i just watch whatever comes first or first available
Apr 16, 3:29 AM

Jul 2015
Besides the simple truth that dubs are always inferior to original, some people just refuse to play anime equivalent of russian roulette and don't want to risk being bombarded with VA shoehorning their political beliefs or cringy millennial jokes that weren't present in the original.

Apr 16, 4:50 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
Liking shit is not a preference. Just sayin.
Apr 16, 5:26 AM

May 2015
This has got to be bait. Anyway as others have said the original audio will always be the superior product. But I guess there's always some weirdo that likes generic soda so yeah. Enjoy your low quality knock off, and I'll continue to call it trash
Apr 16, 5:36 AM

Aug 2012
I never watch dubs cause I prefer the original audio. Heck, I even put English subs on stuff that's already in English cause half of the actors can't articulate.

But those that go out of their way to go to the dub section to go troll have too much free time. If people wanna watch dubs, let them.
Apr 16, 5:51 AM

Jun 2019
I agree that certain settings obviously are and feel more Japanese than others - something actually set in Japan, whether in the historical past, present-day/contemporary, or near or distant future, in a way does "feel" like everything should be heard spoken in Japanese as compared to a completely fictional alternate world in a high fantasy setting - especially one inspired by a real-world European/Western country or amalgamation of European countries, or otherwise distinctly non-Japanese. Or compared to, even moreso, ones actually set in countries in our world which are not Japan, such as Germany, Argentina, Canada, China, and so on.

But just personally, to me, that isn't how I understand authenticity. I just prefer watching everything in its original native language completely regardless of the actual setting of the story. It doesn't matter at all what that language is, whether it's Japanese for an anime or J-horror or Kurosawa film, Chinese for a donghua or live action war epic or martial arts film, English for an American, Canadian, or British cartoon, or any other. As a native English speaker, English language acting and voice acting in native English language productions, whether live action or animated, can be phenomenal and of the highest quality. But English language dubbing of foreign media always sounds bad to me in that in that it always sounds somehow off no matter what. It just feels stilted, cheesy, dull, devoid of infusion of proper emotion or affect, or in some other way discordant and incongruent with the characters, setting, and story it's superimposed on.

WatchTillTandavaApr 16, 5:59 AM
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