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Nov 25, 2023 9:43 AM

Jan 2009
who here believes in this saying? since i often see this saying on the internet and thoughts on philosophy and philosophers?
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Nov 25, 2023 10:04 AM

Jul 2021
Philosophy is basically the act of sitting around and thinking about stuff.
There is only 1 valid conclusion that can be drawn from doing that, and that you need to go outside and touch grass do science.
Nobody has ever figured out anything about the real world without interacting with it.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Nov 25, 2023 10:17 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to JaniSIr
Philosophy is basically the act of sitting around and thinking about stuff.
There is only 1 valid conclusion that can be drawn from doing that, and that you need to go outside and touch grass do science.
Nobody has ever figured out anything about the real world without interacting with it.
@JaniSIr formal philosophy teaches logic though that is now heavily use in math and computer science

plus ethics is philosophy too that is at times use in law making
Nov 25, 2023 10:24 AM

Jul 2022
No, saying it is pretentious is just an insult those who have zero interest in working their brain and thinking about deeper meanings of stuff decided to call people who actually do. I hate when people feel like they need to lecture others because they have read Kant once and now they think they know it all. A wise person in my eyes is the one who can apply philosophy to real life and see the bigger picture.

Do I think life has any deeper meaning? No. but I still like to think about things from various perspectives and read philosophical books.

Maybe some can argue there are better things to do with your life and fair enough, but I still think philosophical debates can lead to better conversations than your usual whose waifu has better boobs. although ... maybe that´s someone else´s life philosophical question of life and I respect that.

it´s like when people say "you are pretentious because your grammar is good" .... well ..

The monsters were never under my bed
Because the monsters were inside my head.
I fear no monsters, for no monsters I see.
Because all this time the monster has been me.
Nov 25, 2023 10:42 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to effy
No, saying it is pretentious is just an insult those who have zero interest in working their brain and thinking about deeper meanings of stuff decided to call people who actually do. I hate when people feel like they need to lecture others because they have read Kant once and now they think they know it all. A wise person in my eyes is the one who can apply philosophy to real life and see the bigger picture.

Do I think life has any deeper meaning? No. but I still like to think about things from various perspectives and read philosophical books.

Maybe some can argue there are better things to do with your life and fair enough, but I still think philosophical debates can lead to better conversations than your usual whose waifu has better boobs. although ... maybe that´s someone else´s life philosophical question of life and I respect that.

it´s like when people say "you are pretentious because your grammar is good" .... well ..
effy_ said:
it´s like when people say "you are pretentious because your grammar is good" .... well ..

i do not often see that situation since maybe i got bad grammar and i see more people hating on us
Nov 25, 2023 10:43 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to deg
@JaniSIr formal philosophy teaches logic though that is now heavily use in math and computer science

plus ethics is philosophy too that is at times use in law making
@deg Logic is a mathematical field.
At best what you can say is that philosophers created the need for someone to properly formalize it.

So that leaves you with morality, which is subjective...
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Nov 25, 2023 10:45 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to JaniSIr
@deg Logic is a mathematical field.
At best what you can say is that philosophers created the need for someone to properly formalize it.

So that leaves you with morality, which is subjective...
@JaniSIr im not sure if morality is totally subjective when moral philosophy like i said is at times use for law making
Nov 25, 2023 10:56 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to deg
@JaniSIr im not sure if morality is totally subjective when moral philosophy like i said is at times use for law making
@deg Countries have different laws. That's further evidence that it's subjective.
I mean there are general beats where most people will agree, such as "murder = BAD".
But people will never fully agree on the details.
To talk about morality, you need to have an individual declare what they find valuable.
At that point it's possible to investigate if a law reaches that goal or not.
But there is no guarantee people will agree on the initial value judgement.
Or that the individual's values are consistent, and don't change over time...
If anything you can take it for granted that people won't, agree, won't be internally consistent, and will change their opinion.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Nov 25, 2023 10:57 AM

Jul 2022
Reply to deg
effy_ said:
it´s like when people say "you are pretentious because your grammar is good" .... well ..

i do not often see that situation since maybe i got bad grammar and i see more people hating on us
deg said:
i do not often see that situation since maybe i got bad grammar and i see more people hating on us

might depend on your first language and how wild the difference between formal and informal language is, I guess.

The monsters were never under my bed
Because the monsters were inside my head.
I fear no monsters, for no monsters I see.
Because all this time the monster has been me.
Nov 25, 2023 11:05 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to JaniSIr
@deg Countries have different laws. That's further evidence that it's subjective.
I mean there are general beats where most people will agree, such as "murder = BAD".
But people will never fully agree on the details.
To talk about morality, you need to have an individual declare what they find valuable.
At that point it's possible to investigate if a law reaches that goal or not.
But there is no guarantee people will agree on the initial value judgement.
Or that the individual's values are consistent, and don't change over time...
If anything you can take it for granted that people won't, agree, won't be internally consistent, and will change their opinion.
@JaniSIr man made laws are subjective and relative sure but does that not mean law making is useless and as long as laws are needed then philosophy is still needed
Nov 25, 2023 11:19 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to deg
@JaniSIr man made laws are subjective and relative sure but does that not mean law making is useless and as long as laws are needed then philosophy is still needed
@deg Opinions aren't always worthless I guess, but saying "I majored in philosophy" is basically equivalent to "I paid a lot of money to have a paper that says I'm good at expressing my opinion in a confusing way". The latter sounds significantly less impressive. Hence calling it pretentious is totally justified.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Nov 25, 2023 11:29 AM

May 2023
No one in modern times would pursue philosophy... Sure, centuries ago in Ancient Greece before many things had been discovered there may have been great opportunity in being a philosopher which is why all the greatest works/literature of philosophy come from this period, but how many people have you known in real life that went ''Huh, I'm going to stay fed and keep rent paid by being f**king Socrates''. It's almost as bad as people that get degrees in Art or art schools but even that I could argue would have more benefit and use than getting a degree in philosophy.
>implying we can discuss /a/ Anime & Manga
Nov 25, 2023 11:36 AM
Nov 2021
Philosophy is about memeing how the mind works and all the senses thereof, then the most famous philosophers always get quoted in a topic by someone.
Nov 25, 2023 3:01 PM
Sep 2023
Reply to effy
No, saying it is pretentious is just an insult those who have zero interest in working their brain and thinking about deeper meanings of stuff decided to call people who actually do. I hate when people feel like they need to lecture others because they have read Kant once and now they think they know it all. A wise person in my eyes is the one who can apply philosophy to real life and see the bigger picture.

Do I think life has any deeper meaning? No. but I still like to think about things from various perspectives and read philosophical books.

Maybe some can argue there are better things to do with your life and fair enough, but I still think philosophical debates can lead to better conversations than your usual whose waifu has better boobs. although ... maybe that´s someone else´s life philosophical question of life and I respect that.

it´s like when people say "you are pretentious because your grammar is good" .... well ..
"No, saying it is pretentious is just an insult those who have zero interest in working their brain and thinking about deeper meanings of stuff"
You could have disproven their point, but instead you chose to prove their point.
Nov 25, 2023 3:02 PM

Aug 2020
Anything postmodernist is pretentious.

Nov 25, 2023 3:04 PM

Apr 2013
If you are bringing it to a philosophical discussion, sure. If you are bringing it to people who don't give a shit, it's probably pretentious.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Nov 25, 2023 3:41 PM

Mar 2008
Pretentious is a word to describe a presentation. A thing cant be pretentious in itself. Only people are pretentious.
traedNov 25, 2023 3:47 PM
Nov 25, 2023 7:04 PM

Oct 2012
No, philosophy is not pretentious if it's driven by a genuine curiosity for the unexplored. But a lot of times people conflate philosophy with rehashing centuries old semantics problems and cliches that are more for the historian than anyone trying to spearhead original thought. That's pretentious. You know, every time someone makes yet another post about "subjectivity" or "free will" is pretentious. Every time someone gets asked about mathematics and resorts to quoting fanciful jargon of people in the past, and hijacks the conversation from the exploration of the unknown to the memorization of the known -- is pretentious. And yes, I'm referring to real life MAL members and you know who I'm referring to, but that's what populates MAL nowadays, not actual philosophy.
My subjective reviews:
Nov 25, 2023 7:08 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to katsucats
No, philosophy is not pretentious if it's driven by a genuine curiosity for the unexplored. But a lot of times people conflate philosophy with rehashing centuries old semantics problems and cliches that are more for the historian than anyone trying to spearhead original thought. That's pretentious. You know, every time someone makes yet another post about "subjectivity" or "free will" is pretentious. Every time someone gets asked about mathematics and resorts to quoting fanciful jargon of people in the past, and hijacks the conversation from the exploration of the unknown to the memorization of the known -- is pretentious. And yes, I'm referring to real life MAL members and you know who I'm referring to, but that's what populates MAL nowadays, not actual philosophy.
@katsucats isnt that gatekeeping? only professional philosophers can talk about philosophy and the layman should stay out of it?
Nov 25, 2023 7:09 PM

Oct 2012
Reply to ghostsamurai
No one in modern times would pursue philosophy... Sure, centuries ago in Ancient Greece before many things had been discovered there may have been great opportunity in being a philosopher which is why all the greatest works/literature of philosophy come from this period, but how many people have you known in real life that went ''Huh, I'm going to stay fed and keep rent paid by being f**king Socrates''. It's almost as bad as people that get degrees in Art or art schools but even that I could argue would have more benefit and use than getting a degree in philosophy.
@ghostsamurai Then you'd be surprised that philosophy majors have the highest overall standardized test scores over both verbal and math, and stand among the best paid college majors next to engineers and premed. That's because every field that requires logical and abstract thought hires philosophers, from physicists and software engineers to lawyers and city planners.
My subjective reviews:
Nov 25, 2023 7:24 PM

Oct 2012
Reply to deg
@katsucats isnt that gatekeeping? only professional philosophers can talk about philosophy and the layman should stay out of it?
@deg That's not what I said at all, but posting the same old threads every year about "is there a soul" or "determinism or free will" never establishes new ground, and is not born out of a genuine curiosity for exploring the unknown. This person is not a layman at this point, not a professional philosopher either, but a professional "rhetoricist". I relish the actual layman that has a genuine, informed question about the world and is willing to expand their perspective with informed discussion. There's nothing professional about feeling comfortable and complacent from the familiarity of seeing "Wittgenstein" or "Descartes" for the 50th time. If anything, rhetoricists are the attempted gatekeepers. They're the ones trying but failing to make philosophy into this esoteric compendium of memorized theories, thought experiments and fallacies, closing off thought and transforming it into a history lesson. Philosophers know these things, recite it only when asked about it, then move on. Because they're not important, they're not interesting, and they're not philosophy.
My subjective reviews:
Nov 25, 2023 7:25 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to katsucats
@deg That's not what I said at all, but posting the same old threads every year about "is there a soul" or "determinism or free will" never establishes new ground, and is not born out of a genuine curiosity for exploring the unknown. This person is not a layman at this point, not a professional philosopher either, but a professional "rhetoricist". I relish the actual layman that has a genuine, informed question about the world and is willing to expand their perspective with informed discussion. There's nothing professional about feeling comfortable and complacent from the familiarity of seeing "Wittgenstein" or "Descartes" for the 50th time. If anything, rhetoricists are the attempted gatekeepers. They're the ones trying but failing to make philosophy into this esoteric compendium of memorized theories, thought experiments and fallacies, closing off thought and transforming it into a history lesson. Philosophers know these things, recite it only when asked about it, then move on. Because they're not important, they're not interesting, and they're not philosophy.
@katsucats ye i know youre referring to me again im making repeat threads every year not just philosophy because every year there are new faces in the forums
Nov 25, 2023 7:28 PM

Aug 2012
Not necessarily. Some individuals can be, but philisophy in general isn't. It has helped quite a bit in advancing human civilisation and governance. I personally like Bertrand Russell and the school of pragmatism.
Nov 25, 2023 7:48 PM

Oct 2012
Reply to deg
@katsucats ye i know youre referring to me again im making repeat threads every year not just philosophy because every year there are new faces in the forums
@deg So? Why are these topics so important that every new person has to participate in them? There's only so much someone can say about something metaphysical that fixed. You're never going to get any new responses that hasn't been said by someone else prior. Everyone here can think up a million topics every day like:

"What does it mean for MAL to have an overall site average?"
"What's the difference between manga and comics?"
"Does the blue bar above the post affect a person's posting mood if it was changed to red?"
"Does your avatar affect how other people approach you?"
"What do you think about people not answering unknown numbers when it comes to polls?"

Maybe they take the modicum of thought but they're trite, probably exactly what @ghostsamurai thought of when he mentioned "Socrates". These are the errant thoughts we smoke weed to and everyone sober just shake their heads. Philosophy is much more than this. People form cohesive ideas about something and then have discussions about those ideas instead of destroying thought by leaving it with an open ended question. You could write a book about what averages mean to people but nobody who approaches these without preparation will have anything meaningful to say. And I bet money that after you press post, you're off to the next question. That's why you're posting a million threads. You're not asking these questions because you're curious about exploring them. You're asking them because posting threads itself feels like an accomplishment. You're not even interested in interacting with responders of these threads, because quick scans through the responses after the 3rd thread in 2009 would have given you the realization that there's hardly anything worth responding to.
My subjective reviews:
Nov 25, 2023 7:51 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to katsucats
@deg So? Why are these topics so important that every new person has to participate in them? There's only so much someone can say about something metaphysical that fixed. You're never going to get any new responses that hasn't been said by someone else prior. Everyone here can think up a million topics every day like:

"What does it mean for MAL to have an overall site average?"
"What's the difference between manga and comics?"
"Does the blue bar above the post affect a person's posting mood if it was changed to red?"
"Does your avatar affect how other people approach you?"
"What do you think about people not answering unknown numbers when it comes to polls?"

Maybe they take the modicum of thought but they're trite, probably exactly what @ghostsamurai thought of when he mentioned "Socrates". These are the errant thoughts we smoke weed to and everyone sober just shake their heads. Philosophy is much more than this. People form cohesive ideas about something and then have discussions about those ideas instead of destroying thought by leaving it with an open ended question. You could write a book about what averages mean to people but nobody who approaches these without preparation will have anything meaningful to say. And I bet money that after you press post, you're off to the next question. That's why you're posting a million threads. You're not asking these questions because you're curious about exploring them. You're asking them because posting threads itself feels like an accomplishment. You're not even interested in interacting with responders of these threads, because quick scans through the responses after the 3rd thread in 2009 would have given you the realization that there's hardly anything worth responding to.
@katsucats i do not reply but that does not mean i do not read the replies most of the time and im posting threads and replying just to waste time

why so serious about what threads to repeat and make? its not like they are repeated threads every week
Nov 25, 2023 7:54 PM

Oct 2012
Reply to deg
@katsucats i do not reply but that does not mean i do not read the replies most of the time and im posting threads and replying just to waste time

why so serious about what threads to repeat and make? its not like they are repeated threads every week
deg said:
why so serious about what threads to repeat and make? its not like they are repeated threads every week

Okay lol, then to answer your question philosophy is pretentious, because I guess that's the level that we are operating at on the internet nowadays.
My subjective reviews:
Nov 25, 2023 7:57 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to katsucats
deg said:
why so serious about what threads to repeat and make? its not like they are repeated threads every week

Okay lol, then to answer your question philosophy is pretentious, because I guess that's the level that we are operating at on the internet nowadays.
@katsucats well you take average internet discussions too seriously so that is pretentious too
Nov 25, 2023 8:06 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@katsucats well you take average internet discussions too seriously so that is pretentious too

I mean he's got a point. Why bring up any topic, if the intent is to not explore that topic?

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Nov 25, 2023 8:08 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DreamWindow

I mean he's got a point. Why bring up any topic, if the intent is to not explore that topic?
@DreamWindow because most people on the internet are not experts so we just discuss things casually? casual discussions forum?
Nov 25, 2023 8:23 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow because most people on the internet are not experts so we just discuss things casually? casual discussions forum?

I don't think being an expert has anything to do with it. It's just that, a topic such as philosophy, which is very subjective, broad, and open ended, is a little bit more involved than "casual" discussions, such as the weather, or your favourite snack. There's a good bit to explore, so bringing up something like that doesn't make a whole lot of sense if the purpose is just to kill time.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Nov 25, 2023 8:24 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to DreamWindow

I don't think being an expert has anything to do with it. It's just that, a topic such as philosophy, which is very subjective, broad, and open ended, is a little bit more involved than "casual" discussions, such as the weather, or your favourite snack. There's a good bit to explore, so bringing up something like that doesn't make a whole lot of sense if the purpose is just to kill time.
@DreamWindow you said it yourself though philosophy is subjective and open ended so good for casual discussions every year
Nov 25, 2023 8:41 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to deg
@DreamWindow you said it yourself though philosophy is subjective and open ended so good for casual discussions every year

It's open ended, but because of that, it doesn't lend itself to the same level of surface level discussion. It is something that inherently demands high-autism levels of exploration of a given subject matter for it to even be considered philosophy in the first place. I think that's what @katsucats is trying to say, here. If it's just surface level analysis, of any given subject, then it's not exploring the subject at all. I can't imagine any philosopher comes up with an idea, and doesn't expect it to be explored.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Nov 25, 2023 8:55 PM

Oct 2022
What's the point of there's something good or wrong if you can't do a fucking thing about it?

Nov 25, 2023 9:52 PM

Jan 2009
Reply to HyroSan
What's the point of there's something good or wrong if you can't do a fucking thing about it?
@HyroSan its just casual discussion for fun like is there any point in anime watching too besides fun? why everything should be serious
Nov 25, 2023 9:54 PM

Oct 2022
Reply to deg
@HyroSan its just casual discussion for fun like is there any point in anime watching too besides fun? why everything should be serious

Yea you're right. I just got mad all of the sudden when I think of philosophy. I feel useless man...

Nov 25, 2023 10:33 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to DreamWindow

It's open ended, but because of that, it doesn't lend itself to the same level of surface level discussion. It is something that inherently demands high-autism levels of exploration of a given subject matter for it to even be considered philosophy in the first place. I think that's what @katsucats is trying to say, here. If it's just surface level analysis, of any given subject, then it's not exploring the subject at all. I can't imagine any philosopher comes up with an idea, and doesn't expect it to be explored.
You don't have to be a philosophy major to come to an idea on your own and be open to changing them when presented with something that makes more sense. Though like I said in another thread some philosophy subjects are not really worth the time for most due to lack of any way to falsify them and lack of applicability.
Nov 25, 2023 11:45 PM

Apr 2013
Reply to traed
You don't have to be a philosophy major to come to an idea on your own and be open to changing them when presented with something that makes more sense. Though like I said in another thread some philosophy subjects are not really worth the time for most due to lack of any way to falsify them and lack of applicability.

This doesn't have anything to do with what I said, though. I said that it's not on the same level of discussion as passing conversations.

This ground is soiled by those before me and their lies. I dare not look up for on me I feel their eyes
Nov 26, 2023 1:17 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to katsucats
@ghostsamurai Then you'd be surprised that philosophy majors have the highest overall standardized test scores over both verbal and math, and stand among the best paid college majors next to engineers and premed. That's because every field that requires logical and abstract thought hires philosophers, from physicists and software engineers to lawyers and city planners.
@katsucats But engineers actually produce something useful in the real world.
Also like how would this work?
katsucats said:
it's driven by a genuine curiosity for the unexplored.

The correct outcome for a philosophical exploration is that you cannot do it by philosophy alone.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Nov 26, 2023 1:25 AM

Jun 2014
there's nothing pretentious about thinking about abstract concepts, similar to how there's nothing pretentious about playing video games. both contribute virtually nothing to society, and people still do them simply bc they enjoy it. nothing wrong if it's not hurting anyone.

if anything, it might reflect the discomfort people have with others that think differently (or more) than they do. and when it comes down to it, those that think philosophy is pretentious are probably projecting their own notion that thinking "more deeply/abstractly" makes a person superior (and they assume a superiority complex).
Nov 27, 2023 9:11 AM

Jun 2014
It would be if it would pretend to be better than it is. And it is what the philosopher argues it to be. In consequence, it depends on the truthfulness of that argument.
Nov 28, 2023 7:05 AM
Jul 2018
Philosophy can be pretentious if it's done badly, as if the goal is not to understand things but create confusion around them. Philosophy is not pretentious if it's done well
Nov 28, 2023 11:04 AM

May 2019
Any philosophy that I can understand and especially agree with are not pretentious. Rather they are profound, insightful, and all the other good applicable adjectives. Any philosophy that hurts my brain too much to understand or that I disagree with is pretentious, fart sniffing, shallow, and pedantic.
Nov 28, 2023 1:48 PM

Feb 2022
Gonna be honest I've only seen dimwits and eogtistical pseuds come out with this "opinion". There's nothing pretentious about trying to understand the world around us through logic and using our brains (why else do we have them?).

It's quite telling when someone shits on a discipline they a) know nothing about and b) are clearly incapable of participating in. It's just cope.
Nov 28, 2023 2:53 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to Kamikaze_404
Gonna be honest I've only seen dimwits and eogtistical pseuds come out with this "opinion". There's nothing pretentious about trying to understand the world around us through logic and using our brains (why else do we have them?).

It's quite telling when someone shits on a discipline they a) know nothing about and b) are clearly incapable of participating in. It's just cope.
@Kamikaze_404 That's the thing though, Philosophers DON'T try to understand how the world works, they pretend to try to understand how the world works.
True understanding can only be obtained through experimentation, that's what differentiates real science and philosophy.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Nov 28, 2023 3:21 PM
Jul 2018
Per se not, but it's not rare that you meet those people, who think nihilism = dragging everyone, including themselves and their environment, down 24/7 by telling all the time how meaningless everyone's life is.
Same goes for the antinatalism movement, where you clearly can see through that people put their own struggles and depression into a concept they obsess over.

I think lot of people mistake philosophy also per se with a very negative worldview and a negative view on humanity as a whole, but I rather think of the quote of my philosophy and ethics prof: "Philosophy and ethics are a tool to use, so you can make the right decisions for yourself and at the end of your life you won't look back on a life full of regrets."
removed-userNov 28, 2023 3:27 PM
Nov 28, 2023 3:25 PM

Feb 2022
Reply to JaniSIr
@Kamikaze_404 That's the thing though, Philosophers DON'T try to understand how the world works, they pretend to try to understand how the world works.
True understanding can only be obtained through experimentation, that's what differentiates real science and philosophy.
@JaniSIr The truths of reality can also be arrived at through logic. That is the basis of the science systems you worship. And yes, you can test philosophical theories in the real world also. Cope.
Nov 28, 2023 3:41 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to Kamikaze_404
@JaniSIr The truths of reality can also be arrived at through logic. That is the basis of the science systems you worship. And yes, you can test philosophical theories in the real world also. Cope.
@Kamikaze_404 No, the basis of science is trying to predict how the world works. And really mathematics, including logic was created in a way to fit our observations of reality, not the other way around.

And test what? The meta physical arguments that are inherently untestable, the moral argumentation, that's totally subjective, or semantic arguments, where the meaning of the words being ill-defined is the issue?
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Nov 28, 2023 4:00 PM
Sep 2022
As a general rule, I have found that many philosophical writings which are celebrated today come across as mindless rambling that never gets directly to the heart of the matter. Although I would have no desire to live in Spartan Society, the writings of Polydoros make much more sense than most do from a strictly utilitarian perspective. I believe that even in the present there are still some lessons from the Iron Age that need to be relearned.

SciadopitysNov 28, 2023 4:07 PM
Nov 29, 2023 1:52 AM

Feb 2022
Reply to JaniSIr
@Kamikaze_404 No, the basis of science is trying to predict how the world works. And really mathematics, including logic was created in a way to fit our observations of reality, not the other way around.

And test what? The meta physical arguments that are inherently untestable, the moral argumentation, that's totally subjective, or semantic arguments, where the meaning of the words being ill-defined is the issue?
@JaniSIr The basis of science is rationality. Theories are literally based on this and, if I'm not wrong, the etymological source of the word theory is even linked with philosophical terms. Mathematics is an abstract way to predict the mechanisms of the world and to explain them. It is a tool born out of philosophy.

Anyways, to test our conception of reality and to further deepen our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of it along with WHY they happen in the first place. You do not even understand the scientific systems you worship beyond a pop science standpoint, so I think you trying to separate the two when they're inherently linked to their very roots is a little misguided. Maybe read some more books that aren't featured prominently on r/books.
Nov 29, 2023 12:59 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to Kamikaze_404
@JaniSIr The basis of science is rationality. Theories are literally based on this and, if I'm not wrong, the etymological source of the word theory is even linked with philosophical terms. Mathematics is an abstract way to predict the mechanisms of the world and to explain them. It is a tool born out of philosophy.

Anyways, to test our conception of reality and to further deepen our understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of it along with WHY they happen in the first place. You do not even understand the scientific systems you worship beyond a pop science standpoint, so I think you trying to separate the two when they're inherently linked to their very roots is a little misguided. Maybe read some more books that aren't featured prominently on r/books.
@Kamikaze_404 "The basis of science is rationality." Nice platitude, but what does it mean in practice? It means that our emotional state doesn't really affect the universe, and that through enough observation and mental work we can build predictive models. (And technically speaking neither of these is a guarantee, but so far throughout the existence of humanity we haven't observed the laws changing, so that's nice.) It does NOT mean that just by sitting around and thinking really hard we can figure out how the world works, you need to actually interact with it to confirm or deny your suspicions.

Mathematics is NOT a way to predict anything, math's is a set of arbitrary axioms and such that you can play mental games with. Physicists were the ones who adjusted the formulas until they managed to model how the universe works with good enough predictive power.

And while math might have had a historic origin relating to philosophy, they have diverged long ago. Philosophers are generally stuck on repeating ancient arguments, mathematicians actually figure stuff out with practical use. Well, back in the day the collective knowledge of humanity was so little, and a good portion of it was wrong, you could be an expert on everything. Not to say they were dumb, they had to start somewhere, but most of ancient Greece's math is taught in elementary school.

What sort of reason are you looking for in why things happen? The laws of the universe just are, there is no intent behind them... Also imagine using reddit.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
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