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Nov 12, 2023 6:24 AM
Nov 2023
I've tried making some online friends on reddit and discord but everytime i talk to someone it feels dull and forced does anyone feel similar way?
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Nov 12, 2023 6:36 AM

Mar 2008
Perhaps you are using them as an end to a means instead of an end in itself. You have to be actually interested in someone to be friends with them rather than just being friends just because you want friends.
Nov 12, 2023 6:36 AM

Apr 2018
I haven't seriously tried it, but I will say, in general, making new genuine friends after high school is pretty hard. One of my cousins told me the first friend he made after high school was through Discord, so it is possible.
Nov 12, 2023 6:40 AM

Feb 2010
A lot of them are going to be like that. You have to find ppl you vibe with when it wouldnt feel forced. A lot of the cooler ppl online are ones I can share stuff I like with and them back, or ppl who I can work on projects with. Thats a really good way to stay active in friendships.

If you play any multiplayer games then ppl you play with a lot can make good online friends, definitely the best ppl I know are from games I played even met them at in person gaming events, many times, its very cool!

If you know any content creators, being a mod for one and getting to know them personally better is a great way to find a more invested friendship, since you both like the same things youre already going to have stuff to talk about and can share humor. Same if you are a content creator and have mods who you get along with well and also other content creators. Although the responses can be slow if they are busy, they might really appreciate a person to talk to them whos not phony or understants/listens!

Lastly not to get all incel blackpill etc on you, but since you're a man, if you are trying to be friends with a woman, they might not reciprocate often depending on how they see you, you might see it as a potential friendship and they might see it as youre trying to hook up with them or something; when there's misunderstandings this can make being only friends difficult or awkward between genders. And if they dont respond its best to just not bother for a while!

Oh and most Reddit or Discord grounds would not be a good place for finding the friends youre looking for, imo unless you really find someone you get along with where it wouldnt feel forced. Would need to come from somewhere with a more hectic and personality/interest driven environment where you get to know ppl way more than a reddit or discord.
Shishio-kunNov 12, 2023 7:40 AM
Nov 12, 2023 7:07 AM
Yare Yare Daze

May 2022
You have find the right ones. I had online friends who remember back when I was 13 that still talk to me to this day.

The place too. Mal isn't good place to build real friendships.
Nov 12, 2023 7:10 AM
Grave of Flowers

Dec 2012
I think you're trying to get some friends in the same way most dudes try to get girlfriends these days, social pressure. Of course that doesn't work.

Every kind of human relationship must be formed naturally, or at least that's how I see it. Heck, sometimes even people who try to be friends eventually have some kind of falling out due to incompatibility so take a look at it as part of your growth as a person and don't get to attached to people.

Get attached to money instead, fr fr
3miLNov 12, 2023 8:44 AM
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Nov 12, 2023 8:15 AM

Aug 2021
you just have to find the real friends :D
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Nov 12, 2023 8:54 AM
Jul 2018
I've had enough IRL friendships to tell you that Online Friends is definitely better! You just haven't found the right people to connect with yet.
Nov 12, 2023 8:58 AM

Oct 2023
Get interests/hobbies that don't require a Highly-Qualified-Consumer status...

...and you won't have that much time for anything else in life ...especially for friends.
Nov 12, 2023 9:55 AM

Nov 2023

Depends on the person, I guess. I felt closer to my online friends than the ones I have in real life.
Nov 12, 2023 10:32 AM

Oct 2023
Sometimes you gotta probe a bit with different topics until you find the bits that feel right and flow. Tbh making friends online is harder because there is a time delay and you can't see their facial responses & body language, but it's not to say it's impossible c:

Some people might wanna be weird with you, some might wanna discuss life/humanity/the mysteries of the cosmos. Some might wanna just talk about day to day things... Only way to know is to learn bit by bit c:

[Disclaimer, I am no social networking guru, I just like to think I know things when normally I don't] Best of luck tho! I don't think there is any guaranteed approach but being as genuine and "you" and possible is a great way of making sure any friendship you make is genuine.
Nov 12, 2023 10:37 AM

Jun 2020
I am a lot closer to anyone I know IRL than on the internet but you shouldn’t force yourself to meet people online. I have met a few people on these forums naturally on threads where we both reply to each other for a while before friend requesting and then talking in DMs.

Most people on discord and reddit are probably not the best at socializing either tbh

Lucky you, lucky you
must be nice to have everyone love you

"No, I've always been alone."
Nov 12, 2023 4:00 PM
Jul 2018
Most of the people talking a lot on social media are people who are extremely aware of social consequences, and so they only say socially safe things. It's boring beyond belief talking to someone like that.
Nov 12, 2023 4:16 PM

May 2023
I guess it just depends on who it is. One of my closest is someone i've known for 10 years I met on the Elder Scrolls Skywind/Morroblivion project forums, but i've also lost contact with a lot of people through the years. It'll never surpass knowing people in person
>implying we can discuss /a/ Anime & Manga
Nov 13, 2023 11:45 PM

Feb 2018
You're better off making irl friends then. You should make friends based on your social needs. Online friends are not doing that for you so it feels dull. There's a mental and physical limit to how much you can bond with randoms on the internet. Ultimately online friends are strangers making small talk and sharing hobbies unless you plan to meet them irl. Do not expect a irl level of bonding with strangers on the net if you never plan to meet them irl, you'll only dissopoint yourself.
Resign? 🕊➤Yes / No Resign? Yes / ⚔➤No

Nov 14, 2023 9:11 AM

Jan 2009
long distance relationships is not known for being good anyway
Nov 14, 2023 9:30 AM

Jun 2019
"The new friends whom we make after attaining a certain age and by whom we would fain replace those whom we have lost, are to our old friends what glass eyes, false teeth and wooden legs are to real eyes, natural teeth and legs of flesh and bone."
Nov 15, 2023 11:41 AM

Oct 2023
For me, my true friends always were online, I had lots of online friends as a kid when playing video games and using discord beside it. For me, online friends have been more genuinely interested and more caring towards me than those who were officially my "real life" friends. I've always had bad luck with real life friends, it has always turned into toxic eventually and my online friends we're always kind and such. Of course bad thing about having online friends is that for me when I got too busy in real life so I lost contact with them and they got so busy too. :( Online friends can be kinda seasonal but more meaningful for me because they're honest.
After video games I found friends in other app and they we're hella cute too. 💘
You have to genuinely want to be friends with others, if it feels forced so guess you don't really want them and don't want to have a effort in friendships online.
Nov 15, 2023 12:02 PM

Nov 2023
Make friends in real life, why you keep trying if you don't like it?
Nov 15, 2023 12:05 PM

Nov 2023
Reply to CeciliaAda
For me, my true friends always were online, I had lots of online friends as a kid when playing video games and using discord beside it. For me, online friends have been more genuinely interested and more caring towards me than those who were officially my "real life" friends. I've always had bad luck with real life friends, it has always turned into toxic eventually and my online friends we're always kind and such. Of course bad thing about having online friends is that for me when I got too busy in real life so I lost contact with them and they got so busy too. :( Online friends can be kinda seasonal but more meaningful for me because they're honest.
After video games I found friends in other app and they we're hella cute too. 💘
You have to genuinely want to be friends with others, if it feels forced so guess you don't really want them and don't want to have a effort in friendships online.

I understand.

I miss my old online friends. I fucked things up. Not on purpose, of course.

And advice I get is "just look for friends offline". I understand that. But those old online friends were one of a kind.

Maybe something else is preventing us from reconnecting. Like, they're busy or something. I don't know.
Nov 15, 2023 12:29 PM
Jul 2018
There are some people I like to talk to, but I wouldn't say I made actual online friends in the last couple of years. That's more of a thing teenagers do mostly, imo, and at least I feel like I grew out of that. I'd say I have one or two people I know for longer, who I might call something like friends, but otherwise it's more like "some people I like to talk to about anime and other stuff."

Quite lot of / a good bunch of my online friendships back then when I was like 14-17 were quite... I wouldn't say toxic on purpose, but very unhealthy for myself, because I tried to help out people, who were emotionally very unstable / they reached out to me and I didn't want them to push away at first. On several occassions one guy "forced" me to stay up until the next morning, although he knew I had to go to school "I might kill myself tonight, if you don't talk to me", or one girl made me drop plans I had with real friends, because she was jealous she didn't have friends she could go out with and made me feel bad about it.
People, who don't know how to form real friendships in their own life and all. After that, I learned to distance myself from people like that and you are more likely to meet those online for the sole fact that they are rarely able to hold up their job, education or real friendgroup, real partnership or anything for long.
removed-userNov 15, 2023 12:34 PM
Nov 15, 2023 3:26 PM

Oct 2023
Reply to UnseenDude

I understand.

I miss my old online friends. I fucked things up. Not on purpose, of course.

And advice I get is "just look for friends offline". I understand that. But those old online friends were one of a kind.

Maybe something else is preventing us from reconnecting. Like, they're busy or something. I don't know.
@UnseenDude My mother we're always to me like "oh online friends they don't really matter" cuz she's extrovert but for me because I'm introvert I think people in internet are more interested in my thoughts and personality so for me it's more important and special.

For me I got disconnected cuz my mother wanted that I focus more on school and keep break from gaming/online friends and because I was inactive my accounts got deleted + I couldn't see anymore had they replied anything to my last messages which really devastated me. ._. My mother we're like I can go back when I've got better at school but I didn't have really much to return to.

What I think is preventing from reconnecting is time that has gone by, games that no longer exist, last online time (one of my friends visited the game few years ago exactly on my birthday and I was offline, then they didn't come again online), if it's been too long time there is no chance to reconnect. Kinda if you have been in contact on one place and then that is gone there is really no possibility to chat again.
Nov 15, 2023 3:35 PM

Nov 2023
Reply to CeciliaAda
@UnseenDude My mother we're always to me like "oh online friends they don't really matter" cuz she's extrovert but for me because I'm introvert I think people in internet are more interested in my thoughts and personality so for me it's more important and special.

For me I got disconnected cuz my mother wanted that I focus more on school and keep break from gaming/online friends and because I was inactive my accounts got deleted + I couldn't see anymore had they replied anything to my last messages which really devastated me. ._. My mother we're like I can go back when I've got better at school but I didn't have really much to return to.

What I think is preventing from reconnecting is time that has gone by, games that no longer exist, last online time (one of my friends visited the game few years ago exactly on my birthday and I was offline, then they didn't come again online), if it's been too long time there is no chance to reconnect. Kinda if you have been in contact on one place and then that is gone there is really no possibility to chat again.

Damn. I disagree with your mom. Online friends are people, too, of course. I value offline friends, too, but I like online ones a bit more because interaction is smoother for me.

I hope you can heal from this. It's tough. Like I said, I miss my online friends, too. I still have a few left. It's better than no one, I guess.

We can be friends, if you want. Maybe we will be close. Maybe not. I don't think it would hurt to try.
Nov 15, 2023 3:43 PM

Jan 2021
I feel that with friendships IRL so I dont think its much of a online friend thing but more of a friendship thing overall. You gotta just do your own thing and you'll meet people along the way.

Never watched as much anime as I wanted to
Nov 15, 2023 3:56 PM

Oct 2023
Reply to UnseenDude

Damn. I disagree with your mom. Online friends are people, too, of course. I value offline friends, too, but I like online ones a bit more because interaction is smoother for me.

I hope you can heal from this. It's tough. Like I said, I miss my online friends, too. I still have a few left. It's better than no one, I guess.

We can be friends, if you want. Maybe we will be close. Maybe not. I don't think it would hurt to try.
@UnseenDude Sure, let's be friends. ☺️

For me online friends mattered too cuz they were there for me, if I had hardships they were telling me cheerful things and wishing good luck, also in school I wasn't liked really idk why so it brought lots of happiness and comfort to know that online friends exist and I could talk with them then, so I had something to look forward to after schooltime and I knew all the sad feelings will leave when I have nice time with them.
Nov 15, 2023 4:07 PM

May 2020
Good for talking stuff on the topics you both are interested at..but nothing more than that...

Once you go more than that...good luck!!!
" Kindness can sometimes lead you to trouble. "

Nov 15, 2023 4:07 PM

Nov 2023
Reply to CeciliaAda
@UnseenDude Sure, let's be friends. ☺️

For me online friends mattered too cuz they were there for me, if I had hardships they were telling me cheerful things and wishing good luck, also in school I wasn't liked really idk why so it brought lots of happiness and comfort to know that online friends exist and I could talk with them then, so I had something to look forward to after schooltime and I knew all the sad feelings will leave when I have nice time with them.
@CeciliaAda Yay! I was worried I won't be making friends. Thanks for the friend request, by the way.


Also, I can sympathize with you on that. I was proud that I had online friends from a few different places, not just from one place. That gave me confidence and pride.

I felt supported by my online friends, too. They were nice, and I felt like I could tell them stuff. I even considered them family. I had suicidal ideations once and they helped me during that tough time.
Nov 16, 2023 12:43 AM

Jul 2015
That will depend on the person physical presence does nothing for some.
Nov 16, 2023 3:52 PM

Feb 2020
Well personally I think interacting with friends online helped me be less nervous, as my life had been very sheltered because of my childhood being pretty dangerous, and hadn't had friends for a number of years before that.
Had to deal with a number of thirsties & ultra-depressive types to find some decent ones eventually though. Did find about 3 of them who were into the same stuff as me, but I think my age & one being in the US doesn't really help, and I've kinda lost contact with them a little, although my US friend messaged me a while back because he was worried that he hadn't seen me online in a while, so that was kinda nice.
To me it was an interesting learning experience, experiences that I missed out on along with many others in my life :\
Nov 17, 2023 3:12 PM

Jun 2015
fake social media friendship run their course faster than offline ones. just dont bother
Nov 19, 2023 5:49 PM

Jul 2016
From my experience best way is to have an actually connection with the person with related interests. Best case scenario imo playing online games with people that way you don't even need to good at conversation just game lmao. The game itself can be the conversation and reconnecting with the person is easier. Otherwise in other circumstances you'll eventually run out of stuff to talk about and it'll fizzle out fast. Unless you force it. :shrug:
Nov 19, 2023 7:20 PM
Jul 2018
Try a forum for likeminded individuals or a Discord. You'll meet ppl you like and gel with just by virtue of putting yourself out there. I met my wife on a furry forum.
Nov 19, 2023 7:36 PM

Aug 2020
Meusnier said:
"The new friends whom we make after attaining a certain age and by whom we would fain replace those whom we have lost, are to our old friends what glass eyes, false teeth and wooden legs are to real eyes, natural teeth and legs of flesh and bone."

That feels like MAL for me now, everyone i knew on this site is gone pretty much. The newbies on the site don't feel like freinds, just replacements for the ones i lost a long the way. Nothing feels real anymore.

Where is that quote from?

Nov 19, 2023 11:04 PM

Jun 2019
Megatronsmurf said:

Meusnier said:
"The new friends whom we make after attaining a certain age and by whom we would fain replace those whom we have lost, are to our old friends what glass eyes, false teeth and wooden legs are to real eyes, natural teeth and legs of flesh and bone."

That feels like MAL for me now, everyone i knew on this site is gone pretty much. The newbies on the site don't feel like freinds, just replacements for the ones i lost a long the way. Nothing feels real anymore.

Where is that quote from?

This is expected, for one cannot have the same energy to create online connections as one gets older.

This is a quote of Chamfort, the best French aphorist of all time. Sadly, only a small part of his work was translated into English—under the very misleading name The Cynic's Breviary (for Chamfort was anything but a cynic! His passionate involvement in the French Revolution is a proof of that).
Nov 19, 2023 11:42 PM
Jul 2018
Yes, it is also a pointless waste of time trying to make online friends.
Nov 20, 2023 8:40 AM

Aug 2020
Reply to Meusnier
Megatronsmurf said:

Meusnier said:
"The new friends whom we make after attaining a certain age and by whom we would fain replace those whom we have lost, are to our old friends what glass eyes, false teeth and wooden legs are to real eyes, natural teeth and legs of flesh and bone."

That feels like MAL for me now, everyone i knew on this site is gone pretty much. The newbies on the site don't feel like freinds, just replacements for the ones i lost a long the way. Nothing feels real anymore.

Where is that quote from?

This is expected, for one cannot have the same energy to create online connections as one gets older.

This is a quote of Chamfort, the best French aphorist of all time. Sadly, only a small part of his work was translated into English—under the very misleading name The Cynic's Breviary (for Chamfort was anything but a cynic! His passionate involvement in the French Revolution is a proof of that).
@Meusnier yeah the older i get the harder it is to get myself noticed by people, not that i make much effort these days but i defiantly feel the lack of energy behind my posts compared to 20 years ago. Brain slowing down.

Nov 20, 2023 9:21 PM

Jul 2012
Most people are not looking for meaningful or deep relationships so you may be asking questions or striking conversations that require actual effort/friendship, try generic things like yo, new profile pic eh? Then message them again in 6 months.
Nov 21, 2023 9:13 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Megatronsmurf
Meusnier said:
"The new friends whom we make after attaining a certain age and by whom we would fain replace those whom we have lost, are to our old friends what glass eyes, false teeth and wooden legs are to real eyes, natural teeth and legs of flesh and bone."

That feels like MAL for me now, everyone i knew on this site is gone pretty much. The newbies on the site don't feel like freinds, just replacements for the ones i lost a long the way. Nothing feels real anymore.

Where is that quote from?
@Megatronsmurf This is how feel about Mal now new school 2016/2017er are lame they dont feel like people. Back then everyone felt real.
Nov 21, 2023 9:28 AM

Sep 2014
just like IRL it takes time and repeated interactions.
Nov 21, 2023 9:46 AM

Aug 2020
Reply to Order-Sol
@Megatronsmurf This is how feel about Mal now new school 2016/2017er are lame they dont feel like people. Back then everyone felt real.
@Order-Sol I know what you mean about people feeling real compared to now. I figure it was just an age thing but they genuinely don't feel like people i can have a casual chat with make jokes around etc. even the chang and chat threads are a bit lack lustre compared to the older era threads. I figure its just old age probably I Dont feel the same as well. I was looking back at my old post and i was a much funnier happier person back then that made more jokes and had a lot of fun with the people in the groups. It's all gone now.

And, on top of that I really have lost my taste for anime these days. I actually managed to make it to japan and that was a dream come true except it turned into a nightmare because of the pandemic.

Really impressed with the changes though BB code is easier to use the overall site looks and feels great to use. Just for me i guess that time has past. Maybe i'm just melancholy or something.

Nov 21, 2023 4:36 PM

Apr 2012
I have never tried to purposefully look for friends on the Internet. If you don't become friends naturally and intuitively, the conversation can quickly become quite forced.
Nov 22, 2023 8:35 AM

May 2018
Nah i think thats a you problem. I enjoy talking to my online friends as i dont have to put restrictions on myself.
sup dumbo
Nov 22, 2023 2:13 PM

Oct 2022
Im not an expert on any kind of friendship, but I think you are making the common mistake of doing it "backwards": you dont meet people so they can become your friends, you start doing stuff (like writing on a forum, go to the gym or play video games that requires communication) and from those experiences friendships are born. The objective was never to "have a friend", it was to just spend some time doing something in common.
Nov 22, 2023 3:58 PM
Nov 2021
None of them talk to me probably because of comment post lel I prefer it that way anyways but I still humor them by accepting their friend request.
Nov 24, 2023 11:45 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to Megatronsmurf
@Order-Sol I know what you mean about people feeling real compared to now. I figure it was just an age thing but they genuinely don't feel like people i can have a casual chat with make jokes around etc. even the chang and chat threads are a bit lack lustre compared to the older era threads. I figure its just old age probably I Dont feel the same as well. I was looking back at my old post and i was a much funnier happier person back then that made more jokes and had a lot of fun with the people in the groups. It's all gone now.

And, on top of that I really have lost my taste for anime these days. I actually managed to make it to japan and that was a dream come true except it turned into a nightmare because of the pandemic.

Really impressed with the changes though BB code is easier to use the overall site looks and feels great to use. Just for me i guess that time has past. Maybe i'm just melancholy or something.
@Megatronsmurf You aren't one. I stopped anime years ago. Still read Manga.

Exactly. It's nothing about the people here feel real anymore. I'd say it's our age and the fact the Internet way too political now. I might get cancel if people dug my old Twitter and mal history
Nov 24, 2023 2:15 PM

Aug 2020
Reply to Order-Sol
@Megatronsmurf You aren't one. I stopped anime years ago. Still read Manga.

Exactly. It's nothing about the people here feel real anymore. I'd say it's our age and the fact the Internet way too political now. I might get cancel if people dug my old Twitter and mal history
@Order-Sol Funnily enough i went back over the years back to when i first opened an account and though i rarely if ever speak to any of the people here it's good to see they're all doing really well. Which is fantastic news. There are some people who have gone MIA so i don't know.

people aren't replying to my engagements much. I used to have fantastic debates here at length with many people but it seems there's no apatite for it anymore.

couple of posters who stuck out was that witchbitch account? who was complaining about the moderators team. I messaged him but he never replied.

Nov 24, 2023 6:06 PM

Oct 2015
Thing is, in work or university or what have you, you have a lot of excuses to be around someone, and any of those are opportunities for meaningful bonds. In the internet, there's no such driving force making you interact, any interaction you do is of your volition, so it's easy to just drift apart.
Nov 24, 2023 6:44 PM

Aug 2012
Reply to Megatronsmurf
@Order-Sol Funnily enough i went back over the years back to when i first opened an account and though i rarely if ever speak to any of the people here it's good to see they're all doing really well. Which is fantastic news. There are some people who have gone MIA so i don't know.

people aren't replying to my engagements much. I used to have fantastic debates here at length with many people but it seems there's no apatite for it anymore.

couple of posters who stuck out was that witchbitch account? who was complaining about the moderators team. I messaged him but he never replied.
@Megatronsmurf good to know you seen them again. Most of mine are all inactive if not their account just gone now.

No debates anymore. Just dumbass throwing their political and woke bullshit people faces.

Oh that. He got banned here a whole year ago and still crying about it. It's really pathetic wants users Spaceslut, amity blight, ecchilover etc because he hates them lol. He's 40 years old still crying about anime site.
Nov 24, 2023 6:59 PM

Apr 2019
i feel like one cannot exactly "force" friendships with it still feeling natural and worthwhile- be it online or in real life. perhaps branch out to those irl or maybe you haven't found the right people yet.

✧ forum set by coziitsu ✧
Nov 25, 2023 10:43 PM

Aug 2020
Reply to Order-Sol
@Megatronsmurf good to know you seen them again. Most of mine are all inactive if not their account just gone now.

No debates anymore. Just dumbass throwing their political and woke bullshit people faces.

Oh that. He got banned here a whole year ago and still crying about it. It's really pathetic wants users Spaceslut, amity blight, ecchilover etc because he hates them lol. He's 40 years old still crying about anime site.
@Order-Sol ah that make sense, his last post was aimed at Kineta, who I know for a fact is one of the best mods MAL has ever had so getting her pissed of with you is basically his fault. I think the only other mod that was ever that cool was Kanashimi But i think they left years ago.

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