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Nov 12, 2009 3:42 AM

Oct 2009
talkactive & friendly, I'm popluar and rly noticable in ma school 'coz im tall & and everyone notice me and lookin at me everytime. althou i dont have alot of friends but i can see the eyes of the student centered on me.
Nov 12, 2009 3:46 AM

May 2009
one of the famous crowd....but I'm totally emo

I am formerly known as "AnimePrincezz" on MAL, I change my username to "Rinjii", the Japanese name for my real name.
Nov 12, 2009 11:56 AM

Apr 2008
Well, in 6th grade I was a very lonely boy, I had only three friends, and didn't hang out with anyone. Now, two years later everything is changed. I'm still a strange guy, but now I have a lot of friend, I'm hanging out with them and having fun. I' working on some events of my school, like March 15. I changed a lot in 2 year, I'm very happy. =)
Sorry for my bad English, I need some practice. :P
Nov 12, 2009 12:07 PM

Nov 2009
I blended well within the social hierarchy of the school grounds.
I participated in pretty much everything, sports, theatre, cheerleading, and other such things....though overall I think that I was 'known' as a 'nerd'?

I guess in the terms that most thought I was good at school work...though I may have been, I didn't really care about it, I got D's like everyone else. xD
Nov 12, 2009 12:14 PM

Sep 2009
Enigmatica said:
BadLuckTuckxL said:
The loner that has outgoing friends?

New to MyAnimeList, say hello to me! :)
Nov 13, 2009 3:41 PM

Jun 2009
I'm a 10th grader and I'm at the "middle" of the social scale, not pretty enough to be popular but not unnoticeable enough as to be considered invisible. My school has a really strict unspoken hierarchy, which practically everyone hates, but is still there. We are only 50 people per grade, since my school is really small. I don't really know if that's a good or a bad thing. I try to be open and talk to everyone, no matter they are popular, impopular, nerds, geeks or whatever you want to call them.

I'm considered a nerd because I have a really good memory and I get really good grades, especially in the subjects that no one likes like Maths or History. But at the same time, everyone tells me that they are confused by me since I have a healthy and active social life, I go out with my friends every weekend, practice piano, martial arts, watch anime and read manga (everyone knows I'm an otaku), and even then I get good grades.

I once overheard this conversation that a group of guys were having about my group of friends, and there was this boy who said that I was an inaccessible girl. He said he didn't like smart girls, because he liked feeling more superior and intelligent than them (he's a really stupid person), and that I was "too good" and "too intelligent" for any guy. That happened over a year ago, but I still have those words engraved into my brain.
Nov 13, 2009 3:43 PM

May 2008
Psajdak said:
I was bullied by nerds. :(

Just how does that happen?

Nov 13, 2009 4:04 PM

Nov 2009
I fell into the popular group that was generally nice to everyone I talked to.
Nov 14, 2009 4:50 PM

Dec 2007
The local Drug dealer
Nov 14, 2009 5:01 PM

May 2009
Aeiou said:
Sukunai said:
I 'could' have spent my high school years screwing the pick of the best girls in the school.

Largely because my brother was among the elite of the elite and the school's football heroe. He essentially escorted the school's team to their first victory season over the town's other rival school.

But my brother is an exact opposite of me, and I didn't want his spare broads.

So I was what I am, different.
I wasn't interested in being popular. I spent my teens in text books. And as a result, my IQ can stop a MAC truck, even if I don't have fond memories of soiling numerous local teen girls in my youth.

Worry about your connections when you enter the workforce.

I wasn't aware that reading text books increased your IQ.
Considering what a IQ test consists of, why wouldn't you know that?

Don't recommend me something that is still publishing, unless its close to being finished. Don't recommend me anything that isn't licensed.
Nov 14, 2009 5:18 PM

Nov 2009
To be honest, I just started college, so I have a few friends to hang around with.

I think I forgot something...oh nvm here's my deadly laser.
Nov 14, 2009 5:19 PM

Nov 2009
I don't really know.
In the primary school, I was a kind of geek, I guess, then- person who spent half of the school time home.
Now? I do not speak often, but, when I do-everybody listen to me. I have respect. And there's a lot of guys trying to get my attention (so maybe I'm popular).
I have few very good friends.
Nov 14, 2009 5:51 PM

Nov 2008
I'm the kind of person whom people get attached easily so I try to avoid people and some of them think that I'm snobing them, which is a good thing since they can't get closer to me =)
Nov 14, 2009 7:12 PM

Dec 2007
Silent_girl said:
I'm the kind of person whom people get attached easily so I try to avoid people and some of them think that I'm snobing them, which is a good thing since they can't get closer to me =)

Now, why would you want people to not get attached to you? Isn't it a good thing to be loved?
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Nov 14, 2009 7:43 PM

Feb 2008
i dunno, i just blend in i guess... well on second thought..─┐__─┐

i don't really know, im that person that people know can be really fun but just isnt most of the time because he doesn't like school/is going through man period etc.

well some people are afraid to talk to me because im an angry person.
Nov 14, 2009 9:01 PM

Feb 2009
Used to be an extreme introvert. never talked to anyone, never went out, got bullied. But one day i woke up and said "FUCK THIS!" and started talking to people, eventually those people became my friends, i started going out more and i stoped getting bullied.

Here i stand a changed man, but i still cant find a girlfriend ;-;
Nov 15, 2009 1:01 AM

Mar 2009
I talk to whoever, I mean I really don't consider a lot people I talk to at school my best friends they're alright. I guess I'm Avg.
I'm just a chatter bug.
I don't get popularity contest,everyones trying to win,if I like someone I'll get to know them if not what's the point?
Nov 15, 2009 6:52 PM

Oct 2008
I have a pretty awesome standing in my school. I'm very well known for a variety of reasons. Currently, I'm a senior in high school with one hell of a reputation. In freshman year, I took a bet of $10 to lick our auditorium carpet from end to end. I also licked the word "cookies" of a white board in class. I walk around the school occasionally with cat ears and respond to people with meows, really well done meows I might add.

I wear a top hat and carry a cane occasionally, I have a variety of accents, and I'm well acquainted with the captains of all our sports teams. I myself am the president of our school's Anime Club, a captain of the Debate Club, a founding member of the Facial Hair Appreciation Society (You heard me), a founding member of the Astronomy Club, founding member of Ping Pong Club, Editor in Chief of the school newspaper and a founding member of the Book Club.

I'm a nerd, no doubt about it. I have a Star Wars collection and know-how that would make some of the biggest fans blush. I can quote every movie and give an in depth backstory on all the characters off the top of my head.

Narcissism aside, I'm pretty awesome.
Nov 15, 2009 7:59 PM

Dec 2008
Hmmm. Reading all these made me realize something funny. I think that in High School, shy people tend to be picked on. But despite being shy, I was and am never picked on, but I think it's because as a 6'2 Freshman I was pretty intimidating.

Not to mention that the thought of someone trying to bully me made me laugh. Haha, short people. Ha.
free cookie for you!

Check Out Democrats of MAL
Nov 15, 2009 8:37 PM

Aug 2009
I'm known as the quiet girl who gets outstanding grades and works too hard. (I'm not bragging, this is what I'm really known for.) I'm pretty introverted, so people don't approach me too often. I'm only popular as the girl who can help you on the math homework you were too lazy to do. Yet, I do have a bunch of friends and I'm not being bullied so far.
Nov 23, 2009 12:59 AM

Jun 2009
I'm in grade 11 and almost everyone likes me. I have no enemies, though I do hate some people. I just have a close small group of friends.
Nov 23, 2009 1:08 AM
Oct 2009
MaxTehNoob said:
Haha, short people. Ha.
so mean :(

I wasn't necessarily shy in school, more that i couldnt talk to people very well and used to come across as insulting usually. idk what most people thought of me to be honest, spent most of my time in school daydreaming >_>. wasnt often alone, but i tended to be in my own little world even when i was in a group of friends and didnt talk very much, im still like that really.
i had the nick name "mickey"(after mickey mouse lol >_>) all through high school, most people didnt even know my real name, even teachers called me it >_>

although im pretty geeky, i played a lot of sports in school, and i was really good aswel if i do say so myself. used to do long distance running, tennis and i also used to do motocross on weekends, but i dont have a bike any more ;<
eyecutsNov 23, 2009 1:11 AM
Nov 23, 2009 5:26 AM

Oct 2007
In school I was bullied until year 10, when I got contact lenses to replace the glasses.

In 6th form college there's two groups of people: them and us. I'm in the "us" catagory, lol. Strangely enough, there aren't any nerds at college... well, there were, but they left :D also the people not in the social group I'm in are very similar to me and my friends; in fact, the only reason why we don't mix with them is because in the lower years we didn't get on. So basically, in my college we're all equal but stupid :D
Nov 23, 2009 12:46 PM
Oct 2009
I was bullied all threw my life and had very little friends. Now I'm in college so I'm left alone most of the time.
Nov 23, 2009 2:34 PM

Jul 2009
Ive been that quiet guy in the back that most people just leave alone but also don't mind ;) If I don't have any friends in a particular class I just chill and read. Nobody dislikes me, they just leave me to my own.
Also there are 1200 students at my school, two of which are asian. I'm one. I think that might play into it a little bit >.>
rificNov 23, 2009 2:38 PM
Nov 23, 2009 6:43 PM
Nov 2009
For most of my earlier school years, I was just "there." No one bothered me, and I didn't bother them. My group of friends was small but closely tied. Then, life as I knew it changed when I moved to another state in the spring of my 4th grade year. I began 5th with no friends, and no idea what to expect; the only good parts of the transition were that I was away from my father, and that the school was hundreds of students smaller than my old one. But once again, I was the one that no one agitated; I did make quite a few good friends, many of which I still socialize with to this day. When my school closed and I left for 8th grade, I was scared. But the students there were some of the most polite and accepting group I have ever me, which is probably what made it one of the best years of my school career. My freshman year of high school was okay, but I was continuously stressed out. Now in my sophomore year, I'm doing great. You could ask anyone on campus and most would know my name; I've opened up a bit more, made lots of friends, and I'm proud of my grades so far.

So you could say a lot has changed about me. I'm still the short, gentle yet cynical guy I was years ago.
Nov 23, 2009 6:58 PM
Oct 2009
Last year in my comm arts class I was very quiet and only talked to 1 or 3 people because most of the people were like popular and all that and I never was and somehow it just seemed like I didn't fit it in the class, and at least 3 I didn't really like because they were the type of people who think they are al that.
in my rest of my classes im pretty talkative in my old school I was talkative and I would say pretty popular we didn't have the popular catorgory nobody cared about that but I knew everyone in my grade and mostly everyone in the grade behind me, and got along with everyone so if you count that as popular then I guess I was.
Then I moved to a public school and started hanging out with people that were not popular but very nice, and as the years went by I got more quiet, im not total geek unpopular or anything like that but I just feel I was pretty known in my private school but then as I got into my public school district since there was more people my status went down a little bit.
I wouldn't consider myself on the bottom of the list but not anywere near the top I would maybe say around the middle.

But I make friends easily in school I remember when I was in 5th grade I had a big group of friends and we have to take up 3 tables a whole row of tables next to eachother and we would talk over tables, eventully no one else would sit at those tables because at at that school you find a table and sort of sit at it the rest of the year and people will began to be like oh they normally sit there its their spot and that kind of stuff.
Nov 23, 2009 8:33 PM
Oct 2009
FadingGray said:
papapapuffy said:
I was bullied all threw my life and had very little friends. Now I'm in college so I'm left alone most of the time.

unfortunately some people are too narrow-mindedness and not capable of understanding other people. Don’t bother about them they not worth Your concern!! I’m sure there are lot of people who would like to spend time with You :D

Thanks but it is I who doesn’t want to be with them.

I actually have one friend in RL -who hates anime when the rest of ’my friends’ love it- the others “buddies” don't talk to me at all period. I thought internet friends would be better but I seem to care for them more so it pissed me off when they don't talk to me. I was always the one to try and start a conversation.
I never thought that it was to much to ask for a message once a week. The only time I'm even on MAL is when I'm in a computer class.

I remember all those bullies perfectly, they were your “popular people” It's horribly sad when you have gone thought this all your life and nothing has change even when you move to a different state.

I was called names by my own neighbor. 2nd or 3rd grade I use to wear jeans a lot and I had a blue jacket so I would get call blueberry a lot and I hated it. That time I had one friend she was in high school (so I looked up at her) as well as her friend who started calling me that.

One day that girl got stuck in a tree so I went over to her to help her. She slapped my hand away and scream "I don't need help from a blueberry." I look over at my "friend" who didn't help me at all. She shrugged her shoulder and turned away.

I was the 5 or 6th grade I was attack because I didn't celebrate Xmas. "Here comes the fat Jewish girl." When ever I would try to get close to someone I was made fun of dating them.

Then in high school let's not forget about the idiots that go up to you and say. "My friends in love with you will you date them?"

Once I donated money for an animal shelter instead of a shelter for children. I got a strange looks from those santa clause. Their booths were sitting across from each other.

Sorry I ranted.
Nov 23, 2009 11:06 PM

Apr 2009
I always got the best scores of the entire grade in math and did fairly well in most other subjects, so I was always the 'geek' of the class, but I was also always the tallest guy in my class with a propensity towards violence so, while I never bothered anybody else, the fact that I'd throw somebody across the room just for a light insult made me also the 'bully', in a sense.

That meant I was never a part of the so-called 'social ladder' to begin with. Most of my friends were of the 'lower caste' of geeks and other intellectually-able people, but I was feared far too much by the 'upper caste' to ever be picked on (more than once, at least. People needed to be reminded once in a while why I was feared after all).
No problem is insoluble in all conceivable circumstances.
Nov 24, 2009 2:40 AM
Sep 2009
Well, our class is basically split in 3 groups. The 'normal girls' (average peepz), the 'cool gang' and 'Nat and Tina', the class loners.

i'm normal. yay

Nov 24, 2009 2:45 AM

Sep 2008
The student most likely to shoot up the place. Probably...
Nov 24, 2009 2:46 AM
Sep 2009
Novaangle18 said:
The student most likely to shoot up the place. Probably...


Nov 24, 2009 11:53 AM

Jun 2009
i was popular, but not popular.
everybody knew who i was, and i was friends with a lot of people, but i knew who my true friends were.
Nov 24, 2009 12:09 PM

Feb 2009
cheriipai said:
i was popular, but not popular.
everybody knew who i was, and i was friends with a lot of people, but i knew who my true friends were.

Nov 27, 2009 1:18 PM

Oct 2009
I'm not that popular but i don't consider myself a completely unpopular kid. I think i'm pretty average with my popularity status. I do have lots of friends in school. No one in school knows i like anime and i don't even talk to the kids in my school that like anime so that keeps me from being grouped into the unpopular category

some kids especially the popular crowd consider me a loner only cuz i don't talk to them. This one popular guy in my science class even thought i was like depressed or something. I dropped my books by accident in the hall way and he was like everything going to be okay and i was like WTF(That was awkward)!!!
BleakBurstDec 1, 2009 2:35 PM
Dec 5, 2009 3:16 AM

Nov 2009
im the normal good guy but not so good guy either i'm popular but i'm not the not so popular too. im quite the funny average person. smart but not so smart. but i could be the sinister kid i want to LOL XD
Dec 5, 2009 3:49 AM

Aug 2009
7th 8th grade - gamefreak phase- prety much an outcast, only 2 closest friends
9th grade - social freak - I was more outgoing that year, because there was a girl involved ^^
10th 11th grade - anime/gamefreak - outcast again, a fair few more friends, but much more people that I hate
12th grade - total outcast - I think I suffered from depression this year because I didn't spend more time with my friends...and school was getting horrible
now(still 12 grade) - "whocares?" phase - still introvert, but happy nonetheless

btw, I was always the "smart but lazy" type, good to see that there are more ppl like me at MAL =)
Dec 5, 2009 5:03 AM

Aug 2009
Hmm... I don't really know
I'm not overly-popular - there are a lot of people that don't like me.
But there are also a lot of people that like me, I have a band of about 8 close friends and 7 more that I hang around with regularly. Then I have about 10-20 people I'll talk to if I see them and don't mind working with in class.
Me and my friends all like different things so I'm not part of an anime group or anything. A few of them read manga but we've all got pretty different interests, different music tastes, everything, but we all still get along really well.

We're all pretty smart, since we go to a grammar school. A few of us work really, really hard to keep our grades up, but I'm a smart but lazy type. I just can't be bothered to put in extra work, I know I probably should, but, at the moment, my grades are good as they are.
Dec 5, 2009 5:46 AM

Sep 2009
I was the shy quiet girl.

I got good grades but didn't talk to many people.
Dec 5, 2009 8:03 AM

Apr 2009
I have to admit that I cared a little too much for my social status when I was in school, thus paying less attention to my grades (though they weren't bad) and respect for others. I wanted everyone to like me so I had to use different personalities. I was fat back then, so I had to be extremely nice to the girls. I had to be really funny for the guys. And a lot of times I would destroy/vandalize anything I could. I really regret doing what I did back in high school, and it was all so people would like me.

I am a completely different person now though, and am glad to be.
Dec 5, 2009 11:44 AM

Jun 2009
I was the tall quiet guy -- Mainly i was reading books in the back of the class for most of middle/high school, didn't really care about my education.. but never got any failing grades somehow as i tried "just enough". Had a small group of friends but i wouldn't call them close friends at that point. I guess i was a bit of a outcast. I knew of 3 girls who had a crush on me, even though i never had much confidence in my looks. But i never really had much interest in romance at that point, never hooked up with any of them. I'm not gay though :P
Dec 5, 2009 1:21 PM

Feb 2009
I probably was the quiet guy in the corner behind his laptop downloading anime :)
Dec 5, 2009 5:42 PM

Dec 2007
Looking back, there were at least four girls I definitely could've banged but didn't, still regret that.

Dec 5, 2009 11:29 PM

Jan 2009
That kid who has weed and hangs out with all the pot heads lol.
Dec 6, 2009 1:37 AM

Aug 2009
a somewhat antisocial and hikikomori guy who knows a lot of ppl but has very few close frens.(<5) :P
We are the United. Even in defeat we stand united.

Dec 6, 2009 6:20 PM

Oct 2007
never really had social class divisions at my high school.
but if i remember correctly... i was one of the

"cool asians" (going by classifications a la Mean Girls). i was awesome at math, and only really talked to other asians.
Dec 6, 2009 6:22 PM

Oct 2009
ZumoKa said:
cheriipai said:
i was popular, but not popular.
everybody knew who i was, and i was friends with a lot of people, but i knew who my true friends were.

" ... carpenters fashion wood; wise people fashion themselves" - Buddhism
Dec 7, 2009 5:54 AM

Jan 2009
I had my circle of friends, i was known as the funny guy but also very nerdy and looked down on by the more popular people. Eventually i was respected by nearly all of my peers because they all knew me and liked my humor and sketching skills.
Dec 7, 2009 12:19 PM

Nov 2008
I was a popular geek.

Yeah, oxymoron right? But myself and a bunch of my friends, who were also geeks, were friends with bunches of people, so we were all fairly popular.
Dec 7, 2009 12:46 PM

Dec 2009
...yeah i was definitely the funny smrt guy, nothings changed in college, still the funny smrt guy
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