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So I'm a Spider, So What? (light novel)
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Apr 16, 2021 1:37 PM

Jun 2015
The plot thickens! I like how MC rescued what appeared to be a reincarnated vampire baby without knowing it and then the cut away scene to where all the elves were dead. That was some sweet low key story telling right there!
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Apr 16, 2021 1:38 PM

Apr 2018
Damn what pickle they are in after the rebellion, meanwhile Kumiko strolls around the country side killing people xD
Apr 16, 2021 1:48 PM
Jan 2021
*When the studio put all their skillpoints to their 3D animation skill and forgot about leveling up 2D animation*
Apr 16, 2021 2:16 PM
Jul 2018
another really nice episode, lots of stuff going on at the human side and interesting "sophia" character who kumoko saved, can't wait to see more of kumoko's adventures and (hopefully) her arachne form soon!
Apr 16, 2021 2:28 PM
Dec 2020
is it just me or was the animation really lame this episode? underwhelming and boring :/
Apr 16, 2021 2:28 PM

May 2018
What was the purpose of Sue yelling out to pin the murder on Shun if everyone was either already brainwashed or in on it to begin with? Could have just killed the king and told the others to come in.
Apr 16, 2021 2:32 PM
Apr 2020
This episode felt really messy to me? It seemed really rushed and disjointed, the editing was all over the place and it felt sloppy and hard to keep track of exactly what was going on, not to mention the massive drop in overall animation quality.
Apr 16, 2021 2:33 PM
Dec 2010
Floor disappointment. How angry with this series. This idiot director has not yet destroyed the entire rate of narrative of its slideshow and still cut out a lot of key moments. Seriously you have already screw up Alala setup, but there was literally the most important scene on behalf of Katya where she is trying on with his feelings and parallel minds and takes his new essence, overcome hypnosis. And all this was filmed in one curve understage.

Why didn't he be fired after Berserk 2016? Seriously, this director is lack of talent, why does he still find a job?
FairisApr 16, 2021 2:39 PM
Apr 16, 2021 2:40 PM
Aug 2017
The episode director smoked something really bad.
Literraly skipped frames, zoomed tf out of pretty much any scene with motion. What is going on in this episode?
Such a climatic moment, for the story on the humans side, with that bs direction.

When the story was in the dungeon, i let it pass a lot of the confusion, because it's a ducking cave, but now we are in the open world, there's no excusion anymore

Apr 16, 2021 2:40 PM

Oct 2017
Donphan-senpai said:
MegamiRem said:
Schlain's side of the story became a complete mess in just one episode. Guess Schlain's party will join Kumoko now. Also it's confirmed now that the Demon Lord is also a reincarnate.

why would they join her now I don't know if you noticed but Schlain and Kumoko's story are 15 years apart and we don't even know where she is or if she is even still alive?
Ye man I absolutely didn't know that the story was apart lol, thnx for letting me know.

Yes she can be by all means dead by now but my assumption is based on she's still alive and well. Now why Schlain would join her, well they are both reincarnates so it won't be surprising if they join hands after knowing that. Fei is also a monster/earth drag but that didn't stop him from being friends. Anyway this is just a mere speculation, I wrote I guess at the end incase u didn't notice.
Apr 16, 2021 3:07 PM
May 2014
it went from mp4 to ppt real quick
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Apr 16, 2021 3:09 PM
Apr 2020
SquirrelKawaii said:
Anyone else not interested in the human characters in the slighest?

Also what was with the animations in this episode, it was so terrible. I gave it a 2 simply because of the spider scenes.

Everything else gets a ZERO

Yeah, it shows a good progress but it didn't impressed me, it doesn't deserve half of the screen time, the kumoko story shoulda be longer

Apr 16, 2021 3:15 PM

Jun 2016
It's only an hypothesis but it seems that Oka-chan sensei and the other elves in the past tried to kidnap all the reincarnated students of the "monster/demon side" to take them in custody and maybe even try to kill them (if taking them wasn't possible)... Sophia really hate her.
Oka-san even lied about Kumoko being dead when Schlain, Fei and Katia asked about her.

Maybe this is the first episode that tries to instill some sympathy towards the Schlain side or the nominal "good" side but I think that there isn't a real "good" and "evil" side (as in many other japanese novels), there's not a clear polarization of "values", every side has shit and good people and everyone has their own reasons.

Franz_FurantsuApr 16, 2021 3:19 PM
Apr 16, 2021 3:38 PM
Oct 2017
I dont like how they keep switching between the hero and the spidey. I just want to keep my focus on the adventures of spider and her 3 minds. Now whenever they switch to hero all i know is the hero and the dragon girl, all the other names are just blur. confusion
Apr 16, 2021 3:47 PM
Sep 2016
Well, the Kumo side was nice. The baby bloodsucker finally appeared, they skipped Mama Keren thanking Kumoko though, that was kinda important for later developments, but i guess they can do without that.

As for the human side... It was awful. The animation was garbage tier and it was very rushed. The Katia scene didnt explain shit. For anime only people, she resisted the brainwashing cause her mind was kinda divided in two sides (the male Kanata and the female Katia), but at the end of things the Kanata side disappears and she accepts herself as a woman.

All in all, what happens in the human side is interesting but the animation can fuck that, so hopefully this was a one time thing.

Swagernator said:
billybub said:

I mean, the anime is simply following the LN. The problem here is freaking opening, which spoils everything. In the LN, at this point it still wasnt clear who Kumoko was.
Apr 16, 2021 3:47 PM
Feb 2018
Haha mal ppl is always so sensitive about animation

Wow sophia the little girl has the big oppai now
I love her
Apr 16, 2021 3:53 PM

Apr 2017
Why is it this anime manage to put up good 3D fights like Kumoko vs Araba but at the same time they managed to release garbage 2D animation and messy shit like human vs Earthwyrm and this episode???

Apr 16, 2021 4:06 PM
Dec 2017
Nysyir said:
What was the purpose of Sue yelling out to pin the murder on Shun if everyone was either already brainwashed or in on it to begin with? Could have just killed the king and told the others to come in.

You know that only Hugo and Cylis knew about this, right? Cylis' "soldiers" were the ones that guard the king office.
Apr 16, 2021 4:07 PM
Dec 2017
Fairis said:
Floor disappointment. How angry with this series. This idiot director has not yet destroyed the entire rate of narrative of its slideshow and still cut out a lot of key moments. Seriously you have already screw up Alala setup, but there was literally the most important scene on behalf of Katya where she is trying on with his feelings and parallel minds and takes his new essence, overcome hypnosis. And all this was filmed in one curve understage.

Why didn't he be fired after Berserk 2016? Seriously, this director is lack of talent, why does he still find a job?

This has literally nothing to do with the director.
Most of the non-spider scenes were outsourced to Korea or China
Ep 14 animation director: Hwang Mijeong、Park Hyeran、Lee Jeong gwon

Ep 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 11 and 12 animation director: Tomohiro Yoshida

ep 8 animation director: Hiromi Kimura

ep 9: Tomohiro Yoshida and Noriko Hatta

ep 10: Hiromi Kimura, Tomohiro Yoshida and Noriko Hatta

Apr 16, 2021 4:14 PM
Dec 2017
Xystus said:
Why is it this anime manage to put up good 3D fights like Kumoko vs Araba but at the same time they managed to release garbage 2D animation and messy shit like human vs Earthwyrm and this episode???

2 different teams.
Spider side is made by Studio ENGI and Studio exsa. Meanwhile, Shun side is made by Milipeense.

In fact, it's really easy to see when the 3D team make something for Shun side.
This is the model for the soldiers that are supposed to be background.

Look how good it looks for what should be a background character.
Apr 16, 2021 5:06 PM
Sep 2016
Question for the novel readers:
Did the humans really get that much focus in the novels?
Manga was purely the spider with some flashes of the demon king at most.

If the human story was added only in the anime, I truly dislike the anime. The story of the spider is now only comedic relief. In this Episode (14) she only got 6:43 minutes of screen time where she just sliced and looked at the bandits, then debated why she was a spider and the baby an already beutiful strong vampire.

Really, why did Millepensee do that? They shouldn't go in the monster charater domain and stick with an angry dude and airhead girls.
Apr 16, 2021 5:17 PM

Jan 2020
God_with_a_Plot said:
Question for the novel readers:
Did the humans really get that much focus in the novels?
Manga was purely the spider with some flashes of the demon king at most.

If the human story was added only in the anime, I truly dislike the anime. The story of the spider is now only comedic relief. In this Episode (14) she only got 6:43 minutes of screen time where she just sliced and looked at the bandits, then debated why she was a spider and the baby an already beutiful strong vampire.

Really, why did Millepensee do that? They shouldn't go in the monster charater domain and stick with an angry dude and airhead girls.

i am not LN reader but i know for a fact, that the anime completely follows the LN, they certainly dont add anything, only skip some stuffs.
Just like every other LN adaptations
Apr 16, 2021 5:20 PM

Mar 2016
God_with_a_Plot said:
Question for the novel readers:
Did the humans really get that much focus in the novels?
Manga was purely the spider with some flashes of the demon king at most.

If the human story was added only in the anime, I truly dislike the anime. The story of the spider is now only comedic relief. In this Episode (14) she only got 6:43 minutes of screen time where she just sliced and looked at the bandits, then debated why she was a spider and the baby an already beutiful strong vampire.

Really, why did Millepensee do that? They shouldn't go in the monster charater domain and stick with an angry dude and airhead girls.
humans took up half the chapters in each novel. the main problem here is that their story has been extremely rushed, so all the human characters are relatively flat compared to their novel counterparts
"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.
I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".
"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."
Apr 16, 2021 5:23 PM
Dec 2017
God_with_a_Plot said:
Question for the novel readers:
Did the humans really get that much focus in the novels?
Manga was purely the spider with some flashes of the demon king at most.

If the human story was added only in the anime, I truly dislike the anime. The story of the spider is now only comedic relief. In this Episode (14) she only got 6:43 minutes of screen time where she just sliced and looked at the bandits, then debated why she was a spider and the baby an already beutiful strong vampire.

Really, why did Millepensee do that? They shouldn't go in the monster charater domain and stick with an angry dude and airhead girls.

The novel is 50/50 in the relation Kumo-Human.
In the novel the human chapters work as stop points between Kumo's infinite session of grinding and in the novel we get way more background of even small characters that make the human story more enjoyable.

Like, in the novel we get to see that the king is a really kind person and really loves his children but at the same time has the responsability to serve his people. He really laments not being able to spend more time with his children, specially Shun and Sue 'cuz he know that he really neglected them in their first years.
We get to see how broken he got with Julius dead (character who also has more screentime in the novel) and decides that he doesn't want to lose another son. This is when he comes to the idea of declare Shun as the new heir to keep him away from the battlefield.
Apr 16, 2021 5:41 PM

Apr 2015
Best part of the episode was the transition of Kumoko's POV and the Human POV when Kumoko protected the carriage. Switching between the two of them made some great comedy.

That animation nose dived massively in the second half... what the hell.

Despite the Animation being terrible, the story got a lot more interesting. Kumoko saving a vampire baby, not once but twice from the humans/elves trying to kill/capture it and now it joined the Demon Lord's army.

So that also confirmes that there's still a big time gap between the events of Kumoko and the Hero. I wonder when they will connect
Apr 16, 2021 5:44 PM

Jul 2008
Wow....this has to be one of the worse episodes of an anime I've seen in a long time. Animation was terrible. Felt like they just tried fitting a few episodes worth of story into one.

They have to a lot to make up for going forward.
Apr 16, 2021 5:53 PM

Nov 2015
This episode was okay from a narrative standpoint, but from an animation standpoint? Oof. This was just awful.

The animation starting from when Shun's father dies onwards is just laughably bad, and it doesn't help that the way they frame 90% of the scenes with human characters makes it visually messy. The sound design was also subpar during the action and outside scenes jumping around the actual character animations were stiff and lazy.

I was already struggling to stick with this anime and now the animation takes a nose dive? Not good.
Apr 16, 2021 5:54 PM

Nov 2017
Who cares if the animation was crap this time,we got to see Kumoko saving some humans and a vampire baby from some bandits in typical KumoStyle,lots of blood,lots of comedy,lots of Kumoko insanity! - And also -"go go Spider Rangers!"
As for the human side of things,oh well,the hero got tricked(as usual),the king got dead(as usual),the demon lord schemed(as usual),and then they got saved by Fei,who woke up in evolved state,and looked totally awesome.
Out of all that,aside from Kumoko,I came away with "damn,Fei looks cuter" :)
Apr 16, 2021 5:54 PM
Dec 2017

2 different teams.

Spider part looked fine because it's made by a whole different studio. Studio exsa and Studio ENGI makes everything that involve Kumoko.

Shun side is supposedly made Milepeense 'cuz this episodes human part was outsourced. Milepeense only made Sue killing the king and part of the battle inside the office. Everything else was made by Chinese/Koreans.

2D humans made by Spider Team (exsa and ENGI)

2D humans made by Human team (Milipeense but mostly CHinese and Korean in this episode)
linkhuesitosApr 16, 2021 5:58 PM
Apr 16, 2021 6:11 PM

Dec 2016
So we finally are getting power-point levels of animation ...
As well as that, the draws were really weird at some points
Apr 16, 2021 6:20 PM

Oct 2008
oh god! everything happening too fast!
meanwhile, Kumoko having some tantrums because that other reincarnate was a vampire and Kumoko is just a overpowered KUMO! lolz

Apr 16, 2021 6:34 PM
Dec 2017
matias067 said:
oh god! everything happening too fast!
meanwhile, Kumoko having some tantrums because that other reincarnate was a vampire and Kumoko is just a overpowered KUMO! lolz

I find funny how some people say that the human scenes rushed hard, they're forgetting that even in the novel all those parts happen in the same day.
Apr 16, 2021 6:42 PM

Jan 2011
simply terrible i dont even think the content that was happening was all that bad it kinda just went from 0-100 but it was so hard to focus with how awful this looked which at points were more funny than the comedy bits.

vampire girl is hot but she seems to be a baddie D:
Apr 16, 2021 6:53 PM
Jan 2019
so the spider that saved the baby is the demon lord?
Apr 16, 2021 7:01 PM

Aug 2018
That was pretty good, Kumoko never fails to delight with her various adventures.

I wonder about the morality of elves in this series. Slaughtering a family in order to grab a baby seems pretty radical to me.
Apr 16, 2021 7:02 PM
Oct 2019
Uhm... I'm sorry but.. why is EVERYONE talking about how bad the animation for the humans was, when it's the lesser problem in the whole episode?

Are we ignoring the fact that the Kumoko part was LITERALLY taken from 1 volume ahead of where episode 13 ended, creating SEVERAL MAJOR PLOT HOLES that will interfere with the adaptation of volume 5 into anime, and (given a second season) will create bigger problems for the story, going to possibly ruin the volume 6 finale?

Or how abysmal the Katia scene was adapted?

Or how there are countless of error of who is where? (Like Sophia's dad being in the carriage with his wife, or Anna appearing from near of the king's room? Or Leston being going with them, getting on Fei and flying away?)

Like.. guys.. If you wanna talk about something bad, talk about the ACTUAL bad in this episode: The adaptation.
Apr 16, 2021 7:05 PM
Apr 2021
Man why is the CGI so bad its just bad its looks like a disaster.
Apr 16, 2021 7:28 PM
Sep 2020
Glordit said:
The animation quality took a huge nose dive in this episode?
kumoku scenes were improved and humans detiorated but does it matter cause who gaf abt Hans anyway
Apr 16, 2021 7:55 PM

Dec 2018
I was laughing at how they transitioned from Kumoko from the humans’ pov to the cute Kumoko we see her as lol, and I’m really enjoying the human plot, lots of stuff happened, new character Sophia introduced as well, but as everyone else is mentioning I did notice the animation drop a decent bit this episode. It didn’t really hurt it for me but it was noticeable.

Also one thing I didn’t like was the scene where Schlain was trying snap Katia out of the brainwashing, for some reason it felt awkward as hell lol.
TheColonel76Apr 16, 2021 8:00 PM
Apr 16, 2021 8:07 PM
Jan 2021
TheColonel76 said:

Also one thing I didn’t like was the scene where Schlain was trying snap Katia out of the brainwashing, for some reason it felt awkward as hell lol.

There is actually a reason for that, and it will be a significant plot point.
Apr 16, 2021 8:16 PM

Dec 2018
Abredon said:
TheColonel76 said:

Also one thing I didn’t like was the scene where Schlain was trying snap Katia out of the brainwashing, for some reason it felt awkward as hell lol.

There is actually a reason for that, and it will be a significant plot point.

Understandable, although I feel like it was also partly due to how they portrayed the scene, but good to know anyway.
Apr 16, 2021 8:24 PM

Nov 2011
The animation honestly couldn't have been much worse if it tried. Even the sound design was terrible for this episode. It's like watching someone swipe through picture after picture but they never show what's actually happening until after it's already done. If everything wasn't so janky the episode would have been fine. If they don't have a decent animation budget, just stick to the spider segments since those were good lmao
Born to Live, Laugh, Love. Forced to Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss.

Do not perceive me I do not care
Apr 16, 2021 8:24 PM
Dec 2017
Keitasky said:
Uhm... I'm sorry but.. why is EVERYONE talking about how bad the animation for the humans was, when it's the lesser problem in the whole episode?

Are we ignoring the fact that the Kumoko part was LITERALLY taken from 1 volume ahead of where episode 13 ended, creating SEVERAL MAJOR PLOT HOLES that will interfere with the adaptation of volume 5 into anime, and (given a second season) will create bigger problems for the story, going to possibly ruin the volume 6 finale?

Because there's nothing wrong.
This is following the Web Novel order of events.
In the WN

Or how there are countless of error of who is where? (Like Sophia's dad being in the carriage with his wife, or Anna appearing from near of the king's room? Or Leston being going with them, getting on Fei and flying away?)

And yes, they fucked Katias scene.
I was eagerly expecting the Princess Carry but oh well this happens sometimes.
Apr 16, 2021 8:30 PM
Dec 2017
darren99 said:
Man why is the CGI so bad its just bad its looks like a disaster.

da fuck!
The human part was pure 2D aside from the weird soldier group moving to the side and Fei which all of us already expected to be CG 'cuz she's now a fucking huge dragon.

All the fucked up animation in Shun side was fault of the 2D team not the CG. The 2D team was the one that ran out of time because they needed to fix the wrong scenes they put on the OP.
Spider side is entirely made by another 2 studio that have nothing to do with the Human side which is why the human character in the Spider side looked good meanwhile the ones on the student side didn't.

Spider side humans

Student side humans

So stop with that nonsense
Apr 16, 2021 8:34 PM
Dec 2017
MakaS0ul said:
The animation honestly couldn't have been much worse if it tried. Even the sound design was terrible for this episode. It's like watching someone swipe through picture after picture but they never show what's actually happening until after it's already done. If everything wasn't so janky the episode would have been fine. If they don't have a decent animation budget, just stick to the spider segments since those were good lmao

The 2D team ran out of time and ended outsourcing part of the episode to some Chinese or Korean company.

This is literally the only episode that has non Japanese staff credited.
Apr 16, 2021 8:36 PM

Nov 2011
linkhuesitos said:
MakaS0ul said:
The animation honestly couldn't have been much worse if it tried. Even the sound design was terrible for this episode. It's like watching someone swipe through picture after picture but they never show what's actually happening until after it's already done. If everything wasn't so janky the episode would have been fine. If they don't have a decent animation budget, just stick to the spider segments since those were good lmao

The 2D team ran out of time and ended outsourcing part of the episode to some Chinese or Korean company.

This is literally the only episode that has non Japanese staff credited.

Well rip I guess lmao
Born to Live, Laugh, Love. Forced to Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss.

Do not perceive me I do not care
Apr 16, 2021 8:41 PM
Dec 2017
MakaS0ul said:
linkhuesitos said:

This is literally the only episode that has non Japanese staff credited.

Well rip I guess lmao

Also, something that forgot to mention on the last comment was that outsourcing isn't sing of low budget, it's sign of time constrain.
Outsourcing is actually more expensive than just doing a bad job by yourself.

Also, it seems that they ran out of time because they also need to do some changes in the OP.
Apr 16, 2021 8:43 PM

Jan 2020
I actually liked this episode quite a bit. I thought the fights were pretty good and overall, the second cour has potential to be better than the first one for me

Apr 16, 2021 8:46 PM

Nov 2018
The longer it goes, the less I like the human side of the story...I wish it didn't take up so much of the ep; I'd much rather see Kumoko talking to herself for most of the ep.
Apr 16, 2021 8:47 PM
Dec 2017
ManWild said:
I actually liked this episode quite a bit. I thought the fights were pretty good and overall, the second cour has potential to be better than the first one for me

Right now we're on the negation phase.
The hate is focused on the animation and they're ignoring the whole plot of the episode.

And the fact that Kumo is now a comfirmed Human and Spider cannibal.
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