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Do you try to rate "objectively" and what do you think of people who rate "objectively"?

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Mar 30, 2021 6:41 AM
Jan 2020
I do but at the same time I don't. Because something as bad as redo a healer I'm enjoying the anime but will probably give it a 4-5 rating. I like to take a lot of things into account when rating an anime. (pacing, writing, animation, overall enjoyment etc)
Mar 30, 2021 6:42 AM
Jan 2020
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
I don't see how you could rate art "objectively". At best, I could think about what other people might like about this anime, but that's not something that affects my personal experience and my rating.
I think my list should tell something about me and what I personally like anyway.
I believe that it's possible to like at any form of art without bias
Mar 30, 2021 6:46 AM

Dec 2020
I feel like the concept of "rating something objectively" is an oxymoron. I think anyone who would tell you they only rate things objectively is either somehow able to sever all their emotions at will, or is so self absorbed that they believe their own opinions to be facts.
Mar 30, 2021 6:48 AM
Jul 2018
HeyBroken said:
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
I don't see how you could rate art "objectively". At best, I could think about what other people might like about this anime, but that's not something that affects my personal experience and my rating.
I think my list should tell something about me and what I personally like anyway.
I believe that it's possible to like at any form of art without bias

How? Even if you judge characters by how well they are developed, you will get a dozen of different answers, because you can't look at people without personal bias. First you have to turn in a robot to do that.
If you wanna judge a story or setting how well-developed it is, you can do the same.
Art isn't there to be judged objectively. It's not natural science, therefore it must be subjective.
Mar 30, 2021 6:54 AM

Aug 2018
I think they should objectively try to get some bitches
IEatAnimeAssMar 30, 2021 6:57 AM
Mar 30, 2021 6:55 AM
Jan 2020
_Maneki-Neko_ said:
HeyBroken said:
I believe that it's possible to like at any form of art without bias

How? Even if you judge characters by how well they are developed, you will get a dozen of different answers, because you can't look at people without personal bias. First you have to turn in a robot to do that.
If you wanna judge a story or setting how well-developed it is, you can do the same.
Art isn't there to be judged objectively. It's not natural science, therefore it must be subjective.
I agree with you. But i still think it's possible. Y'know?
Mar 30, 2021 7:24 AM

Jul 2019
No, I don't try to because trying to rate art (the enjoyment and opinion of quality of which is ALWAYS relative to one's own preference and no other factor unless they wanna offend or please someone) under some sort of "objective" lens sounds genuinely foolish to me. Like, who exactly would define this "objective" basis of rating. Why does one person get to decide what my criteria for enjoyment should be anyways? And as for what I think of them, I think they're either insecure and trying to validate their rating and taste by veiling it under a false notion of objectivity, or their head is so far up their ass it's come out the other side in the form of a quantum monstrosity.
Mar 30, 2021 7:32 AM

Apr 2020
iunne said:
Yes, I do try and rate "objectively" - but wait a bit and let me explain.

Before you try and tell me "objectivity" is impossible with art or whatever - no need to continue, I already agree with that when using the standard definition of "objective." But in this context, by "objective" I don't mean something that everyone will have the same opinion on, but something that I am taking into consideration outside of my own personal feelings or interests. "Objectivity" here is removal of my personal (subjective) tastes.
What is that "something" you take into consideration? Like what do you believe you can look at without any bias? I assume you mean the criteria you have chosen, which is all subjective. And even then, for you to be able to apply it to art objectively, would require you to be able to look at a piece of art objectively. Both impossible, so you rate subjectively. Unless you believe your thoughts to be truth, even overriding the visions of the creators.
Mar 30, 2021 7:40 AM

Apr 2019
Kaasfondue said:
iunne said:
Yes, I do try and rate "objectively" - but wait a bit and let me explain.

Before you try and tell me "objectivity" is impossible with art or whatever - no need to continue, I already agree with that when using the standard definition of "objective." But in this context, by "objective" I don't mean something that everyone will have the same opinion on, but something that I am taking into consideration outside of my own personal feelings or interests. "Objectivity" here is removal of my personal (subjective) tastes.
What is that "something" you take into consideration? Like what do you believe you can look at without any bias? I assume you mean the criteria you have chosen, which is all subjective. And even then, for you to be able to apply it to art objectively, would require you to be able to look at a piece of art objectively. Both impossible, so you rate subjectively. Unless you believe your thoughts to be truth, even overriding the visions of the creators.
I'll add a third point: weights. Assuming you (a) have picked criteria and (b) can look without bias , there's still (c) how important the criteria from (a) are for you. No two beholders will put the same weights on their criteria, even if they pick the same. This is a major source of subjectivity. An extreme example would be a deaf person, who can enjoy anime with subtitles nevertheless. Their weight on sound design will be zero, for example.

Mar 30, 2021 8:07 AM

Apr 2020
inim said:
Kaasfondue said:
What is that "something" you take into consideration? Like what do you believe you can look at without any bias? I assume you mean the criteria you have chosen, which is all subjective. And even then, for you to be able to apply it to art objectively, would require you to be able to look at a piece of art objectively. Both impossible, so you rate subjectively. Unless you believe your thoughts to be truth, even overriding the visions of the creators.
I'll add a third point: weights. Assuming you (a) have picked criteria and (b) can look without bias , there's still (c) how important the criteria from (a) are for you. No two beholders will put the same weights on their criteria, even if they pick the same. This is a major source of subjectivity. An extreme example would be a deaf person, who can enjoy anime with subtitles nevertheless. Their weight on sound design will be zero, for example.
Indeed. The only argument left is to say you believe to be the only who is being objective. Which goes against what objectivism even is. That would literally be saying you are God or are trying to be, which is just unnecsessary.

People should just say they believe to be critical and leave it at that.
Mar 30, 2021 8:10 AM
Sep 2017
Hrybami said:

You realize there's no objective standard to grammar right? Those are just arbitrary rules written by a bunch of dudes in a office. The grammar didn't originate from the nature. When you apply some arbitrary rules, that doesn't make your judgement objective just because you're relying on a guideline.

By that logic I can argue, that the word "objective" doesn't mean what you claim it does because it's some arbitrary definition given by someone to a random assortment of shapes. This then in turn apply to all written and also to spoken language if you replace shapes with sounds. I get what you are saying from a theoretical perspective, but from a practical one it doesn't make any sense. If you don't see conventions as objective, then there's no point to any type of conversation as nothing will ever be agreed upon.
Mar 30, 2021 8:20 AM

Jun 2014
Kaasfondue said:
iunne said:
Yes, I do try and rate "objectively" - but wait a bit and let me explain.

Before you try and tell me "objectivity" is impossible with art or whatever - no need to continue, I already agree with that when using the standard definition of "objective." But in this context, by "objective" I don't mean something that everyone will have the same opinion on, but something that I am taking into consideration outside of my own personal feelings or interests. "Objectivity" here is removal of my personal (subjective) tastes.
What is that "something" you take into consideration? Like what do you believe you can look at without any bias? I assume you mean the criteria you have chosen, which is all subjective. And even then, for you to be able to apply it to art objectively, would require you to be able to look at a piece of art objectively. Both impossible, so you rate subjectively. Unless you believe your thoughts to be truth, even overriding the visions of the creators.
I wanna quickly stress my first beginning point again: it's not "objective" in that it's meant to be transferrable to a second person - this is a rating that only exists within my own scope of criteria. As I mentioned above, I already agree with "objective" being an impossible label on art if we're using the standard definition. The standard definition I'm referring to goes along the lines of based on real facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings (one entry from Cambridge). So my ratings are not "objective" according to this definition.

Moving on to chosen criteria:
Are the values I set up "not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings"? Absolutely not, there are as many answers to what the qualities of a good show are as there are the number of people.
What makes a show good is indeed shaped by the values I have, but when I say I rate a show "objectively," it means I am separating my interests into two categories: what is relevant, and what isn't irrelevant. Simply put, I don't think all my preferences are relevant. Values I have that are relevant to what makes a show good are turned into my criteria. Values that aren't relevant are discarded - for me these values include enjoyment and favoritism. So when I'm claiming to try and "rate objectively," what I really am trying to get through is that my ratings are not based on surface-level reactions to the show. "Surface-level reactions" may sound negative, but that truly isn't my intention.

To reiterate, using the standard definition of "objectivity" I am by no means rating objectively, however what I do try and do is cut-off what I consider "empty/irrelevant" pleasure and displeasure. If you don't like me saying that I try to rate objectively - that's fair. I mainly only refer to my rating system as "pseudo-objective" when I want to distinctly convey to someone that my rating doesn't correspond to enjoyment or my personal favorites - simply because that's the default assumption most people have for a rating system.

Edit: May not be relevant, but one thing I want to clarify is that I don't believe my rating system to be any more right or "objective" (standard definition) than anyone else's. I'm simply aiming to describe it. For example, even though I don't take enjoyment as a direct factor, I don't think rating systems based purely on enjoyment are bad or inferior.
iunneMar 30, 2021 8:31 AM
Mar 30, 2021 8:23 AM
Review Moderator
Life is strange.

Jun 2017
First of all, how would you even define objectivity? Is there a single correct way how to animate anime?
Mar 30, 2021 8:25 AM

Jan 2020
Satyr_icon said:

The only true subjective question is: did I like it or not? There's a lot that can be analysed under an objective lens through comparison with other works or through the study of narrative in literature and cinema, but whether this lot suits one's taste is completely up to subjectiveness.

Agreed! The main thing I consider when I rate shows is how much I enjoyed it, and I think that's largely what people do already. Of course, things like the writing, animation, voice acting, music, etc. is going to play a part in enjoyment, but if you ONLY base things on "objective quality"... Idk I think it's pointless.

Satyr_icon said:

Whether or not the answer to these questions is good or bad is up to subjectivity, after all "complex" characterisation is not always a good thing, but these are all things that can be assessed as well.

Also such a good point here. I love character analysis, don't get me wrong, but I think some people focus too much on how complex a character is without even realizing that they can still be a bad and unlikeable character. (I mean, characters can be unlikeable but still well-written/fully fleshed out... but sometimes the most "complex" characters are unlikeable AND bad)
Mar 30, 2021 8:25 AM

Jun 2014
inim said:
Kaasfondue said:
What is that "something" you take into consideration? Like what do you believe you can look at without any bias? I assume you mean the criteria you have chosen, which is all subjective. And even then, for you to be able to apply it to art objectively, would require you to be able to look at a piece of art objectively. Both impossible, so you rate subjectively. Unless you believe your thoughts to be truth, even overriding the visions of the creators.
I'll add a third point: weights. Assuming you (a) have picked criteria and (b) can look without bias , there's still (c) how important the criteria from (a) are for you. No two beholders will put the same weights on their criteria, even if they pick the same. This is a major source of subjectivity. An extreme example would be a deaf person, who can enjoy anime with subtitles nevertheless. Their weight on sound design will be zero, for example.
I don't know how MAL forums works but unfortunately I didn't get even a notification of your reply. To be honest, I don't really understand the point you're getting at. I just wrote a wordy reply to the other user so I'm just going to copy+paste some lines lol.
I wanna quickly stress my first beginning point again: it's not "objective" in that it's meant to be transferrable to a second person - this is a rating that only exists within my own scope of criteria. As I mentioned above, I already agree with "objective" being an impossible label on art if we're using the standard definition. The standard definition I'm referring to goes along the lines of based on real facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings (one entry from Cambridge). So my ratings are not "objective" according to this definition.
Mar 30, 2021 8:26 AM

Apr 2019
Galarrdo said:
Hrybami said:
You realize there's no objective standard to grammar right? Those are just arbitrary rules written by a bunch of dudes in a office. The grammar didn't originate from the nature. When you apply some arbitrary rules, that doesn't make your judgement objective just because you're relying on a guideline.
By that logic I can argue, that the word "objective" doesn't mean what you claim it does [...] If you don't see conventions as objective, then there's no point to any type of conversation as nothing will ever be agreed upon.

Wittgenstein alert triggered! "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent."

Mar 30, 2021 8:33 AM
Jul 2018
I don't usually rate "objectively" because I'm not a fucking robot when it comes to rating a show. If I enjoyed it, high rating. If I didn't, low rating. However, there's gonna be guilty pleasures of mine, and sometimes I will enjoy a show but rate it low because parts of the show sucked. If you consider that "objective rating" then I am guilty.

I've seen people say things like "Lelouch is objectively one of the Top 5 MCs in anime" how would you rate a character "objectively"?

Mar 30, 2021 8:48 AM

May 2009
I don't do this.

I think it's basically just another way of rating subjectively, except the parameters by which one does so are different from simply considering how much one likes the show.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Mar 30, 2021 8:49 AM

Sep 2014
Clubby said:
Hrybami said:

Oh so you've never been wrong in your life before? Because I did, and I know that there are things that I used to believe in the past that turned to be wrong. Still, they were my opinions. And I'm sure I still have some wrong opinions even today.

I also never said the term "objectively wrong". The saying is "it's all subjective" and it's applied to all opinions. If we stay in the area of subjectivity, you can never assert that an opinion is objectively wrong or correct.

I never said I was never wrong. I said that you can't say someone's opinion is wrong because you don't share that opinion.


Having a different opinion doesn't make one opinion wrong. It's a lot more contextual than that. It's also not up to you to decide if an opinion is wrong, but you can believe in the legitimacy of the opinion.

From my logic, I believe that you're wrong. But from your logic, you believe that I'm wrong. And that is not going to change unless the misunderstanding is cleared by someone or if someone changes their beliefs in accordance to the new logic argued. It's the basic phenomenon of realizing to have been wrong. It is not complicated.
KryzakamiHrybamiMar 30, 2021 8:58 AM
Mar 30, 2021 8:49 AM

Apr 2020
iunne said:
Kaasfondue said:
What is that "something" you take into consideration? Like what do you believe you can look at without any bias? I assume you mean the criteria you have chosen, which is all subjective. And even then, for you to be able to apply it to art objectively, would require you to be able to look at a piece of art objectively. Both impossible, so you rate subjectively. Unless you believe your thoughts to be truth, even overriding the visions of the creators.
I wanna quickly stress my first beginning point again: it's not "objective" in that it's meant to be transferrable to a second person - this is a rating that only exists within my own scope of criteria. As I mentioned above, I already agree with "objective" being an impossible label on art if we're using the standard definition. The standard definition I'm referring to goes along the lines of based on real facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings (one entry from Cambridge). So my ratings are not "objective" according to this definition.

Moving on to chosen criteria:
Are the values I set up "not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings"? Absolutely not, there are as many answers to what the qualities of a good show are as there are the number of people.
What makes a show good is indeed shaped by the values I have, but when I say I rate a show "objectively," it means I am separating my interests into two categories: what is relevant, and what isn't irrelevant. Simply put, I don't think all my preferences are relevant. Values I have that are relevant to what makes a show good are turned into my criteria. Values that aren't relevant are discarded - for me these values include enjoyment and favoritism. So when I'm claiming to try and "rate objectively," what I really am trying to get through is that my ratings are not based on surface-level reactions to the show. "Surface-level reactions" may sound negative, but that truly isn't my intention.

To reiterate, using the standard definition of "objectivity" I am by no means rating objectively, however what I do try and do is cut-off what I consider "empty/irrelevant" pleasure and displeasure. If you don't like me saying that I try to rate objectively - that's fair. I mainly only refer to my rating system as "pseudo-objective" when I want to distinctly convey to someone that my rating doesn't correspond to enjoyment or my personal favorites - simply because that's the default assumption most people have for a rating system.

Edit: May not be relevant, but one thing I want to clarify is that I don't believe my rating system to be any more right or "objective" (standard definition) than anyone else's. I'm simply aiming to describe it. For example, even though I don't take enjoyment as a direct factor, I don't think rating systems based purely on enjoyment are bad or inferior.
Thanks for clarifying. I sort of got that from your first post but I didn't fully understand your view because well, you still chose to say you're being objective. But I get what you mean now.
Mar 30, 2021 8:52 AM
Elder Emo

Jan 2013
I try to back up my ratings/reviews with some actual logic or evidence, but I can't say I am trying to be purely objective. For example, I really liked season 1 of That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime, but I wasn't giving it a 10 anytime soon since it is definitely not without it's flaws. I also didn't enjoy HxH too much, but still thought it did a lot right so it got a pretty decent rating from me. I tryyy to be somewhere in the middle where I prioritize my enjoyment, but will recognize the more "objective" aspects of the story-telling or animation.

As for other people who say they rate objectively, I mean as long as they don't act like there is no bias towards their rating then it's whatever. Like I said, I don't want to be purely subjective either. I just think it's impossible to rate 100% objectively for things like art/entertainment when there is no definite right answer like there is for a math or science problem.
Mar 30, 2021 8:55 AM

Sep 2014
Galarrdo said:
Hrybami said:

You realize there's no objective standard to grammar right? Those are just arbitrary rules written by a bunch of dudes in a office. The grammar didn't originate from the nature. When you apply some arbitrary rules, that doesn't make your judgement objective just because you're relying on a guideline.

By that logic I can argue, that the word "objective" doesn't mean what you claim it does because it's some arbitrary definition given by someone to a random assortment of shapes. This then in turn apply to all written and also to spoken language if you replace shapes with sounds. I get what you are saying from a theoretical perspective, but from a practical one it doesn't make any sense. If you don't see conventions as objective, then there's no point to any type of conversation as nothing will ever be agreed upon.

I don't see conventions as objective because they are not. I have no problem in accepting them and agree with them. The good thing about subjective conventions is that we can adapt them ergonomically and modify them with the current needs of a constantly progressive society and ideology.

Why does so many people here think that being subjective = denying everything? It's fucking annoying.
Mar 30, 2021 8:56 AM

Jan 2017
When I first started watching anime almost 4 years ago, I used to rate everything objectively just because I felt bad if I gave bad ratings. Now, I honestly don't care anymore, if I think an anime deserves a 2/10 just because I find it painfully unfunny, then that's the rating I'll give.
Mar 30, 2021 8:58 AM
Jul 2018
Megster said:
I try to back up my ratings/reviews with some actual logic or evidence, but I can't say I am trying to be purely objective. For example, I really liked season 1 of That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime, but I wasn't giving it a 10 anytime soon since it is definitely not without it's flaws. I also didn't enjoy HxH too much, but still thought it did a lot right so it got a pretty decent rating from me. I tryyy to be somewhere in the middle where I prioritize my enjoyment, but will recognize the more "objective" aspects of the story-telling or animation.

Sorry for stealing your response, but this is exactly how I would explain how I rate stuff.
Mar 30, 2021 9:10 AM

Nov 2013
OP, you have opened Pandora's box. May the big fat voluptuous round anime tiddies have mercy on your soul.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Mar 30, 2021 9:14 AM

Jul 2020
TheBigGuy said:
OP, you have opened Pandora's box. May the big fat voluptuous round anime tiddies have mercy on your soul.

Lmao. I've yet to read all replies in this thread and I doubt im ever going to.

I haven't even exposed what side I agree with yet LOL.
I gave up on character of the week since it takes too much thinking. I'll just change my forum pfp to whoever I want every week lol.
Mar 30, 2021 9:17 AM

Nov 2013
AnimeLeviathan said:
TheBigGuy said:
OP, you have opened Pandora's box. May the big fat voluptuous round anime tiddies have mercy on your soul.

Lmao. I've yet to read all replies in this thread and I doubt im ever going to.

I haven't even exposed what side I agree with yet LOL.

Well, that's obviously up to you. :)

You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Mar 30, 2021 9:33 AM

Aug 2013
peachyixxy said:
Also such a good point here. I love character analysis, don't get me wrong, but I think some people focus too much on how complex a character is without even realizing that they can still be a bad and unlikeable character. (I mean, characters can be unlikeable but still well-written/fully fleshed out... but sometimes the most "complex" characters are unlikeable AND bad)

Yeah, in fact, I tend to prefer simple character over complex ones in anime and manga. For some reason they feel more memorable, or it might be that I can't choose just one character when all of them are complex. It's especially rewarding when the author manages to create distinct, interesting characters in a simple way, like in Shadows House where most secondary character get only a few pages of characterization, and yet I can still tell each of them apart through their unique quirks.
There's an anime coming out btw, I'll leave my recommendation here.
Mar 30, 2021 10:19 AM
Sep 2017
Hrybami said:
Galarrdo said:

By that logic I can argue, that the word "objective" doesn't mean what you claim it does because it's some arbitrary definition given by someone to a random assortment of shapes. This then in turn apply to all written and also to spoken language if you replace shapes with sounds. I get what you are saying from a theoretical perspective, but from a practical one it doesn't make any sense. If you don't see conventions as objective, then there's no point to any type of conversation as nothing will ever be agreed upon.

I don't see conventions as objective because they are not. I have no problem in accepting them and agree with them. The good thing about subjective conventions is that we can adapt them ergonomically and modify them with the current needs of a constantly progressive society and ideology.

Why does so many people here think that being subjective = denying everything? It's fucking annoying.

What you are referring to is an objective attribute which are more or less facts. The primary definition of the word objective refers to the act of "doing something while disregarding personal feelings or opinions" with the emphasis on "doing something" and "personal". If you change the definition to only doing something based on facts, which I feel like you are, the existence of the word doesn't make any sense, because everyone action taken by a conscious person is influenced by some sort of personal bias.

If you don't agree I would like you to provide me with an example that proves me otherwise.
Mar 30, 2021 10:19 AM
Jul 2018
No, I definitely don't rate "objectively". I rate them by enjoyment and the feeling I have while watching the anime and there are so many anime I would rate worse if I would rate them "objectively"
Mar 30, 2021 10:28 AM

Dec 2017
I tried to rate as objectively as possible before, like a year ago. But now I don't really rate anime on MAL anymore, it's pointless. And also, I don't the 1-10 rating structure that they use here on MAL tbh, it's not d e e p enough.
Mar 30, 2021 10:31 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
I try to rate as fairly as possible even considering production constraints and episode counts, I also try to rate shows higher than what I feel like they deserve a lot of the time. I wouldn't say its objective, but its as fair as I can do, I never rate something stupid low or stupid high just because.
Mar 30, 2021 10:36 AM

Aug 2018
no, there's no way i could ever rate anime "objectively". i don't know how people do it lol.
Mar 30, 2021 10:56 AM
Jun 2016
I think when most people talk about rating objectively they don't really mean to rate objectively, but to rate it without turning a blind eye to the things that they don't think were done well.

For example I love Naruto and it is probably my favourite anime, but I don't rate it as the best, most well made, anime I have ever seen, far from it. So when I "objectively" rate the anime, I still subjectively rate the anime but without overlooking the things that in my opinion were not done well. I don't let what the anime means to me personally, define how I rate it on a scale.

So I'd say it's not so much of rating it objectively but rating it fairly.
Mar 30, 2021 10:56 AM

Aug 2016
I try, but I obviously can't. No one can, humans are subjects and we have no access to any kind of objectivity, defiantly not objectivity when it comes to art. Even so I think you can try to be more 'objective', like for example, I have a show that I rated as a 7 for some sort of reasoning. I can then ask of a new show I watch "ok did I like it as much as that show I gave 7 or did i like it more, or less?" Then I can understand if the score I gave the new show is consistent with my standards.

Other than that, I can pay attention to when I like a show for extremely subjective attributes like world theme, character design or ideology, and give these less weight in my scoring than some more general attributes like pacing, plot, etc.
Nothing's new under the sun and that's OK.
Mar 30, 2021 11:04 AM

Feb 2020
You can't rate "objectively" something that is purely "subjectively". Not matter how much you try to be unbiased or how many paragraphs your opinion has, there is always going to be some kind of bias on it.
Mar 30, 2021 11:16 AM

Mar 2021
uhm subjectly, first of all because I'm not that expert to rate objectively such works, then also I rate anime on how much fun or liked it, I don't really focus on the structure of the anime or stuff like that T-T

Onizuka is my mood

Mar 30, 2021 11:29 AM

Nov 2020
I rate like 85% subjectively, if it was not for that shows like Death Note would have an 8/10. I may try to recognize objective quality but I find it hard to judge and, it sucks the fun out of anime for me.
thats what-she
Mar 30, 2021 11:30 AM

Sep 2014
Galarrdo said:
Hrybami said:

I don't see conventions as objective because they are not. I have no problem in accepting them and agree with them. The good thing about subjective conventions is that we can adapt them ergonomically and modify them with the current needs of a constantly progressive society and ideology.

Why does so many people here think that being subjective = denying everything? It's fucking annoying.

What you are referring to is an objective attribute which are more or less facts. The primary definition of the word objective refers to the act of "doing something while disregarding personal feelings or opinions" with the emphasis on "doing something" and "personal". If you change the definition to only doing something based on facts, which I feel like you are, the existence of the word doesn't make any sense, because everyone action taken by a conscious person is influenced by some sort of personal bias.

If you don't agree I would like you to provide me with an example that proves me otherwise.

Yes that's the whole point.

It's not that the existence of the word objective doesn't make sense, but rather that it should be applied at the right places. To consider something as objective, the thing should be firstly not abstract and it has to be possible to measure it precisely and exactly.

The common mistake is that people consider anything objective whenever there's an agreement in the community. Though, the agreement in itself doesn't prove that something is objective since it wasn't measured in the first place. Every action taken are influenced by prior decisions which in the end of the line were completely bias actions. So, if I decide the write a word the correct way, it is because there were people from all time period and regions who decided individually each part of the concept of spelling from the writing, the letters, the syntax, the definition. This accumulation of the past knowledge are founded from biased decisions. By choosing to abide to this writing method, we relayed every subjective decisions taken beforehand to shape this method.
Mar 30, 2021 11:42 AM

Jan 2021
To say objective means it is a matter of fact, when people apply this to rating media they often what they often mean is to stick to an evaluation criteria leaving aside personal feelings outside of the matter. In vulgar language then, I would say a score is more objective the more it sticks to its criteria, though evaluating an anime will always involve some degree of bias.
I think what has to be objective is the analysis, and I think those specially need to be scrutinized when they invoke words like "masterpiece" or "worthless".

IEatAnimeAss said:
I think they should objectively try to get some bitches

Comrade_CastroMar 30, 2021 11:51 AM
Mar 30, 2021 12:00 PM
Sep 2017
Hrybami said:
Galarrdo said:

What you are referring to is an objective attribute which are more or less facts. The primary definition of the word objective refers to the act of "doing something while disregarding personal feelings or opinions" with the emphasis on "doing something" and "personal". If you change the definition to only doing something based on facts, which I feel like you are, the existence of the word doesn't make any sense, because everyone action taken by a conscious person is influenced by some sort of personal bias.

If you don't agree I would like you to provide me with an example that proves me otherwise.

Yes that's the whole point.

It's not that the existence of the word objective doesn't make sense, but rather that it should be applied at the right places. To consider something as objective, the thing should be firstly not abstract and it has to be possible to measure it precisely and exactly.

The common mistake is that people consider anything objective whenever there's an agreement in the community. Though, the agreement in itself doesn't prove that something is objective since it wasn't measured in the first place. Every action taken are influenced by prior decisions which in the end of the line were completely bias actions. So, if I decide the write a word the correct way, it is because there were people from all time period and regions who decided individually each part of the concept of spelling from the writing, the letters, the syntax, the definition. This accumulation of the past knowledge are founded from biased decisions. By choosing to abide to this writing method, we relayed every subjective decisions taken beforehand to shape this method.

But then again, to apply the word objective in "the correct way" as you stated, you have to abide to some conventions which you stated as being "something that can be measured and is not abstract".

To return to the original topic of anime ratings. You can maybe measure the amount of plot holes in a show or the amout of frames in a certain scene and decide whether it qualifies as good or bad based on previously established conventions. Does that count as subjective or objective rating? If a show was animated at something like 4 frames per second on average and afterwards the blu ray version is increased 8fps. Therefore the frame quality would be exactly identical, but the added extra frames would make it objectively better. Sure some people wouldn't care about the increase in averi frames. But it would be absurd to say that the show is now worse when the animation is more fluid.

My point is, the term "objective" cannot exist without previously established conventions, and if that's the case, we can use conventions to rate shows rather than only using personal enjoyment as a factor, one could argue he rates anime objectively.
Mar 30, 2021 12:06 PM

Apr 2020
Yes, because it's fun.

Objective reviews are simply "NECESSARY" as a balance for the total score of works, as most people love to throw 10/10 and 1/10 ratings depending on their mood.

Pure objectivity is not possible because we are not robots. However, analysis is really interesting and you can get a better understanding of other works simply by looking at the content and writing style of the works.
Mar 30, 2021 12:18 PM

Nov 2011
I think for me, anime is something that is so hard to rate objectively just because I’m a visual person and for anime just the art style is really hard to ignore. I have my own preferences for that. So even though I know I’m not being objective when giving ratings at least I try not to be too biased with it.

I also find I love reading reviews with this same aim too - seriously how many time can you read 100% or even heavily objective reviews before you’re bored out of your mind?
Mar 30, 2021 12:19 PM

Aug 2020
I am a simple man, i enjoy anime i rate it easy

Rating everything objectively seems a robotic chore for anyone honestly its like asking what is good and evil

But one thing i can say is that if the anime is actually good or has some value it will be popular/have a cult fanbase because i can believe in the majority of people have decent taste of some value
Mar 30, 2021 12:20 PM

Jun 2015
I dont know if u would consider this objective: i rate the shows based on different elements like animations,voice acting,story..etc, so for example i might rate series A 9/10 and series B 7/10 but i like the series B more than basically my enjoyment of the show doesnt change the rating that much. And i think majority of ppl with decent knowledge would recognise something like good animations,music etc.. its kinda mix between being subjectit and objective anyways.
Mar 30, 2021 5:15 PM

Jan 2016
I believe, it's simply impossible to rate objectively. It 'may' be possible to try excluding all personal biases, but in the end, rating formed from an opinion. And all opinions are subjective.
Mar 30, 2021 5:31 PM

Jun 2011
I see a difference in rating based on quality and rating based on enjoyment.

Example, if I rated more objectively, meaning rating and reviewing by a set if standards with reasons, and not allow myself to rate End of Evangelion 1/10 because the art and animation and sound are all fantastic. Which yes, is an opinion but it doesn’t toss all of that out to call it hot Garbage and which is always what I want to do. I want to say “ this is shit and has no redeeming value” voice acting. Excellent. Beginning middle and end yes? Do I like the writing? No. I hate it.

I also wouldn’t rate Yuri on Ice so highly because it does have art flaws (going off model) and plot becomes tournament hell and feels the need to show each person compete rather than only focus on the people who matter. But I toss all that out and say 10/10 best anime ever.

Anime with no endings couldn’t be 10/10 if I rated objectively. Anime with poor pacing would have to be consistently marked down.

This is all opinions yes, subjective. But when we say objective it means a score determined by [evidence] and not just whatever you felt that final episode. And anime with a good start will be given credit for that start. An anime with a mediocre middle will have the score reflect this. And so on.

So if half of Naruto is filler garbage and the other half is masterpiece Battle Shounen it should only get a 5/10. But I gave it a 7/10.

“Objective reviews” keep in mind positive and negative qualities. And they consider audience members who are not them. It is I suppose, a kind of empathy. And the end score will reflect this.
Energetic-NovaMar 30, 2021 5:42 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Mar 30, 2021 6:04 PM

Jun 2011
-Ecliptix- said:
No one here rates objectively. I have never come across a system that is widely used for objective rating and review of anime. If it is objective every single person who rated objectively would have an identical rating.

To be objective it has to be devoid of emotion, any form of bias, and be done through a system of checks and balances to adhere to some sort of set of rules that make it objective.

Ratings which are essentially micro reviews cant be done objectively by an emotional being that thinks for itself. Art in of itself is entirely subjective from creation to consumption. This whole idea that you can rate objectively is asinine. It is possible to rate more objectively than another person but not entirely objective.

Also before someone says that a sociopath can rate objectively which has been thrown at me before. Sociopaths have emotions generally dulled down and they don't empathize with others, they are not devoid of emotion they just structurally are much different in their emotional states and reasons etc.

I feel like to [Objectively] rate art, one must actually have higher empathy and consider audiences that are not themselves before forming their opinion. Consider time, culture, and compare it against its peers. Not judging goldfish by how well they can climb trees.

Don’t compare Miyazaki’s son to Miyazaki. Judge him on his own merits and accomplishments. If you feel he improved as an artist. Can anyone actually compete with Takahata and Miyazaki? And should someone be subject to such a comparison just because they work under the same label and are related?

Objective rating is like an Educated opinion backed with evidence and experience over a subjective, toss you’re knowledge out the window because you personally love it despite the flaws or hate it despite structural competence.

We see highly subjective opinions when it comes to certain genre like ecchi. Or hating anime because of fanbases.

Judgement of anime on “instigating incident, Rising action, conflict/climax, falling action, resolution” or A Hero’s Journey and never Kishōtenketsu “introduction, development, twist, conclusion” would be one way of reaching a flawed conclusion that doesn’t consider other cultures.

The reason why a lot of people struggle with NGE’s ending is the lack of falling action which Western plot structures crave. Judging anime by how much conflict it has is a common issue. As is judging anime by how much the main character moves the plot. Rather than looking at it as a character who has things happen to them. Definitely read about this plot structure and then go read the heroes journey or the normal western plot structure, and you can definitely see how these plot styles are at odds, but also what drives anime preferences.

Try to put a slice of life into a western plot structure, and it will fall apart. You will be judging a fish by how well it climbs trees.
Energetic-NovaMar 30, 2021 7:06 PM
The anime community in a nutshell.
Mar 30, 2021 8:01 PM

May 2019
I don't do so cuz I know it's impossible. If you rate alone, that's enough for being subjective. If you do the rating with a group, that's what called bias.
Mar 30, 2021 8:23 PM

Jul 2020
Energetic-Nova said:
I see a difference in rating based on quality and rating based on enjoyment.

Example, if I rated more objectively, meaning rating and reviewing by a set if standards with reasons, and not allow myself to rate End of Evangelion 1/10 because the art and animation and sound are all fantastic. Which yes, is an opinion but it doesn’t toss all of that out to call it hot Garbage and which is always what I want to do. I want to say “ this is shit and has no redeeming value” voice acting. Excellent. Beginning middle and end yes? Do I like the writing? No. I hate it.

I also wouldn’t rate Yuri on Ice so highly because it does have art flaws (going off model) and plot becomes tournament hell and feels the need to show each person compete rather than only focus on the people who matter. But I toss all that out and say 10/10 best anime ever.

Anime with no endings couldn’t be 10/10 if I rated objectively. Anime with poor pacing would have to be consistently marked down.

This is all opinions yes, subjective. But when we say objective it means a score determined by [evidence] and not just whatever you felt that final episode. And anime with a good start will be given credit for that start. An anime with a mediocre middle will have the score reflect this. And so on.

So if half of Naruto is filler garbage and the other half is masterpiece Battle Shounen it should only get a 5/10. But I gave it a 7/10.

“Objective reviews” keep in mind positive and negative qualities. And they consider audience members who are not them. It is I suppose, a kind of empathy. And the end score will reflect this.

Don't you think an "objective review" would be more describing the anime instead of rating it with words such as "bad" and "good"

For example an objective review of AOT:

"There are titans that attack humans, etc, etc". Instead of saying "The greatest part of AOT is its main plot, the titans" Or "The worst part of AOT is the characters."

Don't you think an "objective review" would be without words like "good" and "bad"?

Wouldn't you consider following other bias's a bias as well? Think about it. You are still using bias's, except this time translating another bias into a review that you made.
I gave up on character of the week since it takes too much thinking. I'll just change my forum pfp to whoever I want every week lol.
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