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Nov 7, 2020 10:32 AM
Nov 2020
Before I start... can someone point me to this amazing first Digimon series everyone is talking about in these discussion threads? I seem to live in a different dimension, as you're constantly saying how amazing and perfect it was. Have you even seen it recently? Because I have.

The pacing in the original is just as crappy as it is here. The characters don't have any personality either. The animation is just as bad - at least here we have good-looking digivolution scenes. Almost every single thing you're criticizing about the reboot is just as bad in the original. But you're acting like it was the second coming of Christ, and as if this new one is so terrible that it's barely watchable. Are you guys serious?

I couldn't find many negative aspects in any of these threads that were better in the original. The only fair points of criticism are the pacing and the animation (at times). They are obviously rushing through the digivolutions like there's no tomorrow. But on the other hand - we already know what they are going to be like anyway, so I kind of get what they're trying to do. Other than that? Pretty much just like in the original with minor differences.

I honestly feel like most of you are just complaning for the sake of complaining. Because you don't like that they're doing something different with your favorite childhood series. Every time I read those 'omg they ruined one of the most epic moments' I can only laugh. If you saw them now, without any nostalgia, you'd find them just as lame as the new ones. I guarantee it. The weirdest argument is how there are too many deus ex machinas. Have you ever seen a Digimon series before? Every single digivolution always just happens conveniently when the characters are cornered. The entire premise of the show is built on deus ex machinas.

You're comparing this new version to the memories you've made as a child. Even if you watch the old one now, you'll still get the happy feelings you got as a kid, because that's how nostalgia works. I grew up with Digimon as well, and it's my favorite Anime series by far. But just try to look at it objectively, and you might see that the old one wasn't perfect in any way. It might be slightly better, but in the end they are so close that I really think you should think twice before complaning about things that were just as bad in the original.

This is honestly just as bad as with Gen 1 of Pokemon. Some people just can't let go and accept that things change.

TL;DR: Stop acting like this is so much worse than the original. It's not.
MasternapNov 7, 2020 10:56 AM
Nov 7, 2020 2:21 PM

Feb 2015
Before I even get into all the things you wrote here, which version of the original did you watch?
The original dub? Or the american one? Did it have Butterfly or the Digirap (doesn't even have to be the american one, but every dub that has the digirap - even if it's not in english - takes everything from the american one)?
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Nov 7, 2020 2:25 PM

Jan 2009
lol this is gonna be good as someone that just seen random episodes of the original i do not see any major difference with the remake too but ye thats just my ignorant ass showing i guess although you agree with my sus there
Nov 7, 2020 6:58 PM

Oct 2015
mean yea both digimon sucks
but at least the old one wasnt tryhard
So embarrased with Tensura fans and the fandom, how have we degraded
Nov 7, 2020 7:33 PM

Feb 2016
I never watched Frontier as a child, as my nostalgia led me to scorn everything after Adventure and 02. I believe Frontier is superior to this reboot; as are Xros Wars, Young Hunters, and Appmon.
Nov 7, 2020 7:56 PM

May 2011
I watched the original this year again and let me tell you this reboot doesn't even feel like a Digimon series. I don't like the pacing, yes the original also was fast paced but there was interactions, they explored the Digiworld, they knew they had to survive in a different place, the Digimon had to rest and eat to digievolve, they wanted to get back to their world and they were woried heck Digimon does a better job as a Isekai being a children show than those "mature" isekais that are trending these recent years.

In this version, The digievolutions don't feel earned, even Savers has some cool moments when the Digievolution occurs and also they focus way too much on Tai and Matt when everyone had struggles to surpass. Here the winning just happens. Heck I still cry of joy when Angemon appears in the original 21 years later in comparison to this version that somehow he appears and we should care because he is a holy Digimon.

I agree the animation here it is better because there are multiple shots of how they attack and not just the repeated scenes and I love the different evolution songs like what they did in Tamers.

But besides that, no this reboot feels way too dumb down and doesn't have the same feeling as the first 5 Digimon seasons.
Nov 7, 2020 8:11 PM

Dec 2016
I don't know how can anyone who has seen and that remembers well the original version can think this reboot is on-par with it when, with perhaps the exception of the visual quality, there's literally nothing the latter one has done better at all.
Nov 8, 2020 1:15 AM

Jul 2013
Just to be clear, I'm not one of those "OG did everything better, reboot sucks" people. To me, the OG is a solid 7, whereas this reboot is currently somewhere between a 5 to a 6. Still a weaker experience, but not to a massive degree.

With that said, my biggest gripe with the show is that it has no reason to be a reboot. Seriously, if you replace the characters with new ones and rename the show, it'd become a completely new show that had nothing to do with the original. Here's my question though, why? Why name it "Digimon Adventure"? Why bring back the OG cast if you're not gonna let them be the same person they were before? Why bother having 8 children when only 2 of them are going to be in spotlight? Keep in mind, this show came out after the Last Evolution movie, which was supposed to be the final good bye to the Adventure cast. Fast forward not even a year and here we are...

I mean, it makes perfect sense from a business stand point, nostalgia sells. But that's the point here, I can't help but feel the obvious ill-intent behind all of this, that they're willing to ignore artistic value just to crank out this "reboot" and trampling over the legacy of the OG.

My stance on a remake/reboot in general is "go hard or go home". If you're gonna remake/reboot something, either turn it into a masterpiece or just don't bother. I don't want a reboot that's just as good, or worse than, the OG when I can just, you know, go back and rewatch the OG.


Edit: so I just went back and rewatched the OG all the way to Last Evolution Kizuna. Honestly speaking, without any nostalgia whatsoever, screw my first paragraph. The closest thing I'd compare this reboot to is Tri. And even then, Tri failed because it tried to have a plot but couldn't execute it well enough. This reboot didn't even try anything. The plot, as of 40 episodes, has been thinner than what Tri could achieve in its first movie. The characters have been boring as dirt. The only thing it tries to do is bait. Bait its old fan with the IP name and bait some new kids by adding as many fight scenes as it possibly can.
JustMonakaMar 27, 2021 2:54 AM
Nov 8, 2020 3:30 PM

Apr 2015
That's what I thought... in the early episodes. Until reboot's ep 23, imo:

Original Series:
- Better characters (slightly)
- Better pacing (slightly)
- Better atmosphere/feeling

- Better animation (by far)
- Better direction
- Better lore (and maybe world-building)

Soundtrack is a tie I think.

OG = feelings
Re = cool fights

Too soon to compare though.
OG has a wonderful ending, lets see what we'll got in this new series.
Nov 9, 2020 1:30 PM

May 2017
Well I didn't even grow up with Digimon and I've watched less of the original series and I already prefer that to this version. Call it a personal bias but this one just lacks soul. I can't get into the setting, the characters or the plot because it takes itself too seriously. The original feels rigid and unsure of itself but that works to its advantage. It lets itself breathe and learn as it goes on, the reboot's confident but what it's confident in is just uninteresting to me. I don't really think either are masterpieces but the original's definitely better from what I've watched (21 episodes of the reboot vs 12 of the original to be specific).
Nov 10, 2020 5:19 PM

Jun 2013
In the new series, given the 2 first episodes all the "growth" in the remaining series makes no sense whilst in the original one there was a continuous growth keeping you with the hype of seening what would come.

Taking into account they are childs, their behaviour of the original seems less forced to me, though it might be just my memory failing me...

The animation may be better, but it's far from the kind of great animations they make nowdays for some series and I sincerely enjoied the old one more (even now). I kinda like old animations so unless they make something really good I'll enjoy more the old one.

Also, the characters from the digital world had much more background in the original. The digimons with certain level of intelligence were way more captivating and felt less like a stranger just comes to give you a hand to possibly never see him again (and you wouldn't care at all)...

The original may not be perfect (even though it'll be one of my favorite shows due to my memories) but this one is sincerely one of the worst series (if not the worst) of this season and the only reason I'm still watching it is because of it being a reboot and my curiosity to see how they end it compared to the original one. Otherwise I'd drop it (and that comes from someone watching more than 20 animes right now).

Nov 11, 2020 12:14 PM

Dec 2015
Masternap said:
They are obviously rushing through the digivolutions like there's no tomorrow. But on the other hand - we already know what they are going to be like anyway, so I kind of get what they're trying to do.

"We already know" ? Yes and no. We, the ones who watched the previous series, do know. The children expected to be in front of the TV monitor at the time it airs? I'm pretty sure they don't. The fact "they are children so they can ingest anything with no question" isn't a valid excuse: the first series was intended for the same age group and it wasn't doing it like this.

Masternap said:
Have you even seen it recently? Because I have.

@Sakarii did. And he wasn't particularly nice with it since he was able to pretty clearly set apart his memories and his rewatching experience. Let's ask him how the series compare.
Sakarii said:

Ask and thy shall receive. (* ̄▽ ̄)b

Thank you ! (sincerely)

@StormxNightmare The bad songs of the english version weren't used in Germany : despite using the english names, they kept the japanese soundtrack and adapted the original songs (writing songs for them if you prefer). The first time I saw the series in german, I was so jealous of it as a french neighbour. (All their later series were also based on the japanese version: they even imported Savers before other countries.)

@JustMonaka I think making this a remake was a way to call for the attention of the people that grew up with it and became parents so they can put their children in front of this new show. I imagine this is a better way than to rely on advertising to randomly get noticed by children.
Rei_IIINov 15, 2020 4:27 AM
Nov 14, 2020 11:15 PM

May 2008
Rei_III said:
Masternap said:
Have you even seen it recently? Because I have.

@Sakarii did. And he wasn't particularly nice with it since he was able to pretty clearly set apart his memories and his rewatching experience. Let's ask him how the series compare.

Ask and thy shall receive. (* ̄▽ ̄)b

Disclaimer: With DA: I don't have the full picture so I can only compare based on what I've seen, clueless to the future. It could improve, sure. But, it hasn't yet (as of ep 24) and I'm doubtful it could.

Short Version: It's not that Digimon Adventure didn't have the same criticisms. It's that the reboot hasn't bothered to fix any of them and in many cases are actively doing a worse job.

Anyway. Breakdown time. OP, you were vague and encompassing, so I'm just gonna hit every category.

SakariiNov 14, 2020 11:30 PM
Nov 15, 2020 9:50 AM

Feb 2016
Sakarii said:
The human children don't have complex personalities and their stories aren't really being shown. They serve no real purpose within the plot beyond being a battery. If they took out the humans and just let the digimon shine, the show would honestly be better for it since the entire plot is about the digimon, not the humans+digimon.

Reboot's DW doesn't feel like its own world, it feels like a video game where every ep chooses the battlefield and some stock enemies.
OG's DW had the interaction so the audience could get a feel of how the world and its inhabitants worked.

With how much time this show spends on battling, the action should be Gintama or AoT tier level. It's not. Not even close. It's not even DBZ level. It's creative and I like it, don't get me wrong, but animation-wise it only passes. But, it IS better. For all that it matters.

Your words do a lot to explain why Xros Wars is my favorite Digimon anime after the original. It does everything it sets out to do, and doesn't pretend to do anything more than that. Akari and Zenjirou are written out of the show once they're no longer needed, freeing up screentime for others. Digimon have roles beyond their relationship to Taiki. The story explicitly has characters jumping between battlefields with stock enemies. The battles are the greatest the franchise has ever had. Tons of familiar digimon for longtime fans, all explained within the context of the story. Why can't Toei's Adventure writers be like other Digimon writers and learn from the franchise's past?
Nov 17, 2020 7:07 PM

May 2008
Rei_III said:
Thank you ! (sincerely)


Lucifrost said:
Why can't Toei's Adventure writers be like other Digimon writers and learn from the franchise's past?

Honestly? Considering how all the Digimon series tend to have same-to-similar problems but (sometimes) done differently, I'm betting it's something internal and involving suits. There's seems to be a lack of interest in making Digimon good, but plenty of interest in baiting nostalgia and selling Adventure toys based on that nostalgia. Adventure: is just another example of the problem(s) but without the nostalgia or "evolution is different so it sucks" excuse to hide it.
Nov 17, 2020 8:09 PM

Feb 2016
It's a shame that quality doesn't seem to be a prerequisite for nostalgia. I love Adventure, but none of the followups after 02 retain any of my favorite aspects. This isn't nostalgic at all!
Nov 18, 2020 3:43 AM

Jul 2015
Finally, a post about this.

I commented, long ago, when chapter 2-3 were released:

"There 3 episodes feel each time more empty to me.
Without a doubt, this has been the worst episode, which shows protagonists who do not flinch, do not blink, do not speak, do not express any emotion on Omnimon's shoulders during the fight. Until the minute 10:30, practically no one speaks, and neither Taichi nor Mat speak! It seems surreal to me.

Then we have a battle that does not present any kind of challenge for Omnimon, which ends with a simple thrust. At least the digimons were expected to return to the forms of Koromon and Tsunomon, but not even that.

The theme of the camp, no relevance, happens in a few minutes and when you want to realize it, Taichi is already in the digital world (I expected some of them would met...only Sora? XD). The series overall feels very rushed, I am disappointed and I am afraid that it has become quite clear what the tone of the anime will be: a much more commercial and superficial version, especially aimed at new and young consumers which didnt grew up with Digimon 1, 2 and 3, specially.

Can someone discuss some of my points?

One last thing...I feel that the voices like Taichi, Matt and Sora dont match with their age (8 years if Im not wrong), they feel much more mature."

Having said that, long ago, I was treated like a crazy person, since everyone loved the series. Finally, some voices emerge that agree with me.
Sorry, the original is much better, leaving aside the nostalgia effect and such. It's not just the anime itself, it's the voices, the soundtrack, it's the aura ... this reboot is just fanservice. I'm not saying that this reboot is the worst anime in the world, but it has nothing to do with what it was. However, after having seen 400 anime series, I can go back to see the original and say "objectively" that it is better. This is not strange: previously, in the 80-90s, in general, better series were made than now (and I was born in the 90s, I'm still 30 years old!). And that's why today we have "remakes" and "reboot". They make "remakes" of series that were very successful. Isn't it common sense? It is very difficult that a "reboot" can be better than the original (although it can happen, but this is not the case).

After many years watching anime, 400 series, I am discovering true gems that have nothing to do with those that are made today. In any case, every season I still watch 2-3 new anime; what I mean is that the originals were a success for something, and I recommend seeing them before the "remakes".

I also regret that some "remakes" are so lazy, I really wanted to see this series, but of course, I abandoned it after a few chapters because it had no essence of the original. Hope Kizuna is better. Cheers
BelselNov 18, 2020 3:47 AM
Nov 18, 2020 3:53 AM

May 2014
I didn't watch the original Digimon anime as a child, i watched it for the first time in Japanese a few years ago and it's become one of my favorite anime of all time. 10/10 anime for me and i don't give those easily. Tamers is a close second.

I feel like i could go on and on as to why i dislike this new reboot. But yeah, if you think this reboot is on par with the original series that's fine of course, it's your opinion, but don't assume that everyone is wearing nostalgia goggles. Hell, i watched the original Digimon series with my mum and she loved it! She really really didn't think she'd like it at all until she gave it a chance. We tried to watch the reboot together and she also couldn't get into it.
Nov 18, 2020 6:40 AM

Dec 2015
Belsel said:
a version aimed at new and young consumers which didnt grew up with Digimon 1, 2 and 3

This reboot is just fanservice.

This is pretty contradictory. (although I think the same, in a way)

@Belsel My bad, the quote was too large !
Rei_IIINov 19, 2020 8:08 AM
Nov 18, 2020 10:15 PM

Jul 2015
Rei_III said:
Belsel said:
a much more commercial and superficial version, especially aimed at new and young consumers which didnt grew up with Digimon 1, 2 and 3, specially.

This reboot is just fanservice.

This is pretty contradictory. (although I think the same, in a way)

Why is contradictory? Fanservice is commercial and superficial, among other things.
BelselNov 18, 2020 10:19 PM
Nov 19, 2020 1:43 AM

Mar 2018
Guys, stop feeding the troll. Check OP's profile and its created date. They don't even have enough balls to post this with their real account.

Belsel said:
Can someone discuss some of my points?
Don't worry. The points you said have been discussed to death by people who hold high regards to original Digimon Adventure and they're all in agreement pretty much. People who think reboot is on par with original are:
1) They don't like original very much in the first place, or have low expectation to the franchise as a whole
2) They have only watched bits and pieces of original
3) Total newcomers to the franchise who don't even bother to watch the original
4) Trolls

To prove, you can find me a person who thinks original is a masterpiece and reboot is even a better masterpiece. I bet my virginity that they don't exist. Heck, it's irony that even the OP of this thread only said "reboot is on par", not "better" and he couldn't say a single point in story aspect what reboot did better than the original (except animation which is debatable due to technology difference between 1999 and 2020). He could only say how original is shit and reboot is similar shit.

Nov 19, 2020 3:03 AM

Jul 2015
Renkini said:
Guys, stop feeding the troll. Check OP's profile and its created date. They don't even have enough balls to post this with their real account.

Belsel said:
Can someone discuss some of my points?
Don't worry. The points you said have been discussed to death by people who hold high regards to original Digimon Adventure and they're all in agreement pretty much. People who think reboot is on par with original are:
1) They don't like original very much in the first place, or have low expectation to the franchise as a whole
2) They have only watched bits and pieces of original
3) Total newcomers to the franchise who don't even bother to watch the original
4) Trolls

To prove, you can find me a person who thinks original is a masterpiece and reboot is even a better masterpiece. I bet my virginity that they don't exist. Heck, it's irony that even the OP of this thread only said "reboot is on par", not "better" and he couldn't say a single point in story aspect what reboot did better than the original (except animation which is debatable due to technology difference between 1999 and 2020). He could only say how original is shit and reboot is similar shit.

Thank you. I was away from the forum for some months so just checked the digimon 2020 forum to see whats new and saw this post XD

Im happy to know many people think original is a masterpiece, even if it only has <8 grade!! How can be? T_T
Nov 19, 2020 8:28 AM

Jul 2015
Rei_III said:
Belsel said:
a version aimed at new and young consumers which didnt grew up with Digimon 1, 2 and 3

This reboot is just fanservice.

This is pretty contradictory. (although I think the same, in a way)

@Belsel My bad, the quote was too large !

Ok np XD see you around
Feb 1, 2021 8:01 AM
Oct 2019
Let's talk again now...
It's pretty bad so far ...
Feb 1, 2021 7:33 PM

Apr 2015
davidyodo24 said:
Let's talk again now...
It's pretty bad so far ...

Yeah it keep getting worse and worse... :(
Hope the last arc bring us something beautiful on the characters.
Feb 2, 2021 5:31 AM

Apr 2009
I swear to god this reboot has sucked since the first couple episodes and it hasn't let me down since, it's consistent in regards to getting worse.

There's no world building. Yeah sure they visited like 2 places where there's a community of sorts with some Digimon, but they don't explore how they live together or what that results in. Here they just show up because of miasma shenanigans or because Digimon fall off the sky to bring trouble.

99% of the monsters of the week in the reboot have no lines, they also don't have any personality nor purpose, they just appear out of nowhere to generate meaningless fights. Does any of these fights make any of the protagonists understand each other a bit better? No. Does it shows what they lack in their group? Also no. Does it leaves then doubting themselves for making a mistake in the fight? You bet your ass it won't happen because by the gods, these kids are robots. They don't have emotions, they don't blink no matter what happens.

Which brings us to that tiny little issue...why should we care for these soulless husks? There's no small conflicts between them, there's no family issues. These kids are one singular being with the objective of finding all the HOLY DIGIMON. They don't get sad, or frustrated, or happy, or scared. No no, that's for pussies, here we just go from A to B because the voices in the sky tells us they need to sell these toys FAST.

And the partners...they all act like "yeah of course I trust you bro, you're my other half" since the beginning. But there's no hardship which their trust was tested, the unlocking of digivolutions isn't linked to the personal growth of the cast, it happens because they're holding the digivices with more strength than earlier. Though I'll admit that Palmon and Tentomon do have a semblance of characterization since they aren't just 'yes mans' for the things their partness ask, but there ain't much here either.

It took them 34 episodes to have a SINGLE CHILL MOMENT TO INTERACT and even THAT is surrounded by random conflict because this anime treats it's viewers (kids or not) like they need to see an explosion every single minute otherwise IT COULD GET BORING, RIGHT? LIKE THE FIGHTS IN OLDER DIGIMON SHOWS SURELY WERE IT'S MAIN APPEAL AND WHY PEOPLE WOULD GIVE A SHIT TO WATCH SOME MINUTES OF REUSED AND STATIC ANIMATION A DECADE OR TWO AGO.

They also love giving random shoutouts or references to older things in Digimon, but they remove all of it's meaning so it's just a dull wink to the older audiences, while also being less than that for new audiences.
Yeah guys, we remember Omegamon vs virus villain. Si si, Parrotmon vs Greymon was great and vicious. Sim, Leomon again! Can't wait to see him dying again. Wait what? I hope you aren't thinking that by putting these in by themselves would mean anything, right? There's no build-up for any of that, nor things that can build up on that. Surely that's not the writer's plan....right?
At most you could say they gave a (out-of-nowhere) noble/rival'ish personality to Ogremon or that in this reboot (where armored-Digimon don't really need the digieggs) they made some good usage of Pegasusmon so that TK and Patamon won't be out of the action for so much time. That's nice. Except they already forgot that really well crafted rivalry between Ogremon and Greymon.

The fights are really well animated all around, I'll give it that. I think for Digimon that's the best it has ever been in the action department, as technology has gotten better and you can feel a lot of passion and hard-work from it's animators (even though there are quite a lot of random slips). It has some nice choreography and usage of the Digimon body parts to give it a more involved "visceral feel". Not quite like the 1999's Digimon movie, but it's really well done. Which is a shame, since unlike the first Digimon Adventure this time the writers didn't gave a reason for the digipartners not going directly into ultimate stage. So now every fight is mostly pointless filler until the episode is almost ending and they can show that Metalgreymon evolution sequence for the thousandth time!

Boy I sure love Taichi, Agumon and these random people that follow them. You could feel that Taichi and Yamato got quite the love from the writers in earlier seasons, that Daisuke and Ken had a lot of attention too. The 2 MCs from Frontier had so much love from the writers that the other kids didn't really need to fight or participate for half a entire season. This Digimon right here? It's a nonstop unapologetic toy commercial for Taichi, which as a character(??) this time has no one to bounce off. Great.

This entire reboot is a cursed monkey's paw.
KingwelFeb 2, 2021 5:57 AM
Feb 2, 2021 4:04 PM

May 2017
I dunno maybe it's because I only vaguely remember Digimon from my childhood but I think the recent arc's picked up the pace and is overall a fair bit better. It's still just OK to me but it's an improvement from being boring and bad. It helps that the whole cast is in the show now, though episodes 30-34 have basically been without Mimi, Joe, Koushiro & Yamato. I highly doubt they're gonna pull something truly good in the end, the problem was ever making a reboot in the first place. Sure it's possible to take a show and reimagine it but when it's Toei, an extremely money grubbing studio and Digimon, one of their biggest cash cows it's pretty clear that as long as it's made at all it's by default a success.

A reboot was doomed from the start, I would've much preferred a "soft" reboot/sequel to Last Evolution Kizuna that stars the main cast's children or something. At least then they wouldn't have to fall back purely on nostalgia. But again I'm not the best person to comment on it as I barely have any Digimon nostalgia due to not growing up with it much, just seeing from what I see people say and my overall impression there was a formula to make this match or surpass the original but they didn't bother to.
Feb 3, 2021 2:05 AM

Dec 2015
Atelier_Weiss said:
I would've much preferred a "soft" reboot/sequel to Last Evolution Kizuna that stars the main cast's children or something. At least then they wouldn't have to fall back purely on nostalgia.

Adventure cast's children are shown at the end of the whole saga (an epilogue scene for 02). But given Tri and Kizuna, TOEI clearly bets more on adding screen time for our old heroes and evolutions to the iconic monsters (despite the huge quantity available in this franchise) by stuffing the blank gap before this epilogue than on creating a moderately fine adventure quest, something basic and okay.

Also, even if each animated iteration kept some elements and is negatively seen for a reason or another since Adv02, some of them had, at the very least, try something different. Be it in the narrative schema, or some mechanics. It also have the benefit from making the writers of a series free from coherency restraints (although, there werere always breaches).
Here, there doesn't seem to be any attempt, apart maybe from imitating a dull videogame (and videogames are not known for being especially exciting narratives to watch inactively).
Feb 4, 2021 3:19 AM

Feb 2015
I still don't know who thought that rebooting the series for nostalgia bait was a good idea in the first place.
They could've just chosen to create a remake - the old show with better animation. It would've worked just as good (if not better) as nostalgia bait and would've had an actual story with characters who have a personality. And they still could've gone with 66 episodes and give the other kids their perfect levels (like the PSP game, just more clever).

Instead they chose to create a reboot that most old fans will probably dislike (so it kinda fails as nostalgia bait) and is too unappealing to bring in enough new fans to compensate for that.
Tri was already highly controversial, but it still managed to appeal to old fans (even tho it was also criticized harshly, I honestly only see hate for it everywhere) - just look at the scores here on MAL and compare them to this reboot.

This show single-handedly made me dislike Taichi & Agumon and I've always liked all the Adventure kids ._.
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 6, 2021 7:04 PM

Feb 2019
Better than** it’s surpassed it
Feb 6, 2021 9:09 PM
Aug 2016
For me the reboot is worse than original. at least in original the character development felt more balanced between characters but in reboot it put too much focus on Yagami siblings and Yamato & Takero brothers. the other characters just there and get little too much development unless it is the episode where they got new evolution. the bias so blatantly the op is all about Taichi and Agumon and Gabumon evolution get sailor moon like aimation

and the world building also felt non existent compared to orginal and the villain have no personality whatsoever. most of them just mute digimon

the only thing the reboot get better is the fighthing scene
Feb 6, 2021 9:25 PM

Jul 2017
The The reboot has been amazing but this is a stretch...
Feb 7, 2021 2:42 AM

Aug 2014
The reboot is not as good as the original. The Original wasn't a great show, but it had what mattered to make it a show with longevity.

Most notably the characters. The new show's characters are flanderized, basic ideas of who the characters are supposed to be, while the originals were more realistic and dealing with very human struggles.

It was surprisingly relatable for such a cheap product placement of a show, but it was also way more fun with it's world building and knew how to not make every episode depend solely on cheap battles and evolutions (speaking of evolutions, evolutions were way more exciting back then too, because the new shows evolutions are pretty much predictable to a point were I couldn't binge the episodes in which every DigiDestined's digimon goes to level champion and ultimate one after the other, cause it just felt dull and unsatisfying to me).

Lots of people praise the battles, but honestly aside from some pretty cool exceptions I don't think they upped the game considerably and it mostly just comes down to "Digimon evolves and uses signature attack".

As far as story goes, neither shows are really amazing. The new one latches onto lore that was established in previous media and isn't really refreshingly original at all. Even though the old show was mostly just about "make things up as you go along", I still find the quirkiness (telephone cabins at the beach, desert ships, vending machines with numemon, baby village of rebirth, metal empire, etc.) of the show way more entertaining than this new one.

I'll give them props for rolling with the Digital World affects what happens in the real world, but it just feels too detached from the main story to really seem like it matters. It mostly just feels like a motivation for the DigiDestined to be doing what they're doing. I really wish they treated it like a proper B-plot.
Feb 8, 2021 7:25 AM
Oct 2019
Lmao the only good thing about this reboot is just the Animation...
The rest are disaster...
Feb 13, 2021 9:14 AM

Feb 2016
Atelier_Weiss said:
Sure it's possible to take a show and reimagine it but when it's Toei, an extremely money grubbing studio and Digimon, one of their biggest cash cows it's pretty clear that as long as it's made at all it's by default a success.

That didn’t stop Toei from making a great GeGeGe no Kitaro reboot.
Feb 13, 2021 11:23 AM

May 2017
Lucifrost said:
Atelier_Weiss said:
Sure it's possible to take a show and reimagine it but when it's Toei, an extremely money grubbing studio and Digimon, one of their biggest cash cows it's pretty clear that as long as it's made at all it's by default a success.

That didn’t stop Toei from making a great GeGeGe no Kitaro reboot.

Fair point but I feel like that's a slightly different case just cause GeGeGe no Kitaro's such an old franchise that they wouldn't dare mess it up. Maybe I'm just being biased I dunno, it doesn't make it right but I feel like seniority usually leads to an additional amount of respect granted because they know there's a certain level of expectation from the long time fans. With a Digimon reboot there's no real expectation other than nostalgia pandering. GeGeGe no Kitaro's also had a lot of reboots/alternate versions so there's a more specific and understood vision. I dunno, Toei fucked up here that much can be said.
Feb 13, 2021 11:55 PM

Jul 2017
OH GOD OP, you're such a troll.

Not a fan of the original Digimon Adventure (as I was stuck onto Pokémon at the time), but I can say that it has quite held up some value within the Digimon community and fandom for over 2 decades. Heck, I've tried out the OG for myself, and I still think that while it's not as great as Pokémon, it's no slouch either.

But what about this reboot/remake/reimaginating? Absolutely NO substance AT ALL.
Ham-fisting and cucking us at every opportunity to bait old fans with the "nostalgia" while simultaneously reeling in new fans, Toei sure are stuck in their days of past trying to reboot as much stuff to win back people.

I'm sorry, but this has to be said: since WHEN did Toei Animation reboots were ever good to begin with (aside from GeGeGe no Kitaro)?
Feb 14, 2021 11:30 AM

May 2015
It's no where near the original, it got NOTHING on it except animation and possibly fights too, I'll also say it's truly childish, the original was a bit mature for it's age group, that's a plus for it over the original, maybe it's lore is on par too but that's it no more no less.
Instead of a reboot it should've been a direct alternate timeline sequel to the original that totally ignored or dicanonized the disaster that was 02.
JustMonaka said:
Why bother having 8 children when only 2 of them are going to be in spotlight?
More like one kid, I agree, tho, that "Taichi MC superiority" BS pisses me off.
TheBerserkerFeb 14, 2021 12:01 PM
Feb 17, 2021 6:37 AM
Oct 2019
This Thread didn't age well...
davidyodo24Apr 25, 2021 10:24 AM
Sep 5, 2023 7:08 AM

Nov 2012
nah, the original did a much better job and spotlighting the other digidestined and giving them their times to shine. While 01 suffered similar complaints of it being the "tai & matt" show, the reboot takes this to a new low in just being the adventures of Tai and further sidelining the others giving them little to none impactful moments.
The original also did a lot better and building up to digivolutions, big moments and villains. In the reboot it is literally like everything is just spat out to milk the hype of the moment, although it often falls flat as it just relies on the inherent hype of it...rather than it actually being hype and meaningful.
The English dub is objectively worse, although at least not totally terrible.

I doubt many people are saying 01 is perfect, but it's league ahead of the reboot. It's an easy rec to simply say rewatch the original rather that watch this. Sine the 01 nostalgia is possibly the only thing that makes the reboot semi-watchable.
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