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GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka
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May 4, 2020 6:23 AM
Dec 2016
The ending leaves more to be desired. No information about the relationship with Yoshikawa or anything. No clear ending, I prefer Young GTO better, but overall.. this is a good watch, the story is advancing, no episodes feel like a repeat.

Just wish this was longer and had a better ending >3>

May 4, 2020 5:21 PM
Aug 2019
the ending was great and this anime had a lot of lesson for me.Love it.
May 20, 2020 1:06 PM

Oct 2013
The ending was intense, dynamic and quite bittersweet, especially in its last minutes. And I loved it! Onizuka is simply amazing. :) What a more, you could see how vice-director has improved compared to how his attitude was in the beginning.

This anime was great. Full of comedy, cute moments and drama and of course various, interesting characters.

Too bad there is only one season of Great Teacher Onizuka. :( If Not all those years that have already passed, I would really think there is a chance for season 2, especially with that "see you" in the last frame.
May 26, 2020 2:22 PM

Apr 2016
It has been a good series, I did like a lot Onizuka, Yoshikawa, Kikuchi and the other characters of the band. The 41th episode is my favorite in the end but there were some other good episodes.
HectorBlazeMay 26, 2020 4:21 PM
May 27, 2020 9:27 AM
Oct 2018
Wow..It was a great anime. The only thing that bothered me is that the ending felt abrupt. And when I dug in, it turns out that this was an anime original ending. I will probably start manga now. Still an awesome anime, onizuka is incredible. This is 9.5/10 for me.
Jun 26, 2020 7:53 AM
Jan 2011
Good show. Was really worried since I saw the prequel 1st however its so soft in comparison (like seriously, you don't visit the girl from the 1st episode despite knowing where she lives and clearly is interested? well then again she surely would have been trouble but that not a reason for him to stop). He had really nice students as well. I mean it was many times pointed that the school has problems with compensated dating and shoplifting and so on (surly his as well but probably he didn't bother enough to notice...). Really sad they didn't confirm form info of the teacher and girl he was in love with. Someone mentioned the Manga has a different ending, can anyone spoil it for me? Because I expect the series to be way longer and I'm not sure if I'm up to it.
Jul 7, 2020 1:12 AM

Jul 2013
Man, I wish this episode was longer! I wanna know how thing exactly went down! I wanna see those bastards in board of education behind bars. But anyway, one thing is for sure: Eikichi Onizuka 22 years old = greatest teacher there is. I'm happy I made
the decision to watch this, thanks Netflix lol. This show did my childhood justice.

Jul 13, 2020 3:17 AM
Jul 2012
Most rushed ending I have seen in a while. Doesn't ruin the anime, but I did hope for much better. 3/5 ending in my opinion.
When people tell me to stream anime on CR instead of downloading from fansub sites.

Sep 4, 2020 2:32 AM
Sep 2018
Any updates on this anime ???? Please let me know.
Sep 4, 2020 8:34 PM
Nov 2014
the last 2 episodes werent great.. I could just instantly tell they were a filler made-up ending because they had to end the show. which sucks because right after the Okinawa trip it gets EVEN BETTER like seriously so much happens and it's intense. I'm sad to see that none of has been animated yet but if you are interested read the GTO manga from where the anime finished and enjoy!
Jan 17, 2021 1:39 AM

Jun 2020
HE'S TEACHING IN USA NOW, THE ENDING WAS SUPER GREAT!! Anyways, 2 months later he's in usa now? Jeez talk about time lmao
Jan 23, 2021 12:40 PM

Aug 2007
This is an anime I feel is really outdated. The English voice acting is the only thing that kept this series afloat. The animation is bland, the humor is two dimensional, the characters aren't likable...
Also I can't stand how hypocritical Onizuka is as a person. He's a loser, no doubt about it. Perverted and self-aware of it, which itself is not a big deal, but he does not curb it with minors around. It's awkward and not in a funny way.

This is really not Top 50 material.


Jan 31, 2021 4:06 AM
Jul 2018
I don't usually give a shit about shipping but I'm kind of bummed that we never saw Yoshikawa or Murai end up with the girls they were hinted to be paired with after all they've been through. You could say Yoshikawa deserved better than that bitch who bullied him to the point of attempted suicide but he still seemed to like her and they both changed quite a bit through bonding together in the end.

I also have unanswered questions that I'm not sure will be addressed by reading the manga.

Why did Onizuka bother resisting arrest and escaping when he knew Mr Saito could clear his name by telling the truth about how he stabbed himself?

How was Urumi connected with those thugs who kidnapped Miyabi and her friends earlier in the season?

Who the fuck were those creepy people with fucked up teeth?

Why did everyone seem to think highly of Mr Saito even though he had relations with an underage student? It's implied they had sex at least once due to her being pregnant. She was in love with him so I doubt she cheated and got pregnant with someone else. It's kind of messed up how they try to portray him in a sympathetic light and I don't see how him wanting to be honest about it is redeeming enough to talk about him like he's such a great guy.
Feb 13, 2021 1:15 AM

Jul 2020
lmao great teacher in california

kinda disappointing the ending is filler. It's still good, though I expected more.
Feb 27, 2021 9:17 PM
Dec 2015
Man, this was such a ride. I'll really miss this series.

Mar 8, 2021 9:48 AM

Aug 2018
Amazing anime. 10/10.

Kinda wish we got to see some of Onizuka's past, it would surely be interesting to see! Also, it ended with Onizuka still being single, which is kinda unfortunate.

Apr 10, 2021 7:39 AM

Feb 2020
It was a Great show but little rough around the edges. The ending was really disappointing (last 2 episode the entire tone of the story slightly changed. in the end he ran away and reached it felt like they were trying too hard to please)

Neitherless cast and characters were memorable and the story was charming even if it's not very polished one.

Overall very enjoyable show. It has a few live action adaptations and a prequal, i will check them out next
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

May 1, 2021 12:06 AM

Nov 2020
Wow this was pretty good. This last episode do feel a little bit weird but other than that I really enjoyed it.
If there's a hole there's a goal-Master Oogway
Jul 19, 2021 5:43 AM

Feb 2020
Jul 20, 2021 1:34 PM

Feb 2021
I felt a bit sad at the end of GTO.But it is a very good show.It is 9/10 for me
Aug 7, 2021 12:20 AM

May 2021
Great Anime, now should read shonan 14 days
Nov 4, 2021 12:37 PM
Jun 2015
The greatest teacher known to mankind!
Great Teacher Onizuka!
10/10 and know it's time to read the manga!
Nov 15, 2021 12:34 PM

May 2020
I did like the ending so much , so i 'll give the show 10/10

One Question : Is there any New Things on Manga After The last episode ? , wish if anyone could answer me
Nov 15, 2021 6:21 PM

Mar 2021
that's pretty rushed ending hahaha nevertheless it still a great watch, time to read the manga x)

Dec 23, 2021 11:43 AM

Apr 2013
A nonsensical ending for a nonsensical show. In the end Onizuka did not have to do anything in this episode, since Saito would've woken up anyway and told everyone the truth about the board of education.

Overall I expected much more of this show. I thought it would be about a cool teacher who acts a bit gangster at times but actually does the smart thing if needed. Instead he was just an idiot at all times and things simply worked out because the plot demanded it, not because Onizuka actually did something intelligent. Students becoming his allies one at a time also felt pretty forced, especially since some episodes just ended abruptly and in the next one suddenly they were all friendly with him. In addition the relationship with Fuyutsuki never went anywhere, despite there being a lot of chemistry. Also some girls like Kanzaki were portrayed extremely attractive in the first episode they appeared, but after that never received any big attention from anyone anymore after they played their part. Fanservice was also quite disappointing. 3/10
Jan 26, 2022 4:52 AM

Jan 2018
And with that, let's wrap up GTO.

For just 2 episodes this was a pretty insane arc. But I think it deserved more episodes for a better lead up to the ending.
I don't like the ending. Why does Onizuka have to leave his class without saying anything and flee to America and teach American students? But I guess I can't really ask more from an anime original ending. I would've liked an adaptation of the true ending in a movie or OVA form since the manga only ended like 2 years later so it absolutely could've been made. But for whatever reason the studio or whoever's in charge decided the anime ending was good enough. I thought this series was going to be episodic like many other shows I've watched from the era but I was glad it was not. So that's why the ending felt like it betrayed me. I wanted to see Mr. Teshigawara getting ruined and more of Urumi's antics. In the end Miyabi was only half-redeemed. I can only imagine her arc in the manga, at least until I decide to read it. I wanted greater fulfillment from the story. Not incompleteness.

That being said, ngl this anime exceeded my expectations at least in other areas. Even though it's tagged slice of life the anime isn't realistic at all. Whether you're a student or a teacher or neither nothing from the show should be re-enacted IRL. That being said there are still great lessons to be had here. If we had more teachers like Onizuka around us education would probably be more fun and feel purposeful.

Onizuka Eikichi sensei does deserve all the love he receives. He is Great. This anime is Great. But I think the first half of the show was stronger. I had a lot of fun in the 2nd half though. The middle parts did drag a bit but they were still way more enjoyable than some seasonal anime I watched recently. No matter which way I cut it I want more of this show.
Though I'm happy I finished this show today. It's going to be an interesting note in my life cos I'm at an important point right now.

0451Jan 26, 2022 5:01 AM
Apr 14, 2022 5:27 AM
May 2020
And that's why he's the self proclaimed great teacher onizuka. Beautiful end to a beautiful series
Apr 15, 2022 4:45 AM

Mar 2022
Great anime.
I would probably have given it a 10 but I just think that the whole embezzlement arc was just too damn stupid so I will drop it to a 9.
Apr 23, 2022 3:44 AM

Dec 2016
What an amazing amazing show from start to finish, I'm really gonna miss this show from characters to OSTs, I'm definitely turning this into a frequent rewatch-worthy show.
One of the best episodes I've watched in a long time, ad some of the funniest gags there are.

The Miyabi plotline might have felt short from the fact that it was resolved through a filler arc, I'm definitely gonna check the Manga aftrward.
May 11, 2022 1:56 PM

Jan 2017
Great anime. There were a lot of moments that really just felt like it was a waste of time but in general I enjoyed it greatly. Last two episodes felt way too rushed unfortunately but it still manages to end decently. Wish certain character relations and backgrounds were fleshed out more but in general I had a fantastic time watching this.
May 22, 2022 5:42 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
This is one of the first animes I've watched in a group and had a blast doing so. While I certainly can't recommend it to every group since "it's a series of its time" and "it has so many pervy momnets", we really did laugh at whatever Onizuka pulled out of nowhere, the range of face expressions and the overall atmosphere of some of the scenes.

Something I have to give credits for is how real some of the struggles the students had felt and the life lessons Onizuka taught them as a result. He behaved in an unorthodox way in every sense of the word, yet his maturity comes when it's needed most. I think that's what the director saw in him when he was hired.

Gotta say though, thank god this is fiction since some of the plans the concoctioned go way beyong criminalistic and evil. He ended up changing them and getting on their good side, yes, let's not forget about that for a second. For example, Kanzaki might be a great character that helps him a lot by the end mainly in intellect, but she also has the mind of a killing machine.

Regarding the style, animation is mostly consistent for something of its time, soundtrack has as its highlight the memorable black and white first opening and the voice was pretty much on point, even for that annoying professor who would insert English words into his dialogue. We had many endings as well, but I feel like the best one might be the very first one in terms of music at least.

Lastly, the way it ended surely felt sad but at the same time fitting that they would arrest him for something he didn't do. It took so much for Miyabi to finally apalogize for her misconceptions and Onizuka starts off a new teaching adventure in a new school. I'd like to read the manga later to see how much does the original ending differ from this one. For now, I feel very satisfied that I finally ended up giving this a chance.
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Jul 14, 2022 11:15 AM
Oct 2019
this was a good series, though i don't understand the high rating that it has

the faces. let's all admit it. the faces are what makes this show good. they are the best part of gto. it's nice to see how far he'll go to help/save his students as well

aside from that, it can be perverted and way over the top at times. because of that i took a long break, so it took me awhile to finish this. it was also becoming a bit too episodic in the early/middle portion of the series and episodic shows aren't really my thing

great way to end it though. "i'm the great teacher onizuka. i'm 22 years old. it's a pleasure to meet you" ***funny face***

7/10 overall
Sep 11, 2022 12:32 PM
Sep 2022
Ass. My name is Edward
Oct 20, 2022 8:50 AM
Feb 2022
Most memorable anime
Oct 22, 2022 12:29 PM

Jan 2010
If I had any complaint with GTO, it's how stupidly lucky Onizuka gets sometimes. When I first started watching, I assumed Onizuka would solve his students' problems with bullheaded stubbornness, unorthodox insanity, and an innate understanding of how rebellious kids would think and act. Instead, he gets bailed out a by the students he's helped, which makes sense to an extent. He helped them, so they'd return the favor by helping him back. However, sometimes the universe bends to Onizuka's whim, and through coincidence after miraculous coincidence, he gets through the toughest situations by the skin of his teeth. I like it when Onizuka's solutions rely on him manipulating his students, getting them to confront their fears or overcome hurdles. I appreciate how we get episodes like these too where he takes the fall in place of his students, but it leaves me feeling conflicted. It's not really a solution, it's either stalling until the student hopefully becomes remorseful, or Onizuka lucks out and is somehow absolved of whatever crime he's taking the blame for.

The anime rushed through these last two episodes, and consequently left much to the imagination. We're assuming that Aizawa, an Assemblyman's daughter, could get arrested for attempted murder without further political fallout. We're assuming that Saito would come forward and clear up Aizawa's name. We're assuming that Saito's blog somehow serves as evidence to his past and current state of mind. Heck, with all the covering up the Board of Education had done, how had they not scrubbed Saito's internet posts? How much power does the Board of Education even have? Hell, how could Saito post those things online, knowing that he'd jeopardize the whole cover-up and threaten Mizuki's safety? Why did Mizuki suddenly decide to commit suicide a year after the original incident? How did Onizuka flee the country when he's apparently now a suspect for assault? Why did he even need to flee when Saito's apparently awake to assumedly clarify the situation?

From the looks of things, the GTO anime ended midway through the manga, as Aizawa's home situation never seemed to be resolved. Her father is still having an affair, and her mother didn't seem to be doing anything about it.

Overall, I still enjoyed GTO, and it actually did address many pertinent issues prevalent in education, but it certainly leaves a lot to be desired.
ShockedMar 20, 2023 1:12 PM
Oct 27, 2022 2:57 AM

Sep 2022
Great Teacher Onizuka
Oct 27, 2022 11:13 AM

Feb 2022
ANIk_003 said:
Great Teacher Onizuka
THE Goat sensei of Anime
Nov 4, 2022 12:42 PM

Feb 2022
ANIk_003 said:
Great Teacher Onizuka
ANIk_003 said:
Great Teacher Onizuka

Dec 30, 2022 3:29 PM
May 2020
It is nice that he is going off to help a new crowd of kids, but how did he legally get in America AND "California Junior High"????? Seriously?!?
Feb 5, 2023 1:06 AM
Jan 2023
GTO is peak. They did a pretty good job of creating their own way of wrapping the series up.
AverageKoalaMar 5, 2023 9:16 PM
Mar 19, 2023 3:41 AM
Nov 2017
Time to read the magna I guess. Gonna miss this quirky little anime
Apr 1, 2023 12:24 AM

Nov 2022
Okuyasu saying "Greato Daze" is one of the amusing things I have came across

And if they actually made a show/manga based on Onizuka teaching Japanese in Downtown Los Angeles, I would gobble it down like a homeless tramp finding a half-eaten big mac in the dumpster
Apr 1, 2023 4:26 PM
Jan 2020
That previous teacher finally woke up. So, he can say that he stabbed himself, right? Why is it necessary for Onizuka to take the blame? I would have liked it if he continued in that school itself with the students that are already good friends to him.

Anyway good anime.
Apr 18, 2023 1:35 PM
Apr 2023
masterclass ! it's so funny and when you are depressed saw it. It's helpfull !
Oct 5, 2023 5:54 PM
Aug 2021
I thought it would have been an abrupt ending, but pierrot actually gave it what was supposed to be just another end of a story arc into actually a good ending to the series. The last scene had classic onizuka vibes. Well i guess its the manga for us from here on till the end. Everyone who has watched this anime will hope and pray pierrot get to finish this story someday in our life time. Bleach actually got a chance to finish with TYBW , hopefully GTO will get too within our lifetime. Its gonna be hard to read the brilliant story in the manga without the iconic music of onizuka. I will surely finish reading all 200 chapters. This series is surely one of those series that i will surely rewatch many times in the future.
Honestly deciding to watch GTo and One piece was one of the best decisions i made in life.
GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA is 10/10 a masterpiece
i dont really care if it objectively isin't. very rare stories actually manage to make you feel happy and warmth.
2023 signing off.
Nov 10, 2023 1:42 AM

Jan 2021
An overall okay show. It had some great moments but the rest was just "meh".
Nov 30, 2023 7:40 AM
Jan 2023
Need to have teachers like him IRL
Jan 24, 2024 5:31 AM

Jun 2021
watching Fuyutsuki running through Eikichi's apartment and finding it empty hurt hard. Poor penguin at the door (trying to laugh even if it isn't the most convenient moment)

This series finale is mixed up with GREAT! moments (even if not by the main character this time) and questionable others, there were already some previously but never as big as in this honestly rushed final arc. Hard to not confirm that some people in this thread have a point when it comes to legal technicalities and how the main character can leave the country in such a situation and teach somewhere else.

However... not even a sort of subpar non-canon ending and thinking about how long the payback arrived for some of the worst characters (and/or was too light in the bigger scheme) can ruin my fondness for GTO. It belongs to a time that helped so many people in italy to grow interest for anime in general in the early 2000's, despite multiple unrealistic situations it still holds up for multiple reasons when it comes to the flaws of the school system, learning from life etc. etc., has great music for both OP/ED and actual soundtrack, so many great unforgettable characters including the main one, and when it's funny, it succeeds into it like very few others.

Sooner or later i'll finally read the full manga, back in the late 2000's i bought two random second-hand volumes including the final one and i recall an especially great moment from the former that would have been badass to watch adapted into anime, but i won't spoil. 10/10 and still set in stone in my top 10.
Jan 25, 2024 9:14 AM
Sep 2023
This was a really great series I can definitely seeing this being an inspiration for assassination classroom, but that being said I still like Assassination classroom better. this was good but some gags like the vice principals car being broken got a biiit old and repetitive after awhile the same goes for the same story beats of 1 student has a problem and decides to get onizuka fired w/ the usual means of framing him for harassment in more or less the same way every time. but the ending did save this and for what its worth I looooved onizukas detailed facial expressions that were hilarious in of themselves. either way its funny, cozy & a bit repetitive but still a great series 9/10 in my book
Feb 24, 2024 8:34 PM
Jan 2024
hopes this show was continued it was really good
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