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Was the 2010's was the worst time to be an Anime fan?

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Mar 30, 2020 12:22 PM

Oct 2017
Zeroflamez said:
@PokestarFan Why do you constantly insist that just because you haven't seen what I'm talking about that it doesn't exist?

DaCraziGuy said:
Nop. you are just someone that cares too much about someone's else opinion because you have no personality.

If you are truly an anime fan then your only concern should be that your favorites shows get fully adapted with the quality that you can enjoy, everything besides that is totally pointless and useless.

Nice false assumptions . I don't give a shit about what people's opinion are of what I watch

TolkienFan365 said:

Yeah it's humorous that he complains about toxicity while labeling shows and fans of shows as degenerates (again if you use this unironically maybe look up where the term degenerative art comes from). I would argue said OP is also as toxic as many of the things he is complaining about here.

Honestly it's just down to the fact we are more engaged than ever with the internet and social media even say back in the 2000's. Forum users couldn't even come close to commanding the wide spread influence that a YTuber has or twitter being able to interact with creatives. Anime/manga also is just way more popular as well. It was the change around anime that changed the community not the community itself. You can find this in every fandom.

That said I mean I am not that old myself but when I first got into anime/manga late 2000's it was hardly some amazing secure place of people just welcoming you in open arms. I would argue it's worse today but that's less because of attitude and more what said toxic people are arguing on/promoting. I wish the worst stuff you see in this community were just fanboys today.

How exactly am I beng toxic? I'm talking about the people who act the way I've described. Not the entire fan base as a whole. I also don't hate the AoT fandom. Nor do I think they are all degenerates. Nor do I actively go out of my way to insult a fan every time I see them. However my experience with them hasn't been a good one so of course I am not going to be very receptive to them.

The association is kinda annoying not much different how it was back in 2009 insulting people for being a fan of one Big 3 battle shonen over another. I don't like your view that I am not toxic but let me through on this blanket statement that can be a personal attack. You can hate AOT all you want and that's fine criticism is fine but the implication is that somehow being a fan of this content means you are a "degenerate". I mean it is an insult I mean if you are going to complain about "toxicity" hatedoms do add to that. IDC personally whatever if someone is being annoying you ignore it but you apparently care. How is generalizing entire fandoms help in fighting said toxicity?

Honestly really the only I think I actually just take issue with the term degenerate (the idea of degenerate art comes from Nazi Germany your usage of it annoys me as any person who unironically uses the term/funny enough lots of supposed liberals have used that term in the past lol) but whatever and the fact that you actually let people influence your opinions. Hate AOT but actually watch it (probably won't matter though since you would be going in with a bone to pick). I still do connect with this community and I did read forums and such but outside of that i personally could care less for the anime community. If it gets to the point it no longer is somewhat enjoyable I have NP just cutting it off entirely I really don't care and there are some communities I freaking despise that I still enjoy the content (SW). I just don't interact anymore with the fandom.
BilboBaggins365Mar 30, 2020 12:28 PM
Mar 30, 2020 12:32 PM

Oct 2017
WitchJacqueline said:
Zeroflamez said:

Worst time to be a classic Anime fan? Care to explain a bit more? I've never heard this before. Do you mean like an old fan or a fan of classic anime?

Both honestly? Classics culture is dying in the anime community (something which I absolutely abhor) and thus taking those of us who rode somewhere between old classics and hidden gems with it. Sure anime is easier now than ever to get, but I also feel like the community at large is not making use of that at all. But yeah the fandom also changed in a way that entirely eradicates the older cultures I feel. If you, like me, are more on board with the older ways of binging old ass anime instead of watching seasonal stuff week by week to forget it the month after, now's a terrible time to be an anime fan.

Yeah but once again that has to do with media changing. The ease of access of content means that works don't have to last as long. Plus I mean I love old 50's/60's epics like Spartacus, Ben Hur, El Cid but the amount of people who enjoy those films is very limited. That's life at the end of the day though there will be always people to discuss these kinds of things even in the minority. I don't need a big community just a select few people to talk to.

Alpha_Trannery said:
Haha, I like the community degeneracy and all. It's fun to me.

The anime community in the 2000s was so boring in comparison.

And I mean, I feel more at home with the fellow degenerates than not. Makes me feel not alone in being a deviant weirdo.

I don't think he is talking about stuff like that lol. Just more how the community behaves mainly regarding to how popular fandoms operate, older classics being forgotten and social media culture.
Mar 30, 2020 12:41 PM

Nov 2017
Easily the best era for anime-fans. It's not close at all. Accessibility went up 100%. Everything about this decade was good, anime got more popular and mainstream. We'll see what effect that has on things but mangakas keep pushing out good manga. As always, it's up to the directors and studios to make something of it.

I guess I might say that dubbing got too common and now there seem to be a lot of dubs reaching for a lowpoint. I wish our own dubbing in English stateside could become as creative and special as the Japanese seiyu.

I liked all the memes, it got me into some series. They were definitely hit and miss though.

And the anime this decade was top-caliber, best its ever been because of technology.
Mar 30, 2020 12:43 PM

Jun 2015
No it wasn't. I think you're just too old. I grew up in the 2010s and it had some of the best anime ever created AND my favorite so... suck it Boomer!
Mar 30, 2020 1:23 PM

Apr 2010
@TolkienFan365 "The fact you actually let people influence your opinions" This here makes no sense. I don't think AoT is good or bad. I have no opinion on it cause I haven't watched it. If I did indeed let people influence my opinion as you say I would have already watched it by now and agree with everything the fan base believes. How the fuck can a blanket statement also function as a personal attack? As soon as something is a personal attack it is no longer a blanket statement, vice versa. My usage of degenerate is completely fine. Go look up the definition and no I'm not talking about Degenerate art.

WitchJacqueline said:
Zeroflamez said:

Worst time to be a classic Anime fan? Care to explain a bit more? I've never heard this before. Do you mean like an old fan or a fan of classic anime?

Both honestly? Classics culture is dying in the anime community (something which I absolutely abhor) and thus taking those of us who rode somewhere between old classics and hidden gems with it. Sure anime is easier now than ever to get, but I also feel like the community at large is not making use of that at all. But yeah the fandom also changed in a way that entirely eradicates the older cultures I feel. If you, like me, are more on board with the older ways of binging old ass anime instead of watching seasonal stuff week by week to forget it the month after, now's a terrible time to be an anime fan.

Because it's more about staying up to date and keeping up with what's trending than it is about anything else these days. No one talks about classics anymore. It's only about what's new or coming out soon. It's kind of depressing to be honest.

phantom346 said:
No it wasn't. I think you're just too old. I grew up in the 2010s and it had some of the best anime ever created AND my favorite so... suck it Boomer!

Thanks for representing everything I hate about zoomers in your post.

ZeroflamezMar 30, 2020 1:30 PM
Mar 30, 2020 2:20 PM

Sep 2018
I joined the anime community in 2015. While people wise, the community kind of blows, with elitists and “shit taste” and argumenst over very stupid things, everything else has gotten better. So much more accessibility to anime of all kinds, so much more attention on otherwise forgotten anime, and now the fan base is so diverse even if there are shitty people, you still will find very nice and genuine people if you look. Try not to let people ruin things you like, a lot of good has happened if you look at it.
Honestly my chances of becoming a fan of anime would be lower in any other decade I think.
Mar 30, 2020 2:24 PM

Jul 2017
no it wasn't, it was, by far, the best. you are talking about the community. be clearer next time, because because of the easy access, not to count free streaming, to anime made the 2010 an undeniably better time than ever before to enjoy animes.
Mar 30, 2020 2:36 PM
Dec 2016
In that regard yes to a degree.

As I always say:

Anime is good
Anime fans are bad
Mar 30, 2020 2:39 PM
Jul 2018
I get you OP. I loved anime until I came in contact with the fandom which almost made me quit.
Something else that really put me off of the whole thing was how people began treating content creators/ artists in the 10's. So much disrespect and toxicity.

For reference I began watching anime in 2012 and came in contact with them around 2014.
Mar 30, 2020 3:04 PM

Aug 2018
Zeroflamez said:

DaCraziGuy said:
Nop. you are just someone that cares too much about someone's else opinion because you have no personality.

If you are truly an anime fan then your only concern should be that your favorites shows get fully adapted with the quality that you can enjoy, everything besides that is totally pointless and useless.

Nice false assumptions . I don't give a shit about what people's opinion are of what I watch

So, if you don't care about people's opinion then why would you create this topic despite knowing that the average quality of anime improved, it's a lot easier ti access to anime and having a complete adaptation is a lot more common than before? You are kidding, right? There is no question to make...
Mar 30, 2020 3:08 PM

Feb 2018
Nah fam we're good.I think most anime fans got real serious with this hobby only in the 2010's.

Mar 30, 2020 4:38 PM

Oct 2008
I just like to watch anime, what do I care about other fans.

Toxicity and degeneracy is in the eyes of the beholder. While I think "Jojo", and whatever other memes there are out there are annoying, I don't consider them toxic.

I like my incest, yuri, Imouto, onee-san, Isekai and whatnot. So degeneracy comes with the territory, if you're an anime fan, you have to roll with the punches.

If the 2010s did anything I could consider
to be toxic and degenerate its not isekai, memes, anthropomorphic characters or saving anime. Its f*cking
Idol anime series. Subjective as it is, its what I think the 2010s could have done without the Idol trend.
Mar 30, 2020 6:58 PM

Jan 2019
Yes, I wish I got into anime earlier.
Mar 30, 2020 7:06 PM

Oct 2017

Well no because you had a negative response to the community's insistence. Your opinion on those shows was tainted by a fanbase as now you have decided to not watch them purely because of random people who are fans. Therefore yes you are letting people influence what you choose to watch or not. It doesn't have to a positive or negative response but you indicated that by being involved with the fans you changed your mine on that alone not to engaged with it. That was the prime reason you stated to not watching said content if there were other reasons that would be valid in my eyes.

I will take issues with the argument blanket statements can't be personal attacks since you went down this road. To make it easily understandable why they can be to use an extreme example making a statement about a certain race of people is a blanket statement but it can also be a personal insult in the same breath.

Also no I am not equating that to it but that is easily observable that blanket statements can be personal insults. Saying the AOT fanbase or fans of other shows are degenerates in a non ironic statement is kinda insulting because to be fans of said content would make you a degenerate.You literally said I associate it with being a degenerate by default which means anyone who profess love for it is now a degenerate for liking said content.

So if I am a fan of that show you insinuated that I am a degenerate for being a fan. That is a statement that is a personal insult and therefore looking for hostility and therefore again you contribute to something you claim to dislike.

I mean in essence your statement is I hate all this vile toxicity and it's all started by this entire group who are all degenerates and ruined my community. They are disgusting.

How is that any discourse to provide a positive community? It's just attacking and generalizing others which in my opinion is about the same equivalence to the stuff you whine about like fanboys who don't understand why you don't like their favourite content or memers. It's annoying and unreasonably hostile for no reason.
BilboBaggins365Mar 30, 2020 7:16 PM
Mar 30, 2020 8:34 PM

Oct 2017
Zeroflamez said:
Fuzzylumpkins said:
You won't notice it if you don't go on the cancerous forums.

Everywhere is cancerous now

This is so true. What the fuck happened to the internet in the last decade? It's a mess.

You know, I thought about it for a minute and I think it's to do with something I talk about a lot: The village vs. the city. Sorry to the people that buy the "diversity is strength" propaganda, but the reality is that a small group of similar people will always have less toxicity than a large group of diverse people. If you were on the internet 15 years ago, you were probably a teens/20's western male with average to above average intelligence.

Now, only idiots will need telling this but to avoid having to put up with triggered replies, I'm not saying those traits make for better people. If the internet was 90% lower IQ Indian women in their 40's back in the day, I think the same applies.

Problem with social spaces on the internet now is that people can be from anywhere in the world with their own cultural standards and values... of any age as older and younger people are able to use it... of much lower intelligence because the internet is easier to use and kid are growing up with it... Plus, as the internet has become more a mainstream social platform, the naturally more social sex has started using it more and the phrase "there are no women on the internet" no longer applies in the slightest.

This is all may seem slightly off-topic, but I think the exact same reasoning applies to the changes in the anime community. Simply too many people. What once was a quiet village with lots of eager social interaction is now a bustling city where people avoid eye contact. Of course, it's not that extreme, but the metaphor is really apt, in my opinion.
“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aggregate scoring is bad for the anime fandom
Mar 30, 2020 9:29 PM

Apr 2010
DaCraziGuy said:
Zeroflamez said:

Nice false assumptions . I don't give a shit about what people's opinion are of what I watch

So, if you don't care about people's opinion then why would you create this topic despite knowing that the average quality of anime improved, it's a lot easier ti access to anime and having a complete adaptation is a lot more common than before? You are kidding, right? There is no question to make...

Dude did you even read the thread it sure sounds like you didn't. I'm literally asking people if they think being a fan last decade was worse than previous decades in terms of being apart of the Anime community. Not whatever the fuck incoherent rambling you're doing.

Have you ever heard of over exposure? People are less likely to engage with something after being exposed to it too much. If I keep hearing about the same thing over and over again, I''m not going to be as open and willing to engage with said thing anymore. Nor will I have much interest in said thing because I've already heard so much about it. So it's completely understandable why I'd be turned off of AoT after having so many people pushing the show on to me.

That's not my problem if they find that insulting. If a fan base wants to not be looked at a certain way they should conduct themselves in a way which garners a positive first impression. If you don't want to be perceived a certain way then don't behave that way. It's not a hard concept to understand. There's ways to respectfully recommend something to someone.
Mar 30, 2020 9:32 PM

Aug 2017
Zeroflamez said:

Setsuei said:
First off...not everyone in those fandoms act like that..just the ones who are the most vocal about their fandom..Second, it's not that hard avoiding that kind of behavior. I've literally been doing that for years just from staying away from most social media outlets and avoiding most ani-tubers. Or option 2, you can just ignore them...Again..not that hard to do.

I get what you're saying but a person really shouldn't have to go to those extends just because a vocal majority can't control themselves.

I know that it's natural to put up some resistance when backed into a corner, but the harsh reality is that it comes with the territory of being in the minority. Yes, the majority is vocal. Granted, that sucks for someone who wants a civil conversation, or doesn't care what the latest hype "doctrine" is, but you can't change others, and especially not an entire community. If we don't like it, we just need to avoid it.

It might seem like my response boils down to "suck it up and ignore it if you don't like it", but from where I stand, it goes a bit deeper than that. The people around me are accepting of anime, and nobody judges me for it in any way (at least most of the time; when it gets bad, it's bad), but there's also nobody with an active interest in the media, at least to the magnitude of mine. It's natural to want people to talk to it about, especially after discovering (after years in my case) that a genuine community existed around the seemingly superficial detail of some "cartoons" being of Japanese origin. I wanted to be part of such a community, and I think most people are the same way. There's nothing wrong with the instinct of joining a similarly minded group, so the disappointment when you find that they're not so similar is also quite real.

It's not a solution, but you can either choose to abstain from the "toxicity" of the majority altogether, or you can endure it, dissing it to your heart's content as you go along, with the hope that somewhere down the line of ranting and complaining, you find some similarly minded individuals with whom you can share you opinions and thoughts in a civil manner. This might sound like bad advice to encourage juvenile or toxic behaviour, but the bottom line is a reiteration of the fact that we can't change people, so I'd much rather concede that complaining like this is fine, so long as you don't expect all that many helpful replies. You said it yourself: you're in the minority. There'll be people who say that you are the toxicity for voicing complaints, but people are always complaining about something or the other in communities, so don't let that get to you. From what I can see, your issue is with mob mentality spreading stupid memes and ideas, and the pushiness of certain fandoms regarding their series. Just keep doing what you're doing with this post: you might get some hate, you'll definitely get a lot of dumb, but you might just spread a little awareness if you can resonate with certain people, and you might even find a sympathiser. It's just that simple: do whatever you want, but make sure your expectations as to the results are reasonable, that way you can suck up the disappointment as to the potential lack of results.

Sorry, this might seem like a broken and confused reply. I typed it up over nearly two hours, with constant interruptions, and I kept losing my train of thought. As such, I might end up causing confusion instead of stating my opinion, but whatever...
Mar 30, 2020 10:10 PM

Jul 2019
I think nowadays is worse. I was still a kid when it was 2010 so I don't know what you guys are talking about but nowadays, if you say you like anime, people automatically think you love hentai or are into little girls. Like once my teacher said female anime characters sound like they're always moaning and people who like anime are usually ashamed of it or not proud. And I don't know how toxic people were in the past but there are still some toxic ass people in the anime community
Mar 30, 2020 10:11 PM

Jul 2019
zieek said:
I just like to watch anime, what do I care about other fans.

Toxicity and degeneracy is in the eyes of the beholder. While I think "Jojo", and whatever other memes there are out there are annoying, I don't consider them toxic.

I like my incest, yuri, Imouto, onee-san, Isekai and whatnot. So degeneracy comes with the territory, if you're an anime fan, you have to roll with the punches.

If the 2010s did anything I could consider
to be toxic and degenerate its not isekai, memes, anthropomorphic characters or saving anime. Its f*cking
Idol anime series. Subjective as it is, its what I think the 2010s could have done without the Idol trend.

Great minds think alike. Incest in anime is actually interesting and it keeps the story spicy. But no real life shit
Mar 31, 2020 2:22 AM
Jul 2018
Here is one thing I will say: While internet fan culture got worse in the 2010's, convention culture is far better than it was in the 2000s.

No more yaoi paddles, no more glomping, none of those "free hugs" signs, a much stronger emphasis on "cosplay is not consent" in general. Cons I visited in the 2010s are far more chill than the loud chaos of mid 2000s cons.

I feel like anime conventions now are like 2000s anime sites IRL... And I would kill for there to be a modern site with a friendly atmosphere and demographics that is "like a con but online" especially with all the cancellations this year. :(
removed-userMar 31, 2020 2:27 AM
Mar 31, 2020 5:00 AM

Jul 2014
No, it's when anime became more readily accessible and when the community started to become less niche (though some may argue that's a bad thing).

I imagine it's way better than the days of trading badly fansubbed tapes of Violence Jack and Legend of the Overfiend.
Take care of yourself

Mar 31, 2020 5:14 AM

Jan 2018
If you must, if you read, hello hello hello my fellow anime watchers!

Girls only click

On topic no people's behavior is not going to influence me watching a show (fandom) unless they are part of the anime production committee.
Mar 31, 2020 6:10 AM

Jun 2009
Certainly not. Whether it was a bad time to be part of the anime fan community is another question. It's best to stay away from shit like that anyway.
Mar 31, 2020 6:49 AM

Jan 2017
HeruruMeruru said:
none of those "free hugs" signs

There are plenty of those roaming around in the anime conventions, that I attend.

OT: The entire internet became more and more mainstream (so less and less nerdy), which is a mixed bag, because on one hand you have more people who enjoy the medium and are a part of the community, but on the other hand you have more differing opinions, which leads to more toxicity.
Additionally the borders of fandoms (gaming, anime, reading, ...) started to melt (eg. you have people, who discuss anime or politics in games). I experienced the said toxicity first hand in LoL, where a losing opponent send me the infamous Jolyne spoiler meme (don't look it up, if you don't want to be spoiled in JoJo).
Mar 31, 2020 3:56 PM

Jun 2019
Nah, things for more and more accessible, and every year just expanded the library. It's never been so easy to become an anime fan, and I'd say that's a good thing.
Mar 31, 2020 6:28 PM

Oct 2019
Not really. There were a lot of great anime, that's what matters. You can always ignore people. I've been watching anime without interacting with the anime community for a long time before I started using MAL, and I never see anime memes. You can be a perfectly good anime fan without talking about anime all the time in the internet.
Btw, I get tokyo ghoul and SAO, Jojo fans can be a little too much, but complain about Attack on Titan makes no sense. It's really great, and apart from the wave of people initially shocked at how awesome it was back when it became popular the fanbase is alright.
Mar 31, 2020 8:29 PM
Jan 2019
I don't think so. I can't say what it was like to be an anime fan before the 2010s because I started watching in 2010, but I think the advancement of technology and streaming has made being an anime fan so much better. I mean anime is so much more available now than it was just 5 years ago. I remember when I first started watching anime it was difficult to even find the anime I wanted to watch if they weren't on the very limited selection crunchyroll had at the time (and I was 11 so I couldn't buy it myself). Sure the community is a hell of a lot more toxic than it was prior to the 2010s but that is just because people have the ability to talk about it more freely with how easy it is now to get on the internet and chat with people thousands of miles away. I think it would have been a lot worse to be an anime fan in the 70s-early 2000s, especially in the west, because it would be very difficult to actually watch anime, at least more so than it is today
Mar 31, 2020 9:01 PM
Jun 2016
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?
not sure i agree with you Zeroflamez about attack on titan being a awful show infact it is one of the few animes that i got instantly liked and binge watch the entire season right after the first episode and along with dragon ball z it is one of my favorite anime. never watched jojo. agree with you on sword art. absolutely loved first two season of tokyo ghoul and any thing after the second season is awful. and each person has their own unique taste and views and not everyone likes the same thing and if some one recommends you to watch an anime if you feel like you dont wanna watch and then dont watch it. ignore shitty memes and pretentious Ani-tubers they are not worth your time. watch the anime which you feel like watching and you are free to express your views. ignore all the negative reactions to your question and just take only the positive replies as your answer.
huntersushilMar 31, 2020 9:16 PM
Mar 31, 2020 9:37 PM

Feb 2017
In this decade, (at least, for me) anime quality has been decreasing and producing the SAME type of series they always tend to air, Rarely, they trust on a well-thought projects that genuinely worth the shot (I'm not asking for a truly "masterpiece", but for, at least, a pretty decent, entertaining anime that doesn't feel the same thing over and over again...) or they make things like Love Kome, (seriously?!)

They tend to make the typical isekai anime, with a recycled plot, and/or the same settings. If you don't believe me, these are some examples:
-Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!
-Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
-Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
-Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni.
Or the same typical series were they just put all the efforts on creating "waifu" or "husbando" characters, and the plot is totallyhollow, forgettable, and below-average. The plot seems to exist for an excuse to serve as a cheap scenario to put the characters there and voilá, let's start to sell figures and posters...

Not everything is so bad as it seems. In my very, personal opinion. There have been some series that I really enjoyed, like Shirobako, like Wotakoi, like Yuru Camp, like Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai, among others... Maybe they're not so "popular" like Naruto, like One Piece or like that thing called Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure. I don't like those series personally (and some of them, I blame their fandom make me hate them because, they never stop shitposting BS about them literally EVERYWHERE!) Of course, there are some notable exceptions, like Kimetsu no Yaiba, but I'm not even interested to give it a try. Modern shonen series tend to be boring, or simply, they're not my radar.

Other thing that is my very, very personal opinion. I feel like anime industry just make series with the solely purpose to sell merchandise, but they doesn't feel like
some series back in the 90's or the 2000, they doesn't have the ambition or the passion to create characters and/or a plot that really lasts in history, and could make a good profit from it, Today's anime tends to feel like an empty shell, with no spirit or effort made in it. Only made just to sell pure imagery, in the form of figures, posters, and other merchandise. All the characters and the plot are truly disposable, only planning to launch the next seasonal, and also, recycled product.
Mar 31, 2020 9:38 PM

Apr 2010
huntersushil said:
Zeroflamez said:
I've been an Anime fan for a very long time now. However looking back, HOLY SHIT did the degeneracy and toxicity ramp up to stupid heights last decade. The fandom in the 2000's had its share of degeneracy and other issues however it was absolutely nothing like the 2010's. Being an Anime fan last decade and currently is fucking awful. (specifically 2012+) The amount of toxic and degenerate fans trying to convert people on to shows(ex. JoJo, Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online and Tokyo Ghoul) was absolutely fucking insane. So was the amount of people making shitty memes CONSTANTLY featuring said shows. You literally couldn't go anywhere without some fan shoving what was hot at the moment down your throat.

Then you had pretentious Ani-tubers become more popular and create a bunch of drones that parrot everything they say to spread their bullshit in the community. On top of that you had a bunch of radical left and rightists invade the fandom and try to push their political agenda on everyone. I personally think the community today is fucking terrible. What's your opinion?
not sure i agree with you Zeroflamez about attack on titan being a awful show infact it is one of the few animes that i got instantly liked and binge watch the entire season right after the first episode and along with dragon ball z it is one of my favorite anime. never watched jojo. agree with you on sword art. absolutely loved first two season of tokyo ghoul and any thing after the second season is awful. and each person has their own unique taste and views and not everyone likes the same thing and if some one recommends you to watch an anime if you feel like you dont wanna watch and then dont watch it. ignore shitty memes and pretentious Ani-tubers they are not worth your time. watch the anime which you feel like watching and you are free to express your views. ignore all the negative reactions to your question and just take only the positive replies as your answer.

You may have to re-read my post. I never said AoT was a bad show. In fact I didn't see any of the above shows were bad. (I'm a Jo Jo fan myself). I don't have a problem with people recommending stuff dude. However I do believe fans that guilty of being a toxic fan boy/girl should be more mindful of others. If you want to tell people how shows there's ways to go about it in a respectful manner. No need to be obnoxious and flood the internet with memes and shoving the show down everyone's throat. If these kind of people really feel the need to behave this way the least they can do is be considerate and go to communities that are strictly for that show and post all the memes they want..

It's the fast food nature of entertainment now dude. Music, movies, Anime, T.V. Everything has a very short life span these days. It's no longer about quality over quantity. It's about getting the next thing out there as fast as possible. It's why a week or 2 after a show stops airing, movie comes out, etc no one is talking about it anymore. I guarantee you when spring Anime season starts no one is going to be talking about Winter season anymore.
ZeroflamezMar 31, 2020 9:51 PM
Mar 31, 2020 10:49 PM

Feb 2017
Zeroflamez said:
huntersushil said:
not sure i agree with you Zeroflamez about attack on titan being a awful show infact it is one of the few animes that i got instantly liked and binge watch the entire season right after the first episode and along with dragon ball z it is one of my favorite anime. never watched jojo. agree with you on sword art. absolutely loved first two season of tokyo ghoul and any thing after the second season is awful. and each person has their own unique taste and views and not everyone likes the same thing and if some one recommends you to watch an anime if you feel like you dont wanna watch and then dont watch it. ignore shitty memes and pretentious Ani-tubers they are not worth your time. watch the anime which you feel like watching and you are free to express your views. ignore all the negative reactions to your question and just take only the positive replies as your answer.

You may have to re-read my post. I never said AoT was a bad show. In fact I didn't see any of the above shows were bad. (I'm a Jo Jo fan myself). I don't have a problem with people recommending stuff dude. However I do believe fans that guilty of being a toxic fan boy/girl should be more mindful of others. If you want to tell people how shows there's ways to go about it in a respectful manner. No need to be obnoxious and flood the internet with memes and shoving the show down everyone's throat. If these kind of people really feel the need to behave this way the least they can do is be considerate and go to communities that are strictly for that show and post all the memes they want..

It's the fast food nature of entertainment now dude. Music, movies, Anime, T.V. Everything has a very short life span these days. It's no longer about quality over quantity. It's about getting the next thing out there as fast as possible. It's why a week or 2 after a show stops airing, movie comes out, etc no one is talking about it anymore. I guarantee you when spring Anime season starts no one is going to be talking about Winter season anymore.

You're goddamn right...

True, but still, a sad reality :(
Mar 31, 2020 11:28 PM

Feb 2015
From my point of view, large fandoms are cancer most of the time, and I'm better off not engaging with said communities too much as I find them too extreme and uncomfortable to deal with. People get triggered way too easily because they can't read properly, or can't accept another's opinion/criticism.
I can't count the number of times I've seen people being called "elitist" for no valid reason(liking old anime, for instance). I swear, I don't know what planet you're living on, but there are hardly any of them big bad elitists out there.

Most conversations also revolve around currently airing stuff, which I don't watch because screw watching 1 ep/week. By the time I'll have watched anything from this season, everyone will have forgotten about it.

Then you have gender/race, or simply politics in general, ruining everything it seeps into, meaning everything. Is it too much to ask to leave entertainment and art alone? Like, that shit happens in basically every medium.

So yeah, the result is that I don't have any real reason to interact seriously with the community as a whole, so I'll just keep doing my thing and watch whatever I feel up to, alone. As far as communities go, I much prefer discussing and sharing my experience with a select few I can casually discuss with, jest and tease rather than the whole world.

Now about Jojo going full mainstream, I hated it. Memes are sometimes funny, but reading "IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE" and seeing rampant low-effort memes made by slapping X line in a completely unoriginal manner, got old really fast.
Mar 31, 2020 11:59 PM

May 2015
I think (I'm pretty sure) it will only get worse.
Apr 1, 2020 4:29 AM

Dec 2013
I got into anime in 00s but I don't really think it was that different back then. Mainstream shounen tends to have a lot of obnoxious younger fans no matter the decade. I think your exposure to them just depends on the kind of circles you have.

What's the most important to me is that there is still a lot of good anime being produced, so I wouldn't say 2010s was a bad decade.
Apr 1, 2020 7:53 AM

Jun 2015
That's not just a thing with the anime fandom, that's just people in general, it seems.

I don't get anyone or anything anymore. It's as if I'm an alien living amongst these people. Memes are the worst fucking thing that people have ever discovered. Anyone who comes up to me or brings them up in a conversation makes me wanna punch them in the mouth. You're not funny. Get an actual sense of humor.

It's great that we have access to pretty much every anime in existence now. New stuff is being discovered/subtitled all the time. I absolutely love it. But why, oh why, does it seem like no one can watch anything that's older than five years and longer than 12 episodes? Seriously, what the fuck? How have our attention spans gotten so short that people get intimidated by 24 episode shows, and have a stroke any time you mention stuff that is 50+ episodes? The seasonal format is the absolute worst way to watch anime. You greatly limit yourself to what you can watch and you would rather waste hours discussing a bunch of shows that no one will remember in a week after they're done airing.

Rant over... I needed to get that off my chest.

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Apr 1, 2020 8:23 AM

Apr 2010
karkki_ said:
That's not just a thing with the anime fandom, that's just people in general, it seems.

I don't get anyone or anything anymore. It's as if I'm an alien living amongst these people. Memes are the worst fucking thing that people have ever discovered. Anyone who comes up to me or brings them up in a conversation makes me wanna punch them in the mouth. You're not funny. Get an actual sense of humor.

It's great that we have access to pretty much every anime in existence now. New stuff is being discovered/subtitled all the time. I absolutely love it. But why, oh why, does it seem like no one can watch anything that's older than five years and longer than 12 episodes? Seriously, what the fuck? How have our attention spans gotten so short that people get intimidated by 24 episode shows, and have a stroke any time you mention stuff that is 50+ episodes? The seasonal format is the absolute worst way to watch anime. You greatly limit yourself to what you can watch and you would rather waste hours discussing a bunch of shows that no one will remember in a week after they're done airing.

Rant over... I needed to get that off my chest.

The thing I love the most (likely the only thing) about last decade with Anime is the amount of love older titles have gotten. So many older titles finally getting localized and fan subbed. Not like it matters though to be honest. People only seem to care about seasonal's these days and have barely watched anything that predates 2010..
Apr 1, 2020 9:01 AM

Dec 2016
How ? it has never been that easy to find and watch animes than now i don't see how it was better before since we can watch olders shows as well.
Apr 1, 2020 9:03 AM

Dec 2016
Zeroflamez said:
karkki_ said:
That's not just a thing with the anime fandom, that's just people in general, it seems.

I don't get anyone or anything anymore. It's as if I'm an alien living amongst these people. Memes are the worst fucking thing that people have ever discovered. Anyone who comes up to me or brings them up in a conversation makes me wanna punch them in the mouth. You're not funny. Get an actual sense of humor.

It's great that we have access to pretty much every anime in existence now. New stuff is being discovered/subtitled all the time. I absolutely love it. But why, oh why, does it seem like no one can watch anything that's older than five years and longer than 12 episodes? Seriously, what the fuck? How have our attention spans gotten so short that people get intimidated by 24 episode shows, and have a stroke any time you mention stuff that is 50+ episodes? The seasonal format is the absolute worst way to watch anime. You greatly limit yourself to what you can watch and you would rather waste hours discussing a bunch of shows that no one will remember in a week after they're done airing.

Rant over... I needed to get that off my chest.

The thing I love the most (likely the only thing) about last decade with Anime is the amount of love older titles have gotten. So many older titles finally getting localized and fan subbed. Not like it matters though to be honest. People only seem to care about seasonal's these days and have barely watched anything that predates 2010..

Many don't even watch shows that predate the actual season.
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