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Why is it that so many people on here seem to just hate every single anime they watch?

Do you think it's stupid for people to trash every anime they watch?
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May 18, 2019 1:24 AM

Feb 2016
NthDegree said:
I have no idea why people even care about other people's scores. Not to mention quality matters more than quantity, so people are willing to wade through trash to find hidden gems.

But seriously, just let people do what they want. It's none of your business anyway.
People like sticking their nose where it doesn't belong.
VengefulAura said:
However, I won't apologize for having an opinion and being not so closed minded as many people are.
I hope you can see the irony of you saying this.

The only answer I can give is a troll one. Maybe they use the opposite system with 1 being the highest. So technically, they are scoring the same as you
OnionKnightRises said:
Your topic does not feel like just an opinion piece. If you were asking why people do this and what others thoughts are of it, then yeah sure, it'd just be a harmless opinion topic (despite this topic being made like every couple days). The problem is you called the way some people watch anime ridiculous and pointless. How is that open-minded? It doesn't seem like you were asking for the reason they do so, it felt more like you wanted to tell people you didn't like how some people do things.

It's not about your opinion, but how you presented it.
Literally thought the exact same thing
“The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one.”
― Nishan Panwar
8=D ~ O:
May 18, 2019 1:28 AM

May 2017
I don't know about others but, I only watch stuff that I like, I don't torcher myself to watch the whole thing. I'll just drop it, that's why I have a high mean score. Also when I pick up a show I research a lot before I start watching, it's a bit exhausting but I've gotten used to in and it's worth the effort.
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May 18, 2019 1:32 AM

Feb 2018
because hating anime makes us look cool
May 18, 2019 1:36 AM
Jun 2016
My rating goes:

1. Animu that I watch on repeat
2. Animu that I love
3. Animu that I can tolerate
4. Animu that I feel guilty watching
5. Animu that I sleep to

Never really hated a series, never really had a streak of really bad anime but everyone is different. :3
May 18, 2019 1:43 AM

Jun 2016
NthDegree said:
I have no idea why people even care about other people's scores. Not to mention quality matters more than quantity, so people are willing to wade through trash to find hidden gems.

But seriously, just let people do what they want. It's none of your business anyway.

This, though the patience of the current generation (I was born in 1992, I grew up in the golden age, fortunately), seems to be nonexistent.

May 18, 2019 3:52 AM

Oct 2018
People like moaning. i on the other hand love everything.
May 18, 2019 4:19 AM
Jul 2018
Sayanora12 said:
Oh! Is this the remake of the “MALers having a mean score of less than 5, what makes you keep watching anime”? Or a remaster of “Why do most people's mean score on MAL is low”? Or is this the new dlc of “Why do people with a low mean score not try to get some other hobbies or friends in real life?” This is getting kind of ridiculous at this point guys lol...

We're building up to the final thread of the series, "MAL Low Scorers Endgame: Half of you are going to disappear". You have to sit through a few filler threads before that.

Every time I see the rating of Dororo going down, I take a deep breath and repeat 10 times, "Ratings don't matter." I'm sure this technique will help a lot of you out there.
May 18, 2019 4:29 AM
Mar 2018
Sayanora12 said:
Oh! Is this the remake of the “MALers having a mean score of less than 5, what makes you keep watching anime”? Or a remaster of “Why do most people's mean score on MAL is low”? Or is this the new dlc of “Why do people with a low mean score not try to get some other hobbies or friends in real life?” This is getting kind of ridiculous at this point guys lol...

Not at all!! I genuinely asked why people who rate that low continue watching anime, and I got different answers , it was like an AMA, overall satisfied and found out that most of them were not trolling with their scores , whereas OP here is giving his opinion on those people ,

So nope, not a remake of my thread
May 18, 2019 4:58 AM

Apr 2017
Manaban said:
Goddammit we just had this thread

Why do you even care, why shouldn't they be able to be here, what are they doing wrong, stop trying to control the opinions other people have because threads like this always reek of bogus ass attempts at creating external pressures on people who have a mean score you don't like

Let them do their thing, it's a non-issue
It is in a issue for small unpopular shows, I have found some shows to be pretty decent, but most reviews you find are about how unoriginal they are or bs like that. If you do not like something, you do not have to sit through it. or the hate shows like SAO, after the first season, why there are some people watching just to hate on it, just leave it if it's not your thing.
May 18, 2019 5:03 AM

Jan 2016
They're god of MAL. How don't you know that, smh.
May 18, 2019 6:23 AM

Jul 2013
Just like how people should let others do what they want, let people make whatever threads they want. Lets be real here. I've been in this forum for almost 6 years now and a lot of discussions here in AD are repetitive as fuck. If you don't like to participate in such topics, then don't.
May 18, 2019 6:58 AM
Jul 2018
since the points of the OP have been adressed i'll just leave my two cents here that while this site has a average mean score of all the users who gave a score to a show, in the end what matters is that its called MYanimelist. so no matter what standards they use for scoring or for whatever reason they continue to watch shows they dislike i'll just accept that people have their own free will to do what they want with their lifes. it might seem pointless to some. however keep in mind that not everyone has the same reasons as you do when they watch something new.

I myself like to watch as many and varied shows as possible, because there's the possibility that they might actually be entertaining to me. even if more often than not they end up as duds or dissapointments.

so to sum up what i said just learn to accept that people have different standards and opinions and move on.
May 18, 2019 9:33 AM

Jan 2016
Because people transcend their basic, normie tastes. I mean, I don’t think an anime fan exists that hates EVERYTHING they watch, then they wouldn’t actually be a fan of the medium (& wouldn’t even bother discussing it).

The people who don’t actually respect Japanese animation are the people who refuse to rate anything critically & only rate their favorite shows a 10/10, without recognizing the flaws of each respective series.
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May 18, 2019 9:40 AM
Apr 2019
A lot of people rate anime low because of nit picking. They disregard the good things the anime achieves and rate it a medium score just because it has tiny mistakes. You can tell who these people are by seeing that their averaging score is about 7.
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May 18, 2019 9:43 AM
Mar 2018
What surprises me most is that 49 people have rated "No" , man if you're really gonna trash on every single anime why tf are you even watching it? It's just like someone who'll come to you and hate every single thing you bring for lunch but would still eat a lot from your box
ccbestgirl1411May 18, 2019 9:47 AM
May 18, 2019 9:44 AM

Aug 2018
It is fine to thrash anime? Yes. It is fine to trash every anime? I don't think so, that means that you are wasting time in something you don't enjoy... pretty dumb imo.

I haven't seen much people with mean score lower than 4 tho... I think you are overreacting a bit there.
May 18, 2019 10:02 AM

Jun 2017
I think it's strange, but what I think to them it doesn't matter, so I don't really care. I don't normally let other people's scores on anime affect my own thoughts and opinions on anime. If I like it, I like it. End of story.
May 18, 2019 10:07 AM

Dec 2014
Why do you even care OP? Are you going to force people to enjoy what they dislike?
May 18, 2019 10:16 AM

Jul 2015
Animxee said:
Every time I check someone who gave a bad review, I also notice that they gave most shows a 4 or 5, and honestly I just learned to not care what their scores are, but rather leave it up to my own judgement. I rarely rate shows lower than a 6, I think I may have rated one show either a 5 or 6, but other than that, mostly 7's, 8's, and 9's.

what people don't get about this generally are that your scores are not only a rating, but a ranking

using more of the breadth of your scale gives more nuance to which shows you like more or less

i think these lukewarm "6-10" opinions are really, unbelievably boring
oyabuntanMay 18, 2019 10:19 AM
May 18, 2019 10:17 AM

Mar 2013
My mean score is 6.92 as of now.. Where does this put me? :D
Anyways, it really is a difference in views and opinions, but I do agree that it's kind of ridiculous to do that. But I think that most anime fail to meet eveyone's expectations; and sometimes, even if you enjoy the show overall, if the ending doesn't meet your expectations, you find yourself condemning the whole show, and no one has the right to blame you for that.
May 18, 2019 10:31 AM
May 2019
My mean score is around three or four if converted into MAL's rating system, and I can say to you about why I hate almost every series that I watch is because I am a masochist and I love to torture myself with bad anime, yay. Any more questions?
May 18, 2019 10:38 AM

Oct 2015
I don't know, I enjoy most anime I've seen, despite what it may look like. I enjoy campy series, and all related to that. I sound like a broken recorder at this point, so I'll keep it simple, MAN I LOVE WATCHING BAD ANIME.

𝔚𝔞𝔫𝔫𝔞 𝔱𝔬𝔲𝔠𝔥 𝔶𝔬𝔲,
𝔚𝔞𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫' 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔪𝔶 𝔪𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱

May 18, 2019 10:40 AM

Apr 2016
WHY ARE THERE TWO OF THESE THREADS THIS WEEK?! FUCKING WHY?! LET THIS THREAD DIE ALREADY! FUCK! (Also practically no one like that exists outside of Krunchyman and his 1-5 scale, as most of the people accused of this are the most passionate anime fags on MAL and they still tend to give a large number of shows they like or love, including shows they find trashy. Plus, some people are borderline masochistic in their viewing experience. This has, and will always be the answer.)
May 18, 2019 11:18 AM

Oct 2014
Muh "why can't everyone just rate anime the same way I do?" opinion.

Just because someone rates low that doesn't mean they hate everything they watch. Besides, if that's what they get enjoyment from why do you have to judge them for it? Everyone watches anime in different ways. It's a versatile medium and people have every right to watch anime and rate it however they feel like.
May 18, 2019 12:16 PM

Apr 2012
Just using the full score system, I meant 5 is like normal, average. So people rated a show 5 doesnt mean they hate it.
May 18, 2019 12:33 PM
Apr 2016
I learned not to check too much because usually anime that aren't high in ranking tend to become my favorites ahahah!
I also think that because there are so much anime it's normal to have anime that you didn't enjoy were you cannot give a rating higher than 3, so if you saw like 500 anime it's kinda normal that there's trash in that list imho.
It's a question of personal taste. Maybe something were I gave a 10 for someone else is like a 2.
SamanthaGDMay 18, 2019 12:37 PM
May 18, 2019 4:17 PM

Jun 2016
Many people in online culture like to be negative. Their scoring system is skewed in interesting ways. It is difficult to believe people would battle through content that was (1-4) level of quality.
May 18, 2019 5:21 PM
Nov 2018
most anime sucks, if someone has seen 500+ shows, most of it is goin to be bad
May 18, 2019 5:45 PM

Jul 2013
I only watch anime, at this point, that I can safely assume to be in my field of interest, so I rarely start an anime I end up hating
May 18, 2019 6:33 PM

Jun 2017
First watch over 500 anime. You will see your mean score and you will know there's nothing wrong with it
May 18, 2019 6:37 PM
Jul 2017
It’s their time wasted. Not mine.
May 18, 2019 8:50 PM

Jun 2014
Sai-B said:
Yes, drop shit if you don't enjoy it, otherwise you're just wasting your time.

Platypus7 said:
They just have a shitty or weird scoring system. Some people don't score by enjoyment at all, but unless they're ridiculously harsh or just terrible at picking shows to watch you'd expect a mean of at least around 5 if they're using the whole scale. Basically no one actually hates most of the anime they watch, despite what the scores may imply to you.

I've read a lot of low-rated reviews, there are people who've sat through over 20 episodes of several animes and have ended up giving them low enjoyment ratings specifically.

Those kind of people exist, whether they actually didn't enjoy the anime, or are just lying about their enjoyment level is a mystery. Maybe the enjoyment of having completed an anime and being able to write a review about it outweighs the unpleasantness they have to deal with while watching it?

Who are you to tell people they are wasting their time?
May 18, 2019 11:41 PM
Sep 2015
because the more anime you watch, the higher your expectations and standards are. While some of course are just elitists, others it comes naturally.
May 19, 2019 3:47 AM
Jan 2013

They simply cant stand the idea of the expectation being outdone.Or think they are cool for hating something.

I am from the old school and yet I dont mindlessly hate modern anime.

May 19, 2019 5:36 AM

May 2018
If they think the anime is bad of course they will talk bad about it. Different people have different standard.
May 19, 2019 5:41 AM

Feb 2018
The act of criticizing and making fun of something can also be very enjoyable.
May 19, 2019 5:45 AM

Feb 2016
xShinigami3125 said:
The act of criticizing and making fun of something can also be very enjoyable.
Could you explain why you gave OPM S2 a 1? Looks like I don't need to ask if I should read the manga instead.
“The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one.”
― Nishan Panwar
8=D ~ O:
May 19, 2019 6:15 AM

Feb 2018
Dinoceros said:
xShinigami3125 said:
The act of criticizing and making fun of something can also be very enjoyable.
Could you explain why you gave OPM S2 a 1? Looks like I don't need to ask if I should read the manga instead.

I wrote a review for opm s2, go check it out.
May 19, 2019 6:22 AM

Feb 2016
xShinigami3125 said:
Dinoceros said:
Could you explain why you gave OPM S2 a 1? Looks like I don't need to ask if I should read the manga instead.

I wrote a review for opm s2, go check it out.
I thought you were trying to bait me into reading a crap review, that was actually really good. thanks for doing it. I'll have to show that review to my younger brother who says he loves the 2nd season.
“The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one.”
― Nishan Panwar
8=D ~ O:
May 19, 2019 6:30 AM

Jun 2015
This has gotta be the worst thread trope on this website.

It looks like I rate things harsher than most people because unlike most people who consider "7" to be average, I consider "5" to be average. Other people may rate things harsher than me for a similar reason or for a different reason. Ultimately it dosn't impact your viewing experience at all and says nothing about them as a person, so why are you hyperfocusing on it?
May 19, 2019 7:39 AM

Jun 2009
most anime is dogshit. newfags will learn this fact in time.
May 19, 2019 8:13 AM
Jan 2018
xShinigami3125 said:
Dinoceros said:
Could you explain why you gave OPM S2 a 1? Looks like I don't need to ask if I should read the manga instead.

I wrote a review for opm s2, go check it out.

I don't even know what to score OP2 at this point but I probably wouldn't give it a 1 around 3-5 I'm constantly changing scores now and then

I gave Dal 3 a 5 even tho it probably should be lower but they had like 2 good episodes where it wasn't as terrible as the others XD due to the outsourced stuido so there was at least a bit of effort .
May 19, 2019 8:31 AM

Feb 2018
Mattinator95 said:
xShinigami3125 said:

I wrote a review for opm s2, go check it out.

I don't even know what to score OP2 at this point but I probably wouldn't give it a 1 around 3-5 I'm constantly changing scores now and then

I gave Dal 3 a 5 even tho it probably should be lower but they had like 2 good episodes where it wasn't as terrible as the others XD due to the outsourced stuido so there was at least a bit of effort .

Considering how much I love opm, for me the answer of what to score it is quite clear
May 19, 2019 8:34 AM

May 2015
The amount of people I've seen that fit your description can be counted by hand.

I don't think that having low scores or mean makes people elitist.
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May 19, 2019 8:39 AM
Apr 2018
i LOVE everything i watch no it anime,movies,dramas and such so i consider myself very very lucky because im a true winner i enjoy everything...i believe my mean score here is about 8 or higher last time i checked
May 19, 2019 8:41 AM
Jan 2018
xShinigami3125 said:
Mattinator95 said:

I don't even know what to score OP2 at this point but I probably wouldn't give it a 1 around 3-5 I'm constantly changing scores now and then

I gave Dal 3 a 5 even tho it probably should be lower but they had like 2 good episodes where it wasn't as terrible as the others XD due to the outsourced stuido so there was at least a bit of effort .

Considering how much I love opm, for me the answer of what to score it is quite clear

xShinigami3125 said:
Mattinator95 said:

I don't even know what to score OP2 at this point but I probably wouldn't give it a 1 around 3-5 I'm constantly changing scores now and then

I gave Dal 3 a 5 even tho it probably should be lower but they had like 2 good episodes where it wasn't as terrible as the others XD due to the outsourced stuido so there was at least a bit of effort .

Considering how much I love opm, for me the answer of what to score it is quite clear
xShinigami3125 said:
Mattinator95 said:

I don't even know what to score OP2 at this point but I probably wouldn't give it a 1 around 3-5 I'm constantly changing scores now and then

I gave Dal 3 a 5 even tho it probably should be lower but they had like 2 good episodes where it wasn't as terrible as the others XD due to the outsourced stuido so there was at least a bit of effort .

Considering how much I love opm, for me the answer of what to score it is quite clear
xShinigami3125 said:
Mattinator95 said:

I don't even know what to score OP2 at this point but I probably wouldn't give it a 1 around 3-5 I'm constantly changing scores now and then

I gave Dal 3 a 5 even tho it probably should be lower but they had like 2 good episodes where it wasn't as terrible as the others XD due to the outsourced stuido so there was at least a bit of effort .

Considering how much I love opm, for me the answer of what to score it is quite clear

Yep which is understandable ........(the character limit is annoying)

Edit : why does it keep quoting 3 times when I just pressesd it onces
May 21, 2019 7:57 AM

Aug 2017
We have our own reasons.

I prefer this instead of undeserved praise.
All weebs creatures of the galaxy, hear this message. Those of you who listen will not be struck by western animation. You will no longer know hunger, nor pain. Your Anime have come to lead you now. Our strength shall serve as a luminous sun toward which all intelligence may blossom. And the impervious shelter beneath which you will prosper. However, for those who refuse our offer and cling to their western animation ways… For you, there will be great wrath.
May 22, 2019 7:07 PM

Apr 2016
Everyone has a different rating system.

I've consumed a lot of entertainment, and, in my opinion, have seen quite a few stories set a high bar in certain areas that other stories haven't reached, so that makes most stories I've consumed a 5 or a 6. I will still watch a 4 or sometimes a 3 as long as they are still enjoyable. If they are so unenjoyable that I don't want to continue watching, I'm going to give it a 2 or a 1. Because I know what I want to watch and can tell in 90% of cases whether or not I will enjoy something when I see it, I don't go out of my way to spend my time consuming actively bad stories I won't enjoy. Thus, why my mean is a 5.8 on MAL and a 6.5 on IMDB.
May 22, 2019 7:35 PM

May 2018
Imagine hating anime and still spending 100+ days of your life simply watching anime.

No logic there whatsoever.
May 22, 2019 8:42 PM

Aug 2013
Probably because people tend to watch seasonal shows instead of seeking out shows they would likely enjoy.
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