rafaelhwk said:I hate to be one of those guys... but this episode was kind of wack and bad. Damn, I hate to say it.
Look, I never read one page out of the re: manga, but I can tell this just aint working. Everything might be adapted as well as possible, but it just doesn't translate to me. It feels like I'm reading the most boring sparknotes page ever. I don't know how to describe it. It has like no emotion to me. Only very few parts. Like Hina's dialogue in this episode or Juuzou's very brief flash back. I could slightly feel those things in this episode. But everything else? Nope. I didn't feel it.
I feel like Saiko should have had a very intense moment seeing and hearing Haise getting bodied like that. I can tell that she's very close to Haise. It's clear as day after this episode, yet I didn't feel sad for her at all. Urie having that break down. Mutsuki sharing the same feeling, and showing the audience thagg hey. These two characters are hurting. Yes, you're telling me that they're hurting, but I dont feel any empathy. Not because I'm a dick or anything, but because it's coming off so stale. Dude, they even tried to get something out of nutcracker for us. "I want to be pretty." Okay? This is supposed to be an emotional episode. I'm not here for the fighting. I'm watching the anime for the damn feels. I aint feel nothin!
Kaneki and Haise. That should be intense right? They even put on unravel. I rolled my eyes! Unravel is just pure nostalgia. I can't be tricked by a cheap tactic like that. That's what grown-ups do to their children to trick them to being happy. You put on any other music on, and the scene doesn't get anything from the most of us. It isn't as powerful. But you put on unravel, and you expect me to feel anything? Nah. I'm not that one. You can be that lazy. I'm sorry. It didn't even match...
This is just not it and I'm honestly so disappointed because I know for a fact that the story is actually good even if I haven't read the manga. And I just feel like they're not giving us the story the way it was meant to be told.
And it's not like they're incapable of doing it either. I remember the Touka/Haise scene was very touching and moving. Sigh. Whatevs.
AND WHAT'S UP WITH SCARECROW MAN/WOMAN? (i mean I already know his/her identity since someone spoiled it in the discussion thread back in episode 2 or whatever, but that was just so freaking random.)
but Imma still watch episode 7 tho lol. and 8-12, too.