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So it's again that time of the week when I watch an episode of this and for the next 2 days every anime looks blunt and pointless.
Loved the reunion of Ban and Meliodas.
Damn didn't think a forefather of the giant race would be one of the 10 demon commanders! And I really do hope those kids will be alright! Really looking forwards to see the big reunion to be honest! Let's see what's next.
This was more of a build-up episode for the exhilarating events that are to come. A lot of new characters were introduced in the maze made by the giant Commandment and everyone managed to reunite with each other under one sky in a twist of fate. Seeing Ban and Melodias do a powerful combo to meet up with Elizabeth and the others looked so good. The festival's about to start and everyone who needed to be here is actually here~
Diane's head.
Erizabesu saved Diane.
Meliodas. A lot of him.
Do the thing Hawk.
The belly meat. The guts. The sirloin. The liver. The heart.
Gilthunder and Howzer saved them.
Dat bite. Dat bite back. Hawk's eating it.
Dat transformation. Transpork. lol
Freeze coffin.
Who is he?
Meliodas and Erizabesu sense each other.
They broke through.
The goal.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Only a few seconds of Escanor and no Merlin again... and it looks like next episode won't be any better. At least restore Diane's memories already ffs...
This maze thing just isn't doing it for me, but great to see the sins almost all be gathered.. almost haha
Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
So again, the first 3/4 of the episode was not good perhaps even bad, but the last quarter was really entertaining when Meliodas finally showed up. I still really don’t like the ‘Diane lost her memories’ plot because it just makes Diane look really stupid and not really fun to watch, which was very obvious this episode. It all felt cliche and was just not fun to watch.
i think it was alright well because the giant girl lost her memory it wasn't really that good because she forgot everything but i still love the show regardless and i love the characters but it was kinda annoying when gowther did that to her and because she lost all her memory its gonna be annoying for her to get all her memory back.