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King sure makes valid points, but after all those years he still doubts his loyalness? Pretty strange! Quite lovely start with Ban's quite sad backstory and to have little reunion. Looking forwards to see what's next.
S2 10-I must say, Ban's childhood are really well told. It was really emotional and depressing at the same time, though this chilfood made Ban the way he is today. It's nice seeing that Ban is reunited with his father figure, Zhivago. Still, it's not necessary but it's a nice addition, better than Diane IMO.
One after another, the Sins will soon realize that Meliodas is in fact a demon.
Zhivago was a good father to both Ban and his own Werefox son and seeing him get torn apart from choosing who to save between the two while they were in real danger put tears into my eyes. Ban had been through so much pain and being forced to leave him to attempt to save his son who ended up being killed by the hunters in the end was tragic. What made it even more impactful was that he regretted not being able to save both of them and was telling his story to Ban without realizing that he's actually the kid he was talking about all along.
They started training in the Sacred Cave of Training and their match-ups sure bring out the resourcefulness out of least in Gilthunder and Howzer's case. Hendrickson might end up meeting with Hawk in the cave since he was the only one who came in there alone and King started to get very suspicious towards Meliodas after all the time he was fighting alongside him. The Ten Commandments are no laughing matter and King's taking it very seriously and all in all, it'd be a nice form of training for them too.
lol at Hawk making Gilthunder correct himself.
Dat abuse.
You don't want people looking through your window? Then get some curtains.
Dat kidnapping.
Ban got the itis.
Selion or Ban.
Selion died.
Ban knows he is Zhivago.
Gowther head got cut off.
Meliodas... from the Demon clan?
Dat ending.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
That beastmans story was real touching, I started to catch some feels keke
Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
The first half with Ban and Zhivago’s backstory was beautiful and one of the best, but in the second half with the training scenes not a lot happened, which makes this episode unable to get 5 stars from me. First half was one of the best of the season, but the second half was boring.
Sin spoilers, simplem Ha sido demasiado hermoso, casi lloro y todo de lo sentimental que se puso esto. Sin palabras y encima el final también me sorprendió
Sin spoilers, simplem Ha sido demasiado hermoso, casi lloro y todo de lo sentimental que se puso esto. Sin palabras y encima el final también me sorprendió