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Jun 2, 2017 9:27 AM

Sep 2016
Biologically a man when you finish puberty (full height and pubic hair growth stops increasing). Culturally, that's a different story and is incredibly subjective. In that sense, people are dictating what you must do in order to prove you are fully matured. This seems to stem from primal tribe cultural, where you would start carrying the same weight as all the other men and nobody would cut you any slack. Different cultures would say going on a successful hunt, your first kill in war, starting a profession, getting married and having a family, or something else of a similar nature.

With a society and cultures as diverse as the west is, people tend to have some very different ideas of what maturity even means. Matrimony is probably the most laughable measuring stick for "maturity", as literally any idiot can get hitched and/or pop out some kids. Since most of us will never kill anyone or probably won't go hunting (we do in Texas, though) it's also difficult to gauge. I would say supporting yourself financially and in other ways (caring for your own home/apartment without needing someone else to do it for you) is a better measuring stick. My dad is 59 and cannot cook, clean, or do laundry for himself...that is immaturity in my books.
Jun 2, 2017 9:31 AM

May 2016
Seiya said:

It's 2017. Stop telling men to act like men, and women to act like women. The only reason people act this way, is due to social stigmas, and poor parenting.

Most people in North America in 2017 are more comfortable outside what's considered "gender roles." Only right-wing conservative idiots would think that gender roles are okay.

Who said that you have to fulfill traditional roles in order to be a "real" man or woman?
At the end of the day, people choose to do what they want, and as you are free to not live according to traditional roles, others are free to do it. Just because you think gender roles are cancerous doesn't mean others think so.
Jun 2, 2017 9:48 AM

May 2016
Seiya said:
Kotoneko-chan said:

Who said that you have to fulfill traditional roles in order to be a "real" man or woman?
At the end of the day, people choose to do what they want, and as you are free to not live according to traditional roles, others are free to do it. Just because you think gender roles are cancerous doesn't mean others think so.

Yeah, but you can't go shoving gender roles down peoples' throats. That's the problem with society.

You're not from North America, so perhaps society is still backwards and archaic where you live.

As far as I know, nobody is putting a gun to your head, forcing you to fulfill gender roles so please, don't play victim. Why can't you accept that some people are happy with traditional roles? You are not better than those "conservative idiots" you mentioned, who try to force people to live according those stated roles.
Jun 2, 2017 9:52 AM
Mar 2017
Seiya said:

It's 2017. Stop telling men to act like men, and women to act like women. The only reason people act this way, is due to social stigmas, and poor parenting.

Most people in North America in 2017 are more comfortable outside what's considered "gender roles." Only right-wing conservative idiots would think that gender roles are okay.

Please tell me again why women shouldn't be able to live how they want, and how they should bend to your will.
Christ, now that's rather sexist.
You act like you can read the minds of everyone and can tell what everyone wants for the structure of a relationship.
What if a woman wants a husband to take care of her while she cares for her own children?
You going to tell her she can't do that?
You're going to use government force to do that as well?
How awfully authoritarian.
The way you structure your arguments are similar to how most conservatives structure theirs.
They tend to want to use government force to force people to live a certain way.
While I'm here saying there is a line that government shouldn't cross when it comes to power.
Jun 2, 2017 10:06 AM
Mar 2017
Seiya said:

You people are really stuck in the past.

I'm not posting in this thread anymore.

Brainwashed individuals who embrace collectivist group think, oppressive authoritarian force, and a black and white view on social order are the people who are stuck in the past.
It's a tribal and barbaric to have this mindset, and people should know better than to use oppressive authoritarian government power.
If you think this way, it is you who is stuck in the past.
Jun 2, 2017 10:32 AM
Jul 2018
You're not a real man unless you had anal with another guy and then did not say NoHomo right after.
Jun 2, 2017 11:06 AM
Mar 2017
Seiya said:

Child, you were only born in 1998. What do know about anything? Gender roles are what's authoritarian. Getting rid of gender roles lets people be free.

Who cares when I was born, and why is that even necessary to bring up? You're probably just angry, so I'll assume that's why you brought it up. To give a false appearance of superiority, calmness, and control in the conversation.
Anyways, only gender roles that are forced on to someone through means of authoritarian power are authoritarian.
What you would be doing is creating a new set of gender roles by forcing people to act in a restricted way through means of authoritarian power.
If a woman or a man wanted to embrace traditional non-authoritarian gender roles, then you'd step in and say they couldn't do that because you have your own set rules on how they personally should live.
Which should be none of your business might I add.
Jun 2, 2017 11:17 AM
Mar 2017
Seiya said:

I'm not "creating" new gender roles. I'm talking about getting rid of them, so people can feel free to be comfortable with who they really are.

Gender roles prevent people from being themselves, because many people believe that they are expected to act a certain way.

Can you not see this?

How can you not understand that people will act how they want, and how it is impossible to not have your choices influenced by your surroundings and how you grew up?
You don't know if someone is acting a certain way because they feel pressured to do so, or they're doing so according to their own will.
The important thing is to have people legally be able to passively choose how they live their life.
Jun 2, 2017 11:29 AM
Mar 2017
Seiya said:

Yes, and most young people in North America are against gender roles. Or did you not know that?

Does that matter?
The important thing is not forcing people to act a certain way.
When you've concluded that any woman or man that has gone for the traditional route a relationship must be being forced into doing so, you've made it a justification in your mind to outlaw any traditional gender choices whether even if they are passive and don't effect anyone in a negative way.
But I say there's nothing wrong with someone going down the traditional route in a relationship, as long as they're acting according to their own will.
Jun 2, 2017 11:48 AM
Mar 2017
Seiya said:

I'm not "Forcing" anyone to do anything.

I'm trying to stop others from forcing people into roles that they are uncomfortable with. It all starts with being raised wrong, because until very recently, parents drilled gender roles into their childrens' heads, sometimes even without knowing they are doing it.

The only way to correct this, is for future parents to make sure that their children aren't forced to think a certain way, so that they can make choices later in life that they will be happier with.

So every person that has ever gone down the passive traditional route in a relationship has been raised wrong?
While I agree that no one should be forced into a role, the supposed wrong way to live is against the will of the individual party.
Whether that individual is indirectly influenced by their parents or not is something that you can't and shouldn't be able to control.
If I had a female partner who wanted to get married and stay at home taking care of the house and kids, I'd be completely fine with that.
I wouldn't care either way because it's not my decision.
If I had a daughter who wanted to have a traditional husband and wife family, I wouldn't tell her no, and vise versa for that as well.
Jun 2, 2017 11:55 AM
Mar 2017
Seiya said:

So basically, you want men to go to work, and for women to stay at home and live off their money?

Can't you see how wrong that is?

If that's what they want. Not me. I don't have any say in this.
Stop telling people how they should live is what I say. I'm for both passive traditional and non-traditional gender roles.
In the end, neither you or me should get a say in how people decide to structure their relationships.
Jun 2, 2017 11:57 AM

Apr 2017
Seiya said:
AyameTomoko said:

So every person that has ever gone down the passive traditional route in a relationship has been raised wrong?
While I agree that no one should be forced into a role, the supposed wrong way to live is against the will of the individual party.
Whether that individual is indirectly influenced by their parents or not is something that you can't and shouldn't be able to control.
If I had a female partner who wanted to get married and stay at home taking care of the house and kids, I'd be completely fine with that.
I wouldn't care either way because it's not my decision.
If I had a daughter who wanted to have a traditional husband and wife family, I wouldn't tell her no, and vise versa for that as well.

So basically, you want men to go to work, and for women to stay at home and live off their money?

Can't you see how wrong that is?

holy fuck you moron, theres literally nothing wrong with that if they both want it that way
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Jun 2, 2017 12:06 PM

Apr 2017
Seiya said:
AyameTomoko said:

If that's what they want. Not me. I don't have any say in this.
Stop telling people how they should live is what I say. I'm for both passive traditional and non-traditional gender roles.
In the end, neither you or me should get a say in how people decide to structure their relationships.

The changing ways in which children are raised will change everything, whether you like it or not.

Ikaros_42oh said:

holy fuck you moron, theres literally nothing wrong with that if they both want it that way

Do you want to be reported?

hahaha ok sure if it makes you feel better or w/e

just know theres nothing wrong with a man working and women raising relationship.
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Jun 2, 2017 12:12 PM
Mar 2017
Seiya said:

The changing ways in which children are raised will change everything, whether you like it or not.

But that's not something you should ever get to decide unless the parents are abusing their children.
And while I agree that parents shouldn't force or purposely influence their children into anything really, parents influencing their children is not the same thing as forcing.
Telling your children that *blank* is the best way to live is not the same thing as "you're going to live this way".
What you want is scary though; for the government to be able to take away your children if they are taught that there's nothing wrong with passive gender roles that could even appeal to the child's own will.
That is appalling and evil if you ask me, and goes over the line of power the government should have.
Seiya said:

There's nothing wrong with a woman working and men raising either, but how come society tries to make it seem wrong?

You're the only one here thinks that a certain kind of relationship structure is wrong.
KyokisamaJun 2, 2017 12:20 PM
Jun 2, 2017 12:15 PM

Apr 2017
Seiya said:
Ikaros_42oh said:

hahaha ok sure if it makes you feel better or w/e

just know theres nothing wrong with a man working and women raising relationship.

There's nothing wrong with a woman working and men raising either, but how come society tries to make it seem wrong?

because for pretty much all of human history that's how it was because nearly all of the jobs were physical. Thus it made sense for the men to do what they're better at just for efficiency if anything.

society can't change that fast when its so ingrained into the culture and i don't think society sees it as wrong today nearly as much. cool your jets.
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Jun 2, 2017 12:52 PM

Jan 2009
Good Question and if I recall correctly, there was even a German Song about it.

There's also an English Version which asks "What makes a Man a Man?" instead of "When is a Man a Man?" to sound more in Line with the Original.
Jun 2, 2017 1:41 PM

Aug 2007
I don't believe in upholding traditional gender roles, so I think the question in general is irrelevant. I am a male, but I don't identify myself as a "real man". I am simply a human being with my own flaws, strengths and characteristics.

I don't like the the idea that someone isn't a "man" unless he does silly ritual-like activities. I dislike masculinity in general.

Jun 2, 2017 2:01 PM

Sep 2012
According to anime it's when he experiences immense amounts of physical pain, preferably in the process of "protecting" a kawaii uguu-chan from... something. Or like, fighting a bully or a random badguy or something (even better if it's a bully who attempts RAPE or otherwise tries to harm uguu-chan) and getting his ass kicked hard. The important thing is he needs to suffer. Only suffering, anguish, misery and horrible horrible pain can make a male mature into a man.

Remember, when a male character say, around 14 or 15, doesn't want to suffer tremendously for little to no reason, and protests when bad things happen to him, he's a big wimpy whiny annoying piece of shit pussy, worst character to ever exist, and he deserves to die.
Jun 3, 2017 2:28 AM

Jun 2015
When he has a wife and kids. And of course works to support his family

That's what it means to be a man
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Jun 3, 2017 2:47 AM

Feb 2012
loser said:
there are plenty of "manly" features people like but becoming a man is just when you can take care of yourself without the help of others

I'm not sure if I've ever met a person who is able to do this. I have however met men who are full of hot air. Empty barrels make the loudest noise after all.
Jun 3, 2017 3:32 AM

Feb 2015
When a boy reaches adulthood.

Jun 3, 2017 4:00 AM

Apr 2013
When he finishes his vegies like one
ZedothJun 3, 2017 4:58 AM
Jun 3, 2017 4:57 AM

Oct 2016
when they didn't open the door for the girl and raise their hair up to Jesus.
Jun 3, 2017 5:17 AM

Jan 2013
Seiya said:
Hating on someone based on their sexual orientation is a horrible thing to do. If that's the case, you're no better than me.

I can't help that I hate vaginas. This is how I was born.
That kind of blind hate is not something you're born with, it's a learned trait, I pity you in a way. And you really don't have a leg to stand on calling someone homophobic (which they weren't) when you are spewing such viciously hateful sexist drivel? You said in another thread how you wanted to implement a rule to see every woman's mouth sewn shut with wire for fucks sake haha.
Jun 3, 2017 8:52 AM

Aug 2013
When he learns to keep his head screwed on and his feet on the ground, and when he has the confidence to walk forward into his life together with a reasonable attitude towards those that he meets.
Jun 3, 2017 9:31 AM

Aug 2014
Interrrrrpetgyu said:
When he impregnates another man's butt.
This person has it figured out, right here
Jun 3, 2017 9:47 AM

Jan 2013
Seiya said:
RDW said:
That kind of blind hate is not something you're born with, it's a learned trait, I pity you in a way. And you really don't have a leg to stand on calling someone homophobic (which they weren't) when you are spewing such viciously hateful sexist drivel? You said in another thread how you wanted to implement a rule to see every woman's mouth sewn shut with wire for fucks sake haha.

I hate women because I hate my mother. My mother hates men, and has approximately 44 cats in the house, and I'm still living with her, which is the most stressful thing in the world.

I don't trust women, because they do nothing but make false rape allegations and hoard cats. I will never, ever trust a woman.
I could say that men do nothing but rape women and draw dicks on everything but I'm not a moron and know that's not true. False rape allegations are extremely rare and the women who do partake in falsely accusing someone are complete scumbags. I have never met a single person in real life who has done this though, have you? I have, however, met quite a few rapists/harassers, but somehow I don't hate all men. Regardless of gender though, you can be an asshole no matter if you're a girl or a fucking plum.
I understand you've had shitty experiences living with your mum, and it truly sounds like an unhealthy environment for you to be in. But just because your mum has a certain twisted view of the world, that doesn't mean all women think the same as her. It's ignorant to lump 50% of the population together because of personal experiences. What if it was your father instead of your mother, would you hate men instead?
I'm not trying to change your mind or anything, I just find it hard to understand how someone could have so much hate bottled up inside them for so many people that have done nothing wrong to them.
Jun 3, 2017 10:13 AM

May 2010
Wow, so many things to comment on here.

Seiya is right about women to some degree. OBVIOUSLY vaginas are disgusting, but so are penises, and that doesn't make women or men bad people. Seiya would understand that penises are also disgusting, if he wasn't suppressing that knowledge in order to gratify his intense lust for faggot dick. He's also right that most women are feminist pieces of shit who either make false rape allegations or enable those who do- but that doesn't mean all females should be categorically dismissed as evil. Feminism may be "politicized female nature" to some degree, but everyone has their own individual nature, and environment matters. Women who were raised in homes with good fathers tend to be much less given to the hateful, evil ways of feminism than ones who never had a dad. They also tend to be much less whorish.

Seiya is wrong about gender roles. People shouldn't feel overly bound by gender roles, but in a free society, nothing consensual would be "abolished". I actually think there are good reasons for most gender roles, they just shouldn't be absolute.

False rape accusations are not extremely rare. They're quite common, especially if you count situations where men go to jail for having consensual sex with drunk/high women (when the reverse would almost never happen).

Being a "harasser" is not in any way morally equivalent to being a rapist. Something as innocent as calling a women a cunt or a dyke can be considered sexual harassment. Not exactly the same as rape.

I think up to 3 cats might be ok. Probably 2 would be better.
"My only agenda is to eviscerate any who might try to rule over and control me"- Sousuke Aizen

"Maybe, just maybe, there is no purpose in life... but if you linger a while longer in this world, you might discover something of value in it"- Orochimaru

"All men are not created equal... both in birth and in upbringing, in sheer scope of ability, every human is inherently different"- Charles zi Britannia

We are the Contra Mundi. We serve the great inimical Goddess who in her own time will destroy the world. Tremble, reprobates, in fear of her pitiless gaze.
Jun 3, 2017 10:15 AM

May 2010
When is a man a man?

To be a man you must have honor... honor and a penis.
"My only agenda is to eviscerate any who might try to rule over and control me"- Sousuke Aizen

"Maybe, just maybe, there is no purpose in life... but if you linger a while longer in this world, you might discover something of value in it"- Orochimaru

"All men are not created equal... both in birth and in upbringing, in sheer scope of ability, every human is inherently different"- Charles zi Britannia

We are the Contra Mundi. We serve the great inimical Goddess who in her own time will destroy the world. Tremble, reprobates, in fear of her pitiless gaze.
Jun 3, 2017 10:17 AM

Jan 2017
what the fuck is this this thread which is about a typical shitty shonen anime question
Jun 3, 2017 3:36 PM

Aug 2013
There's no right of passage; you just kinda wake up one day and know.

As for the most common reply; Everyone needs to support themselves if they don't they're either homeless or they're getting spoonfed and might as well not even exist as far as I'm concerned.

If you want to be a man you need to grin and bear the bullshit nobody else wants to. You need to enjoy pain. You need to understand the meaning of life. You need to have a drivers license and a car but also ride your bike whenever you can. You need to have money. You need to be a savage animal and an absolute gentleman. You need to have a glorious beard and be clean shaven at the exact same time. You need to drive a beater ass pickup truck and a GTO. You need to teach gardening and agriculture on the weekends and coach pewee hockey on weeknights. You need to be the strong silent type and the life of the party. You need to have balls of steel and fuck like a racehorse. You need to wipe with 50 dollar bills and cut coupons. You need to fart loud in public and also smell like expensive cologne. You need to party hard and be straight laced. You need to watch anime and the nfl draft at the same time. and so much more.
Jun 3, 2017 5:51 PM

Apr 2017
Fo said:
There's no right of passage; you just kinda wake up one day and know.

As for the most common reply; Everyone needs to support themselves if they don't they're either homeless or they're getting spoonfed and might as well not even exist as far as I'm concerned.

If you want to be a man you need to grin and bear the bullshit nobody else wants to. You need to enjoy pain. You need to understand the meaning of life. You need to have a drivers license and a car but also ride your bike whenever you can. You need to have money. You need to be a savage animal and an absolute gentleman. You need to have a glorious beard and be clean shaven at the exact same time. You need to drive a beater ass pickup truck and a GTO. You need to teach gardening and agriculture on the weekends and coach pewee hockey on weeknights. You need to be the strong silent type and the life of the party. You need to have balls of steel and fuck like a racehorse. You need to wipe with 50 dollar bills and cut coupons. You need to fart loud in public and also smell like expensive cologne. You need to party hard and be straight laced. You need to watch anime and the nfl draft at the same time. and so much more.

Will this be on the exam? Should I be taking notes?
Can we have man class outside?
イカロス --I K A R O S D E S U-- "Hai master" <3cruise

Becoming the bell of my heart
dont click here, baka -->>
Jun 3, 2017 6:10 PM

Apr 2012
when i'm inside op's girl........................... gottem

Jun 3, 2017 8:21 PM
Nov 2016
Interrrrrpetgyu said:
When he impregnates another man's butt.

Damn, I must of become a man years ago then.

Jun 3, 2017 8:26 PM

Aug 2015
Yeah I like to keep it simple. If you got dangly bits between your legs and need to mow the lawn down there, you are a man.

If you don't have dangly bits between your legs and are a baldy, you have no credibility to talk about who or what a man is.
idk about you but the closer a girl gets to looking like ronald mcdonald, the more aroused i become. CAV

where can we cast our eyes to @PoruMairu who thinks of himself a member of the true church. Helion.
Jun 4, 2017 3:02 AM
Jul 2018
A grown up male. Physically, but mentally is a question.

Also, a persona that acts according to its being/gander's nature.
Jun 4, 2017 3:22 AM

Jan 2014
Come on, it should be the only universal thing we all agree on: when he has his characteristic reproductive organs.

Everything else is thin air.
Jun 4, 2017 4:02 AM

Jun 2016
I hate it when boys are tying to act so masculine and they're like hey everybody I'm an alpha and stuff! god that's just so annoying and gay.
Jun 4, 2017 4:50 AM

Jan 2013
Seiya said:
RDW said:
I could say that men do nothing but rape women and draw dicks on everything but I'm not a moron and know that's not true. False rape allegations are extremely rare and the women who do partake in falsely accusing someone are complete scumbags. I have never met a single person in real life who has done this though, have you? I have, however, met quite a few rapists/harassers, but somehow I don't hate all men. Regardless of gender though, you can be an asshole no matter if you're a girl or a fucking plum.
I understand you've had shitty experiences living with your mum, and it truly sounds like an unhealthy environment for you to be in. But just because your mum has a certain twisted view of the world, that doesn't mean all women think the same as her. It's ignorant to lump 50% of the population together because of personal experiences. What if it was your father instead of your mother, would you hate men instead?
I'm not trying to change your mind or anything, I just find it hard to understand how someone could have so much hate bottled up inside them for so many people that have done nothing wrong to them.

Listen, I'm relatively friendly to women when I see them in public. Just yesterday, a woman I passed in Wal-Mart couldn't reach an item high up on a shelf, so she asked me if I could, and I happily reached it for her without a second thought. I can chat to women, and be "just friends" with them, and none of them would ever guess that I dislike women at all.

But no matter what happens, I will never be in a romantic or sexual relationship with a female, and I'm not hurting anyone by "evading" women this way.
If you feel you would go out of your way to help a woman or if you make friends with women then you definitely do not hate them. And I agree, I wouldn't want to date a woman either haha.
Judge assholes based on the individual, not as a whole gender.
And no of course you're not hurting anyone by evading women. You will hurt them, however, if you decide to implement your rule of sewing women's mouths shut with wire and continue to spout viciously hateful nonsense like that.
RDWJun 4, 2017 5:00 AM
Jun 5, 2017 5:52 AM

Sep 2008
Loxiney said:
TheUnknownMerc said:

When you can take care of yourself without help from anyone else.

I would rather say "When you can take care of yourself" + and your family (meaning wife and kids) + "without help from anyone else".

You're a man if you're able to protect your family members no matter what. Being with them and trying to do your best for them.

And if you have no family? That's a pretty bullshit definition for people who just haven't found any family. You could be 40 and single and you're definition means they aren't MEN.
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