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Dec 21, 2016 2:43 PM
Jul 2016
Am I the only one that's happy Yuuri didn't win? I feel like it would have been him just winning because he's the main character
Dec 21, 2016 2:44 PM

Dec 2009

-sees people still arguing about whether its canon-
-clicks on all the people who are saying 'meh queerbait and realises they are all males-
-kinda expected that but feels kinda insulted because I never rain on their ecchi, yuri and hentai parades so why must they rain on ours-

I'm kinda upset that Yuuri didn't win the gold, but it was necessary for him to continue skating I guess so all's fine! ^O^ Yurio winning the gold though was a big nono for me because it's his senior debut, he still has many many years to go O_O winning the gold right from the start though...! I thought that Christophe would win somehow xD or that JJ would make some miraculous turnaround and land in first (absurd I know, but he did end up in 3rd somehow!)


Did you guys see how Victor burst into shuddering tears when Yuuri landed his last jump... That was it for me... My eyes hurt so bad now those tears were real T_T And how Yuuri reached out towards Victor at the end of the performance... thank you... T___T I love it... so much...

The exhibition was just AMAZING PAIR SKATING i remember fantasizing once that they would pair skate but i haven't seen any male pairs skating before so I kind of gave up on that idea... BUT WOW... THAT... WOW... THEY ACTUALLY DID IT (i know i already said it but WOW!) My dreams have come true... thank you so much...

The last bit with Yuuri running, he looks SO ADORABLE with his hair grown up like that! UGH! I WANT TO HUG THAT CUTE LITTLE THING!!!!!!! SECOND SEASON PLEASE... -sees 二期フォロフ trending and i'm just laughing out loud at the pun but its BEAUTIFUL WE NEED A SECOND SEASON SO BAD IF WE GOT ONE I WOULD BURST INTO TEARS ON THE SPOT-
Dec 21, 2016 2:47 PM

Jan 2016
i think this ending is very fitting because we know for a fact there's a second season. if there wasn't a continuation then i would feel very differently, but here's to hoping victuuri becomes word of god canon (unlikely) in s2.

and victor crying when yuri told him Its Over
apollosDec 21, 2016 2:50 PM
im apollo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ they/them pls
Dec 21, 2016 2:47 PM

Dec 2015
Im_not_a_weeaboo said:
Am I the only one that's happy Yuuri didn't win? I feel like it would have been him just winning because he's the main character

Totally agree. Also, if he won, there probably wouldn't be a second season.
Dec 21, 2016 2:47 PM

Apr 2013
For some reason doesn't surprise me that Yuri hadn't won the gold medal, but I really wanted to, tho
But that ending, agh I know this is just fanservice but that was too much for me, two men in the gala exhibition, no no.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 21, 2016 2:50 PM

Apr 2009
how the fuck did Chris lose to JJ?
Dec 21, 2016 2:51 PM
Oct 2016
Solid 10/10 for this one. The OP and ED were beautiful, the soundtrack was flawless, and the characters were so diverse and interesting. They have all grown so much, especially Yuuri! (Unpopular opinion: I actually love and support JJ)
Definitely one of my all time favorites!
Dec 21, 2016 2:51 PM
Jun 2008
Dreanora said:
...however, what I'm most curious about is what will happen to Yuuri's and Victor's relationship. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Japan's laws concerning censorship, but it seems quite clear that they have to keep the romance low-key. Is there any chance we will ever see them directly declare their love to one another? I mean, it's not like there hasn't been any anime before where two guys expressed their love un-censored, so I'm a bit confused. I can think of a few shows that aren't labeled shounen-ai/yaoi that have contained a kiss between dudes as well. If anyone can explain this I'd be very grateful ^_^
The only possible explanations:

1. The creators lack balls


2. The relationship was intended to be a bait and nothing more
Dec 21, 2016 2:52 PM

Jun 2016
Overall, I liked this episode. Yes, it didn't wrap up things as nicely as we would haved liked. Yes, many of us would have liked To see a better defining of Victor and Yuri's relationship. However, if there is a season two (please, please) then we don't need any of this to be definitive. I never thought Yuri would win. I always thought Yurio would beat him. I would like to know if Victor is coaching or competing or both. But I don't know that I care either way as long as Victor and Yuri are together. I give this anime 9/10 caused it felt rushed in some episodes. But great character development (hope for more in season 2), beautiful skating, and music. I eagerly await being able to buy this on blu-ray and really want a season 2.
AuroneDec 21, 2016 3:51 PM
Dec 21, 2016 2:52 PM

Nov 2013
The couple dance on the end was indeed beautiful ♥
I fell in love with both of them all over again.

Will see you all around on the Yuri on Ice: Next level :>

Dec 21, 2016 2:53 PM

Nov 2010
IshiAlice said:
For some reason doesn't surprise me that Yuri hadn't won the gold medal, but I really wanted to, tho
But that ending, agh I know this is just fanservice but that was too much for me, two men in the gala exhibition, no no.

Happens IRL as well though. Not as pair skating really with lifts, but with two men skating together on ice. Have seen some performances like that on youtube.
Dec 21, 2016 2:53 PM
Dec 2016
Tenth said:
Everything about this was good...except for the romance that is, doesn't even matter if gay or not it's just not really all that well written when you really think about, the sudden marriage ruined that aspect of the show for me... so now it feels like nothing but bait. With that said the ice skating is beautiful as always and shined even more in the finale but eh, the romance just didn't live up to that at all.

I agree with baiting part. Actually that was obvious since episode 7 and even more obvious when the creator stated the 'kiss' was up to the viewer's interpretation. That made it pretty clear they wouldn't deliver in the last episode and I see the same cycle repeat for season 2. I think people are to absorbed in this "are they gay or not" debate. I commend Kubo for writing the story how she sees fit and that's all. I also pray fans don't harass her. IMO I think it's bait with the fan service cranked up a huge notch in comparison to other sports anime. If others believe they are canon that's cool too. It's whatever at this point lol.

I'm extremely proud of Yurio. His win was the highlight of this episode for me hands down. I can understand when people say he is their inspiration
Dec 21, 2016 2:54 PM

Aug 2015
This episode's animation in skating scenes was too amazing!!
I think they missed with these scenes through the whole anime to make the last one the best :D
Season 2 pleaaaaseee <3 <3
Ara Ara~
Dec 21, 2016 2:54 PM

Aug 2016
Only confused by JJ scores and I get the main idea that Victor is still gonna be a coach whilst coming back to skating. Any romantic relationship between Victor and Yuri to remains to be hidden but anyhow, merchandise will sell like crazy and ai am expecting a season 2. Best character development this whole year for me apart from Boku no Hero Academia.
Dec 21, 2016 2:54 PM
Sep 2015
//I fucking cried when Yurio started tearing up I'm not ok//
OK so I kinda really liked it?? I was hoping Yuuri to win gold I mean isn't it a bit weird for a 15 year old boy to win GPF at his very senior debut? Doesn't sound very realistic to me but I'm very salty so
It was a bit weird when Viktor was crying (also beautiful) and Yuuri seemed unaffected I mean is he your future husband or nah. Mentioning that, I was hoping we would have a real conclusion to their relationship but if we're really getting season 2 it's fine. They getting married only knowing each other for 8 months or so would be weird but I wanted some more than we got this last episode idk
Overall it was a really nice show. When I watched the first episodes I thought it was just another queerbait sports anime but it wasn't. At the beginning yes but Victuuri's relationship evolved so well it is so simple and natural just as a gay and any other romance should be. I feel so happy when I think about them!!
I wish we get a got season two tho, not only for the fans but for the sake of the story I hope Kubo sensei doesn't lose her focus.
FINALLY i'm really confused so is Victor becoming an ice skater again? Or is he staying as Yuuri's coach? Both? Help
Dec 21, 2016 2:55 PM

Sep 2012
I'm so shook.

Basically all of my dreams came true.

We got crying VIktor and a discussion about their futures. Yuuri finally revealed that he's been planning on retiring after this season. And Viktor cares so much. His tone was so heartbreaking.

"Yuuri, what are you doing?" "Oh, I'm just surprised to see you cry." "I"m mad, okay?"
And then "How can you tell me to return to the ice while saying you're retiring?"

Then we got Yuuri breaking Viktor's wORLD RECORD. LIKE OMG.

I thought Yuuri would get gold and Yurio would get silver, but that works too. Especially with that Viktuuri scene after the medals were given. I was really hoping Yuuri would change his mind, and omg he did! Bless. And Viktor's whole thing with becoming a five time World Champion was precious. Like he'll be competing, but he still wants his precious to win. I love this ship so much.

And holy shit. I can't believe it. They actually included a pair skating for Viktuuri. And it was AMAZING. I mean, we all were hoping for it, especially with Yuuri's outfit. But to actually get it after weeks of wanting it? Damn. Bless this ship. Bless this show. Bless the creators, Bless Kubo-sensei.

Also, shout out to Phichit. His dream is positively adorable. Phichit is precious and a blessing to this world.

Otabek was incredible. I hope he keeps getting along with Yurio.

And like Yurio's performance? I have so much to say. Like I read a theory on tumblr about Yurio possibly having a crush on or at least looking up to Yuuri. This high key hints at it. Bless my soul. Yurio really cares about Yuuri at least and Yuuri cares about Yurio a lot as well. I love it. I think Yurio cares about Yuuri more than Viktor. Like even when Viktor told Yakov he was going to compete again, he asks about Yuuri first. Literally, "Hey, does that mean pork cutlet bowl's retiring?" And then he keeps thinking about Yuuri during his performance like, "If he retires, I'll make him regret it for the rest of his life." Like his entire monologue is about Yuuri basically:

"That's bull! Don't disappoint me! There are no gold medals for pigs to feed on! I'm going to win! Katsuki Yuuri, are you watching? I'm gonna beat your record someday. If you retire now, I'll make you regret it for the rest of your life. Moron!"

I also just noticed that he calls him "Katsuki Yuuri" before the performance when he's like "watch me Yakov, Lilia, Yuko and the rest, and Katsuki Yuuri," but during the flashback he calls him "Yuuri Katsuki." Like he cares enough about Japanese culture to refer to him as they would in Japan now? I don't know. I thought that was a lovely touch.

And then he cried at the end? I was so confused. But maybe he wants to compete with Yuuri again? I don't know. Maybe he really admires Yuuri now more so than Viktor even. Now he'll have VIktor back on the ice, but with Yuuri gone, it's not as important? That would be precious tbh.

I've already watched this episode twice. I'm in love with this anime. I just want all of my babies to be okay.

We also get Yuuri not retiring and Viktor coming back, but still coaching him. And Viktor, Yuuri, and Yurio all training together in Russia. Omg. Bless. I love this ending.

Season two seems highly likely. But the wait is going to suck.

We still don't even know that much about Viktor's past. I want to know so bad.

"It's a conversation through instruments. A miracle that creates harmony. In that moment, music transcends words." - Miyazono Kaori
"Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her." - Nara Shikamaru
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things... Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest." - Orihara Izaya
Dec 21, 2016 2:55 PM
Apr 2014
I cried a fck ton watching this episode gdi
I'm glad Yuuri didn't win gold, I honestly wanted it to happen for the wedding but like it was a beautiful episode I'm super satisfied with this ending, like everything about this episode got me like omggg
And that gala exhibition are they trying to kill me
Dec 21, 2016 2:59 PM

May 2010
Had a really bad feeling when Yuuri said there's nothing more compelling than a neverending story, but I was glad he danced his free program perfect this time. I got a bad feeling again when he broke Victor's record. I thought Otabek will make it to the podium, but it turns out Yurio beat Yuuri in the end. It was a fitting end to bridge to season 2. I love this show very much.

and OMG that duet ROFL.
Beautiful last words.
Dec 21, 2016 3:00 PM

Sep 2015
Decent anime and decent ending. Does that conclusion msg hint a sequel?
Dec 21, 2016 3:02 PM

Mar 2015
Can someone eplain to me why were they doing couple skating. I got lost at the end
Dec 21, 2016 3:07 PM
Jul 2016
Ranxomare said:

If They are ice-skating in Barcelona, Spain, why the commentaris speaks in french? xD


It's a French commentator who is on French tv but who went to Spain because that's where the skating is
Dec 21, 2016 3:08 PM
Jun 2016
This episode was one of the best in the whole series. Such an amazing ending to an epic anime. Can't wait to see all of my favourites in the next level. Everything about this episode completed me, I am now whole. Thank you Yumeno-sensei for creating this masterpiece god damn. sO SHOOK
Dec 21, 2016 3:09 PM
Jun 2014
This is my opinion but I feel Otabek should have gotten bronze and don't quite get why JJ ending up getting the higher score when he even messed up in the FS. I guess the technical difficulty of JJ's FS was just higher than Otabeks...
Dec 21, 2016 3:11 PM

Dec 2016
The ending was nice.One of the best anime of 2016.
It was my first time seeing a male duo skating.
At first I thought there won't be any second season but it looks like there might be a second season.I'll watch it if there will be any.
Dec 21, 2016 3:17 PM

Jul 2015
not an amazing last episode but it was fine. 7/10

overall 8/10.
Chimera-Ant Arc sucks
A1-Pictures is great
Lelouch is alive
Dec 21, 2016 3:19 PM

Dec 2014
Oh boy that season 2 tease! I loved the romance in this anime. I found the actually ice skating parts to be a little boring but the relationship between Yuuri and Victor was god-tier.

Dec 21, 2016 3:19 PM
Jun 2016
Ugh, this means there's not gonna be a wedding. Guess they've left that for the second season
Dec 21, 2016 3:20 PM

Mar 2012
I was hoping the finale would leave me speechless. I'm not saying the last episode was bad, but it wasn't that good either. It didn't leave much of an impact, it's kind of just hanging there, y'know?

A shame Yuuri didn't win gold though. A kiss would've been nice to see.
Dec 21, 2016 3:22 PM

Mar 2014
Am I disappointed over the fact that Viktor and Yuri didn't get together after twelve episodes of A level gay clit and cock baiting ("officially", at least)?


Is YoI still AOTS and did it save anime?



Also +1 for the fact that they hired an actual French native speaker to voice the French commentator – I wasn't expecting that at all!

Here's hoping they'll make a second season and that Sayo Yamamoto will have the guts to make Victuri great again canon, the studio should also hire Soubi Yamamoto as a co director
Comic_SansDec 21, 2016 3:30 PM
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Dec 21, 2016 3:22 PM
Sep 2014
Since when a relationship can't be canon if we don't get a kiss/wedding/"I love you"?

I mean, the relationship between Hannibal and Will Graham from the series Hannibal is officially canon and we didn't even get any of those things!
Dec 21, 2016 3:22 PM

Aug 2016
Pacing to fast in this episode :( I still gonna give it 9/10 (overall anime), because I really enjoyed it beside the last episode and the stagnation of fluff (I can live without it, but the flirting between Victor and Yuri was nice.Also why all the teasing if it's just dying within the last two episodes anyway..boring)

(and why are those two now pair figure skaters ahahahaha, that's nothing you could do for only a show, they must have trained really hard)

Dec 21, 2016 3:26 PM
Jul 2014
So much for making history...

Though if Season 2 happens then I suppose it's still possible. If it does happen, hopefully they take their time so we don't run into these production issues again.

Still enjoyed the show quite a lot overall.
Dec 21, 2016 3:29 PM

Feb 2014
season 2 a must!!!
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Dec 21, 2016 3:31 PM

Apr 2009
Saarunao said:
Dreanora said:
...however, what I'm most curious about is what will happen to Yuuri's and Victor's relationship. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to Japan's laws concerning censorship, but it seems quite clear that they have to keep the romance low-key. Is there any chance we will ever see them directly declare their love to one another? I mean, it's not like there hasn't been any anime before where two guys expressed their love un-censored, so I'm a bit confused. I can think of a few shows that aren't labeled shounen-ai/yaoi that have contained a kiss between dudes as well. If anyone can explain this I'd be very grateful ^_^
The only possible explanations:

1. The creators lack balls


2. The relationship was intended to be a bait and nothing more

What the fuck does bait even mean anyway? I feel like the word completely lost meaning nowadays.

Dec 21, 2016 3:34 PM
Aug 2016

Don't tell me I'm only seeing things!
AkiKitazawaDec 21, 2016 3:38 PM
Dec 21, 2016 3:35 PM

Apr 2016
I'm probably minority here but I'm SO glad Yurio won.YOI wasn't my biggest favorite this season but it was still an enjoyable ride I'm glad I watched it and glad everyone else enjoyed.Hope we get a better season 2 tho.
Dec 21, 2016 3:36 PM

Aug 2016
I actually wanted Yurio to win so I'm glad he did.
Please let there be a second season.
Dec 21, 2016 3:36 PM

Jul 2007
Season 2 can't come soon enough. I really hope there is going to be one where Victor and Yuri get married and and ... yeah.

This ep was great, loved Stephane Lambiel's cameo. The way actual skaters love this is just so amazing. I just enjoyed this show a ton.

As for the end of the Grand Prix... I'd be probably more okay with Yurio winning if he wasn't so overscored in the SP - his points straight up weren't possible for the components he had there.

Oh well. The gala was amazing. Go into pairs, pls.
Need to make new sig. Soon. Maybe.
Dec 21, 2016 3:37 PM

Jan 2011
So, I am going to be honest: I am SUPER disappointed that Victuri isn't officially canon. It really should have been, after all the build up. I have never liked a couple this much before, and I don't understand why they couldn't just let them have a small kiss.

I also want to punch Yuri in the face for making Victor cry, but that's something else.

I am, however, more than glad that this is most likely getting a second season (of course I am, this is my favourite anime of 2016 by far). I'm just kinda annoyed that I can't give it a 10/10 with how it is now. I'll settle with 9/10.

Oh, and Victor Nikiforov is now one of my all-time favourite characters. That man is an angel <3
-content has been filtered for the use of inappropriate words or phrases-
Dec 21, 2016 3:39 PM

Apr 2014
CaramellNeko said:
So, I am going to be honest: I am SUPER disappointed that Victuri isn't officially canon. It really should have been, after all the build up. I have never liked a couple this much before, and I don't understand why they couldn't just let them have a small kiss.

I also want to punch Yuri in the face for making Victor cry, but that's something else.

I am, however, more than glad that this is most likely getting a second season (of course I am, this is my favourite anime of 2016 by far). I'm just kinda annoyed that I can't give it a 10/10 with how it is now. I'll settle with 9/10.

Oh, and Victor Nikiforov is now one of my all-time favourite characters. That man is an angel <3

mte, especially about yurio, neither he nor jj deserve those wins.
Dec 21, 2016 3:44 PM
Sep 2015
This episode is just so exciting, seeing all of their performances in full and also seeing the other competitors support each other is just cool. At first I honestly cried when Yuri actually said that he will retire because all of this rising up to the top will have no meaning if he retired at the end. Also Victor seems super super sad and angry and disappointed in Yuri that in the end after all he had done for him, Yuri just retired, its just so unlike yuri at all

Looking at how Yuri actually made it to the first place in the free program because he added another quad and actually landed all of his flips, jumps and quads, its just so exciting. Just to mention, JJ performance was beautiful, I feel somehow pity for him because he wasn't focused or wasn't himself this final, but I'm glad that he got more than 300 points for his free, as expected of JJ. Seeing the whole performance, I think the ones that didn't have any miss in their free skate is only Otabek and Yuri, I thought Yurio will have no miss. Also when otabek skates, he actually skated for Yurio, in his free skate, somehow I can feel his relationship with Yurio increasing. Go Otabek x Yurio!!! REALLY FIT TOGETHER!!! One other thing, When Yurio skated i guess that's a message to Yuri that he shouldn't retire because it seems like Yurio is trying to say that its still 100 years to early for Yuri to retire. I guess Yuri felt that.

I AM GLAD YURI DECIDED NOT TO RETIRE!! I am crying after Yuri actually said that he want to continue skating, ARIGATO YURIO!!! also it seem kinda sad that after all that Yuri still only got a silver medal, well I guess that what pushed him to continue. Plus what is that ending!! Yuri and Victor doing a duet, It just so sweet and BEAUTIFUL!!! Plus their costume is a match Pink for Victor and blue for Yuri!!! and look at him go with all of Victor' signatures jumps and quads!! Yuri had grown up!!! VICTURI FOREVER!!!!!


Dec 21, 2016 3:47 PM

Sep 2015
I just watched this series to make sure Yurio wins.
He won.
I'm satisfied.

You just lost the game
Dec 21, 2016 3:51 PM
Jul 2016
Otabek damn deserved that Bronze medal I love JJ but still it didn't make sense to me for him to go from 6th to 3rd and Otabek from 2nd to 4th.

But YURI PLISETSKY WON HIS SENIOR DEBUT! I AM SO PROUD!! I had a feeling from the beginning of Yuuri's free skate that he would not place first (though before that I believed he would), simply because of the skating order. Yuri was skating <i>after</i> Yuuri and that clued me in on it. But I'm still so proud of both of them for doing so well.

Still waiting for our kiss but idk maybe no gold no kiss is that how things work? Next season (and there had better be a next season after me clutching at my chest at 1.30am saying'it caaaan't be over') they better step up the gay. And the engagement rings better stay or so help me Yuuri I will offer myself to play knight against your anxiety myself.

All in all:
Congratulations to my ultimate bae Yuri for his gold!

Congrats to Yuuri for choosing to stay for another year(s) of wonderful skating!

And thank you Kubo-sensei for a brilliant and emotional rollercoaster that will stay in my heart for a long time.

(PS the pair skate- //dies from inability to breath)
Dec 21, 2016 3:57 PM

Apr 2016
talewind said:
KuroYume-96 said:

guess not everyone sees it as a kiss and guess people just wanted to see more

The thing is, if everything in this anime had played out exactly the same, except with either Yuuri or Victor as a woman, no one would be questioning if the kiss really happened, or if their relationship was canon or not. As a gay man, it's an infuriating double standard. Gay couples in fiction somehow need their validity "proved," whereas straight couples are simply accepted as fact with much less.

The thing is, if everything in this anime had played out exactly the same, except with either Yuuri or Victor as a woman, ...
they would have done the kiss scene without "sensorship".

That's the sad reality and why many might be a bit disappointed. The double-standard is real, but it comes precisely from the people who wrote this show. It's a pity. The redeeming part is the huge amount of subtext speaking for a gay relationship but that's still subtext and worst ... without proper conclusion in the last episode.

At least they can still say it will come eventually in season 2. Maybe they just wrote the proper conclusion off when they decided to go for a second season. Anime is also a business after all.
Dec 21, 2016 3:57 PM
Oct 2014
Niverdia said:
Shuhan said:
Wanted Yuri to win gold, guess it was expected that it wouldn't happen.
Season 2 with a little less gay would be nice.

I hope season 2 is even more gay than this one.

Me too. People who want 'less gay' have literally thousands of anime/cartoons/tv series to choose from. They are spoiled for choice, so it is great if once in a while one comes along that is 'more gay'.
Dec 21, 2016 3:58 PM
May 2016
I know everyone's probably angry about Yuri not winning, but I'm happy he didn't. If he won it wouldn't make any sense since he's still in the process of learning. Now with the chance of season 2, he might actually get to learn from his mistakes and continue to try untill he eventually wins. What I liked about this episode is that it was realistic. You cant win everything in life first try. This episode was overall a great thing to tie up season 1 with, making us fans want more.
Dec 21, 2016 4:00 PM
Aug 2016
Lorinelle said:
Still waiting for our kiss but idk maybe no gold no kiss is that how things work?

Yuuri still takes what he deserves!
Dec 21, 2016 4:02 PM
Oct 2014
AkiKitazawa said:
Lorinelle said:
Still waiting for our kiss but idk maybe no gold no kiss is that how things work?

Yuuri still takes what he deserves!

Didn't notice that before.

Wow <3
Dec 21, 2016 4:07 PM

Mar 2013
talewind said:

The thing is, if everything in this anime had played out exactly the same, except with either Yuuri or Victor as a woman, no one would be questioning if the kiss really happened, or if their relationship was canon or not. As a gay man, it's an infuriating double standard. Gay couples in fiction somehow need their validity "proved," whereas straight couples are simply accepted as fact with much less.

Dec 21, 2016 4:09 PM

May 2010
Didnt like the ending at all. just a 7/10 since it was so damn dissapointing.
Will only watch season 2 if they drop the gay bait completely.
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