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How bad will Trump Supporters get if and when Trump loses?

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Oct 18, 2016 11:44 AM

Jun 2008
Altairius said:
@JustALEX There is undoubtedly voter fraud. They stole it from Sanders, but we're talking about polling. Mainstream media is almost uniformly oversampling Democrats, and I've heard that the actual polls of CNN and the like show Trump winning by far, and they're putting out fake ones. I don't know if that's confirmed though.

No...there isn't any hard EVIDENCE of voter fraud!'s not just ONE poll saying Hillary is ahead.

It's ALL of them....including FOX NEWS!



Do you think FOX NEWS is in on the conspiracy as well?

Give me a fucking break!

I'm getting real tired of this conspiracy bullshit talk....and as a skeptic I will not entertain fairy tales.
Oct 18, 2016 11:50 AM

Mar 2015
JunkYardHiro said:
I'm more interested in the reactions and excuses the Hillary supports will use when she wins and things get even worse.

As for me, I'll be lounging by the pool drinking an ice cold glass of I told you so.

As if they would ever admit things were getting worse lol.

Granted, the Trump camp would probably do the same thing in a similar situation...

On a different note, writing off evidence the other side of an argument presents before examining it first is pretty bad practice, folks.
Oct 18, 2016 12:05 PM

Sep 2011
Were fucked both ways, as far as i see it trump fanboys getting heartbroken sounds way more entertaining so I'm more or less rooting for that at this point(less rooting more inevitability), I do think by the smallest fucking margin in the world that trump is the lesser of 2 evil's but he's also such a fucking idiot i can't even give him a vengeful vote. He just walks straight into blatant traps hook line and sinker and would fully expect trump to becomes putin's bitch if he were president.
JizzyHitlerOct 18, 2016 12:15 PM

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Oct 18, 2016 12:08 PM
Jul 2018

If this guy (Evan McMullin) wins Utah there is a legit chance that both Trump and Hillary will lose as this election would go to the House and they can decide to make this nobody president as no one in the House likes Trump or Hillary.

So both camps will be pissed and lead to the biggest sacking of elected officials ever next time House elections take place in addition to having a former CIA operative/Goldman Sachs employee as our president.
removed-userOct 18, 2016 12:16 PM
Oct 18, 2016 12:27 PM
Jul 2018
Populism (Trump), Corruption (Clinton) is just the symptoms of the actual problem. The root of problems in government regarding a res publica like America is an uneducated and uninterested population. The idiocentric behavior, corruption and other failings of representative government is a direct reflection of the failings of the people.
Oct 18, 2016 12:41 PM

Jun 2008
Probably less that Hillary supporters since they kind of expect him not to win.

Left wing showed to be more violent this election considering all the protest and fights wherever Trump was going to speak so if Hillary doesn't win i expect them to really breaks things in the streets while Trump supporters will probably just whine a lot about how fixed it was on the internet.
Oct 18, 2016 12:48 PM

May 2011
They will probably be just upset and complain. I remember Romney supporters complaining about him losing.

Neane93 said:

If this guy (Evan McMullin) wins Utah there is a legit chance that both Trump and Hillary will lose as this election would go to the House and they can decide to make this nobody president as no one in the House likes Trump or Hillary.

So both camps will be pissed and lead to the biggest sacking of elected officials ever next time House elections take place in addition to having a former CIA operative/Goldman Sachs employee as our president.

Honestly I think the house would pick Gary Johnson for president if no one gets 270 electoral votes.
Oct 18, 2016 1:04 PM

Sep 2016
The fact that Trump got as far as he did shows it has been rigged from the beginning lol. I have a LITTLE more faith in the American people than thinking they could ever put Trump in office. Anyhow, I'll be voting 3rd party...again...
Oct 18, 2016 3:12 PM

Apr 2014
JustALEX said:
Altairius said:
@JustALEX There is undoubtedly voter fraud. They stole it from Sanders, but we're talking about polling. Mainstream media is almost uniformly oversampling Democrats, and I've heard that the actual polls of CNN and the like show Trump winning by far, and they're putting out fake ones. I don't know if that's confirmed though.

No...there isn't any hard EVIDENCE of voter fraud!'s not just ONE poll saying Hillary is ahead.

It's ALL of them....including FOX NEWS!



Do you think FOX NEWS is in on the conspiracy as well?

Give me a fucking break!

I'm getting real tired of this conspiracy bullshit talk....and as a skeptic I will not entertain fairy tales.

Have fun.

Oct 18, 2016 3:15 PM

Jun 2008
^I already commented on O'Keefe....

He is a PROVED FRAUD who is known for heavily editing his videos.

When you lie as often as O'Keefe does, you do NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Which I will NOT grant him.

Try again.
Oct 18, 2016 3:17 PM

May 2010
JustALEX said:
^I already commented on O'Keefe....

He is a PROVED FRAUD who is known for heavily editing his videos.

When you lie as often as O'Keefe does, you do NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Which I will NOT grant him.

Try again.

The world is watching and talking about this video.

If you really want to make a case about it, you should lay out the details and sources.
Oct 18, 2016 3:25 PM

Nov 2009
Going to laugh my ass off once he sets up Trump TV after losing this election, pulls in suckers, and makes a massive profit following this campaign.

Don't get me wrong, saying that the "media is out to get me" from day one after saying and doing many things that have never been said / done by a presidential candidate, is relatively genius if your next plan is to make your own channel.
Oct 18, 2016 3:28 PM

Apr 2014
Some of you seem to be in another world. The establishment and mainstream media have never been exposed this badly. It's not going to be the same after this.
Oct 18, 2016 3:35 PM

Jun 2008
Altairius said:
Some of you seem to be in another world. The establishment and mainstream media have never been exposed this badly. It's not going to be the same after this.

But...we already KNOW the establishment and mainstream media are in bed with each other.

This is NOTHING new!

What I do NOT believe is that there is going to be literal voter fraud and literal rigging of votes.

That is NOT easy to do....that is a conspiracy on an epic level.

That would make the 9/11 "inside job" thing look easy by comparison.

In the U.S....every single COUNTY has their own format, their own people in place to make sure that voter fraud DOESN'T occur.

For a literal rigging of an election as big as the Presidential insane amount of people would need to be "In on it".

Sorry....I simply can't buy that narrative.
Oct 18, 2016 3:52 PM

Apr 2014
JustALEX said:
Altairius said:
Some of you seem to be in another world. The establishment and mainstream media have never been exposed this badly. It's not going to be the same after this.

But...we already KNOW the establishment and mainstream media are in bed with each other.

This is NOTHING new!

What I do NOT believe is that there is going to be literal voter fraud and literal rigging of votes.

That is NOT easy to do....that is a conspiracy on an epic level.

That would make the 9/11 "inside job" thing look easy by comparison.

In the U.S....every single COUNTY has their own format, their own people in place to make sure that voter fraud DOESN'T occur.

For a literal rigging of an election as big as the Presidential insane amount of people would need to be "In on it".

Sorry....I simply can't buy that narrative.

Either watch the video or don't comment on this anymore. Don't shoot the messenger. You can see Democrat operatives blatantly tell you what they've been doing for decades now.
Oct 18, 2016 3:53 PM

Dec 2013
Altairius said:
Some of you seem to be in another world.
How right you are.
Oct 18, 2016 3:55 PM

May 2010
JustALEX said:
Altairius said:
Some of you seem to be in another world. The establishment and mainstream media have never been exposed this badly. It's not going to be the same after this.

But...we already KNOW the establishment and mainstream media are in bed with each other.

Which makes it better?

This is NOTHING new!

Which makes it better?

What I do NOT believe is that there is going to be literal voter fraud and literal rigging of votes.

There will be voter fraud, it happens every election that doesn't have voter ID laws (and even some that do). The actual question is whether it's enough to actually matter, but how can you tell how much it was actually swayed? Not to mention there is fraud in many other ways.

That is NOT easy to do....that is a conspiracy on an epic level.

And yet we already have the evidence that proves the conspiracies to be real.

That would make the 9/11 "inside job" thing look easy by comparison.

I don't get it.

In the U.S....every single COUNTY has their own format, their own people in place to make sure that voter fraud DOESN'T occur.

And some have weakened their voter laws so much that they're basically asking for people to cheat the system, AND THEY DO. They don't cheat where they'll get caught (well, some do).

For a literal rigging of an election as big as the Presidential insane amount of people would need to be "In on it".

Some of these people vote 10 times in one county, and then go to another county, or to another state, and continue voting. It takes less people than you think, and the money to make it happen is all there.
Oct 18, 2016 4:32 PM

Jan 2014
JustALEX said:
^I already commented on O'Keefe....

He is a PROVED FRAUD who is known for heavily editing his videos.

When you lie as often as O'Keefe does, you do NOT deserve the benefit of the doubt.

Which I will NOT grant him.

Try again.

The words speak for themselves. You can distrust O'Keefe all you want, but you can't deny that it is Foval himself speaking those words.....and that he has been fired from his position.

Of course this doesn't make Trump an angel, and it will not change Hillary's voters minds, but for those without a stake in it, it is both amusing and bemusing seeing the excuses given for this.

You can admit these DNC campaigners' actions are wrong while still voting for Hillary. Denying it only justifies Trump supporters' suspicions.
RedRoseFringOct 18, 2016 4:36 PM
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Oct 18, 2016 4:35 PM

May 2010
The son of a bitch is bringing Obama's half brother to the debate so he can cheer for him.
Oct 18, 2016 4:37 PM

Apr 2014
Oct 18, 2016 4:41 PM

Aug 2013
Considering since elections began the violence has been coming from dems because they beleive they have the morality rights behind them to "attack the Nazi's and bigots" I'd be more worried about what happens in Hillary loses because theres nothing worse than a spoilt democrat liberal voter who is finally told "no."

All that will happen if Trump loses is that public trust in the media will remain rock bottom and she will be under constant scrutiny which she should be.

Only Trump voters need to feel worried when out and about because the establishment have declared they're fair game and evil Nazi's that should be attacked.

Oct 18, 2016 4:52 PM

Jun 2008
Thrashinuva said:
There will be voter fraud, it happens every election that doesn't have voter ID laws (and even some that do). The actual question is whether it's enough to actually matter, but how can you tell how much it was actually swayed? Not to mention there is fraud in many other ways.

No, it doesn't.

In fact there have only been 31 cases of voter fraud out of a billion!

^A stat like that (31 out of a billion) is literally insignificant!

Thrashinuva said:
Some of these people vote 10 times in one county, and then go to another county, or to another state, and continue voting. It takes less people than you think, and the money to make it happen is all there.

Where is your evidence for this?

Do you even know how voting works? The lines are fucking huge....I remember I was in line for almost 3 hours in 2012 to vote!

YES...3 fucking hours! You really think these people are going to do that multiple times....and without getting caught?

Do you understand you can NOT vote in two different counties?

Do you know you must present a valid government issued ID to vote in MOST counties? was the Republicans that made sure that Voter ID laws would be a staple in MANY counties.

And yet, here they are continuing the paranoia!

Listen...I am a very skeptical person....when people start talking about a massive conspiracy theory the likes such as this, which would include a massive scale of people to be "in on it" and when all the hard data and polls say otherwise....

I'm NOT going to take your word on it.

The facts are....voter fraud is extremely RARE....EVERY SINGLE POLL has Hillary winning this thing, and EVERY SINGLE swing state currently shows Hillary in the lead.

I'm sorry that Trump supporters are angry at Hillary, and I'm sorry this whole election is one huge shit show....but there isn't any conspiracy to rig the election.

Hillary WILL win because Trump was a fucking idiot....any DECENT politician that didn't run his mouth like he did and made his absolute best to offend every fucking person that didn't blindly support him.....could've beaten Hillary!

Hillary DID NOT defeat Trump.

Trump defeated Trump.
Oct 18, 2016 4:56 PM

Jun 2008
RedRoseFring said:
You can admit these DNC campaigners' actions are wrong while still voting for Hillary. Denying it only justifies Trump supporters' suspicions.

I DO admit that the DNC conspired with Hillary to make sure she would win by making her look much more favorable and giving her more attention than Bernie.

No doubt about that.

But...I do NOT believe there is voter fraud going on.

Furthermore, I am NOT voting for Hillary nor do I support Hillary.

I simply dislike Trump more than I dislike Hillary...
Oct 18, 2016 4:57 PM

Dec 2013
Spooks said:
Considering since elections began the violence has been coming from dems because they beleive they have the morality rights behind them to "attack the Nazi's and bigots" I'd be more worried about what happens in Hillary loses because theres nothing worse than a spoilt democrat liberal voter who is finally told "no."

All that will happen if Trump loses is that public trust in the media will remain rock bottom and she will be under constant scrutiny which she should be.

Only Trump voters need to feel worried when out and about because the establishment have declared they're fair game and evil Nazi's that should be attacked.

I wonder at how many of those protesters were paid.
Oct 18, 2016 5:07 PM

May 2010
JustALEX said:
Thrashinuva said:
Some of these people vote 10 times in one county, and then go to another county, or to another state, and continue voting. It takes less people than you think, and the money to make it happen is all there.

Where is your evidence for this?

Do you even know how voting works? The lines are fucking huge....I remember I was in line for almost 3 hours in 2012 to vote!

Polling places do not mirror each other 1:1.
YES...3 fucking hours! You really think these people are going to do that multiple times....and without getting caught?

Yes. Assuming they even wait 3 hours. If it takes 3 hours each time then they will vote twice or three times.
Do you understand you can NOT vote in two different counties?

That's why it's called voter fraud.
Do you know you must present a valid government issued ID to vote in MOST counties?

Do you know how easy it is to get a valid government issued ID to vote in these counties? More than one with different names and addresses for the SAME person? was the Republicans that made sure that Voter ID laws would be a staple in MANY counties.

Which is not ironic at all? According to the stats, voter fraud happens more often on the Democratic side.

The facts are....voter fraud is extremely RARE....EVERY SINGLE POLL has Hillary winning this thing, and EVERY SINGLE swing state currently shows Hillary in the lead.

You "don't take your word" on so many things, except for the things that you'll take their word for. It's confirmation bias at its finest. You think people don't manipulate polls? Many polls oversample democrats and women. You think the media doesn't lie to you? CNN has been CAUGHT lying dozens of times in just the last two days! Certain anchors have even lied about THEIR OWN COVERAGE!

I'm sorry that Trump supporters are angry at Hillary, and I'm sorry this whole election is one huge shit show....but there isn't any conspiracy to rig the election.

This isn't about Democrat vs. Republican anymore. Hell it isn't even about Hillary anymore. It's about fighting corruption and taking back our freedom and our country.
Oct 18, 2016 5:14 PM

Mar 2008
Pirating_Ninja said:
Going to laugh my ass off once he sets up Trump TV after losing this election, pulls in suckers, and makes a massive profit following this campaign.

Don't get me wrong, saying that the "media is out to get me" from day one after saying and doing many things that have never been said / done by a presidential candidate, is relatively genius if your next plan is to make your own channel.

He will make a mini replica white house and live in it then with a loud speaker shout out at people passing by trying to tell them what to do
Oct 18, 2016 5:16 PM

Jan 2012
He knows he's losing and is trying to blame that on the
system. "This is what losers do"

Oct 18, 2016 5:18 PM

Jun 2008
Thrashinuva said:

You "don't take your word" on so many things, except for the things that you'll take their word for. It's confirmation bias at its finest. You think people don't manipulate polls? Many polls oversample democrats and women. You think the media doesn't lie to you? CNN has been CAUGHT lying dozens of times in just the last two days! Certain anchors have even lied about THEIR OWN COVERAGE!

OH MY many times do I have to say this?!

Taking multiple polls at face value is NOT confirmation bias.




I hate having to get angry and whatever....but goddamn....polls are NOT being manipulated.

Unless, you literally think that every single poll is...including the one that is almost always AGAINST democrats.

I'm not repeating myself on this polls shit's fucking ridiculous.
Oct 18, 2016 5:24 PM

Mar 2016
Well many of them are already in denial as far as Trump's position in the polls goes so it would probably be a good idea to stay away from some of the more frothy mouthed ones
"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.
I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".
"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."
Oct 18, 2016 5:28 PM

Jun 2008
25957 are the FACTS...

Fact #1 Every single major poll as of today has Hillary in the lead....YES, including Fox News, which everyone can agree has always had a conservative/Republican bias.


Fact #2 Voter fraud is extremely rare...a comprehensive investigation found out that voter fraud occurred in 31 cases....out of BILLION ballots cast.


Fact #3 Trump AND Hillary are VERY disliked....however, Trump has been disliked MORE than Hillary, and ever since the tape came out where he said that he grabs women by the pussy and kisses them without their consent....his numbers have been sharply falling...

Source: can take these FACTS for what they are and conclude that Hillary WILL in fact most likely win due to a variety of factors, BUT NOT because of voter fraud. can indulge in conspiracy theories.

Your choice.
Oct 18, 2016 5:29 PM

May 2010
JustALEX said:
Unless, you literally think that every single poll is...including the one that is almost always AGAINST democrats.

Not every poll is manipulated, sure, but that one probably is. Always against democrats? How is that not manipulated?

There are a wide variety of manipulation tactics, such as oversampling, suggestion, timing, discarding undesired results, and of course just being outright deceitful.

Now you bombard media viewers with those polls you and you suppress the people's desire to pick a lesser candidate, influencing even the legit polls to a degree.

As far as commonality with past data, this election is wildly different, and is already evident in the amount of newly registered voters and the amount of voters who have switched from Democrat to Republican. It varies wildly state by state, but the numbers across the board are obscene.

Of course, not every story about this is going to favor the "Trump will win" agenda, what it does mean though is that this election is very different.

Oct 18, 2016 5:57 PM

May 2015
all trump fans are already ugly tho
Freddy Nicholas said:
have control, be yourself, god is dead
Oct 18, 2016 6:01 PM

Nov 2009
I'll say one thing, I would NOT want to be an officer on duty the moment the results are announced. You are either going to get mobbed by #BLM or get swarmed by a bunch of retarded rednecks that feel they must exercise their 2nd amendment right to overthrow the government.
Oct 18, 2016 6:03 PM

May 2010
Pirating_Ninja said:
I'll say one thing, I would NOT want to be an officer on duty the moment the results are announced. You are either going to get mobbed by #BLM or get swarmed by a bunch of retarded rednecks that feel they must exercise their 2nd amendment right to overthrow the government.

I don't know. White guys are less likely to riot.

And I honestly thought riots would start when Obama became president, but none did, so we honestly might not see anything either way.
Oct 18, 2016 6:06 PM

Aug 2013
So how much Hillary's people offer you @JustALEX to suddenly shill for her? and theres something called polling over sampling and almost all the polls over sample democrats. Not to mention the fact that 90% of voters don't sit around taking polls either. Just look at brexist sometimes its as simple as voters not wanting people to know who they're voting for till the actual vote.

If you take things at face value more often than not you're going to be proven wrong. Look at polifact the website everyone goes to to defend Hillary or comment that Trump is lying. They believe its an impartial fact checker and yet how many people know that its owned by the New York Times who stand officially in support of Hillary Clinton. You only need to look up their facts comparisons to see they mark Trumps true remarks down as mostly false, Sanders too whilst the same thing said by Hillary is marked true.
Oct 18, 2016 6:09 PM
Jul 2018
I don't fucking know, nigga.
Oct 18, 2016 6:22 PM

May 2010
Spooks said:
Just look at brexist sometimes its as simple as voters not wanting people to know who they're voting for till the actual vote.


Because, when it comes down to it, when you vote people in power, people will do WHATEVER THEY CAN to corrupt the voting process. We came to the method of private polling as a result of the realization of this fact.

Just because it was illegal to intimidate voters, it didn't stop them. When everyone's votes were public they couldn't manipulate the numbers, so they manipulated the people.

They can't threaten people to vote for the person they want, because when they go into the booth, they can't watch over them, and no one will know who they voted for. So what method is left? Psychology. Do ANYTHING you can to manipulate the vote. Best of all it can't be proven, but at the very least the voters life is not in danger.
Oct 18, 2016 6:37 PM
Jul 2018
I'll just be willing to say that either of them winning will ultimately disappoint me
Oct 18, 2016 6:39 PM

Jun 2008
Spooks said:
So how much Hillary's people offer you @JustALEX to suddenly shill for her?

Dude c'mon....I'm not even supporting her, I just can't stand Trump.

And BTW....If ANYONE wants to offer me money, I have my hand extended right now!

Seriously...I'll sell out quicker than all those YouTube hacks.....I'm a full talks, and I LIKE money quite a bit.

Spooks said:
and theres something called polling over sampling and almost all the polls over sample democrats. Not to mention the fact that 90% of voters don't sit around taking polls either. Just look at brexist sometimes its as simple as voters not wanting people to know who they're voting for till the actual vote.

Yes, this is a very fair point.

BUT...the U.S and for that matter the presidential elections are not very common in the way they go about electing the next POTUS.

We have an electoral college.

Theoretically, you could WIN the popular vote and still lose the Presidency....don't believe me? Ask Al Gore.

Currently, according to reliable sources....Hillary is on pace to win every major battleground state (Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, and Pennsylvania).

Fine....I'll grant you that polling people is one thing and people that are more than likely to actually vote is another.

But, I've seen this movie before.

I remember 2012 very well....and I remember how Obama was up in ALL the major polls with just a few weeks to go, but the Romney people still kept claiming they were going to win.

In the end, Obama won by quite the landslide, and the polls were fairly accurate.

This website I keep linking is pretty good:

^This is a Prediction website....they don't just make predictions about politics, they do so for sports too and other things.

And again...they are pretty good at their predictions.

In 2012 they got almost every state correct.

I remember very well following this website up until the election....and I was not surprised one bit when Obama won by the margin he did....because the Predictions and Polls had been saying he was going to win for various weeks.

See...this guy named Nate Silver created this website back in 2012....and he's a statistician.

He doesn't pay attention to bias....he pays attention to the numbers and does the science and math required to come up with these predictions.

Nate Silver in 2012 correctly predicted ALL 50 states correctly.....with the help of Polls and what the stats were saying.

I'm simply looking at all of this from the eyes of a person that knows the power of science and math.

The polls do not lie....nor do I believe they are manipulated to such an extent as to say that they are all giving us wildly inaccurate data.

I really wish Trump NOR Hillary were going to be our next president....but we're stuck.
Oct 18, 2016 6:51 PM
Feb 2016
I guess they'd be...tRIGgered!

Get it?

Ah, fuck it.

Oct 18, 2016 6:53 PM

May 2010
JustALEX said:
I remember very well following this website up until the election....and I was not surprised one bit when Obama won by the margin he did....because the Predictions and Polls had been saying he was going to win for various weeks.

You keep raising this point, but literally no one was surprised that Obama won, even by a lot, on his second election. People weren't even surprised he won the first election. This is even despite that Romney was absolutely shit tier garbage and McCain actually ran a semi-decent campaign.
Oct 18, 2016 7:11 PM

May 2010
Here's one of your trusted news sources admitting that voter fraud happens.
Oct 18, 2016 7:59 PM

Jun 2008
Thrashinuva said:
Here's one of your trusted news sources admitting that voter fraud happens.

Where do you get the inaccurate information that I trust CNN?

Have I said so anywhere in this thread?

BTW...just so you know....Trump is on pace to win Indiana according to most polls.

So, whatever.
Oct 18, 2016 8:09 PM

May 2010
JustALEX said:
Thrashinuva said:
Here's one of your trusted news sources admitting that voter fraud happens.

Where do you get the inaccurate information that I trust CNN?

Have I said so anywhere in this thread?

BTW...just so you know....Trump is on pace to win Indiana according to most polls.

So, whatever.

Oh you trust everything you see that looks like a graph of some kind, especially if it's on TV or on a website.
Oct 18, 2016 9:43 PM

Dec 2007
JustALEX said:
Fact #2 Voter fraud is extremely rare...a comprehensive investigation found out that voter fraud occurred in 31 cases....out of BILLION ballots cast.

Actually, the assertion made cannot be factually derived from the "investigation" provided. This is because the study only covers a narrow range of voter fraud, and essentially requires the specific identity of either the perpetrator or an impersonated individual to be known. Any case that can be all-but proven where the identity of one of those two could not be identified (which should be the vast majority of provable cases) is ignored. It also requires that the method used be one that could be stopped by a voter ID law. This does not cover fraudulent registration by individuals ineligible to vote (felons, underage, non-citizen residents, etc) or fraudulent registration under multiple names, both of which are, under Democrat-favored registration laws, unpreventable and uncorrectable. This has been proven to occur in modest amounts every year, but exponentially more often than the cases tallied, and has been enough to have possibly stolen at least one Senate election. It also does not cover absentee ballot fraud (among the most common type) or any pre- or post-polling election ballot rigging. Admittedly, the latter two are technically not voter fraud, but rather election fraud.

Most importantly, this does not actively search for incidents, but passively checks for news, such as court cases, regarding them. As such, it is not a survey of 1 billion+ ballots, but rather the rough equivalent of a google search for specific incidents covering a narrow portion of the aggregate. This disqualifies it as being either comprehensive or an investigation.

Most interesting, however, is in how many of even these cases there is no confirmation that anyone actually investigated the claims. The best way to sweep crimes under the rug is to not investigate, and the second best is to make it unacceptably difficult for someone else to compile a list. There is no searchable database in any government agency regarding incidence of fraud. Asking agencies for their data, more often than not, involves getting a run-around where every agency just directs you to another one. That leaves only news and court cases, which are always only a tiny fraction of the total (and not necessarily accurate either), as sources.

Anyone who claims to know how frequently, or infrequently, voter fraud occurs is either a liar or a fool. Those are the only options. Nobody knows for sure because nobody wants us to know. However, there's strong, if not overwhelming, evidence that it's far more than Democrats claim, yet still far less than Republicans might have us believe.
Oct 18, 2016 10:01 PM
Jul 2018
Half of them are basement dwellers so I think we have nothing to fear
Oct 18, 2016 10:51 PM

Sep 2013
I'm old enough to remember many elections. When I was born, Richard Nixon was president. I went to my first political event in 1988, and I first voted in 1990. I have never seen anything like this election, and if somebody had told me in the 1990s that we would have an election like this, I would not have thought it possible. Back then, hardly anybody would have even thought to question the final legitimacy of the election results. Things started to go downhill in 2000 when we had an election that was nearly tied and was decided after a narrowly divided Supreme Court issued a ruling that many found questionable. This unfortunate turn of events made it socially acceptable for people on the losing side to refuse to accept the results of the election. Many Democrats questioned the legitimacy of Bush's reelection in 2004 even though he won convincingly, and Republicans have done all they can to delegitimize Obama even though he won his elections with a reasonable margin (and the birther hypothesis has been debunked). In this election, the losing side may refuse to concede the election and might stir up an angry mob. For the first time in my life, I am concerned that there might be unrest in the wake of an election.

We have a very angry and divided public, two terrible major party candidates (with no realistic third party option), and a serious risk that the losing side might not accept the result. This can't end well.

To those here who are getting caught up in all of this rage, please step back and think about where all of this could lead. To those in the United States, do you really want to see this country destabilized like so many fragile democracies elsewhere in the world? To those elsewhere in the world, some of whom are surely cackling with glee at these developments, can you even begin to imagine the danger that a destabilized and unpredictable United States might pose? Our system is far from perfect, but it has survived a number of past challenges, and I hope it can survive this one, but I am very worried.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
Oct 18, 2016 10:56 PM

Apr 2016
There's a video that proves the voter fraud.
Oct 18, 2016 11:18 PM

Apr 2014
Hilary is going to win because the government wants to start a war with Russia :P so she'll win electoral and popular will go to trump so he'll lose.
Oct 19, 2016 12:10 AM

May 2009
If Trump loses, I expect some minor protests, maybe a riot or two somewhere, but eventually, they'll give up and go about their merry ways, given that a lot, if not most people in Trump's camp are ex-Bernie supporters.

If Hillary loses, however, expect groups like BLM and radical feminists stirring shit up. Radicalized blacks will riot in the streets, and feminists will flood social media sites with their disapproval of their heroine's loss. And then you'll get all the mainstream media outlets complaining about it, decrying sexism and every SJW buzzword you can think of. Expect them to report on that for months to come, if not longer, because "the Patriarchy is holding our women down".
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