Well, I like typing up pointless things to support the character I like, so, well, here goes!
I don't mind either of them. They're both okay characters, with interesting development and interesting relations with the main character.
If I had to decide who I liked more, if either was a real person, I would have probably preferred Shiina, since she's learning how to live in society, she's kind, she cares for her friends, she's 'beautiful and cute', she's talented, but still modest, and basically all around 'perfect'.
Which is why I don't prefer her as a character.
Does she have a single flaw?
Everything she says 'touches' one of the characters. They realize their way of thinking was wrong... and Shiina's was right. Shiina is never wrong, because she's pure, innocent and hardworking. Every trait that's negative, such as her dependency, tendency to have no common sense, and... what, exactly? I can't think of any. Anyway, these negative traits are all played up for laughs, cuteness, moeness, and to make her more attractive. There isn't a single trait about her that isn't made to make her more perfect. In her character development, every problem was a problem with a) her lack of common sense, or b) problems caused by people around her, or because of the people around her. When Sakurasou was announced to be demolished, you could say 'it's because of her', but it's not because of the choices she makes; it's the school's fault. She wants to leave because she's being a problem to others. She's worried and sad because she wants to make up with Sorata, but he's jealous of her.
She's so selfless and forgiving that it made me sick, how much of an idealized girl she was. (Also seen in how she can memorize tests ridiculously quickly, how she's good at gaming, and her ability to draw decent manga without a proper foundation in manga art.)
She's not retarded, stupid, or autistic. There's no problem with her at all, which is her problem, really.
(There's also the problem of 'a guy taking care of a dependent pretty girl' which irks me, since it comes off as pretty sexist, but that's another can of worms that I'm not touching.)
As for Aoyama, she's riddled with so many problems that I love her.
She's slightly self-absorbed. Her thoughts center on herself, on what she does, and on her successes, her wants, her dreams. That's who she is - a girl with a drive to improve herself, to further her ability and place in life. She believes that she needs to take responsibility, to be independent, to be strong to carry on - and she tries to do that, except she's just a high school girl; she cries and hates on the world when it's unfair to her, because she isn't actually that strong.
As for the 'taking over Mashiro Duty', are you seriously suggesting that a guy picking out a girl's panties is appropriate? It's not. No matter how cute it is, it is not appropriate. What Aoyama was doing wasn't 'taking care of Shiina' like a pet; she was trying to teach Shiina to be self sufficient. She wanted Shiina to be more independent, and I'm pretty sure that Aoyama was trying to help. Taking on too much responsibility on herself was her feeling that 'she can do more, why can't she do more?' and another mixture of 'why won't anyone trust me to do these things?' I admit, it wasn't a pretty scene for Aoyama, but it was so human - I've seen my friend do the same thing, actually.
I have mixed feelings on her crush on Sorata, I'll admit. It wasn't natural, and it was there for the rule of love triangles. It would've been much better if they were actually just friends, for once, and her feelings developed over the hardships and struggles she went through - and how Sorata tried to save her every time. Speaking of relationships - Shiina isn't very romantically compatible with Sorata. She's too dependent, and Sorata's too jealous of her. (Don't say he's over it; he isn't, not really.) It wouldn't be a healthy relationship, no matter how I see it. If Shiina learns to be self-sufficient, and Sorata more comfortable with his abilities, they could start dating, but until then...
As for Aoyama's redeeming traits, she's actually pretty lacking in those aspects, unfortunately, but, well, one: she's dedicated to her dream. Even though she's afraid, she's willing to try; and she tries to help people. She's independent to a certain extent, and she has a sense of responsibility (unlike a certain dandere who left a party in the middle of winter and worried everyone), and she lets people have their happiness. As long as it follows a certain extent of logic. Her character development comes in the form of letting go, of her to stop being so strict with herself; to let herself have fun,because she hasn't really had friend because of the rules she set herself.
Her kansai-ben is an additional plus since I love dialects. (...I can't get over Arata's dialect from Chihayafuru.) Her tsun-ness had nothing to do with why I liked her. (...her apologizing after she hit Sorata was brilliant, though!)
*Random note: I don't have anything against danderes! I loved Yuki from Haruhi Suzumiya (because of the film, I admit) but there's depth to her character. Her emotionless demeanor is portrayed as more 'creepy' than anything, at the start. Mashiro was just set up to be cute from the very beginning.
**Another random note: Ryuunosuke's romance with Rita was so forced and shallow that it was horrific to watch.
***Another... random note: I did have a good few paragraphs to write about how problems shouldn't be made for the relationship only; and how they should focus on the character as well... but that's off topic.
So. That ends my rambling. I'm not going to bother proofreading this, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. (...and yes, I joined to post this. I didn't accept the arguments in this thread for who was the better girl - from both sides. In the end, it was the character that was more interesting, rather than the one more attractive for me.)
TL;DR: Shiina is so perfect that I disliked her; Aoyama was a high school girl with problems, because that's how people are, and that's why I preferred her as a character.
(Answers to a certain post in this thread - yes, Aoyama is a coward. Isn't that more interesting than the flawless girl who's only flaw is that she needs someone to be a 'master' as she's a pet?)
EDIT: ...that is one long post. I'm so sorry. |