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May 26, 2009 4:26 AM

Dec 2007
Finally, Nana is singing again!! It´s seems she´s starting to act like herself again!
Ugh, but the fact that Takumi still is with Reira and doesn´t care about Hachi makes me so mad!!
And Yuri is still acting like a bitch, sure, she can be jealous, but that doesn´t give her the right of being so rude!
May 26, 2009 7:58 AM

Feb 2009
The content in itself was pretty good, but only 20 pages for a series that comes out once a month, what's up with that -_-
May 26, 2009 8:59 AM

Jan 2008
wtf? only 21 pages??? I WANT MORE! D< but good chapter anyways D<
May 26, 2009 10:30 AM

Aug 2007
hate that stupid Yuri, how dare she calling Hachi like that... OMG, would punch her in the face right away...
May 26, 2009 12:14 PM

May 2009
Omg....i can't even describe how much i hate that bitch Yuri! I can't wait for the next chapter - i hope than Nobu will tell her about his feeling for Hachi and break up with her! :D And Takumi is pissing me off too! He should be with Reira if he cares so much about her... i don't hate him but i really don't get this guy =/
I'm happy that Nana came back to her old self, even if she doesn't care anymore about anything (i think it's not really true). It's better than her emotionless expression...
Generally, great episode, as always! But why does it have to be so short? *cry*
Sorry, my English isn't perfect ^^
"...because the people who are crazy enough to think that they change the world are the ones who do..."
May 26, 2009 2:26 PM

Oct 2007
i REALLY hate that bitch yuri.
May 26, 2009 3:02 PM
May 2008
dammit is it Yuri that pushes Nana overboard?
seriously. i understand she's got a reason not to like Hachi but DON'T TAKE IT OUT ON NANA!
Ugh. she must not know the meaning of pain. we need to teach it to her. the hard way.
and i'm still annoyed Reira doesn't EVEN KNOW about Ren yet. but maybe it's the fact that everyone viewed her like a child that makes her toughen up a bit later in the timeskip. she seems more mature then.

and Takumi either needs to choose or at least tell Hachi he's just there as a friend and manager of the group checking on his assets. they have NO COMMUNICATION whatsoever. not even sexually, like how this all started. gah.
May 26, 2009 4:07 PM

Apr 2007
Drunk Nana <3
May 26, 2009 4:21 PM

Mar 2009
This chapter was reallly funny, especially Nana and her singing and saying she'll sing if she has cow/beef! hehe.

Ugh, Yuri is really starting to PISS me off!!!
May 26, 2009 5:28 PM

May 2007
Yuri is a bitch, c'mon Nobu dump her already! :P
Anyway, I don't like the fact that Takumi is still by Reira's side. It does seem like he loves her the most, doesn't it? -_- I hope Hachi & Takumi will get to have their conversation soon. In the meantime, yay Nana started singing again~ :3

May 27, 2009 1:17 AM

Oct 2007
Until this moment, I thought that I had understood Yuri...
but right now she's pissing me off really badly r___r

Hachi and Nana are meant to be together!

Even if it's not in a yuri way, of course -__-
May 27, 2009 8:54 AM

Aug 2007
Such a short chapter. I was wondering if it was only partially translated or something, because they're usually 40 pages long. =( Oh well.
I hope Nobu breaks up with Yuri and then dates Hachi since Takumi is a complete ass. I never liked him, even from the beginning. I've always loved Nobu x Hachi. But then if they do get together, I'm sure Takumi will come back and try to take her away again, but hopefully Hachi will stay with Nobu.

Anyway, decent chapter. Yay, Nana singing. Boo for chapter length. =(
May 27, 2009 9:14 AM

Jan 2009
TwilightShiva said:
dammit is it Yuri that pushes Nana overboard?

That would be my guess too.

May 27, 2009 10:53 AM

Feb 2008
Damn.This chapter was way to short. waiting for months and we got just 20 pages..but well..i loved it;) like always;)
And my hatred for Takum and Yuri is just growning..More and mooore. Geez. One person worse than another..
But seeing Nana singing again, even if its just karaoke, makes me happy. But still, i wonder what happened more that Nana left them and went to London:(
May 27, 2009 3:59 PM

Apr 2009
today wasnt a very good day and then i read the cahpter of nana and it was so happy at first since nana seemed to be doing better and then i was so happy~
augg i dont get why yuri has to be in the story!!!shes so annoying!!~it was so sad how nana looked at the end of the chapterT.T
the chapters are really short~!well, i cant wait till the next one~!

May 27, 2009 4:44 PM

Aug 2008
Yuri's reaction is understandable. Most girls would feel jealous after seeing their boyfriend with his ex. And to further it, Hachi and Nobu aren't really doing the best job of hiding their emotions. So Yuri's feelings are natural. But I still can't help but hate her for pushing Nana overboard. >_> Do what you want to Hachi, it's typical, but don't hurt Nana.

Poor Shin, knowing that Reira loves Takumi. Oh well, he's still young. He'll find someone else, probably.
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May 27, 2009 4:58 PM

Aug 2008
soul said:
Damn.This chapter was way to short. waiting for months and we got just 20 pages..but well..i loved it;) like always;)
And my hatred for Takum and Yuri is just growning..More and mooore. Geez. One person worse than another..

me too. i hate takumi and yuri more and more. reira too.
aww. this chap. is way too short!! :(

i hope nana is going to give birth to um. *ren or *satsuki soon.
May 28, 2009 12:49 PM
Jul 2007
I like Yuri a lot so it upsets me to see her act this way. It's fine she's got something against Hachi but man, why's she gotta bring Nana down?? You'd think she'd have enough decency to leave the DEPRESSED GIRL IN MOURNING alone. Jeez.
May 28, 2009 6:05 PM

Sep 2008
I'm getting kinda sick of Nana, I just want it to end already, it feels like it's dissolved into a bad soap opera, I dunno if I can't stick with it much longer.
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
May 30, 2009 4:55 AM

Jan 2009
Tsuki-no-Hikari said:
Yuri's reaction is understandable. Most girls would feel jealous after seeing their boyfriend with his ex. And to further it, Hachi and Nobu aren't really doing the best job of hiding their emotions. So Yuri's feelings are natural. But I still can't help but hate her for pushing Nana overboard. >_> Do what you want to Hachi, it's typical, but don't hurt Nana.

Poor Shin, knowing that Reira loves Takumi. Oh well, he's still young. He'll find someone else, probably.

I agree with you. I don't like Yuri (it's one of my least favourite characters), but I kinda understand why she said that. But she could just bring Hachi down, instead of Nana.

I wonder if with all this Nana will go to London... And what happened to Reira, after all? Will she be psychologically affected in the future? After all, she was still talking like Ren was still alive. I wonder why she will want to destroy everything that Takumi loves...
Jun 1, 2009 4:52 PM
Sep 2007
Nana is starting to drag on too much. I really liked this chapter, but it looked unnecessarily short. As much as I love the manga, I kinda hope it ends soon, the curiosity is starting to be annoying.

And I really want Hachi and Takumi to end it :v I know I'm a HachixTakumi fan, but that's cause I always felt like there would be more surprises in the future, that he would start caring more for her. She's almost giving birth and he doesn't even call her. She should totally make out with Nobu and then dump Takumi.
Jun 3, 2009 5:49 AM

Dec 2008
I love NANA but all these love triangles are getting tedious
Takumi annoys me he needs to care a bit more :/
And awww at Shin :(
Jun 5, 2009 4:00 PM

Oct 2007
where the HELL is the rest of the chapter?!?!

anything positive I could say about this chapter was ruined by the length and the standstill the story has taken..Making Nana suddenly start speaking and wanting to sing is not fooling me into thinking we've had some progression plot wise. This creeping pace is starting to kill me
Jun 5, 2009 4:51 PM

May 2009
Yes, there is definitely wrong with the new it going to be like this every time? o_O
I hope NANA won't become like Naruto or Bleach....short episodes, small progress... because the more episodes the more money they get.... I don't want to think that way about my favourite manga, dammit!
I want NANA to be like it used to be...
Sorry, my English isn't perfect ^^
"...because the people who are crazy enough to think that they change the world are the ones who do..."
Jun 13, 2009 9:28 PM

Nov 2008
I think that this is what makes Nana go away. And, based on those small tidbits of the future, it looks like Nobu get's rid of Yuri eventually, probably after she pushes Nana overboard (thank God).

I agree that it's getting very... tedious and the plot is creeping rather slowly. D;
I can't drop it because I do love this manga and I want to know what happens but Yazawa Ai-sensei needs to end this within a few more volumes or she might lose some people. For something that had 40-something in pages for each chapter to a go-at-a-shounen pace once a month is kind of toture... D:
君の初恋;「your first love;」

Jun 16, 2009 2:26 PM

May 2009
That's right. I hope that it'll have a great ending soon, i don't want to be disappointed in my fav manga...
Sorry, my English isn't perfect ^^
"...because the people who are crazy enough to think that they change the world are the ones who do..."
Jul 8, 2009 9:49 AM

Jun 2009
Synthoxide said:
I think that this is what makes Nana go away.

Yuri's being very rude indeed, but I don't think just several words from a minor girl like her would really make Nana go away. Based on that Hachi previously said she could not fulfill her promise to Nana, that must be something related to her going back to Takumi again, probably around giving birth to Satsuki. And that will break Nana's back and she'll flee :(

Hoping for a great ending, semi-happy at least, this manga already took many many tears from me >_>
Aug 3, 2009 11:42 AM
Jan 2009
Actually.. what i like about this manga is that whenever I beginning to get tired reading it, it then starting to show glimpse of future, then go back to the present... hence, it makes you wonder with qns (like why Nana left? Why she fake her death? or maybe is it cause she lost her memory due to incident in the sea? Did Hachi born a pair of twin? Did Nana run because of her family past? and all that)... which makes you want to read further...

For this chapter, I think you could not blame Yuri for being jealous.. Furthermore, Hachi dn't want to stay there but she too caring for Nana.. Hachi even want to avoid contact with Nobu and do stupid things... Nobu is at fault for being not ctrl and goin aft Hachi..
Sep 4, 2009 6:06 PM

Dec 2007
i want more!!! that yuri is being such a b**ch...
Takumi is also starting to annoy me (even though he is one of my favourite characters)... not only on this chapter but also in the last "future scenes" we saw with him... he does not want to get divorced but he doesn't talk things up with hachiko... really annoying.
Oct 4, 2009 7:51 PM
Nov 2008
Ahhh~ This chapter gives new hope to us NobuxHachi fans again! <3
Thank you Yazawa-sensei for this! Get well soon! ...please? :C
Nov 2, 2009 11:11 AM

Aug 2009
what's wrong with you people?????
how can you NOT hate that bitch Nana?????
I'm not a big fan of Yuri,but I was so happy that she was mean to that both that bitches.
how can Nana sing after Ren died????????? even I am still crying and she has a mood to sing.what the fuck???
she promissed 1000 times that if he would die she would die with why didn't she kill herself?ooh I hated her from the biggining,cause she was always mean and rude to Nobu and Shin.I feel so sorry for Nobu,because of everything.
I always thought that Ren would kill Nana n' then die from drugs.(cause they are fans of Sid Vicious and Nancy and that is what happenes with Sid and Nancy)
and now look-best guy in the world is dead and that slut is alive.
I hope Nobu will be happy in the end.and I hope Nana will go to hell!!!!!!!!
Feb 22, 2010 2:38 AM

Jan 2010
I think Takumi and Yuri should both just drop dead so Hachi and Nobu can finally get together again. I'm rewatching the anime now, And I'm almost at the part where Nobu and Hachi break up. >.< Man, i don't even want to continue watching for that reason!
Feb 25, 2010 5:35 PM

Apr 2008
as of now i really want nobu & hachi back together.. takumi is way too concerned about his work.& i dont exactly hate reira, i sympathize with her. but i dont think that just because reira is in a bad state that takumi should be so cruel to hachi.

im happy that nana is back to normal again, i hate seeing her down.

i hope Yazawa is recovering.. I really want to see what happens next : (
Mar 26, 2010 10:05 PM

May 2009
So I reread all the flashes into the future and the feeling I have is that Lil' Ren is Hachi and Nobu's kid. I think we all immediately thought Satsuki was older but I think Ren will be born first, and then Hachi will have Satsuki.

That way it makes sense that Lil' Ren has light hair like Nobu, and explain why Nobu is ALWAYS asking for him and asking about him playing guitar (when Nobu said to present pregnant Hachi that he wants to teach the child). Hachi is assuming it's a girl but it will be a boy and since it's only a few months after Ren's death they name him after Ren.

But since Takumi said he'd raise the child as his own he does get attached even though the child is Nobu's. Either way Hachi and Takumi will spend more years together and have Satsuki, and only now in the "future" we see they're separated.
May 10, 2010 4:21 AM

Apr 2009
Ladylethal said:
So I reread all the flashes into the future and the feeling I have is that Lil' Ren is Hachi and Nobu's kid. I think we all immediately thought Satsuki was older but I think Ren will be born first, and then Hachi will have Satsuki.

That way it makes sense that Lil' Ren has light hair like Nobu, and explain why Nobu is ALWAYS asking for him and asking about him playing guitar (when Nobu said to present pregnant Hachi that he wants to teach the child). Hachi is assuming it's a girl but it will be a boy and since it's only a few months after Ren's death they name him after Ren.

But since Takumi said he'd raise the child as his own he does get attached even though the child is Nobu's. Either way Hachi and Takumi will spend more years together and have Satsuki, and only now in the "future" we see they're separated.

That sounds like the best interpretation yet! I hope Yazawa-sensei decides to continue with the series, I recently heard that she might not after her illness.. :/

Oct 12, 2010 7:19 AM
Mar 2010
if Yazawa-sensei doesnt continue the manga, i hope she at least will let someone else do it because things can NOT be left the way they are
Oct 15, 2010 7:05 AM

Aug 2010
Get better Yazawa-sensei! I'm still so heartbroken over the last few chapters, it can't end like this :(
Nov 11, 2010 3:54 PM

Feb 2009
Yuri is acting like a bitch, but I don't care that much, because I am not a fan of Nobu/Hachi., but the fact that Takumi still with Reira, THAT'S PISSING ME OFF! e_e
Dec 4, 2010 3:15 PM

Aug 2009
Re-read the whole series, and it was just as great the second time. This is my favourite shojo-manga of all times, so I REALLY hope Yazawa-sensei will decide to continue the series :c
Especially since I'm a huge HachixNobuo-fan and it looks like it's going in the right direction now. DD;;

Oh well I'd be happy with pretty much any outcome as long as she continued and wrapped the series up :c

I love NANA very very very much. ♥
Dec 28, 2010 1:21 PM

Oct 2010
spazure said:
Ladylethal said:
So I reread all the flashes into the future and the feeling I have is that Lil' Ren is Hachi and Nobu's kid. I think we all immediately thought Satsuki was older but I think Ren will be born first, and then Hachi will have Satsuki.

That way it makes sense that Lil' Ren has light hair like Nobu, and explain why Nobu is ALWAYS asking for him and asking about him playing guitar (when Nobu said to present pregnant Hachi that he wants to teach the child). Hachi is assuming it's a girl but it will be a boy and since it's only a few months after Ren's death they name him after Ren.

But since Takumi said he'd raise the child as his own he does get attached even though the child is Nobu's. Either way Hachi and Takumi will spend more years together and have Satsuki, and only now in the "future" we see they're separated.

That sounds like the best interpretation yet! I hope Yazawa-sensei decides to continue with the series, I recently heard that she might not after her illness.. :/

I interpreted it the same way. And I was in the beginning Takumi x Hachi fan but I can't stand emotional disorders (Takumi) and slavery (Hachi) so I was feeling pretty bad when Takumi violated their relationship (sleeping with others, kissing Reira and never calling Hachi). She really loves him, but I think that she made a mistake in too quickly choosing him. Nobody would die if she could wait a little bit longer and talk with Nobu (he haven't even recovered from the news and he was already dumped) and push Takumi away for a while so she can choose. I hope she will choose Nobu. He is a perfect character for her. Loving, caring, everything that Takumi isn't and it would be a real shame if manga wouldn't end this way (marriage Nobu x Hachi). :)
--> And yea. The chapter was short. Really too short.
Jan 14, 2011 9:58 AM

Mar 2010
Does anybody know when will manga continue? I mean, it stopped at the chapter 84, and it has only 21 pages, but it seems that the news of when it'll continue are nowhere to be found on the net. So, does anyone has an information about the continue of the manga? Im looking forward to hearing about it's continue....
“If you`re losing your soul and you know it, then you`ve still got a soul left to lose”
Jan 16, 2011 9:40 PM

Aug 2010
*sigh* looks like I have a long wait ahead of me until new chapters are released. I hope Yazawa-sensei is able to finish the series.

Feb 2, 2011 12:15 PM

Jul 2010
If Yazawa-sensei doesn't finish NANA, I might very well cry.
Well, it won't be the first time she's made me cry -__-
<img src="" border="0" />
Mar 11, 2011 1:10 PM
Nov 2008
I'm getting really depressed waiting for a new chapter of NANA to come out... I understand illness.. but I wish she would at least let one of her helpers or someone finish the story with her guiding how it was supposed to go, at least before she retires. Oh well... maybe she'll continue someday.
Jun 2, 2011 5:34 PM

Jul 2008
I should have taken my time. It seems I caught up in the blink of an eye and this hiatus is really painful. I hope Yazawa-sensei is able to continue Nana one day... I'll never stop waiting. The series has been beyond brilliant.
I write about manga →
and movies →
Jun 6, 2011 5:23 AM
Jun 2011
it's been a year since the manga is in hiatus... it's killing me... does anyone here knows when the chapter 85 release?
Jun 6, 2011 9:41 AM

Feb 2010
come on, don't end it like this
its really agonizing.. waiting for almost 2 years
"never regret anything, because at one point it was exactly what you wanted"
Nov 20, 2011 9:35 AM
Feb 2009

As sad as it seems I don't have any reasonable expectation after 2½ years that Ai Yazawa will be finishing this manga. All the same, I hope she is in good health and can continue with her career in one form or another.

Meanwhile, for the sake of closure I'll have to speculate on what transpires after chapter 84.

First, I think Yuri's thoughtless actions cause Nana to feel like she's somehow a burden on Hachi's happiness. As a result of that, her loss of Ren, and Yasu no longer able to support her she feels helpless and lonely and chooses to run away and die alone where she won't trouble the people she loves. Instead she ends up painfully living day to day with only her singing and memories of the past to keep her from completely losing all hope.

Second, I believe that Takumi and Hachi truly love each other. However, Takumi's whole life has been about making Reira happy which is why he slept with her despite his better judgment. It's also the reason he chooses to stay by Reira's side in London while she's emotionally unstable and pregnant with his second child, Ren. Despite this he still want's Hachi by his side but for her part Hachi has chosen Nana over Takumi. Which is why she stays in Tokyo on the faint hope that someday she will return. As a result Takumi is trying to help Hachi find Nana so that they can be together again as family. Despite all the horrible things Takumi has done Hachi will stay by his side and bear his first child, Satsuki.

In the end I suspect that Hachi finds Nana and somehow they repair their relationship.

In the meantime I guess I'll hold of on watching the anime in the hopes that someday Ai Yazawa will finish the manga.
Mar 25, 2012 8:24 AM

Jan 2012
Arwenia said:
spazure said:
Ladylethal said:
So I reread all the flashes into the future and the feeling I have is that Lil' Ren is Hachi and Nobu's kid. I think we all immediately thought Satsuki was older but I think Ren will be born first, and then Hachi will have Satsuki.

That way it makes sense that Lil' Ren has light hair like Nobu, and explain why Nobu is ALWAYS asking for him and asking about him playing guitar (when Nobu said to present pregnant Hachi that he wants to teach the child). Hachi is assuming it's a girl but it will be a boy and since it's only a few months after Ren's death they name him after Ren.

But since Takumi said he'd raise the child as his own he does get attached even though the child is Nobu's. Either way Hachi and Takumi will spend more years together and have Satsuki, and only now in the "future" we see they're separated.

That sounds like the best interpretation yet! I hope Yazawa-sensei decides to continue with the series, I recently heard that she might not after her illness.. :/

I interpreted it the same way. And I was in the beginning Takumi x Hachi fan but I can't stand emotional disorders (Takumi) and slavery (Hachi) so I was feeling pretty bad when Takumi violated their relationship (sleeping with others, kissing Reira and never calling Hachi). She really loves him, but I think that she made a mistake in too quickly choosing him. Nobody would die if she could wait a little bit longer and talk with Nobu (he haven't even recovered from the news and he was already dumped) and push Takumi away for a while so she can choose. I hope she will choose Nobu. He is a perfect character for her. Loving, caring, everything that Takumi isn't and it would be a real shame if manga wouldn't end this way (marriage Nobu x Hachi). :)
--> And yea. The chapter was short. Really too short.

I really can't comprehend why people like Takumi? Never once in this entire manga has he shown any bit of emotional interest in Hachi. Before she got pregnant, he only talked to her to have sex with her, never meant what he said (only remembering that he promised to come over after he finished the tour when he got yelled at), and only stayed by her side the night her pregnancy came out because he knew her pregnancy was something that could potentially hurt Trapnest, his initial reaction was, "I'll pay for the child", not let's be together. Even after she chooses him, he has never once put her as any sort of priority, he just does what needs to be done for her to survive.

Secondly, Why do people think she loves Takumi? She was enfatuated with him because he was a star in the beginning, and his sweet talk got to her that first night (the night of the tomatoes, not first sex), which is just Hachi being Hachi, lusting after guys based on nothing. As soon as a genuine opportunity for love appeared, her feelings changed, but the pregnancy happened. She only chose Takumi because Nobu left and didn't stay by her side that initial night and Takumi did. You can say that it was Hachi's fault for not talking to him and only apologizing, but she didn't say anything to Takumi either and he still stayed assuming the responsibilty.

Finally, and there's nothing to base this off really, but I just feel that Ren (the child from the future scenes) is Takumi and Reira's.
DerravaraghMar 25, 2012 8:28 AM
<img src="" />
May 7, 2012 1:22 PM

Aug 2010
accela said:
I like Yuri a lot so it upsets me to see her act this way. It's fine she's got something against Hachi but man, why's she gotta bring Nana down?? You'd think she'd have enough decency to leave the DEPRESSED GIRL IN MOURNING alone. Jeez.

Yeah, I also like her, but there was no need for her to be so rude to Nana. It looks like Nobu is going to break up with her.
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